Final Exam - Teens 2022 - Candela Ortiz

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Final Exam Teacher: Candela Ortiz

Own it 1 – 2A! Name:________________
Written: _____/10
Teens Date:_________________
Grammar: ____/ 100



1. Read the text about a girl’s first day at school and for questions 1 to 5, choose the correct
answer. _____/10

Memories of my first day at school

I remember my first day at school very well. I knew the school quite well because my older sister,
Sandy, went there and every day, dad and I met her at the school gate after school. Every day, she
ran out of the school with her friends. She often carried a painting. I felt jealous. I wanted to paint

I was five years old when I started school. Most children in my class started school in September,
but I started school in January, when I was five years old, because my birthday is in December.
Three other kids started school on the same day as me. I was excited about my first day. I had my
new uniform: a black skirt, a white t-shirt and green jumper, and a new red bag. When we arrived
that day, a teacher met the new children at the school gate. Dad hugged me and said goodbye. I
stood with the other children. I didn’t talk to them because I was too nervous. Then, Mrs Wilson
took us to our classroom. All the other children were already there. They looked at us when we
entered the room. When thirty children looked at me, I started to cry!

But I wasn’t upset for long. I sat with the other children on the carpet and the class teacher, Miss
Holland, read us a story. Later, we drew pictures with coloured pencils, and at break time, I made
friends with a girl called Megan. At the end of the day, I ran to the school gate with Megan and
my picture, just like Sandy always did.

1. The writer was jealous of Sandy because she _____ at school.

a. learned to write
b. painted pictures
c. had many friends
2. The writer started school in ___.

a. September
b. December
c. January

3. Before the writer started school, she felt ___.

a. excited
b. nervous
c. upset

4. The writer started to cry when ___.

a. her father left.

b. she entered the school.

c. other children looked at her

5. On the first day, the writer ___.

a. learned to read

b. listened to a story

c. painted a picture


1. Listen to a conversation between two students talking about “Study Tips”, then choose the correct
answer. _____/10

1. Ben …

a. doesn’t study.
b. studies and does well.
c. studies but doesn’t do well.

2. Ben usually studies …

a. in the library.
b. at home.
c. in his friend’s house.

3. On Ben’s desk there are …

a. papers, books and pens.

b. pencils, books and pens.
c. a pencil case and pens.

4. Katy ...

a. has a break for thirty minutes.

b. exercises for thirty minutes.
c. studies for thirty minutes.

5. When Ben studies …

a. he doesn’t take breaks.

b. he has a break for two or three hours.
c. he has two or three breaks each hour.

Vocabulary and Grammar

1. Complete the family tree _____/5

1. Marcus is Alex’s ___________.

2. Julia is Ann’s _____________.
3. Pat is Sophie’s ______________.
4. Sophie is Sam’s ____________.
5. John is Anthony’s __________.

2. Complete with have got or has got. ___/5

1. Kate _________________a big umbrella that she uses when it’s raining.

2. Louis and Ben _________________ a big car.

3. Scott ___________________ 3 houses.

4. I __________________ two cats and one dog.

5. She ________________ a wallet that her grandma gave as a present.

3. Choose the correct option. ____/5

1. Have/Has Mark got a dog?
2. We haven’t got /hasn’t got a great family.

3. Have/Has they got an umbrella?

4. She haven’t got /hasn’t got a school bag.

5. Have/Has they got an umbrella?

4. Look at the pictures and complete with the daily routines and the time. Use present simple. ___/10

1. My mum _________________ at ______________.

2. She ___________________ at ________________.

3. I _____________________ at __________________.

4. He __________________ at ___________________ .

5. They ________________ at ___________________.

5. Complete the questions with DO or DOES, and answer the questions. ____/4

1. _________ my grandfather ride a motorcycle? No, ______ ________

2. _________ your friends play football? Yes, ______ ________

3. _________ Sally swim in the pool? No, _____ __________

4. _________ they wash their faces before breakfast? Yes, ______ _______

6. Put the adverb of frequency in the correct place. ___/5

1. We go to the zoo on the weekend. (sometimes) ______________________________________

2. My English class is interesting. (usually) ____________________________________________

3. My parrot watches TV in the morning. (often) _______________________________________

4. My dad is happy on Friday evening. (always) _________________________________________

5. I ride my bike to school. (never) _________________________________________________

7. Complete the sentences with the school subjects from the box. ___/5


1. We play instruments in this class: _________

2. In this class we study events like wars: _______________
3. We learn about the world and other countries: _____________
4. I hate this subject. All the numbers drive me crazy: _______________
5. In this class we can play in teams or do different sports: __________________

8. Make sentences with can or can’t. ___/4

1) I / climb / trees.

2) My dad / dance / reggaeton.


3) My friends / juggle/ balls.


4) You/ skate/ very well.


9. Match the definitions to the words from the box. ____/5


1. Teachers go here at break: ________________

2. Students do experiments here: ________________

3. Students choose books here: __________________

4. Students have lunch here: _____________________

5. We always go here for an assembly: __________________

10. Order the following sentences. ____/5

1. park / snow / there / in the / any / Was / ?

2. in the / wasn’t / mirror / bedroom / There / a
3. table / some bowls / There / on the / were / .
4. storms / there / last week / any / Were / ?
5. weren’t /any/ kitchen / cups / in the / There / .

11. Complete the sentences with past simple. ___/5

1. He _______________ (not/ arrive) home because he was watching a movie with his friends.

2. We ______________ (look) at some shoes yesterday but I won’t buy them.

3. ______ they ________ (steal) my car?

4. I __________________ (not/go) to the party because I was sick.

5. You ______________ (answer) my phone when I wasn’t here!

12. Match the definitions 1 – 5 to the correct TV show. ___/5

1. In this programme people talk in COMEDY

2. People answer questions to win prizes in CHAT SHOW
this programme.
3. This is a programme or film with animated ON - DEMAND SERIES
4. This is a series about a group of people, CARTOON
and it continues for a long time.
5. This programme makes people laugh. GAME SHOW

13. Complete the sentences with past simple and past continuous. ___/5

1. She______________ (surf) when the shark______________ (attack) her.

2. He ______________ (dance) at a party when he ___________ (meet) his girlfriend.

3. I _______________(have) a picnic when I ____________ (see) my sister.

4. When they ____________ (see) the shark they ________________(swim) in the sea.

5. Susan_____________ (arrive) while I ________________(have) dinner.

14. Choose the correct option. ___/5

As Tom walked was walking 1 past / between the sports shop, he saw his older sister inside. He

was 2 angry / surprised because she never did any sport. Tom went 3 into / along the shop. His

sister had a beautiful skateboard in her hands. ‘Is that for my birthday?’ he asked happily. He

felt very 4 upset / excited because he really wanted a new skateboard. However, his sister

replied, ‘Be quiet,Tom! This is my first day working here! I feel so 5 lonely / embarrassed now!’

15. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box and “could” or “couldn’t”. ___/5


1. I _______________ Tom yesterday because I didn’t have the money.

2. A ____________ you ________ well in a pool when you were five?

B No, I couldn’t .

3. Max saved a lot of money, so he _________ a new bike.

4. A _________ Zehra __________ her old skateboard online?

B Yes, she could !

5. We ______________ very well – it was foggy.

16. Choose the correct money verbs. ___/5

1. How much money did you sell / spend on those shoes? They look amazing!
2. Can you change / save 50 euros for five pesos?
3. I owe / earn Chris 20 euros. He lent me some for a gift that I needed to buy.
4. These trousers didn’t pay / cost a lot.
5. Professional footballers are rich because they earn / borrow a lot of money.

17. Complete the sentences with TOO and ENOUGH. ___/5

1. My roommate is _________noisy. I can’t concentrate to do my assignments.

2. The pizza is ___________hot! I can’t eat it.
3. The market is close __________to go on foot.
4. This coat isn’t warm _________for me to wear in winter.
5. The film is ______scary for my children to watch. They are only 6!

18. Choose the correct option. Caring jobs. ___/5

1. A carer / volunteer often helps old people.

2. A police officer / lifeguard often works on a beach.
3. A paramedic / surgeon travels in an ambulance.
4. A police officer / firefighter stops criminals.
5. A lawyer / volunteer works but doesn’t earn any money.

19. Complete with the COMPARATIVE or SUPERLATIVE form of the adjectives.__/4

1. A firefighter’s job is _______________ than a refuse collector’s. (hard)

2. This is the ______________ day of my life. (sad)
3. Some jobs are ________________ than others. (difficult)
4. Miss Cande is the ______________ person in the class. (old)

20. Choose the correct option (too much/ too many) ___/4

1. Try not to make too many / too much noise. The baby is sleeping.

2. I don’t like it here. There are too many / too much tourists.

3. Wow! I’m sorry but it costs too many / too much money.

4. Do we have enough time? There are too many / too much places to visit.
21. Write an email to Kelly to describe your family. Think about these questions:

Dear (student’s name),  Who

Let me tell you about my family. I live with my mum, my dad and my big sister. We live you
in California. My mum’s name is Carmen. She’s Mexican and she speaks English and live
Spanish. She’s a Spanish teacher. She’s short and slim, she’s got long, brown hair and with?
brown eyes. My dad’s name is David. He’s American. He’s tall and a little fat! He’s got  What
short brown hair and blue eyes. He works in a bank. My sister Shania is 14 and she do
loves listening to music. She listens to music all the time! She’s got long brown hair and your
green eyes, like me. I’ve got long hair too. We’ve got a pet dog, Brandy. He’s black and
white and very friendly.

Write soon and tell me about your family.



parents look like? What do they do?

 Do you have a sister or brother? How old are they? What do they look like?
 Do you have a pet?
 What activities do you do with them? How do you feel when you share time with your family?















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