Williams Assessment and Analysis Reflection

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Assessment and Analysis Reflection

1. Analyzing Student Learning

a. Identify the specific learning objectives measured by the assessment you chose for

Standard/Objective Explain how this is measured in the


This standard is measured throughout both

4) History. The student understands the lessons through both informal and formal
emergence of the United States as a world assessments and qualitative and quantitative
power between 1898 and 1920. The student data. (Bellringers, foldables, verbal answers,
is expected to: (C) identify the causes of notes, graphic organizers, Blooket questions,
World War I and reasons for U.S. entry; posters, presentations, group collaboration,

After class discussion and creation of MAIN This assessment is measured by the Blooket
foldables, students will analyze and identify questions. Students will answer the questions
the causes of World War I by answering presented on the Blooket to demonstrate their
Blooket questions with at least 70% accuracy knowledge gained on the subject. This
(7 out of 10). assessment is easily measured by
determining how many questions are correct
or incorrect. From here, the data also shows
which questions were commonly missed to
correct any misconceptions.

Using their notes and MAIN foldables, This assessment is measured through the
students will demonstrate their knowledge on student’s demonstration of the causes of
the causes of World War I by creating and World War I by the creation of a poster and
presenting posters scoring at least 14 points presentation. There is specifically a rubric to
on the rubric (70%). measure the assessment. Categories
included in the rubric are use of class time,
content accuracy, attractiveness of poster,
knowledge gained, and relevance of graphics.
These categories add up to 20 points total.
Student can score a 4, 3, 2, or 1 in each
category depending on performance.

b. Use evidence found in the 3 student work samples and the whole class summary to
analyze the patterns of learning for the whole class and differences for groups or
individual learners relative to consider what students understand and do well, and where they
continue to struggle (e.g., common errors, confusions, need for greater challenge).
Pattern of Is the pattern Students Evidence from Evidence from
student relative showing this whole student
learning to the essential pattern class summary work samples
observed Skills required
(What are they for central
doing focus?
well or what are
struggling with?)

A need for This pattern is Students 1, 3, 4, The entire class These students
greater relative to the 6, 7, 9, 12, 18, was proficient finished tasks
challenge: essential skills 19, 22, 24, 25, throughout this quickly and very
Students did required for the 27 answered all pattern of thoroughly. They
EXTREMELY central focus. 10 Blooket student learning. raised their hand
well with the The whole focus questions However, what to answer every
Blooket of the lesson(s) correctly. (Five set the students verbal question I
questions and is to understand of these apart from the asked. It did not
far exceeded what caused students are entire class was take them very
expectations. World War I. Not gifted students.) the use of an long to fully
Posters and only did they outside understand the
presentations recall facts, they additional source material, recall
also exceeded went above and to learn the facts, and find
expectations as beyond using content at a an additional
they received full critical thinking deeper level. educational
points for each and outside The whole class source. Notes
category on the sources. was proficient in and graphic
rubric and went recalling facts. organizers were
above and The remainder completed with
beyond by of the class was notes and
locating and all able to thoughtful
incorporating an answer at least 7 responses.
outside questions Presentations
educational correctly out of and posters far
source in their the 10 questions exceeded the
poster/presentati on Blooket. requirements.
on. Some students
refrained from
raising hands to

Struggled to stay This skill was Students 16, 23 Almost the entire Two students
on task during crucial to the class stayed on had a harder
the creation of understanding of topic, with very time focusing on
the WWI causes the causes, the few side the task. These
posters. central focus. conversations. students
These students They were easy seemed to get
had a harder to redirect. In- distracted
time focusing to depth relatively easy
refine these conversations and demonstrate
skills to put and debates some off-topic
together the were had activities.
facts and throughout the
critically think. creation of the
However, posters,
redirection and including talking
some small- about additional
group instruction educational
helped their sources.
focus and skills.

Struggled with This skill is Student 10 Almost the entire Student had
note-taking, important to be (Specific class had plenty difficulty with
written answers. able to write Learning of notes, 2-5 writing down
down this factual Disability) sentences answers to the
information. answering bellringer, filling
bellringer out graphic
questions, organizer, MAIN
foldables with foldables and
adequate written other notes.
information, and Student had
some notes proficient
written in their knowledge on
journal. Students subject verbally,
seemed to be but lacked
proficient in both providing much
written and written content.
understanding of
the topic.

c. Describe an instance or instances or when you recognized when students were struggling
with the content in the lesson. Describe what adjustments were made, and how you know to
move forward with the lesson.

One instance when I recognized students were struggling was not necessarily regarding the
content, but rather opportunities to find outside academic sources. Because this is a dual credit
class, I encouraged them to find at least one additional source to essentially support their
understanding on the causes of the war. Certain students were not super familiar with finding
reliable outlets for this information.

An adjustment I made for this was to take some additional time (I did not plan for) to explain to
students where exactly they could find these types of sources. For example, I showed them the
library database through Weatherford College and how to efficiently find sources through this
database. Some students were already familiar but definitely needed some guidance to refresh
their memory. It was extremely helpful to the students. Once I walked them through the steps
and saw each group had the capability to locate a source if they chose to do so, I was able to
move forward with the lesson.

Another instance I recognized is when a student was struggling with their presentation. Some
students, and honestly people in general, are not public speakers. I had a few students struggle
with answering verbal questions when doing their presentation. An adjustment I made to assist
was to ask them questions one-on-one or in small groups to take that pressure off. It seemed to
help as they were able to answer the questions a lot easier. I could tell they knew the
information very proficiently.

A small adjustment I made throughout the lesson was assisting students with folding and cutting
their foldables.

2. Feedback to Guide Further Learning

a. Explain how feedback provided to the 3 focus students addresses their individual
strengths and needs relative to the learning objectives measured. Answer in table below.
b. Describe how you will support each focus student to understand and use this feedback
to further their learning related to learning objectives, either within the learning segment
or at a later time. Answer in table below.

Work Sample How does the How does the How will the How you will
Student feedback feedback student support the
address the address the understand and student in
student’s student’s needs? use the understanding
strengths? feedback for and using the
further learning feedback?
to their current

1 Gifted Feedback given: Feedback Student can ask I will support the
Students Both verbal and (verbal and any questions student in
written on rubric. written) lets for clarification. understanding
It addressed student(s) know They can use by allowing them
student’s a need for the feedback to to ask any
strengths by greater further challenge questions for
letting them challenge. For themselves, clarity or any
know exactly example, know how to more questions
what they did challenging them look for outside they may have
well on (facts, to find more sources or find to further their
analysis, poster, sources to more, how to historian abilities
communication, expand on or determine a about this topic
collaboration, suggesting good source, or any other
their use of which databases and how to use topics they may
facts, make for a good them for future be interested in.
presentation, place to find learning in They can use
etc.) them. regard to this feedback to
analyzing them challenge
for the topic. themselves or
dive deeper into
content. These
students far
expectations so
challenges are
some of the best
feedback for

2 Distracted Feedback given The feedback Students can I will support the
Students verbally and addresses the use the student in
written. It students’ needs feedback to understanding
addressed their by reminding relate their and using the
strengths by them they can personal feedback by
letting them use their social experiences into allowing them to
know they have needs and this topic and the discuss with me
a good experiences to future topics as any concerns
classroom relate to the well. They also they may have
presence and a topic. For present the about the topic,
lot to offer to example, a big information the assignments,
classroom cause of World extremely well, or myself. They
discussion, War I was which is a huge can also ask me
despite getting Alliance strength they any questions
off task from systems. Their can use. they may have.
time to time. need to social
relates to the
topic at hand
and can be
redirected into a
huge asset.

3 Specific This feedback This feedback Student can I will support the
Learning was given addresses their understand and student in
Disability verbally. This needs by use the understanding
Student student does reminding them feedback by and using the
better with of their taking feedback
verbal instruction contributions to advantage of the through
and feedback the lessons and graphic discussion with
versus written. It giving them an organizer given me and asking
addressed their opportunity to and the help I me any
strengths by focus on offered. They questions for
letting them listening, instead can also not clarification. I
know how great of writing. I did stress on made it known
their verbal let them know to missing anything they can come
analysis has try their best to because I to me with any
been and write anything offered to work concerns or let
additions to they found with them on me know if I am
discussions. I important down notes if they moving through
also gave in their journal, were worried the lesson too
student an and that I could about listening quickly. I want
already-filled out help them with and writing at them to be able
graphic written notes if the same time. to use the
organizer to help they needed scaffolds that I
them with some extra have provided
breaking down guidance. for them so they
the information Remind them to do not feel they
since they were slow down and are falling
having a hard provide them behind.
time focusing on with extra time.
writing the
information and
listening at the
same time.

3. Using Assessment to Inform Instruction

a. Based on your analysis of student learning presented in prompts 1b–c, describe next steps
for instruction to impact student learning:
● For the whole class
● For the 3 focus students and other individuals/groups with specific needs
● Consider the variety of learners in your class who may require different
strategies/support (e.g., students with IEPs or 504 plans, English language learners,
struggling readers, underperforming students or those with gaps in academic
knowledge, and/or gifted students needing greater support or challenge).

Students Next Steps for Instruction

Whole Class The next steps for instruction would be to

move onto the next set of lessons. Every
single student in the class either exceeded
expectations or met expectations. It is a
dual credit class so they are, as a whole,
at a higher level than most classes. Their
performance on the assessments let me
know they were ready to learn the next

Focus Student 1 These were the students who needed a

greater challenge. I would challenge them
to find additional sources. Though we
would move on as a class, I would
continue to challenge them and find even
more higher order thinking questions to
pose them with. I

Focus Student 2 These were the two distracted students. I

would continue to remind them to stay on
task and use their experiences and
conversations as a way to explain and
understand the topic we are covering. I
would also try to find activities relatable to
them to hold their interest. (Differentiation
of instruction, cooperative learning)

Focus Student 3 I would provide this student with extra

time, scaffolds, reminders to slow down,
and other helpful resources. Check in with
them regularly to ensure they are not
falling behind in notes or if they need
assistance with any written work.

Individuals with specific needs I would continue to provide the necessary

resources, scaffold, and/or extra time.
However, each student was proficient in
these lessons so I would progress to the
next lesson.

Groups with specific needs I would continue to provide the necessary

resources, scaffold, and/or extra time.
However, each student was proficient in
these lessons so I would progress to the
next lesson. If any group had trouble
presenting, I would provide them a second
chance to present. That being said, each
group met expectations so that would not
be necessary.


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