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Fourier representation of discrete-time signals

In this section, we develop Fourier representations for discrete-time signals by following an

approach which parallels that for continuous-time signals.

Fourier series for discrete-time periodic signals

Consider a linear combination of N harmonically related complex exponentials

The sequence x[n] is periodic with fundamental period N. Indeed, we have

To determine the coefficients ck from the values of the periodic signal x[n], we exploit the
orthogonality property of harmonically related complex exponentials. Indeed, aftermultiplying
both sides of by e−j(2π/N)mn and summing from n = 0 to n = N − 1, we obtain

The sequence ck, k = 0,±1,±2, · · · , is periodic with fundamental period N.

Equation provides a closed-form expression for obtaining the Fourier series coefficients
required by the Fourier series. The result is the Discrete-Time Fourier Series (DTFS) pair:
Parseval’s relation

The average power in one period of x[n] can be expressed in terms of the Fourier series
coefficients using the following form of Parseval’s relation

Example 4.7 Periodic impulse train

Consider the Fourier series representation of the periodic impulse train

Since δN[n] = δ[n] for 0 ≤ n ≤ N − 1, the Fourier series coefficients are given by

The Fourier series representation of δN[n] is

The periodic impulse train δN[n] and its spectrum are illustrated in Figure
Example 4.8 Rectangular pulse train

Consider the rectangular pulse train sequence shown in Figure 4.20(a), where N > 2L+1. Due
to the even symmetry of x[n], it is convenient to compute the Fourier coefficients using the
following summation:

Changing the index of summation, from n to m = n + L, equation above becomes

For k = 0, we can easily see that c0 = (2L + 1)/N. To determine ck for k = 1, 2 . . . , N − 1, we

use the geometric summation formula (2.120). The result is
where we have used the identity

The remaining coefficients are obtained by periodic repetition. Therefore

The amplitude spectrum of x[n] is given in Figure 4.20(b) for L = 2 and N = 10.
Fourier transforms for discrete-time aperiodic signals

Since an aperiodic sequence can be viewed as a periodic sequence with infinite period, we
could obtain its Fourier representation by taking the limit of DTFS as the period increases

The quantities X(ejω), |X(ejω)|, and ∠X(ejω) are known as the spectrum, magnitude spectrum,
and phase spectrum of the aperiodic sequence x[n], respectively.

Example 4.11 Finite length pulse

Evaluate and plot the magnitude and phase of the DTFT of the sequence

we have



The function X(ejω) changes sign when 1 + 2 cos(ω) = 0 or at ω = 2π/3 and ω = 4π/3. The
magnitude and phase plots of X(ejω) are shown in Figure below.
Suppose that both the signal x[n] and its DTFT X(ejω) are complex-valued functions.
Then, we can express them in rectangular form as follows

e−jω = cos ω − j sinω into (4.87) and separate real and imaginary parts. The result is

ejω = cos ω + j sinω into (4.90) and separate real and imaginary parts, we obtain

Real signals If x[n] is real, then xR[n] = x[n] and xI[n] = 0.

Or by combining into a single equation

Thus, the DTFT of a real signal has Hermitian (or complex-conjugate) symmetry. The
magnitude and phase of the DTFT are given by

Using the symmetry properties, we obtain the following symmetry properties for the
magnitude and phase spectra

The inverse DTFT for real signals by replacing xR[n] by x[n]

Example 4.12 Causal exponential sequence

Consider the sequence x[n] = anu[n]. For |a| < 1, the sequence is absolutely summable,

that is

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