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2 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.

ILLINOIS POLITICS By Rich Miller Proponents, however, said last week they results, let’s revisit a column I wrote in late
don’t have dollar numbers for how much 2022.
It’s Time, Once Again, for Everyone’s Favorite reopening the enrollment to the health-
insurance program would cost.
When Normington Petts asked those
same respondents, “What is the single
Sport: Polling the Illinois’d When asked to identify their top prior- most important problem facing you and

ity among those five programs, 34 percent your household today?”, the top category
s we’ve discussed before, the com- was “Giving grants to businesses to of respondents said free meals in schools was “Cost of living” at 49 percent. Crime
petition for scarce state dollars provide jobs for young people over the would be their top choice, which led the was the number-one issue for just eight
is particularly fierce this year in summer to help reduce violence and list. That was followed by summer youth percent and immigration came in at just
Springfield as various groups elbow each provide job training in underserved com- job grants (20 percent). At the bottom five percent.
other for money while large surpluses and munities. This would cost Illinois about was health insurance for undocumented The Normington Petts poll also found
revenue increases start to dry up. $150M,” at 75 percent, with 31 percent reg- seniors at only six percent. that 27 percent of Illinoisans thought the
A poll taken by respected national Dem- istering strong support, and just nineteen The coalition did not supply the poll’s state was heading in the right direction,
ocratic pollster Normington Petts in late percent opposed. full crosstabs, but claimed in an accom- while 60 percent said it was on the wrong
February of 700 registered Illinois voters The option of “Raising the pay of state- panying memo that the free breakfast track.
purports to show which of those ideas has funded home health-care workers from for all program had majority support Another recently released poll, taken
strong support and which do not. $20 an hour to $22. This would cost Illi- across every region, age, and partisan for the Illinois Education Association by
The program with the most respon- nois about $200M,” came out at 68 percent demographic. Normington Petts and Republican pollster
dents saying they “strongly support” it support, with 35 percent strongly support- Its strongest support was among Chi- Next Generation Strategies in late January
was “Funding free breakfast and lunch ing it and 25 percent opposing it. cago voters (84 percent), Democrats (81 found that 32 percent said the state was on
to public-school children in grades K Next up was “A tax credit of $300 percent), and those 18-44 (74 percent). the right track and 58 percent said it was
through 12, regardless of income. This per child for families making less than Its weakest support was among rural on the wrong track.
would cost Illinois about $200M.” The poll $75,000 a year, or $50,000 if the parent voters (50-46), those age 60+ (51-46), and While those results were much better
found the idea had 64-percent overall sup- is single. This would cost Illinois about Republicans (52-44). The coalition did not than they were before Governor JB
port, with 39 percent saying they strongly $300M,” at 58 percent supporting and 35 provide a breakout of 65+. Pritzker took office (the state bottomed
supported it. percent opposing. The pollster said the survey was a out at a nine-percent right direction and
The poll was commissioned by a coali- And it may not surprise you to know “hybrid live interviewer landline, mobile, an 84 percent wrong track in 2018), the
tion called Healthy School Meals for All that at the very bottom of the list was text-to-web, and online-panel survey results have dropped way down from a
Kids, which is pushing for the free school “Expanding the program that provides conducted among 700 registered voters high of 52-48 in an Emerson College poll
food and was undoubtedly pleased with health insurance to undocumented in Illinois,” conducted February 21-26.” conducted in October of 2022, which we
that result. Thirty-two percent said they seniors who would be eligible for Medicare The margin of error was ±3.7 percent. discussed at the time.
opposed the idea, with 17 percent saying if they were citizens. This would cost Illi- Party affiliation was 37 percent Democrat,
they strongly opposed feeding all kids at nois about $300M,” which was opposed by 37 percent Independent, and 26 percent Rich Miller also publishes Capitol Fax,
school. 58 percent (40 percent strongly opposed) Republican. a daily political newsletter, and Capitol-
Overall, the most-supported proposal and supported by a minority of 33 percent. While we’re talking about polling

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Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 3

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Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 5
QUAD CITIES HISTORY By Bruce Walters end of the school year, when it appeared that
I stood highest in deportment, in my room,
Buried Stories: Charles August Miss Phoebe [Sudlow, the school’s principal] in
a short address presented me with a book as a

Ficke (1850-1931) reward.”

In lieu of high school, Ficke worked in a dry-
goods store and later as a bank teller before pre-
Vol. 31 · No. 1020 Mexican art historian and
author Manuel Toussaint later
paring for law school. He would spend Sunday
mornings with family friend Attorney H. R.
April 2024 wrote that Ficke’s collection Claussen, discussing what he had read about
of 17th- and 18th-century law the week before. Upon his graduation from
Spanish Colonial paintings was law school in Albany, New York, Ficke returned
the finest collection outside to Davenport. Over the next half-century, he
RIVER CITIES’ READER Mexico. (The Iowan, 1975, Julie would become one of Davenport’s most promi-
532 W. 3rd St. McDonald). nent lawyers, businessmen, and philanthropists.
Davenport IA 52801 Previously, Ficke had
During these years, he and his wife col-
(563)324-0049 (phone) donated his collection of “Egyp- lected artworks, archaeological artifacts and
(563)323-3101 (fax) tian, Roman, Greek and other rare books while traveling throughout the antiquities to the Davenport world. Our community is greatly indebted and
Academy of Science” (1922); enriched by his foresight and generosity. The gift
PUBLISHING SINCE 1993 and his collection of rare books
The River Cities’ Reader is an independently owned
of his collection of paintings to the city, alone, is
publication and website, dedicated to providing readers
to the public library (1919). an invaluable legacy.
and members the “keys to the Quad Cities’ culture.” These institutions exist today as Yet this 1922 passage in his autobiography
the Figge Art Museum, Putnam Memories of Fourscore Years led me to wonder
PRINTED MONTHLY Museum and Science Center, what his collections could have included: “I
Newly printed complimentary editions are available and Richardson-Sloane Special searched Paris diligently for paintings, to add
monthly at select locations in the region. For a complete
list, visit
Collections Center at the Dav- to my collection. In the Grand Palais there were
enport Public Library. two exhibitions of paintings, all of which were
PRINT & DIGITAL ADVERTISING Before giving his collections for sale. In one of these there were more than
Visit for full to the public; before serving as
publishing calendar, sponsorship two thousand. Among these I saw not a dozen
opportunities, ad sizes, and pricing. the mayor of Davenport; as the that were conservative enough to interest me.
presidents of the Davenport All of the rest were of the extreme modernistic
PUBLISHER Turner Society and Davenport school, which I so strongly detest.“
Todd McGreevy • Academy of Science; and in Charles August Ficke is interred in the Oak-
many other leadership posi- dale Garden Memorial mausoleum, along with
EDITOR & BUSINESS MANAGER tions, Ficke lived and worked his wife and family members (Public Mauso-
Kathleen McCarthy •
on a family farm near the leum, SW Tier A, Elevation 2).
ARTS & CALENDAR EDITOR “hamlet” of Long Grove, Iowa,
Mike Schulz • with his parents and seven Bruce Walters is a Professor Emeritus in Art
Charles August Ficke drawing
by Bruce Walters siblings. conferred by Western Illinois University.
IT-SYSMIN His family had emigrated from Boizenburg, This is part of an occasional series on famous
William Reveal in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, (or infamous) people buried in cemeteries in
“Each generation must pay to suc- in 1852, when Ficke was two years old. Follow- the Quad Cities, and their history that is not so
ceeding generations the debt it owes ing his childhood years on the family farm, he well-known today. If there’s a piece of history
to the preceding ones.” moved to a boarding house in Davenport to buried here that you’d like to learn more about,
– Charles August (C.A.) Ficke attend grammar school at Sixth and Warren. e-mail the location and a brief description to
Rob Brezsny, Kevin Gosztola, Rich Miller, Loren Thacher, As he recalled in his autobiography, “At the

Bruce Walters, John and Nisha Whitehead,
he newly created Davenport Municipal
PRINT COPY DISTRIBUTORS Art Gallery opened its doors to the public
Cheri Delay, Jay Strickland in October of 1925. Fourteen thousand
people – a fifth of Davenport’s population – vis-
to make your business ited the gallery on West Fifth Street near Main in
a Reader pick up spot. its first three months.
Charles August Ficke’s initial gift of 270 tradi-
tional European, Asian, and Mexican paintings
ALIVE AND FREE to the city of Davenport created the momentum
and need for a municipal gallery, one of the
SINCE ’93 earliest in America. The artworks in his home
were also given to the city after his death and the
Keep the free press free with
death of his wife.
your direct support at
These paintings were assessed by the Director
of the Chicago Art Institute, Robbery Harsche, when they were first donated. Harsche reported
Mail checks to:
532 W 3rd St - Davenport, IA 52801
“that he knew of no American private collection
Letters to Editor: in which so many important schools were repre-
sented; that the city, through this gift, would
© 2024 River Cities’ Reader acquire a collection, which, in importance, was
equal to those of the public galleries of St. Louis,
Minneapolis, and Los Angeles.”
6 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.
any one of these charges was enough to merit
GUEST COMMENTARY By John and Nisha Whitehead
Secrecy, surveillance and rule by the death by crucifixion, which was usually reserved
elite. for slaves, non-Romans, radicals, revolutionaries
American Empire vs. Roman Empire: As the chasm between the wealthy and poor
grew wider in the Roman Empire, the ruling
and the worst criminals.
Jesus was presented to Pontius Pilate “as a
What Would Jesus Do? class and the wealthy class became synonymous,
while the lower classes, increasingly deprived of
disturber of the political peace,” a leader of a
rebellion, a political threat, and most gravely—a
their political freedoms, grew disinterested in claimant to kingship, a “king of the revolutionary
the government and easily distracted by “bread type.” After Jesus was formally condemned by
and circuses.” Much like America today, with its Pilate, he was sentenced to death by crucifixion,
lack of government transparency, overt domestic “the Roman means of executing criminals con-
surveillance, and rule by the rich, the inner victed of high treason.”
workings of the Roman Empire were shrouded in
secrecy, with its leaders constantly on the watch Jesus—the revolutionary, the
for any potential threats to its power. The result- political dissident, and the
ing state-wide surveillance was primarily carried nonviolent activist—lived
out by the military, which acted as investigators, and died in a police state.
enforcers, torturers, policemen, executioners and Any reflection on Jesus’ life and death within
jailers. Today that role is fulfilled by the NSA, a police state must take into account several fac-
the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security tors: Jesus spoke out strongly against such things
(DHS) and the increasingly militarized state and as empires, controlling people, state violence and
local police forces across the country. power politics. Jesus challenged the political and
religious belief systems of his day. And worldly
Perpetual wars and a military powers feared Jesus, not because he challenged
empire. them for control of thrones or government, but
War and an over-arching militarist ethos because he undercut their claims of supremacy,
provided the framework for the Roman Empire, and he dared to speak truth to power in a time
“In these days of worldwide It is easy to remain silent in the face of evil. which extended from the Italian peninsula and when doing so could—and often did—cost a
confusion, there is a dire need for men Throughout history, individuals or groups of all over Southern, Western, and Eastern Europe person his life.
and women who will individuals have risen up to challenge the injus- to North Africa and Western Asia, as well. In Unfortunately, the activist Jesus, the political
courageously do battle for truth.” tices of their age. Nazi Germany had its Dietrich addition to significant foreign threats, wars dissident who took aim at injustice and oppres-
— Martin Luther King Jr. Bonhoeffer. The gulags of the Soviet Union were were waged against inchoate, unstructured and sion, has been largely forgotten today, replaced by

challenged by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. America socially inferior foes. a congenial, smiling Jesus trotted out for religious
hen exposing a crime is treated as had its color-coded system of racial segrega- holidays, but otherwise rendered mute when it
committing a crime, you are being tion and warmongering called out for what it A nation of suspects. comes to matters of war, power and politics. Yet
ruled by criminals. In the cur- was, blatant discrimination and profiteering, by Just as the American Empire looks upon its for those who truly study the life and teachings
rent governmental climate, obeying one’s con- Martin Luther King Jr. citizens as suspects to be tracked, surveilled and of Jesus, the resounding theme is one of outright
science and speaking truth to the power of the And then there was Jesus Christ, an itiner- controlled, the Roman Empire looked upon all resistance to war, materialism and empire. Tell-
police state can easily render you an “enemy ant preacher and revolutionary activist, who potential insubordinates, from the common thief ing Americans to blindly obey the government or
of the state.” The government’s list of so-called not only died challenging the police state of his to a full-fledged insurrectionist, as threats to its put their faith in politics and vote for a political
“enemies of the state” is growing by the day. day—namely, the Roman Empire—but provided power. The insurrectionist was seen as directly savior flies in the face of everything for which
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is merely one of a blueprint for civil disobedience that would be challenging the Emperor. Jesus lived and died.
the most visible victims of the police state’s war on followed by those, religious and otherwise, who Will we follow the path of least resistance—
dissidents and whistleblowers. Five years ago, on came after him. turning a blind eye to the evils of our age and
April 11, 2019, police arrested Assange for daring Indeed, it is fitting we remember that Jesus Acts of civil disobedience by marching in lockstep with the police state—or
to access and disclose military documents that Christ—the religious figure worshipped by insurrectionists. will we be transformed nonconformists “dedi-
portray the U.S. government and its endless wars Christians for their redemption secured by his Much like the Roman Empire, the American cated to justice, peace, and brotherhood”? As
abroad as reckless, immoral and responsible for death on the cross and subsequent resurrec- Empire has exhibited zero tolerance for dis- Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us in a powerful
thousands of civilian deaths. tion—paid the ultimate price for speaking out sidents such as Julian Assange, Edward Snowden sermon delivered 70 years ago, “This command
Included among the leaked materials was against the police state of his day. and Chelsea Manning, each of whom exposed not to conform comes … [from] Jesus Christ, the
gunsight video footage from two U.S. AH-64 A radical nonconformist who challenged the police state’s seedy underbelly. Jesus was also world’s most dedicated nonconformist, whose
Apache helicopters engaged in a series of air-to- authority at every turn, Jesus was a far cry from branded a political revolutionary, starting with ethical nonconformity still challenges the con-
ground attacks while American air crew laughed the watered-down, corporatized, simplified, gen- his attack on the money chargers and traders science of mankind.” Ultimately, as I make clear
at some of the casualties. Among the casualties trified, sissified vision of a meek creature holding at the Jewish temple, followed by an act of civil in my book Battlefield America: The War on the
were two Reuters correspondents who were a lamb that most modern churches peddle. In disobedience at the site of the administrative American People and in its fictional counterpart
gunned down after their cameras were mistaken fact, he spent his adult life speaking truth to headquarters of the Sanhedrin, the supreme The Erik Blair Diaries, this is the contradiction
for weapons, and a driver who stopped to help power, challenging the status quo of his day, and Jewish council. that must be resolved if the radical Jesus – the
one of the journalists. The driver’s two children, pushing back against the abuses of the Roman one who stood up to the Roman Empire and was
who happened to be in the van at the time it Empire. Torture and capital punishment. crucified as a warning to others not to challenge
was fired upon by U.S. forces, suffered serious Much like the American Empire today, the In Jesus’ day, religious preachers, self-pro- the powers-that-be – is to be an example for our
injuries. Roman Empire of Jesus’ day had all of the char- claimed prophets and nonviolent protesters were modern age.
There is nothing defensible about crimes such acteristics of a police state: secrecy, surveillance, not summarily arrested and executed. Indeed,
as these perpetrated by the government. a widespread police presence, a citizenry treated the high priests and Roman governors normally Constitutional attorney and author John
When any government becomes almost like suspects with little recourse against the allowed a protest, particularly a small-scale W. Whitehead is founder and president of The
indistinguishable from the evil it claims to be police state, perpetual wars, a military empire, one, to run its course. However, government Rutherford Institute. Whitehead can be contacted
fighting—whether that evil takes the form of martial law, and political retribution against authorities were quick to dispose of leaders and at Nisha Whitehead is the
war, terrorism, torture, drug trafficking, sex those who dared to challenge the power of the movements that appeared more threatening to executive director of The Rutherford Institute.
trafficking, murder, violence, theft, pornogra- state. the Roman Empire. The charges leveled against Information about the Rutherford Institute is
phy, scientific experimentations or some other For all the accolades poured out upon Jesus, little Jesus—that he was a threat to the stability of available at
diabolical means of inflicting pain, suffering, is said about the harsh realities of the police state the nation, opposed paying Roman taxes and
and servitude on humanity—that government in which he lived and its similarities to modern- claimed to be the rightful King—were viewed as
has lost its claim to legitimacy. day America, and yet they are striking. purely political, not religious. To the Romans,
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 7
WORDS FROM THE EDITOR By Kathleen McCarthy lowing the 2020 Election Soared This unease sailed past concerns over spe-
Past Trump and Biden, Sailing Down cific candidates’ outcomes to all candidates

Unrepresented Again Ballots and Impacting Candidates

Regardless of Political Party Affili-
outcomes up and down ballots regardless of
political party affiliation.

Various election stewards comprised
he timely Easter message from the three, but three super powers if utilized as ations
of election officials, industry profession-
Whiteheads (p. 6) reminds us that envisioned. After the 2020 election, counties nation-
als, academics, and civic advocates, have
self-determination is a Jesus thing. We have all but abdicated our Power of wide, especially in swing states, reported
examined their state and county rolls,
And perhaps more than any other attribute, the Jury, in which, as jurors, we have the irregularities in their election systems, from
finding thousands of ineligible registrants
self-determination allows us to love, accept, absolute authority to declare a defendant incidental to egregious. Dirty voter regis-
due to relocation, death, duplication, and
appreciate, show compassion, embrace guilty or not guilty based on our conscious tration rolls began emerging as a serious
confusion by third party auto registers such
choice, live authentically, transact with and/or our judgment as to how fair and problem in election systems, contributing to
as Departments of Motor Vehicles. In many
honor, discern, actualize, and together defend just the law is being applied to that specific the growing unease over election outcomes.
our natural rights. The pursuit of happiness, defendant. Today, 96 percent of all indict- Continued On Page 10
protection of ourselves, our loved ones, and ments plead out, in too many cases based on
our property, accrue to us as part of creation, prosecutorial sentence enhancement tactics,
not as privileges bestowed by man or agency meaning coercion using threats of enhanced
(government). Wishing you a blessed Easter charges with exponentially greater fines and
with all its new beginnings. incarceration if a jury trial is pursued.
We have abandoned our Power of the
Iowa is two months away from the 2024 Purse to legislators and bureaucrats who
Primary General Election that signals spend like drunken sailors with abhorrent
becoming a player in the over-the-top reckless disregard for future Americans,
political theater at least until the General many our own progeny. $235 billion in
Election on November 5, 2024. America’s 2023 alone, with $764 billion since 2021, as
political atmosphere is super-charged due reported by Office of Budget Management
to the volatility of unresolved controversies and stated for the record (at minute 55:55
surrounding the 2020 General Election that in hearing linked below) by Rep Ashley
now permeates U.S. elections as a whole. Hinson (R-IA), has been paid out in waste,
Still looming is the controversy over the fraud, and abuse. The only explanation left
veracity of Joe Biden winning the U.S. Presi- for multiple decades of this particular abuse
dency, defeating incumbent Donald Trump of power in mis-issuing tax dollars must be
by a narrow margin, while garnering the stealth self enrichment on some level, cer-
most votes in American History, including tainly not the excuse recently given during
more than Barack Obama in his runaway a congressional budget hearing of too many
victories in 2008 and 2012. low technology personnel, personnel who
Please be clear: This controversy does mostly work remotely these days.
not have its remedy in disavowing Biden
as president, so get over that. It is about bidens-fiscal-year-2025-budget-request-
exploring and exposing any and all election economy
systems, processes and equipment vulner- And that leaves the Power of the Vote, a
abilities that undermine election results and super power we the people are about to rel-
sow distrust, regardless of political party egate to the junkless pile. We must commit
affiliation, or specific candidates for office. to going the distance to secure our votes,
Resolution over these election insecuri- along with the certainty and unequivocal
ties are necessary for all American voters, trust that we are participating in fair elec-
whether Democrats, Republicans, Indepen- tions, versus pre-negotiated selections.
dents, Libertarians, whatever.
Preserve Our Super Power – The
First, a Brief Primer on the Power to Vote
American People as the Fourth We have this whole private/public-sector
Branch of Government relationship and its pecking order bass
In the U.S. Constitution’s Separation of ackwards due to our abdication of our
Powers Doctrine, actualized in the three civic responsibility as the Fourth Branch.
branches of government – executive, legisla- Government personnel respect what the
tive, and judicial – the founders envisioned people inspect when they inspect it! How can
that a fourth branch would be the people’s any of us blame government employees for
purview, holding government employ- pursuing their needs at the expense of ours
ees, elected officials, and all public sector when we are absentee owners of our own
personnel accountable to their oaths of authority in this Constitutional Republic.
office as the people’s agency for enumerated Its now or never Scott Countians. Commit
obligations defined in the U.S. and States’ to preserving our super power, our vote, or
Constitutions. risk forever losing this unique and remark-
As the envisioned Fourth Branch, accord- able Republic with so much yet untapped
ing to the Constitution, we the people have potential. Otherwise strap in for how the
three powers, tools to effect our authority in universe will treat us and our putrid legacy
managing the agency (federal government) going forward.
we endowed with certain tasks: Powers of
the (1) Purse; (2) Jury; and (3) Vote. Just Types of Election Irregularities Fol-
8 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.
announcing the boards intention to appoint September 21, 2022 - ES&S provides a
former Davenport city alderman Keri proposal for pollbook hardware, software and
Tompkins to fill the empty Auditor position. election services for an undetermined number

A Process Formality May 25, 2021- County Supervisors vote

3-2 across party lines to confirm Tompkins,
kicking off a two week period during which
of units. Email includes, “You will need MiFi’s
to connect the poll books within each poll site.
That is something that is not included in the
How did the Scott County Auditor and County Supervisors fast track the Scott countians must secure 9,350 petition attached.”
most expensive pollbook vendor pricing to eliminate the incumbent sys- signatures to cancel the appointment in favor September 21, 2022 – Adkins/Tenex sends
of a special election. purchase proposal for 193 pollbook tablets to
tem during an historical general election year? Auditor Tompkins for review.
All events and details reported below are October 2, 2020 – Emergency Scott County June 1, 2021 – Tompkins is sworn in as September 23, 2022 – ES&S updates proposal
substantiated with documentation sourced via Board meeting convenes to approve and accept County Auditor to replace Moritz for 193 pollbook tablets
three FOIA requests (costing a local concerned a $286,870 Center for Technical and Civic October 20, 2022 – IPAC Support Staff assists
citizen over $900). The onine version of this Life (CTCL) grant (funded by a $250 million June 7, 2022 – Republican Keri Tompkins Scott County staff with an undisclosed issue.
article at contains donation from Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s and Democrat Ashley Schimanski each run November 8, 2022 – Mid-term election day,
links to all documentation. foundation). The decision was tabled by all five unopposed within their parties and win their county wide. IPAC Support Staff is contacted
supervisors. The request to the board was then party’s primary election for Scott County by Scott County Auditor’s office and assists staff
April 2, 2008 – Karen Fitzsimmons, the abandoned altogether the following week, due Auditor. with an undisclosed issue.
longest serving County Auditor in Scott to legal opinion proffered by Assistant County November 8, 2022 – Tompkins defeats January 4, 2023 - Scott County Election
nd Officer James Martin requests a demo from
County history, dies at age 59. In her 32 Attorney Robert Cusack, concluding that Schimanski with 55% (34,378 votes) over 45%
year of service to the county, Fitzsimmons was Auditor Moritz’s acceptance of the grant did (27,851 votes) in the mid-term election period. election software and hardware vendor
scheduled to run for re-election, unopposed. not require the Board’s approval. June 30, 2022 - Tompkins emails county IT Knowink for its pollbook tablets. (Knowink
She was the Scott County election chair for October 5, 2020 - The Iowa Voters Alliance director Matt Hirst “Just curious, when did you used in Polk County, Iowa.)
presidential candidates that included Al Gore (IVA) was formed and a complaint opposing say new equipment is in the IT budget? We are January 23, 2023 - Knowink provided demo
and Barrack Obama. November 11, 2008 this CTCL grant on grounds that it violated looking at tablets and wanted to plan ahead so on pollbook tablets and also requests a link
– Scott County Supervisor Roxanna Moritz federal election law, including a request for a we are prepared.” to the County’s Request For Proposal (RFP)
wins the Auditor race in this general election temporary injunctive relief, was filed in Iowa’s July 5, 2022 – Hirst replies by email “Poll for Election Management Software which
year, beating Republican Steve Ahrens and Northern District Federal Court. Former Scott books were replaced in FY’18 from Precinct Martin provides. This RFP is not related to
Independent Michael Elliott. Moritz garnered County Board of Supervisor Diane Holst and Atlas. The Auditor’s Office purchased 180 the pollbook equipment and software cost
38,103 votes (47.3%) while Ahrens had 36,205 local concerned citizen Michael Angelos are for $83,700. Replacement would be best estimates being solicited since last September.
(45%) and Elliott 6,253 (8%). Upon taking included amongst the plaintiffs. dictated by need/performance. Anywhere There is no RFP for pollbooks at this time.
office, Moritz implements at least two of from five to eight years would not be unusual February 24, 2023 - Scott County Budget
Elliott’s campaign platforms. These included life for this equipment. Money is currently Director David Farmer asks Tompkins, “What
January 27, 2021 - IVA lawsuit is dismissed, did you decide on the election management
putting the county check book online, and citing home rule prevails. in unprogrammed needs but can be moved
implementing a chain of custody policy for the into CIP dependent on need. How is the software? I don’t recall that process wrapping
transfer of election ballots and equipment. The equipment performing? Has the SoS/Precinct up.” Tompkins replies “We have another
May 13, 2021 - State Auditor Rob Sand presentation on Thursday from EasyVote to
county had no such chain of custody policy announces he will investigate for unilaterally Atlas defined an end of life or support for the
prior. equipment. compare.”
deciding to increase poll workers’ pay to $15 February 29, 2023 - Tenex provides demo on
October 10, 2013 – Scott County adopts new an hour from $10-$12 an hour for working the
voter registration software often referred to as its pollbook tablets.
June primary during a statewide public health July 11, 2022 – Tompkins replies, “Thank
“pollbooks” when Board Chair Larry Minard, May 12, 2023 – ERP & Budget Analyst
emergency, without county board approval. you for the information and yes, we have
and Scott County Auditor Roxanna Moritz Amanda Orr notifies Tompkins of three
“Moritz said she increased pay due to difficulty been having issues with the current set-up.
execute the 28E agreement for the county new projects being built into the FY24
finding poll workers willing to work an election It appears it is 5 years old now and I need to
to become a member of the Iowa Precinct capital budget allocations: MODUS Election
during the pandemic and civil unrest over plan a replacement time around elections. I
Atlas Consortium. “The IPAC software and Management, Poll Book/Tablet Replacement-
police brutality and racial injustice that led to a would certainly not want to replace during a
program was developed in 2008 under the Laser Printer, and Digitize Transfer Books/Plat
local curfew.” “We couldn’t get people to work, General year.
guidance and direc- tion of former Cerro Books.
because people were worried about their safety June 28, 2023 – Tompkins requests a 30
Gordo County Auditor, Ken Kline. After working at a polling location with the public So, I am thinking maybe winter/spring of
witnessing his county’s Precinct Election 2023 or wait until 2025. I would be concerned minute phone call with Iowa Precinct Atlas
during the time of COVID,” Moritz said. “We Consortium (IPAC), the current vendor for
Officials (PEOs) struggle with enforcing the couldn’t even get 63 (polling) locations. We had waiting until 2025. I am not aware of Precinct
new election law which allowed Election Day Atlas defining end of life for the equipment election pollbooks in Scott County, including
to drop down to 28 locations.” 87 fellow counties out of a total of 99 counties
voter registration (EDR). Ken Kline and a March 10, 2021 – After fourteen years as because it is our equipment and their software.
team of IT staff decided to develop an in-house However, I will be happy to reach out.” The in Iowa.
County Auditor (and at the time president
e-pollbook software program to assist the of the Iowa Association of County Auditors), pollbooks at this time were acquired in late
PEOs with processing all types of voters on Moritz announces her retirement as of April 2018 and are only 4 years old. To date, Auditor IPAC Program Manager Tammy Norman
Election Day and Precinct Atlas was created. 23, 2021. In her news release she states, “I feel Tompkins has declined to provide any details replies, “May I ask a quick question, is this
The software was first used for a Cerro Gordo there has been a philosophical difference with about “issues with the current (IPAC) set-up.” regarding the new software? Did you have
County special election in 2009. Appropriate the Board. I believe it is important for people August 30, 2022 – IPAC Support Staff assists questions regarding setup/security/hard-
procedures for each voter casting a ballot to vote, whether it be at a poll location or by Scott County staff with an undisclosed issue. ware? I am only inquiring in case I need to
using complex election laws are provided that absentee ballot.” September 20, 2022 - Tompkins emails have other team members involved in our
determines a voter’s eligibility, the correct April 7, 2021 – Reader publishes the article Adkins & Sons Inc. an election hardware and meeting. Most questions, I can answer but
polling location, update to their address and/ Purported Conservatives Refuse to Stop software supplier about one of their product regarding security, I will bring in the experts.”
or name, Election Day registrations, and Private Funding of Public Elections in Iowa. lines Tenex. “ Scott County is looking to Tompkins replies, “Great question, and no,
furnishing provisional ballots, if necessary. “Prior to the 2020 election, Iowa Republican update our election equipment to tablets in it is not.”
It was in 2013 when the Iowa Precinct Atlas Secretary Paul Pate introduced, and by the future. I have heard a lot of great things
Consortium (IPAC) was formed through association endorsed, the progressive nonprofit about Tenex and am interested in learning July 3, 2023 - Tompkins sends letter notifying
28E agreements between counties to provide Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), a more. The timeframe to begin this process will Assistant Scott County Attorney Robert
organizational structure and to purchase partisan NGO that distributed Zuckerberg’s be spring of 2023 as we are gearing up for the Cusack of her intent to withdraw from the 28E
license distribution rights from Cerro Gordo foundation money to 64 Iowa counties in the General Election. At this time, I am creating a agreement with IPAC as of June 30 2024. Our
County.” (source IPAC brochure) form of COVID-19 Relief Grants for the 2020 placeholder in our budget and am wondering goal is to proceed with another vendor, Tenex,
election. Scott County received two grants if you could please give me an average price for and have the new purchase to the BOS (Scott
totaling $424,000, even after Auditor Roxanna one tablet with printer and any other necessary County Board of Supervisors) in December
August 20, 2018 - Scott County pays IPAC Moritz repeatedly reassured Scott Countians items needed?” [2023] or January [2024]. I am just planning
$83,700 for 180 poll books, related equip- that the election budget was adequate and in September 20, 2022 – Tompkins emails ES&S ahead knowing it will be election time.”
ment and servcies. good stead.” an election hardware and software supplier. Attached for Cusack’s review are a copy of the
April 23, 2021 – Scott County Auditor “I am working on our budget for next year 28E agreement, and a draft withdrawal letter to
September 17, 2020 – Auditor Moritz informs Roxanna Moritz retires, resigning from her and am looking for the approximate price of IPAC dated September 1, 2023.
the Board of Supervisors that the Auditor office elected position of 14 years. a tablet, as well as the necessary equipment July 17, 2023 – Scott County Election Director
has everything it requires for a safe and secure May 24, 2021 – Scott County Supervisor necessary for each one? So, printer, etc. Just Martin emails Dubuque County Deputy
election amidst the extreme COVID mitigation Board Chair Ken Beck issues a news release looking for an approximate.” Auditor Jenny Hillary asking for input on how
measures. Tenex handles satellite [early-voting locations]
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 9
envelope label printing. Dubuque County (6) questions from IT to Tenex regarding its subject line, “ITEM 10 Elections Poll Books”.
previously used IPAC and switched to Tenex. pollbook tablet and the next day Tenex answers Holst, who has also worked at the polls on “concerns” buy other auditors.
Hillary replies in part, “Since we use hot spots, all six IT questions. Tompkins requests a WebX election day numerous times using the IPAC
I can usually have all the EDR voters verified group meeting for October 23, 2023. set up, and previously worked in suppport Tompkins asserted that currently to check
before the satellite information is even returned September 30, 2023 - Tompkins and Budget services for a global computer manufacturer, voters in to provide a ballot it takes two to
to our office. Balancing has really gotten easier. Director Farmer exchange emails relative to stated, “I would like to receive a copy of the five minutes and with Tenex it can be done
A big mind set change for us was to not worry Tenex’s price increases totaling an additional County’s request for proposal and the RFP under a minute. And, with a presidential
about the sequence number.” Martin replies, $100,000 for the “election tablet replacement responses from Adkins Election Services and election coming up it is going to be very busy
“That helps a lot! We’re looking at switching project” due to the increased number of tablet the Iowa Precinct Atlas Consortium for this and goal is to move people through the line
over this winter after the City/School elections.” units, types of uses such as election day voting purchase.” These items are not provided prior as fast as possible.
August 3, 2023 – IPAC is contacted regarding versus early voting, etc. iPad tablets will replace to the meeting the next evening.
an undisclosed support issue. computers purchased in 2018 that have been November 21, 2023 @ 12:36 pm – Reader Chairman Beckreaffirms Tompkins asser-
August 3, 2023 - Tompkins emails Adkins/ used on average approximately twice per year publisher Todd McGreevy emails Auditor tion that IPAC has only one support person
Tenex stating “we look to upgrade our systems” in county wide elections (primaries with less Tompkins and all Supervisors stating in on election day and observes that having
and could they update the September 2022 bid turn out, and general and mid-terms with part, “please consider supporting tabling worked a poll the Tenex solution would
on 193 pollbooks to 220 units. “Everything more turn out), and twice per year in special item #10 on the Consent Agenda regarding eliminate much hard copy paperwork for
else looks good.” Adkins/Tenex provides non-county wide special elections. approval to spend $386,000 purchasing verifying voter registration at the polls.
revised proposal citing that prices have gone October 23, 2023 – IPAC inquires with new Election Pollbooks until more public
up and the new 10 generation iPads are the Tompkins if Scott County will be using the new input and clarifying questions are answered Supervisor Dixon asks two of the questions
largest increase. Adkins/Tenex September software for the November election and is told about such an important infrastructure submitted to her earlier in the day including
2022 proposal was $309,403 (including the older version will remain in use. commitment is made regarding Scott County’s how is Tenex more knowledgable than
$24k annual software license) and the new October 24, 2023 - Tompkins provides IT election management. Technically, it is worth IPAC regarding Iowa election law? Election
August 2023 proposal is $415,910 (including with a draft memo of a preliminary agenda understanding how the Consent Agenda Supervisor Martin answers that IPAC’s
$29,700 annual software license). To date to BOS for the pollbook purchase approval for Tuesday Nov 21, 2023 4pm meeting was software is currently up to date with all forms
the incumbent pollbook provider IPAC has scheduled for its upcoming November 21 2023, established. The COW starts at 4:05pm and required by law, but that is the new version that
not provided any pricing to compare with Scott County Board of Supervisors Meeting. the Board Meeting at 4:30pm. Where is the is not currently on Scott County’s pollbooks
any proposals received. August 4, 2023 - She writes in part, “The last purchase was opportunity for public review of the consent being used and they would have to update all
Tompkins emails Election Director Martin in FY2018 from Precint (sic) Atlas for 180 items prior to the Board Meeting within the the current hardware. Dixon confirms that the
regarding Tenex’s price increase expressing poll books at $83,700. These items have a life 25 minute window allotted? I’ve searched the auditor is not relying any vendor for guidance
some sticker shock, “...Yikes!” Martin replies, expectancy of 5-8 years. Due to technology minutes of prior meetings and do not find on Iowa election laws. Hirst also points out
“It’s probably worthwhile to provide a quote advancements, new equipment is more user any information from the Auditor regarding that Tenex’s iPad solution allows one to use the
[to Supervisors] on how much it would cost friendly for set- up, transportation and overall Election Pollbook replacement options. camera to scan ID’s rather than a stand alone
to go Precinct Atlas. New computers, routers, easier to use. Since election equipment is a scanner IPAC uses.
printers, software... It might make that number specialty, the Scott County Auditor’s Office Please confirm or correct me in that Tues-
seem a bit less scary in context.” Tompkins requested quotes from four companies day November 21, 2023 Consent item #10 is The BOS elects to add Item 10 to the
agrees suggesting IT department could secure currently utilized in the State of Iowa. This the FIRST time the County Board of Supervi- consent agenda and gavels out of committee
quotes for outside of IPAC for the hardware. included, Knowink, LLC ($387,000); Adkins sors have been presented information about of the whole to open the subsequent Board
Tompkins also emails Knowink requesting a Election Services for Tenex Software Solutions this Resolution request." meeting and in that meeting the vote is 5-0
bid for 220 pollbook tablets with printers and ($386,210); ES&S for ExpressPoll ($361,800) and Tenex is awarded the business for new
cases, also up from their proposal for 193 units. and our current provider via the Iowa Precinct Item 10 memo from Auditor Tompkins states pollbooks. (Link to meeting video at online
August 7, 2023 – IPAC responds to August Atlas Consortium (IPAC) ($332,000).” Note, in part: “The Tenex product stood out as a version:
3 support request and assists with an that at this time no quote for $332,000 had robust tool that is easy to use with the highest
undisclosed issue. been provided by IPAC. level of technology available at this time.” a) November 22, 2023 - Auditor Tompkins
August 9, 2023 - Knowink provides a proposal November 3, 2023 - Upon Tompkins’ request What testing or hands on usage was conducted emails Tenex (Adkins Vanderberg) announcing
for 220 pollbook tablets and software for Scott County IT gets input from Cerro Gordo by who at the Auditor’s office that resulted in Tenex won the bid for the 220 poll book tablets.
$420,800. County as former IPAC user and new Tenex the Tenex product standing out? How did it That same day Tompkins emails IPAC official
August 17, 2023 - Tompkins emails IPAC a user of 53 pollbook tablets. The feedback stand out? b) How is Tenex easier to use than notification of Scott County’s withdrawal from
request for brochure/marketing material for is positive, including: Same-day support; the current Iowa Precinct Atlas Consortium its 23E membership and pollbook system
IPAC’s new software program, without a bid Builds their own election details and, despite product? Easier to use for Auditor staff or the partnership, changing the withdrawl letter date
request for pollbooks or pricing on said new learning curve with some glitches, expressed voting public? Was the voting public engaged from September 1 to Nov 22, 2023.
software upgrade. satisfaction; Bluetooth connectivity used for to test such equipment for ease of use? c) November 28, 2023 – Reader publisher
August 28, 2023 – Tompkins receives from printing worked flawlessly without concerns How is Tenex “the highest level of technology McGreevy speaks by phone with Bill Peterson
IPAC Program Manager Tammy Norman a over radio interference; Wi-Fi connectivity available” ? Is that measuring the hardware or Iowa State Association of Counties’ (ISAC)
marketing brochure and FAQ’s. used for all updating of systems, “Inside the software? How are you defining the highest executive director, the organization where
connectivity tied into dedicated IT manager/ technology available?” No responses from any IPAC operates within.
IPAC is releasing a new software version to protected Wi-Fi” and “Outside connectivity recipients are received. McGreevy follows up November 30, 2023 – Reader publishes the
all IPAC members at no additional annual tied into Verizon Hotspots when in the field by phone with all supervisors and is able to article titled “Fast-Tracking New Election
fee, in September 2023. Current hardware (REDACTED);” Precinct Central Touch Pads speak to two of the five. Tools Does Not Serve Scott County Voters”
and laptops all remain compatible with the Electronic Poll Book,” the name of Tenex’s November 21, 2023 @ 4:30 pm - Scott County in the December print edition and online.
new pollbook software upgrade. An online software, “is open on the web to traffic from Board of Supervisors convenes combined Reader reports that Anderson “is adamantly
and offline version of the software is available the statically addressed Verizon and County Committee of the Whole and Regular meetings in favor of all auditors’ ability to make the best
to members. IP addresses;” therefore, “Allowed IP addresses on the same day due to Thanksgiving. Holst decisions for their counties when choosing
will need to be communicated to Tenex well and McGreevy each are allowed five minutes election equipment, including pollbook
August 29, 2023 - Tompkins asks ES&S for a before testing and production use.” to address the Board of Supervisors. McGreevy services, independent of outside forces. That
bid for 220 pollbook tablets and software. November 3, 2023 - After WebX meeting summarizes his appeal to at least table this said, Peterson wonders if perhaps Auditor
September 14, 2023 - ES&S does on-site demo with IT, Tompkins emails a third revised measure until the numerous relevant questions Tompkins might misunderstand IPAC’s
of its pollbook tablets, and provides a bid for preliminary Board of Supervisors agenda just read aloud and emailed to all be asked and support protocol. Its primary program
220 pollbook tablets for $400,800. (However, memo to IT director Hirst for his review, answered. “While voters did elect Tompkins manager fields all incoming calls for support
the bid was presented to BOS for $393,220 noting that Pollbooks (unlike ballot counting to be the Auditor, the voters also elected you and redirects them to the proper team member
or $7,580 lower than actual bid, during BOS equipment and software) do not need state to supervise and that means you are fiduciary with the appropriate resources depending on
November 21, 2023, meeting.) approved vendors when purchasing. and should take time to answer at least some the users’ particular problem(s). The number
September 17, 2023 - Tompkins forwarded of these questions.” Auditor Tompkins tells of available support staff is robust and has
three official bids for 220 pollbook tablets This memo includes IPAC as a bidder the board that Knowink in only used in Polk historically met the support needs of its users.
from Tenex, ES&S, and Knowink, as well as despite IPAC providing no bid, and is the County now and has poor customer service Call logs for support tickets are maintained
the County’s own line-item estimation of same version that is eventually posted to the reputation, ES&S that provides ballot counting and would provide evidence into the kinds of
IPAC pricing, for review by various staff. It is county website as part of a consent agenda to equipment and software for Scott County now difficulties, or delays in support, if any, Scott
important to note that there was no official be voted on November 21, 2023. was not knowledgable about pollbooks and County election officials have had with IPAC
bid request by Auditor Tompkins to IPAC for Tompkins team would be educationg ES&S, poll books during elections.”
220 tablet pollbooks, therefore there was none November 20, 2023 @ 7:21pm – Former Scott and that IPAC has a new software upgrade
submitted by IPAC at this time. County Supervisor Diane Holst emails Auditor Scott County would have to implement and
continued on page 10
September 25, 2023 - Tompkins submits six Tompkins and Board Chair Ken Beck with early reports of the new version includes
10 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.

READER TIMELINE con't from page 9

HISTORY Unrepresented Again was overwhelming in Arizona’s Maricopa
County’s election system. Voters’ ballots

A Process Formality
Continued from Page 7
were printed on-site, but due to human
cases, ineligible voters are to be purged at error programming the wrong ballot con-
How did the Scott County Auditor and County Supervisors fast track the intervals prescribed by law but instead have figuration for numerous on-site printers, at
been ignored for years. Curious large spikes multiple precincts throughout the county,
most expensive pollbook vendor pricing to eliminate the incumbent sys- in county registrations occurred close to thousands of ballots were rejected by the
tem during an historical general election year? election dates, then just as curiously disap- tabulators, rendering those people’s votes
peared from the rolls almost immediately uncounted.
December 4, 2023 - Scott County Board February 1, 2024 – During the Board of
after elections passed. Maricopa’s tabulators rejected thousands
of Supervisors (BOS) signs contract with Supervisors meeting to re-review the poll
Tenex for $415,910 for 220 pollbook tablets book spending request, Supervisor Dixon Examining counties registration activity, of ballots before the polls closed, but not
and support, Tenex signed on December 5, asks Auditor Tompkins if “anything had voting activity, and other such data within before creating election-day chaos that
2023. changed” between the previous bids and the states, then comparing them with similar included inordinate lines of voters, many
new bids. Tompkins answers, “No.” data from other states’ counties has revealed elderly and working voters who were forced
December 8, 2023 - Tompkins replies to Diane patterns of activity that are statistically to walk away without voting, and some
Holst’s FOIA requests indicating a Request for February 2, 2024 - Tompkins again notified
impossible, meaning the activity cannot unable to vote due to election officials clos-
Proposal was not necessary due to the limited IPAC Tammy Norman, thanking her for IPAC’s
number of companies available for this service, bid submission, but that another company was possibly be real, confirming the activity ing down the polls altogether. Meanwhile,
“...Therefore, please see the attached packets selected. is algorithmically generated. This body thousands of rejected ballots were com-
that were requested from the four companies March 21, 2024 – Reader emails IPAC staff of evidence is compelling and growing as mingled and squirreled away in boxes to
with known relationships in the State of Iowa.” follow up questions regarding prior history investigators gain access to more and more be counted later by election personnel as
with service calls, support staff and confirming equipment. provisional ballots. Needless to say, thou-
December 10, 2023 - Diane Holst emails their single January bid submission. Pollbook intrusions from outside sources, sands of those ballots disappeared, while
Auditor Tompkins, copying Scott County March 24, 2024 – Reader emails Auditor
Tompkins follow up questions that include a either via permissioned access or unpermis- other ballots mysteriously appeared without
Board of Supervisors (BOS) Chair Ken Beck, sioned hacking, present a curious contra- chain of custody reports as required by law,
to expand the open records request to include request for specifics not disclosed regarding
the published advertisement Notice to Bid- service issues and the IPAC “set-up” referred to diction to vendors’ assurances that their and disproportionately favoring Biden.
ders pursuant to Iowa Code 47.5(2) for the in July 11, 2022 email. pollbooks have no internet connectivity. The understandable shock, frustra-
poll books purchase. This prevents unwelcome access to private, tion and anger from Arizona’s Republican
March 26, 2024 – IPAC responds reporting
timely data resident in the pollbooks during voters was no less than would have been
December 19, 2023 - Tompkins replied that support call logs show Scott County placed
four such requests since logs have been tracked elections, thereby providing safe and secure expressed by voters had they been Demo-
to Holst’s request for Notice to Bidders by crats. Whether this inexcusable election-day
in 2018. Three of them in 2022 and one in elections.
supplying Holst with email requests to three
of the four vendors asking for bids for 220 poll 2023, with only one of them on election day in That said, reports nationwide contradict mismanagement was due to a perplexing
books. The fourth vendor IPAC, Scott County’s 2022. The substance of the support request was vendors’ claims of no internet connectivity, high degree of incompetence, or worse, due
current vendor, only received a request from not disclosed. IPAC reports that “The number whether referring to pollbooks, tabulators, to deliberate malfeasance, no amount of
Auditor Tompkins for marketing materials of staff available on election day/night is printers, or even accessibility to thumb political loyalty, party affiliation, candidacy
with no mention of a request for a proposal for dependent on the size and amount of member
counties hosting an election. Special elections drives storing election data for transport support, or pathological resistance to a cer-
220 pollbooks. to states’ centralized precinct vote count- tain single candidate, will ever justify such
are held throughout the year while statewide
elections are held in June and November on ing facilities. Vulnerabilities exist along the lowly, un-American, deceitful, dishonorable
even years and in November on odd years. chain of custody of election data, in equip- conduct.
December 21, 2023 - Tompkins notified the
four vendors (Tenex, ES&S, Knowink, and ment that processes data and in stored data
IPAC) that, due to a process formality, they IPAC Support has 6 employees that work banks, with potential access and manipula-
on the program and also have access to our Scott County’s Fast-Tracked, Con-
must submit new bids for 220 poll books: “I tion of one, several or all system variables at
programmers when hosting the statewide troversial, Pricey Purchase of Tenex
am very sorry, but due to a process formality, their various locations. Using software that
it is necessary for the notice to bidders to be elections.” Tablet Pollbooks and Precinct Cen-
allows for undetected onboard changes to
published in the local newspaper. Therefore, data from embedded or patched algorithms, tral Software and Election Manage-
the e-pollbook opportunity will re-open ment Software
Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth delivery and/or
for Scott County. You will be notified of the March 26, 2024 - Auditor Tompkins replies
publication date and will then have 15 days to extraction of data, equipment configurations Recently, our own county election(s) was
with the following: “The Scott County that permit additions and removals of com- not without tabulator counting issues that
submit a new bid.” Auditor’s Office had been planning to update
munications equipment such as modems, were eventually resolved by hand-counting
the e-pollbooks as it was in the CIP budget and
Janury 2, 2024 - Tompkins emails the four discussed at prior budget meetings in 2022 and are examples of potential vulnerabilities. the ballots. Scott County is fortunate to
vendors that the Notice to Bidders would 2023 with the BOS and administration. Due to Georgia, Wisconsin, Texas, Pennsylvania, still use paper ballots that can physically be
publish the next day, January 3, 2023. Precinct Atlas (IPAC software system) being compared to the tabulators ballot images for
Michigan, and Nevada are states whose elec-
January 16, 2024 - Tompkins received new updated, the Auditor’s Office was forced to
bid from ES&S for $347,750, down from its tion anomalies, investigations, and analysis election audits.
update the poll worker software system at this made the news in what can best be described Meanwhile, Scott County Auditor’ Keri
original bid of $393,220 presented to BOS on time. Therefore, this provided an opportunity
November 21, 2023. as whispers versus the blow-horn these find- Tompkin’s decision to purchase 220 Tenex
to review multiple software systems and
determine the best fit for Scott County. This ings deserve. The legacy media jumped the tablet pollbooks to replace the existing lap-
was a collaborative process between the IT gun with scripted uni-reports that 60-plus tops currently programmed with the Iowa
January 18, 2024 - Tompkins receives newly Department and Auditor’s Office. In addition, lawsuits were filed following the 2020 elec- Precinct Atlas Consortium’s (IPAC) election
dated bid from Tenex for $415,910, no price feedback was sought from other counties and tion, most brought by Donald Trump and system software has its own controversy
change from original bid presented to BOS several opportunities were reviewed. summarily dismissed as meritless, serving percolating, due in large part to a notable
on November 21, 2023.
as a ripe example of its increasingly familiar lack of transparency from the auditor’s office
Tompkins receives new bid from Knowink The criteria for the Scott County purchas- propa-caca. relative to this expensive purchase.
for $391,600, down from its original bid ing policy and Iowa law were met during this This purchase decision is controversial
$420,500 presented to BOS on November 21, process. Tablets were chosen as a preferred
due to:
2023. Tompkins receives a bid from IPAC choice for poll workers due to the ease and Arizona’s Maricopa County Argu-
simplicity of the product. 1) Replacing critical components of an
for $74,755.52. IPAC’s formal bid confirms ably the Most Egregious Election election system, including tablet pollbooks
the county never receeved a bid prior to the Training sessions have already begun with Muck-Up in Modern History
board voting in November 2023. This actual
and software, and Election Management
poll workers and the feedback has been very Election system problems were far more Software, both in a general election year,
bid provided for only new hardware for all 66 positive.”
polling locations, while the three vendors’ bids pervasive in 2020 than captured media is considered a “worst practice” for this
The onine version of this article at reports indicated. A good showcase of
provided for new tablets at all precincts and for contains links to all
all 220 poll workers. anomalies, obstruction, and lawless lawfare, Continued On Page 23
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 11
GUEST COMMENTARY By Kevin Gosztola It was Assistant U.S. Attorney Gordon Krom- Assange for publishing all the material that he
berg, a lead prosecutor on the case, who sug- obtained. He is charged for “encouraging sources”

U.K. Court Allows U.S. DOJ Another Chance to

gested the U.S. government might argue during to “circumvent legal safeguards on information,”
trial that Assange was not protectedby the First “provide that protected information to WikiLeaks
Assure Assange Is Eligible for Extradition But Amendment.
“[Kromberg] made a formal sworn declaration
for public dissemination,” and “continue the pat-
tern of illegally procuring and providing protected
Not Eligible for First Amendment Protections on behalf of the respondent and in support of the
extradition request,” the High Court asserted. “He
information to WikiLeaks for distribution to the
“[P]aramount among the responsi- especially in Australia and Europe, U.S. prosecu- put himself forward as able to provide authoritative
bilities of a free press is the duty to tors refuse to drop charges against Assange that assistance as to the application of the First Amend- All of the charges stem from standard news gather-
prevent any part of the government were first pursued by officials in President Donald ment. It can fairly be assumed that he would not ing activities that Assange engaged in as WikiLeaks
from deceiving the people and send- Trump’s administration. have said that the prosecution ‘could argue that editor-in-chief. Those activities were undertaken
ing them off to distant lands to die of Assange is charged with 17 counts of violating foreign nationals are not entitled to protections for the purpose of publishing documents on U.S.
foreign fevers and foreign shot and the Espionage Act and one count of conspiracy to under the First Amendment’ unless that was a ten- wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and diplomatic cables
shell.” - Justice Hugo Black (Concur- commit a computer intrusion. The unprecedented able argument that the prosecution was entitled to that exposed torture, human rights abuses, and
charges stem from the fact that he engaged in jour- deploy with a real prospect of success.” various other examples of misconduct on the part
rence in New York Times vs U.S. a.k.a.
nalism and published classified documents that “If such an argument were to succeed it would (at of U.S. officials.
The Pentagon Papers, 1971)
were provided by U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea least arguably) cause the applicant prejudice on the The High Court’s decision made it clear that if

Manning in 2010 and 2011. grounds of his non-US citizenship (and hence, on the State Department offers another set of assur-
he British High Court of Justice partially
In 2021, the High Court ruled in favor of the the grounds of his nationality),” the court added. ances then the U.S. government will likely be per-
granted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s
U.S. government after they appealed a district Only narrowly did the High Court accept an mitted to move forward with extraditing Assange.
request to appeal and delayed his extradition
judge’s decision that found extradition would be appeal on the ground that his right to freedom of That would lead Assange’s legal team to file a
to the United States. However, the U.S. government
oppressive to Assange’s mental health given the expression may be violated if he was not “permitted petition in the European Court of Human Rights in
was given an opportunity to provide “assurances”
widespread inhuman treatment that has been to rely on the First Amendment” at trial. a last-ditch effort to save him from being flown to a
that may result in his extradition in the next months.
documented in U.S. jails and prisons. (That ruling U.S. detention center for trial.
Assange was granted permission to appeal on
came on International Human Rights Day.) Outside of the High Court, Stella Assange
the grounds that extradition may violate his right to
The U.S. State Department salvaged the extradi- Not Being Prosecuted for reminded the press and Assange supporters that
freedom of expression. The court accepted that he
her husband is a “political prisoner. He is a journal-
may face prejudice due to the fact that he is a non-
tion case by intervening. They offered “diplomatic Exposing U.S. Crimes
assurances” on how Assange would be treated in ist, and he is being persecuted because he exposed
U.S. citizen, and that the prosecution may expose The court sided with Kromberg, who claimed
U.S. custody and reminded the U.K. government the true cost of war in human lives.”
him to the death penalty, which is barred under the “publication charges” against Assange are
that the U.S. and the U.K. have a “long history of “explicitly limited to documents that contain the
extradition law.
cooperation” on “extradition matters.” That was names of human intelligence sources.”
But the court refused to allow Assange to appeal
enough to alleviate the High Court’s concerns, even “Indeed, a deliberate decision was made not to “This case is a retribution. It is a
on the grounds that the U.S. is prosecuting him
though there were loopholes in their promises. charge the applicant in respect of the publication of
for his “political opinions,” that extradition would signal to all of you that if you expose
violate his right to a fair trial, and that extradition any other material by him,” the High Court stated.
“The applicant’s publication of material which he the interests that are driving war they
would violate his right to life or expose him to cruel
Risk of Death Penalty Given alleges exposed the respondent’s involvement in
and inhuman treatment. will come after you. They will put you in
The court rejected Assange’s request to include Calls from U.S. Politicians serious criminality may well raise strong public
“fresh evidence” related to alleged evidence that Extradition from the U.K. is barred if there is a interest factors justifying a high level of protection. prison, and they will try to kill you.”
CIA Director Mike Pompeo and other CIA officials risk that the requested person will be sentenced to But the respondent does not seek to prosecute the
sketched out plans to kidnap or kill Assange while death. applicant in respect of those matters.” Kevin Gosztola is the managing editor of Shad-
he was living under diplomatic asylum in Ecuador’s During court proceedings on February 21, Ben Effectively, the High Court ignored the “general owproof, host of The Dissenter Weekly, co-host of
London embassy. Watson KC, who was instructed to represent the allegations” in the indictment that do criminalize the podcast Unauthorized Disclosure, and member
U.S. officials were encouraged by the court to U.K. Home Secretary, accepted that Assange could of Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).
offer “assurances” that Assange would be protected later be charged with “aiding or abetting treason”
by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, or a more severe charge of “espionage” that could
that he would not be “prejudiced at trial” as a result lead to the death penalty.
of his nationality, and that the death penalty will “There are no arrangements in place to prevent the
not be imposed. imposition of the death penalty,” Watson conceded.
Stella Assange condemned the High Court for Watson’s responses led the High Court to believe
inviting a “political intervention from the United that capital charges, given calls by “leading politi-
States to send a letter saying it’s all okay. I found cians and other public figures” in the U.S., could
this astounding.” result in a death sentence for Assange if he was
“The Biden administration should not issue assur- convicted.
ances. They should drop this shameful case that
should never have been brought. Julian should
never have been imprisoned for a single day,” she Denying Assange First
further declared.
Amendment Rights: "A Real
If the U.S. government submits such assurances,
which they are likely to do, prosecutors in the U.S. Prospect of Success"
Justice Department may avert a limited appeal. Furthermore, the High Court accepted that
They have until April 16 to offer assurances. Assange wished to argue at trial that if he was
A hearing will be held on May 20 if the U.S. granted First Amendment rights, then the prosecu-
government submits assurances to the court. tion would be stopped.
Assange has been detained at His Majesty’s “The First Amendment is therefore of central
Prison Belmarsh for nearly five years. Extradition importance to his defense to the extradition
was approved by the U.K. government in June 2022, charge,” the High Court added. “Further, if he is
and the WikiLeaks founder has pursued an appeal convicted, he may wish to invoke the First Amend-
for more than a year and a half. In that time, his ment on the question of sentence. If he is not
mental and physical health has greatly deteriorated. permitted to rely on the First Amendment because
Despite global condemnation by civil liberties, of his status as a foreign national, he will thereby be
human rights, journalist unions, press freedom prejudiced (potentially very greatly prejudiced) by
organizations, and various political leaders, reason of his nationality.”
12 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.

Send your events to

Through April 30, 2024

Your event listing in print and online has been complimentary since 1993!
Full descriptions, contact info, addresses, maps, and links for each listing at

VISUAL ARTS 43rd Rock Island Art Guild Fine Arts Exhibition, Linocut, with instructor Estevan Cornejo; this class Clay Open Studio: April, on Thursdays; registering
exhibit featuring a selection of artists living… Figge will guide students through… Figge Art Museum, for this course allows you access to your… Figge Art
Art Museum, thru Tue Apr 30 9:30am Sat Mar 30 Museum, 1pm Thu Apr 4 thru Thu Apr 25
Openings & Gallery Events
Graphic Approaches: Printmaking in 1970s Watercolor Basics 101, with instructor Pat Bereskin; Wine & Design, led by Pat Berskin; choose from your
Award Ceremony: 47th Annual High School Art Europe, the exhibit features more than 35 prints… beginners and those reconnecting with painting… favorite wine, nibble… Niabi Zoo, 6:30pm Fri Apr 5
Invitational, high school art instructors in the greater Figge Art Museum, thru Tue Apr 30 Figge Art Museum, 5:30pm Mon Apr 1
Quad City region are… Quad City Arts Center, 6:30pm Big & Bumpy Bowls, Apr. 6 & 13; with instructor Laura
Thu Mar 28 Human Intelligence, group art show; free; for Watercolor Basics 101, with instructor Pat Bereskin; Warner; explore texturizing… Figge Art Museum, 9am
information, contact… Centennial Hall Gallery, join us for an introduction to… Figge Art Museum, Sat Apr 6
Last Chance Exhibition Tour Night: Tradition Augustana College, thru Tue Apr 30 5:30pm Mon Apr 1
Interrupted, see the exhibit before it goes; guests Painting Pots, with instructor Annie Peters; students
should meet in… Figge Art Museum, 5pm Thu Mar 28 Revolutionary Artist: The Prison Fantasies Pottery Wheel Bootcamp, Tuesdays thru Apr. 23; will customize their own terra… Figge Art Museum,
of David Alfaro Siqueiros, Siqueiros’s series of with instructor Laura Warner; whether you’re… Figge 9:30am Sat Apr 6
Brand Boeshaar Scholarship Reception, join in the lithographs titled “Prison Fantasies”… Figge Art Art Museum, 5:30pm Tue Apr 2
celebration and view the portfolios of the… Figge Art Museum, thru Tue Apr 30 Woven Wall Hanging with Texture, Mondays thru
Museum, 5:30pm Thu Apr 4 Pottery Wheel Bootcamp, Tuesdays thru Apr. 23; Apr. 29; with instructor Ali Kirsch; this workshop…
Animals in Art, the exhibition combines paintings, with instructor Laura Warner; whether you’re… Figge Figge Art Museum, 6pm Mon Apr 8
Free Senior Day, all seniors ages 60 and up receive prints, drawings, and… Muscatine Art Center, thru Art Museum, 5:30pm Tue Apr 2
free admission, as… Figge Art Museum, 10am Thu Tue Apr 30 Sculpture Sundays, study sculpture at the Figge
Apr 4 Watercolor & Collage Workshop, Tuesdays thru through new programming on selected… Figge Art
Young Artists at the Figge: North Scott Community Apr. 23; with instructor Zaiga Minka Thorson; enjoy… Museum, 1pm Sun Apr 14 thru Sun Apr 28
Artist Talk: Rock Island Art Guild Fine Arts School District, the museum is proud to present Figge Art Museum, 6pm Tue Apr 2
Exhibition, join us for presentations and the… Figge Art Museum, Sat Apr 6 thru Sun Apr 14 Adult & Arts & Crafts: Bad Art Night, you’re going to
performances from a selection of… Figge Art Basic Clay Handbuilding, Wednesdays thru Apr. 24; make dreadful art, something even a doting… Silvis
Museum, 6:30pm Thu Apr 11 Sculpture Garden, the exhibition will feature a with instructor Gary Carstens; students will… Figge Public Library, 6pm Mon Apr 15
selection of… Figge Art Museum, Sat Apr 6 thru Tue Art Museum, 6pm Wed Apr 3
Second Saturdays at the Figge, free admission on Apr 30 Animal Drawing for Teens and Adults, with
the second Saturdays of the month thanks to… Figge Pastel: Spring Flowers, Wednesdays thru Apr. 24; instructor Emma Hubner; animal drawing class for all
Art Museum, 10am Sat Apr 13 Senior Show ’24, exhibit of works by Augustana art with instructor Laura Warner; draw flowers… Figge levels.… Figge Art Museum, 5:30pm Tue Apr 16
history,… Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College, Mon Art Museum, 5:30pm Wed Apr 3
Young Artists at the Figge Recognition Day: North Apr 15 thru Tue Apr 30 Creation Studio Tools Training: Cricut Maker, learn
Scott Community School District, the museum is Watercolor Your Home, Apr. 3 & 10; with instructor how to use the Library’s Cricut Maker and heat…
proud to present the artwork from eight… Figge Art Young Artists at the Figge: Davenport Community Annie Peters; create a… Figge Art Museum, 6pm Wed Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Wed Apr 17
Museum, Sun Apr 14 School District, the museum is proud to present Apr 3
the… Figge Art Museum, Sat Apr 20 thru Sun Apr 28 Drawing for Beginners: Perspective, Wednesdays
Art of the Brew, sample some of the best craft beers Indigo Blues, Thursdays thru Apr. 18; with instructor thru May 8; with instructor Annie Peters; foundational
from the Quad… Figge Art Museum, 6pm Fri Apr 19 Rowen Schussheim-Anderson; explore various… perspective… Figge Art Museum, 6pm Wed Apr 17
Classes Figge Art Museum, 6pm Thu Apr 4
Last Chance Exhibition Tour Night: Peter Xiao: A Adult DIY Craft Fest, celebrate the historic Rock
Room That One Is In (And All Things In It), join a Amateur Paint Night, we invite all levels of painters Self Portrait Fun, with instructor Estevan Cornejo; a Island Line Railroad with a bookmark… Silvis Public
Figge Docent for a “Last Chance” tour of… Figge Art to follow along with… LeClaire Community Library, self-portrait class aimed not at… Figge Art Museum, Library, 10am Sat Apr 20
Museum, 6pm Thu Apr 25 5pm Thu Mar 28 9:30am Thu Apr 4
Craft Downtown: Paper Quilling, paper quilling,
Young Artists at the Figge Recognition Day: Clay Open Studio: March, on Thursdays; registering Watercolor: Floral Fun, Thursdays thru Apr. 25; with also known as filigree, is an art form… Rock Island
Davenport Community School District, the for this course allows you access to your… Figge Art instructor Pat Bereskin; explore loose… Figge Art Public Library - Downtown Library, 10:30am Sat Apr
museum is proud to present the artwork from eight… Museum, 1pm Thu Mar 28 Museum, 8:30am Thu Apr 4 20
Figge Art Museum, Sun Apr 28
Paint Your Prayer, with Simply Inspired by Brenda Wine and Art: Haitian Collage, with instructor Lori Adult & Arts & Crafts: String Art with Mindy, local
Linville; choose your favorite spiritual… Our Lady of Miller; create a multi-media collage inspired by the… artist Mindy Mathews will guide us as we make… Silvis
Exhibits & Shows the Prairie Retreat, 6pm Thu Mar 28 Figge Art Museum, 6pm Thu Apr 4 Public Library, 5:30pm Mon Apr 22

Wallflower, exhibit of ceramics by Laura Vincent- Adult DIY: Rock Photo Holders, make rock photo
Arnold; the ArtSpace… Black Hawk College ArtSpace holders; we will be painting rocks and… Davenport
Gallery, thru Fri Mar 29 Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Mon
Apr 22
Tradition Interrupted, a fascinating selection of 23
artworks created… Figge Art Museum, thru Sun Mar Intro to Laser Engraving and Cutting, learn the
31 basics of using the Library’s laser for engraving…
Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Mon Apr 22
Young Artists at the Figge: Bettendorf Community
School District, the museum is proud to present Hands-On Art History: Paper Mosaics, learn about
the… Figge Art Museum, thru Sun Mar 31 the history behind tile mosaics by making our…
LeClaire Community Library, 5pm Wed Apr 24
Peter Xiao: A Room That One Is In (And All Things
In It), an installation of recent paintings by Peter… Pinterest Craft, stop by the library for an exciting
Figge Art Museum, thru Sun Apr 7 craft; this is… East Moline Public Library, 11:30am Wed
Apr 24
Ciccotti, Davis, & Stewart, exhibit of paintings and
sculpture by Art… Quad City Arts Art @ the Airport, Creation Studio Workshop: Woodburnt Plant
thru Mon Apr 22 Markers, identify all your plants with these
woodburnt plant label stakes;… Bettendorf Public
47th Annual High School Art Invitational, high Library, 9:30am Sat Apr 27
school art instructors in the greater Quad… Quad City
Arts Center, thru Thu Apr 25 DIY Craft: Pressed Flower Lantern, make a Pressed
Flower Lantern; all supplies will be provided;… Rock
Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 5:30pm Mon
ZZ Top (with Lynyrd Skynyrd) at the Vibrant Arena at the MARK -- April 13. Apr 29
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 13
MUSIC one’s fate in Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s powerful Fourth Morales guiding you through the… Centennial Hall, Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band, concert with the
Symphony; $7-12 & up; for tickets, call 800-745- Augustana College, 2pm Sun Apr 7 blues- and roots-rock guitarist and his ensemble; $45-
3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Davenport IA, 179; Captiol Theatre, 330 W. Third St., Davenport IA,
Daniel Villarreal - Blue County Pistol, concert with, 7:30pm Sat Apr 6 Opera Quad Cities, join the Moline Public Library and, 7pm Thu Apr 11
the jazz artist famed on the Chicago music… Raccoon Opera Quad Cities for… Moline Public Library, 7pm
Motel, 6pm Thu Mar 28 Stone Age Queens, concert with the Queens of the Tue Apr 9 Opera Quad Cities, a program featuring the beauty
Stone Age tribute musicians; $19.84… Raccoon Motel, of classical singing; free; for… Bettendorf Public
Emily Beisel & Bill Harris - David Hurlin, Chicago- 7pm Sat Apr 6 Scott H. Biram, concert with the musician whose Library, 7pm Thu Apr 11
based improvisers Beisel (bass clarinet, electronics) songs draw from a variety… Raccoon Motel, 6pm Tue
and Harris (drums, electronics)… Rozz-Tox, 8pm Fri Kate Clover, concert with the Los Angeles-based Apr 9 Terra Lightfoot, concert with the Canadian musician
Mar 29 indie singer/songwriter; $19.84… Raccoon Motel, 6pm and singer/songwriter from Hamilton, Ontario;…
Sun Apr 7 Skrizzly Adams, concert with the touring alternative/ Raccoon Motel, 6pm Thu Apr 11
Ronnie & the Redwoods - Telescope Club, concert indie and country musician; $19.84… Raccoon Motel,
with the West Texas Americana/rock band, featuring a Manny Lopez Big Band, the band will be performing 6pm Wed Apr 10 Deep Galactic Bass Sessions Vol. 5: Basura -
set by… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Fri Mar 29 all your favorites from such… The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, Stymulation - Marty Mixfly - Sorceress of Sound
2pm Sun Apr 7 Jordan Davis - Mitchell Tenpenny - Ashley Cooke, - Amplified Noise - Tripendicular BTB Dr.Lee BTB
The People Brothers Band - The Crew, concert with concert with the chart-topping country-music singer/ JDUBB, an evening of EDM and dubstep; $10-15; for
the soul, rock, blues, and funk musicians, featuring… Quad City Symphony Orchestra Masterworks VI: songwriter; featuring sets by Mitchell… Vibrant Arena
The Redstone Room, 8pm Fri Mar 29 The Force of Fate, our Season Finale features Ricardo at the MARK, 7pm Thu Apr 11 Continued On Page 14
Foghat, concert with the legendary rockers in their
53rd year of… The Rust Belt, 8pm Sat Mar 30

Rett Madison, concert with the touring alternative/

indie singer/songwriter; $19.84… Raccoon Motel, 7pm
Sat Mar 30

Terri Clark, concert with the award-winning

country-music artist and only Canadian female
member of the Grand Ole Opry; $25-50; for tickets and
information, call 563-328-8000; Rhythm City Casino
Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA,, 8pm Sat Mar 30

Xheap Trix - Potential Spam, concert with the Cheap

Trick tribute musicians, featuring a set… Rascals Live,
6:30pm Sat Mar 30

Rock Island High School Choir, an event in the

Tuneful Tuesday series; this concert is… Rock Island
Public Library - Downtown Library, noon Tue Apr 2

The Thing, concert with the touring indie rockers;

$15.88… Raccoon Motel, 6pm Tue Apr 2

Herman’s Hermits Starring Peter Noone, the

group’s legendary career spans more than six
decades, and from the moment they landed on
the shores of the United States, they have firmly
established themselves as one of the world’s all-time
classic-rock bands; $39-79; for tickets, call 800-745-
3000; Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Davenport IA,, 7:30pm Wed Apr 3

Chris Collins & Boulder Canyon: The John Denver

Experience, at 1 & 7:15pm; Collins and Boulder
Canyon perform many… Circa ’21 Dinner Playhouse,
Thu Apr 4

Cory Chisel, concert with the folk-rock bandleader of

Cory Chisel & the… Raccoon Motel, 6pm Thu Apr 4

Matt Pryor, concert with the founding member and

the lead vocalist of the… Raccoon Motel, 6pm Thu
Apr 4

Arlo McKinley - Carson McHone, concert with the

Cincinnati-based country singer/songwriter, featuring
a set by Carson McHone;… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Fri
Apr 5

Cherry & Jerry: Ragtime Music, a Brown Bag Lunch

concert with Isaac Cherry on percussion… Bettendorf
Public Library, noon Fri Apr 5

Taylor Fest, a party for Swifties, by Swifties, where

everyone is the main character; come party with us as
we dance the night away to all of Taylor Swift’s eras;
$20; Captiol Theatre, 330 W. Third St., Davenport IA,, 9pm Fri Apr 5

Alborn - Widow7 - NonGrata, concert with the

Northern Illinois-based metal rockers, featuring sets
by… Rascals Live, 7:30pm Sat Apr 6

Fool House, an evening of singalongs, party HOME AWAY

throwbacks, and choreographed dance moves;… The
Rust Belt, 8pm Sat Apr 6

Iowa Jazz Composers Orchestra featuring Mike

Conrad, University of Northern Iowa Professor and
award-winning jazz composer Mike… The Redstone
Room, 7pm Sat Apr 6

Quad City Symphony Orchestra Masterworks VI:

The Force of Fate, our Season Finale features Ricardo
Morales guiding you through the Unruly, Tender,
and Defiant movements of the QCSO premiere of
the co-commissioned Clarinet Concerto by beloved
local composer Jacob Bancks; we close our season
with the unyielding task of finding happiness despite
14 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.

VISUAL ARTS ticket sold going to the “Marla Thorogood Memorial

Music Fund for Ovarian Cancer Research”; for tickets and
information, call 563-328-8000;; Rhythm City Casino
47th Annual High School Art Invitational Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA,, 8pm Sat Apr 20
information and… The Redstone Room, 8pm Fri Apr
Exhibit: Friday, March 22, through Thursday, April 25 12 Michael Moncada & Whiskey High - Far Out 283,
Awards Ceremony: Thursday, March 28, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. In the Flesh: Echoes of Pink Floyd, an evening with
concert with the popular area musicians; $15-20…
Rascals Live, 7:30pm Sat Apr 20
Quad City Arts Center, 1715 Second Avenue, Rock Island IL the touring tribute rockers; $20… The Rust Belt, 8pm
Fri Apr 12 Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band, concert with
the blues, rock, and honkytonk country musicians;
Uncle Lucius - Drook, concert with the Texas-based $17-20;… The Redstone Room, 8pm Sat Apr 20
alternative/indie ensemble, featuring a set by…
Raccoon Motel, 7pm Fri Apr 12 Shady: A Live Band Tribute to the Music of
Eminem, sing along, dance, put your hands up, smile,
Eat, Sleep, Songwriter Repeat, with professional and have… The Rust Belt, 8pm Sat Apr 20
Nashville-based songwriter Ryan Bizzari; this
educational workshop will… The Redstone Room, Wanees Zarour, the Quad City Arts Visiting Artist is an
1pm Sat Apr 13 award winning Palestinian-American… The Circa ’21
Speakeasy, 7pm Sat Apr 20
Fluffy - Cactus Lee, concert with the Ween tribute
musicians, featuring a set by… Raccoon Motel, 7pm A Rock n’ Roll Tribute from Elvis to The Beatles
Sat Apr 13 featuring The Neverly Brothers, a guided, virtual,
musical tour of the birth, near death… Ohnward Fine
John Daversa & Tal Cohen, breaking boundaries and Arts Center, 7pm Sat Apr 20
feeding on each other’s inspiration, The Art… The
Sound Conservatory - Moline, 6:30pm Sat Apr 13 The Rat Pack: An Evening with Frank & Dean,
Chicago area native Peter Oprisko is one of the
Lynyrd Skynyrd - ZZ Top - Black Stone Cherry, the nation’s… Timber Lake Playhouse, 7pm Sat Apr 20
legendary classic-rock artists co-headline their “The
Sharp Dressed Simple… Vibrant Arena at the MARK, Polyrhythms’ Third Sunday Jazz Series: Lois
7pm Sat Apr 13 Deloatch with the Polyrhythms Trio, Deloatch,
a vocalist, lyricist, and composer, is joined by the
The Legendary Wailers featuring Junior Marvin, a Polyrhythms… Unitarian Universalist Congregation of
night of reggae with the artist who joined Bob… The the Quad Cities, 5pm Sun Apr 21
Rust Belt, 8pm Sat Apr 13
TsuShiMaMiRe, concert with the female Japanese
Blue October - Veers, concert with the platinum- rock trio whose style is eclectic… Raccoon Motel, 6pm
selling alternative rockers on their “Spinning the… Tue Apr 23
The Rust Belt, 7pm Sun Apr 14

Aries vs. Taurus Hip Hop and R&B Bash: Dey Hustle
ore than 200 works by gifted stu- Kewanee High School (Lisa Stisser); Mercer Nova Singers: Mother Earth, the professional vocal & Max Julian - Troche Treble Tha Singer - Twixie
ensemble’s repertoire explores earth in all her… St. Too Sweets - Backdoedizzle, hosted by Uncle Beats
dent artists will be on display at County High School (Tara Guidinger); Mid- Paul Lutheran Church - Davenport, 4pm Sun Apr 14 and sounds by DJ Candyman; $15… The Redstone
Rock Island’s Quad City Arts City High School (Stacey Jeffrey); Moline Room, 8pm Fri Apr 26
The Pink Stones, concert with the touring country
Center through April 25 in the expansive 47th High School (Tauwon Taylor, Elizabeth musicians and Georgia natives; $15.88… Raccoon Georgette Jones, concert with the daughter of
Annual High School Art Invitational, a glori- Nache, Chelena Henning Saberton, and Motel, 6pm Sun Apr 14 George Jones and Tammy Wynette in the Country
ous celebration of local talent featuring the Joel Delp); Pleasant Valley High School Vibes Series; $25; for information, call 563-328-8000;
Cathedral Bells - Rew, concert with the touring Rhythm City Casino Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore
Quad Cities’ most promising artists express- (Aimee Peters, Ashley Willits, and Rachel alternative/indie rockers, featuring a set by… Raccoon Ave., Davenport IA,, 7pm Fri
ing themselves through paintings, drawings, Meyer); Rock Island High School (William Motel, 6pm Tue Apr 16 Apr 26
sculpture, paper, recycled materials, and film. Gustafson and Andrew Gray); Rockridge Open Jazz Jam Session, an evening of live Jazz music Here Come the Mummies, an evening with the
Each spring, Quad City Arts displays art- High School (Dana Densberger); and United and open jazz jamming… Zeke’s Island Cafe, 6pm Tue tightly wrapped touring rockers; $25.75-35.75… The
Township High School (Jon Nevenhoven Apr 16 Rust Belt, 8pm Fri Apr 26
work from top high school artists and their
art teachers. High school art instructors in and MacKenzie Jackson). Wanees Zarour, the Quad City Arts Visiting Artist is Under the Purple Rain Lip Sync Show, lip-sync
the greater Quad City region are invited to For many students, the 47th Annual High an award winning Palestinian-American… Rock Island sensation Gemini takes the stage for an unforgettable
Public Library - Watts-Midtown Branch, 6pm Wed evening… The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 8pm Fri Apr 26
choose works by their top five students in School Art Invitational will be the first time Apr 17
any category, plus additional works in the they receive formal recognition for their Divide the Fall - Manhattan Blockade - The Failsafe
creative talents. This can inspire them to Brandon Heath, concert with the contemporary - Autumn Academy (6pm), an evening with the rock
categories of film, paper sculpture, and recy- Christian musician, singer, and songwriter from outfits presented by NAMI and… Village Theatre, 6pm
cled materials. The exhibit fills the walls pursue careers in the arts and find out how Nashville; Captiol Theatre, 330 W. Third St., Davenport Sat Apr 27
of Quad City Arts’ downtown Rock Island their talents can be applied. Creative people IA,, 7pm Thu Apr 18
Jake Simon - Anderson Daniels, concert with
gallery, the opening ceremony is attended have the ability to problem-solve which is a Fit for a King - Chelsea Grin - Kingdom of Giants, the country singer/songwriter from central Iowa,
by hundreds of Quad Citians supporting trait sought after by numerous professions. an evening with Fit for a King, also known as FFAK; featuring a… Raccoon Motel, 7pm Sat Apr 27
Captiol Theatre, 330 W. Third St., Davenport IA,
young artistic talent, and students receive In addition to the opportunity to show their, 7pm Fri Apr 19 Lonestar, on the forthcoming “TEN to 1” record, the
thousands of dollars in awards from exhibi- work publicly, this exhibition is important to award-winning country band are taking a fresh look
tion sponsors. Everyone is welcome to vote show students the process of competing for Jake Owen, concert with the chart-topping, at all 10 of their chart-topping country songs; $30-60;
platinum-selling country-music singer/songwriter; for tickets and information, call 563-328-8000; Rhythm
for their favorite high school artist in the gallery shows. As professional artists know, for tickets, call 800-745-3000; Rhythm City Casino City Casino Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
People’s Choice contest. getting into exhibitions can be discourag- Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Sve., Davenport IA, Davenport IA,, 8pm Sat Apr 8pm Fri Apr 19 27
This year’s assemblage of participating ing, but there is value in seeing which pieces
schools and art instructors includes: Alle- were selected. This exhibition is important QC Santana Tribute Band, two full sets of your Quad City Symphony Orchestra Gala Concert w/
for the public because it shows the incred- favorite Santana songs; $10 cover… Rascals Live, 7pm Emanuel Ax, the multi-Grammy Award-winning
man Catholic High School (Lisa Wells); Fri Apr 19 pianist will perform Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s
Assumption High School (Michelle Sexton); ible creativity of our young people and our “Concertos No. 25 (K. 503) & No. 20 (K. 466)”; the
Bettendorf High School (Tim Solbrig and future workforce. Rosali - Fran, concert with the alternative/indie and QCSO will bookend these works with Gustav Mahler’s
folk musician, featuring a set… Raccoon Motel, 7pm “Blumine” and Igor Stravinsky’s “The Firebird: Suite”;
Hilary Puglisi); Central DeWitt High School The awards ceremony for the 47th Annual Fri Apr 19 a ticketed dessert reception with an opportunity
(Deb Richman and Cassie Dunlavey); Cen- High School Art Invitational will take place to meet the artist will immediately follow in the
at the Rock Island gallery on March 28, Songwriter Sessions: David G. Smith - Dave Moore Gold Room at the Hotel Blackhawk; for information,
tral High School (Annette Lopez); Central/ - Catfish Keith, an evening of folks and pop with the call 563-322-0931; Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St.,
North (Juan Rangel); Davenport Central with the reception lasting from 6:30 to 8:30 singer/songwriters; $18-20;… The Redstone Room, Davenport IA,, 7:30pm Sat Apr 27
High School (Renee Ott); Davenport Cen- p.m. and the awards presented at 7 p.m. 8pm Fri Apr 19
Sins N Roses, Chicago’s premier Guns N Roses Tribute
tral/Creative Arts Academy (Clint Balsar); The exhibit itself will be on display in Rock Coco - Sima Cunningham, concert with the touring band makes their QC… Rascals Live, 7pm Sat Apr 27
Davenport North High School (Jessica Island through April 25, regular gallery indie musicians, featuring a set by Sima… Raccoon
Motel, 7pm Sat Apr 20 Upchurch, an evening with the more-serious alter
Hill, Kevin Gunn, and Michele O’Brien); hours are Mondays through Fridays 10 a.m. ego of comic hick-hop performer… The Rust Belt, 7pm
Davenport West High School (Chad Wolf, to 5 p.m. and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., George Thorogood & the Destroyers, by reverently Sat Apr 27
Brian White, Neal Meeker, and Dave Schaef- and admission is free. For more information, reinventing obscure blues, country and RB tracks by
icons that include Bo Diddley, John Lee Hooker and Better Late Than Never, BLTN consists of four
fer); the Figge Art Academy (Pat Berskin); call (309)793-1213 and visit Hank Williams, the musicians have kept the music of musicians with all more than 20… Timber Lake these American masters alive; $50-90, with $5 of every Playhouse, 7pm Sat Apr 27
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 15
Hawthorne Heights - Bike Routes, at 3 & 8pm; a full The Tortured Poets Department Release Party, join The Kindest Lie, a discussion of Nancy Johnson’s The Book of Mormon, touring production of the
breakdown of the landmark album”… Codfish Hollow us for blackout poetry, friendship bracelets, music and book with the Brown Bag Book… Davenport Public nine-time Tony-winning musical comedy by Trey
Barn, Sat Apr 27 more… Rock Island Public Library - Watts-Midtown Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 1pm Wed Apr 24 Parker and Matt Stone; Fri. 8pm, Sat. 2 & 8pm; $48-88;
Branch, 3pm Fri Apr 19 for tickets, call 800-745-3000; Adler Theatre, 136 E.
Music Explorers: Motown & Stax, an interactive Blackout Poetry Workshop, blackout poetry is when Third St., Davenport IA,, Fri Mar 29
family concert that introduces live music to youth… Spring Weekend Writing Retreat, led by Jodie you take a piece of text… East Moline Public Library, and Sat Mar 30
The Redstone Room, 4pm Sun Apr 28 Toohey; you need two full days to… Our Lady of the 6pm Wed Apr 24
Prairie Retreat, 3pm Fri Apr 19 Church Basement Ladies, the original musical
QCSO/QCSYE Side-by-Side Concert, the Quad City Demon Copperhead, a discussion of Barbara comedy inspired by the book “Growing Up… Circa ’21
Symphony Youth Ensembles (QCSYE) consists of four Local Author Visit with Shellie Moore Guy, Guy will Kingsolver’s book with the Last Monday… Silvis Public Dinner Playhouse, Fri Mar 29 thru Sat Apr 27
school-year orchestras for musicians of all ability share her family history and how that history… Rock Library, 6pm Mon Apr 29
levels, ages 7 to 18; the program provides a rigorous Island Public Library - Watts-Midtown Branch, 11am Kinky Boots, Quad City Music Guild's Tony-winning
and inspiring learning environment founded on Sat Apr 20 musical comedy about a struggling shoe factory,

musical excellence for string, woodwind, brass, and directed by Kelsey Walljasper; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm,
percussion musicians; for information and tickets, Beautiful Little Fools, discussion of Jillian Cantor’s Sun. 2pm; $15-20; for tickets and information, call
call 563-326-8500; Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St., book with the Southwest Book Club;… Rock Island 309-762-6610; Prospect Park Auditorium, 1584 34th
Davenport IA,, 5:30pm Sun Apr 28 Public Library - Southwest Branch, 4:30pm Tue Apr 23 Jane Eyre, Tony-nominated musical adapted from Ave., Moline IL, Fri Apr 5 thru Sun
Charlotte Brontë’s classic gothic romance, directed… Apr 14
Morgan Wade, concert with the country-music Seeds of Hope: Wisdom and Wonder from the The Black Box Theatre, 7:30pm thru Fri Mar 29
singer/songwriter; $29-135Captiol Theatre, 330 W. World of Plants, a discussion of Jane Goodall’s book Churchill, in this often funny, sometimes touching
Third St., Davenport IA,, 8pm with the Environmental Book Club;… River Action, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Musical, family comedy and always engaging one-man-show, veteran British
Tue Apr 30 7pm Tue Apr 23 based on the beloved book series by Jeff… Circa ’21 actor David Payne brings Churchill to life onstage;
Dinner Playhouse, thru Sat Apr 13 $55; for tickets, call 800-745-3000; Adler Theatre, 136
Continued On Page 18

Where your money

Iron Lake, discussion of William Kent Krueger’s book
with the Alpha Book… Rock Island Public Library -
Downtown Library, 1pm Mon Apr 1

Mrs. Sherlock Holmes, a discussion of Brad Ricca’s

makes more money.

book with the Adult Book… LeClaire Community
Library, 6:30pm Mon Apr 1

TV6 Book Club, join Brittany Peacock and Morgan

Ottier on KWQC TV6 for… Davenport Public Library -
Main Branch, 3pm Mon Apr 1

Hang the Moon, a discussion of Jeannette Walls’

(That’s our whole deal.)

book with the Pageturners Discussion… Moline Public
Library, 1pm Tue Apr 2

The Cost of Knowing, a discussion of Brittney Morris

book with the See YA Book… Davenport Public
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Wed Apr 3

Self-Publication, with Melissa Conway and Tom

McKay; an event in the… Davenport Public Library -
Fairmount Street Branch, 6pm Wed Apr 3

4.50 4.00
Silent Book Club, a Silent Book Club is a group of
adults that… East Moline Public Library, 5:30pm Thu
Apr 4

All the Trouble of the World, discussion of Isaac Preferred Savings Premier Checking

% %
Asimov’s short story with the Short &… Davenport
Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 10am Mon
Apr 8

Black Cake, a discussion of Charmaine Wilkerson’s

book with the West End Book… Davenport Public APY* APY*
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Tue Apr 9

Blindness, a discussion of José Saramago’s book with

the Get Lit… Bettendorf Public Library, 7pm Tue Apr 9

The Maid, a discussion of Nita Prose’s book with

the Between the Lines… Davenport Public Library -
on balances up to $15,000 on balances up to $25,000
Eastern Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Wed Apr 10

Chasing Justice, a discussion of Kathleen Donnelly’s

book with the Mystery Book… Bettendorf Public
Library, 9:30am Sat Apr 13

This Is How You Lose the Time War, a discussion

of Amal El-Mohtar’s and Max Gladstone’s book with
the… Theo’s Java Cafe, 2:30pm Sat Apr 13

Last Night at the Telegraph Club, discussion of

Malindas Lo’s book with the Read with Pride…
Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch,
6:30pm Tue Apr 16

The Black Dhalia, discussion of James Ellroy’s book

800-323-5109 |
with the Book ’Em Mystery… Moline Public Library,
1pm Tue Apr 16

Now You See Us, discussion of Balli Kaur Jaswal’s

book with the Novel Naptime… Moline Public Library, Bank with the Best.
9:30am Wed Apr 17

Poetry Reading: Ryan Collins, Collins is the

Executive Director of the Midwest Writing Center,… *APY = "Annual Percentage Yield." APYs accurate as of March 20, 2024. Preferred Savings: Earn 4.50% APY on balances up to $14,999.99 and 1.00% – 4.50% APY on
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, balances over $15,000. This is a tiered account; for this account, the specified Dividend Rate for a tier will apply only to the portion of the account balance that is
6pm Wed Apr 17 within that tier. Rates subject to change without notice. Limit one Preferred Savings account per member. Premier Checking: Earn 4.00% APY on balances up to
$24,999.99 and 1.50% – 4.00% APY on balances over $25,000. This is a tiered account; for this account, the specified Dividend Rate for a tier will apply only to the
Next Year in Havana, a discussion of Chanel Cleeton’s portion of the account balance that is within that tier. Rates subject to change without notice. Limit one Premier Checking account per member.
book with the Overcooked Book… Davenport Public $5 Membership Share account required.
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Thu Apr 18
16 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 17
18 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.

MUSIC invites audiences to… Bartlett Performing Arts Center,

Theatre 7pm Sat Apr 6

TsuShiMaMiRe Ballet Quad Cities’ Dorothy Goes to Oz & Snow

White, at 2 & 7pm; two one-act ballets in one
E. Third St., Davenport IA,, 7pm Tue unforgettable performance; Act I begins in windy
Tuesday, April 23, 6 p.m. Apr 9 Kansas with Dorothy plus her friends on a fun-filled
Raccoon Motel, 315 East Second Street, Davenport IA Exit Laughing, Paul Elliott’s comedy about aging
journey to the Emerald City in Emily Kate Long’s
Dorothy Goes to Oz; and because fairy tales are
Southern belles and their deceased… Richmond Hill not just for children, a brand-new sophisticated
Barn Theatre, Thu Apr 11 thru Sun Apr 21 interpretation of Grimm’s Snow White by Artistic
Director Courtney Lyon is the perfect ending to a
Anastasia, Tony-nominated stage version of Disney’s fantastic season of dance; $15-25; for information,
animated fable about the Grand… The Spotlight call 309-786-3779; Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St.,
Theatre, Fri Apr 12 thru Sun Apr 21 Davenport IA,, Sat Apr 13

The Real Inspector Hound, Tom Stoppard’s one-

act comedy follows two theatre critics who are
watching… Scott Community College’s Black Box
Theatre, Thu Apr 18 thru Sun Apr 21
Monthly Free Standup Comedy Show, we’re hosting
Agatha Christie’s Murder in the Studio, radio-play some of the area’s funniest standup comedians on…
presentations of the mystery author’s “Personal Call,” Front Street Brewery, 7:30pm Thu Mar 28
“Yellow Iris,”… The Black Box Theatre, 7:30pm Fri Apr
19 thru Sun Apr 28 ComedySportz Quad Cities, on Fridays and
Saturdays; the return of the Quad Cities’… The
Disney’s Beauty & the Beast, Lancer Productions Spotlight Theatre, 7pm thru Sat Apr 27
presents the Tony-winning adaptation of the Oscar-
winning animated… North Scott High School Fine Nightcaps presents Improv-Palooza: Finals, the
Arts Auditorium, Fri Apr 19 thru Sun Apr 28 performer who gets the most audience votes will
win… The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 8pm Sat Mar 30
Auditions for Children: The Bad Seed, seeking adult
and child performers for Maxwell Anderson’s thriller Big Room Open Mic, on Wednesdays; if you have
about… Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 2pm Sun Apr 21 jokes, we wanna hear ’em… Village Theatre, 8pm Wed
Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24
Auditions for Adults: The Bad Seed, seeking adult
and child performers for Maxwell Anderson’s thriller ComedySportz Quad Cities, on Fridays and
about… Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 6pm Sun Apr 21 Saturdays; the return of the Quad Cities’… The
and Mon Apr 22 Spotlight Theatre, 7pm Fri Apr 5 thru Sat Apr 27

Come from Away, the Tony-winning musical tells the GIT Improv, the improv team began in Rock Island in
raised by the Memphis Flyer for rock group The Pillows, and although true story of the small town in Newfoundland that 1997 and… The Black Box Theatre, 7:30pm Sat Apr 6
opened their homes to 7,000 stranded travelers on
“eschewing de rigueur hoarse the short tour only went through a 9/11; for tickets, call 800-745-3000; Adler Theatre, 136 Henry Phillips, the comedian performs in the
screaming for simple but effec- few cities such as Chicago, New York, E. Third St., Davenport IA,, 7:30pm Tomfoolery on Tremont series; $20 in… Renwick
Tue Apr 23 Mansion, 7pm Sun Apr 7
tive melodies (and yes, screaming!),” Seattle, Boston, Los Angeles, and San
Private Lives, Noel Coward’s comedy about a ComedySportz on the Road, it’s Red vs. Blue in a
resulting in “an irresistible combina- Francisco, it was met with raves and divorced couple who happen to… Honkamp Myhre one-on-one matchup and the… Front Street Brewery
tion,” the Japanese punk rockers of prompted Benten to release the musi- Black Box Theatre, Augustana College, Thu Apr 25 Tap Room, 7pm Thu Apr 11
thru Sun Apr 28
TsuShiMaMiRe make their debut at cians’ first album and future records Geoffrey Asmus, the comedian performs in the
Davenport’s Raccoon Motel on April in the United States through the Aus- Suzette Who Set to Sea, student-performed version Tomfoolery on Tremont series; $20 in… Renwick
of Finegan Kruckmeyer’s comic adventure; Sat. 1 &… Mansion, 7pm Thu Apr 11
23, the female trio famed for mixing tralian Cattle God label. Davenport Junior Theatre, Sat Apr 27 and Sun Apr 28
pop instrumental sounds with idio- TsuShiMaMiRe’s musical style can Laugh Hard Stand-Up Comedy Show, featuring
many hilarious comedians from across the area; $3;
syncratic, quirky, and oftentimes funny be broadly classified as punk rock,
DANCE for… The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 8pm Fri Apr 19
and disturbing lyrics. with eclectic inf luences of noise and Copenhagen Bandit, at 7 & 9:30pm; standup sets
With the outfit currently com- Japanese pop music. Several of their Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance Classes, with the comedian born and raised in Joplin Missouri
offering classes in Ballet Pointe, Modern, Jazz, Tap, surrounded by redneck beer drinking family and
posed of Mari Kono, Yayoi Tsushima, songs begin with strong bass lines Conditioning, Creative Movement, and Adult Ballet, friends who are often the people behind his jokes; $25;
and Maiko Takagi, TsuShiMaMiRe by Tsushima, but Kno’s guitar and for ages 3 to adult; all classes taught by the company’s for information and tickets, call 563-328-8000; Rhythm
professional dancers; for information and to register, City Casino Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave.,
originated in 1999 when the former Takagi’s drums make equal contribu- call 309-786-2677; Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance, Davenport IA,, Thu Apr 25
1611 Fifth Ave., Rock Island IL,,
two musicians and co-founder Mizue tions. Several songs combine sweet thru Tue Apr 30 Monthly Free Standup Comedy Show, we’re hosting
Masuda (who left the band in 2017) female vocal harmonies with hard some of the area’s funniest standup comedians on…
Ballet 5:8 – Imagine Better, Chicago’s premier Front Street Brewery, 7:30pm Thu Apr 25
were all still college students. They drum playing and punk-guitar riffs, female and minority-led professional dance company
started playing in various clubs in the for a deliberately ironic effect, as in Continued On Page 22
Chiba prefecture, as well as releasing their signature tune “Tea Time Ska”.
their first demo single “Hamburger The lyrics are consistently quirky and
Set” in 1999, which was then followed idiosyncratic, with the most common
their second demo “Bloody Mohawk” themes being sex, food, and death,
in 2001. Three years later, they toured and sometimes all three at once.
with other Japanese bands Petty Underneath TsuShiMaMiRe’s sweet
Booka, Bleach, Noodles, and Kokeshi vocal harmonies, however, the lyrics
Doll in the United States, and also frequently hint at far darker, scarier
performed at the South by Southwest themes, with some of their most pow-
Japan Nite showcase. On August 25 of erful songs addressing death and its
2004, TsuShiMaMiRe released their inevitability.
first full-length album Pregnant Fan- TsuShiMaMiRe headline their
tasy on Benten Label. Davenport engagement on April 23,
In March of 2005, the musicians admission to the 6 p.m. concert is
toured the United States once again in $19.84, and tickets are available by
the “Japan Girls Nite US Tour.” Along visiting
with some of their previous tour The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band @ The Redstone Room -- April 20
mates, this excursion included notable
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 19
to the climax with the Wicked Witch and Deciding which compositions to employ
THEATRE By Mike Schulz
the flying monkeys. In the written story, for Snow White out of what Lyon calls “hours

Ballet Quad Cities’ Dorothy Goes to Oz

Dorothy and her friends go back and forth and hours and hours of music” was an under-
to Oz several times, and they have multiple standably daunting task.
and Snow White obstacles that they have to face. The Witch
sends bees, she sends wolves, she sends
“I’ve been working on this for the past
two years,” she says. “And I’ve basically been
Saturday, April 13, 2 & 7 p.m. crows, and the flying monkeys are sort of the working in the studio with the dancers with
Adler Theatre, 136 East Third Street, Davenport IA creatures of last resort. [the music app] GarageBand open on my
“But for a one-act ballet,” Long continues, computer, layering music to get the right
“there wasn’t time for all that. So I decided to effects, and the right length of how long we
focus on the biggest battle, and also kept in need to be in a certain scene before the scene
scenes that felt danceable. So in our version, changes. Sometimes I’ll do a piece of chore-
when [Dorothy and company] make their ography that I think belongs on one piece of
way through the poppy field, the poppies are music, but it’s all wrong, and I have to pause
a quartet of dancing women. We also have a rehearsal and change the music around and
dancing tornado.” try again. So it’s very of-the-moment with the
Among the ballet’s prominent roles, Kira dancers. I’m very grateful for them, for stay-
Roberts dances Dorothy; Eleanor Ambler is ing with me through this process.
Glinda the Good Witch; Sierra DeYoung is “When everything is new like this,” says
the Wicked Witch of the West; Madeleine Lyon of her ballet’s original choreography,
Rhode is the Scarecrow; Christian Knopp “the dancers might have a lot of questions,
is the Tin Man; and Mahalia Zellmer is the like ‘What do I do next?’ And I have to day, ‘I
Lion. Flying monkeys, poppies, gusts of don’t know what you do next,’ because we’re
wind, and other Dorothy Goes to Oz ele- making it up in the moment. It’s a differ-
ments are enacted by fellow members of the ent way to work – to be that fresh with the
Ballet Quad Cities company: Sahsha Amaut, process – but it’s really exciting.”
Stephanie Eggers, Jayne Friscia, Madeline With the entire Ballet Quad Cities com-
Kreszenz, Marcus Pei, Stephen Scott, and pany, as in Dorothy Goes to Oz, appearing

Jillian Van Cura. And yes, in case you were in Lyon’s one-act, the work features Sahsha
udiences may not hear the famil- one-act dance piece doesn’t feature the 1939 curious, one other major character will on Amaut as Snow White, Madeleine Rhode as
iar strains of “Somewhere Over the songs that most patrons have committed to hand. the Wicked Stepmother, Christian Knopp as
Rainbow” or “Someday My Prince memory. But it does, Long says, possess a “Toto is present in the ballet,” says Long. the Huntsman, and a dancing septet com-
Will Come.” But they’ll certainly be treated to similar spirit. “He’s this adorable little stuffed-animal dog. posed of Eleanor Ambler, Jayne Friscia, Mad-
music- and dance-filled enchantment when a “It’s a very, very colorful and lighthearted So Toto will be on-stage throughout the eline Krezsenz, Marcus Pei, Stephen Scott,
pair of legendary heroines join forces in the and bighearted performance,” says Long, ballet, right by Dorothy’s side. They’re very Jillian Van Cura, and Mahalia Zellmer. They
one-act ballets Dorothy Goes to Oz and Snow who also serves as Ballet Quad Cities’ artistic sweet together.” won’t be portraying the famed Seven Dwarfs,
White, the Adler Theatre’s April 13 pairing of associate. “People won’t hear the actual Meanwhile, when Lyon turned to the but rather seven elements of nature that tie
family-friendly works by the professional tal- songs, but the feeling of the songs is in there – original Brothers Grimm fairytale to find into Snow White’s themes and offer this grim
ents of Ballet Quad Cities. that wistfulness and joy.” inspiration for her Snow White, “sweet” Grimm necessary bursts of levity.
According to the company’s artistic When she began crafting Dorothy Goes to wasn’t an adjective that came to mind. “The ballet isn’t gruesome in any way,”
director Courtney Lyon, who serves as Snow Oz three years ago, Long says, “I started with “There are different versions of the Snow says Lyon, “but of course, you’ve got to put in
White choreographer opposite Dorothy Goes the [Frank L. Baum] book, which is of course White story,” says Lyon, “and the one we moments of humor and relatability. So I have
to Oz’s Emily Kate Long, the idea for a meld- very long, so not everything got included. usually know of has the wicked stepmother seven dancers who represent the goodness of
ing of beloved children’s stories had been But it had been forever since I had read it, and who wants Snow White sent in the woods nature and safety – they bring the lightness
under discussion for roughly three years it was really fun to get a little different sense to be killed. But somewhere I read that it and magic to it.
before its eventual Davenport staging. of Dorothy than you get in the movie. I have was originally Snow White’s mother, not her “Any time I’m making a new ballet, for the
“For a while,” says Lyon, “[BQC founder/ so much affection for all of the characters in stepmother. That’s pretty dark. And when first few days, I’ll work in silence. Not like
CEO] Joedy Cook has had the concept of the story and in the ballet. But Dorothy is the huntsman takes Snow White into the a monk, where I don’t speak, but no-music
putting two female protagonists in the same just such a good problem-solver. She’s really woods to kill her, the queen wants her organs silence – where I work with the dancers and
program, and I think she was originally plucky and so adventurous. brought back so she can boil them, salt them, they don’t really know what, exactly, I’m
thinking of Dorothy and Alice. Alice in Won- “And what I also took away from the writ- and eat them. I was like, ‘How are these trying to get out of them. I’ll just have an
derland we’ve done a couple times before. But ten story,” she adds, “more so than the movie, children’s stories?!’ idea, so I work with them in the space with
it has a full score to it, so there wasn’t space was how all these characters think they’re “But the opening line of Snow White talks their bodies – making dance that I think will
to make it a shared program. Emily’s Dorothy lacking something and are trying to get about how in the middle of winter, snow- serve a purpose down the line.
Goes to Oz, however, is about 30 minutes, and whatever they think they lack, and then they flakes are falling like feathers from the sky, “So I’ve tried to leave a lot of room for
I thought a good second half of the program realize they had it all along. The Scarecrow and there are all these images of nature. imagination,” says Lyon. “And our dancers
could be a Snow White. It felt like it might be thinks he has no brain but comes up with That’s what struck me. So I had this desire to love it because they know they’re creating
a great contrast to Dorothy Goes to Oz. Emily every good idea to help get them out of trou- bring these dark, nature-imagery passages – something new. If this goes well, different
has done her own spin on the story, but the bling situations. The Lion steps up to defend the literature – to life on stage.” casts will eventually do it. But they’ll always
characters look like they do in the movie, and everybody. It was really fun to get a little dif- Consequently, in Ballet Quad Cities’ Snow be the original cast, and I think they really
it’s very comfortable. And our Snow White ferent sense of Dorothy and her friends. White, there will be no helpful animated value that opportunity to have an impact
is … .” She laughs. “Well, it’s not the Disney “Where I took inspiration from the film birds, no dwarfs, and assuredly no “Heigh- on a new piece of art. It’s more than fun. It’s
version.” was in the various pieces of music that I ho, heigh-no, it’s home from work we go.” really rewarding.”
As those who saw Ballet Quad Cities’ selected. It definitely has a mid-century Instead, says Lyon, “I picked for our score Ballet Quad Cities will stage Dorothy
2021 staging of Dorothy Goes to Oz know, sound that’s sort of timeless, in a way, but it three composers who are of Austrian, Hun- Goes to Oz and Snow White is Davenport on
Long’s ballet also isn’t the iconic MGM definitely does put you back in that Holly- garian, and German backgrounds, and all April 13, performances are at 2 and 7 p.m.,
musical. Originally created for outdoor wood-heyday era.” from the same period: Gustav Mahler, Anton and admission is $15-25. For more informa-
performances at Davenport’s Outing Club, Regarding the transformation of a full- Webern, and Richard Strauss. Those three tion and tickets, call (800)745-3000 and visit
and subsequently staged in six Pleasant length book (and movie) into a half-hour composers have a lot of their musical basis in, or call (309)786-3779 and
Valley elementary schools as an opener to ballet, Long says the process largely involved nature, so that felt right for our version.” visit
their bullying-prevention program, Long’s “streamlining the narrative arc, and building
20 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.

Now playing on



In what is easily the funniest,
friskiest traditional rom-com of
the past year, the astoundingly
great-looking, utterly
magical Sydney Sweeney and
Glen Powell share grade-A
insults and disarming sincerity,
and the hilarious script gives
the entire ensemble
opportunities to shine.

With Emma Stone and Mark
Ruffalo at their very finest,
Yorgos Lanthimos' Oscar-
winning tale of a re-animated
bride is across-the-board
magnificent: hilarious, disturbing,
thoughtful, and so divinely
imaginative that it's hard to
believe it's an adaptation of a
decades-old novel.


While I was on the edge of my
seat through nearly the entirety
of this thrilling German drama
and Marvin Miller's nerve-
jangling score, it was difficult to
withhold my giggles as events
for our poor, sweet, well-mean-
ing protagonist went from bad
to immeasurably worse.

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Reviews are from previously published reviews in the River Cities’ Reader.
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 21

Movie Reviews By Mike Schulz •

Ice-sickly there jokes? The cast’s readings, especially

Nanjiani’s, may occasionally fool you into
thinking hilarious things are being said.
GHOSTBUSTERS: FROZEN EMPIRE They’re not, though, and Frozen Empire

keeps blundering its visual gags, too. When
ou could argue that what’s most wrong that Hefty-bag poltergeist begins flopping
about Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire around in the form of a takeout pizza, it’s
boils down to a case of too many cooks momentarily diverting. And then Kenan’s
stirring the soup – or rather, too many cooks routinely dead staging, with every beat lin-
in the soup. gered on a bit too long, pulls you out of the
A sequel to 2021’s Ghostbusters: After- moment, in this case making you ask: What
life, director/co-writer Gil Kenan’s comic is an untouched takeout pizza doing there
adventure reunites us with a half-dozen at all? Was that pie somehow ordered and
of that film’s debuting figures, a couple of delivered right when NYC was being frozen
them shoehorned in for no apparent reason. solid through supernatural forces?
The original ‘busters played by Bill Murray, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire is overflow-
Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson are back, ing with idiocies of this sort. The firehouse’s
as is Annie Potts’ ally Janine Melnitz, plus metallic bronze fire pole is melted down
William Atherton reprising his role as EPA for weaponry and, in our next scene in the
Ernie Hudson and Bill Murray in Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire
jerk Walter Peck, who’s now New York locale, magically restored. Ditto the New
City’s mayor. (Voters must have forgotten underrated, enjoyably flaky Ghostbusters ‘busters briefly chasing a poltergeist-infused York Public Library lion statue that was
about the guy’s humiliation and assholery II. What we instead get is an achingly dull, Hefty bag; Oswalt doing his damnedest to smashed to bits – a source of potential ruin-
from four decades ago.) And a fistful of new achingly unfunny companion piece that make a massive exposition dump entertain- ation for the Ghostbusters – yet later shows
arrivals are also varying degrees of sig- refuses to make sense or give the non-obses- ing; a few seconds of the theme song’s 1984 up intact. (I guess NYC always keeps a spare
nificant, and played by the likes of Kumail sives among us any reasons to care about, MTV video suggesting that Ray Parker Jr. is around, just in case.) Four combined proton
Nanjiani, Patton Oswalt, Emily Alyn Lind, or even laugh at, the on-screen goings-on. actually a character in this bizarre universe. packs do nothing to damage their nemesis,
and British comedian James Acaster. That’s When Finn Wolfhard’s Trevor Spengler tells Taken overall, though, I just sighed at the but one blast from Phoebe’s makes the
15 characters we’re expected to keep up experience, and slumped into my seat fur- monster shriek in agony – ‘cuz she’s got teen
with, not counting all the CGI blobs and ther and further as Kenan’s and Reitman’s gumption, I guess. I’m glad that my screen-
mini-marshmallow men, and no one is likely What we instead get is film continually struggled, and failed, to ing’s unmistakable super-fans who roared
to ever accuse Kenan and co-screenwriter deliver anything approximating the zippy their way through this noxiousness had a
Jason Reitman of Altman-esque facility with
an achingly dull, achingly good times of Ivan Reitman’s ‘80s blockbust- blast. For my money, if Jason Reitman is
a large ensemble. At one point, theoretical unfunny companion ers. I know that Reitman senior passed in going to continue this honoring-his-dad tra-
leads Paul Rudd and Carrie Coon vanish piece that refuses to 2022, and based on its “For Ivan” title card at jectory, I’d much rather he set his attentions
from the movie for more than 20 minutes the finale, Jason certainly wants to honor his on 1993’s Dave – a far-better Ivan Reitman
make sense or give the
straight, and it should go without saying father with this continuation. But couldn’t comedy that might actually give Sigourney
that you’re not gonna get as much Murray as non-obsessives among he and Kenan have done so in a way that Weaver reason to show up.
you might want ... though you may well get us any reasons to care wasn’t quite this, shall we say, funereal?
more Aykroyd than you want. It’s sweet that about, or even laugh at, Mckenna Grace, who was the undisputed For reviews of Dune: Part Two, Kung Fu
he’s still game to ham it up, but did Aykroyd highlight of Afterlife, again plays Igor Spen- Panda 4, Immaculate, Late Night with the
really need to perform one segment entirely the on-screen goings-on. gler’s granddaughter Phoebe. (And thank Devil, Arthur the King, Imaginary, Cabrini,
in sunglasses even though the scene was set the gods of good taste that Harold Ramis One Life, Road House, Shirley, and other
indoors? isn’t again resurrected beyond his will.) But recent releases, visit
Yet the film’s many, many actors aren’t the his mom about some potentially ghostly after Phoebe is sidelined early on, most of
collective problem here. Kenan and Reit- strangeness taking place in their inherited Grace’s screen time is devoted to a down-
man – Afterlife’s director and, of course, the firehouse, Coon’s Callie spends their entire beat, semi-queasy friendship/flirtation with March 5 Crossword Answers
son of original Ghostbusters helmer Ivan conversation absentmindedly scrolling. Lind’s apparition Melody, who purportedly
Reitman – are the problem. An example That’s Frozen Empire: Not worth the energy died in a tenement fire 100 years ago but
of super-fan service like no other, Afterlife it would take to lift your eyes from your looks and talks like she just walked off the
was a terrible movie, but at least it shook phone. set of the 2024 Mean Girls. Rudd’s Gary
up the formula by housing its supernatural The plot involves a malevolent being Grooberson spends much of the film sad that
goings-on in the expansive wheat fields of that’s being held captive in a metallic orb Phoebe won’t accept him as a father figure,
Oklahoma and a nearby town Brigadoon- and plans to freeze the planet upon its but we’re never made aware of whether he
ed in from the mid-1950s. This new outing escape. The plot is utterly irrelevant. This and Callie are even in a romantic relation-
brings the action back to Manhattan, but latest Ghostbusters sucks because it doesn’t ship; their closest suggestion of intimacy is
the family-sentiment corn and schmaltz make what’s tangential to the plot remotely a high-five. Most of Hudson’s screen time
that at least felt stylistically appropriate (if engaging. As someone who is clearly not a finds him in ultra-serious mode. When he’s
in no way interesting) in 2021 has somehow super-fan – by which I mean someone who, not playing to the rafters, and also when
remained, and the results are deeply under- at my 2021 Afterlife screening, roared at the he is, so is Aykroyd’s. Wolfhard’s entire arc
whelming. You keep waiting for this thing tight closeup of a meaningless Twinkie – I seems devoted to being pissed off that Trevor
to exude some of the sass and snap of 1984’s found myself pathetically grateful for the isn’t allowed to drive the Ectomobile.
Ghostbusters and – yeah, I’ll say it – 1989’s few moments of near-amusement I got: the What is going on here? Why aren’t
22 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.

Pysanka Workshop, learn the art of traditional Ida B. Wells: A Chicago Stories Documentary, Astronomy Night, join us for a talk about eclipses

Comedy Ukrainian Easter egg decorating; instructors… a Black Women’s History Month feature; after the and view the… Rock Island Public Library - Watts-
German American Heritage Center, 1pm Sat Mar 30 lynching of… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Midtown Branch, 7:30pm Thu Apr 4
Library, 2pm Mon Apr 29
Kaffee und Kuchen: Iowa’s Cultural Kaleidoscope, Black and Gold Celebration 2024, join Black Hawk
Shots & Giggles, presented by The Nightcaps; improv this program presents a rich selection of photographic College to celebrate seven new members of… Bally’s

comedy and drinking crash together… The Circa ’21 images that… German American Heritage Center, Quad Cities, 5:30pm Thu Apr 4
Speakeasy, 8pm Sat Apr 27 2pm Sun Apr 14
Viva La Divas, the premiere drag show in the area
Uncle Lazer, the comedian performs in the History on Tap, this adult learning event serves up Quad City Storm vs. Peoria Rivermen, hockey showcasing the best… The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 8pm
Tomfoolery on Tremont series; $20 in… Renwick fascinating talks on a… Putnam Museum & Science match with the Quad Cities’ professional minor- Fri Apr 5
Mansion, 7pm Sun Apr 28 Center, 7pm Thu Apr 18 league team; for… Vibrant Arena at the MARK, 7:10pm
thru Sat Mar 30 Board Game Day, learn to play new games, or
Golden Girls: The Laughs Continue, 2024 finds How to Create Dynamic Photos on an iPhone, learn rediscover an old favorite;… Rock Island Public Library
Sophia out on bail, after being busted by the DEA for how to use your smartphone to take artistic, well- Quad City Storm vs. Peoria Rivermen, hockey - Downtown Library, 10am Sat Apr 6
running a drug ring for retirees, while Blanche and crafted… German American Heritage Center, Sat Apr match with the Quad Cities’ professional minor-
Rose have founded CreakN, a thriving sex app for 20 and Sun Apr 21 league team; for… Vibrant Arena at the MARK, 7:10pm Ghosts: Do You Believe?, an evening of the
seniors, and Dorothy is trying to hold it all together, Fri Apr 5 supernatural with Dustin Pari of “Ghost Hunters”;
with help from her much younger, sex-crazed love Kaffee und Kuchen: Iowa’s Pearl Button Factory, $29-99; Captiol Theatre, 330 W. Third St., Davenport IA,
interest; $43-78; for tickets, call 800-745-3000; Adler Dustin Joy, Director of the National Pearl Button Quad Cities River Bandits vs. the South Bend Cubs,, 6:30pm Sat Apr 6
Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre. Museum, will… German American Heritage Center, professional minor-league baseball game; $17; for
com, 7pm Tue Apr 30 2pm Sun Apr 28 tickets, call 563-324-3000… Modern Woodmen Park, Outcast Burlesque, there will be many performers
209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, coming from out of town,… The Circa ’21 Speakeasy,
Fri Apr 5 thru Sun Apr 7 8pm Sat Apr 6

MUSEUMS MOVIES Quad City Steamwheelers vs Green Bay Blizzard, Timber Lake Playhouse Trivia Night, an evening
indoor-football game with the Quad Cities athletes; packed with brain-teasing trivia questions, mouth
Magic Mirror on Display, the magic mirror is a for information, call 309-517-2019… Vibrant Arena at watering food,… Timber Lake Playhouse, 5pm Sat
bronze mirror… Putnam Museum & Science Center, Seeking Entries: Wharton Field House the MARK, 7:05pm Sat Apr 6 Apr 6
thru Sun Mar 31 Documentary, everyone is invited to share their
personal experiences,… WQPT-TV, thru Sun Mar 31 Quad Cities River Bandits vs. the Peoria Chiefs, Bettendorf Public Library Chess Club, an all-ages
Breaking Barriers: Walls Throughout History, professional minor-league baseball game; $17; for and all-skill levels-chess club; free; for information,
this exhibition will feature objects of significance… The Color Purple, screening of the Oscar-nominated tickets, call 563-324-3000… Modern Woodmen Park, call… Bettendorf Public Library, 1:30pm Sat Apr 6
German American Heritage Center, thru Tue Apr 30 2023 musical with the Downtown Movie… Rock Island 209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA, and Sat Apr 20
Public Library - Downtown Library, 1pm Thu Apr 11 6:30pm Tue Apr 16
Common Ground: Our Voice, Our Stories, the Open House at the Village Co-Op of Crow Creek,
permanent, regional-history exhibit highlights the The Rock Island Railroad Video Series # 3: Old Quad City Steamwheelers vs Mass Pirates, indoor- tour our residence, chat with members, enjoy
past,… Putnam Museum & Science Center, thru Tue News Is Good History, oday’s presentation includes football game with the Quad Cities athletes; for homemade coffee cake,… Village Co-Op of Crow
Apr 30 old and new TV news clips about… Rock Island Public information, call 309-517-2019… Vibrant Arena at the Creek, noon Sun Apr 7
Library - Downtown Library, 2pm Tue Apr 16 MARK, 7:05pm Sat Apr 20
Sweet Treats: German Influence on the QC Eclipse Watch Party, a limited amount of solar eclipse
Candy Industry, learn about the different candy Mommy, a screening in the Free Film at the Figge Quad Cities River Bandits vs. the Peoria Chiefs, glasses will be available; this program… Davenport
manufacturers in… German American Heritage series;… Figge Art Museum, 6:30pm Thu Apr 18 professional minor-league baseball game; $17; for Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 12:30pm Mon
Center, thru Tue Apr 30 tickets, call 563-324-3000… Modern Woodmen Park, Apr 8
Our America : Lowballed, join the Rooting Out 209 S. Gaines St., Davenport IA,
Tails from Tales: Storybook Beasts, this enchanting Poverty Book Club and Project NOW… Moline Public Sat Apr 20 and Sun Apr 21 Solar Eclipse Viewing, the Popular Astronomy Club
exhibit features real animals from… Putnam Museum Library, 6pm Wed Apr 24 will have telescopes set up in… Moline Public Library,
& Science Center, thru Tue Apr 30 Quad City Steamwheelers vs Tulsa Oilers, indoor- noon Mon Apr 8
Cultural Perspectives Film Series: Arab American football game with the Quad Cities athletes; for
Heritage Month, join us at the library throughout the information, call 309-517-2019… Vibrant Arena at the Solar Eclipse Viewing, watch the 2024 solar eclipse
year for a… Silvis Public Library, 2pm Fri Apr 26 MARK, 3:05pm Sun Apr 28 from the FSB Taproom &… Front Street Brewery, noon
Mon Apr 8

OTHER EVENTS Guided Bird Walk with the Quad City Audubon
Society, led by Tim Murphy, President of the Quad
City Audubon… Singing Bird Nature Center, Black
Country Manor Memory Care Spring Open House Hawk State Historic Site, 8am Sat Apr 13
and Social, join residents, family members, and team
members in celebrating the arrival… Country Manor Nahant Marsh Volunteer Open House, discover the
Memory Care, 3pm Thu Mar 28 wonders of our local ecosystem and learn about…
Nahant Marsh Education Center, 9am Sat Apr 13
Open Stage Night, on Thursdays; a weekly open-mic
event; we will also be… Theo’s Java Cafe, 6pm Thu Adult Knitting Circle, whether you are in the
Apr 25 middle of a project or… Rock Island Public Library -
Downtown Library, 2pm Mon Apr 15
Carriage Haus Bar and Hauberg Stables Gift Shop
Event, on Fridays; free event with a cash bar, unique Death Cafe, people, often strangers, gather to eat
merchandise,… Hauberg Civic Center Mansion, 1pm treats, drink coffee, and… Davenport Public Library -
Fri Mar 29 thru Fri Apr 26 Eastern Avenue Branch, 5:30pm Wed Apr 17

Friends of the Silvis Library - Good Friday Bake Plant Swap, share flowers, vegetables, herbs,
Sale, grab some delicious, homemade treats for your seedling starters, and seeds with Scott… Davenport
family gathering, and… Silvis Public Library, 10am Fri Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 2pm Sat Apr
Mar 29 20
Getting help is the first Mansion and Carriage House Tours, on Fridays; $10/ Timber Lake Playhouse Casino Night, take a

step to getting better.

person, free for ages 12 & under; for… Hauberg Civic gamble for fantastic prizes, from luxurious gift
Center Mansion, 3pm Fri Mar 29 thru Fri Apr 26 baskets… Timber Lake Playhouse, 4pm Sat Apr 20

March Free Play Madness, drawing times 6pm-9pm, Spring Flowers and Migratory Birds, led by Kurt
If someone you love has a problem with gambling,
every hour; Bally Rewards members… Bally’s Quad Kreiter; come for a walk among the… Our Lady of the
Cities, 5pm Fri Mar 29 Prairie Retreat, 9am Wed Apr 24
they likely feel powerless to control it. Bunnies, Baskets, & Brews, the Quad Cities’ original, Quarterly Book Sales, bag up deals on books and…
1-800-BETS OFF can help.
all-adult Easter egg hunt; tickets are… Hauberg Civic Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 10am
Center Mansion, 4pm Sat Mar 30 Fri Apr 26 thru Sat Apr 27

It’s a free, confidential, 24/7 resource that can help Pick-A-Shamrock Giveaway, drawing times 5pm-
9pm, every hour; Bally Rewards members will be…
Champagne Afterglow: Emanuel Ax, a decadent
dessert reception immediately following the gala
you and your loved one find an experienced Bally’s Quad Cities, 4pm Sat Mar 30 concert with… Hotel Blackhawk, 9:30pm Sat Apr 27

treatment professional. Total Solar Eclipse – Free Eclipse Glasses Available,

safe solar viewers and glasses are available from the
Champagne Afterglow: Emanuel Ax, join us for a
decadent dessert reception immediately following
Silvis… Silvis Public Library, 10am Mon Apr 1 the… Hotel Blackhawk, 9:30pm Sat Apr 27
Call 1-800-BETS OFF today to get help
Prayer Service on the Prairie, with Sister Johanna Nature Walk Ribbon Cutting, held at Phipps Prairie
for them — and you. Rickl; for information and to register, e-mail Park; celebrate the opening of Silvis’… Silvis Public and… Our Lady of the Library, 1pm Sat Apr 27
Prairie Retreat, 10am Wed Apr 3
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 23
Rock and Roll Tea, home-made chicken salad in Twisted Tales Presents “Missing Movie Theatres”, Sustainable Living with the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, East Moline City Council Regular Meeting /
wonton wrappers, cucumber sandwiches, fruit, presented by Jeff Adamson; a pictorial review of over Recycle + Composting, Becky Baugh, Naturalist from Committee of the Whole Meeting, meets on the
scones,… Christ Anglican Church, 2pm Sat Apr 27 70… Moline Public Library, 6:30pm Wed Apr 17 Wapsi River Environmental Education Center, will 1st and 3rd Monday of every month;… East Moline
talk… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Council Chambers at City Hall, 6:30pm Mon Apr 1 and
Profound Realism: The Rediscovery of Ruth Branch, 2pm Tue Apr 23 Mon Apr 15

LECTURES Suckow, learn about the life and legacy of Iowa writer
Ruth… Bettendorf Public Library, 1:30pm Thu Apr 18 Mindful Methods for Staying Calm and Finding Bend of the River Quad Cities Pilot Club, on the 1st
Happiness in the Midst of Chaos, led by Teresa Tue. of the month; Pilot International transforms…
Quad Cities Zero Suicide Initiative, learn how to Virtual Event – Sheer Joy: Conversations with Pangan, Ph. D, RDN; for those who… Our Lady of the Hickory Gardens Family Restaurant, Tue Apr 2
help someone experiencing a mental health crisis… Thomas Aquinas on Creation Spirituality, Prairie Retreat, 10am Fri Apr 26
Moline Public Library, 4:30pm Thu Mar 28 renowned theologian Matthew Fox ‘interviews’
Thomas Aquinas in a provocative… Our Lady of the Chakradance: A Sacred Movement Practice for
Stations of the Cross, featuring area actors; be Prairie Retreat, 6pm Thu Apr 18 Your Soul, led by Lindsay R. Bodenhofer; embody Midwest Corvettes Club Monthly Meeting, join us to
a witness to the last day… Our Lady of the Prairie your true essence and… Our Lady of the Prairie discuss Corvettes, friends, and community … Eriksen
Retreat, 2pm Fri Mar 29 CSI: Ancient Egypt - True Crime, Ancient Egyptian Retreat, 9am Sat Apr 27 Chevrolet - Milan, 6:30pm Tue Apr 2
Style!, Onnica Marquez, St. Ambrose University
Community Conversations: Library Strategic archivist and assistant professor, will… Bettendorf World Affairs Council of the Quad Cities, program Bettendorf City Council Meeting, recorded meetings can
Planning, free; for information, call 309-732-7323… Public Library, 1pm Sat Apr 20 with Dr. Brett Billman, Department of Communication, be seen at or City’s Cable… Bettendorf City
Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, St. Ambrose University;… Bettendorf Public Library, Hall, 7pm Tue Apr 2 and Tue Apr 16
10:30am Sat Mar 30 Be Your Own Boss. Entrepreneur Tools, Tricks and 7pm Tue Apr 30
Tips from SBDC & SCORE, join Sunlight Apothecary’s Silvis City Council Meeting, held on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday
Cooking with Catalina: Cactus SaladNopales con owner, Rebecca Sebastian, for a morning of… of each month;… Silvis City Hall, 6:30pm Tue Apr 2 and Tue

Huevos, join Catalina as she cooks up a traditional Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, Apr 16
Mexican dish;… Silvis Public Library, 5:30pm Mon 5pm Mon Apr 22
Apr 1 Coal Valley City Hall Meeting, held on the first and third
Handy at Home: No More Flooding, learn about Scott County Board of Supervisors Regular Wednesdays of each month;… Coal Valley Village Hall, 6pm
Iowa Harm Reduction Coalition Quad Cities, Iowa adjustments that can keep rain water outside where… Meeting, activities may include voting on actions Wed Apr 3
Harm Reduction Coalition Quad Cities will give us Butterworth Center, 6pm Mon Apr 22 and conducting public hearings;… Scott County
an… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, 6pm Administrative Center, 5pm Thu Mar 28 Davenport City Council Committee of the Whole
Mon Apr 1 Job Searching with Black Hawk College, resented Meeting, the Davenport City Council meets on the first and
by Angela Striegel, Career Planning and Placement Bettendorf City Council Committee of the third… Davenport City Hall, 5:30pm Wed Apr 3 and Wed
Drop-in Computer Skills & Job Search Assistance Coordinator at… Rock Island Public Library - Watts- Whole Meeting, recorded meetings can be seen at Apr 17
w/ Goodwill of the Heartland, on Tuesdays; receive Midtown Branch, 11am Mon Apr 22 or City’s Cable… Bettendorf City Hall,
one-on-one assistance from a representative from 5pm Mon Apr 1 and Mon Apr 15
Goodwill… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Continued On Page 24
Library, 4:30pm Tue Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30

Illinois Libraries Present – Dr. Temple Grandin: The of Eligibility (DOE) form when voting in- and administrative policy. All political
Hidden Gifts of Visual Thinkers, a special event with
Dr. Grandin, one of the world’s… Rock Island Public
Unrepresented Again person on election day, or an absentee ballot and administrative efforts relative to the
envelope signature, to that voter’s registra- public’s interests are subordinate to those
Library - Downtown Library, 7pm Wed Apr 3 Continued from Page 10 tion signature on file. However, iPad tablet of the new “Inverted Democracy” agenda,
Illinois Libraries Present: Virtual Visit with Dr. pollbooks will also replace the paper DOE
Temple Grandin, Dr. Temple Grandin will share on mostly replaced with measures that include
industry. form required for casting an in-person ballot
the gifts of neurodiversity;… Silvis Public Library, 7pm ever stricter limitations and control over
Wed Apr 3 2) Tenex’s substantially higher price on election day, because these signatures will Americans.
compared to IPAC, and two other vendors, now be captured on iPad tablets and we all
Spoken Word Class with Narrative QC, join Inverted Democracy is a redefinition of
NarrativeQC’s poet, teacher, & TEDx Davenport ES&S and Knowink pricing, in what appears know how dissimilar our digital signature Democracy itself. Democracy has gone
presenter Chris Britton… Rock Island Public Library - to be a violation of Iowa Code that mandates is to our written cursive paper signatures.
Watts-Midtown Branch, 6pm Wed Apr 3 from “consensus of a sovereign people” to
competitive bidding, as well as awarding What will replace this reliable means of “consensus of the institutions that comprise
Scott County Iowa Genealogical Society: contracts to the lowest bidder unless there voter verification once written signatures
Passenger Lists and Naturalization Records with a Democracy.” This definition was explained
Schar Blevins, Blevins will educate us on passenger
is a specific service issue. Auditor Tompkins can no longer be compared to digital during Tucker Carlson’s interview with
lists and naturalization records… Davenport Public claimed she had service issues with IPAC, a signatures?
Library - Main Branch, 1pm Sat Apr 6 Mike Benz, founder of Foundation for Free-
claim that Executive Director of IPAC Wil-
dom Online, who is considered the foremost
Tea Blending Workshop with Sunlight liam Peterson politely refuted, and for which
Apothocary, in this hands on workshop, learn about Republican Politicians’ and Bureau- expert in censorship online.
IPAC service call logs do not support.
tea blending and explore… Bettendorf Public Library, crats’ Fierce Resistance to Investi- This is further evidenced by the censor-
10am Sat Apr 6 3) The fast-tracking of the Tenex purchase,
ship and surveillance industrial complex,
despite requests from the public to slow this gations and Analysis of Their States’
How to Print Your “Argus Crossword” from comprised of social-media platforms, legacy
NewsBank Workshop, the workshop will show you election system purchase roll to address and Counties’ Election Systems,
media, private oligarchical corporations,
how you can extract coveted… Rock Island Public legitimate concerns voiced in the November Including Data and Equipment, Sig-
Library - Downtown Library, 2pm Mon Apr 8 and NGOs that do for government agencies
21, 2023, Scott County Board of Supervi- nals Something Odiferous Afoot what it cannot lawfully do on its own. This
History with the Rock Island Arsenal, join the Army sors combined Committee of the Whole Another troubling anomaly relative to
Sustainment Command Historians as they explore burgeoning censorship complex has infected
and Regular Meetings. It was here that the elections is the resolute resistance to inves-
the… Rock Island Public Library - Downtown Library, our Republic not just from domestic fronts,
2pm Wed Apr 10 public’s concerns and questions were met tigations of election systems that occurred but also from global ones. Which means the
with indifference and unresponsiveness by in nearly every state where election irregu-
Rock Island Arsenal ASC Series: Civil War History, a most important front to stand our ground
discussion of the first shots and opening months to… both Auditor Tompkins and the five County larities were excessive – the GOP leadership is local.
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, Supervisors, after which they unanimously being the worst offenders. There is no ratio-
6pm Wed Apr 10 We know intuitively that the unprec-
approved the purchase they obviously knew nal explanation other than these Republican edented level of government interference,
Spice it Up: Spice and Seasoning Class, leading you precious little about. party politicians must also benefit. And if
will be Chef Elly, world traveler, Executive Chef… East especially relative to elections past and
Exploring Tenex’s Web site revealed that we are honest, this is true in both political
Moline Public Library, 5:30pm Wed Apr 10 present, is shocking and unsustainable in
its pollbooks do include internet connectiv- party’s directions.
Celebrating History – Crash Course in Genealogy our particular Constitutional Republic that
ity, evidenced in their messaging as follows, It goes along way in explaining the
with the Scott County Iowa Genealogical Society, expressly protects every one of us individual
this class is being presented by members of the “[Tenex’s] The Precinct Central software absorption of liberal Democrats and con- types against such government intrusions.
Scott… Silvis Public Library, 2pm Fri Apr 12 connects to the Precinct Central Console, servative Republicans into what has become Why, again? One more time, together:
Money Smart Week, Jaime Ragins from the Midwest a Web-based .net application that allows a progressive Uniparty. A political parlay Because America is not a Democracy – it
Financial Network and the Society… Davenport Public elections staff to remotely monitor touchpad” emphasized, underscored, and highlighted
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Mon Apr 15 is Republic with a founding Constitution
This means Auditor Tompkins and staff by the blatant lack of representation of under the rule of law that expressly provides
Pathways to the Divine, we will highlight a different can monitor the pollbooks from afar, while constituents in 21st-century politics and
faith practice, listen to their… First Church of Christ, a four corners blueprint by which a repre-
at her office miles away from the precinct governance.
Scientist, 6pm Mon Apr 15 sentative democratic system is tasked with
polling locations. ( We feel unrepresented because we are no
QCMade: Zero Waste Reserve, learn how a “refillery” managing the people’s interests, as opposed
election-system/tenex-precinct-central) longer represented.
works as well as the benefits… Davenport Public to the special interests of their donors and
Library - Main Branch, 6pm Mon Apr 15 Additionally, one of the best practices We the people are no longer at the table, themselves that has become their 21st-cen-
for verifying voters is comparing a voter’s let alone a significant variable in any of the tury modus operandi.
written signature on the paper Declaration political equations that inform legislation
24 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.

Line Dancing, on Thursdays; membership is $160 a year

or $15 every… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 10am thru
Thu Apr 25

Billiards, Mon.-Fri.; membership is $160 a year or $15 every

Rock Island City Council Meeting, Public Comment is month;… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 8am thru Tue
held at the beginning of City Council… Rock Island City Hall, Apr 30
GO FUND HER • April 9, 2024 March 5 Answers: Page 19 6:45pm Mon Apr 8 and Mon Apr 22
Milestones AAA Meal Site, Mon.-Fri; meals must be
Moline City Council Committee of the Whole reserved 24 to 48 hours in… CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
Meeting / Regular Meeting, meets in Council 11:30am thru Tue Apr 30
Chambers; the formal City Council meeting is… Moline City
Hall, 6pm Tue Apr 9 and Tue Apr 23 Adult Coloring, on Fridays; membership is $160 a year or
$15 every… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 10am thru Fri
Riverdale City Council Meeting, held on the 2nd and 4th Apr 26
Tuesday of the month;… Riverdale City Hall, 7pm Tue Apr 9
and Tue Apr 23 Euchre, on Wed. & Fri.; membership is $160 a year or… CASI
(Center for Active Seniors), 12:45pm thru Fri Apr 26
Scott County Board of Supervisors Committee of the
Whole Meeting, the board will review legislative actions, Friday Bingo, on Fridays; membership is $160 a year or $15
administrative items, and contracts; for… Scott County every month;… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm thru
Administrative Center, 8pm Tue Apr 9 and Tue Apr 23 Fri Apr 26

Historical Society Meeting, meeting upstairs, all Golden Tones Chorus Practice, on Fridays; sing along
welcome; free; for information, call 309-523-3440… River to some classical memories; membership is $160… CASI
Valley District Library, 7pm Wed Apr 10 (Center for Active Seniors), 9am thru Fri Apr 26

Rock Island Committee of the Whole Meeting, held on Second Avenue Players Senior Theatre, on Fridays; bring
the 2nd Wednesday of the month (subject to… Rock Island your theatrical side to CASI’s senior theater… CASI (Center
County Office Building, 5:30pm Wed Apr 10 for Active Seniors), 10:30am thru Fri Apr 26

Davenport City Council Meeting, the Davenport City Zumba Gold, on Fridays; membership is $160 a year or $15
Council meets on the first and third… Davenport City Hall, every… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 10:15am thru Fri
5:30pm Wed Apr 10 and Wed Apr 24 Apr 26

Bettendorf Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting, Bridge, on Mondays & Fridays; membership is $160 a year
free; for information, call 563-344-4175… Bettendorf Public or… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 11:30am thru Mon
Library, 5pm Thu Apr 11 Apr 29

Hob Nosh 2024, sip, taste, and mingle with over 50 food, CASI Walking Club, on Mon., Wed., and Fri.; membership
beverage and… Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention is $160 a year… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 8am thru
Center, 5pm Thu Apr 11 Mon Apr 29

Moline Public Library Board Meeting, agendas are Low Impact Exercise, Mon., Wed., & Fri. 9-10am, Tue. 11am-
available prior to the meetings, minutes are available… 2pm, Thu. 11am-noon; membership… CASI (Center for
Moline Public Library, noon Thu Apr 11 Active Seniors), thru Tue Apr 30

Scott County Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, Bell Choir, on Mondays; membership is $160 a year or $15
activities may include voting on actions and conducting every… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 10am Mon Apr 1
public hearings;… Scott County Administrative Center, 5pm thru Mon Apr 29
Thu Apr 11 and Thu Apr 25
Shuffleboard, on Mondays; membership is $160 a year or
Rock Island County Board Regular Meeting, all meetings $15 every month;… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm
are open to the public, but may be… Rock Island County Mon Apr 1 thru Mon Apr 29
Office Building, 5:30pm Tue Apr 16
ACROSS 79. Seed cover 9. Salad plant 64. Ho-hum Ugly Quilts, on Mondays; volunteer group; no sewing
1. Kind of follower 80. _ contendere 10. Islamic title 65. "Exodus" author Rock Island Public Library Monthly Board of Trustees experience necessary; membership is $160… CASI (Center
5. _ citato 81. Beak part 11. Actor _ Linden 66. Lessen for young Meeting, free; for information, call 309-732-7323… Rock for Active Seniors), 9am Mon Apr 1 thru Mon Apr 29
10. Shave sheep 82. Blusher 12. "Time Machine" learners Island Public Library - Downtown Library, 5pm Tue Apr 16
15. Outback 83. "League of race 67. Fear Zumba Toning, on Mondays; membership is $160 a year
19. Affirm Legends" queen 13. "Thanks _ _!" 68. "La Traviata" Coal Valley City Council Meeting, held on the first and or $15 every month;… CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
20. Nostrils 84. Soft drink 14. Corrected composer third Wednesdays of each month;… Coal Valley Village Hall, 10:15am Mon Apr 1 thru Mon Apr 29
21. Actress _ Berry 85. Somewhat blue 15. European peninsula 69. Girl in Cleveland 6pm Wed Apr 17
22. English queen 86. Ground 16. Sloth 72. Reduce to ashes Coffee & Conversations, senior citizens of retirement ages
23. Retread 87. Dingle 17. Clip 73. Lasso loop Rock Island Public Library Board Community & are invited to stop in… Bettendorf Public Library, 9am Tue
24. Unbroken horse: 88. Gone up 18. Olympian queen 74. Tin Pan _ Planning Committee Meeting, free; for information, call Apr 2
Var. 89. Part 4 of quip: 28. Buds 75. Cash advance 309-732-7323… Rock Island Public Library - Watts-Midtown
25. Standoffish 4 wds. 30. Unhinged soliloquy 77. "Star Trek" Branch, 4:30pm Thu Apr 18 Red Hat Ladies Club, meeting locations vary; for
26. Gang's hideout 94. Egg: Prefix 32. _ _ even keel antagonists information, call 563-386-7477… CASI (Center for Active
27. Highway crossing 95. Spin 34. Dashboard 78. A chordophone Milan-Blackhawk Area Public Library District Board Seniors), 11am Tue Apr 2
29. Timetable abbr. 96. _ -memoire indicators 79. Indigenous Alaskan Meeting, free; for information, call 309-732-7323… Rock
31. Start of a quip by 97. End of the quip: 35. Candidate 82. Sane Island Public Library - Southwest Branch, 4pm Thu Apr 25 Canasta, on Tuesdays; membership is $160 a year or $15
Ruth Buzzi: 4 wds. 3 wds. 37. Cut 83. Extend every… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Tue Apr 2
33. Facilitate 102. Work unit 38. Bay window 86. Deadly sin thru Tue Apr 30
34. Empty 103. Intelligentsia 39. Heat: Prefix 87. Growl
36. Genetic messenger
37. Part 2 of quip:
107. Jewish month
108. Conventional
40. Libertine
41. Animal class
88. Went on
90. Misgivings
HEALTH Chair-Based Exercise, on Tuesdays; membership is $160
a year or $15 every… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9am
5 wds. 110. Quick on the 42. Trojan War story 91. Puts into office Art & Meditation: Yin Yoga, Fridays thru Apr. 19; a three- Tue Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30
44. Inventory uptake 43. Gall 92. Called to session class that links art… Figge Art Museum, 6pm Fri
45. Marching order 112. Chester _ Arthur 44. "Hold on!" 93. Bishops' hats Apr 5 Knitting & Crocheting, on Tuesdays; volunteer group;
46. Expert 113. Shed 48. Letters 97. Manageable membership is $160 a year or… CASI (Center for Active
47. "_ bygones ..." 114. Leaning 50. Woody plant 98. Woodwind Pathways to Peace: 20 Visualizations to Enhance Your Seniors), 12:30pm Tue Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30
49. Vegas hotel 115. Hourglass 51. Rend 99. Tab Yoga Practice, led by Dianne Willging; learn to integrate
50. Commemorative 116. Result of good 52. Fer-de- _ 100. Part of NB guided meditation and… Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat, Senior Technology Clinic, on Tuesdays; with expert Mike
pillar service 53. Haggard title 101. Arab VIP 1:30pm Sat Apr 27 Shinbori; bring your Apple and… CASI (Center for Active
52. Gave a thumbs-up 117. Morays 56. Primp 103. Bean type Seniors), noon Tue Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30
53. Your majesty 118. _ and penates 57. Drink in long drafts 104. Inter _
54. Currier and _ 119. Minced oath 59. Pierce 105. Bugle call
55. A possessive
56. Clear squares
120. Word in place
60. "Six _ _, half
dozen ..."
106. Part of MIT: Abbr.
109. _ -de-France
SENIORS Step into Balance: Balance & Strength, on Tuesdays; half-
hour exercise class with Logan Anderson, owner of… CASI
(Center for Active Seniors), 1pm Tue Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30
57. Tonsorial service 61. Set of steps 111. Band's booking Bob Gaston New Horizons Band Practice, on Thursdays;
58. Wire DOWN 63. Some journeys membership is $160 a year or $15 every month;… CASI Therapeutic Movement with Logan Anderson, on
60. River in France 1. Roman statesman (Center for Active Seniors), 12:30pm thru Thu Apr 25 Tuesdays; membership is $160 a year or $15 every… CASI
61. Scandinavians 2. Tel _ (Center for Active Seniors), 2pm Tue Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30
62. Part 3 of quip: 3. Simple
4 wds. 4. Beta version New Crossword Puzzles Card Embroidery, on Thursdays; learn how to create fun
embroidery greeting cards; membership… CASI (Center Zumba Gold, on Tuesdays and Thursdays; membership is
66. Term in grammar 5. Aboard, in baseball: and Answer Keys for Active Seniors), 9am thru Thu Apr 25 $160 a year or… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 9am Tue
70. Sole 2 wds.
71. First 6. Interstellar distance posted EVERY week at Hand and Foot, on Thursdays; membership is $160 a year
Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30
76. Alla _ 7. Love god or $15 every month;… CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
77. Go on and off 8. Kidney, in anatomy 1pm thru Thu Apr 25 Continued On Page 26
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 25

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY New Columns Weekly at By Rob Brezsny

ARIES (March 21-April 19): In the CANCER (June 21-July 22): For a lim- and needed; a constructive relationship with wise to enjoy a brief period of delightful emptiness
coming days, your hunger will be so ited time only, you have permission from obsession; more power to accomplish the half- and relaxing dormancy. As Buddhist teacher
inexhaustible that you may feel driven to the cosmos to be a wildly charismatic right thing when it’s hard to do the totally right Sylvia Boorstein recommends, “Don’t just do
devour extravagant amounts of food and egomaniac who brags incessantly and thing; the disposal of 85 percent of the psychic something! Sit there!”
drink. It’s possible you will gain 10 pounds in a insists on getting your selfish needs met at all trash left over from the time between 2018 and
very short time. Who knows? You might even times and in all places. Please feel free to have 2023; and a provocative new invitation to tran- AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18):
enter an extreme eating contest and devour 46 maximum amounts of narcissistic fun, Cancerian! scend an outworn old taboo. APRIL FOOL! The In accordance with current astrological
dozen oysters in 10 minutes! APRIL FOOL! APRIL FOOL! I was exaggerating a bit, hoping to truth is, I can’t possibly supply every one of you omens, I suggest you get the book Brain
Although what I just said is remotely plausible, I offer you medicinal encouragement so you will with these fine offerings, so please bestow them on Surgery for Beginners by Steven Parker and David
foresee that you will sublimate your exorbitant stop being so damn humble and self-effacing all yourself. Luckily, the cosmic currents will con- West. You now have the power to learn and even
hunger. You will realize it is spiritual in nature and the time. But the truth is, now is indeed an excel- spire with you to make these things happen. master complex new skills, and this would be a
can’t be gratified by eating food. As you explore lent time to assert your authority, expand your excellent place to start. APRIL FOOL! I was half-
your voracious longings, you will hopefully dis- clout, and flaunt your potency and sovereignty. SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): kidding. I don’t really think you should take a scal-
cover a half-hidden psychological need you have Now would be an excellent time to seek pel to the gray matter of your friends and family
been suppressing. And then you will liberate that LEO (July 23-August 22): Michael Scott liposuction, a face lift, Botox, buttocks members – or yourself, for that matter. But I am
need and feed it what it craves! was a character in the TV sitcom The augmentation, or hair transplants. quite certain that you currently have an enhanced
Office. He was the boss of a paper com- Cosmic rhythms will be on your side if you change power to learn and even master new skills. It’s time
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus pany. Played by Leo actor Steve Carell, he how you look. APRIL FOOL! Everything I just said to raise your educational ambitions to a higher
novelist Lionel Shriver writes, “There’s a was notoriously self-centered and obnoxious. was a lie. I’ve got nothing against cosmetic surgery, octave. Find out what lessons and training you
freedom in apathy, a wild, dizzying lib- However, there was one famous scene I will urge but now is not the right time to alter your appear- need most, then make plans to get them.
eration on which you can almost get you to emulate. He was asked if he would rather be ance. Here’s the correct oracle: Shed your dis-
drunk.” In accordance with astrological omens, I feared or loved. He replied, “Um, easy, both. I want guises, stop hiding anything about who you really PISCES (February 19-March 20):
recommend you experiment with Shriver’s strat- people to be afraid of how much they love me.” Be are, and show how proud you are of your In the religious beliefs of Louisiana
egy in the coming weeks. APRIL FOOL! I lied. In like Michael Scott, Leo! APRIL FOOL! i was half- idiosyncrasies. Voodoo, one God presides over the uni-
fact, Lionel Shriver’s comment is one of the dumb- kidding. It’s true I’m quite excited by the likeli- verse but never meddles in the details of life. There
est thoughts I have ever heard. Why would anyone hood that you will receive floods of love in the SAGITTARIUS (November 22-Decem- are also many spirits who are always intervening
want the cheap, damaged liberation that comes coming weeks. It’s also true that I think you should ber 21): I command you to love Jesus and and tinkering, intimately involved in the daily
from feeling indifferent, numb, and passionless? do everything possible to boost this likelihood. Buddha! If you don’t, you will burn in rhythm. They might do nice things for people or
Please do all you can to disrupt and dissolve any But I would rather that people be amazed and Hell! APRIL FOOL! I was just kidding. I play tricks on them – and everything in between.
attraction you may have to that state, Taurus. In pleased at how much they love you, not afraid. was being sensationalistic to grab your attention. In alignment with current astrological omens, I
my opinion, you now have a sacred duty to culti- Here’s my real, true oracle for you: Love every- urge you to convert to the Louisiana Voodoo reli-
vate extra helpings of enthusiasm, zeal, liveliness, VIRGO (August 23-September 22): body, including Jesus and Buddha. And I mean gion and try ingenious strategies to get the spirits
and ambition. Now would be an excellent time for you love them all twice as strong and wild and tender. to do your bidding. APRIL FOOL! I don’t really
to snag a Sugar Daddy or Sugar Momma The cosmic powers ask it of you! The health of your think you should convert. However, I believe it
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): At enor- or Sugar NonBinary Nurturer. The astro- immortal soul depends on it! Yes, Sagittarius, for would be fun and righteous for you to proceed as
mous cost and after years of study, I have logical omens are telling me that life is expanding your own selfish sake, you need to pour out more if spirits are everywhere – and assume that you
finally figured out the meaning of life, at its willingness and capacity to provide you with adoration and care and compassion than you ever have the power to harness them to work on your
least as it applies to you Geminis. Unfor- help, support, and maybe even extra cash. I dare have before. I’m not exaggerating! Be a lavish behalf.
tunately, I won’t be able to reveal it to you unless you to dangle yourself as bait and sell your soul to Fountain of Love!
you send me $1,000 and a case of Veuve Clicquot the highest bidder. APRIL FOOL! I was half-kid- Homework: Speak aloud as you tell yourself the
champagne. I’ve got to recoup my investment, ding. While I do believe it’s prime time to ask for CAPRICORN (December 22-January many ways you are wonderful. Visit FreeWillAs-
right?! APRIL FOOL! Most of what I just said was and receive more help, support, and extra cash, I 19): If you gave me permission, I would
a dirty lie. It’s true that I have worked hard to don’t believe you will have to sell your soul to get cast a spell to arouse in you a case of ergo-
uncover the meaning of life for you Geminis. But any of it. Just be yourself! phobia, i.e., an aversion to work. I think
I haven’t found it yet. And even if I did, I would of you need to take a sweet sabbatical from doing Go to to check out Rob Brezsny’s
course provide it to you free. Luckily, you are now LIBRA (September 23-October 22): business as usual. APRIL FOOL! I was just joking EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES
in a prime position to make dramatic progress in Happy Unbirthday, Libra! It’s that time about casting a spell on you. But I do wish you & DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES
deciphering the meaning of life for yourself. halfway between your last birthday and would indulge in a lazy, do-nothing retreat. If you The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at
your next. Here are the presents I plan to want your ambitions to thrive later, you will be 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-77
give you: a boost in your receptivity to be loved
26 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.

THEATRE Teen Poetry Contest, Quad City area students in grades

6-12 can… Moline Public Library, Mon Apr 1 thru Mon
Seniors Apr 15
Come from Away Tales for Tots, on Mondays; an enriching activity time for
Bunco, on Wednesdays; membership is $160 a year or $15 children ages birth… Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Mon
Tuesday, April 23, 7:30 p.m. every… CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 2pm Wed Apr 3 Apr 1 thru Mon Apr 22
Adler Theatre, 136 East Third Street, Davenport IA thru Wed Apr 24
Teen Library Council’s Gardens Tote Bag Sale, purchase
TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly Weight-Loss a tote designed and made by… Moline Public Library, Mon
Support Group), on Wednesdays; membership is $160 a Apr 1 thru Fri Apr 26
year or $15 every month;… CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
11:30am Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24 Build-A-Droid Art Contest, build your own droid using
any medium… Moline Public Library, Mon Apr 1 thru Sat
T’ai Chi Ch’un, on Wednesdays; membership is $160 a Apr 27
year or $15 every month;… CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
10:15am Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24 Lapsit Storytime, on Mondays; a special storytime for
babies who are not… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
Wednesday Bingo, on Wednesdays; 5pm doors, $10 card Street Branch, 10am Mon Apr 1 thru Mon Apr 29
pack minimum purchase; cash prizes… CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 6pm Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24 Little Movers Storytime, Mondays at 9:30 & 10:45am; or
kids ages 0 to… Moline Public Library, Mon Apr 1 thru Mon
Caregivers Support Group, on the 1st & 3rd Thu. of the Apr 29
month; membership is… CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
4:30pm Thu Apr 4 Family Storytime: Unicorns, we’re exploring unicorns
with stories, songs, and a fun take-home… LeClaire
Senior Activities and Socializing, seniors in the LeClaire Community Library, 6pm Tue Apr 2
area are invited for socializing, activities,… LeClaire
Community Library, 10am Tue Apr 9 Teen Tuesday: Magnetic Poetry, join us at the library
as we make magnetic poetry; free;… Silvis Public Library,
Rules of the Road Class, Nancy Johnson, associated with 6:30pm Tue Apr 2
AARP and the Office of the… Moline Public Library, 1:30pm
Thu Apr 18 Preschool Storytime, Tue.-Fri.; ages 3-5 are invited to
attend these 30 minute… Bettendorf Public Library, 10am
Senior Social Services Fair, designed to provide Tue Apr 2 thru Fri Apr 26

information from all areas of social services… CASI (Center
for Active Seniors), 2pm Tue Apr 23 Tired Parents with Babies, on Tuesdays; join other new
auded by the New York Times as a Away,” “Screech In”); as stated in Enter- parents to talk about daily… Davenport Public Library -
Memory Circle, join us for crafts, games, activities, Eastern Avenue Branch, 6pm Tue Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30
“big bearhug of a musical” in which tainment Weekly, ​​​​​​​“In 100 heartwarming conversation, and more; free;… Bettendorf Public Library,
“even the most stalwart cynics may minutes, the show sets the best aspects 10:30am Tue Apr 30 Walkers and Wigglers Storytime, on Tuesdays; we’ll sing
songs, dance, and read fun stories; all… Davenport Public
have trouble staying dry-eyed,” the Tony of human nature to infectious Celtic Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 10am Tue Apr 2 thru Tue
Award-winning Come from Away makes folk and Broadway rock. “The Islanders KIDS’ STUFF Apr 30

its Quad Cities debut when the show’s are distinguished from the Plane People Weekly Teen Book Talk, on Tuesdays; go to the library’s
Movers & Shakers Storytime, preschoolers and their Facebook page and check… Rock Island Public Library -
national tour lands at Davenport’s Adler by their use of a Newfoundland dialect, grownup can join us in… Moline Public Library, 9:30am Thu Downtown Library, 3:45pm Tue Apr 2 thru Tue Apr 30
Mar 28
Theatre on April 23, this 2017 entertain- which they point out in “Welcome to the After School Kids Lab: No-Sew Socktopus, create
ment also hailed by Broadway World as Rock.” Along with acting out the events Skill Builder Storytime, designed especially to give a stuffed octopus using just stuffing, string, and a…
children access to opportunities that… Davenport Public Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm Wed Apr 3
“inspiring, funny, and kick-ass beautiful.” of the four days, the show’s characters Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 10am Thu Mar 28
A seven-time Tony nominee that step out from the story to narrate the Book Talk: Teen Book Club, discuss popular books you’ve
Tales for Tots, an enriching activity time for children ages seen trending on social media platforms… East Moline
won for Christopher Ashley’s direc- events, and the staging is intention- birth… Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm Thu Mar 28 Public Library, 4pm Wed Apr 3
tion, Come from Away chronicles the ally minimalist, making innovative Teen SFX Makeup Workshop with Victoria House, join Sew Fun! Fish Drawstring Bags, swim your way over
real-life experiences of the people of use of only a few tables and 12 chairs to Miss Amber as we learn the storytelling behind special… to the Children’s Department to create… Moline Public
Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6pm Library, 5pm Wed Apr 3
Gander, Newfoundland, and the almost represent airplanes, buses, and various Thu Mar 28
Teen Time - Unwind: DIY Fidgets, this week’s theme is
7,000 airline passengers who were forced locations within Gander. Preschool Storytime, ages 3-5 are invited to attend these Unwind and we will make different… Moline Public Library,
to land there when U.S. air space was After enjoying record-breaking runs 30 minute… Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Fri Mar 29 2:30pm Wed Apr 3
closed on September 11, 2001. Twelve at the La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego, Teen ’90s Night, join us for trivia, games, music and more; Teen Anime Club, join us as we watch Japanese Animation,
actors tell the story of both the Island- California, and the Seattle Repertory feel free… East Moline Public Library, 4pm Fri Mar 29 have snacks, and… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount
Street Branch, 6pm Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 17
ers and what become known as the Theatre in 2015, as well as at the Ford’s Toddler Tales @ Watts-Midtown Branch, young children
and their caregivers are invited to… Rock Island Public Little Makers, on Wednesdays; join us and make a new
Plane People, revealing the fear and Theatre in Washington, D.C., and the Library - Watts-Midtown Branch, 10:30am Fri Mar 29 project each… Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue
uncertainty that came with the ter- Royal Alexandra Theatre in Toronto Branch, 4pm Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24
Book Buddies (Sensory Session): Space, join Mrs.
rorist attacks – as well as the profound in 2016, Come from Away opened on Katelynn at the Silvis Public Library where your baby,… Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; enjoy gaming on the
Silvis Public Library, 10am Sat Mar 30 Switch, playing Roblox on… Davenport Public Library -
generosity and compassion of strangers. Broadway at the Gerald Schoenfeld Fairmount Street Branch, 4pm Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24
While some characters and stories are Theatre on March 12, 2017 and became Child’s Play | Create : Explore : Experience, a 15-minute
storytime complete with books rhymes and… Bettendorf Toddler Tales @ Southwest Branch, on Wednesdays; ages
an amalgamation of several people and a critical and box-office success. A live Public Library, 10am Sat Mar 30 0-5 and their caregivers are invited to enjoy… Rock Island
experiences, others are grounded in real- recording of the production was released Public Library - Southwest Branch, 11am Wed Apr 3 thru
Lego Club, enjoy a morning of free building; free; for Wed Apr 24
life individuals, such as Captain Beverly on September 10, 2021, on the eve of the information, call… Bettendorf Public Library, 11:30am Sat
Mar 30 Walkers & Wigglers Storytime, on Wednesdays; we’ll
Bass, the first female captain for Ameri- 20th anniversary of the attacks, while sing songs, dance, and read fun stories;… Davenport Public
can Airlines; Kevin Tuerff and Kevin the Broadway production closed on Lego Club: Bridge Challenge, join Mrs. Katelynn at the Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 10am Wed Apr 3 thru
library to see who can… Silvis Public Library, 2pm Sat Mar Wed Apr 24
Jung; a couple from Los Angeles; and October 2 after playing 25 previews and 30
Young Adult Role Playing-Club, on Wednesdays; bring
Nick and Diane, who first met in Gander 1,669 regular performances. Make Believe Monday, for ages 4-8; work at a grocery your party members and dice; free; for… Bettendorf Public
and went on to fall in love. Come from Away brings its national store, a coffee… Davenport Public Library - Main Branch, Library, 1pm Wed Apr 3 thru Wed Apr 24
4pm Mon Apr 1
With its book, music, and lyrics by tour to Davenport on April 23, admis- Family Storytime: Rainy Days, join Mrs. Katelynn at the
Irene Sankoff and David Hein, the Come sion to the 7:30 p.m. musical is $43-93, The Nest Book Club, we’ll not only take part in a storytime Silvis Public Library for this… Silvis Public Library, 6pm Thu
and activity,… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Apr 4
From Away score blends both traditional and tickets are available by calling Branch, 2pm Mon Apr 1
Monster Society Presents: Mythical Creatures of
musical theatre styles (“Me and the Sky,” (800)745-3000 and visiting Yoga and Stories, experience your favorite stories told Mexico, for ages 8 to 12; an elite secret group whose…
“Stop the World”) as well as traditional along with Yoga poses; best… Bettendorf Public Library, Davenport Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 4pm
6:30pm Mon Apr 1 Thu Apr 4
Newfoundland orchestrations (“Heave
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 27
PNG Cooking: Grains, learn about nutrition and cook an
entire meal with the… Moline Public Library, 5pm Thu Apr
PNG Nahant Marsh presents: Skulls & Furs, students will
be introduced to the habitats, food sources, and… Moline
4 Public Library, 6pm Wed Apr 10

Reading Assistance Dogs, children have the opportunity Petite Picassos @ Southwest Branch, for ages 5 and Morgan Wade
to read aloud to dogs from… Bettendorf Public Library,
6pm Thu Apr 4
under with caretaker; toddlers can use… Rock Island Public
Library - Southwest Branch, 11am Wed Apr 10
Tuesday, April 30, 8 p.m.
Take Home Workshop: Mini Ribbon Board, post photos Teen Fandom Club: Fantasy Rice Maps, join us at the
Capitol Theatre, 330 West Third Street, Davenport IA
or to-do lists anywhere with a mini ribbon… Bettendorf library as we make fantasy rice… Silvis Public Library,
Public Library, 10am Thu Apr 4 6:30pm Wed Apr 10

Teen Advisory Board, teens can share ideas to help Teen Time: Anime Club, discuss manga and anime, enjoy
improve book orders, displays,… LeClaire Community snacks, and play a game… Moline Public Library, 2:30pm
Library, 5pm Thu Apr 4 Wed Apr 10

Movers & Shakers Storytime, on Thursdays; preschoolers Big/Little Bookclub, book club for Littles (kids in 3rd
and their grownup can join us in… Moline Public Library, through 5th grade)… Davenport Public Library - Eastern
9:30am Thu Apr 4 thru Thu Apr 25 Avenue Branch, 6:30pm Thu Apr 11

Skill Builder Storytime, on Thursdays; designed especially CreaTEEN Crafts: Potion Bottle Necklaces, create Potion
to give children access to opportunities that… Davenport Bottle Necklaces; ages 8+ are recommended; free; for
Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 10am Thu Apr 4 information,… LeClaire Community Library, 5pm Thu Apr
thru Thu Apr 25 11

Tales for Tots, on Thursdays; an enriching activity time for Creativity Lab: Tie-Dye Watercolor Butterflies, grades
children ages birth… Bettendorf Public Library, 6:30pm K-5 will explore a different artistic medium and project…
Thu Apr 4 thru Thu Apr 25 Moline Public Library, 6pm Thu Apr 11

Out of This World Sensory Bins, jump into a messy Family Storytime: Library Card Holder, join Mrs. Katelynn
sensory experience with your little one;… Davenport Public at the Silvis Public Library for this… Silvis Public Library,
Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 10am Fri Apr 5 6pm Thu Apr 11

Teen Library Council, join us for a meeting to discuss PNG Cooking: Dairy, learn about nutrition and cook an
upcoming events, play… East Moline Public Library, 4pm entire meal with the… Moline Public Library, 5pm Thu Apr ouring in support of her most point.”
Fri Apr 5 11 recent album Psychopath, a top-10 In conjunction with the album’s
LEAD Fridays @ Watts-Midtown Branch, Rock Island Storytime with QC CAN Therapy Dogs, welcome back Billboard hit that No Depression release, “Wilder Days” was released to
Public Library introduction, services, collections, library some furry guests from QC CAN for National… LeClaire said “highlights her broadening range radio as the album’s first single, a song
cards and… Eugene Field Elementary School, 11:15am Fri Community Library, 4pm Fri Apr 12
Apr 5 thru Fri Apr 19 and skillful integrations of country, that led Billy Dukes of Taste of Country
Teen Debate Night, debate your favorite topics, which
Stories @ Main, on Fridays; join us for dancing, shaking, can be serious, silly, and… East Moline Public Library, 4pm rock, and pop elements,” rising country to described Wade’s vocal presence as a
and stories; this storytime… Davenport Public Library - Fri Apr 12 star Morgan Wade headlines an April 30 “hardened Sheryl Crow,” with the tune
Main Branch, 10am Fri Apr 5 thru Fri Apr 26
Toddler Kanopy Playtime, tailored to ages 0-PreK; watch concert at Davenport’s Capitol Theatre, itself labeled “complex, with chords
Toddler Tales @ Watts-Midtown Branch, on Fridays; educational TV shows on free… LeClaire Community
young children and their caregivers are invited to… Rock Library, 11am Fri Apr 12 the singer/songwriter also lauded by Red and a melancholy shuff le that shouts
Island Public Library - Watts-Midtown Branch, 10:30am Fri Guitar Music as “an artist who deserves heartbreak, even if her story is at worst
Apr 5 thru Fri Apr 26 Book Buddies: Library Week, join Mrs. Katelynn at the
Silvis Public Library where your baby,… Silvis Public Library, to make some serious waves.” hesitant and thoughtful.” Wade sub-
Book Buddies (Craft Buddies): Ostriches, join Mrs. 10am Sat Apr 13 A native of Floyd, Virginia, Wade sequently re-released Reckless in 2022
Katelynn at the Silvis Public Library where your baby,…
Silvis Public Library, 10am Sat Apr 6 Full S.T.E.A.M Ahead: Chromatography Flowers, join us began writing songs as a freshman in with six bonus tracks, one of them a
at the library for this chromatography flower experiment;
Krafty Kids: Flamingos, join Mrs. Katelynn at the Silvis free;… Silvis Public Library, 2pm Sat Apr 13 college, and in 2018, she recruited musi- cover of Elvis Presley’s 1969 hit “Suspi-
Public Library for this… Silvis Public Library, 2pm Sat Apr 6 cians through Craigslist to record her cious Minds” that Off the Record called
Full STEAM Ahead: Harry Potter Spell Science, learn how
Mini Makers: Bird Feeder Fun, best for ages 3-7; stop into to do spells through science; we’ll be inspired… LeClaire debut Puppets with My Heart, which “stunning and surprising ... . It’s quite
the Main, Eastern, or… Davenport Public Library - Main Community Library, 11am Sat Apr 13
Branch, 10am Sat Apr 6 was credited to The Stepbrothers. Later a feat to turn such an intimately known
Kids Book Club, discuss a new book each month; free; for that year, Wade performed at Virginia’s song into something utterly fresh and
Teen Book Club: Will You Rant Or Rave?, we discuss information, call… Bettendorf Public Library, 2pm Sat Apr
“The Downstairs Girl” by New York Times bestselling… 13 FloydFest along with artists includ- novel.” Since its release last August,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2pm Sat Apr 6 ing Jason Isbell, whose sound engineer Psychopath has been amassing similar
Mini Mysteries: Sink or Float, best for ages 3-7; stop into
Child’s Play | Create : Explore : Experience, on Saturdays; the Main, Eastern, or… Davenport Public Library - Main gave her album to Sadler Vaden, the raves, with BrooklynVegan including
a 15-minute storytime complete with books rhymes and… Branch, 10am Sat Apr 13
Bettendorf Public Library, 10am Sat Apr 6 thru Sat Apr 27 guitarist in Isbell’s band The 400 Unit. the work among its 13 Great Coun-
Pokémon Club, an opportunity for Pokémon enthusiasts Vaden and producer Paul Ebersold try Albums from 2023 list, with critic
Explorers Club: Total Solar Eclipse, for information, call (ages 6-12) to battle, share,… Davenport Public Library -
309-794-0991… Quad City Botanical Center, 1:45pm Mon Eastern Avenue Branch, 10am Sat Apr 13 consequently helped Wade assemble Andrew Sacher stating that “Morgan
Apr 8
Read to a Dog, QC CAN’s Reading Assistance Dogs are another album, 2021’s Reckless, over the has a way of blurring the lines between
The Nest Book Club: Toddler, we’ll not only take part specially trained, along with… Davenport Public Library - next two years. Released via the Thirty country traditions, punk grit, and pop
in a storytime and activity,… Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 3pm Sat Apr 13
Fairmount Street Branch, 10am Mon Apr 8 Tigers label, Reckless sold 3,000 copies appeal, but more important than any of
Teen Social: Dirt Pudding - Mmm… Snacks, we will in its first week and peaked at number her stylistic choices is just how strong
Family Craft: CD Suncatcher, bring the joy of Spring make dirt pudding and enjoy each other’s company;…
into your home by recycling… Rock Island Public Library - Bettendorf Public Library, 2pm Sat Apr 13 14 on the Billboard Top Heatseekers her songwriting is ... the way she turns a
Southwest Branch, 6pm Tue Apr 9
Toons at Noons With Bowls and Spoons, grab a spoon charts. Wade told Billboard’s magazine phrase and delivers a melody will catch
Read-Aloud Stories with Mr. Haack, an evening storytime and some cereal as we sit down… Davenport Public Library version that the album was inspired by you off guard on first listen.”
unlike any other by retired school librarian… LeClaire - Eastern Avenue Branch, noon Sat Apr 13
Community Library, 6:30pm Tue Apr 9 her struggles with her mental health, Morgan Wade brings her “Cross-
Lego Club, enjoy a morning of free building; free; for
Sensitive Storytime, a storytime especially for children information, call… Bettendorf Public Library, 11:30am Sat past relationships, and sobriety after ing State Lines Unplugged Tour” to on
and families who are looking… Moline Public Library, 5pm Apr 13 thru Sat Apr 27 an admitted alcohol addiction, and April 30 with an additional set by Alex
Tue Apr 9
Lego Club: Mythical Creatures, build with thousands Rolling Stone Country went on to praise Dezen of the Damwells, admission to
Teen Advisory Board, help choose books for the library, of Legos; all creations are put on… LeClaire Community the album by saying that Wade has the 8 p.m. concert is $29-135, and more
discuss future programs, and… Silvis Public Library, 6:30pm Library, 4pm Mon Apr 15
Tue Apr 9 “the ragged edge of a singer/songwriter information and tickets are available by
PNG Intro to Sewing, learn the basics of sewing to create
Teen Advisory Board Meeting, ages 11-19 are invited to or mend everyday… Moline Public Library, 5:30pm Mon who’s been putting her nose to the visiting
join; TAB Members volunteer, organize… Davenport Public Apr 15 grindstone for some time. In a voice like
Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6:30pm Tue Apr 9
worn leather, Wade describes desperate,
After School Kids Lab: Mini Books, make a cute, mini
book and decorate it; free; for… Bettendorf Public Library, spontaneous relationships that feel the
3pm Wed Apr 10 Continued On Page 28 strongest when they’re at their breaking
28 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.

MUSIC By Loren Thacher Teen Tuesday: Seed Bombs, join us at the library

as we make seed bombs; free;… Silvis Public

Two Currents in a Dark Circle:

Kids' Stuff Library, 6:30pm Tue Apr 23

After School Kids Lab: Bingo Dot Butterflies,

Staghorn and Aseethe at Family Storytime: Trolls, we’re exploring trolls

se bingo dot markers and other craft supplies to
make… Bettendorf Public Library, 3pm Wed Apr

Rozz-Tox, April 19
with stories, songs, and a fun take-home… LeClaire 24
Community Library, 6pm Tue Apr 16
PNG Grout Museum: Super Cold, use liquid
PNG Cooking: Veggies, learn about nutrition nitrogen, learn how temperature is related to the…
and cook an entire meal with the… Moline Public Moline Public Library, 6pm Wed Apr 24
Library, 5pm Tue Apr 16
Teen Time: Gaming, ou can bring your own device
Project Next Generation: Lego Prime Robotics, and use our Xbox,… Moline Public Library, 2:30pm
Tuesdays thru Apr. 30; students will build Lego Wed Apr 24
projects that… East Moline Public Library, 5pm Tue
Apr 16 Family Storytime: Rain Boots, join Mrs. Katelynn
at the Silvis Public Library for this… Silvis Public
Teen Tuesday: Blackout Poetry, join us at the Library, 6pm Thu Apr 25
library as we make blackout poetry; free;… Silvis
Public Library, 6:30pm Tue Apr 16 Lazy Crafternoons: DIY Wizard Wands, a magical
evening of crafting and make Wizard Wands;
After School Kids Lab: Toothpick Geometry, ages… LeClaire Community Library, 5pm Thu Apr
learn some geometry while building shapes and 25
structures with toothpicks;… Bettendorf Public
Library, 3pm Wed Apr 17 PNG Sphero: Boat Race, learn how to use block
coding to program Sphero Bolt… Moline Public
Family Storytime @ Watts-Midtown Branch, Library, 5:30pm Thu Apr 25
families are invited to enjoy story time full of
books,… Rock Island Public Library - Watts- The Gray Matters Collective Teen Library
Midtown Branch, 6pm Wed Apr 17 Chapter Meeting, learn about a non-profit that
strives to change the world… East Moline Public
Kids Anime Club, for grades 3-5; a fun program Library, 4pm Thu Apr 25
where you don’t have to… Moline Public Library,
5pm Wed Apr 17 Teen Glow Painting, there will be UV lights set up
around the room… East Moline Public Library, 4pm
Life-Size Game Night: Quidditch, bring the Fri Apr 26
wizarding sport of Quidditch to life; join us…
Staghorn (Photo by Austin Willhite) Hollyhock Park, 4pm Wed Apr 17 Toddler Time, Miss Ashe’s Storytime aimed

towards ages 0-PreK, with stories, songs,… LeClaire
Teen Movie Night, stop by for a movie and Community Library, 11am Fri Apr 26
hows at Rozz-Tox have been few and far Doom metal and its accompanying guitar riffs popcorn followed by some… East Moline Public
between this year. While the Rock Island are the sturm und drang, the violent thunder Library, 4pm Wed Apr 17 Book Buddies (Sensory Session): Bugs, join Mrs.
jewel has been functioning in its usual Katelynn at the Silvis Public Library where your
of the storm itself. Post-metal incorporates the Teen Time - Arts and Crafts: No-Sew Emoji baby,… Silvis Public Library, 10am Sat Apr 27
capacity as a food-and-drink establishment, all-important riffs (the storm proper), but can Pillows, we will make no-sew emoji pillows; free;
meeting place, and culture hub, shows in 2024 for information, call… Moline Public Library, Drop-In Tie-Dye Party, meet us with a clean item
also (especially in Staghorn’s example) be lik- 2:30pm Wed Apr 17 to tie-dye; white cotton… Moline Public Library,
have thus far occurred on a semi-monthly basis, ened to all the other little things that build the 10am Sat Apr 27
usually (though not always) consisting of a tour- rising sense of dread or awe – the feeling of the Doki Doki Anime Club: Anime Guess Who?,
ing headliner with a single local opener. A show nerd out over all things Japanese; this month play Explorers Club: Planting Day, for information,
wind on one’s face as it rises; the sight of prairie Guess… LeClaire Community Library, 5pm Thu call 309-794-0991… Quad City Botanical Center,
at Rozz-Tox is already a special event, and the Apr 18 10am Sat Apr 27
grass flattening beneath the strong breeze; the
lately limited number of shows means that those
that have occurred tend to sell out. sudden cold; the stillness that precedes the Family Storytime: Marbled Earth, join Mrs. Mini Movers: Window Wonders, best for ages 3-7;
Take this as an early warning, then: If storm’s arrival. Katelynn at the Silvis Public Library for this… Silvis stop into the Main, Eastern, or… Davenport Public
Public Library, 6pm Thu Apr 18 Library - Main Branch, 10am Sat Apr 27
you’re into the cerebral, more experimental Like most other metal sub-genres, “doom”
side of heavy music, you may want to snap up was a tag applied long after the fact, after PNG Photography, learn how to take the best Family Rock Painting: Rock Snake, design and
a small but dedicated, loose-knit but like- possible photos using a… Moline Public Library, paint a rock for us to seal and… Davenport Public
tickets for what (at the time of writing) looks 6pm Thu Apr 18 Library - Fairmount Street Branch, 6pm Mon Apr 29
to be the only show at Rozz-Tox in April, a bill minded group of bands had adopted slow
tempos and lower tunings as an aesthetic and Read to a Dog, QCCAN’s Reading Assistance Dogs PJ Party Storytime: Music!, put on your PJ’s and
that would be a hot item regardless of venue. are specially trained, along with their… Davenport join us in the Children’s… Moline Public Library,
While generally not a spot for metal, Rozz- lifestyle choice. Aseethe play doom metal Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 5:30pm 6pm Mon Apr 29
, with an emphasis on the first part. Previously Thu Apr 18
Tox will open its doors on Friday, April 19 Teen Poetry Cafe, all poets who enter the 2024
for Staghorn and Aseethe, two Midwestern described as “a black cloud the size and shape Teen Library Council, students in grades 6-12 are Teen Poetry Contest are invited to… Moline Public
bands known for bringing outside influences of the state of Iowa,” Aseethe’s power comes needed to give advice and… Moline Public Library, Library, 6:30pm Mon Apr 29
3:30pm Thu Apr 18
of a musical and sociopolitical nature to make not only from their involved, lurching riffs but Family Storytime: Mermaids, This week we’re
music that resonates on multiple experiential also from an earnest, bloodcurdling sense of Teen Taylor Swift Party, celebrate the release exploring Mermaids with stories, songs, and a…
dread inspired by this place and times. Their of Taylor’s new album; enjoy trivia, crafts,… East LeClaire Community Library, 6pm Tue Apr 30
levels. Moline Public Library, 4pm Fri Apr 19
Staghorn’ s trip is musically eclectic and mood is more desperation than hopelessness, Homeschool Presentation: Kuniko Yamamoto,
a guttural howl in the face of environmental Early Earth Day Storytime & Craft, best for Yamamoto enchants audiences of every age with
expressly political. Described in promotional ages 4-7; celebrate Mother Earth with a special… dramatic storytelling using… Bettendorf Public
materials as “anarchist post-metal punk,” chaos and a society simultaneously falling Davenport Public Library - Fairmount Street Library, 11am Tue Apr 30
apart, and being drawn tighter into the full Branch, 10am Sat Apr 20
with an addendum by members promising “a Japanese Storytelling with Kuniko Yamamoto,
sprinkle of folky waltzes,” the band’s record- apparatus of totalitarianism. Depressing for Mini Mathematicians: Shape Art, best for ages Yamamoto enchants audiences of every age
ings are often disarmingly gentle, especially in some, cathartic for others, Aseethe live are 3-7; stop into the Main, Eastern, or… Davenport with dramatic storytelling using… Eugene Field
a musical representation of 2024 America. Public Library - Main Branch, 10am Sat Apr 20 Elementary School, 2pm Tue Apr 30
light of their demonstrated heaviness on stage.
Drawing inspiration from a natural world both Coupled with Staghorn’s sonic and philosophi- Teen DIY: Disco Ball Painting, join Miss Amber in PNG Cooking: Protein, learn about nutrition
cal approach, the two form a complete and another attempt at a popular TikTok… Davenport and cook an entire meal with the… Moline Public
majestic and threatened, their four-pillar ethos Public Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 1pm Sat Library, 5pm Tue Apr 30
of music, thought, action, and solidarity brings black circle. Apr 20
Doors for the April 19 event are at 7 p.m., the Teen Tuesday: Painted Rock Photo Holders, join
an uncommon political bent to a style that Family Rock Painting: Rock Snake, design and us at the library as we make painted rock… Silvis
often tends toward aural navel-gazing. show starts at 8 p.m., and all ages are welcome. paint a rock for us to seal and… Davenport Public Public Library, 6:30pm Tue Apr 30
“Post-metal” is often a fellow traveler with To ensure a spot at Rozz-Tox (2108 Third Library - Eastern Avenue Branch, 6pm Mon Apr 22
Avenue, Rock Island IL), it’s advised to buy $17 Tween Tuesday: Trivia Night, stop by for trivia
contemporary doom metal, with a shared PNG Cooking: Fruit, learn about nutrition and and treats; play in teams to… East Moline Public
emphasis on brooding atmosphere and using advance tickets through the Web site cook an entire meal with the… Moline Public Library, 4pm Tue Apr 30
at Library, 5pm Tue Apr 23
sonic textures rather than riffs alone to create
moods. It’s not unlike standing in an open field aseethe-19th-apr-rozz-tox-rock-island-tickets. Storytime with the Post Office, Seidina the Mail
Carrier will be reading stories and answering…
and watching a thunderstorm slowly roll in. LeClaire Community Library, 6pm Tue Apr 23
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 29
30 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.

Get Your Local Licks On
Through April 30, 2024
May Print Edition Deadline:
April 21:

Old Friends: Red Cedar Chamber Bettendorf IA Church - Galesburg, 364 E. Water St., State Historic Site, 313 E 3rd St,
THURSDAY (28) Music Spring Concert – Englert Todd Lorenc – The Rusty Fox Wine & SUNDAY (7) Galesburg IL Galesburg IL
Theatre, 221 East Washington St., Alehouse, 1 E 3rd St., Sterling IL Girls Like Us: Carole, Carly, & Joni Claude Bourbon – Bishop Hill
Daniel Villarreal – Blue County Angela Meyer (2pm) – Rams
Iowa City IA – Grace Theater, 316 S. Main St., Creative Commons, 309 N Bishop
Pistol (6pm) – Raccoon Motel, 315 Riverhouse, 102 South Main Street,
E. Second St., Davenport IA
QCA KnightZ – 11th Street Precinct,
1107 Mound St., Davenport IA FRIDAY (5) Port Byron IL
Princeton IL
In the Flesh: Echoes of Pink Floyd
Hill St., Bishop Hill IL
Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub,
Five for Fighting w/ String Quartet Francisco Fernandez – Tyler Weaver
Rett Madison – Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Antone – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, – The Rust Belt, 533 12th Ave., East 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
– James Tutson – Englert Theatre, – Bishop Hill Creative Commons,
Second St., Davenport IA 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Moline IL Nova Singers: Mother Earth
221 East Washington St., Iowa City 309 N Bishop Hill St., Bishop Hill IL
Rob and Gary of the Night People Arlo McKinley – Carson McHone – Ivy Ford – The Gypsy Highway Bar & (4pm) – St.Paul Lutheran Church
IA Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub,
(6pm) – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St., Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport - Davenport, 2136 Brady St.,
Lewis Knudsen (6pm) – Twin Span 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Davenport IA IA Davenport IA
Brewing, 6776 Championship Dr., Kate Clover (6pm) – Raccoon Motel,
Ron Tegeler Jazz Trio – The Grape Life Cherry & Jerry: Ragtime Music Jazz Kissa w/ J. Barger – Rozz-Tox, The Pink Stones (6pm) – Raccoon
Bettendorf IA 315 E. Second St., Davenport IA
Wine Store & Lounge, 3402 Elmore (noon) – Bettendor f Public 2108 Third Ave., Rock Island IL Motel, 315 E. Second St., Davenport
Open Jam Night (6pm) – Denny O’s, Manny Lopez Big Band (2pm) – The
Ave., Davenport IA Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr., Levi Craft – Galena Brewing Company, IA
307 10th Ave, Fulton IL Circa ’21 Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave.,
Rushmore – Riverside Casino and Golf Bettendorf IA 227 N. Main St., Galena IL Pollinators – Facing Winter
Open Mic & Karaoke Night – The Rock Island IL
Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside Dana Joel Nicholson (6pm) – Nuclear Plow Boys – Hawkeye Tap (4:20pm) – Bootleg Hill Honey
Rusty Fox Wine & Alehouse, 1 E 3rd Quad City Symphony Orchestra
IA Firehouse Bar & Grill, 2006 Hickory Sports Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
St., Sterling IL Masterworks VI: The Force of Fate
STEAM Irish Quartet – Grace Theater, Grove Rd., Davenport IA Ave., Davenport IA
Open Mic Night w/ Antone Burton
– Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E.
316 S. Main St., Princeton IL Hank and My Honky Tonk Heroes:
(2pm) – Centennial Hall, Augustana
College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL
Oumou Sangaré – Englert Theatre, TUESDAY (16)
Semi–Charmed – Hawkeye Tap 100 Years of Hank – John & Alice 221 East Washington St., Iowa City
2nd St., Davenport IA Cathedral Bells – Rew (6pm) –
Sports Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Butler Hall - University of Dubuque IA
Open Stage Night (6pm) – Theo’s
Java Cafe, 213 17th St., Rock Island IL
Ave., Davenport IA Heritage Center, 2255 Bennett St., TUESDAY (9) Poor, Poor, Rich – Bootleg Hill Honey
Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St.,
Davenport IA
Singing/Music Contest – The Rusty Dubuque IA Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Pat Foley (5:30pm) – The Gypsy Jazz Night at 2nd & Main (6pm) – Jazz Night at 2nd & Main (6pm) –
Fox Wine & Alehouse, 1 E 3rd St., John Mellencamp – Des Moines Civic Ratboys – Ducks Ltd.– Early Girl –
Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust Zeke’s Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison Zeke’s Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison
Sterling IL Center, 221 Walnut St., Des Moines Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa
St., Davenport IA St., Davenport IA St., Davenport IA
Terri Clark – Rhythm City Casino IA City IA
Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub,
Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore John Michael Montgomery – Todd Striley & the Noize – Denny O’s,
FRIDAY (29) Ave., Davenport IA Riverside Casino Event Center, 3184
4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
Karaoke w/ DJ Frost – Kavanaugh’s 307 10th Ave, Fulton IL
4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
Karaoke w/ DJ Frost – Kavanaugh’s
Xheap Trix – Potential Spam – Highway 22, Riverside IA Uncle Lucius – Drook – Raccoon
Alan & Brianna (6pm) – Steventon’s, Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228 30th St., Rock Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228 30th St., Rock
Rascals Live, 1414 15th St., Moline IL Mason Jennings – Bishop Hill Creative Motel, 315 E. Second St., Davenport
1399 Eagle Ridge Rd, LeClaire IA Island IL Island IL
Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill St., IA
Cobras – Whiskey Stop, 1726 15th Ave., Opera Quad Cities – Moline Public Open Jazz Jam Session (6pm) –
East Moline IL SUNDAY (31) Bishop Hill IL
Michael Constantino – The Rusty
Library, 3210 41st St., Moline IL Willy Tea Taylor – Turkey Buzzards
– Trumpet Blossom Cafe, 310 E.
Zeke’s Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison
Crooked Cactus – Rhythm City Casino Scott H. Biram (6pm) – Raccoon St., Davenport IA
Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, Fox Wine & Alehouse, 1 E 3rd St., Prentiss St., Iowa City IA
Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Motel, 315 E. Second St., Davenport
4405 State St., Bettendorf IA Sterling IL
Ave., Davenport IA
Daylight Over – The Gypsy Highway
Weary Ramblers – The V’ue, 137 5th Mission Creek Festival 2024 –
Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St.,
Ave. S., Clinton IA Downtown Iowa City, , Iowa City IA
Nuclear Plowboys – The Gypsy WEDNESDAY (10) ’80s & ’90s Dance Party – 11th
3 Door Coupe (6:30pm) – The Gypsy
Davenport IA Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust
Downtown Charlie Brown – The V’ue, TUESDAY (2) Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust
St., Davenport IA
Skrizzly Adams (6pm) – Raccoon
Motel, 315 E. Second St., Davenport
Street Precinct, 1107 Mound St.,
Davenport IA
St., Davenport IA
137 5th Ave. S., Clinton IA Indigo Girls – Lucy Wainwright
Jazz Night at 2nd & Main (6pm) – Party Foul – Rhythm City Casino IA Accent – Coralville Center for the
Ember – Riverside Casino and Golf Roche – Englert Theatre, 221 East
Zeke’s Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore True Day (6:30pm) – The Gypsy Performing Arts, 1301 5th St.,
Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside Washington St., Iowa City IA
St., Davenport IA Ave., Davenport IA Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust Coralville IA
IA Wanees Zarour (6pm) – Rock Island
Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, TR Entertainment DJ & Karaoke St., Davenport IA Barefoot Free for All – Denny O’s, 307
Emily Beisel & Bill Harris – David Public Library - Watts-Midtown
4405 State St., Bettendorf IA (6pm) – The Edge Eatery & The Wood Brothers – Jobi Riccio 10th Ave, Fulton IL
Hurlin – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Branch, 2715 30th St., Rock Island IL
Karaoke w/ DJ Frost – Kavanaugh’s Drinkatorium, 1802 2nd Ave., Rapids – Englert Theatre, 221 East Code 415 – The Gypsy Highway Bar &
Rock Island IL
Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228 30th St., Rock City IL Washington St., Iowa City IA Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport
Gray Wolf Band (6:30pm) – BS
General Store, 2919 US - 67,
Island IL Taylor Fest – Capitol Theatre, 330 W. IA THURSDAY (18)
Camanche IA
Rock Island High School Choir
(noon) – Rock Island Public Library
3rd St., Davenport IA
THURSDAY (11) DJ Part Mixx Master – 11th Street
Precinct, 1107 Mound St., Davenport
Brandon Heath – Capitol Theatre, 330
Jef Spradley (6pm) – The Tangled W. 3rd St., Davenport IA
Wood, 3636 Tanglewood Rd.,
- Downtown Library, 401 19th St.,
Rock Island IL SATURDAY (6) Girls Like Us: Barbra, Bette, &
Bernadette – Grace Theater, 316 S.
Drew Wesley – Marc Hans Showalter
Chuck Murphy (6:30pm) – The Gypsy
Bettendorf IA Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust
The Thing (6pm) – Raccoon Motel, 315 Acoustic Circus Band – The Rusty Main St., Princeton IL – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Rock
Jen Craft – The Grape Life Wine St., Davenport IA
E. Second St., Davenport IA Fox Wine & Alehouse, 1 E 3rd St., Jen Craft (6pm) – Twin Span Brewing, Island IL
Store & Lounge, 3402 Elmore Ave., Googolplexia – Carondelet Guy
Sterling IL 6776 Championship Dr., Bettendorf Eat, Sleep, Songwriter Repeat (1pm)
Davenport IA – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Rock
Karaoke Night – 11th Street Precinct, WEDNESDAY (3) Alborn – Widow7 – NonGrata –
Rascals Live, 1414 15th St., Moline IL
Jordan Davis – Mitchell Tenpenny
– The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Davenport IA
Island IL
1107 Mound St., Davenport IA Indigo Girls – Lucy Wainwright
Gypsy (6:30pm) – The Gypsy Highway Arcomusical – Bishop Hill Creative – Ashley Cooke – Vibrant Arena at Fluffy – Cactus Lee – Raccoon Motel,
Lewis Knudsen – Oak Grove Tavern, Roche – Englert Theatre, 221 East
Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill St., the MARK, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL 315 E. Second St., Davenport IA
4371 53rd Ave., Bettendorf IA Washington St., Iowa City IA
Davenport IA Bishop Hill IL Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band – Heartache Tonight – Orpheum
The People Brothers Band – The Lewis Knudsen (6pm) – Twin Span
Herman’s Hermits Starring Peter Brian Skow – Galena Brewing Capitol Theatre, 330 W. 3rd St., Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St., Galesburg
Crew – The Redstone Room, 129 Brewing, 6776 Championship Dr.,
Noone – Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third Company, 227 N. Main St., Galena IL Davenport IA IL
Main St, Davenport IA Bettendorf IA
St., Davenport IA Doug Brundies – Hawkeye Tap Sports Levi Craft (6:30pm) – The Gypsy Hotrods & Horns – Rhythm City
Ronnie & the Redwoods – Telescope Open Jam Night (6pm) – Denny O’s,
Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077
Club – Raccoon Motel, 315 E. 307 10th Ave, Fulton IL
Second St., Davenport IA THURSDAY (4) Davenport IA
Faded Echo – Len Brown’s North
St., Davenport IA
Martha Redbone – Englert Theatre,
Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Jen Craft – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads,
Open Mic Night w/ Antone Burton
Running Man – Bootleg Hill Honey Caleb Talbott (6:30pm) – The Gypsy – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E.
Shore Inn, 700 N. Shore Dr., Moline IL 221 East Washington St., Iowa City 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust 2nd St., Davenport IA
Fool House – The Rust Belt, 533 12th IA John Daversa & Tal Cohen (6:30pm)
St., Davenport IA Open Stage Night (6pm) – Theo’s
Ave., East Moline IL Open Jam Night (6pm) – Denny O’s, – The Sound Conservatory - Moline,
SATURDAY (30) Chris Collins & Boulder Canyon:
The John Denver Experience
For Those About to Yacht – The 307 10th Ave, Fulton IL 504 17th St., Moline IL
Java Cafe, 213 17th St., Rock Island IL
Wanees Zarour (2pm) – Wesley
Gypsy Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Open Mic Night w/ Antone Burton Jonah Kagen – Gabe’s, 330 E.
Code 415 – Harley Corin’s, 1708 State (1 & 7:15pm) – Circa ’21 Dinner United Methodist Church, 400 Iowa
Locust St., Davenport IA – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. Washington St., Iowa City IA
St., Bettendorf IA Playhouse, 1828 Third Ave., Rock Ave., Muscatine IA
Iowa Jazz Composers Orchestra 2nd St., Davenport IA The Legendary Wailers featuring
Crooked Cactus – The Gypsy Highway Island IL featuring Mike Conrad – The Open Stage Night (6pm) – Theo’s Junior Marvin – The Rust Belt, 533
Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St.,
Davenport IA
Cory Chisel (6pm) – Raccoon Motel, Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Java Cafe, 213 17th St., Rock Island IL 12th Ave., East Moline IL FRIDAY (19)
315 E. Second St., Davenport IA Davenport IA Opera Quad Cities – Bettendorf Lynyrd Skynyrd – ZZ Top – Black
Dirt Road Rockers – Edje Nightclub at Chicago Farmer & the Field Notes –
Matt Pryor (6pm) – Raccoon Motel, Levi Craft (6pm) – Firehouse Bar Public Library, 2950 Learning Stone Cherry – Vibrant Arena at the
Bally’s Casino, 777 Bally Blvd., Rock Orpheum Theatre, 57 S. Kellogg St.,
315 E. Second St., Davenport IA & Grill, 2006 Hickory Grove Rd., Campus Dr., Bettendorf IA MARK, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL
Island IL Galesburg IL
Mission Creek Festival 2024 – Davenport IA Terra Lightfoot (6pm) – Raccoon Nova Singers: Mother Earth – First
Ember – Rhythm City Casino Resort Creamery Road – Denny O’s, 307 10th
Downtown Iowa City, , Iowa City IA Martin Kelly Band – Rhythm City Motel, 315 E. Second St., Davenport Lutheran Church Galesburg, 364 E.
Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Ave, Fulton IL
Myriam Gendron – Liv Carrow – Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 IA Water St., Galesburg IL
Davenport IA Daniel Stratman – Bootleg Hill Honey
Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Rock Elmore Ave., Davenport IA Songbird Jazz Quartet – Galena
Foghat – The Rust Belt, 533 12th Ave., Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
East Moline IL
Island IL
Neko Case – L’Rain – Hanif
Mission Creek Festival 2024 –
Downtown Iowa City, , Iowa City IA
FRIDAY (12) Brewing Company, 227 N. Main St.,
Galena IL
Far Out 283 – The Gypsy Highway
Jazz Kissa w/ Bob Herington – Rozz- Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St.,
Abdurraqib (6pm) – Hancher Patrick Moore – Bootleg Hill Honey Blue60 Band – Rhythm City Casino
Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Rock Island IL Davenport IA
Karaoke Night – Village Theatre, 2113
Auditorium, 141 East Park Rd., Iowa
City IA
Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Press Record (6pm) – Tuggers Burger
Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore
Ave., Davenport IA SUNDAY (14) Fit for a King – Chelsea Grin –
Kingdom of Giants – Capitol
E 11th St, Davenport IA Open Jam Night (6pm) – Denny O’s, Deep Galactic Bass Sessions Vol.
Bar & Ale House, 201 N. Main St., Port 3Way Radio (4pm) – The Gypsy Theatre, 330 W. 3rd St., Davenport IA
Levi Craft (6pm) – Tuggers Burger Bar 307 10th Ave, Fulton IL 5: Basura – Stymulation – Marty
Byron IL Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust Freddy Allen 2&4 Swing Trio –
& Ale House, 201 N. Main St., Port Open Mic Night w/ Antone Burton Mixfly – Sorceress of Sound –
Quad City Symphony Orchestra St., Davenport IA Galena Brewing Company, 227 N.
Byron IL – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E. Amplified Noise – Tripendicular
Masterworks VI: The Force of Active Adult & Senior Spring Dance Main St., Galena IL
Lewis Knudsen (5pm) – Crawford 2nd St., Davenport IA BTB Dr.Lee BTB JDUBB – The
Fate – Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St., (4pm) – Geneseo Community Halfloves – Jim Swim – Lou Sherry –
Brew Works, 3659 Devils Glen Rd., Open Stage Night (6pm) – Theo’s Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Davenport IA Center, 541 E. North St., Geneseo IL Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa
Bettendorf IA Java Cafe, 213 17th St., Rock Island IL Davenport IA
Stone Age Queens – Raccoon Motel, Blue October – Veers – The Rust Belt, City IA
Lola Blu – Galena Brewing Company, Press Record (6pm) – Twin Span Galesburg Community Chorus
315 E. Second St., Davenport IA 533 12th Ave., East Moline IL Jake Owen – Rhythm City Casino
227 N. Main St., Galena IL Brewing, 6776 Championship Dr., & Youth Choirs – First Lutheran Cactus Lee (2pm) – Carl Sandburg Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore
Keep the Reader Alive and Free Since '93. FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 31

Get Your Local Licks On
Through April 30, 2024
May Print Edition Deadline:
April 21:

Ave., Davenport IA Doug Brundies (3pm) – The Gypsy – Galena Brewing Company, 227 N. 2113 E 11th St, Davenport IA Sean Easton (6pm) – Steventon’s, Music Explorers: Motown & Stax
Jeff Theisen – Galena Brewing Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust Main St., Galena IL Galesburg Community Chorus 1399 Eagle Ridge Rd, LeClaire IA (4pm) – The Redstone Room, 129
Company, 227 N. Main St., Galena IL St., Davenport IA Madeleine Peyroux – Joy Clark Spring Concert: Carmina Burana Sins N Roses – Rascals Live, 1414 15th Main St, Davenport IA
La Dame Blanche (7 & 9pm) – Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub, – Englert Theatre, 221 East – First Presby terian Church St., Moline IL QCSO/QCSYE Side–by–Side Concert
Hancher Auditorium, 141 East Park 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA Washington St., Iowa City IA - Galesburg, 101 N Prairie St, Still Shine – Bishop Hill Creative (5:30pm) – Adler Theatre, 136 E.
Rd., Iowa City IA Polyrhythms’ Third Sunday Jazz Under the Purple Rain Lip Sync Galesburg IL Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill St., Third St., Davenport IA
Nicole Devine – Galena Brewing Series: Lois Deloatch with Show – The Circa ’21 Speakeasy, Hawthorne Heights – Bike Routes ( 3 Bishop Hill IL
Company, 227 N. Main St., Galena IL
Palomino – Rhythm City Casino
the Polyrhythms Trio (5pm) –
Unitarian Universalist Congregation
1818 Third Ave., Rock Island IL & 8pm) – Codfish Hollow Barn, 5013
288th Ave., Maquoketa IA
Tony Hoeppner & Friends – Galena
Brewing Company, 227 N. Main St., TUESDAY (30)
Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore
Ave., Davenport IA
of the Quad Cities, 3707 Eastern
Ave., Davenport IA SATURDAY (27) Identity Crisis – The Gypsy Highway
Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St.,
Galena IL
Toxic Blonde – Hawkeye Tap Sports
Alejandro Escovedo – James
Mastro – Englert Theatre, 221 East
Paxton Sherbeyn & the Solid QWANQWA – Bishop Hill Creative 10 of Soul – Rhythm City Casino Resort Davenport IA Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Washington St., Iowa City IA
Gold Boys – Hawkeye Tap Sports Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill St., Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Jake Simon – Anderson Daniels – Davenport IA Jazz Night at 2nd & Main (6pm) –
Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Bishop Hill IL Davenport IA Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Second St., Upchurch – The Rust Belt, 533 12th Zeke’s Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison
Davenport IA AJ Schmall Band – 11th Street Davenport IA Ave., East Moline IL St., Davenport IA
QC Santana Tribute Band – Rascals Precinct, 1107 Mound St., Davenport Lonestar – Rhythm City Casino Resort The Wiersons (2pm) – Christ Anglican Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub,
Live, 1414 15th St., Moline IL TUESDAY (23) IA Event Center, 7077 Elmore Ave., Church, 1717 8th Ave., Moline IL 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
Rosali – Fran – Raccoon Motel, 315 E. Better Late Than Never – Timber Davenport IA Karaoke w/ DJ Frost – Kavanaugh’s
Caroline Rose – Sophie Mitchell
Second St., Davenport IA
Slaughter Beach, Dog – The James
– Englert Theatre, 221 East
Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black Oak
Road, Mt. Carroll IL
Quad City Symphony Orchestra
Gala Concert w/ Emanuel Ax SUNDAY (28) Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228 30th St., Rock
Island IL
Washington St., Iowa City IA
Theater, 213 N. Gilbert St., Iowa City Bobbi White & Co. – Denny O’s, 307 – Adler Theatre, 136 E. Third St., BanD Acoustic (3:30pm) – The Gypsy Morgan Wade – Capitol Theatre, 330
Jazz Night at 2nd & Main (6pm) –
IA 10th Ave, Fulton IL Davenport IA Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust W. 3rd St., Davenport IA
Zeke’s Island Cafe, 1509 N Harrison
Songwriter Sessions: David G. Divide the Fall – Manhattan Rob and Gary of the Night People St., Davenport IA
St., Davenport IA
Smith – Dave Moore – Catfish Blockade – The Failsafe – Autumn (6pm) – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub,
Karaoke Night – My Place the Pub,
Keith – The Redstone Room, 129 Academy (6pm) – Village Theatre, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA 4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
4405 State St., Bettendorf IA
Main St, Davenport IA
Karaoke w/ DJ Frost – Kavanaugh’s
Staghorn – Aseethe – Rozz-Tox, 2108
Hilltop Bar & Grill, 1228 30th St., Rock
Third Ave., Rock Island IL
Island IL
Suzanne Vega: Old Songs, New
TsuShiMaMiRe (6pm) – Raccoon
Songs, & Other Songs – Englert
Motel, 315 E. Second St., Davenport
Theatre, 221 East Washington St.,
Iowa City IA


Mokoomba – Bishop Hill Creative
Coco – Sima Cunningham – Raccoon
Commons, 309 N Bishop Hill St.,
Motel, 315 E. Second St., Davenport
Bishop Hill IL
Pickled Beats (6:30pm) – The Gypsy
Code 415 – Crabby’s, 826 W. 1st Ave.,
Highway Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust
Coal Valley IL
St., Davenport IA
Drama Major – High Five Sinners
– Experimental Submarines –
Denny O’s, 307 10th Ave, Fulton IL THURSDAY (25)
Eric Whitlock (6pm) – The Edge Jacob Hemenway (6pm) – Twin Span
Eatery & Drinkatorium, 1802 2nd Brewing, 6776 Championship Dr.,
Ave., Rapids City IL Bettendorf IA
Freddie Old Soul – Kay Killa – Not Petty Tom Petty Tribute
TheZeffsterr – Kurr–is – Wright (6:30pm) – The Gypsy Highway
House of Fashion, 910 S Gilbert St., Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St.,
Iowa City IA Davenport IA
Funktastic 5 – Hawkeye Tap Sports Open Jam Night (6pm) – Denny O’s,
Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., 307 10th Ave, Fulton IL
Davenport IA Open Mic & Karaoke Night – The
George Thorogood & the Rusty Fox Wine & Alehouse, 1 E 3rd
Destroyers – Rhythm City Casino St., Sterling IL
Resort Event Center, 7077 Elmore Open Mic Night & Karaoke Night –
Ave., Davenport IA The Rusty Fox Wine & Alehouse, 1 E
Gimme Gimme Disco – Gabe’s, 330 E. 3rd St., Sterling IL
Washington St., Iowa City IA Open Mic Night w/ Antone Burton
Hap Hazard – The Gypsy Highway – Bootleg Hill Honey Meads, 321 E.
Bar & Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., 2nd St., Davenport IA
Davenport IA Open Stage Night (6pm) – Theo’s
Jordan Danielsen – Galena Brewing Java Cafe, 213 17th St., Rock Island IL
Company, 227 N. Main St., Galena IL Water Is the Sun – Elliott Bay Towers
Michael Moncada & Whiskey High – – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Rock
Far Out 283 – Rascals Live, 1414 15th Island IL
St., Moline IL
Project X – Harley Corin’s, 1708 State
St., Bettendorf IA FRIDAY (26)
QWANQWA – Bootleg Hill Honey Amateur Selectors: Bobby Blood
Meads, 321 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA – Rozz-Tox, 2108 Third Ave., Rock
The Rat Pack: An Evening with Frank Island IL
& Dean – Timber Lake Playhouse, Aries vs.Taurus Hip Hop and R&B
8215 Black Oak Road, Mt. Carroll IL Bash: Dey Hustle & Max Julian –
Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band Troche Treble Tha Singer – Twixie
– The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Too Sweets – Backdoedizzle –
Davenport IA The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
A Rock n’ Roll Tribute from Elvis Davenport IA
to The Beatles featuring The CraZy Ex – The Gypsy Highway Bar &
Neverly Brothers – Ohnward Grill, 2606 W. Locust St., Davenport
Fine Arts Center, 1215 E Platt St., IA
Maquoketa IA Emo Nite – Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington
Shady: A Live Band Tribute to the St., Iowa City IA
Music of Eminem – The Rust Belt, Flatland Ridge – Rhythm City Casino
533 12th Ave., East Moline IL Resort Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore
Sleepyhead – 11th Street Precinct, Ave., Davenport IA
1107 Mound St., Davenport IA Georgette Jones – Rhythm City
Wanees Zarour – The Circa ’21 Casino Resort Rhythm Room, 7077
Speakeasy, 1818 Third Ave., Rock Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Island IL Got Your Six – Hawkeye Tap Sports
The Zone – Rhythm City Casino Resort Bar N Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave.,
Rhythm Room, 7077 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA
Davenport IA Here Come the Mummies – The Rust
SUNDAY (21) Belt, 533 12th Ave., East Moline IL
Lizano, Barnhouse & Palmer
32 River Cities’ Reader • Vol. 31 No. 1020 • April 2024 FREE ASSANGE, FREE THE WORLD. Know More. Do More.

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