Fiordalisi Et Al 2024 Magmatically Driven Hydrocarbon Generation and Fluid Flow in The Namibe Basin of Angola

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Magmatically driven hydrocarbon generation and fluid

flow in the Namibe Basin of Angola

Edoardo Fiordalisi1, Bart van Dongen1, Julian Moore2,
Nathan Rochelle-Bates1, Vladimir A. G. Machado3, Richard Dixon4,
Ian Sharp5 and Stefan Schröder1*
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester
M139PL, UK
Applied Petroleum Technology, Conwy LL32 8FA, UK
Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, Sonangol, Rua Rainha Ginga 29/31, C.P. 1316,
Luanda, Angola
BP Exploration, Sunbury-on-Thames TW16 7LN, UK
Exploration Technology, Equinor ASA, PO Box 7200, 5020 Bergen, Norway
EF, 0000-0003-0978-9231

Abstract: Magmatic activity can severely alter the thermal structure of a sedimentary basin, with variable
effects on the petroleum system. The Namibe Basin of Angola (Cretaceous South Atlantic rift) contains
well-exposed magmatic and petroleum system elements and allows integrated assessment of how magmatic
activity can modify the petroleum system. The basin was affected by syn-rift and post-rift magmatic events,
and bitumen is observed within both the Pre- and Post-Salt stratigraphical sections. In the Pre-Salt, fluorescent
bitumen has a lacustrine signature and is associated with calcite and quartz cements. Onshore Pre-Salt units are
thermally immature, and therefore the source rock that generated the Pre-Salt bitumen is likely located offshore.
Hydrocarbons migrated or re-migrated via magmatically driven fluids, reaching the present-day onshore. Closer
to magmatic units, non-fluorescent pyrobitumen was instead observed, evidencing hydrocarbon cracking pro-
cesses following emplacement. In the Post-Salt, bitumen is in situ and shows marine-like signatures compatible
with an immediate Post-Salt source rock depositional environment. In the immediate Post-Salt, units with very
high total organic carbon values (TOC; up to 13.8%) and excellent source rock properties (hydrogen index
.600 mgHC g−1 TOC) have reached thermal maturation. Within the Namibe Basin these Post-Salt source
units lie in proximity to major Turonian–Coniacian–Santonian volcanic centres and associated shallow intru-
sions, which are likely to have caused thermally forced maturation processes and generation of the Post-Salt
hydrocarbons. This paper demonstrates the importance of an integrated field, petrographic and geochemical
approach in unravelling the influence of magmatic activity on basin thermal structure and petroleum systems.

Magmatic activity can have multiple effects on the intrusion thickness (Aarnes et al. 2010; Senger
thermal structure of a basin and its petroleum system et al. 2017). Therefore, while source rock forced
elements, and can positively or negatively affect the maturation processes often occur at a local scale,
hydrocarbon prospectivity in such sedimentary hundred-metre-thick intrusions and/or high densi-
basins (Fig. 1; Senger et al. 2017). Heat generated ties of intrusive bodies could potentially lead to the
by igneous intrusions can cause rapid forced thermal generation of significant hydrocarbon volumes
maturation of immature source rocks, with this pro- (Muirhead et al. 2017, 2018). Furthermore, exten-
cess being highly dependent on the duration and tem- sive magmatic activity can enhance source rock mat-
perature regime of the magmatic activity, intrusion uration at a basin scale by increasing the regional
thickness and the distance of the organic-rich units heat flow (Mørk and Bjorøy 1984; Senger et al.
from the intrusions (Stagpoole and Funnel 2001; 2017). Negative effects of magmatic activity on
Aarnes et al. 2010; Muirhead et al. 2017, 2018; source rocks include over maturation of sections in
Senger et al. 2017). The impact of magmatic intru- direct contact with the intrusions, or sections that
sions on organic matter is defined by aureoles had already reached maturation via conventional
typically varying between 30 and 250% of the burial processes, leading to a loss of total organic

From: Kilhams, B., Holford, S., Gardiner, D., Gozzard, S., Layfield, L., McLean, C., Thackrey, S. and Watson, D. (eds)
The Impacts of Igneous Systems on Sedimentary Basins and their Energy Resources.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 547,
© 2024 The Author(s). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License ( Published by The Geological Society of London.
Publishing disclaimer:
E. Fiordalisi et al.

2019). This makes the Namibe Basin an ideal

study area to identify, characterize and link micro-
to basin-scale observations and understand interrela-
tionships between geological processes within mag-
matically influenced basins. The origin of the
bitumen in the Namibe Basin was therefore investi-
gated via an integrated field, petrographic and geo-
chemical study to assess the impact of magmatic
activity on source rock maturation and hydrocarbon
remobilization and preservation, highlighting when
these processes are likely to represent exploration
risks or opportunities.

Geological setting and petroleum system

The Namibe Basin of southern Angola formed in the
Early Cretaceous as part of the South Atlantic rift
(Moulin et al. 2010). The basin boundaries are repre-
sented by the Benguela Fracture Zone to the north
and by the Walvis Ridge to the south (Fig. 2a).
Fig. 1. Effects of magmatic activity on the petroleum Onshore, a basin bounding fault separates the basin
system. (a) Petroleum system not affected by magmatic fill from the crystalline basement eastwards
activity. (b) Petroleum system affected by magmatic (Fig. 2b; Gindre-Chanu et al. 2015; Schröder et al.
activity, with igneous intrusions cracking a previous oil 2016). The Namibe Basin shares tectonostratigraph-
accumulation into gas and causing forced maturation ical similarities with the other South Atlantic basins
processes within shallower source rocks. Source:
of the African and Brazilian margins, characterized
modified from Senger et al. (2017).
by ‘Pre- and Post-Salt’ sequences, separated by
Aptian evaporites (Fig. 2c; Brownfield and Char-
pentier 2006). The oldest unit of the Namibe Basin
carbon (TOC) and hydrocarbon generating potential Pre-Salt sequence is the early syn-rift Bero Volcanic
(Mørk and Bjorøy 1984; Lindgren and Parnell 2006; Complex (BVC), unconformably overlying the Pre-
Rohrman 2007; Senger et al. 2017; Muirhead et al. cambrian granitic basement (Fig. 2c; Marsh and
2018). Magmatic activity can finally have drastic Swart 2018). The BVC represents the northern
effects on in-place hydrocarbon accumulations, extension of the c. 134 Ma Paraná–Etendeka igneous
cracking oil into gas and pyrobitumen, or via mag- province, and is characterized by tholeiitic basalts
matically driven fluids displacing and re-migrating and quartz latites, interlayered with volcaniclastic
the in-place hydrocarbons (Bump et al. 2017, 2018). and fluvial/aeolian sandstones (Gindre-Chanu
Site-specific studies are often needed to assess et al. 2016; Marsh and Swart 2018). The BVC under-
whether magmatic activity relates to an overall went significant faulting and tilting as part of the
exploration risk or opportunity (Senger et al. main South Atlantic rift event, followed by erosion
2017). The Namibe Basin of Angola, the focus of creating an incised topography on the BVC (Gindre-
this study, is an underexplored rift basin within the Chanu et al. 2016; Sharp et al. 2016). Spring and
South Atlantic hydrocarbon province, where the lacustrine carbonates, and fluvio-deltaic to marginal
effects of magmatic activity had a significant impact marine siliciclastic units were deposited during a sag
on the petroleum system evolution, affecting source phase with further significant crustal thinning and
rock maturation and the preservation/remobilization subsidence (Fig. 2c; Gindre-Chanu et al. 2015,
of existing hydrocarbon accumulations (Bump et al. 2016; Sharp et al. 2016; Jerram et al. 2019). These
2017, 2018). The basin was characterized by multi- are overlain by Mid-Aptian evaporites, resulting
ple phases of syn- and post-rift magmatic activity from the establishment of marine and hypersaline
and contains significant onshore bitumen occur- conditions in the basin (Fig. 2c; Grosdidier et al.
rences at several localities along the basin strike, 1996; Braccini et al. 1997; Gindre-Chanu et al.
which are evidence of a working petroleum system 2015, 2016). The Post-Salt sequence in the Namibe
within the magmatically influenced basin. Magmatic Basin was mostly deposited under passive margin
and petroleum system elements are well exposed at conditions. Late Aptian–Early Albian mixed marine
several localities along the basin strike, and the igne- carbonates and siliciclastic units are unconformably
ous geochronology has improved significantly in overlain by Albian to Early Coniacian coarse-
recent years (Renne et al. 1996; Jerram et al. grained siliciclastic units (Fig. 2c; Gindre-Chanu
Namibe Basin petroleum system

Fig. 2. Namibe Basin structural setting and onshore stratigraphy. (a) Namibe Basin location within the African
margin. (b) Digital elevation model showing structural trends (red) and basin bounding fault (black) in the Namibe
Basin. Orientation of structural lineaments for the southern, central and northern parts of the basin is indicated by rose
diagrams. The main study localities are also indicated. (c) Namibe Basin onshore stratigraphy. Source: (a) modified
from Comin-Chiaramonti et al. (2011) and Strganac et al. (2014); (b) modified from Rochelle-Bates et al. (2020); (c)
modified from Jerram et al. (2019).

et al. 2015; Sharp et al. 2016; Swart et al. 2016; Jer- reflects widespread Post-Salt alkaline magmatic
ram et al. 2019). The siliciclastics and carbonate activity that affected the conjugate margins of
rocks have been intruded by and interbedded with Angola and Brazil during this time window, creating
alkaline volcanics of varying compositions within the Peri Atlantic Alkaline Igneous Province (Matton
the Salinas to Bentiaba Formations (Fm; Fig. 2c; and Jébrak 2009). Post-Salt magmatic activity in the
Sharp et al. 2016; Swart et al. 2016; Jerram et al. Namibe Basin is also associated with renewed exten-
2019). The volcanic events have been well con- sional faulting and the local development of spring
strained with geochronology and biostratigraphical mound carbonates, evidence of magmatically driven
controls and can be shown to start at c. 91 Ma in fluid flow (Fig. 2c; Sharp et al. 2012; Swart et al.
the northern periphery of the Namibe Basin and 2016; Jerram et al. 2019; Fiordalisi et al. 2021a).
young southwards, with the Bentiaba Fm within This magmatically driven fluid flow also affected
the main part of the Namibe Basin yielding ages Pre-Salt units, as testified by calcite veins formed
between 88 and 81 Ma (Sharp et al. 2012, 2016; during the period of Late Cretaceous magmatic
Strganac et al. 2014; Swart et al. 2016; Jerram activity that are observed within Pre-Salt carbonates
et al. 2019; Rochelle-Bates et al. 2020). Even older (Rochelle-Bates et al. 2020). Younger siliciclastic
volcanic pulses of c. 100 Ma are seen in the Kwanza units of Campanian, Maastrichtian and Cenozoic
Basin further north (Jerram et al. 2019), which age were deposited in a shallow marine to fluvial
E. Fiordalisi et al.

setting (Fig. 2c; Sharp et al. 2016; Swart et al. 2016; 12° 32′ E; Fig. 2b). Main sedimentary and volcanic
Jerram et al. 2019), before Late Cenozoic uplift units were described, with a particular focus on bitu-
(Green and Machado 2015). men occurrences and mudstone units, which could
Onshore organic-rich units are present within have been potential source rocks (Fig. 3). All bitu-
Pre-Salt siliciclastics and immediately below the men, bitumen-bearing rock phases and potential
evaporites, while in the Post-Salt, laterally extensive source rock intervals identified from Pre- and Post-
organic-rich units are mainly observed directly over- Salt units were sampled using a geological hammer.
lying the evaporites (Fiordalisi et al. 2021b; Fig. 2c). Samples were then wrapped into aluminium foil and
Bitumen occurs across the whole basin strike within placed in sample bags. Samples were processed in
the Pre- and Post-Salt units, including the BVC, Pre- the laboratory to remove the outer weathered sur-
Salt carbonates and the carbonate/siliciclastic units faces or to expose fresh rock areas that could be
directly overlying the evaporites (Fig. 2c). later subsampled, before undergoing a series of pet-
rographic and geochemical analyses (Fig. 4). This
was done using a combination of metallic tools
Samples and methods such as a circular saw, hammer, chisel and spatula.
Sampling No water was used in the sample cleaning process.

Sampling was carried out at seven localities along Petrography, isotopes and trace elements
the basin strike, near Bero (15° 08′–15° 11′ S,
12°14–12° 18′ E), Mariquita (14° 46′ S, 12° 20′ Petrographic analyses in transmitted, reflected and
E), Cangulo (14° 33′–14° 34′ S, 12° 21′–12° 22′ ultraviolet (UV) light were carried out on ten thin-
E), Chapeu Armado (14° 26′–14° 28′ S, 12° 21′– sections of bitumen-bearing rock phases in order to
12° 22′ E), Inamangando (14° 03′ S, 12° 23′–12° define the bitumen optical properties and its paragen-
24′ E), Caranjamba (13° 59′–14° 01′ S, 12° 30′– esis in relation to the associated rock phases. Analy-
12° 32′ E) and Lucira (13° 53′–13° 56′ S, 12° 31′– ses were carried out using a Nikon Eclipse LV100N

Fig. 3. Field location maps. The location of the maps is indicated in Figure 2b (red box). The maps show details for
the Bero and Chapeu Armado areas, two of the main field localities of this study. Location of the outcrops where Pre-
and Post-Salt mudstones and bitumen samples were collected is indicated. Source: Google Earth image, 2023 Landsat/
Copernicus; 2021 CNES/Airbus and Maxar Technologies (Bero); 2021 Maxar Technologies (Chapeu Armado).
Namibe Basin petroleum system

Fig. 4. Methodology flowchart. The flowchart shows the sample types (orange) and the analyses performed (pale
blue). TL, transmitted light; RL, reflected light; UV, UV light; CL, cathodoluminescence; TOC, total organic carbon;
Py-GCMS, pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry; GC-FID, gas chromatography flame ionization
detection; GCMS, gas chromatography mass spectrometry.

POL polarizing microscope, fitted with a CoolLED (Friedman and O’Neil 1977). All data are reported
pE-300-W microscope illuminator at the University as delta values with respect to the international
of Manchester. Cathodoluminescence (CL) was Vienna Peedee Belemnite (V-PDB) carbon and oxy-
also carried out on the same thin-sections at the Uni- gen isotope reference scales. Estimated analytical
versity of Liverpool using a CITL Mk5-2 attached precision is better than +0.1‰ for both carbon
Nikon Eclipse Ci microscope (254 μA and 8.4 kV and oxygen delta values. A calcite fractionation
beam operating conditions). diagram (Wostbrock et al. 2020) was used in order
Carbon (δ 13Ccal) and oxygen (δ 18Ocal) stable iso- to estimate δ 18Ofluid (‰ Vienna Standard Mean
tope analyses were carried out on 12 powdered sam- Ocean Water, V-SMOW) based on the measured
ples micro-drilled from carbonate fracture-fill phases δ 18Ocal (‰ V-PDB) and assuming temperatures
and their carbonate host-rocks. Prior to analysis, between 100 and 150°C, comparable to temperature
powdered samples were solvent-cleaned from bitu- ranges recorded in the onshore Namibe Basin during
men using a solution of dichloromethane/methanol Late Cretaceous magmatic activity (Fiordalisi et al.
(9:1 v/v) in an ultrasonic bath. Isotopic analyses 2021a).
were conducted at the University of Liverpool fol- Trace-element (Sr, Mn, Fe) concentrations were
lowing sample preparation procedures described by obtained from nine powdered samples micro-drilled
McCrea (1950) and Swart et al. (1991). CO2 mass from carbonate fracture-fill phases and their matrix
ratios (m/z 45/44, 46/44) were measured using a host-rocks, and solvent-cleaned from bitumen using
dual-inlet VG SIRA 10 mass spectrometer. Resultant a solution of dichloromethane/methanol (9:1 v/v) in
values were adjusted for temperature-dependent an ultrasonic bath. Powdered samples were digested
kinetic oxygen isotope fractionation associated in 5 ml of HNO3 for 24 hours and diluted in 100 ml
with the carbonate–phosphoric acid reaction of water so that the final HNO3 concentration was
E. Fiordalisi et al.

2% w/v. Analyses were carried out at the University minutes. Compounds were identified using the
of Manchester using a Perkin-Elmer Optima 5300 National Institute of Standards and Technology data-
dual view inductively coupled plasma atomic emis- base and by comparison with spectra from
sion spectrometer (ICP-AES). Relative standard the literature.
deviations were commonly below 2%.

Extraction, asphaltene removal,

TOC, Rock-Eval pyrolysis and pyrolysis gas fractionation and gas chromatography
chromatography mass spectrometry
Extraction of organic matter was carried out at APT
TOC and Rock-Eval pyrolysis analyses were carried on five samples, from both Pre-Salt and Post-Salt
out on powdered mudstone samples to evaluate their units, in order to extract the bitumen from the kero-
source rock potential. Samples were powdered using gen and rock mineral components. A Soxtec Tecator
an agate mortar and pestle set. TOC analyses were instrument was used for organic matter extraction.
conducted on 34 samples using a Coulomat 702 Crushed samples were weighed in thimbles, boiled
instrument at Oxford University. For each sample, for 1 hour and rinsed for 2 hours in 80 cc of dichloro-
two splits (one of which was previously furnaced methane with 7% (v/v) methanol. Copper blades
in ventilated conditions at 420°C overnight to free activated in concentrated hydrochloric acid were
the organic compounds) were separately heated to added to the extraction cups so that free sulfur
1220°C in a pure oxygen atmosphere and the reacted with the copper. An aliquot of 10% of the
released CO2 was detected. The measurement on extract was transferred to a pre-weighed bottle and
the two sample splits respectively corresponds to evaporated to dryness. The amount of extractable
the total carbon (TC) and total inorganic carbon organic matter was calculated from the weight of
(TIC), and the TOC was obtained by subtraction. this 10% aliquot.
Samples with TOC .0.5% were analysed for Rock- Asphaltene removal and medium pressure liquid
Eval pyrolysis at Applied Petroleum Technology chromatography (MPLC) fractionation were con-
(APT) laboratories in Oslo. Rock-Eval pyrolysis ducted at APT on extracted organic matter from
was carried out on six samples using a Rock-Eval two selected bitumen samples, from the Pre- and
6 instrument. Samples were heated at a temperature Post-Salt, respectively, in order to isolate and assess
of 300°C for 3 minutes, after which the temperature the relative proportions of saturate, aromatic, polar
was increased by 25°C per minute until it reached and asphaltene fractions. Extracts were evaporated
650°C. almost to dryness before a small amount of dichloro-
Pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrome- methane (three times the amount of the extracted
try (py-GCMS) was carried out on 12 bitumen sam- organic matter) was added. Pentane was added in
ples to obtain bitumen fingerprints from their excess (40 times the volume of extracted organic
pyrolysates. Analyses were conducted using an Agi- matter and dichloromethane). The solution was
lent GC/MSD System interfaced to a CDS-5200 stored for at least 12 hours in a dark place before it
pyroprobe at the University of Manchester. Bitumen was filtered/centrifuged and the weight of the
was placed into a clean fire-polished quartz and asphaltenes measured. MPLC was used in order to
pyrolysed at 600°C at which it was held for 20 sec- isolate the saturate, aromatic and polar fractions,
onds. The resulting material was transferred via a according to a system described by Radke et al.
heated transfer line to an Agilent 7980A GC fitted (1980). Approximately 30 mg of deasphalted
with a Zebron ZB-5MS column (5% diphenyl- organic matter diluted in 1 ml hexane was injected
dimethylpolyolsiloxane; 30 m, 0.25 mm internal into a sample loop. The solvents used to isolate the
diameter, 0.25 µm film thickness) coupled to an Agi- fractions were hexane and dichloromethane. The sat-
lent 5975 MSD single quadrupole mass spectrometer urate fraction was isolated by collecting the hexane
in electron ionization mode (scanning a range of m/z that went through the sample loop, a pre-column
50 to 650 at 2.7 scans per second; ionization energy: and a main column filled with deactivated Kieselgel
70 eV). The pyrolysis transfer line and rotor oven 100 and LiChroprep Si 60, while the aromatic frac-
temperatures were set at 350 and 325°C, respec- tion was isolated by collecting the hexane that back
tively, the heated GC interface at 350°C, the electric flushed the pre-column. The polar fraction was
ionization source at 230°C and the mass spectrome- finally isolated by collecting dichloromethane that
try (MS) quadrupole at 150°C. Helium was used as back flushed the pre-column. Solvents from all frac-
the carrier gas, and the samples were introduced in tions were removed by using a Turbovap unit, while
split mode (split ratio: 20:1; constant flow of 20 ml the fractions were transferred to pre-weighed vials,
min−1, gas saver mode active). The oven was pro- dried and weighed.
grammed from 40°C (held for 5 minutes) to 320°C Gas chromatography flame ionization detection
at 5°C min−1 and held at this temperature for 10 (GC-FID) analyses of extracted organic matter and
Namibe Basin petroleum system

saturate fractions were carried out on five and two shale fabrics. Overall thicknesses are between c. 5
samples, respectively, in order to obtain bitumen fin- and 15 m, with ,1 to 20 cm thick beds (Fig. 5d–f).
gerprints from their extracted organic matter. Analy- More calcareous components occur as ,1 mm
ses were conducted at APT, and an HP7890A thick laminae to centimetre/decimetre-scale inter-
instrument was used. The capillary column was an beds. Gaio Fm mudstones were observed across
Agilent CP-Sil-5 CB-MS, 30 m long, with an inter- the whole basin strike, but the best developed
nal diameter of 0.25 mm and a film thickness of paper shale fabrics occur in the central part of the
0.25 µm. C20D42 was used as an internal standard. basin between Cangulo and Chapeu Armado. Youn-
The temperature programme started at 50°C (for ger mudstone intervals are local, with thicknesses of
one minute), followed by a temperature increase of up to 10 m. These occurrences cannot be correlated
4°C per minute until 320°C, which was held for across multiple localities and are typically siltier.
25 minutes. Bitumen occurrences show a significant variabil-
Gas chromatography mass spectrometry ity along the basin strike (Figs 3, 6, 7, 8). At Bero
(GCMS) analyses of hydrocarbon saturated and aro- (Fig. 3), decametre-thick BVC exposures are highly
matic fractions were carried out on two bitumen sam- fractured. Fracture strike is variable, with a dominant
ples, from the Pre- and Post-Salt, respectively, in orientation north–south to NW–SE, and fracture
order to identify the source, maturity and widths are ,1 to c. 15 cm. Open fractures are typi-
biodegradation-dependent biomarkers. Analyses cally narrower and are cross-cut by cemented
were carried out at APT using a Thermo Scientific veins. Cement phases observable at the field scale
TSQ Quantum XLS instrument. The instrument include gypsum, calcite, silica and bitumen. Calcite,
was tuned to a resolution of 0.4 mass units, and silica and bitumen are normally associated within the
data were acquired in selected ion recording (SIR) same veins (Type 2), which in turn cross-cut
mode. The column used was a 60 m CP-Sil-5 gypsum-filled veins (Type 1; Fig. 6a). Calcite is typ-
CB-MS with an internal diameter of 0.25 mm and ically layered, with individual layers between 20 µm
a film thickness of 0.25 µm. D4-27ααR was used as and 1 mm thick. Crystals are mostly blocky, com-
an internal standard in order to quantify saturated monly elongated parallel to veins, and often twinned
compounds. D8-Naphthalene, D10-Biphenyl, D10- (Fig. 6b). Calcite layers are brecciated and are cross-
-Phenanthrene and D12-Chrysene were used as inter- cut by silica, which occupies the innermost position
nal standards for the quantification of the aromatic within fracture fills, occurring as microcrystalline to
compounds. The temperature programme started blocky mosaics or as ,500 µm chalcedony bands
at 50°C (for 1 minute), followed by a temperature (Figs 6b–e & 8a). Bitumen is observed sealing cal-
increase of 20°C per minute until 120°C, and 2°C cite breccia and also occurring as inclusions within
per minute until 320°C, which was held for silica mosaics or interlayered with chalcedony
20 minutes. bands, showing a bright yellow to orange fluores-
cence (Figs 6b–e & 8a).
Bitumen is also observed in the Cangulo Fm Pre-
Results Salt carbonates at Bero (Fig. 3), within fenestral/
vuggy porosity, millimetre-thick stratabound calcite
Bitumen and potential source rock veins and thinner subvertical fractures, showing
occurrences bright to dark orange fluorescence (Fig. 7a–d). In
the calcite veins, at least two generations of bladed
Potential source rock mudstones were observed to blocky crystals are recognized, with growth axes
within the Pre- and Post-Salt intervals. Pre-Salt mud- perpendicular to veins, while bitumen occurs as
stones are interbedded with coarser grained sandy inclusions within the earlier crystal generation or in
units within the Tumbalunda Fm and were also the intercrystalline porosity (Figs 7c, d & 8b). Simi-
observed directly below the Bambata Fm evaporites. lar bitumen occurrences within Pre-Salt carbonates
In all occurrences, thicknesses range from c. 2 to are also observed at Cangulo and Chapeu Armado
10 m (Fig. 5a–c). The mudstones show grey, (Fig. 3), although bitumen here is non-fluorescent
brown and green colours, are fissile and stratified and characterized by blue fluorescing inclusions
in layers ,1 to 40 cm thick. Below the evaporites, (Fig. 7e, f).
mudstones are often interbedded with centimetric Bitumen is also widely observed in the Post-Salt
evaporite and carbonate beds. Pre-Salt mudstones Gaio Fm, where it has been extensively observed at
are observed at multiple localities along the basin the Cangulo and Chapeu Armado localities (Fig. 3).
strike, including Bero, Cangulo, Caranjamba and Minor occurrences are at Caranjamba. Bitumen in
Lucira. the Post-Salt shows a much more in situ setting,
Post-Salt mudstone units are mostly observed in occurring within or at a short distance from the
the Gaio Fm directly overlying evaporites, showing above-described mudstone units. Post-Salt bitumen
grey to dark brown colorations and common paper can occur as stratabound lamination, in vuggy
E. Fiordalisi et al.

Fig. 5. Namibe Basin onshore mudstones. (a–c) Immediate Pre-Salt mudstones interbedded with centimetric paler
carbonate and evaporite beds at Caranjamba. (d–f) Immediate Post-Salt paper shales at Cangulo. Mudstones appear
much darker once the weathered surfaces have been removed (c, f).

porosity or inside ,1 to 3 cm thick local jigsaw-like and +7.76‰ V-PDB, showing clustering based on
fractures, often as inclusions within gypsum veins sample locality/stratigraphical interval (Table 1;
(Fig. 9a–f). Bitumen shows a dull brown fluores- Fig. 10g). In particular, calcite negative carbon val-
cence and can include dispersed orange fluorescing ues are observed within the stratabound veins of
organic matter particulates (Fig. 9f). Interconnection the Cangulo Fm at Chapeu Armado and within the
between stratabound bitumen occurrences and bitu- BVC fractures at Bero, while positive carbon values
men in vugs/fractures is often observed (Fig. 9e, f). are observed within the stratabound veins of the
Cangulo Fm at Bero. No significant differences in
isotopic composition are observed between the cal-
Carbonate luminescence, isotopes and trace cite host-rock and cement phases (Table 1; Fig. 10g).
elements Concentrations of carbonate trace elements, as
determined by ICP-AES, are as follows: Sr,
The calcite cements within the Pre-Salt units vary 162–346 ppm; Mn, 167–11 396 ppm; Fe, 704–
from non-luminescent to bright red/orange/yellow 20 457 ppm. Sr shows an inverse correlation with
luminescent, with crystal zonations sometimes Mn and Fe, resulting in L-shaped trends of decreas-
observed (Fig. 10a–f). Where veins occur in the car- ing Sr and increasing Mn/Fe. Mn and Fe show great
bonates, luminescence of the host matrix and of the variability based on sample stratigraphical interval
associated cement crystals is similar. and locality (Table 1; Fig. 11a, b). Levels of Sr are
Calcite oxygen isotopic values are relatively con- higher within some carbonate matrix samples,
sistent and vary between −7.21 and −5.12‰ V- while cement phases include the highest Mn and
PDB, while carbon isotopes vary between −15.66 Fe concentrations (Table 1; Fig. 11a, b).
Namibe Basin petroleum system

Fig. 6. Bitumen occurrences within the Pre-Salt Bero Volcanic Complex at Bero. (a) Gypsum vein (Type 1)
cross-cut by a fracture (Type 2) filled with calcite and silica. The dashed white line indicates the ‘Type 2’ fracture
development, while the red box shows the ‘Type 2’ fracture fill, with calcite (white) mostly occupying the outer parts
of the fracture fill, while silica (dark grey) occupies the innermost part. (b, c) Bright yellow-orange fluorescing
bitumen filling/sealing truncations within calcite layers. (d, e) Bright yellow-orange fluorescing bitumen within
chalcedony bands. (c, e) UV light.

TOC and Rock-Eval pyrolysis TOC (Table 2; Fig. 12a, b). Pre-Salt samples show
Tmax values of 423–424°C, while in the Post-Salt
Most of the observed mudstone intervals show low Tmax ranges between 429 and 437°C (Table 2;
TOC values of ,0.5% (Table 2). Higher values Fig. 12b).
were occasionally observed within the Pre-Salt
Tumbalunda Fm, showing TOC values of up to Py-GCMS
1.6%, and within the paper shales of the Gaio Fm
in the immediate Post-Salt, showing values of up Py-GCMS analyses indicate significant unresolved
to 13.8% (Table 2; Fig. 12a). The Pre-Salt mudstones complex mixtures (UCM) and series of n-alkanes
show variability in Rock-Eval parameters, with S1 commonly ranging from ,n-C10 to .n-C30
values of 0.1–1.6 mgHC g−1 rock, S2 values of (Fig. 13a, b). Pre-Salt bitumen samples all show a
0.4–6.8 mgHC g−1 rock, production index (PI) val- bimodal n-alkane distribution with a dominance of
ues of 0.19–0.23 and hydrogen index (HI) values the n-C22 to n-C28 homologues, while Post-Salt bitu-
of 35–433 mgHC g−1 TOC (Table 2; Fig. 12a, b). men shows distributions with a dominance of the
Values in the Post-Salt are consistently higher, n-C11 and n-C13 homologues and a more gradual
with S1 values of 6.1–17.9 mgHC g−1 rock, S2 decrease in compound abundance (Fig. 13b). Pre-
values of 45.5–84.5 mgHC g−1 rock, PI values of Salt bitumen also shows pristane (Pr) over phytane
0.12–0.24 and HI values of 576–684 mgHC g−1 (Ph) ratios of between 0.83 and 1.49, lower than
E. Fiordalisi et al.

Fig. 7. Bitumen occurrences within the Pre-Salt Cangulo Fm. (a, b) Cangulo Fm carbonates at Bero. Arrow 1
indicates stratabound calcite veins, arrow 2 indicates subvertical fractures, while 3 indicates an area characterized by
fenestral/vuggy porosity (hammer handle on the right-hand side of (b) for scale). (c, d) Bright to dark orange
fluorescing bitumen within stratabound calcite veins in the Cangulo Fm carbonates at Bero. (e, f) Non-fluorescent
bitumen with blue fluorescing inclusions within stratabound veins in the Cangulo Fm carbonates at Cangulo. (d, f )
UV light.

those observed within Post-Salt bitumen, which EOM of Pre-Salt bitumen is dominated by polar
range between 1.77 and 1.92 (Table 3). The n-alkane compounds and asphaltenes, accounting for 45.3
distributions are characterized by no visible odd and 31.4% of the EOM, with moderate alkane
v. even carbon predominance, with the carbon pref- (21.4%) and minor aromatic contributions (1.9%;
erence index (CPI-1) values varying between 0.95 Table 3). EOM of Post-Salt bitumen is also domi-
and 1.03 (Table 3). These parameters could not be nated by polar compounds and asphaltenes (respec-
calculated for all the analysed samples owing to tively, 28.6 and 61.5% of the EOM), while alkane
enhanced UCM humps and/or very low compound and aromatic compounds account for 8.9 and 1.0%
abundances. of the EOM (Table 3). Traces from GC-FID analyses
were characterized by a UCM hump; however, an
n-alkane bimodal distribution pattern can be identi-
Extraction, fractionation, GC-FID and fied for the Pre-Salt bitumen, with a relatively high
GCMS concentration of n-C27 to n-C31 compounds, while
the Post-Salt bitumen does not seem to be character-
Extracted organic matter (EOM) values were ized by a bimodal shape (Fig. 13c). GC-FID analyses
between 3.6 and 4.2 g EOM kg−1 rock for Pre-Salt on the saturate fractions indicate the presence of sub-
bitumen samples, and between 23.4 and 680.6 g stantial amounts of pristane and phytane resulting in
EOM kg−1 rock for the Post-Salt bitumen (Table 3). Pr/Ph ratios of 1.48 and 1.77 for the Pre- and Post-
Namibe Basin petroleum system

Bitumen quality and biodegradation
The presence of a significant UCM and norhopanes
in the analysed bitumen samples indicates severe
levels of biodegradation (Wenger et al. 2002; Figs
13 & 15), which had a major impact on the transfor-
mation of what originally were Pre- and Post-Salt
oils into bitumen (Curiale 1986; Gentzis and Good-
arzi 1990). Anaerobic and aerobic biodegradation
can be expected in surface samples, and a different
degree of exposure to meteoric processes at surface
might have caused the slightly higher biodegradation
level in the Post-Salt bitumen (Fig. 15). Severe levels
of biodegradation often affect concentrations of
n-alkanes and isoprenoids, such as pristane and phy-
tane (Wenger et al. 2002). However, these com-
pounds were still identified in the present study,
suggesting that biomarkers identified via GCMS
analyses (e.g. Fig. 14), generally more resistant to
biodegradation, were preserved despite biodegrada-
tion of the bitumen (Wenger et al. 2002). Results
from GC-FID analyses did not allow a thorough
Fig. 8. Pre-Salt fracture fill paragenesis. (a) Vein interpretation owing to relatively low compound
within the Bero Volcanic Complex, where brecciated concentrations if compared to the UCMs, especially
calcite layers are disrupted by silica, occupying the in the more degraded Post-Salt bitumen (Fig. 13c).
innermost part of the vein. Bitumen seals the calcite Py-GCMS overall showed better preserved n-alkane
breccia, also occurring as inclusions within silica. (b) distributions for both Pre- and Post-Salt bitumen
Calcite veins within the Cangulo Fm, showing an
earlier generation of bladed calcite crystals (1), and a
samples (Fig. 13b), likely owing to the contribution
later generation characterized by blocky crystals (2). of the asphaltene fraction, releasing non-degraded
Bitumen occurs as inclusions within the earlier calcite compounds during pyrolysis. The higher relative
generation and in the intercrystalline porosity. asphaltene content (Table 3) and lower fluorescence
(Fig. 9f) of the Post-Salt bitumen might relate to the
fact that it was generated within an earlier maturity
window (Bertrand et al. 1986; Sanei 2020). How-
Salt bitumen, respectively, while CPI-1 ratios for the ever, it is likely that the pressure changes experi-
two bitumen types were 1.05 and 1.78 (Table 3). enced by the petroleum during generation and
GCMS analyses allowed identification of several migration have also played a role in accounting for
source, maturity and biodegradation-dependent the observed differences (Sanei 2020).
biomarkers. Pre-Salt bitumen shows significantly
higher gammacerane, β-carotane and bisnorhopane
concentrations (13 864, 1044 and 6646 ng g−1, Oil-source correlation
respectively) if compared to the Post-Salt bitumen
concentrations (589, 197 and 2327 ng g−1, respec- The different n-alkane distributions in the Pre- and
tively), while no oleanane was detected in both Post-Salt bitumen suggest that the oils were gener-
bitumen types (Table 3; Fig. 14a). All the maturity- ated from two different source rock types. The bimo-
dependent biomarker parameters such as Ts/Tm, dal n-alkane distributions for the Pre-Salt bitumen
C29Ts/C29αβ and the aromatic methylphenanthrene (Fig. 13b, c), skewed towards heavier (n-C23–
index (MPI-1) and methylphenantrene ratio (MPR) n-C31) homologues, can be indicative of a significant
show consistently higher values for the Pre-Salt bitu- input of terrigenous waxy epicuticular material
men (Fig. 14b, c). (Eglinton and Hamilton 1967). However, similar dis-
Finally, biodegradation was assessed using tributions can also be observed in lacustrine oils, as
25-norhopane/hopane ratio fractions. These frac- lacustrine algae can also be rich in heavier n-alkanes
tions, in relation to the C29 and C30 hopanes, show (Gelpi et al. 1970; Moldowan et al. 1985). Pr/Ph
values of 0.23 and 0.16 for the Pre-Salt bitumen, ratios below 2 (Table 3) likely exclude significant
and 0.45 and 0.25 for the Post-Salt bitumen terrigenous contributions in the source rock deposi-
(Table 3; Fig. 15). tional environment (Powell and McKirdy 1973).
E. Fiordalisi et al.

Fig. 9. Bitumen in the Post-Salt Gaio Fm. (a–c) Field views of stratabound bitumen (a, Chapeu Armado), bitumen
within a jigsaw fracture network (b, Chapeu Armado) and a satin spar vein (c, indicated by the arrow, Caranjamba)
containing bitumen inclusions. (d–f) Micrometric views of stratabound bitumen and its interconnection with fracture
networks. Orange fluorescing organic matter particulates are also occasionally visible (indicated by arrows in (f );
UV light).

The absence of oleanane (deriving from angio- bisnorhopane concentration (Burwood et al. 1995)
sperms) in both Pre- and Post-Salt bitumen types and low Pr/Ph ratios (Didyk et al. 1978; Table 3).
(Table 3) would also exclude significant higher This interpretation agrees with the low levels of
plant contributions (Whitehead 1973; Grantham botryococcane (Table 3), which typically relates to
et al. 1983; Ten Haven and Rulkötter 1988), lacustrine freshwater-brackish conditions (Moldo-
although angiosperms were not prominent until the wan and Seifert 1980; McKirdy et al. 1986).
Late Cretaceous (Moldowan et al. 1994). A lacus- Combined, this suggests that the Pre-Salt bitu-
trine origin for the Pre-Salt bitumen is further sup- men was likely generated by a Bucomazi Fm equiv-
ported by the relatively high β-carotane and alent, a well-known Neocomian–Barremian prolific
gammacerane abundances (Table 3; Fig. 14a), regional source unit in Angola, the deposition of
whose combination suggests that the Pre-Salt bitu- which has previously been related to hypersaline/
men was likely generated within an anoxic lacustrine anoxic settings (Burwood et al. 1995). Bucomazi
depositional environment with a stratified water col- Fm equivalent units are not present onshore owing
umn resulting from hypersaline conditions at depth to their erosion/non-deposition (Gindre-Chanu
(Hall and Douglas 1983; Jiang and Fowler 1986; et al. 2016; Sharp et al. 2016; Jerram et al. 2019),
Fu et al. 1990; Irwin and Meyer 1990; Sinninghe but they are likely to be present offshore, where
Damsté et al. 1995). A relatively anoxic source deep syn-rift graben are observed just off the present-
rock depositional environment for the Pre-Salt bitu- day coast (Koch et al. 2013; Cunha et al. 2019). Pre-
men is also supported by a relatively high Salt Aptian mudstones, equivalent to those observed
Namibe Basin petroleum system

Fig. 10. Luminescence and isotopic composition of Pre-Salt calcite. (a–f) Transmitted light and CL views of calcite
from different Pre-Salt stratigraphical units and localities. (g) Cross-plot between δ 13Ccal and δ 18Ocal.

onshore within the Aptian Tumbalunda Fm, are ruling out the possibility that the Post-Salt bitumen
unlikely to have contributed to the generation of was generated by a lacustrine source rock. The
the Pre-Salt bitumen, despite the fact that they spor- immediate Post-Salt mudstones of the Gaio Fm,
adically show good TOC and source rock properties showing excellent TOC and source rock properties
(Fig. 12). The deposition of Aptian mudstones might in the Namibe Basin (Table 2; Fig. 12), might be a
still have occurred within a saline environment, espe- good candidate for the generation of the Post-Salt
cially in the immediate Pre-Salt, owing to marine bitumen. These mudstones are age-equivalent to
incursions testified by the alternation with evaporitic the regional Binga Fm, deposited in a shallow marine
layers (Gindre-Chanu et al. 2016). However, the carbonate-dominated environment (Burwood 1999).
Aptian depositional setting was likely relatively The lack of oleanane (Table 3) would exclude signif-
shallow and more oxygenated, as also evidenced icant contributions from younger marine source units
by carbonate interbeds in the immediate Pre-Salt (Burwood 1999; Schoellkopf and Patterson 2000).
(Fig. 5b), which disagrees with the reducing charac-
ter of the Pre-Salt oil discussed above.
In contrast, the smoother and more unimodal Oil maturity and hydrocarbon generation
n-alkane distribution pattern in the Post-Salt bitumen processes
may be more indicative of a marine origin (Mello
et al. 1988; Fig. 13b). Lower levels of β-carotane, Maturity-dependent saturated biomarker parameters
gammacerane and higher Pr/Ph ratios exclude a indicate that the Pre- and Post-Salt hydrocarbons
saline lacustrine origin for the Post-Salt bitumen were generated at the boundary between the early
(Table 3; Fig. 14a) and suggest a more oxic source and peak oil windows (Fig. 14b), corresponding to
rock depositional environment. The absence of a source rock vitrinite reflectivity (VR) value of c.
botryococcane from the Post-Salt bitumen further 0.8% (Dow 1977; Senftle and Landis 1991; Dem-
excludes a freshwater lacustrine origin, therefore bicki 2009). Aromatic biomarker maturity
E. Fiordalisi et al.

Fe (ppm)

20 457
20 093


Mn (ppm)

10 676
10 794
11 396

Sr (ppm)



δ 18Ocal (‰ V-PDB)

δ 13Ccal (‰ V-PDB)


Fig. 11. Trace elements in Pre-Salt calcite. Sr shows an

inverse correlation with (a) Mn and (b) Fe, resulting in
L-shaped trends (indicated by the arrows) of decreasing
Sr and increasing Mn/Fe. Mn and Fe show great
Host matrix
Host matrix

Host matrix

variability based on sample stratigraphical interval




and locality.
Table 1. Isotopic and elemental data for calcite within Pre-Salt units


parameters suggest slightly higher thermal maturity

values than the saturated biomarkers (Fig. 14c), indi-
Stratigraphic sequence

cating that the Pre- and Post-Salt bitumen were gen-

erated within late (VR .1.0%) and peak (0.8% ,
VR ,1.0%) oil windows, respectively. However,
preservation of the bimodal n-alkane distributions

would exclude generation at late maturity stages,

considering that the heavier normal alkanes would
be cracked to lighter products during maturation
(Plummer 2020), suggesting that, in the present
study, the aromatic maturity parameters cause an

overestimation of the thermal maturity.


Pre-Salt source rocks in the onshore Namibe


Basin are all immature, having Tmax values of

,435°C (Table 2; Fig. 12b; Peters 1986). This is
consistent with the limited regional burial undergone
Chapeu Armado

by the onshore sedimentary units (Fiordalisi et al.

2021a), meaning that the Pre-Salt hydrocarbons

that were transformed to bitumen must have been


generated within more deeply buried Pre-Salt sec-

tions offshore. This agrees with a correlation of the
Namibe Basin petroleum system

Table 2. TOC and Rock-Eval data

Locality Fm Stratigraphic TOC S1 (mgHC S2 (mgHC Tmax PI (wt HI (mgHC

sequence g−1 rock) g−1 rock) (°C) ratio) g−1 TOC)

Bero Tumbalunda Pre-Salt ,0.1

Gaio Post-Salt 0.2
Mariquita Bentiaba 0.1
Cangulo Tumbalunda Pre-Salt ,0.1
1.6 1.6 6.8 424 0.19 433
Gaio Post-Salt 7.3 6.1 45.5 437 0.12 620
Chapeu 7.1 15.1 48.9 437 0.24 684
Armado 13.8 17.9 84.5 429 0.18 611
10.9 13.2 62.6 435 0.17 576
Caranjamba Tumbalunda Pre-Salt 0.0
Gaio Post-Salt 0.1
Mariquita ,0.1
Inamangando Gaio 0.0
Lucira Tumbalunda Pre-Salt 0.2
1.1 0.1 0.4 423 0.23 35
Gaio Post-Salt ,0.1

TOC, total organic carbon; PI, production index; HI, hydrogen index.

Pre-Salt oil to Bucomazi-like source intervals depos- Maturation of Post-Salt source rocks cannot be
ited within deep grabens offshore (Brownfield and the result of burial as this process should result in a
Charpentier 2006). lower maturity than the older, immature, Pre-Salt
In contrast, source rocks identified in the imme- units (Fig. 12b). Therefore, maturation of Post-Salt
diate Post-Salt section onshore have reached ther- source rocks in the onshore Namibe Basin could
mal maturity, showing Tmax values of .435°C, only be the result of local thermal anomalies related
compatible with VR values of .0.6% (Peters to the impact of individual Coniacian–Santonian
1986; Table 2; Fig. 12b). Thermal maturity values magmatic intrusions. This is confirmed by the fact
for these source rocks are comparable to the Post- that mature Post-Salt source rocks were identified
Salt bitumen thermal maturity (Fig. 14b), suggest- in the Cangulo–Chapeu Armado area, which was
ing that the source rocks in the immediate Post-Salt clearly affected by Post-Salt magmatic activity
section onshore likely generated the oil from which (Fig. 3).
the Post-Salt bitumen derived. This correlation is
supported by the geochemical compatibility of the Timing of paragenesis
Post-Salt bitumen with immediate Post-Salt Binga-
type source rocks, its spatial proximity to those The bitumen observed within the Pre- and Post-Salt
source intervals, along with its in situ setting, con- stratigraphical units was all likely emplaced from
firming that the hydrocarbons were generated Albian times onwards. The Pre-Salt bitumen in the
onshore. BVC at Bero occurs within veins (Type 2) cross-
E. Fiordalisi et al.

Fig. 12. Cross-plots of TOC and Rock-Eval parameters. (a) Cross-plot between TOC and pyrolysis potential yield
(S2). Interpretation lines from Dembicki (2009). (b) Cross-plot between Tmax and hydrogen index. Interpretation lines
from Bordenave (1993) and Huc (2013).

cutting gypsum veins (Type 1; Fig. 6a). This implies cement would also point towards a magmatically
that the emplacement of the bitumen observed in the active setting and hydrothermal activity, as silica
Pre-Salt, along with the other phases associated with requires relatively high temperatures in order to be
bitumen (calcite and silica), occurred after evaporites taken into solution (Fiordalisi et al. 2021a). There-
started being remobilized during and after the depo- fore, it is likely that most of the fluid flow circulation
sition of the overlying Albian units (Gindre-Chanu and bitumen emplacement observed in the Pre-Salt
et al. 2015). Some of the fractures could have ini- occurred during the Turonian–Coniacian–Santonian
tially formed during Pre-Salt tectonic activity, as magmatic events, as these are the only proven Post-
suggested by their similar orientation to rift trends Salt magmatic events in the basin (Jerram et al. 2019;
in the basin (Fig. 2b). However, those fractures and Rochelle-Bates et al. 2020). The bitumen observed
trends were exploited again in the Post-Salt, enlarged within the Post-Salt was also emplaced within the
and filled with bitumen, calcite and silica. Calcite evaporite remobilization time window, as bitumen
predated silica as it occupies outer positions within and gypsum are often found associated within the
vein fills and is cross-cut by silica (Fig. 8a). The same fractures (Fig. 9c). The identification of forced
identification of at least two calcite generations, crys- maturation processes within the immediate Post-Salt
tal zonation and different degrees of calcite lumines- source rocks as a direct cause for the generation of
cence (Figs 8b & 10a–f) indicate that the calcite the Post-Salt bitumen would necessarily constrain
precipitated as part of multiple fluid circulation the timing of this process within the Coniacian–San-
events. Similar luminescence between the carbonate tonian magmatic activity.
host-rock and fracture fill suggests that the carbonate
host matrix may have been affected by fluid circula-
tion too, undergoing fabric-preserving recrystalliza- Nature of fluids and hydrocarbon
tion processes. The bitumen was likely emplaced by-products
as part of multiple pulses during calcite and silica
precipitation as it is variously observed within calcite The negative oxygen isotopes measured in calcite
and silica phases. However, hydrocarbon remobili- (δ 18Ocal) in this study (Table 1; Fig. 10g) are compat-
zation processes from calcite into silica could also ible with a variety of fluid types. However, hypothet-
have occurred. ical fluid temperatures between 50 and 150°C,
Stratabound calcite veins within Pre-Salt carbon- comparable to temperatures recorded in the onshore
ates containing bitumen-stained bladed crystals per- Namibe Basin during Late Cretaceous magmatic
pendicular to the vein orientation, similar to those activity (Fiordalisi et al. 2021a), suggest that the flu-
observed in this study (Figs 7 & 8b), have been ids from which the calcite precipitated had oxygen
related to Coniacian–Santonian magmatic activity isotopic compositions (δ 18Ofluid) between c. 0 and
(Rochelle-Bates et al. 2020). The presence of silica +10‰ V-SMOW (Wostbrock et al. 2020;
Namibe Basin petroleum system

Fig. 13. Pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GCMS) and gas chromatography flame ionization
detection (GC-FID) data. (a, b) Total ion current (a) and 57 m/z trace (b) pyrograms of Pre- and Post-Salt bitumen
showing the presence of significant unresolved complex mixtures (UCM), pristane and phytane and C10 to C33
n-alkanes (represented by open circles with numbers indicating carbon chain length). Pre-Salt bitumen shows a
bimodal n-alkane distribution pattern with maxima at the C13 and C25 homologue, while Post-Salt bitumen shows a
unimodal n-alkane distribution pattern with a maximum at the C13 homologue. (c) Chromatograms of the saturate
fraction of Pre- and Post-Salt bitumen. Despite significant UCM, a bimodal n-alkane distribution can be observed in
the Pre-Salt bitumen. IS, internal standard.

Fig. 16). These isotopic compositions are compatible suggests that variability in fluid redox conditions
with significant contributions from fluids of mag- also occurred at a local scale (Fig. 11).
matic origin, typically showing positive δ 18O values The positive calcite δ 13C values (Fig. 10g) are
(Sheppard 1986; Grove et al. 2017; Teboul et al. likely indicative of bacterial methanogenesis pro-
2019), although contributions from other fluid cesses, as they would be derived from the residual,
types such as formation waters or modified infiltrated isotopically enriched organic matter from which
waters cannot be excluded (Hudson 1977). L-shaped methane is generated (Hudson 1977; Siegel et al.
trends of decreasing Sr and increasing Mn and Fe 1987; Budai et al. 2002). The fact that these heavy
(Fig. 11) support fluid types with different redox carbon values are observed in the samples that
conditions contributing to the fluid circulation during have higher Sr and lower Mn and Fe concentrations
Late Cretaceous magmatic activity. In particular, the (Figs 10g & 11) suggests that the methanogenetic
highest Mn and Fe concentrations would be indica- bacteria had access to near-surface, infiltrated fluids
tive of more reducing fluids (Tucker and Wright (Budai et al. 2002). Thermochemical generation of
1990). Fluids that circulated through fractures and methane may have contributed to some of the light-
those that affected the host matrix were broadly sim- est carbon isotope values observed, especially in the
ilar within the same locality, as indicated by similar samples from the Chapeu Armado area (Fig. 10e–g)
isotopic compositions between the matrix and that was particularly affected by magmatic activity
cement phases (Fig. 10g). However, some variation (Fig. 3). In magmatic areas such as Chapeu Armado
in trace-element concentrations between the matrix and Cangulo, non-fluorescent bitumen (Fig. 7e, f) is
and cement phases, still within the same locality, likely the product of Pre-Salt oil being cracked into
E. Fiordalisi et al.

Table 3. Bitumen geochemical data

Locality . Bero Cangulo Chapeu Armado

Formation . BVC Cangulo Gaio

Stratigraphic sequence . Pre-Salt Post-Salt

Pr/Ph 0.83* 0.96* 1.49*/1.48† 1.80* 1.92* 1.77*/1.77†

CPI-1 1.03* 0.98* 1.00*/1.05† 1.03* 0.95* 0.98*/1.78†
EOM (g EOM/kg rock) 3.6 4.2 680.6 168.6 23.4
alkane wt% EOM 21.4 8.9
aromatic wt% EOM 1.9 1.0
polars wt% EOM 45.3 28.6
asphaltenes wt% EOM 31.4 61.5
β-carotane (ng g−1) 1044‡ 197‡
bisnorhopane (ng g−1) 6646‡ 2327‡
oleanane (ng g−1) 0‡ 0‡
gammacerane (ng g−1) 13 864‡ 589‡
botryococcane (ng g−1) 17‡ 0‡
Ts/Tm 0.33‡ 0.26‡
C29Ts/C29αβ 0.21‡ 0.19‡
MPR 1.50‡ 1.11‡
MPI-1 0.66‡ 0.48‡
C29αβ25nor/(C29αβ25nor + C29αβ) 0.23‡ 0.45‡
C30αβ25nor/(C30αβ25nor + C30αβ) 0.16‡ 0.25‡

CPI-1 = 2(n-C23 + n-C25 + n-C27 + n-C29)/[n-C22 + 2(n-C24 + n-C26 + n-C28) + n-C30].

EOM, extracted organic matter.
Ts/Tm = C27Ts/C27Tm.
MPR = 2MP/1MP.
MPI-1 = 1.5(3MP + 2MP)/(1MP + 9MP + P).
*Data from py-GCMS.

Data from GC-FID of the saturate fraction.

Data from GCMS.

gas, as also indicated by blue fluorescing inclusions, with hydrothermal fluids and enhanced regional geo-
which have been previously related to fluorescence thermal gradient. Quantitatively assessing the rela-
blueshifts within oil undergoing cracking processes, tive influences of these processes is however
before being completely transformed into pyrobitu- extremely difficult. Lack of well constraints in the
men (Ping et al. 2017, 2019). The methane generated Namibe Basin makes offshore basin and petroleum
as part of the cracking processes may therefore have system models uncertain, especially regarding the
contributed to the formation of calcite crystals with timing for hydrocarbon generation. Models from
isotopically light carbon (Hudson 1977). the adjacent Benguela Basin have indicated that
hydrocarbon generation in that basin took place
within the syn-rift heat spike (Bump et al. 2018).
Source rock maturation and fluid flow Eventually, during the Late Cretaceous magmatic
model event, Pre-Salt source rocks would have all reached
full maturation, while oil accumulations would
Oil/source correlations based on source type and have been displaced or cracked into gas (Bump
maturity-dependent biomarkers suggest that the bitu- et al. 2018). A similar scenario could have occurred
men within the onshore Pre-Salt section was likely in the Namibe Basin, with oil being generated by
generated by a Bucomazi-like source rock within Pre-Salt source rocks owing to sediment burial
offshore grabens, which is further supported by the within graben and rift-related high-temperature
fact that Pre-Salt onshore source rocks are thermally regimes. Some of this oil could have then been dis-
immature. Offshore source rocks underwent higher placed from traps by fluids released or mobilized
burial processes, although magmatic activity is likely by Late Cretaceous magmatic activity, eventually
to have significantly contributed to source rock mat- reaching the present-day onshore (Fig. 17a). Off-
uration, presumably by a number of processes such shore regional faults are mostly antithetic (Koch
as contact metamorphism (localized to areas of et al. 2013; Cunha et al. 2019) and therefore unlikely
intruded source rock), advective heating associated to have accommodated a significant eastward fluid
Namibe Basin petroleum system

offshore deep grabens and the more proximal sedi-

mentary units observed today onshore, although
some migrating hydrocarbons could have been
re-trapped along the migration pathway (Fig. 17b–
d). Lateral migration within Pre-Salt units was con-
strained by the overlying salt where present, which
acted as a seal and prevented fluids from migrating
upwards. Magmatic fluids and formation waters
also likely migrated alongside hydrocarbons. Even-
tually, infiltrated waters could have contributed to
the local fluid circulation, as indicated by the wide
range of trace-element concentrations (Fig. 11) and
possible oxygen fluid isotopic compositions
(Fig. 16). Closer to the Late Cretaceous magmatic
bodies, such as in Chapeu Armado and Cangulo
(Fig. 3), hotter temperatures would have cracked
the Pre-Salt oil into gas, producing non-fluorescent
pyrobitumen and blue fluorescing inclusions (Figs
7e, f & 17e).
Post-Salt hydrocarbons were generated owing to
forced maturation processes within onshore source
rocks in the immediate Post-Salt near Late Creta-
ceous magmatic dykes (Fig. 17f). This was mostly
observed in the magmatic Cangulo/Chapeu Armado
areas (Fig. 3), where mature Post-Salt source rocks
were observed. Post-Salt hydrocarbon fluids mostly
remained in place or underwent short intraforma-
tional migration via locally formed fracture net-
Fig. 14. Cross-plots of source and maturity-dependent works, often along with remobilized evaporitic
biomarkers and biomarker parameters. (a) Cross-plot fluids (Fig. 9).
between β-carotane and gammacerane concentrations.
(b) Cross-plot between Ts/Tm and C29Ts/C29αβ.
Interpretation lines from Petersen et al. (2016). (c) Implications for hydrocarbon prospectivity
Cross-plot between methylphenantrene ratio (MPR) and
methylphenanthrene index (MPI-1). Interpretation lines Magmatic activity in sedimentary basins is linked to
from Radke et al. (1986) and Rezouga et al. (2012). a wide range of exploration opportunities and risks
(Senger et al. 2017). Magmatic activity during the
migration towards the present-day onshore. Lateral Pre- and Post-Salt phases likely increased geother-
eastward migration likely occurred via Pre-Salt mal gradients regionally, accelerating maturation
permeable units, creating connectivity between the processes of source rocks undergoing burial. This

Fig. 16. Calcite fractionation diagram (Wostbrock et al.

2020). Green area represents the δ 18Ocal (‰ V-PDB)
Fig. 15. Cross-plot of biodegradation-dependent range for the values measured in this study.
biomarker ratios, e.g. C30αβ 25nor/(C30αβ 25nor + Hypothetical temperatures between 50 and 150°C are
C30αβ) plotted against C29αβ 25nor/(C29αβ 25nor + chosen based on temperature ranges recorded in the
C29αβ). Interpretation lines based on Wenger et al. onshore Namibe Basin during Late Cretaceous
(2002). magmatic activity (Fiordalisi et al. 2021a).
E. Fiordalisi et al.

Fig. 17. Examples of interaction processes between Late Cretaceous magmatic activity and the petroleum system in
the Namibe Basin. (a) Magmatically driven fluids displacing a previous Pre-Salt oil accumulation, with the trap now
filled with CO2. The former oil accumulation was likely charged from the underlying source units. (b) Remobilized
hydrocarbons now charging eastward traps. (c) Hydrocarbons migrating towards the present-day onshore, exploiting
permeable Pre-Salt conduits. Magmatically driven fluids are also migrating alongside hydrocarbons. (d)
Hydrocarbons charging Pre-Salt traps in the present-day onshore (e.g. Bero). (e) Hydrocarbon cracking and formation
of pyrobitumen closer to active magmatic dykes (e.g. Cangulo and Chapeu Armado). (f ) Forced maturation of
Post-Salt source rocks near dykes due to contact metamorphism processes (e.g. Cangulo and Chapeu Armado). (g)
Offshore Post-Salt source rocks still possibly immature. (h) Offshore Post-Salt source rocks potentially reaching
maturation under the influence of magmatic sills, with the potential for charging overlying Post-Salt reservoirs. (i)
Intrusive network favouring fluid migration from the Pre-Salt into the Post-Salt section, with deeper magmatically
driven fluids potentially displacing shallower Post-Salt hydrocarbon accumulations.

study provides evidence for a Pre-Salt lacustrine 2013). Magmatic activity can also relate to a series
source rock that generated hydrocarbons, possibly of exploration risks, including oil cracking into gas
before or during the Coniacian–Santonian magmatic and pyrobitumen closer to the intrusions, and hydro-
event. This hydrocarbon generation process would carbon remobilization via magmatically driven fluids
have occurred regionally within grabens where (Fig. 17a). Intrusive networks could act as fluid
thick Pre-Salt sediment packages were deposited migration pathways, favouring migration of fluids
(Fig. 17). There is no evidence for regionally exten- through impermeable units (Galland et al. 2023).
sive hydrocarbon generation from Post-Salt units. In this scenario, shallower Post-Salt hydrocarbon
These source rocks reached maturity only locally accumulations could also have been displaced by
onshore, in areas affected by Late Cretaceous mag- deeper magmatically driven fluids (Fig. 17i). How-
matic and hydrothermal activity. If similar Post-Salt ever, traps along the hydrocarbon re-migration path-
source rocks were present offshore, they could have ways may be associated with a lower charge risk
generated hydrocarbons over a much more extensive (Fig. 17b).
area owing to the combination of more enhanced
burial processes and magmatic temperatures acceler-
ating maturation (Fig. 17g, h). Thicknesses of Conclusions
between 3 and 5 km are reported for the offshore
Namibe Basin Post-Salt sequence, making an explo- • This study demonstrates the importance of
ration play underpinned by the excellent immediate integrated field, petrographic and geochemical
Post-Salt source rocks, or any other younger source analyses for characterizing the complexity of a
rock, totally viable for the basin (Koch et al. magmatically influenced petroleum system.
Namibe Basin petroleum system

• Bitumen within Pre-Salt units has a hypersaline investigation (supporting), writing – review & editing (sup-
and anoxic lacustrine signature and was likely porting); RD: conceptualization (equal), investigation (sup-
sourced by a Bucomazi-equivalent source rock porting), writing – review & editing (supporting); IS:
offshore. Magmatic activity is likely to have sig- conceptualization (equal), investigation (supporting), writ-
ing – review & editing (supporting); SS: conceptualization
nificantly contributed to source rock maturation (equal), funding acquisition (lead), investigation (support-
by enhancing the regional geothermal gradient. ing), methodology (equal), supervision (lead), validation
• Late Cretaceous magmatically driven fluids were (lead), writing – review & editing (supporting).
responsible for migrating or re-migrating the gen-
erated hydrocarbons to the present-day onshore
locations, as suggested by the isotopic signatures Funding The PhD was funded by NERC (grant num-
of bitumen-bearing calcite veins. However, some ber NE/M00578X/1) and the University of Manchester.
hydrocarbons might have also been trapped/ BP provided additional funding.
re-trapped along the migration/re-migration
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gas, as revealed by petrographic analyses under during this study are included in this published article.
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