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Teacher: Waleed Waley Semester: 3rd Week: 3 Day: Tuesday Date: 19/3/2024

Grade: 11 Subject: Units : 9 Lesson Topic: Student's book

English Expressing wishes, Regrets and
Teaching o Video o Tablets Grouping:
Aids: o Centers o Models o Whole Group
o PPT o Worksheet o Others o Small Group
o Flashcards/Poster o Games o Reading Passage o Pairs
o Realia o Independent
o Board /Word Wall o Ice Breaking

Big Idea: Essential Question: What do you feel when someone tell you a joke?
Expressing wishes, Regrets and criticism
1- Students will be able to use the verb "wish" to express regret about past actions or situations.
2- Students will learn to use "wish" followed by the past perfect tense to express regret about past events or actions.
3- Students will understand the use of "wish" or "if only" for expressing desires or regrets about present or future
4- Students will practice using "wish" or "if only" to express desires for present or future situations.
Strategies: brainstorming and pair work

Revision: The...the Comparatives

Stage Procedure Materials Interaction Time Comm
Pattern ents
Warmer/Lead-in I am going to show the students a picture of A picture t/ss - ss/ss- 2 –3
To set lesson context and someone who regrets on something in the ss/t
engage students past, then ask the students if he is satisfied or
Teach In this stage, I am going to teach the students PPTs t/ss - ss/ss- 10-15
the following two sentences (In the present ss/t
I feel down today.
I wish I didn’t feel down today.
The comedian can’t make people laugh.
The comedian wishes he could make people
laugh.), and ask the students CCQs to elicit
the rule and the meaning from the students. I
am going to do the same with the past and

Controlled practice. I am going to ask the SS to open their books, Mega Goal 2 T-S / S-S 7-10
page 152 to work individually and answer
Exercise A, when they finish, they are going
to check in pairs. Finally, I am going to elicit
the answers and give them the answer key.
Freer Practice I am going to ask the SS to work in pairs to ss/ss- ss/t 3–5
talk about some of their wishes in the
present, past and the future.
Homework: To answer page 321
Review/Wrap-Up/Closure: To highlight the meaning and the form of the wishes.

Expectations: The students are expected to understand and apply wishes in the present, past and the future..

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