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Teacher: Waleed Waley Semester: 3rd Week: 3 Day: Monday Date: 18/3/2024

Grade: 11 Subject: Units : 9 Lesson Topic: Student's book

English 8-Reading

Teaching o Video o Tablets Grouping:

Aids: o Centers o Models o Whole Group
o PPT o Worksheet o Others o Small Group
o Flashcards/Poster o Games o Reading Passage o Pairs
o Realia o Independent
o Board /Word Wall o Ice Breaking

Big Idea: Essential Question: What do you feel when someone tell you a joke?
In this lesson, students are going to learn about how
to develop their reading skill through a reading text
about laughter.
1- To provide gist, scan and detailed reading practice using a text about Laughter in the context of Laughter is the
best medicine
Strategies: brainstorming and pair work

Revision: The...the Comparatives

Stage Procedure Materials Interaction Time Comm
Pattern ents
Warmer/Lead-in I am going ask students if they have or know t/ss - ss/ss- 2 –3
To set lesson context and someone with a strange laughter. ss/t
engage students
Pre-teach the new vocabulary In this stage, I am going to teach the students Pictures t/ss - ss/ss- 5-10
the new vocabulary by showing a picture ss/t
expressing each word and the elicit the
meaning from them, finally showing them
the spelling of the new word
Pre-Reading I am going to ask the SS to open their books, Mega Goal 2 T-S / S-S 2-3
To prepare students for the text page 148 to work individually and answer the
and make it accessible first two questions, when they finish, they
are going to check in pairs. Finally, I am going
to elicit the answers and give them the
answer key.
While-Reading I am going to ask the SS to look at the board Supplementary Ss 3–5
To provide students with less to work individually and answer the
challenging gist and specific questions, when they finish, they are going to
information reading check in pairs. Finally, I am going to elicit the
answers and give them the answer key.
Post-Reading I am going to ask the SS to open their books, Mega Goal 2 t/ss - ss/ss- 3 – 5
To provide with an opportunity page 149 to work individually and answer ss/t
to respond to the text and (After Reading Questions), when they finish,
expand on what they've learned they are going to check in pairs. Finally, I am
going to elicit the answers and give them the
answer key.
Freer Practice The students are going to complete a chart, Mega Goal 2 T-Ss / Ss- T 2 –5
page 149
Homework: To read and answer page 117
Review/Wrap-Up/Closure: To highlight the meaning of the new vocabulary
Expectations: The students are expected to understand and apply scanning and skimming strategies.

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