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Global Immunity

Trends for 2022

and Beyond
Trends for 2022
and Beyond
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented changes to the lives of people
around the world. Lockdowns have reshaped consumers’ habits in eating, exercising,
shopping, working, socializing, and so much more. At the same time, consumers’
surging interest in preventive health has created important shifts in the functional
food and supplement markets.

This guide explores the effects of COVID-19 on consumer perceptions around

health—both physical and mental—as well as on global trends in functional foods and
supplements. It also looks at what ingredients it takes to develop immune-support
products that meet today’s needs, using vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and more,
while keeping in mind consumers’ continued interest in sustainability.

The Global State of Health...............................................................................3

Stress, Sleep and Mental Health Today................................................... 6

Nutrition that Supports Immunity................................................................7

Global Immune Supplement Trends.........................................................10

A Country-Specific Case Study: Germany............................................13

Sustainability and the Pandemic................................................................15

The Building Blocks of an Immune Health Product......................... 17

The Global
State of
How COVID-19
Impacted Global
Perceptions of
The Global State of about the economy. Concerns over personal health and
wellness are the highest in Brazil (at 75%), followed by

Health Japan (at 71%) and the U.S. and China (both at 69%).

Learn how COVID-19 has Top health concerns

The majority of consumers in all countries surveyed
heightened global consumer indicate they’ve become more conscious about
perceptions of their family’s and their overall health and overall immunity as a result
of COVID-19. In addition, awareness of their overall
their own health. nutrition has increased for many consumers—including
More than a year has passed since the COVID-19 49% of consumers in Mexico and Brazil, 43% in the
outbreak began. Consumers’ concerns and behaviors U.S., and 42% in China. Over half of consumers in the
changed seemingly overnight, with much of the change U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Germany have become
driven by the desire to stay well. FMCG Gurus released more conscious about their mental wellbeing, with the
their latest COVID-19 Survey1 in February 2021. It number as high as 67% in the U.S.
explores how COVID-19 has impacted consumers’
perceptions of health across the globe, ranging
from consumers’ top concerns to their preferred
supplements to their growing interest in functional

The data shows that global consumers’ concerns about

COVID-19 are still running high. Concerns are highest in
Brazil (with 55% concerned and 14% very concerned),
followed by Mexico, the U.S., Germany, France, Canada,
China, and Japan. In all countries surveyed except
China and Japan, more than half of consumers remain
concerned about COVID-19.

Reaching for supplements to

support overall health
Consumers continue to look to supplements as part
of their strategy to stay well, with online supplement
purchases surging. The most popular supplements
consumers are using to support overall health include
In the U.S., 87% of consumers are concerned about vitamins, essential fatty acids, proteins/amino acids,
the health and wellbeing of loved ones, while 69% and probiotics, with vitamins the top choice in Canada,
are concerned about their own health and wellbeing. France, and Mexico, proteins/amino acids in Brazil and
In fact, the health and wellbeing of loved ones is the Japan, and essential fatty acids in the U.S. and Germany.
top concern in all countries surveyed except for the In China, probiotics are the most popular supplement
U.S. and Mexico, where it ranks just behind concerns (at 76%), with vitamins close behind (at 75%).

Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 4

Food and beverage claims top of mind Immunity support
Consumers are also paying careful attention to food and beverage shifts from short- to
claims. Across all countries surveyed, at least seven out of ten
consumers associated the following nutrients with helping to support
long-term strategy
immunity: vitamin C, iron, omega-3s, probiotics, protein, and vitamin for consumers
A—making these top choices for functional food and beverage
The prolonged pandemic has led
applications. Vitamin D, zinc, and fiber were also frequently cited.
many consumers to consider the
Furthermore, in all countries surveyed, consumers who have been need for a more comprehensive
researching information on how to eat and drink more healthily approach to maintaining their health
think they’ll continue to do so after COVID-19 lockdown has passed. and immunity that will work over the
Of consumers in Brazil, China, the U.S., and France who have been long term.
seeking out fortified/functional food and beverages, more than half
For many, the COVID-19 situation
plan to continue post-pandemic.
served as a wake-up call, motivating

Healthful ingredients for today them to evaluate their lifestyles

and priorities. Rather than relying
It’s clear that COVID-19 has affected the way consumers are thinking on a pill as a quick fix, an increasing
about health—their own health and the health of their loved ones. number of consumers are asking
Already there are indications that for many consumers, the COVID-19 themselves how they might improve
experience will have a lasting effect on their perceptions and behaviors their diet, exercise, sleep, and stress
around health and wellness. While the pandemic is undoubtedly driving management to best take care of
interest in functional ingredients that can bolster general health themselves.
and immunity, there is also a growing interest in products that can
From YouTube channels to blogs to
support stress relief, healthy sleep, and improved mood—all important
podcasts, the buzz around self-care
elements of total wellness.
is creating a supportive environment
for reflection and change, inspiring
people to actively create their own
paths to healthy living.

Some have tried a sleep tracking

app for the first time, while others
have started participating in remote
meditation groups or taken up jogging
in their neighborhood. Some have
focused on diet, such as making
superfood smoothies or buying more
probiotic-rich foods. Many people
are adopting multiple strategies for
supporting their health and immunity.

1. FMCG Gurus, COVID-19 Survey – February 2021.

Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 5

Stress, Sleep and
Mental Health Today
With lifestyles turned upside behavior changes but is likely to lead to positive long-
term habits. Evidence comes from FMCG Gurus’ survey
down seemingly overnight, which asked consumers who engaged in proactive
consumers have learned there’s a healthy behaviors more frequently in the past month
if they would continue to do so after lockdowns had
lot more to staying healthy than passed. Of the U.S. consumers, 63% think they will
just a healthy immune system. continue looking to improve their sleep, while 58% plan
to continue reducing their stress levels.4
FMCG Gurus’ recent COVID-19 survey1 found that most
U.S. consumers are still concerned or very concerned
about the economy, job security, and the ability to pay
Functional ingredients
monthly bills—underscoring the toll the pandemic is associated with
taking on mental health.
mental wellbeing
Pandemic driving consumer To meet this growing need, products focused on
mental wellness have been emerging across the globe,
awareness of total wellbeing particularly those addressing stress relief. Adaptogens
such as ashwagandha, Rhodiola, reishi mushrooms,
As consumers’ routines have been disrupted and
and holy basil, which are included in certain traditional
worries have increased due to COVID-19, there has
healing systems, are popular because of their consumer
also been a growing awareness by many consumers
association with helping the body to adapt by increasing
of their impacts on mental wellness. For 67% of U.S.
its resistance to mental and physical stressors.
consumers, COVID-19 has made them more conscious
of their mental wellbeing.2 In addition, 33% are more Functional ingredients consumers associate with
conscious of their sleep health, and 30% are more calming or relaxation like CBD and L-theanine are
conscious of their daily energy levels.3 also in demand in supplement and functional food
and beverage products. Other ingredients such as
This more holistic view of health that includes aspects
tryptophan and magnesium have been studied for
of mental wellness has been encouraged and reinforced
potential improvements to both mood and sleep.
by a variety of sources—from public health experts to
Products to support mental wellbeing are still a
online fitness coaches to lifestyle bloggers—throughout
relatively untapped area with much more that can be
the pandemic. This focus has helped shift the dialogue
around health, encouraging more reflection and self-
1-4. FMCG Gurus, COVID-19 Survey – February 2021.
For many consumers, the awareness around mental
wellness has not only prompted short-term proactive

Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 6

Nutrition Immune associated Factors
vitamins and minerals that impact
that Supports In looking back at pre-COVID-19 data, immunity
Immunity Mintel reported that, of the global
products launched between 2014 and
During the pandemic,
many consumers
2019 with an immune system claim, 58%
became interested
Even before the contained vitamins and 48% contained
in strategies for
minerals.3 The top vitamins for immune
pandemic struck, global system support used in these foods,
supporting the immune
system quickly—
interest in immune beverages, and supplements were
to better protect
vitamins C (38%), D (31%), B6 (27%), and
system supplements, as A (26%), while zinc (25%) was the top
themselves and their
families. However,
well as foods to boost mineral.4
it’s important to
the immune system, had One year after the onset of the COVID-19 understand that other
pandemic, FMCG Gurus found that the factors may play a role
been increasing. ingredients that global consumers most in immune system
FMCG Gurus reports that in 2019, frequently associate with immunity responses. The top
consumers worldwide were making continue to include vitamins C, D, and A, factors impacting
changes to their diets and lifestyles to as well as B vitamins and zinc, but also immunity are:
improve their immunity—61% in North include iron, omega-3, probiotics, and
• Poor diet
America, 56% in Europe, 50% in Africa, protein.5
• Physical inactivity
48% in Asia Pacific, and 45% in South
• Chronic stress
America.1 The most common reason for
• Inadequate sleep
making changes was the desire to be
• Age
proactive about their health (as opposed
to suffering from a health condition). While consuming
certain foods, vitamins,
While there was already high awareness
minerals, and botanicals
among consumers of the importance
for immune system can
of immune system health, the arrival of
provide much-needed
COVID-19 pushed it to the forefront as
support for those with
a health priority for many. FMCG Gurus’
poor diet or exercise
early 2021 COVID-19 survey explored how
habits, as well as those
the pandemic has influenced consumers’
under stress or short
perceptions and behaviors around their
on sleep, correcting
those underlying
The majority of global consumers say causes should always
the pandemic has made them more be the long-term goal.
conscious of their overall immunity when Increasing age, however,
thinking about their health in the long is a factor beyond
term, including 75% in Brazil, 68% in our control, making it
France, 67% in the U.S., 60% in Canada, particularly important
64% in Germany and China, and 61% in for older consumers
Japan.2 to manage the factors
within their control,
such as nutrition and

Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 8

Botanicals and foods For children (infant through teen), regular exposure

associated with immunity to antigens begins to build up the immune system

over time through the development of antibodies.
While some consumer segments are drawn more to It’s important to support healthy functioning immune
immune system supportive vitamins and minerals, system by ensuring children have sufficient intake of all
others tend to look to foods and botanicals. These essential nutrients. A nutritious diet combined with a
consumers want to know how to support the immune chewable multivitamin-mineral supplement is an ideal
system naturally but still expect ingredients with well- combination.
researched, evidence-based benefits (e.g., ginger, camu
After the transition to adulthood, hectic lifestyles can
camu, elderberry, and certain mushrooms).
mean an increase in the likelihood of the other risk
Mintel identified a number of botanical ingredients factors—i.e., stress, poor eating habits, and a lack of
that were being used more frequently in new products exercise and sleep. As adults work to manage these
making immunity claims. From 2014 to 2019, increased lifestyle factors, they may also reach for a variety of
usage rates by functional food and supplement immune-supporting products to help. These include
manufacturers were noted for:6 functional foods and beverages (especially with
antioxidants or botanicals), supplements with immune
• Curcumin
support claims, and traditional multivitamin-mineral
• Ginger
supplements—increasingly in alternative formats like
• Green tea
• Cinnamon
• Korean ginseng extract
• Maca Key opportunity

Echinacea extract
Reishi mushroom
for manufacturers
The pandemic has led to an increased awareness
According to a FMCG Gurus’ recent report, other
by consumers of the importance of immune system
botanicals global consumers currently associate with
health, and signs indicate this interest may persist.
helping to support immune health include elderberry,
Formulating with the right vitamins, minerals, botanicals,
cranberry, and honey.7
and food ingredients that consumers expect from
immune-support products is a key opportunity for
Understanding immunity at manufacturers to address this growing need.

different life stages References

1. FMCG Gurus, Insights & Opportunities – Immunity – Global
Those at the earliest and latest life stages are the
2020, January 2020.
most in need of immune support. Newborn babies
2. FMCG Gurus, COVID-19 Survey – February 2021.
don’t yet have fully developed immune systems, while
3-4. Mintel, Defend Against Disease with Immunity-Boosting
seniors experience a decrease in white blood cell count Products, 2019.
and function that may impact certain aspects of the
5. FMCG Gurus, COVID-19 Survey – February 2021.
immune system.
6. Mintel, Defend Against Disease with Immunity-Boosting Prod-
Although human breast milk is recommended for ucts, 2019.

optimum immune support in babies, infant formulas 7. FMCG Gurus, COVID-19 Survey – February 2021.
containing essential vitamins, minerals, and prebiotic
human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are an effective
alternative. Vitamins and minerals are also popular
in immune products for seniors and are especially
important since seniors are prone to micronutrient
deficiencies from reduced gastrointestinal nutrient
absorption. Pills are a preferred format by seniors, in
addition to ready-to-drink nutrition shakes.

Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 9

Global Immune Opportunities in
functional foods
Supplement Trends Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak,
interest in immune health was
The pandemic has spurred global interest already increasing, according to
FMCG Gurus.2 After COVID-19 struck,
in immune health, with record numbers sales of immunity supplements and
of consumers reaching for dietary general health supplements (such as
multivitamins) surged as consumers
supplements, as well as functional sought preventive measures to
food and beverage products, that have support their health.

immunity claims or associations. This shift toward healthier living,

combined with pill fatigue, is creating
Data from FMCG Gurus’ February 2021 COVID-19 survey1 gives us a
an important opportunity in functional
chance to see what consumers are thinking about immunity right now,
foods that can address the needs
a full year after the pandemic began. Here’s a look at what consumers
of the day. This includes ready-to-
are thinking about immune health in three regions across the globe—
eat and ready-to-drink functional
North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe.
products that can make healthy living
easy for consumers—such as a bar
North America fortified with a superfood blend or a
tea with added vitamins, minerals, and
In North America, 69% of U.S. consumers who are concerned
botanicals associated with immune
about COVID-19 are concerned about the impact on their health
and wellbeing, compared to 56% of Canadian consumers—a
difference likely due to the higher transmission rates in the U.S. Of According to Mintel research pre-
those concerned, similar numbers of Americans and Canadians are pandemic, the ingredients most
concerned about developing serious health problems resulting from widely recognized by consumers
the coronavirus (68% vs. 69%) and about their immune system, in for boosting the immune system
general, being impacted (38% and 39%). In addition, COVID-19 has are vitamin C, vitamin A, and zinc.3
made 67% of Americans and 60% of Canadians more conscious of Botanicals are also increasingly being
their overall immunity. used in new products with immunity
claims. Examples of botanicals under
Many North Americans have also become more conscious of their
research for immune system benefits
mental wellbeing (67% of Americans and 65% of Canadians)—more
include ginger, camu camu, elderberry,
than any other countries surveyed, indicating an opportunity to include
and certain mushrooms like reishi and
functional ingredients for mental wellbeing in immunity supplements
for North America. While essential fatty acids, vitamins, probiotics,
and proteins/amino acids are popular supplements in North America, Companies can also expand beyond
U.S. consumers are nearly three times more likely than Canadians to immune-supporting functional
take herbs/botanicals and prebiotics. Meanwhile, 85% of Canadian food to functional products that
supplement users take vitamins—the highest rate of all countries help consumers manage anxiety
surveyed. or depression during this stressful
time or keep weight gain at bay while

Asia Pacific they’re stuck at home. Manufacturers

can also consider combining multiple
Across the countries surveyed, Chinese and Japanese consumers functional ingredients to create a
show the lowest concern levels about COVID-19 (with 48% and 46% functional food that addresses the
concerned, respectively). Overall, 64% of Chinese and 61% of Japanese multiple needs of the day.
have become more conscious of their immunity due to the COVID-19

Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 11

outbreak. Protein/amino acids, vitamins, probiotics, in France, herbs/botanicals and prebiotics are far more
and essential fatty acids are the most common popular in Germany. Of the European consumers who
supplements taken in both China and Japan. However, have increased their supplement usage to support
Chinese consumers are more than twice as likely to be overall or immune health, more Germans than French
taking herbs/botanicals. plan to continue post-lockdown, whereas more French
consumers who have turned to food and beverage for
immunity plan to continue the habit.

Addressing the needs of global

A lot has changed in the past year, with consumer
awareness of health (both physical and mental)
increasing and—for many—a lifestyle reevaluation
resulting in new commitments to healthier living. In
fact, in all countries we sampled from the FMCG Gurus
global survey, at least three out of ten consumers who
increased their supplement use for either overall health
or immune health plan to continue the habit—important
While consumers in the Asia Pacific region are equally news for the supplement industry. Manufacturers can
as likely as those in the other regions to associate help keep this momentum going by listening to the
the usual ingredients with immunity support (such as needs and preferences of consumers in each region
vitamins C, A, and D, the minerals iron and zinc, and and supporting them with the right type of products.
protein), they are far more likely to associate bone
broth with helping support the immune system (33% of References
1. FMCG Gurus, COVID-19 Survey – February 2021.
Chinese and 29% of Japanese consumers). In addition,
Chinese consumers are the most likely of all consumers 2. FMCG Gurus, Insights & Opportunities – Immunity – Global
2020, January 2020.
surveyed to associate ginger and honey with immune
3. Mintel, Defend Against Disease with Immunity-Boosting
support (at 54% and 45%, respectively), while twice Products, 2019.
as many Japanese as Chinese consumers associate
elderberry with immunity.

In France and Germany, of consumers concerned
about COVID-19, 64% of French and 63% of German
consumers are concerned about their health and
wellbeing. Concerns about immunity are at similar
levels to those in North America and Asia Pacific. The
proportion of European consumers who have become
more conscious of their mental health since COVID-19
began is rather high (38% of French and 50% of
German consumers), though not as high as in North

Among French and German supplement users, the

majority are taking vitamins, essential fatty acids,
proteins/amino acids, and probiotics. While vitamins,
proteins/amino acids, and minerals are more popular

Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 12

A Country Specific
Case Study: Germany
The German supplement market In Germany, vitamin D is especially recommended for
the winter months when low levels of sunlight can lead
felt the impact of consumers’ to deficiency, whereas vitamin C is associated with a
growing interest in supplements. healthy immune system. There’s a high awareness of
this benefit of vitamin C, with 65% of Germans agreeing
Tuned in manufacturers can help support German
that vitamin C helps support the immune system; for
consumers’ physical and mental wellbeing in the
younger consumers ages 16 to 24, the number reaches
future. According to Euromonitor, the German vitamin,
mineral, and supplement market reached $2.1 billion
in retail sales, with growth of 6% expected between
2020 and 2024.1 This growth will be contingent upon Physical and mental wellbeing
manufacturers addressing German consumers’ most
There is also evidence that German consumers are
important concerns.
taking a holistic approach to wellness, thinking beyond
just staving off illness to consider ways they can
Increased focus on immune support overall wellbeing. According to Mintel, while

system health 60% of German vitamin, mineral, or supplement users

are reaching for these products to support overall
To better understand how German consumers’ physical health, 27% report mental wellbeing as a
preferences and behaviors regarding vitamins, minerals, motivator.6 This number rises to 32% for German users
and supplements might have changed in the wake in the 25-to-34 and 35-to-44 age brackets.7
of the COVID-19 outbreak, Mintel asked consumers
With the popularity of vitamin D supplementation
directly. According to Mintel, 35% of German users
among German consumers, it may be likely consumers
of vitamins, minerals, or supplements used those
are aware of the research linking vitamin D deficiency
products to support their immune system as a result of
and depression. This could indicate German consumers
may be receptive to using other types of supplements
In addition, 14% of German users have increased the that offer mental wellbeing benefits. When asked about
number of vitamins, minerals, or supplements they’re the supplement benefits they’re seeking (besides
taking, with immune health being the biggest driver.3 strengthening the immune system), males ages 16 to 34
stood out as being especially interested in also taking
Most popular vitamins products that can improve mood and combat stress.8

Mintel also did a deep dive on vitamin usage in the

German market and found the most commonly used
vitamins are vitamin D, vitamin C, and multivitamins.4

Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 13

Choosing the right
These findings point to an opportunity
to offer German consumers products
that contain the exact combination
of ingredients they’re looking for. For
example, a supplement company could
use a vitamin premix containing vitamins
C and D to create a single product
that delivers the two most in-demand
vitamins. Or a company might develop
an immune-support supplement
that contains a blend of ingredients
associated with immunity, beyond just
vitamin C.

Another key opportunity is to add

ingredients consumers associate with
mental wellbeing, such as functional
botanicals like ashwagandha or other
adaptogens popular for their potential to
combat stress. They could also include
ingredients under research for potential
effects on mood (such as L-theanine,
GABA, and St. John’s wort) or sleep (such
as melatonin, valerian, and magnesium).

Using a custom premix is a simple way to

give consumers a product that can meet
all of their needs, whether a supplement
or functional food.

1. Euromonitor, Vitamins & Dietary Supplements,
2. Mintel, Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements –
Germany, November 2020.

Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 14

and the
Sustainability and
the Pandemic
2. Natural/Green

The number of natural and green claims in new

supplement launches showed steady growth from 2015
Sustainability is still important. to 2019,5 and recent data shows clean label ingredients
continue to be relevant. 100% natural/free from artificial
In many ways, grocery shopping during the pandemic
ingredients is considered an important supplement
has shifted the emphasis to practical concerns such
claim by 76% of nutritional supplement users, ahead of
as product cost, shelf stability, and bulk packaging.
non-GMO, low/free from sugar, and gluten-free.6 Clean
However, through it all, these considerations continue
label ingredients are being featured in immunity support
to be balanced by consumers’ continued interest in
products and multivitamin formulations, as well as
healthy and sustainable products.
natural energy and sleep support supplements.
Some products, such as plant-based or natural
3. Whole Food/Botanicals
products, address both health and sustainability
concerns at once. Plant-based lifestyles are associated During the pandemic, many consumers have been
with higher intakes of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and boosting their whole foods intakes with the deliberate
phytonutrients for overall health and immunity support, intent of supporting their immunity, including 63%
as well as environmental sustainability benefits in terms who are consuming citrus fruits/juices, 49% green
of greenhouse gas emissions and resource use. ‘Natural’ tea, 48% whole grains, 45% nuts/seeds, and 45% leafy
positioned products may be viewed as safer—for both greens.7 Whole foods even appeal in supplements, with
consumers and the environment—than products made 53% of U.S. adults agreeing that whole-food-based
with artificial ingredients. supplements absorb better than synthetic-based.8
Botanicals have also been popular with functional

Sustainability claims ingredients like echinacea, ginseng, and ginger on the

rise in supplements and functional beverage products.
still resonating with 4. Eco-Friendly Packaging
today’s consumers Eco-friendly packaging was among the fastest-growing
The balanced approach that many consumers are supplement claims pre-COVID. For example, between
taking means that food and supplement companies May 2019 and April 2020, 17% of new supplement
can rest assured that their efforts to source responsibly launches in Europe made this claim, up from 7% four
still matter. Here’s a look at some claims that are still years prior.9 In a recent survey, 32% of consumers in
important to consumers: Germany, 38% in the U.S., 50% in Mexico, and 60% in
China report they would like to hear more information
1. Vegan
from brands about sustainable packaging initiatives—
Glanbia Nutritionals own recent surveys indicate that indicating sustainable packaging is still in demand.10
vegan appeal is on the rise, with 19% of U.S. consumers
surveyed at the end of 2020 reporting an interest in References
1. Glanbia Nutritionals Proprietary Study, December 2020.
the vegan diet heading into 2021.1 Just under one in
three (28%) are planning to include more plant-based 2. FMCG Gurus, COVID-19 Survey - February 2021.

foods in their diets as a result of COVID.2 In addition, 3. FMCG Gurus, Exploring the Impact of Nutritional Supplements -
Global, September 2020.
12% of supplement consumers say vegan claims
are important to them when purchasing nutritional 4. Mintel, Vitamins and Supplements: Inc Impact of COVID-19 -
UK, September 2020.
supplements.3 Younger consumers may be driving this
5. Glanbia Nutritionals Proprietary Study, December 2020.
interest: for example, while 16% of UK supplement users
6. FMCG Gurus, Exploring the Impact of Nutritional Supplements -
are interested in seeing more vegan vitamins, minerals,
Global, September 2020.
or dietary supplements, the number jumps to 24% for
7. Nutrition Business Journal, Immune Health Report, 2020.
those aged 16-24.4
8-9. Mintel, Support Immune Health in New Ways, June 2020.
10. FMCG Gurus, COVID-19 Survey - February 2021.
Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 16
of an
The Building Consumers
seek a variety
Blocks of an
Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin of immunity

Immune involved in the regulation of the immune
system and the promotion of calcium
Health Product absorption. It has several functions in
the body, including effects on certain
While popular immune-
support vitamins (like
white blood cells such as monocytes and
vitamin C) and minerals
Proper nutrition is one lymphocytes.
(like zinc) continue
of the foundations of Vitamin B6 to be in high demand
among consumers,
a strong and healthy Vitamin B6 is a family of chemically
manufacturers may
related compounds that include
immune system. pyridoxamine and pyridoxal (found in
have more options
than they think when it
Consumers want to be proactive in animal products) and pyridoxine (found
comes to formulating
protecting themselves and their families, in plants and fortified products). Vitamin
for immune-support
and they continue to look for convenient B6 has been studied for its impact on a
foods, beverages, and
ways to add additional nutrients to their variety of functions ranging from protein
diets. According to Mintel Global New metabolism4 to cognitive development5
Product Database, 63% of the new food, to immune function.6 One of its key roles
In fact, there is a wide
drink, and healthcare launches with in the immune system is the promotion
variety of ingredients,
immunity claims between April 2014 and of lymphocyte production.
as well as flavors, that
March 2019 contained micronutrients.1
Vitamin A consumers associate
with healthy immunity.
The top micronutrients Vitamin A plays an essential role in
protecting the body from infection.7
Tapping into these can

used in immune Vitamin A helps maintain the integrity

be an exciting way for
brands differentiate
support products of surface tissues, including the skin,
gut, and respiratory tract, to strengthen
themselves in the
market and expand
Vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin B6 them against possible invading
their reach to new
were the leading nutrients found in new microorganisms. Vitamin A deficiency
product launches with immune system is known to impair the immune system,
claims during this period. Vitamin C was in part due to its critical role in the
by far the most popular, with 38% of development of certain white blood cells
new product launches in the immune such as lymphocytes.
category containing vitamin C.2
Vitamin C
Zinc is an essential trace mineral found
Vitamin C is crucial to health immune in the body that has numerous roles in
function and is involved in antibody supporting cellular metabolism. Zinc is
production and white blood cell activity. involved in immune function,8 as well as
Vitamin C has been studied for its protein and DNA synthesis.9 Since the
benefit to the immune system and body is unable to store zinc, regular zinc
immune-modulating effects.3 Vitamin C consumption is important.
requirements increase when the immune
system is under stress.

Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 18

Vitamin E ingredients associated with natural and holistic healing.
A whopping 57% of U.S. supplement users take herbs
Besides being valuable to the body as an antioxidant,
and botanicals.15
vitamin E is also essential for proper immune function.10
Vitamin E is an important factor in the differentiation
of T cells in the thymus, with T cells known for their key
role in adaptive immunity. This vitamin is particularly
important in protecting the immune system from
damage during times of oxidative stress and chronic

Appealing to consumers with

added vitamins and minerals
While these vitamins and minerals are common in
immune-support products, they are also widely valued
for overall health support due to their multiple roles
in the body. Manufacturers can boost the appeal of
any food, beverage, or supplement by including these
popular micronutrients.
Elderberry is a favorite for those seeking natural

Beyond vitamin C & zinc: other immune support. This dark purple berry is linked to
Native American herbalism and is known for its vitamins
immune associated ingredients and antioxidant polyphenols, especially anthocyanins

and flavors and flavanols. Another antioxidant superstar is turmeric,

often used in joint health and post-workout products.
Bioactives While 25% of U.S. consumers associate elderberry with
helping support immune health, that number rises to
Bioactives are defined as substances that produce an
40% for turmeric.16
effect on cells, organs, or overall body function and
include bioactive proteins like lactoferrin. Lactoferrin Flavors
is an iron-rich milk protein that may enhance immune
Choosing the right
response.11 In fact, protein, in general, has a health halo
flavor for an immunity-
when it comes to immunity, with 81% of U.S. consumers
focused product can help
associating protein with helping to support immune
highlight the product’s
benefits. Citrus flavors
Probiotics are another popular ingredient choice like orange and lemon
since 82% of U.S. consumers associate probiotics (which have strong
with helping to support immunity.13 While the effect vitamin C associations)
of probiotics on the immune system is still under or the tart berry flavor
study, some research areas include the production of elderberry are good
of bioactives and antimicrobial proteins by probiotic choices for fruit-flavored
organisms that may produce immunity benefits.14 products. Another option
is cranberry, which is
rich in anthocyanins and
Functional ingredients consumers associate with flavanols (like elderberry)
immunity also include botanicals. Though botanicals and also associated with
tend to have their origins in traditional medicine, they health benefits.
remain quite popular today, especially as clean label

Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 19

Honey is another go-to flavor thanks to the tradition of adding honey Collaborate with
to herbal tea or lemon juice to soothe a sore throat during a cold.
Ginger also works well and can easily be paired with lemon or honey.
us for delicious,
Ginger is used in traditional Asian medicine for a variety of ailments nutritious, and
including upset stomach.
sustainable products
Appealing to consumers with the right The pandemic has taught food
and supplement manufacturers
ingredients, flavors, and more some important lessons, especially
regarding the important role their
While these vitamins and minerals are common in immune-support products play in keeping people
products, they are also widely valued for overall health support due to healthy. Whether it’s for general
their multiple roles in the body. Manufacturers can boost the appeal health, immune support, or mental
of any food, beverage, or supplement by including these popular wellness support, a product that
micronutrients. can deliver the right benefits with
the nutrition, ingredients, and
sustainability consumers are looking
1-2. Mintel, GNPD, 2020. for can make a positive difference
in people’s lives and win loyal
3. Carr AC and Maggini S. Vitamin C and immune function. Nutrients. 2017 Nov; 9(11):
1211. Retrieved from consumers.
4. Ross, ML and Pike, RL. The relationship of vitamin B6 to protein metabolism during For many consumers around the
pregnancy in the rat. The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 58, Issue 2, February 1956,
Pages 251–268, Retrieved from world, the last year triggered a new
5. Kim H, et al.. Association between intake of B vitamins and cognitive function in awareness and interest in taking
elderly Koreans with cognitive impairment. Nutr J. 2014;13(1):118. Published 2014 Dec control of their health, with data
17. Retrieved from
showing that these recent healthy
6. Rall LC, Meydani SN. Vitamin B6 and immune competence. Nutr Rev. 1993 lifestyle changes—regarding nutrition,
Aug;51(8):217-25. Retrieved from
exercise, stress management,
7. Stephensen CB. Vitamin A, infection, and immune function. Annu Rev Nutr.
2001;21:167-92. Retrieved from
and sleep—may be here to stay.
Developing innovative products
8. Prasad A. Mol Med. 2008 May-Jun; 14(5-6): 353–357. Published online 2008 Apr 3.
Retrieved from to support these consumers
9. Kimball SR, et al. Effects of zinc deficiency on protein synthesis and expression offers manufacturers an exciting
of specific mRNAs in rat liver. Metabolism. 1995 Jan;44(1):126-33. Retrieved from opportunity.
10. Lewis ED et al. Regulatory role of vitamin E in the immune system and As interests in healthy lifestyles and
inflammation. IUBMB Life. 2019 Apr; 71(4): 487–494. Published online 2018 Nov 30. conscious consumerism continue
Retrieved from to shape the food and supplement
11. El-Loly, MM. Bovine milk immunoglobulins in relation to human health. industries, trust that Glanbia
International Journal of Dairy Science Volume 2 (3): 183-195, 2007. Retrieved from Nutritionals has the ingredients to
meet these needs. As a global leader
12-13. FMCG Gurus, COVID-19 Survey – February 2021
in nutritional ingredients, we offer a
14. Yan F, Polk DB. Probiotics and immune health. Curr Opin Gastroenterol.
2011;27(6):496-501. Retrieved from wide range of proteins, bioactives,
PMC4006993/ botanicals, and micronutrient
15-16. FMCG Gurus, COVID-19 Survey – February 2021 premixes, along with formulation

Collaborate with Glanbia Nutritionals

on your next functional food or dietary
supplement and make a product your
consumers will love!

Global Immunity Trends for 2022 and Beyond 20


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