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| TIRUMALA - ACCOMMODATION RECEIPT Reportat : ARP Counter in CRO office, Tirumalabetween6:00 AM to 11:59 AM on 26-03-2024 eyse No.of. Day: @) IAJT 25122303534305 Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Service : Online Noof.Persons :3 Room Type Room with 2 beds andattached toilet Room Tariff — : @100/- PaymentMade : UPI CautionDeposit: %5041/- Booked DateTime: 25/12/202303:14pm TotalAmount : 601/- MobileNo | XXXXXXIII4 (SixHundredandOne Rupees Only PilgrimAddress : Hyderabad, Telangana RoomTariff(%100/-) + SGST(%O0/-) + CGST (%0/-) SNo. PiligrimName Age Gender| IDType ID Number 1 | stiva na gagrave e rehouta ry 2» m AADHAR XXXXHRKKEEZT 2 | Kiastnave n 50 F AADHAR XXXXWEKKECET Important Informationto the Pi Note: The accommodation printoutshouldscan at ARP COUNTER in CRO office, Tirumala The room allotmentinformationwillbe sentthroughSMS to the registeredmobile number within15 minutesalongwith reportinglocation.If SMS is not receivedwithin1S minutes one should approach ARP counters taff for room confirmation And shoulddirectlygo to the concerned Sub- enquiryoffice to get the room allotmentwithin2 hours from the timeof SMS sentby TTD. Otherwise the room allotmentwillautomaticallyget expiresand no furtherconsiderationshallbe made in any circumstances . The allotmentof room is only for 24 hoursand no extensionis allowed. Pilgrimsshould invariablyvacate the room within24 hours. . If the pilgrimsfail to avail the accommodation in stipulatedtimestotand date, the bookingitself will get expire and no considerationwillbe made in any circumstances N w . The Pilgrimshouldproduce the originallD proof at the timeof availingthe Accommodation. Caution deposit willbe refunded to the originalsource of paymentwithin7 bankingdays, after in-timevacation of theroom. . Pilgrimscan cancel theirAccommodation bookings before minimum48 hoursof accommodation date irrespectiveof timeslotsand base tariffalongwith caution deposit willbe refunded to theiroriginalsource of payment. . Re-schedulingof accommodation is not allowed under any circumstances In the eventof not availingthe accommodation on the specified date and stipulatedTimeslot onlycaution deposit (if any) willbe refunded. . TID Managementreservesrigh tof cancellationof the accommodation undersome contingent circumstances & wn No ~ 9. Pleasecontact T.T.D Call Centeron 1800 425 41 41 for any enquiries TTDGSTDetails OriginalnvoiceNum ber: 1AJT25122303534305 InvoiceDate 25-12-2023 Nameof theService — : Accommodation TotalAmount %601/- Address ARP COU NTERINCRO OFFICE TIRUMALAANDH RAPRADESH. . Pilgrim TTDInformation 8 cast s@st Information | Taxable Total ew Amount Tax sm stm rate |amant |Rate — | Amant secant | a7aaarranzecaz 100 ° ° ° ° ° NOTE Electronicallgenerateddetailsdo not requireanysignature Executive Officer, TTD

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