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Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser Treatment to Enhance

Skin Permeation of Ascorbic Acid 2-Glucoside with
Minimal Skin Disruption

BACKGROUND Topical treatment with vitamin C has been used to treat photoaged skin and as a skin
whitener, but no standard procedure exists for percutaneous delivery.
OBJECTIVE To compare skin histology and the permeation of ascorbic acid 2-glucoside (AA2G) after
fractional and conventional carbon dioxide (CO2) laser pretreatment.
METHODS The effect on porcine skin of treatment with different strengths of fractional and conventional CO2
laser treatment was examined using scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy.
Permeation of AA2G through porcine skin was tested in vitro using a Franz diffusion chamber. In vivo changes
in fluorescein thiocyanate permeability in nude mice were examined using confocal laser scanning
RESULTS Fractional CO2 laser treatment with four or fewer passes caused less disruption than conventional
laser treatment at the same fluence. AA2G permeation using four passes of fractional laser treatment was
similar to that seen with conventional CO2 laser treatment of the same fluence. Changes in permeability and in
depth of permeation were higher with conventional than fractional laser treatment.
CONCLUSION Fractional CO2 laser treatment can cause similar transdermal delivery of AA2G to conven-
tional laser treatment with less skin disruption and a different pattern of histologic change.
The authors have indicated no significant interest with commercial supporters.

B ecause ascorbic acid (vitamin C) has antioxi-

dant action and increases collagen synthesis,
it has been used topically to treat photoaged skin.1,2
laser treatment has therefore been proposed as a
means of delivering vitamin C through the stratum
corneum to the epidermis and dermis, where its
It has also been reported to decrease melanin actions take place.
synthesis and has therefore been used topically as a
skin whitener.3–5 Ascorbic acid is a hydrophilic Laser treatment has been shown to increase trans-
compound and does not penetrate the stratum dermal delivery of a number of substances, including
corneum easily. Increasing skin permeability with peptides, photosensitizing agents, insulin, anticancer

*Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan;

School of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan; ‡Department of Cosmetic Science,
Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan; §Department of Dermatology, Aesthetic Medical
Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan; ¶Department of Medicine, First Cardiovascular Division,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; **College of Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan;
Department of Anatomy, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan; ‡‡Microscopy Core Laboratory, Chang Gung
Memorial Hospital at Linko, Taoyuan, Taiwan
These two authors contributed equally to this work.

© 2012 by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Inc.  Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 
ISSN: 1076-0512  Dermatol Surg 2012;1–10  DOI: 10.1111/j.1524-4725.2012.02454.x


agents, and DNA,6–10 but recovery time after the at different angles so that, when more than one pass
skin damage caused by this type of treatment can was used, the irradiated areas of the individual
take several days, even though the strength of the pulses did not overlap. The change to conventional
laser pulses used for transdermal drug delivery is laser treatment was achieved simply by changing
lower than that used to treat photoaged skin. A the handpiece of the laser. The spot size of the
newer technique, fractional laser treatment, causes conventional laser was 3 mm in diameter.
microscopic holes in the skin in a grid pattern
instead of irradiating the entire skin surface and has Animals
been used to treat acne scars and photoaged
Female nude mice (Balb/c-nu strain; 8 weeks old)
skin.11,12 It might therefore be used to enhance the
were obtained from the National Laboratory Animal
permeation of ascorbic acid into the skin without the
Center (Taipei, Taiwan). The Animal Technology
degree of destruction caused by and the longer
Institute Taiwan (Miaoli, Taiwan) supplied patho-
recovery period needed with conventional laser
gen-free pigs (1 week old). The Institutional Animal
Care and Use Committee of Chang Gung University
of Science and Technology reviewed and approved
There is no standard pretreatment conventional or
the animal experiment protocol. This committee
fractional laser procedure for ascorbic acid 2-
confirmed that the animal experiment followed the
glycoside (AA2G) delivery. To lay the groundwork
guidelines as set forth in the Guide for Laboratory
for the development of a standard protocol for
Animal Facilities and Care.
topical delivery of AA2G, we compared ascending
strengths of fractional and conventional CO2 laser
Animal Protocol
treatment for skin damage, increased permeability,
and transdermal delivery of AA2G using skin from Porcine skin was used for scanning electron
pigs and nude mice. microscopy (SEM), transmission electron micro-
scopy (TEM), and in vitro AA2G permeation stud-
ies. The pigs were euthanized, and ten 2- by 2-cm
Materials and Methods portions of dorsal skin removed from each pig (one
for each laser condition) for laser treatment. TEM,
Laser Assemblies
SEM, and diffusion assays were all performed on
The fractional CO2 laser (150XJ; Sharplan Laser skin from the same pig. Eight pigs were used in all.
Inc., Yokneam, Israel) has a wavelength of
10,600 nm. An articulated arm was used to deliver For in vivo permeation experiments, nude mice were
the laser beam to the skin surface. The handpiece treated with fractional or conventional lasers, and a
was able to create microscopic columns of skin cylinder containing fluorescein isothiocyanate
ablation or microscopic treatment zones (MTZs). (FITC) solution was attached to their back over the
Typical MTZs had a diameter of 150 lm. The irradiated area, as described in a subsequent section,
occupied area of one irradiation dot was approx- for a 2 hour incubation period. The mice were then
imately 0.018 mm2. The dimension of the treat- euthanized and the treated skin excised for confocal
ment area of the handpiece was 12 by 12 mm. This laser scanning microscopy (CLSM).
area had 169 irradiation dots (13 9 13). The
coverage of the MTZs was 2% of the treatment Ideally, we would have used the same species for in
area when one pulse of the laser was used vivo and in vitro studies, but pigs were too expensive
(0.018 mm29169/12 9 12 mm2). For this study, and hard to handle for the in vivo studies, and mice
the skin received from one to four passes at fluences were too small to use for the in vitro studies, so we
from 5 to 9 W. The operator rotated the handpiece had to compromise on this.


Laser Experimental Protocol In Vitro Permeation of AA2G

To discover the optimal balance between good The diffusion cell used in this in vitro experiment
permeation and minimal destruction, we started was a Franz diffusion assembly. A piece of excised
with the lowest wattage (5 W) and only one pass of porcine dorsal skin was mounted in the apparatus
the fractional laser machine and compared the with the stratum corneum facing the donor com-
results with those using a conventional laser at the partment. After laser pretreatment, the skin surface
same wattage. We then increased the number of was wiped with a cotton swab several times. The
passes with the fractional laser at that wattage until receptor compartment (5.5 mL) was filled with a pH
four passes had been used. This protocol was then 7.4 citrate-phosphate buffer. The donor compart-
repeated with the next wattage. ment (0.5 mL) contained AA2G (Sigma-Aldrich, St.
Louis, MO, USA) in a pH 7.4 citrate–phosphate
Ultrastructure Examination Using SEM buffer. The available area of the side-by-side cell was
0.7854 cm2. The receptor compartment was main-
Excised porcine skin samples with and without
tained at 37°C, and the contents were stirred with a
laser treatment were cut into appropriate-sized
magnetic bar at 600 rpm. At appropriate intervals,
cubes and immediately fixed at 4°C in 3% para-
300-lL aliquots of receptor medium were with-
formaldehyde and 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M
drawn and immediately replaced with an equal
cacodylate buffer (pH7.4) overnight, washed three
volume of fresh receptor solution. The length of the
times with 0.1 M cacodylate and 7% sucrose
sampling period was 12 hours. The amount of drug
buffer for 15 minutes, postfixed with 2% osmium
in the receptor medium was determined using high-
tetroxide for 1 hour, washed three times as before,
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
and immersed in 0.5% aqueous uranyl acetate for
30 minutes. The specimens were then dehydrated in
HPLC Analytic Method
graded concentrations of ethanol, transferred to
isoamyl acetate, and critical-point dried using The samples were analyzed using an HPLC system
liquid CO2. The dried specimens were affixed with consisting of a Dionex UltiMate 3000 pump, a
gold–palladium in an ion coater and examined Dionex UltiMate 3000 autosampler, and a Dionex
using a scanning electron microscope (S-5000; UltiMate 3000 ultraviolet detector (Dionex, Sunny-
Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). vale, CA). A 15-cm-long, 4.6-mm inner diameter
Inertsil ODS-3V column (GL Science, Tokyo, Japan)
Ultrastructure Examination Using TEM was used. For AA2G analysis, the mobile phase
consisted of 0.7 g of potassium dihydrogen phos-
Excised porcine skin samples with and without laser
phate dissolved in 1,000 mL of double-distilled
treatment were cut into appropriate-sized cubes and
water adjusted to pH 3 with 0.1M citric acid. No
immediately fixed at 4°C in 2% paraformaldehyde
methanol was used. The mobile phase was used at a
and 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer
flow rate of 1 mL/minute, and the ultraviolet
(pH 7.4) overnight, washed three times with 0.1 M
detector was set at a wavelength of 254 nm.
cacodylate and 7% sucrose buffer for 15 minutes,
postfixed with 2% osmium tetroxide for 24 hours,
In Vivo Nude Mouse Skin Permeation of FITC
and washed three times as before. The specimens
Examined Using CLSM
were then dehydrated in graded concentrations of
ethanol, embedded in an epon–epoxy mixture and The dorsal skin of the nude mouse was first treated
sectioned. Thin sections were double-stained with using irradiation with a fractional or conventional
uranyl acetate and lead citrate and examined using laser. Then the dorsal skin was glued (Instant Super
TEM (H-7500; Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). Glue, Kokuyo, Osaka, Japan) to a glass cylinder

2012 3

with an available area of 0.7854 cm2. FITC/pH 7.4

buffer (0.2 mL) at a concentration of 0.1% was
added to the cylinder. The application time of the
vehicle, 2 hours, was based on two previous stud-
ies.9,13 After euthanizing the mouse and excising the
skin on which vehicle was applied, the skin surface
was washed 10 times using a cotton cloth immersed
in methanol. The skin samples obtained were then
examined for FITC fluorescence using CLSM. The
skin thickness was optically scanned at approxi-
mately 8-lm increments through the Z-axis of a
Leica TCS SP2 confocal microscope (Manheim,
Germany). Optical excitation was performed using a
488-nm argon laser beam, and fluorescence emission
was detected at 590 nm.

Statistical Analysis

Data were graphed and analyzed using SigmaPlot

software (Systat Software, Inc., Chicago, IL).
Cumulative amount–time profiles of in vitro
transdermal permeation were graphed as a line
plot with mean and standard deviation (SD) for
each condition. Results of flux across porcine skin
were summarized as mean ± SD for each condi-
tion, and these results were compared using one-
way analysis of variance with a post hoc Duncan
test. Statistical assessments were considered signif-
icant at p < .05.


Electron Microscopy

Figure 1 shows SEM of porcine skin with no

treatment (A), fractional laser treatment of four
passes at 5W (B), and conventional laser treatment
at 5 W (C). Untreated skin shows corneocytes
overlapping each other in an orderly manner. In
contrast, the stratum corneum has become irregular
and uneven after fractional or conventional laser

TEM of untreated skin (Figure 2A) shows an intact, Figure 1. Scanning electron microscopy observations
(9300) of porcine skin (A) without any treatment, (B) with
even stratum corneum with little or no space fractional laser treatment at 5 W for four passes, and (C)
between the individual layers. The lower-dose conventional laser treatment at 5 W.


Figure 2. Transmission electron microscopy observations of porcine skin (95,000) with (A) no laser treatment, (B) fractional
laser treatment at 5 W for four passes, (C) conventional laser treatment at 5 W, (D) fractional laser treatment at 9 W for four
passes, (E) conventional laser treatment at 9 W.

(4 passes, 5 W) fractional laser treatment shows Conventional laser treatment with the 9-W dose
partial detachment and a wavy pattern of the upper shows complete ablation of the stratum corneum
layers of the stratum corneum, with wide spaces and general destruction and necrosis of the under-
between these layers (Figure 2B). Conventional laser lying tissue.
treatment at this dose shows more-uniform and
Cumulative Amount–Time Profiles for
extensive damage to the stratum corneum and a
Transdermal AA2G Flux
lesser degree of widening between layers. Fractional
laser treatment with the 9-W dose results in removal As AA2G diffused through the laser-treated skin of
of more stratum corneum, bigger spaces between the the Franz diffusion apparatus, its concentration in
uppermost remaining layers than the 5-W dose, and the receptor compartment rose steadily and in a
some destruction of the epidermis and dermis. dose-dependent manner (Figure 3). No AA2G flux

2012 5

occurred across untreated skin. Flux across skin with

fractional laser treatment rose as the number of
passes increased. The flux with four passes of the
fractional laser equaled the flux of the conventional
laser for the two lower fluences (5 and 7 W) and was
slightly lower for the highest (9 W) fluence.

AA2G Fluxes and Enhancement Ratios

Table 1 shows the fluxes and enhancement ratios for

diffusion of AA2G through porcine skin treated with
fractional and conventional laser treatment of vary-
ing doses. For each fluence, the diffusion of AA2G
increased as the number of passes of the fractional
laser increased. When the number of passes reached
four, the flux enhancement ratios using the frac-
tional laser became similar to those seen with
conventional laser treatment of the same fluence.

In Vivo FITC Permeation Studies of Laser-

Treated Nude Mouse Skin

Figure 4 shows CLSM imaging of nude mouse skin

after fractional (4 passes) and conventional laser
treatment at fluences of 5 and 9 W. In untreated
skin, some FITC fluorescence is seen but only in the
upper layers. At four passes at 5 W, fractional laser-
treated skin shows fluorescence that is stronger and
located more deeply in the skin than that with no
treatment. Conventional laser treatment at this
fluence shows even more and deeper fluorescence
than fractional laser treatment. Fractional laser
treatment shows more fluorescence with 9-W than
5-W treatment, but only a small amount of fluores-
cence has reached the deeper skin layers. At 9 W, in
contrast, fluorescence after conventional laser treat-
ment has increased and moved almost entirely to
these deeper layers.


When four passes of the fractional laser were used, Figure 3. In vitro cumulative amount–time profiles of
fractional CO2 laser treatment was equivalent to topical delivery in porcine skin of ascorbic acid 2-glucoside
(AA2G) at fluences of (A) 5 W, (B) 7 W, (C) 9 W by fractional
conventional CO2 laser treatment. That is, it
laser treatment for one to four passes and conventional
achieved a similar AA2G flux and enhancement treatment. Each value represents the mean ± standard
ration as that seen with conventional CO2 laser deviation (n = 8).


TABLE 1. Ascorbic Acid 2-Glucoside Fluxes (Flux) and Enhancement Ratios (ERs) Across Porcine Skin After
Fractional and Conventional Treatment Using a Carbon Dioxide Laser (N = 8 for each condition)
Fractional Laser Treatment Conventional Laser Treatment

Flux, lg/cm2 per Flux, lg/cm2 per

Fluence (W) Passes, n hour, mean ± SD* ER† hour, mean ± SD* ER†
0 (no treatment) 0 0.94 ± 0.12a 1 0.94 ± 0.12a 1
5 1 34.07 ± 6.61b 36 83.53 ± 11.24c 89
2 47.73 ± 7.86b 51 NA
4 79.42 ± 10.14c 84 NA
7 1 57.55 ± 9.22b 61 95.18 ± 13.02cd 101
2 85.25 ± 10.57c 91 NA
4 93.16 ± 12.41cd 99 NA
9 1 82.35 ± 11.05c 88 127.93 ± 23.47d 136
2 116.99 ± 19.87d 124 NA
4 125.19 ± 22.56d 133 NA

*p < 0.05 through one-way analysis of variance test with a post-hoc Duncan test a<b<c<d.
†The flux of laser-pretreated group/flux of no-treatment group (fluence = 0 W and pass number = 0).
SD, standard deviation; NA, not assessed.

treatment with the same fluence, but the histologic seen with conventional laser treatment even when
changes that the two treatments caused were not six passes of the fractional laser were used.13 Skin is
equivalent. SEM of the skin surface was similar with not a homogeneous substance, having a barrier to
the two treatments (at 5 W), but TEM showed skin hydrophilic substances in the stratum corneum and
with fractional laser treatment to have semidetached lipophilic and hydrophilic pathways below. In
layers of the stratum corneum with large spaces addition, laser treatment destroys some of its struc-
between them, whereas conventionally treated skin ture and makes the remainder irregular, and it is
showed loss of most of the stratum corneum and thought that, although removal of the stratum
only small spaces between the remaining layers. corneum can increase transdermal flux by removing
Permeation of the skin by FITC also showed a the barrier to hydrophilic substances, its removal can
different pattern, in that FITC permeated to deeper decrease transdermal flux in some cases, because it
skin layers after conventional laser treatment than may also serve as a reservoir for the substances being
after fractional laser treatment. transported.

AA2G flux showed normal kinetics; that is, it SEM, TEM, and CLSM are not quantitative meth-
increased in a linear manner with fractional and ods, but in this study, they showed that fractional
conventional laser treatment as time and dose laser treatment, in the doses used, did not cause the
increased. Other substances have not shown such degree of destruction that conventional treatment
simple kinetics. For example, peptide delivery after caused and did not cause permeability changes in
laser treatment was not linearly related to size,9 and skin tissue to the depth that conventional treatment
the flux of the anticancer drug 5-fluorouracil and the did, although this lesser destruction and penetration
photosensitizer 5-aminolevulinic acid across nude did not result in a smaller flux of AA2G. Fractional
mouse skin reached a maximum and then decreased laser treatment also has a shorter recovery time than
as the fluence of an erbium-doped yttrium aluminum conventional laser treatment.14 The implication of
garnet laser increased (Er:YAG).7,10 Permeation of these observations is that fractional laser treatment
5-aminoleulinic acid across nude mouse skin after has advantages over conventional laser treatment for
fractional laser treatment did not reach the levels transdermal delivery of vitamin C.

2012 7






Figure 4. Confocal laser scanning microscopic (CLSM) micrographs of nude mouse skin after the in vivo topical
administration of fluorescein isothiocyanate through the skin by laser pretreatment: (A) no-treatment group, (B) fractional
laser treatment at 5 W for four passes, (C) conventional laser treatment at 5 W, (D) fractional laser treatment at 9 W for four
passes, (E) conventional laser treatment at 9 W (original magnification 9 20). The skin specimen was viewed using CLSM at
8-lm increments through the Z-axis. The images in the right side of the photographs of the 10 fragments are the sum of all

Vitamin C is used in topical cosmetic formulations the skin more normal in appearance.1,2 These trials
as a skin whitener. Gels or other topical vitamin C were long (3 and 6 months) and had the biggest
preparations have also been used to treat photoag- effect on fine wrinkles and rhytides, but it was not
ing, rhytides, and acne scars, the idea being that, if clear how well vitamin C was penetrating into the
vitamin C can penetrate to its site of action, it can lower skin layers. In this regard, in our experiment,
block the reactive oxygen species that are causing no AA2G diffusion across normal, untreated skin
the damage and increase collagen synthesis to make was seen, even after 2 hours of incubation.


Fractional laser treatment has the advantage of not specified, reported similar results,2 and a third
increasing transdermal permeability with less study, in which 5% vitamin C was used, mentioned
destruction of the stratum corneum and epidermis no side effects.1 Most studies of fractional laser
than most other methods. The question is what treatment use Er:YAG lasers, but one study of
degree of permeability is needed for adequate fractional CO2 laser treatment stated that universal
delivery of vitamin C in the clinical setting. A postinflammatory hyperpigmentation is seen after
modest degree of permeability might be enough for conventional CO2 laser treatment, although only
reasonable therapeutic results. one of 10 subjects experienced postinflammatory
hyperpigmentation after fractional CO2 laser treat-
Much more experimentation needs to be done to ment.18
determine the clinical situations in which fractional
laser treatment with ascorbic acid may be useful, but Limitations of the study were that we were unable to
it seems clear that this method of delivery will give measure penetration depth for ascorbic acid in
better ascorbic acid delivery to epidermal and fractional and conventional treatment. We also did
dermal skin layers than topical or oral treatment. not perform a comparative analysis of the quanti-
Little ascorbic acid penetrates below the stratum tative uptake of ascorbic acid in the ex vivo pig and
corneum after topical treatment, and little orally in vivo nude mouse systems. We did not compare the
administered ascorbic acid reaches these skin layers, two systems in this way because we felt that a
because the capacity of the gastrointestinal active quantitative comparison between two totally differ-
transport system used for absorption limits oral ent models would not be very meaningful, although
absorption, and the ascorbic acid that is absorbed is Hsaio and colleagues, in a recent study, examined
quickly undergoes enzymatic and nonenzymatic the flux of two ascorbic acid derivatives across nude
oxidation and is thus eliminated.15,16 mouse skin given conventional CO2 treatment and
found this flux to be much greater.19
The clinical usefulness of this greater penetration
and deeper absorption needs to be explored further. In conclusion, fractional CO2 laser treatment may
Dermal absorption is not a great advantage when have potential clinical use for transdermal delivery
ascorbic acid is used for skin whitening, unless the of vitamin C, but further investigation of this
dermis performed the function of a reservoir, possibility needs to be conducted.
because most melanocytes, the target cell, are in the
epidermis, but the deeper penetration would provide
Acknowledgments This work was supported by
an advantage in clinical conditions, such as photo-
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Grants
aging, where stimulation of collagen synthesis is

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