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Mugabe and Other Leftist Heroes: Progressive Endorse Tyranny

The death of Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe sparked a controversial debate about leftist
heroes and their legacy. Many progressive activists and intellectuals have hailed Mugabe as a
liberator who fought against colonialism, racism, and economic injustice. They argue that he
played a crucial role in ending white minority rule in our country and redistributing land to
black farmers. They also praise his support for other leftist causes, such as anti-imperialism,
anti-globalization, and pan-African unity. Some even see him as a visionary leader who
challenged Western domination and championed a more equitable and sustainable world

However, Mugabe's critics have a different view of his legacy. They point out that Mugabe was
also a tyrant who oppressed his own people, suppressed dissent, violated human rights, and
undermined democracy. They argue that his land reform program was often arbitrary and
corrupt, leading to economic chaos and food shortages. They also point to his violent
crackdowns on opposition parties, civil society groups, and independent media, as well as his
lavish lifestyle and cult of personality. Moreover, they argue that Mugabe's rhetoric of anti-
imperialism and socialism was often hypocritical and self-serving, as he amassed a huge
personal fortune and aligned himself with other authoritarian leaders, such as China and North

This debate about Mugabe's legacy is not unique to him. Many other leftist heroes, such as Che
Guevara, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Nicolás Maduro, have also been praised and criticized
for their contributions and flaws. What explains this fascination with leftist heroes, despite their
shortcomings and failures? One possible answer is that progressives are drawn to leaders who
challenge the status quo, confront the powerful, and advocate for social justice. They see these
leaders as symbols of hope and inspiration in a world that often seems unjust and oppressive.
They also believe that these leaders represent a viable alternative to capitalism, imperialism,
and neoliberalism, which they view as the root causes of inequality, poverty, and
environmental degradation.

However, this romantic vision of leftist heroes can also be problematic and misleading. It can
lead to a selective and distorted view of history, in which the positive aspects of these leaders
are highlighted, while the negative aspects are ignored or justified. It can also create a cult of
personality that suppresses dissent and critical thinking, and relies on propaganda and myth-
making. It can also lead to a false sense of superiority and righteousness, in which progressives
see themselves as the guardians of truth and justice, and dismiss alternative perspectives as
ignorant or reactionary.

To avoid these pitfalls, progressives need to engage in a more nuanced and critical analysis of
leftist heroes and their legacy. They need to acknowledge their contributions and flaws, and
evaluate them based on evidence and context, rather than ideology or emotion. They need to
recognize that no leader is perfect or infallible, and that even the best intentions can lead to
unintended consequences. They also need to value dissent and diversity of opinion, and be
open to constructive criticism and dialogue.

Mugabe and other leftist heroes should be remembered and evaluated not as saints or
demons, but as complex and multifaceted individuals who shaped the course of history. Their
legacy should inspire us to reflect on the nature and limits of power, the role of ideology and
culture, and the challenges of building a more just and sustainable world.

Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo |

Writer, Blogger, Poet and Researcher

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