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Name: ____________


3rd YEAR

C o u n t r i e s a n d nationalítíes Present simple
1 H U B Complete the sentences with one 3 ÉH Read what John says and then
word. complete the text about him.

f l'm Brad. l'm l'm Ellen. l'm "My ñame is John. I come from Scotland,
American. from the UK. but I don't live there. I live in London. I go to

y l'm Aki. I ' m \

school in Barnet. I play basketball. I don't
2 l'm Kostas. play football. I like my school, but I don't like
'm Greek. from Japan.
v London."
John comes from Scotland, but he
3 íl'm Sheila. l'm l'm Sadik.
2 3
from Australia. l'm Turkish. there. H e
in London. H e to school

1 Brad is from the USA. in Barnet. H e _ 5


2 Kostas is from He 6
football. H e

3 Sheila is his school, but h e 8


4 Ellen is U É I U s e the prompts to write questions

5 Aki is and answers.

6 Sadik is from 1 A: Where/you/live?

B: l/in Exeter.
Family w o r d s
Where do you live?
2 WtíM Complete the texts with the words I live in Exeter.
from the box.
2 A: Where/your dad/come from?
B: He/north London.
• atifrt • wife • daughter • cousins
• nephew • Unele • niece • son

3 A: you/go to a big school?

B: /

4 A: your brother/play tennis?

B: /

This is a picture of my únele and aunt and
their two children, Mark and Anne. Mark and
5 A: Ed and Sylvia/go to the same school?
Anne are m y .
B: /
My brother is married. Kylie is his
. They've got two children.
Harry is t h e i r and
6 A: Where/your aunt/live?
Debbie is t h e i r . Harry is
B: She/in Canadá
my and Debbie is my
7 but they don't cali me
Appearance Regular a n d irregular noun plurals
1 MM Complete the words with one letter in 3 Write the plural form of the words in brackets.
e a c h space.
1 l've got three (brother) brothers.
Hair style: 2 My favourite (city) are Venice and
S h o r t , medium-lenath, long Seville.
Straight, w a v y , c I 3 There are two (bus) every hour.
Hair colour: 4 My mum has got blue (eye) .
3 4
Brown, f r, b n , grey, red 5 Poland and Russia are interesting (country)
Eye colour:
Brown, b e, green 6 There are three (man) in my family.
Other features: 7 Here are some (photo) _ _ of my
6 7
m s c , b d, a great friend.
s ; i _ 8 l've got íour (sandwich) .for lunch.
Age: 9 There are twenty-four (child) in
Oíd, m I -a d, young this class.
Good-looking, 10
b u f There is/are
4 Complete the questions and answers.
Have/Has got
2 831 Look at the information and complete
the sentences with the correct form of have
got or has got

My sister: long hair / , straight hair / , blue eyes / ,

glasses X, a boyfriend X
My parents: grey hair X, brown eyes / , blue car / ,
long hair (mum / , dad X)
1 a bus? Is there a bus (in the picture)?
1 My sister has got long hair.
Yes, there is.
2 She curly hair.
2 four children?
She straight hair.
3 She blue eyes.
3 How many/children?
4 She glasses.
5 She a boyfriend.
4 two women?
6 My parents grey hair.
7 They brown eyes.
5 two men?
8 They a blue car.

9 My mum long hair, but my

6 a car?
dad long hair.

7 How many/houses?

8 a school?
The t i m e A d v e r b s a n d e x p r e s s i o n s of
1 Look at the d o c k s and say the times.

f lt'¡'s twenty-five to 4 Look at the information and complete the

P three in the morning.
thi sentences.
"" "•

Have lunch Go to the

at school cinema
DT:30 | 1 IM = E D M Mark: sometimes 4x a year
Julie: often 1 x a week
Daily routines Steve and Adam: never 2x a month
2 Complete the text about routines with one
1 Mark sometimes has lunch at school.
word from the box in each s p a c e .
2 Mark qoes to the cinema four times a year.

• have • watch • go (x2) • go to 3 Julie school.

• play • listen • wake • do • read 4 Julie week.
• phone • brush • get (x2) 5 Steve and Adam
1 wake up at half past six, but I don't 6 Steve and Adam
up. I stay in bed until seven month.
o'clock. 1 breakfast and
my teeth. 1 5
to Question w o r d s
school at eight o'clock. 5 Complete the questions with the correct
1 6
home from school at four question word(s).
o'clock. 1 my homework and 1 What is your favourite colour? Red.
then 1 computer games, 2 is your birthday?
9 my f r i e n d s , 10
to th
On 15 January.
1 1
music o r TV. 3 oíd are you? l'm fifteen.
1 2
1 bed at about ten o'clock. 4 do you go to the
1 3
Sometimes, 1 in bed, but I cinema? About once a month.
to sleep before half past ten. 5 is your favourite singer?
P h r a s e s w i t h have
6 aren't you at school?
3 Rearrange the letters to make phrases. It's Saturday.
1 have a ba t h (tha) 7 do you usually meet your
2 have a b friends? At a café.
(arebcue) 8 do you usually
3 have a p (ytar) go to bed? At about ten o'clock.
4 have b 9 is your phone? The red one
(fastrake) or the blue one? The red one.
5 have a t (set)
6 have a s (knac)
7 have a s (whoer)
8 have a maths I (eonss)
Leisure activities Present continuous
1 Match the beginnings (1-9) to the endings 3 a Complete the sentences with the correct
(a-i). form of the verbs from the box.

• play (x2) • talk • have (x3) • take

• make • do • watch

1 We are watching a DVD at the moment.

2 My sister a bath.
3 My friends on the phone now.
4 I my homework at the moment.
5 My dad football today.
6 My mum is in the garden. She
7 you a sculpture?
Yes, I am.
a) DVD
8 We a barbecue today.
b) guitar
9 Be quiet. Class 8b a test.
c) sculpture
10 Tom his new
d) shopping
computer game? No, he isn't. He's working.
e) photographs
f) concert 4 iil Use the prompts to make questions. Then
look at the pictures and write the answers.
g) basketball
h) friends
i) bike

Can (ability)
2 8 2 3 Complete the questions and answers.

1 Amy: Hi, Jack. Do you want to come horse

riding with us?
Jack: No, thanks. (X hde) / can't ride a horse.

2 Paul: (you/swim) ?
Belle: (/) 1 What/she/do?
3 Max: José is from Chile, (you/speak) What is she doing? She is swimming.
Chilean? 2 she/watch/a film?
Hannah: (X) but ( / speak)
Spanish. That's 3 What/the girl/do?
what they speak in Chile!
4 Teresa: Tve got a car. 4 they/play/basketball?
Pattie: Really? (you/drive) ?
Teresa: (X) , but l'm having lessons. 5 What/they/do?

1a I love this job!
Grammar: Present simple and present continuous
1 _¡É M a t c h the questions (1-10) to the answers (a-j)-

What does your dad do? — a) l'm going to the cinema.

Where do you usually go on Fridays? >v b) Yes, I do.
3 Do you often read in bed? / c) l'm playing Slender.
4 Is your mum driving today? V d) Yes, I am.
5 Where are you going this evening? ^ e) He's a vet.
9 What game are you playing at the moment? We usually go to a café.

LL 7. Does your mum usually drive to work?

What is your dad doing?
g) I usually play horror games.
h) He's reading the newspaper.
9 What computer games do you usually play? ¡) No, she doesn't.
10 Are you reading this book at the moment? j) No, she isn't.

Complete the text with the correct 4 BU Complete the dialogue with the
form of the verbs in brackets. correct form of the verbs from the box.
My mum is a teacher. She usually (work)
works at a school, but today she (teach)2 • he give • write • teek • not do
• help • talk • you do • you want
a boy at his house. She
(give) him lessons twice
Ben: Hi, Laura. How are you?
a week. 1
Laura: Hi, Ben. l'm OK. 1 'm looking for a
My dad is a pilot, but h e (not fly)
summer job.
a plañe today. Today, he and
Ben: My únele has got a restaurant.
Mum (fly) to Washington to 2
me to ask him
visit my aunt.
about work there for you?
S Ü I Make questions and statements.
Laura: Great. Thanks. What about you? What
1 How/you/usually/spend/your free time? 3
every day?
How do vou usually spend vour free time? Ben: Me? At the moment, I
2 What/you/do/at the moment? 4
my dad.
He's a journalist. Right now he
3 The televisión is on, but l/not/watch/it. 5
a story about the
l/read school holidays and what students
do in their free time. It's great.
4 How often/you/eat/pizza? He 6
to people and
I take their photos.
5 I can't go out. l/wait/for an important email Laura: G r e a t . 7
you money
for that?
6 My dad/not usually/work/at night Ben: No, h e 8

M—m. N ce smell./your mum/make/a cake?

Vocabulary Jobs Grammar summary

6 ti&JÉí Match the people (1-9) to the jobs (a-i). I Present simple and present
make people beautiful. --
Affirmative Negative
I go to school by I don't like football.
^ h^ork with money. J bus every day. He doesn't like
He goes to school football.
by car. You aren't playing
They are eating at computer games
the moment. now.
She is watching It isn't sleeping at
televisión at the the moment.
Questions Short answers
Do you often have Yes, I do.
lunch at school? No, I don't.
fly planes.") Does he often go to Yes, he does.
the cinema? No, he doesn't.
Are you playing Yes, we are.
I work for a
computer games? No, we arent.
Is she having a Yes, she is.
bath? No, she isn't.
cut people's hair.
D Note
work in a hotel Usage
• We use the present simple to talk about
a) hairdresser d) vet g) dentist routines. habits and faets which are always true.
/ often go to the cinema.
b) pilot e)carpenter h) receptionist
• We use the present continuous to talk about
c) beautician f) journalist i) cashier things that are happening now or around now.
6 á_Ü Label the picture. My dad is sleeping at the moment.
• We don't usually use state verbs in the present
continuous e.g. like, love, hate, understand,
know. want, believe
I don Y understand this exercise. NOT l'm not
understanding this exercise.

• ln present simple affirmative sentences, we add
-sto the verb for he, she, it forms.
He likes school.
• ln negatives and questions, we use the auxiliary
verb do/does + infinitive without to.
Does he speak Italian?
He doesn 't play football.
• ln present continuous sentences we use the
correct form of the verb to be + verb + ~ing.
ln questions, we put the verb to be before the
4 d. What are you writing? NOT What you are
1b Whose radio is this?
Vocabulary: Money G r a m m a r Whose...?, genitive 's and
s', possessive adjectives, possessive
1 ÜS Complete the prices (a-f) and match
them to the labels (1-6).
3 H H Choose the correct options.
2 3
£1.49 £3.15
1 This is my mums /(mum's)book.
2 Those are my goggles / goggles'.
£15.85 3 Hey! That towel is my / mine.
4 Where are Heather and Sally? These towels are
their / theirs.
a) Fifteen pounds eiahtv-five.
5 Where's Fiona? This is her / she belt.
b) Sixty-nine
6 Who's / Whose is this radio?
c) One

d) ninety-nine. 4 u Complete the second sentence s o that

it has the s a m e meaning a s the first. Use the
e) fifty.
word in capitals.
f) Three
1 Who is the owner of this wallet? (WHOSE)

Vocabulary: Everyday things Whose wallet is this?

2 lili Label the picture. 2 Those are my sunglasses. (MINE)

Those .
3 Is this your radio? (YOURS)
4 Who is the owner of these batteries? (WHOSE)
5 These are her pens. (HERS)
These .

5 £ 2 Ü U s e the prompts to complete the


1 Rick: (Who/camera) Whose

camera is this?
Julie: (my) It's mine.
2 Harry: (you/laptop) Is

1 goggles laptop?

2 s Anna: (X - my dad). No, it isn't. It's

3 b.
4 t_ 3 Lisa: (Cathy/sunglasses?) Are

5 w.
6p_ Donna: (X - my) No, they aren't.

7 b
8 w. Lisa: (You!)

9 b_ Donna: ( / - new) Yes. They're

10 f sunglasses.

Use your English: Shopping Grammar summary
6 0 M a t c h the dialogue (a-h) to the speakers (1-8) and Whose...? genitive 's and s '
put it in the c o r r e c t order. Whose belt is this?
It's my mum's purse.
They are my friends' bags.

1 Shop assistant: Can I help vou?
• We use 's/s'to show possession.
2 Customer:
• We use whose to ask about possession.
3 Shop assistant: Whose pen is this? It's Helen's.
4 Customer: Form
• We use s with singular nouns and plural
5 Shop assistant:
nouns which do not end in -s.
6 Customer:
It's my brother's bike.
7 Shop assistant: They are the children 's books.
8 Customer: • We use s'with plural nouns which end in -s.
The students' books.
a) Can I help you?
b) How much are they?
Possessive adjectives and
c) £39.99! I'll leave them, thanks. I'll just take the belt. possessive pronouns
d) Yes, please. Have you got any belts? It's my wallet. It's mine.
e) Sunglasses are £39.99. It's your phone. It's yours.
It's his belt. It's his.
f) These are £3.99 and those are £6.99.
They're her flip-flops. They're hers.
g) OK. I'll take this black one. Can I get some sunglasses They're ours.
They're our batteries.
too, please? It's their house. It's theirs.
h) Sure. Try one of these.
E 9 Complete the dialogue with one word in each space. Gruí tff»j
Shop assistant: Good morning. Can 1 helo you?
• We use possessive adjectives before
Customer: Yes, please. Have you g o t . a noun.
batteries? It's my book.
Shop assistant: Yes, o f 3
. What are they for? • We use possessive pronouns without
a noun or after a noun.
A radio? Camera?
It's ours.
Customer: They're for my radio. H o w are The book is ours.

Shop assistant: These are £ 1 . 5 0 5

or four for £5.

Customer: four, please and can I have

a bottle of water?
Shop assistant: l'm 7
we haven't got

Customer: Oh, OK. Just the batteries.
Shop assistant: That's £5, please. Thank you.

1 C Are there any mushrooms?
Vocabulary: Food and drink Phrases
1 H Look at the clues and complete the 3 19 Complete the words with one letter in
crosswords with the words from the box. each space.

1 A: Oh, no. I've got lamb, not beef.

B: Oh, Joe, y o u ' r e / ¡ o ^ e / e s s !
2 A: We need yoghurt, cream and a cake.
B: o on then, let's get to the shops
2 They are vegetables.
before they cióse.
3 It's a meat. K
3 A: Quick, bring the food inside. It's raining!
Down „
B: What? You're j i !
1 It isn't dairy, but sometimes
A: No, l'm not. Look.
it's got cream on it.
4 A: We've got melons, strawberries and
2 It's a fruit.
B: x I n . I love summer fruit.
Grammar: Countable and uncountable
Across -• nouns with some, any and no
6 It's a dairy product. 4 líl Complete the sentences with There is,

Down i There isn't, There are or There aren't.

4 It's an orange/pink 1 There are some bananas.

coloured fruit. any mushrooms.

5 They are vegetables. some olive oil.

7 It's a big yellow fruit. any vinegar.

no cream.
any peas,
2 8 3 Look at the pictures and complete the
some strawberries.
no nuts.

m¡M C h o o s e t h e correct options. Sometimes

more than one answer is correct.

1 Is there [any]/ some / a beef?

2 Are there no / some / any pears?
3 There is no / some / any cake.
4 I haven't got some / any / no yoghurt.
I ove fruit. My favourite fruits are
5 There is some / no / any lettuce.

s . I like 7
\57 y , too. 6 There isn't no / any / some cream.
7 We've got some / any / no olive oil.
8 I want a / some / any vinegar.
6 £Hi Use the prompts to write questions. Then look Grammar summary
at the picture and write short answers.
Countable and uncountable
nouns with some, any and no.
Muir nicuive
There is some There isn't any olive
vinegar. oil.
There are some There is no olive oil.
beans. There aren't any
There are no
Questions Short answers
Is there any meat? Yes, there is.
No, there isn't.
Are there any nuts? Yes, there are.
No, there aren't.

• ln affirmative sentences, we use some +
uncountable nouns or plural countable nouns.
There is some vinegar. There are some peas.
1 melons/on the table?
• We can a!so use a/an + singular countable
Are there anv melons on the table? noun. We can't use a/an or numbers with
Yes, there are. uncountable nouns.

2 cream/on the table? There is a melón. /

There is an olive oil. X
• ln negative sentences, we use any + noun
with a negative verb. We can also use no +
3 strawberries/on the table? noun with an affirmative verb. We don't use
any with an affirmative verb or no with a
negative verb.
There isn 't any lamb. There is no lamb.
4 olive oil/on the table? I haven 't got any peaches. Tve got no
There aren't no mushrooms. X
5 nuts/on the table?
• We use any with questions.
Are there any mushrooms?
Have you got any meat?

6 meat/on the table? Form

• Countable nouns can have a singular or plural
melón - melons
7 mushrooms/on the table?
• Uncountable nouns are not usually plural and
only have one form.
8 vinegar/on the table?

1 Language round-up
Match the beginnings (1-8) to the endings 4 Complete the dialogues with the words from
(a-h). the box. There are four extra words.

1 Is there a) bag is this?

• works • working • ate • some • cooking
2 Whose b) making a cake?
• pence • no • cooks • many • doesn't
3 Are there c) making?
• much • isn't • any
4 How often do you d) like melons?
5 What are you e) any peas? Max: Where are you going, Jo? 1

6 Do you f) yours? Jo: l'm going to the shops. My dad's cooking

7 Are you - g) any cream? dinner, but we've g o t 2

8 Isthis h) cook dinner? vegetables.

.11 3
Max: W h y he working?
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form Jo: H e 4
work on Fridays. He only
of the words in brackets. four days a week. He always
1 I want to be a (BEAUTY) beautician. dinner on Fridays.
2 My sister is a (CASH) in a bank. ATTHESHOP
3 John is (HOPE) with money. Jo: Helio, have you g o t 7
4 He's a ski (INSTRUCT) in France. Shop assistant: Yes, of course.
5 I like talking to people. Maybe I can be a TV Jo: How 8
are they?
(PRESENT) _. Shop assistant: They are sixty 9
a kilo.
6 Harry wants to be a (POLITICS) . ...78
7 My dad (TEACH) Maths in a 5 Choose the correct options to complete the
secondary school. dialogues.
8 l'm a (RECEPTION) in a hotel. 1
A: That's (my)/ mine / me coke. You drink / are 2

drinking / drinking it!
3 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences B: No, l'm n o t . You're / Your / Yours is there.
with the correct words.
A: There are any / no / not people at this party.
1 P e a c h e s a r e e 2 5
' ° B: There is / are / be some.
two pounds fifty a kilo. 6
A: 1 don't / am not / aren't like them!

are El .30 7
A: Is this y o u r mums / mum's / mums' phone?
for 200g. 8
B: N o . She / Her / Hers is in her bag. That's
60p B i l l / Bills / B i l l ' s phone.
a kilo. 10
A: I want / am wanting / wanting to watch TV.
7 no B: There i s n ' t 11
no / any / some rugby on today.
each. .../10

5 This (7) LISTEN A N D C H E C K YOUR S C O R E

Total .../40
1 Skills practice

1 Read Philippa's blog and match the headings (A-C) to
the paragraphs (1-3)

A Holidays
C Free time

go to tennis lessons,
l'm not very good.
a) and b) but
1 always get good marks! 4 I want to be a pilot
We get homework four but I don't know which.
days a week. My favourite subjects are Maths and
a) but b) and
Science. I don't like RE., but w e only have RE. once
a week. 5 I eat a lot of vegetables
2 I don't like meat.
I go to French classes on Mondays and
a) so b) or c) because
Wednesdays. On Saturdays and Sundays I meet my
friends. Tve got a computer in my bedroom. I send 4 Complete the letter with and, but, or,
emails to my friends and I write this b l o g ! so or because.

rite a reply to Jenny. Use the ideas

We always go to France for t w o weeks w i t h my
m u m and dad. My brother and I always go to my
grandparents' house for three weeks, too. It's very Dear Kate,
beautiful there and they've got some animáis.
Hov/ are you? l ' m doing exams at the
Philippa 1
moment §o_ I ha ven 't got much time.
I li*e exams v/e ¿°n't
have to v/ear" a uniform and v/e can
2 Read the blog again and match the sentence
jiíiSwrwVy, 3
— tt^V a < e

beginnings (1-8) to the endings

1 At school, Philippa always a) like RE. Tomorrov/, I ' v e got a French exam in
2 Philippa gets homework b) in her bedroom. the morning * •— Science
exam in the afternoon!
3 Her favourite subjects c) has French classes.
P\ease send me an email
4 She doesn't d) gets good marks.
v/rite me a letter %yith a\\ your news.
5 On Mondays and e) go to their
Bye for nov/
Wednesdays she grandparents' house
6 She's got a computer for three weeks.
7 Philippa's family always f) four days a week. • Tell Jenny what you are doing at the

8 Philippa and her brother g) go to France in the moment.

always holidays. • Tell Jenny about your school and free

h) are Science and time. Tell her what you do and when.

Maths. • Try to use linkers in your email.

2a I hate falling over.
Phrases 3 WüJB Complete the dialogues with
the correct form of do, play or go.
1 Choose the correct options.
A: Do you want to go swimming?
A: l'm not going running with you today.

B: No, I prefer football.
B: Why no / don't you /(not)?
A: l'm tired a n d , anyway / instead / so, I don't A: Let's 3
like running. I prefer swimming. B: No. I want to 4
B: M e , to / two / too, but I haven't got any
A: Do you like athletics?
money for swimming.
B: It's OK, but I prefer
A: I can pay for you.

2 4
B: Really? Thanks much / a lot / very well, but
you're tired.

A: Where's Paul?
A: Well, not if we're going swimming. Come on. B: He's 7
A: Is Steve with him?
Vocabulary: Sports and places
B: No. S t e v e ' s 8
2 M B Match the words from the box to the
pictures. A: My mum 9
cycling every

tennis • karate • snowboarding • cycling B: With your dad?
• swimming • athletics • golf • windsurfing
1L • gymnastics • rugby • volleyball • judo
A: No. He 10

- * » Write the ñames of the people


doing each activity.

Tom is at the pool. Melanie is on the

court. Jack is on the pitch. Stephanie is
1 rugby at the rink. Paul is in the ring. Keith is on
the track. Neil is on the course.
1 Tom is swimming.

2 is playing football.
3 is playing golf.
4 is boxing.
5 is ice-skating.

n 9 6
is karting.
is playing tennis.

10 11 12

•OTO *: '>

Grammar: Verbs of emotion + gerund Grammar summary
form (-ing)
Verbs of emotion + gerund form (-ing)
5 WLM Look at the survey. Complete the I love skiing.
sentences with the correct form of the verbs I like windsurfing.
in brackets. You enjoy running.
My dad doesn't mind cycling.
SPORTS SURVEY My mum doesn't like watching sport.
Ñame and class: Mark. Pre.¿.-t-on, VTIft I hate playing rugby.
A sport you love: i gogb^ i I prefer swimming (to ice-skating).
A sport yOU like: Swimming
A sport you don't m i n d : Cycling Mote
A sport you don't enjoy: íocrfoaw Usage
A sport you don't like: Srou)boa.rding • We use the gerund {-ing) form after certain verbs of
A sport you hate: fín^nn&js-tic*. emotion {like, love, hate, etc)

Thank you for your timo! •

/ love playing computer games.
We use don't mind + gerund to say that we think
1 Mark loves (play) playing rugby and volleyball. something is OK.
/ don t mind doing homework.
2 He prefers (play) rugby to (play)
• We use prefer + gerund form + to+ gerund form to
say that we like one thing more than another.
3 He likes (go) swimming. / prefer staying in bed to getting up.
4 He doesn't mind (go) cycling. Form
5 He doesn't enjoy (play) football. • We can follow verbs of emotion with a verb in the
6 He doesn't like (go) snowboarding. gerund form or a noun.
/ love playing football.
7 He hates (do) gymnastics.
I love football.
6 U U U s e the prompts to write dialogues.
Common mistakes
1 A: you/like/play/tennis? / don't mindcook. X
B: X hate/play/tennis I don't mind cooking. /
Do you like playing tennis? i prefer swimming than running. X
/ prefer swimming to running. /
No. I don 't. I hate playing tennis.
2 A: your mum/enjoy/box?
B: / love/watch/boxing/on the TV

3 A: you/like/football?
B: / but/prefer/play/rugby/play/football

4 A: you/mind/lose?
B: / but/prefer/win!

5 A: your brother/enjoy/go/karting?
B: / love/go/karting

2b Don't look at the ground.
V o c a b u l a r y : Parts of the body. G r a m m a r : imperatives
1 O Label the picture with the w o r d s from 4 IDI Look at the rules and complete the
the box. imperative sentences.

• head • neck • ear • eye • mouth Rules

• teeth • hair • face Students at this school should arrive on time
and work hard. They need to do their homework
every day and be quiet during the lessons and
listen to the teacher.
Please remember that there is no eating. drinking
or talking during lessons. In addition, the school
is a no running and no playing área.

A: Enjoy your first day at school. Remember.

1 2
Arrive on t i m e , hard,
your homework,
C o m p l e t e the w o r d s . 5
quiet and to your teacher.
1 shoulder B: I will.
2 c A: And and
during lessons. Oh, and
and games in the
B: I won't. Bye, Mum.

5 S E b Complete the imperative sentences with

the verbs f r o m the box.

• eat • have • not go • listen • stay

• ptey • talk • not have • not do
3 líl Look at the picture and complete the
crossword. My brother's 'rules':
1 Play computer games all evening.

'/ 2 any homework!

2 3 3 to bed early.

9 4 a shower in the morning (or in the

4 5
5 lots of fast food and chocolate.
My sister's 'rules':
6 in the bathroom all morning.
7 to friends on the phone all day.
8 to Rihanna CDs.
9 pink hair!


Grammar: Must/Mustn't for rules Grammar summary

6 KB Complete the sentences about what Imperatives
Alison must and mustn't do. Affirmative Negative
Come here. Don't worry.
Ho\y to change my life! Have a good time. Don't be late.
%/ s t u d y h a r d , brush my teeth three times a
d a y , do some exercise, leafn ío cooK, relax Mote
before exams.
op to bed late, t h a t to my friends all • We use imperatives to tell people what to do or not to do.
evening, play computer games, eat a \c\ of • We often use please with the imperative to be more
caKe, v/atch TV polite.
Please come in.
1 I mt/sf sfuoV hard.
Please don't touch.
2 I to bed late. Form
3 I to my friends all evening. • To make the imperative, we use the infinitive of the
4 IJ my teeth three times verb without to and without a subject.
Go away. NOT You go away.
a day.
• To make negative imperatives, we add dont before the
5 I some exercise. imperative without to.
6 I computer games. Don't do that
7 I a lot of cake. Common mistakes
Not be late./
8 I to cook.
Don't be late. /
9 I TV.
10 I before exams.
Must/Mustn't for rules
7 lil Rewrite the sentences with must or Affirmative Negative
mustnt. I must finish my You mustn't talk.
1 Go home at eleven o'clock. homework. We mustn't be late
You must work hard.
You must go home at eleven o'clock.
2 Don't fall over.
You Usage
3 Don't be late. • We use must/mustn'tXo say what rules are and what
You we can and can't do.
You mustn 't eat in the classroom.
4 Phone your mum.
I must phone my mum.
You Form
5 Get up. • We use must/mustn't + infinitive without to.
You I must wake up early tomorrow.
Common mistakes
6 Don't talk in the exam.
I mustn't to be late, x
You I mustn't be late. /
7 Buy some strawberries. You mustn 't eating here. X
You You mustn't eat here. /

8 Don't go swimming after dinner.


2c We're all going to hold hands
Grammar: Going to for future plans, w3M Complete the dialogue with the verbs in
intentions and predictions brackets. Use the correct form of going to.

1 O Look at the plans and complete the Sam: Do you want to play tennis?
sentences. 1
Phil: No. I think i t (rain) is going to rain.
Sam: So, w h a t (you/do)
Phil: 1 (tidy) my room. My
mum (be) 4
home soon.
Sam: I can help you. Er... where are you going?
Phil: I want to look at my emails.
Sam: (you/look) at them now?
Phil: Yes.
Sam: And (you/write) any
Phil: Ofcourse.
Sam: So, when (we/tidy) your
room? Tomorrow?!

f £ B U s e the prompts to write questions and


1 What time/you/get up/

l/get up/at seven o'clock
What time are vou going to
get ud tomorrow? l'm going
to get up at seven o'clock.

2 you/cycle/to school?
1 l'm going to write emails tonight. X l/walk/to school
2 I 'm not going to do homework tonight.
3 My parents
4 They tonight. 3 What/do/in the evening?
5 My sister tonight. l/do/my homework
6 She tonight.

7 I next year.
3 next year.
9 My friends and 4 What time/you/go to bed?
next year. l/go/to bed at ten o'clock
10 We Jik^S! next year.
11 Our teacher next
^2 She next year.
Use your English Ask for, make and Grammar summary
respond to suggestions
Going to for future plans, intentions ánd
4 BB Match the beginnings (1-10) to the predictions
endings (a-j). Affirmative Negative
l'm going to go to bed l'm not going to go out
early today. tonight.
You're going to be late. You aren't going to s e e
He's/She's/lt's going the film.
to fall over. He/She/lt isn't going
We're /They're going to eat.
to win. We/They aren't going
to work hard.
Questions Short answers
Am I going to win? Yes, you are.
No, you aren't.
Is he going to meet us Yes, he is.
1 What about a) go shopping.
here? No, he isn't.
2 What shall \ b) fancy playing tennis?
Wh- questions
3 I don't ) c) it.
When is she going to phone us?
4 You're / d) don't we go swimming?
5 Let's -— e) watching a film?
6 I don't feel like f) great idea. Usage
• We use going to to talk about plans and intentions
7 No, g) know.
for the future or to make predictions about a present
8 Why h) we do today? situation.
9 Do you i) thanks. It's going to rain.
10 That's a i) joking. • We often use future time phrases when we talk about
the future with going to.
tÚM C o m p l e t e the dialogue w i t h the w o r d s l'm going to finish this homework later.
from the box.
• We use going to + infinitive without to.
• let's • why • feel • joking • shall
He's going to tell us a story.
• idea • know • faney • about
• We make negative sentences by adding not befare
going to.
Amelia: Hi, Tanya. Do you fancy coming to my 1
He isn 't (is not) going to tell us a story.
• To make questions we use verb to be + subject +
house this afternoon?
going to + infinitive without to
Tanya: O K . I bring a DVD?
Are you going to play football tomorrow?
Amelia: Good .
Tanya: ask Carole.
Amelia: Oh, I d o n ' t . She always
wants to play sport. I d o n ' t
like doing any exercise today.
Tanya: No? Well, h o w asking Brett
and Simón?
Amelia: Y o u ' r e ! My mum doesn't
like t h e m . don't we just
have a quiet afternoon? Just you and me.
Tanya: OK. Great. See you later.
2 Language round-up
1 Rearrange the letters and match the words 3 Choose the correct options.
(1-12) to the clues (a-l).
1 You must [do]/ doing / to do more exercise.
1 olpo pool 7 oblwe 2 Do you fancy go / going / to go out?
2 eteth 8 rctak 3 I hate fall / falling / to fall over.
3 nlake 9 bhmtu 4 Please not go / don't go / not going.
4 eoucsr 10 hcipt 5 I don't enjoy go / going / to go to the dentist.
5 aiwts 11 oets 6 What shall we do / doing / to do this evening?
6 ocrut 12 nikr 7 How about meet / meeting / to meet at six?
a) You swim here. 8 We're not going finish / finishing / to finish
b) They are in your mouth. this tonight.
c) You play tennis here. 9 Let's have / having / to have a party.
d) It's at the bottom of your leg. 10 We mustn't be / being / to be late for school.
e) It helps you to bend your arm.
f) You go karting here.
4 Complete the text with the words from the
g) You have one on each hand. box. There are four extra words.
h) You have ten on your feet.
i) You play rugby here. • lose • touch • love • feel • ¡n
j) You play golf here. • own • don't • fall • at • going

k) It's where you put your belt. • hate • mind • hurts • prefer • bends

I) You go ice-skating here.

My friends are going to play tennis later but I
don't like playing sport today. My back
2 Complete the dialogue with the correct form 3 4
and, anyway, l'm not very good
of the verbs in brackets.
5 6

tennis. I always and I often over.
A: W h a t (you/do) are you going to do at the
I don't doing exercise but
school sports day next week?
swimming to tennis.
B : (l/not/do) anything.

So, l'm going to be on my
A: But you love (play) sports and
this evening. I can read or watch a film. I
(run) .

reading. My favourite books are
B: Yes, but Tve got a bad knee. I m u s t n ' t (do)
1 1
the Harry Potter books. N o , laugh!
any exercise for six weeks. I don't
They're great.
mind (not do) any sports. I enjoy
(watch) them, too.
A: The sports day starts at two o'clock, but O LISTEN AND C H E C K YOUR S C O R E
(l/get) there at half past one. Total .../40
(l/help) with the gymnastics. Do
you fancy (help) , too?
B: OK. Why not?
A: Great. (not be) late.

2 Skills practice

Read Listen
Read the email and write the ñames of the 3 Before you listen, predict the correct words.
1 Mark and Melanie are going to go to a disco /
Who... a pizza restaurant / the cinema.
1 hates basketball? 2 They are going to talk about Mr Green / football /
2 has got a bad ankle? holidays.
3 is at the beach?
4 Listen to the dialogue and answer the

1 What sport are the girls going to play in RE. next

Hi, Jackie, week? volleyball
It's Melanie here. l'm at a basketball match.
2 What sport does Mark prefer?
I know, I know. I hate basketball, but l'm
very happy. Angie is playing very well. 3 What is not on a Sicily special pizza? Meat, onions
Fiona isn't playing. She's got a bad ankle. or mushrooms?
She's sitting here with Mark and me. We're ¡
4 Is Melanie going to have a Sicily special, too?
eating sandwiches. Here's Mark.

5 What food does Melanie not like?

Hi, Jackie,
6 What does Mark suggest they talk about?
How are you? Are you having a good time
at the beach? The basketball is great.
We're going to get a pizza after the game.
Oh, no. Mr Green is going to fall over.

iend sends you an email suggesting that you

Hi, Jackie, play tennis together on Saturday. Complete the
Mark is with Mr Green on the basketball reply with one word in each space.
court. Mr Green can't stand up. Oh dear.
I don't think they're going to finish the
match. Poor Mr Green. OK, l'm going to
send this and then l'm going to help Mark
Melanie Thanks for the invitation. l'm really
but I can't play on Saturday. l'm g 3
visit my grandparents. How a playing
2 Read the email again and complete the on Sunday? Write back and let me know.
summary with one word or ñame in each gap. Also, next weekend (on the 14 ) my brother's band

are going t o p a concert at the youth
Melanie is at a basketball match with 6
going? He's going to
club. Do you f
F and Mark. They are eating give me four tickets.
3 See you.
s . After the match, they are going
to get a p . Mr Green falls over
and c a n ' t s up. Mark goes onto
the c 6
to help Mr Green. 6 Write a reply from Luke to Harry.
The best thing is the balcony. I
Vocabulary: House and furniture Grammar: Comparative and
superlative of adjectives
1 WÍM Label the picture with the words
from the box. 3 KB Complete the text with the correct
form of the adjectives in b r a c k e t s .
Our house is (oíd) older than most of my
friends' houses, but it is (big) ,
too. T h e (good) thing about
it is my balcony. My bedroom is the (small)
bedroom in the house, but I
love it because of the balcony.
The house has got a basement and a loft.
The basement is (good) than
the loft because it i s (clean)
and it is (easy) to get to.
T h e (bad) thing about the

• balcony • gate • feof • basement house is that it is cold in the winter. The
• stairs • study • landing • fence (cold) room is my bedroom. ln
• chimney the winter, I do my homework in the kitchen
because it is (warm) than my
1 roo! 6
2 7
4 lil Use the p r o m p t s to write sentences.
3 8
1 My bedroom/big/bedroom in the house
4 9
My bedroom is the biggest bedroom in the
2 I I I Complete the words with one letter
2 It/big/my parents' room
in each space.

1 It's a room where someone works. study

3 The armchair/comfortable/chair in the
2 It's the room at the top of a house. I t
living room
3 It keeps food cold. f e
4 You can look at yourself in this.
4 It/comfortable/the sofá
m r
5 You put your clothes in this.
5 The loft/dark/the basement
w e
6 Two or three people can sit on it. s a
6 The basement/cold/the loft
7 Bedrooms are often here.
u s
7 The washing machine/useful/the
8 You cióse these in the evening and open
them in the morning. c s
9 ln some rooms, people have this on the
8 The/useful thing l've got is my computer
floor. c t

10 A room has four walls, a floor and this.

c g
l i l i Look at the information and write Grammar summary
sentences with the correct form of the
adjectives from the box. Some adjectives can
Comparative and superlative of
be used more than once.
The kitchen is colder than the bathroom.
The desk is heavier than the table.
expensive • bad • btg • cheap Computers are more expensive than DVD
good • small players.
This is the oldest house in our street.
Living room 25m 2
Bedroom 20m 2
Kitchen 15m 2
Simón is the laziest boy in the class.
This is the most difficult exam I can remember.
1 The living room/room in the house
The living room is the biggest room in the house.
2 The bedroom/the kitchen Usage
77?e bedroom is bigger than the kitchen. • We use comparatives to compare two people or things.
3 The kitchen/the bedroom Mike is younger than Sophie.
• We use superlatives to compare three or more people
or things or a whole group.
Sue is the oldest girl in my class.

Fridge £250 Cooker £420 Dishwasher £370 Spelling rules

4 The cooker/the dishwasher • To make comparatives, we add -erto the adjective.
To make superlatives, we add -esíto the adjective.
cold - colder - the coldest
• For adjectives ending in one vowel plus one consonant,
5 The cooker/fitting in the house we usually double the final consonant.
big - bigger - the biggest
• For adjectives ending in -e, we add -ror -st.
nice - nicer - the nicest
6 The fridge/the dishwasher • For adjectives ending in -y we usually change the -y
to an -/.
easy - easier - the easiest
• For long adjectives, we use more + adjective to
DVD player - good Computer - great! make comparatives and most + adjective to make
CD player - not good superlatives.

7 The computer/the DVD player interesting - more interesting - the most interesting

Irregular forms
• There are three irregular comparative and superlative

8 The CD player/the DVD player forms:

good - better - the best
bad - worse - the worst
far - further - the furthest
9 The computer/thing in my bedroom
3b There's a lot of luggage!
vocabulary: Common uncountable 4 lil Write two sentences about each picture.
nouns Use the prompts and the words in capitals.

Match the uncountable nouns (1-10) to CHAIRS/FURNITURE

the examples (a-j). 1 There/not/much/in the

1 food ^ a) pounds, coins room

2 time ) b) exercises, projects There isn 't much

3 traffic / c) songs, CDs furniture in the room.

4 rubbish d) beans, meat 2 There/not/many/in the

5 furniture e) suitcases, backpacks room

6 homework hours, minutes There aren't many

7 luggage 9) lorries, cars chairs in the room.

8 money h) broken glass, bits of paper

9 music i) armchair, table
3 There/is/lot/on the píate
Complete the sentences with some of
the uncountable nouns from Exercise 1.

1 There's some food in the fridge.

4 There are/lot/on the
2 Lots of cars créate lots of .
3 Hurry! We haven't got much !
4 Throw your in the bin.
5 I need a sofá and other for my

6 I love , but I haven't got many CDs. 5 There/only/few/before

7 My teacher gave me a lot of . the train leaves

8 I can't carry this ; it's heavy.

Grammar: Countable and uncountable 6 There/only/little/before

nouns with much, many, a lot of, a few, a
the train leaves
3 Correct the sentences.

1 We haven't got many homework to do.

We haven 't aot much homework to do.
7 There/are/lot

2 How much bedrooms are there?

3 Tve only got a few space in my bedroom. 8 There/is/lot

4 We haven't got many furniture.

5 l've only got a little CDs.

6 He hasn't got much friends.

Use your English Ask permission and Grammar summary
Countable and uncountable nouns with
5 i^B Complete the second sentence so that much, many, a lot of, a few, a little
it has the same meaning a s the first. U s e the Countable
word in capitals.
There are a lot of cars on the road.
1 A: Can I use your computer? (MAY) There aren't many eggs in the fridge.

May I use your computer? There are a few CDs on the shelf.
How many brothers have you got?
B: Actually, I need to use it. (BUT)
l'm to use it.
L i
There is a lot of traffic on the road.
2 A: Can I have something to eat? (RIGHT) There isn't much food in the fridge.
Is have something There is a little rubbish in the wastepaper bin.
How much money have you got?
to eat?
B: Sure. (COURSE)

Yes . Usage
3 A: Can I watch TV before I do my homework? • We use a lot with both countable and uncountable
(OK) nouns in affirmative sentences.
There are a lot of people here.
Is watch TV before I
There is a lot of space in my bedroom.
do my homework?
• We use a few and a little in affirmative sentences.
B: Sure. (PROBLEM) We use a few with countable nouns and a little with
Yes, ! uncountable nouns.
Tve got a few books.
6 COI Complete the dialogues with one word in He's got a little time.
each s p a c e .
• We use much and many in negative sentences and
A: M u m . Can I stay out a bit later tonight?
questions. We use many with countable nouns and
2 muchwWh uncountable nouns.
B: l'm sorry, b you've got exams
There aren 't many potatoes.
and you need to study.
How many days are there in July?
We haven 't got much homework to do.
A: it a l l r if I sit How much time have we got left?
Common mistakes
B: O f c I've got much money. X
Tve got a lot of money /
A: Is it O K i . 6
I use your phone? How many money have you got? X
7 How much money have you got? /
B: Yes, n o p

A: M 8
I come in?
B: A 9
., it's a 1 0
b difficult
at the moment. There's water all over the floor!
3c How wide ¡s it?
Phrases G r a m m a r Question word How +
adjectives of dimensión
Complete the words with one letter in
each space. 3 1 9 Match the questions (a-h) to the
pictures (1-7).
A: Did you know that the deepest part of the
ocean is over 10,000 metres deep? It's called a) How high is it? e) How wide is it?
b) How deep is it? Ij n u w ion i s i i c r
The Mariana Trench.
B: That's a m & z i_ n g_. Mount Everest is only c) How long is it? g) How heavy is it?

8.848 metres high. Where is this Mariana d) How far is it? h) How much does it weigh?

A: I haven't got a I !

A: I love Kynance Cove.

B: What's that?
A: W e l l , s I y, it's a beach, but
it's really beautiful and never crowded. There's
a little café where you can buy cakes and ice How tall is he?
creams and ... 3
B: OK, OK. T h a t ' s _ n g _ ! I want to go
there now, but we've got a Maths test!

Vocabulary: Large numbers

2 %ÍM Complete the text. Write the numbers in
brackets in words.

Uluru is in Australia. It is a large rock that stands

(340) three hundred and forty
metres above the desert. The rock is
(355) kilometres
from Alice Springs. No one knows exactly
how oíd it is, but experts believe it is between
(500,000,000) and
years oíd. Every year, about
people visit the rock, but only about
climb it. Fewer people climb it now than
in the past because they understand
how important the rock is to Australia's


Complete the questions with one word in Grammar summary
each s p a c e .
Question word How + adjectives of
How tall is rt?
I t ' s . . . tali.
How high is it?
It's ... high
How wide is rt?
It's ... wide.
How long is it?
I t ' s . . . long.
How far is it?
I t ' s . . . from here/away.
How deep is it?
It's ... deep.
How heavy is it?
A: Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Niágara
How much does it weigh?
Falls. They ...
It weighs ...
B : How high are they? How big is it?
A: They are 51 metres high and ... It's...
B: And is the lake?
A: The deepest part is 52 metres. Now, the
Niágara Fails are on the Niágara River.
• We use How + adjective of dimensión to ask about
It i s n ' t . . . size, weight or distance.
B: 3
is that? How big is your house?
How far away is the hotel?
A: ... it isn't very long. Just 58 kilometres from
• We generally use tall with people and high with
Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. Please ask any more
objects. Sometimes we can also use te//with objects.
questions later. There are two waterfalls here. How tall are you?
The widest one is called The Horseshoe Falls How high/tall istireEmpire State Buiiding?
• The answer to How big is...? can be It's quite/very big
and i t . . .
or an exact measurement.
B: is it?
How big is your house? It's not very big.
A: ... it is 790 metres wide. Niágara Falls are How big is your bedroom? It's 4 metres long and
very popular because they are easy to get to. 3 metres wide.

Toronto is o n l y . . . Common mistakes

B: 5
is Toronto? The hotel is ten kilometres far from here. X
The hotel is ten kilometres from here. /
A: ... 120 kilometres away. Please be quiet.
How high is your dad? X
B: Er... When are we going to go to the hotel? How tall is your dad? /
My bag is very heavy.
A: Quite s o o n . is it?
B: Very heavy.
A: B u t does it

B: About 35 kilograms.
A: Well, perhaps you should stop asking
questions and save your energy for the walk!

3 Language round-up
1 Choose the correct options. 3 Match the questions (1-9) to the answers (a-i).

1 I haven't got many / lot /(much)furniture in my 1 How much money a) About eight million.
room. have you got? b) Ten kilometres
2 There's a wardrobe / chimney / fence for my 2 How far is it? away.
clothes. 3 How much time is c) 75 kilograms.
3 Tve got a lot / little / few CDs on my desk. there? d) About ten minutes.
4 My bed is only 50cm deep / wide / far. 4 How many people e) A lot of songs on
5 There isn't much / many / lot of space for a live in London? my computer.
bigger bed. 5 How big is it? f) About £10.
6 l've got much / a lot of / many posters on my 6 How much do you g) Just one suitcase.
walls. weigh? h) I metre 75cm.
7 The good / better / best thing about my house 7 How tall are you? i) It's quite small.
is the pool. 8 How much music
8 The water in the pool is one metre high / have you got?
deep / tall. 9 How much luggage
9 I can't swim very long / far / high, but I love has he got?
water. .../8
10 Winter is the bad / worse / worst time to swim 4 Complete the dialogue with the words from
in the pool. the box. There are three extra words.
11 Our garden is nice / nicer / nicest than the
others. • far • many • highest • luggage
• balcony • much • heavy • worse • time
• loft • suitcases • space • ceiling • weigh
2 Complete the sentences with one word in
each gap. 1
A: How much luggage has Simón got?
1 How heavy are your bags? 2
B: He's got two and they
2 l've got one hundred ten CDs. 3
about 10 kilograms each.
3 How much it weigh? 4 5
A: T h a t ' s . How is the
4 How meat do you eat?
5 I want a plants for my room.
B: About 2 kilometres. I hope it's nice.
6 The loft is cleaner my room. 6
A: Me, too. I want a in my room so
7 l've got a new of drawers.
I can sit outside, and a fan on the
8 How eggs do you want? 7
so the room stays cool.
9 Paris is expensive than Rome. 8
B: I hope there a r e n ' t stairs.
10 How is the station? About 9
A: I think your room is in the ! The
2 kilometres. 10
room in the hotel! Hey. It's five
11 This is untidiest room in the
o'clock. Let's hurry. We haven't got much
house. 11
before dinner.
12 l've only got a time.
13 This isthe beautiful place in the

.../12 Total .../40

3 Skills practice

Read the text and find these things 3 Complete the postcard with the words and
phrases from the box.
1 Two buildings
The Flatiron Building.
• great shops • cold for July
• restaurant • Edinburgh Castle
2 A street • sausages • raining • Scottish dancing

3 A subway station
- o
Helio frows bdiwbow*^. T W we*H\ev \ s very
It isn't the tallest building 2
• cold for Julv\ 1+ \ s - y ^ ^ ^ f • fM 1
in New York City, but it is \v\ FViv\ces S-hreef. TWve
one of the most famous. The Flatiron Building is are lo+3 cÁ veally 4

on Fifth Avenue. It is thirty years older than the SWeef flvsd 1 cav\ see +ke c*3+le up o* A tu
1V> eáhv^ Scot+.3k i >;fVtf • ~^*y *re
Empire State Building and a popular attraction.
delic»ou3. TV»3 «3 a p i c í w e crf .
The building is almost one hundred metres high.
l t \ s a very *v\+eres+**$ place to vi3i+. tow cav\ see
At the front, it is only two metres wide. The -i -rVeveflv\dy¿*+e a lo+ o-f + 1 ^ 3
offices at this end have great views of the cit -fvO*v> ScO++i3k V\Í3+Ovry.
and the Empire State Building. See yot» soov\.
You can go to the top of the building, but the Jode

isn't a special place to look at the view. Most

visitors just look at the photographs and visit the
shops on the ground floor. Match the questions (1-5) to the possible
answers (a-j). There are two answers for each
It is easy to get to the building. The nearest
subway station is Twenty-Third Street. It isn't •tefe».-'.-
1 What's the weather like?
very far to walk from there. There are also a lo
2 Where are you sitting? •-
buses which go past the building. Next time you
3 What are you doing?
are in New York City, come and see it
4 What's in the picture?
2 Read the text again and answer true (T), false
5 What's the place like?
(F) or doesn't say (DS).
atching the people. f) Eating an ice cream.
1 The Flatiron Building is the tallest building in
b) A museum. g) ln a café.
New York. F
c) It's very sunny. h) A famous building.
2 It is the oldest skyscraper in New York.
d) It's quite interesting. i) It's really oíd.
3 Some rooms are not very wide.
e) On the beach. j) It's a bit cold.
4 You can't go to the top of the building now.
5 It's a long way from the subway station to Write a postcard to a friend. Use some of the
phrases from Exercise 4.
the building.
Helio from ...

What was the date?
Phrases 9 30/6/2012
1 O Complete the words with one letter
in each space. twelve.
10 22/4/1646
1 A: What's the time?
The of
B: Dunno. I haven't got a watch.
2 A: Can I have some more cake?
B: Of c r . Here you are.
Grammar: Past simple of verb to be
3 A: Do you want to come to the cinema
3 BU Complete the text with was, wasn't,
were or weren't.
B: M e. What's on? 1
Last weekend, my parents and 1 were
4 A: l'm going to get 100% in the English
in London. Unfortunately, the weather
test. 2
very good, but it
B: H a! No one ever gets more 3
a good weekend.
than 8 0 % in Mr Blair's tests. 4
Our h o t e l in the centre of the

Vocabulary: Dates city. There 5

a lot of traffic in the
streets, but there any noise in
2 %jM Complete the dates in words.
our room. We only there for
1 15/11/1971
one night, but we in London
The fifteenth of November. nineteen
from early Saturday morning until late
Sunday evening.
2 20/8/1761 9
On Saturday evening, we in a
The of .
restaurant near the river and Daniel Radcliffe
seventeen 10 11
there. He
3 12/2/2007
with some friends but, unfortunately, Emma
The of 12
Watson with him.
and seven.
4 Look at the information and write
4 5/9/1529
questions and answers.
The of
Yesterday at 9 p.m.:
Paul - in bed
5 6/7/1950
Paul's parents - in the living room
The of
lan and Jane - at the theatre
Craig - at his friend's house
6 31/3/1283
Sally - in her bedroom
The of
Jenny and Fiona - at a restaurant
1 Paul at the cinema?
7 26/10/1418
Was Paul at the cinema? No. he wasn't. He
The of
was in bed.
2 Paul's parents in the living room?
8 8/1/1333
The of
3 lan and Jane at a nightclub? Grammar summary
Past simple of verb to be
Affirmative Negative
4 Craig at his friends house? I was out yesterday. I wasn't at school last
You were late this week.
morning. You weren't at my
He/She/lt w a s very nice. party.
5 Sally in the kitchen?
We/They were in the He/She/lt wasn't here.
living room. WeAThey weren't at
the cinema.
6 Jenny and Fiona at school? Questions Short answers
Was he a film star? Yes. he w a s .
No, he wasn't.
Were they late? Yes. they were.
5 y ¿ i Use the prompts to complete the No, they weren't.
dialogue. Wh- questions

A: Who's that? Where were you born?

Who w a s he with?
B: Mia Wasikowska
There was/were
A: When/born?

There was a competition. There wasn't a prize.

When was she born?
Were there ten teams? Yes, there were.
B: b o r n / o n 14/10/1989 No, there weren't.

A: Where/born?
B: b o r n / i n Canberra, Australia • We use the past simple of the verb to be to talk about
the past.
A: What/first big film?
5 / was in Italy last week.
• We add n'tto was or were to form negatives.
B: first big film//\//ce in Wonderland
I wasn't tired.
• ln questions, we reverse the word order of the subject
A: there/any famous actors in that?

and the verb to be.

You were late. - Were you late?
B: V

Past adverbial phrases

Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Cárter, Anne
We were at school yesterday morning.
Hathaway and more were in it.
He was at the cinema last night.

Grammar: Past adverbial phrases Mo+e

6 Complete the sentences with yesterday or Usage
last. • We use past adverbial phrases to say when something
1 I was out last night.
We were on holiday last month.
2 Where were you Friday? I was with my friends yesterday afternoon.
3 We were at school afternoon.
Common mistakes
4 I saw Peter evening.
They were here yesterday night. X
5 I was in Year 10 year. They were here last night. /
6 Were you at home morning?

[ 4b A strange thing happened
vocabulary: Common regular verbs Grammar: Past simple of regular verbs
1 IDi Complete the sentences with the w o r d s 3 0 Complete the story with the correct form
f r o m the box. of the verbs in brackets.
... •MiiÜYí It was four o'clock and
• started • asked • hated • waiked 1
Emily (want) wanted an
• smiled • iistened • arrived • played 2
ice cream. She (push)
• finished • visited
the door open
and (walk) in.
1 The train arrived at ten o'clock.
The assistant (ask)
2 I my friend for help with my
Emily what
ice cream she wanted. She
3 My sister and I to my new Justin
(decide) to
Bieber CD.
have chocolate and vanilla.
4 As soon as she _ at me, I was in
Emily (start) to
eat the ice cream. There was
5 When I was young, I peas.
a man in the shop. Emily
6 The lesson at nine o'clock and
(look) at him
at ten.
and he (smile)
7 Last weekend, my grandparents.
at her.

to school.
Suddenly, Emily (drop)
9 basketball yesterday.
the ice cream.
Complete the crossword with the correct
Oh, no! It was on the man's
'c R R Y
4 i t f Complete the story ending with the
correct form of the verbs from the box.

i 4 r \
• remember • phone • hurry • stay
• laugh • not want • talk • ask (x2)

1 2
The man lauahed and then the
assistant for two more ice creams. He and Emily
at the café for about an hour.
1 Can you my bag, please? It's very
They about their lives and their
likes. E m i l y to go home, but she
2 Please question one.
suddenly that it was her mum's
3 Can we televisión?
birthday. Brad her for her phone
4 up! We're late.
number and then she home.
5 -*• Oh, great! I ice cream.
Later that evening, s h e her
5 I at this. It's really beautiful.
friend and told her all about her exciting day.
6 My parents go to work at eight o'clock and
home at 5 p.m.
7 Don't . It's not that bad.
Use the prompts to complete the dialogues. Grammar summary
A: (you/play) Did you play football yesterday?

Past simple of regular verbs

B: (X) Affirmative Negative
A: Why not? l/You dropped my l/You didn't wait for
3 camera. my friends.
B : (l/stay) at home.
He/She/lt arrived at He/She/lt didn't leave
A : (You/not/reply)
to my text ten o'clock. early.
We/They talked for a WeAThey didn't work
long time. hard.
B: Sorry. (l/not/remember)
Questions Short answers
to take my phone and (l/not/look) Did you watch Yes, I did.
at it when I returned home. televisión? No, I didn't.
(What/you/want) ? Wh- questions

A: Nothing important. I was just bored. Where did you go last night?

6 QD Complete the dialogue. Use the correct Note

form of the verbs from the box or short answers.
• We use the past simple to talk about actions and
situations that started and finished in the past. We
often use the past simple with past time adverbials.
/ talked to her yesterday.

• To form the past simple of most regular verbs, we
add -ed.
answer - answered
• To form negatives, we use didn't + infinitive
without to.
wanted - didn't want
• To form questions, we use Did + subject + infinitive
without to.
• he love • ask • he study • he decide (x2) Did you like the film?
• appear • he return • he live
Spelling rules
• When a verb ends in -e. we add -d
A: Your dad speaks great French. Did he study 1
love - loved
French at university? • When a verb ends in a consonant + y we change
the -yto an -/'and add -ed. We don't change the -y
B 2
(/) . After university,
toan -/aftera vowel.
in Paris for a few years. cry - cried play - played
it there. • When a verb ends in one vowel + one consonant,
we double the last consonant.
A: So why 5
to England?
drop - dropped
B: The headmistress of his oíd school
i :-
him to work there as a French ... • *;, • * -/^^MSJSwiHftw.?
teacher. to try it. Then, a pretty,
young English teacher at the
school and, after t h a t , to stay
there. She's now my mum, of course.
A: How romantic!
4c I only had a £20 note.
Grammar: Past simple of irregular verbs 3 83 Complete the dialogues with the correct
form of the words in capitals.
1 01 Complete the puzzle with the past
simple form of the verbs (1-14). 1 GO
A: Where did you go yesterday?
B: I to the cinema.
A: you any computer
games at the weekend?
B: Yes, I did. I three.
A: you Amy or Kathy
B: I Kathy at school, but I
Amy because she wasn't there.

R 4 DO

B A: What you at the

B: I anything. I was in bed all
1 do 6 find 11 fall
2 run 7 lose 12 write
3 break 8 swim 13 buy
A: What you for your
4 go 9 drink 14 see
5 get 10 drive
B: I a new bike - it's awesome!
2 WkhB Complete the text with the correct form
of the verbs in brackets. Grammar: Adverbial phrases with ago
Hi Steve, 4 WLM When did the events happen? Complete
How are you? l'm sorry 1 (not go) didn't go to the sentences with ago.
your party on Saturday. 1 (not have) 1 It's now May. My birthday was in February.
time. W e (go) to my grandparents' My birthday was three months ago.
house on Friday evening and we (not get) 2 It's now seven o'clock. We had dinner at five
back until late on Sunday. o'clock.
It was a quiet weekend. 1 (eat) We had dinner .
a lot of my grandmother's food and 1 (go) 3 It's now October. We were in Italy in August
shopping. 1 (buy) We were in Italy .
a few clothes, but 1 (not see) 4 It's now 2014. My sister left school in 2011.
anything very interesting. My sister left school .
S o , (you/have) a good party? 5 It's now Tuesday. We went shopping on
(lots of people/come) ? Saturday.
Tell me everything when I see you. We went shopping

vocabulary: Verb and noun collocations Grammar summary
5 WLM Choose the correct options. Past simple of irregular verbs
Affirmative Negative
l/You broke my laptop. l/You didn't go to
He/She/lt fell on the France.
floor. He/She/lt didn't drink
We/They wrote some any water.
emails. We/They didn't drive to
Questions Short answers
Did he do the washing- Yes, he did.
up? No, he didn't.
1 I did /(madeja cake for my dad's birthday Wh- questions
2 Did you make / do the washing-up today? When did you get up?
3 I didn't make / have a shower this morning.
4 l'm sorry l'm late. I missed / lost the bus.
5 l'm not hungry. I had / did lunch at school.
(See Past simple of regular verbs p. 35.)
6 I didn't make / do my homework. Form
7 I didn't say / tell you a lie. I said / told you the • There is a list of irregular verbs on p. 118 of the
truth. Students' Book. You need to learn them by heart.
• To form negatives, we use didn't+ infinitive without to.
8 Bob's really good at telling / saying stories.
went - didn't go
9 I lost / missed my wallet on the train. • To form questions, we use Did + subject + infinitive
without to.
Use your English: Make and respond to Did you see the match?
Common mistakes
6 Ü J É Complete the dialogues with one word in I didn 't knew the answer. X
each space. / didn't know the answer. /

A: Hi Sara, l'm 1
rea//y sorry that I forgot your Did you ate my chipa? X
Did you eat my chips? /
B: It's not a p .
Adverbial phrases with ago
A: 1 1 3
. my diary.
We went to London three weeks ago.
B: T
's OK.
A: And 1 1 5
my money at home so I No-re
didn't buy you a present. Usage
B: It d o e s n ' t m 6
. Come in. • We use ago with a past time expression to talk about
the number of days, months, years, etc since a past
A: I can't. l'm going to meet Dave. We've got
event happened.
some new computer games. / went to Rome two months ago.
B: N o t a !

m 0
s l'm late, Mum.
B: That's a l l r. . What
1 0
A: Can you believe it? 1 1 . 11
the wrong
bus. It was a 15 not a 16.
B: N e v e r m . You're here now.

4 Language round-up
Match the beginnings (1-11) to the endings 4 The weather were great.

(a - k ) .

H I didn't have a "N a) afternoon. 5 Did you make your homework?

2 We had an exam last b) bus.

3 We made —c) shower today. 6 Where you did lose your money?

m Tina d) ago.
5 He left three weeks e) were at home. 7 What you did on Sunday?

6 John and Lisa f) thetruth.

7 I left g) week. 8 We wasn't very tired.

8 You didn't tell us h) the washing-up.

9 My brother did i) was at work. 9 I didn't saw Simón.

10 I missed the j) dinner yesterday.

11 We met yesterday k) my money at home. .../a

.../10 4 Use the prompts to write questions and

Complete the text with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets. 1 When/you/meet/Jo?
Tobey Maguire (be) ivas born in California in When did vou meet Jo?

1975. When he was a teenager, his mother l/meet/her/three months

(give) him $100 for drama classes. / met her three months ago.

Tobey (meet) 3
Leonardo DiCaprio 2 When/your parents/buy/their new car?
when they (be) both young actors.
Later, when Leonardo (become)
famous, he (help) 6
Tobey to get They/buy/it/two weeks

acting work.
Tobey (appear) in a number of 3 you/at Simon's house/night?
interesting films and then he (get)
the part of Spider-Man, which (make)
him a star, ln 2013, he and Leonardo / l/be/at home
DiCaprio (work) together in The
Great Gatsby. This time, Tobey 11
(not need) 4 your dad angry when/you/get home/night?

his friend's help.


Correct the sentences.

1 Where you went yesterday?

Where did you go vesterdav?
2 Did you wrote any emails? (7) LISTEN AND C H E C K YOUR S C O R E

Total .../40
3 I did be late for school twice last week.
4 Skills practice

Read Listen
1 Read the text. What happened in Listen to the news story and choose the
best headline.
1 1770? Marie Antoinette got married

2 1929? a) Eleven-year-old travels to Rome with no ticket.

3 1957? b) Eleven-year-old gets lost at Manchester Airport.

4 1986? c) Eleven-year-old disappears in Rome.

My birthday is on 16 May and I found a great Listen again and choose the correct
webpage where you see what happened in options.

history on every day of the year. I found some 1 Liam Corcoran was fTT)/ 12 / 10 in 2012.
interesting things. Marie Antoinette got married 2 This happened on 24/7/2012 / 25/6/2012 /
on 16 May in 1770. She was only fourteen and 24/8/2012.
her husband was fifteen. 3 When Liam got on the plañe, he sat on the
The first Oscars ceremony took place on 16 May th floor / went straight to the toilet / sat in an

1929 in Hollywood. That's a bit more exciting! empty seat.

The whole thing took fifteen minutes! The best 4 Liam carne home the same day / the next day /

picture winner in 1929 was called Wings. with his mum.

Megan Fox, the actress, was born on 16 May ,h

5 The people at the airport asked him questions /

in 1986 and, in 1957, Eliot Ness died. He was a shouted / smiled.

detective. I saw a film about him. It was called

The Untouchables and it was really good. Kevin
S Complete the email with the words from the
Costner was Eliot Ness and Sean Connery and
Robert De Niro were also in the film.
Now my brother wants to look at what happened
last • were • didn't • saw wasn
on his birthday, 10 November. I hope my day is • had • quite • meet • was
more exciting than his. He always wants to be the

2 Read the text again and complete the

sentences. Hi Malcolm.
1 2
1 had an interesting day
1 The writer's birthday is on 16th May.
Saturday. in the town centre.
2 Marie Antoinette's husband was I 4
_ have any money and I didn't
when they got married. 5 my friends, but 1 6

a fire. There flames and lots

3 The first Oscar ceremony lasted .
of people ran out of the shops. It was OK. It
4 The winner of the first Best Film Oscar was 8
a big fire, but it w a s 9

called . exciting to watch.

Hope you had a good weekend.
5 ln the film The Untouchables
played Eliot Ness.

6 Write an email describing a day last week.


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