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CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths Additional

WEEK with and/or Weaknesses Thoughts: (i.e.:

DATE Name the content area observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 and state only what you S/E). You may now add
days per observed (hear and some personal
week see) interpretation here.
days in the

(i.e.) Child 1 (i.e.) M- 9/13 LA- Writing- focus is Gabe will ask
on reading, spelling, questions. He struggles
Gabe M- 1/29 contractions, nouns but he wants to know
and verbs, etc. what is going on and do
Weaknesses his best. When he
He struggled with reads, he needs to read
different contractions such aloud in order to
as you’re, we’ll, they’re, understand. You can
etc. He also struggled with see on his face that
knowing the difference when something is
between a noun and a being explained or
verb. when he is being given
directions, he is trying
He is a good reader and
hard to understand.
he asks questions. He did
Gabe is a below grade
well in identifying the
level student.
silent letter in his spelling
words. For example, he
knew the k was silent in
the word knife.
Math- focus is on Gabe tries very hard
subtracting double during the math lesson.
digit numbers using You can tell that he
the algorithm, PIG begins to get frustrated
math, etc. as the lesson goes on
because he is struggling
Student gets taken
and confused. When the
out for extra practice
teacher goes over the
with math. This
problems, he will sit
seems to help him
there and correct the
pass his PIG math
problems because he
quizzes. He tries very
wants to learn.
hard and is really
focused when
practicing his math
He struggled to
understand subtracting
double digits and using
the algorithm that goes
with it. He isn’t confident
in himself or his abilities.

Child 2 M- 1/29 LA- Writing- focus is on Bella is overall a very

Bella reading, spelling, bright student. She loves
contractions, nouns
and verbs, etc. to read and is very
Weaknesses energetic about learning.
She struggled on staying During the LA lessons she
focused while she was is fully engaged and
reading. She gets easily paying attention.
distracted. She is a very
good reader but seems to
doubt herself.
The student did well with
her spelling words. She is
a great reader. She is very
fluent and is able to
decode words. She loves
to read which allows her
to be more excited about
Bella shows interest when
Math- focus is on learning about math. Her
subtracting double
digit numbers using face while she is sitting
the algorithm, PIG through the math lesson is
math, etc.
Strengths very curious. She does a
She pays good great job at paying
attention to the lesson. attention and gives
She shows that she thumbs up to let the
understands what is teacher know she is
going on by nodding engaged.
and giving thumbs up.
Did well with double
digit subtraction.
The student wasn’t
confident in her work
and sharing her
answers. When the
teacher would call on
her she doubted her
abilities even though
she showed a good
understanding of the

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths Additional

WEEK with and/or Weaknesses Thoughts: (i.e.:
DATE Name the content area observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 and state only what you S/E). You may now add
days per observed (hear and some personal
week see) interpretation here.
days in the

(i.e.) Child 1 (i.e.) M- 9/13 LA- Writing- focus is Gabe is always trying
on reading, spelling, his best. For example,
contractions, nouns he struggles to read and
and verbs, etc. stay on task so when he
Weaknesses is reading he makes
He struggled with his sure that he is using his
spelling words that were straight liner to stay on
r-controlled vowels. Gabe the correct line and not
is a struggling reader. He
Gabe M- 2/5 also had a hard time with get distracted. Despite
the vocabulary words for Gabe being below
the week and grade level, he works
understanding their very hard and tries his
meaning. best to understand what
Strengths he is being taught.
For the most part, Gabe
understands phonics and
the different sounds. With
guided help, he does well
with answering questions
about a book that he is

Math- focus is on Math is an area that

subtracting double Gabe has a lot of trouble
digit numbers using in. Despite him being
the algorithm, PIG confused, he asks
math, etc. questions and wants to
learn. He takes extra
He did very well with
time to complete his
his daily math
math tests. The teacher
questions that
has to remind him to
focused on money
check his work before
(coins). Gabe does
he turns something in.
well with
understanding the
algorithm of double
digit subtraction.
Gabe struggles to
remember and understand
his math facts. He is
struggling to pass -3 on
PIG math because he isn’t
familiar with his facts. He
understands how to set up
double digit subtraction
and do the algorithm, but
then struggles to find the
answer due to not
knowing his facts.
Child 2 M- 2/5 LA- Writing- focus is on Bella is a great student.
Bella reading, spelling, She is always staying very
contractions, nouns
and verbs, etc. focused during the LA
Weaknesses lessons. She asks
Bella struggles to questions and is very
remember the meaning of energetic and excited
her vocabulary words. about what she is going to
She knows the words but
when asked the meaning
she is unsure and says
that she doesn’t know.
She doesn’t seem
confident in herself in this
She did well with
understanding the /er/
sound in her spelling
words (er, or, ur, ir). She
is a very good reader and
does well with her weekly
reading fluency passages.
Bella usually shows a lot
Math- focus is on
subtracting double of interest in math.
digit numbers using However, this week she
the algorithm, PIG seemed to struggle with
math, etc.
paying attention. She
Bella does well with talked a lot and was
understanding the getting distracted. I
double digit wonder if this could be
subtraction algorithm. because the math she is
She also does very learning is too easy for
well with her knowing
her math facts. She did
well with telling time
on her daily math
The student seemed to
be getting very
distracted during math
this week. She wasn’t
paying good attention
and she seemed to not
want to share her math
answers with the class.

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths Additional

WEEK with and/or Weaknesses Thoughts: (i.e.:
DATE Name the content area observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 and state only what you S/E). You may now add
days per observed (hear and some personal
week see) interpretation here.
days in the

(i.e.) Child 1 (i.e.) M- 9/13 LA- Writing- focus is In a lot of areas in LA,
on reading, spelling, Gabe struggles. During
Gabe M- 2/12 contractions, nouns the lessons he has a
and verbs, etc. confused look on his
Weaknesses face. He tries to stay
He struggles when doing engaged during the
silent reading. He is lesson, and for the most
looking around and isn’t part does, but also
focused. He is a struggling tends to sometimes get
reader and when he has to off task during a lesson.
read on his own he Despite his struggles,
struggles to do so. Gabe tries very hard to
understand and do well.
Gabe was very focused
on the reading and
answering portion of the
gifted testing. He works
very hard on his LA work
even though it takes him a
bit more effort.
Math- focus is on While students were
subtracting double taking the math portion
digit numbers using of the gifted test, Gabe
the algorithm, PIG was making confused
math, etc. faces and seemed to be
struggling. He would
Gabe did well on his
say out loud “This is
PIG math. He finally
confusing” or “This is a
passed his -3. He did
tricky one”. We were
very well when
not allowed to help him
working on shapes
on the gifted test, but he
and patterns during
asked questions during
the gifted testing.
it because he wanted to
get it correct and learn.
While taking the gifted
test, he struggled on the
portions that contain
subtraction problems,
addition problems, word
problems, etc. He
struggles with his math
facts so this was difficult
for him.

Child 2 M- 2/12 LA- Writing- focus is on Bella is a student who is

Bella reading, spelling, always trying her best.
contractions, nouns
and verbs, etc. She wants to be
Weaknesses successful. Even during
During the gifted testing, the long gifted testing this
Bella was struggling on week, she stayed positive
the vocabulary portion of and did well with the LA
it. She seemed
portion of it. She seems to
unmotivated and
struggled with the words be motivational for the
that were on the test. She other students.
isn’t confident with
herself on vocabulary so
seems to not try as hard
on it.
Bella is very interested in
reading. She was excited
about the portion on the
gifted test where she had
to read a passage and
answer questions. She
enjoyed it and seemed to
do well with it.

Math- focus is on
subtracting double
Bella worked really hard
digit numbers using on the math portion of the
the algorithm, PIG gifted test. She was
math, etc. concentrated and wanted
to do her best because she
Bella was very
concentrated when cares about her education.
taking the math portion She is a very bright and
of the gifted test. She energetic little girl. Her
did very well on the hard work and motivation
problems that involved shows in math.
numbers. She does
well with the strategies
that she knows and
used them to help her
find the answers.
She seemed to struggle
on the shapes and
patterns portion of the
gifted testing. She
looked confused and
seemed unmotivated
and unsure of herself
when working on

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths Additional

WEEK with and/or Weaknesses Thoughts: (i.e.:
DATE Name the content area observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 and state only what you S/E). You may now add
days per observed (hear and some personal
week see) interpretation here.
days in the

(i.e.) Child 1 (i.e.) M- 9/13 LA- Writing- focus is Gabe did very well
on reading, spelling, with staying on task
Gabe M- 2/19 contractions, nouns during the LA lessons
and verbs, etc. this week. He seemed
Weaknesses to be very motivated
Gabe struggled with his and engaged. He was
vocabulary words for the struggling to
week. He had a hard time understand some
understanding words such things, but he worked
as properties and hard and tried his best
exploded. because he wanted to
Strengths learn.
Gabe did very well with
his independent reading
this week. He was very
focused and wanted to do
well in order to pass his
reading counts quiz which
motivated him.

Math- focus is on Even though Gabe is

subtracting double behind and he struggles,
digit numbers using he tries so hard and
the algorithm, PIG wants all of his work to
math, etc. be his best. He asks
questions and he wants
Gabe did well on his
to understand. Despite
daily math that had to
not knowing his facts,
do with money
he does really well with
(counting coins). He
using the algorithm for
does well with
triple digit addition and
knowing the value of
each coin and
counting them
together to get a total.
He is still struggling with
knowing his math facts.
They started learning
triple digit addition and
subtraction this week and
he was having a hard time
with it because he doesn’t
know his facts.
Child 2 M- 2/19 LA- Writing- focus is on Bella tried her best this
Bella reading, spelling, week and worked really
contractions, nouns
and verbs, etc. hard. There was a little bit
Weaknesses of struggle with the
Bella had a hard time spelling words but she
with this week's spelling still wanted to make sure
words. They seemed to be she was working her
a little difficult for her.
hardest. She is typically
Because they didn’t come
super easy to her, she very motivated during LA
seemed to be and does well with
unmotivated. understanding the lessons.
She did very well with
the vocabulary words for
the week. She did well
with telling the
definitions for words such
as Earth, properties,
exploded, etc.
Bella worked hard this
Math- focus is on
week and stayed positive
subtracting double
digit numbers using through her struggles. She
the algorithm, PIG is used to passing her PIG
math, etc. math’s on the first try, so
she was a little
Bella did very well on
the daily math that disappointed that she
involved counting didn’t pass -8 on the first
coins. She understood try. She didn’t let it get to
how to do it and got all her and kept working
of the answers for hard.
those questions correct.
She seemed to struggle
on her -8 PIG math.
The -8 seemed to be
difficult for her and she
still hasn’t passed after
trying 2 times.
CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths Additional
WEEK with and/or Weaknesses Thoughts: (i.e.:
DATE Name the content area observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 and state only what you S/E). You may now add
days per observed (hear and some personal
week see) interpretation here.
days in the

(i.e.) Child 1 (i.e.) M- 9/13 LA- Writing- focus is Gabe was a little silly
on reading, spelling, this week and was
Gabe M- 2/26 contractions, nouns having some trouble
and verbs, etc. focusing. Despite
Weaknesses acting up a bit, he tried
Gabe struggled with his hard on what he did
spelling words for the and wanted to make
week. They were words sure he was learning
that included ear, ere, and from the LA lessons.
eer. He had a difficult time He didn’t seem to have
figuring out which pattern as much motivation this
of letters to use for the week. It could have
words. been because he was in
a silly mood?
Gabe did very well with
his weekly reading
fluency passage. He
practiced it a lot and
worked really hard to
make sure he was
Math- focus is on Gabe is a student who
subtracting double works very hard. He
digit numbers using knows what he is doing,
the algorithm, PIG but what is holding him
math, etc. back is that he isn’t
good with his math
He is doing well with
facts. His biggest
understanding how to
weakness is not being
set up the algorithm
able to comprehend
for triple addition and
those facts. I know that
subtraction. He
Gabe will keep working
knows all of the steps
hard so he can learn and
he needs to complete.
get them.
He is still struggling
with his math facts.
He is now on -4 on
PIG math and is
having a very hard
time passing it. He
has taken the -4 PIG
math quiz 7 times

Child 2 M- 2/26 LA- Writing- focus is on Bella is always trying her

Bella reading, spelling, best and working hard at
contractions, nouns
and verbs, etc. what she does. That is
Weaknesses why I wasn’t sure why she
Bella’s biggest weakness was having such a hard
this week was that she time focusing during the
was struggling to pay LA lessons. I think maybe
attention during the LA
because she thinks that
lessons. She is very bright
but she didn’t seem to she already knows how to
want to pay attention and do this stuff, she doesn’t
seemed unmotivated. need to pay attention?
She did very well with
the spelling words for this
week. She was able to
know what patterns to use
for the different words
that she was spelling.
This week they are
focusing on ear, ere, and
Math- focus is on Bella always works very
subtracting double hard in math. She was
digit numbers using
the algorithm, PIG beginning to get frustrated
math, etc. when she couldn't figure
Strengths out the problems, but she
Bella did very well stuck with it and
when working on 2 continued to try hard and
step story problems.
learn. She finished very
She was able to
identify when she fast when doing the 2 step
needed to add or story problems.
subtract, as well as
what numbers from the
problem she needed to
Bella struggled on the
math problems where
you needed to solve
the triple digit
subtraction problem,
and then fill in the
bubbles about what
you did to find your
answer. This seemed to
confuse her and she
wasn’t sure what to do.

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths Additional

WEEK with and/or Weaknesses Thoughts: (i.e.:
DATE Name the content area observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 and state only what you S/E). You may now add
days per observed (hear and some personal
week see) interpretation here.
days in the

(i.e.) Child 1 (i.e.) M- 9/13 LA- Writing- focus is Gabe did very well
on reading, spelling, with Language Arts
contractions, nouns this week. He
and verbs, etc. participated a lot and
Gabe M- 3/11 Weaknesses worked very hard on
Gabe struggled with being everything that he was
able to identify the theme given and needed to do.
of a story or passage. He Gabe was very focused
named different parts from while learning what he
the story or different needed to in Language
things that happened, but Arts.
was not able to identify
the overall theme.
He did very well with
identifying whether a
poem was free verse or
rhyming. He would read
through the poems
carefully, and would then
be able to determine
which it was.

Math- focus is on Gabe worked very hard

subtracting double this week in math and I
digit numbers using am very proud of him.
the algorithm, PIG He did excellent with
math, etc. telling time and I was
very impressed. He got
Gabe finally passed
a little tripped up when
his -4 PIG math.
adding and subtracting
Gabe also did
money. I think the
awesome with telling
decimal place may have
time. He paid good
thrown him off a bit?
attention to the clock
and was very quick
with it.
He was struggling
with adding money.
He had a hard time in
the centers going
around and figuring
out how much money
he would have left
Child 2 M- 3/11 LA- Writing- focus is on Bella worked very hard
Bella reading, spelling, this week in her Language
contractions, nouns
and verbs, etc. Arts. I am thinking that
Weaknesses she may have had some
Bella struggled to trouble identifying
identify whether a poem whether the poems were
was free verse or free verse or rhyming
rhyming. She would read
because she was listening
through the poems and
would seem to be to reading very carefully.
confused or have some However, she did pay
difficulty. good attention throughout
Strengths the lessons.
She did very well with
identifying what the
theme was for a story or
passage. She was able to
listen to a story and then
explain what the main
takeaway from that story
was. She remembered
what a theme was. Bella definitely tried her
Math- focus is on
subtracting double best in math this week.
digit numbers using She struggled a little bit
the algorithm, PIG with the money portion,
math, etc. and I could tell she began
Bella did very well to get frustrated, but still
with telling time on worked hard. Her spirits
analog clocks, as well were brought back up
as differentiating when telling time because
between A.M. and she was very good at it
P.M. She was very and understood what she
engaged during the
had to do.
lesson and was trying
her best.
She struggled with
adding and subtracting
money. She had a hard
time going around and
reading the story
problems and
recording them on her
student recording

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths Additional

WEEK with and/or Weaknesses Thoughts: (i.e.:
DATE Name the content area observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 and state only what you S/E). You may now add
days per observed (hear and some personal
week see) interpretation here.
days in the

(i.e.) Child 1 (i.e.) M- 9/13 LA- Writing- focus is Gabe did a great job
on reading, spelling, with his Language Arts
Gabe M- 3/18 contractions, nouns work this week. He
and verbs, etc. worked so hard on his
Weaknesses spelling and despite
Gabe struggled with some having some difficulty
of the vocabulary words with his vocabulary
for the week. Some of the words, he still gave it
words include interested, his all. Gabe remained
heroes, challenging, etc. focused while doing his
He seemed to have a work.
difficult time remembering
the words and definitions.
He did very well with this
week's spelling words.
Some of the words this
week include sound,
cloud, clown, brown, etc.
He did very well with the
/ou/ and /ow/ sounds.
Math- focus is on Gabe worked very hard
subtracting double this week in math,
digit numbers using however he was pretty
the algorithm, PIG wound up and energetic
math, etc. this week. There are
some things he is not
Gabe has improved
supposed to eat due to
on adding coins and
his behavior, so I am
has been getting his
wondering if maybe he
questions correct on
was eating something he
his daily math. Gabe
shouldn’t be?
does very well with
telling time on an
analog clock and
telling the difference
between A.M and
He was struggling
with the concept of
quarter to, quarter
past, half past, etc.
when using the clock.
He was very
confused by it and
was having a hard
time figuring out
which was which.

Child 2 M- 3/18 LA- Writing- focus is on Bella did well this week
Bella reading, spelling, in Language Arts. She
contractions, nouns
and verbs, etc. worked very hard at
Weaknesses everything, but she didn’t
Bella struggled with this talk very much this week
week's spelling words. and seemed to be a little
Some of the words were bit sad and out of it. I
sound, cloud, brown,
wonder if something
clown, etc. She was
getting the /ow/ and /ou/ could be going on at home
sounds confused. that is making her upset?
Bella did very well with
this week's vocabulary.
Some of the words
include interesting,
heroes, challenging, etc.
She did really well with Bella tried her hardest in
remembering all of the math this week. I was a
definitions. little confused as to why
Math- focus is on
she did so well with A.M.
subtracting double and P.M. last week, but
digit numbers using seemed to struggle with it
the algorithm, PIG more this week. It makes
math, etc.
Strengths me wonder if maybe there
Bella is doing very is something going on at
well with reading time home that is causing it.
on analog clocks. She
is also doing very well
with the concept of
quarter to, quarter past,
half past, etc.
Bella is struggling with
differentiating between
A.M. and P.M. this
week. She did well
with it this last week
but seemed to be a
little confused this

CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths Additional

WEEK with and/or Weaknesses Thoughts: (i.e.:
DATE Name the content area observed learning style,
(chose 1 or 2 and state only what you S/E). You may now add
days per observed (hear and some personal
week see) interpretation here.
days in the

(i.e.) Child 1 (i.e.) M- 9/13 LA- Writing- focus is Gabe did very well this
on reading, spelling, week in Language Arts.
contractions, nouns He paid great attention
and verbs, etc. to all of the lessons and
Weaknesses worked his hardest on
Gabe struggled to pass his everything he had to
reading counts quizzes this do. I think that Gabe
week. He seemed to have may have been having
Gabe M- 3/25 some trouble with his some trouble with his
reading and reading counts quizzes
comprehension. this week because the
Strengths books were too
He did very well with his advanced for him.
spelling words this week.
Some of the words this
week include boil, toil,
joy, toy, etc. He did very
well with the /oi/ and /oy/

Math- focus is on Gabe did a nice job in

subtracting double math this week. He
digit numbers using worked hard but also
the algorithm, PIG seemed to be having
math, etc. some issues with paying
attention. He seemed to
Gabe did really well
be zoned out a lot and
with his daily math
was in la la land.
this week. On the
daily math it focused
on time, adding and
subtracting, counting
coins, etc. He did a
fantastic job with all
of those things.
He was struggling
with fractions this
week. The students
were just introduced
to it this week and he
seemed to be having
a bit of trouble
picking up on it.

Child 2 M- 3/18 LA- Writing- focus is on Bella worked very hard

Bella reading, spelling, this week in Language
contractions, nouns
and verbs, etc. Arts. Despite having some
Weaknesses difficulty with the spelling
Bella struggled with her words, she tried her best
spelling words for this and worked through it.
week. I think that the /oi/ She seemed to be in a
and /oy/ sounds were better and more happy
confusing for her. She mood this week compared
would put an oi where to last week.
there needed to be an oy,
and an oy where there
needed to be an oi.
Bella did very well with
her reading this week.
She passed many reading
counts quizzes and
showed a lot of effort
when she was reading her
books. I was so proud of Bella
for her work in math this
Math- focus is on week. She had great
subtracting double
motivation, worked hard
digit numbers using
the algorithm, PIG on everything, and stayed
math, etc. positive throughout it all.
Strengths Her mood seemed to be a
Bella did very well lot more happy and upbeat
with fractions this
this week.
week. She picked up
on it very quickly and
seemed to have fun
while she was doing it.
I did not see Bella have
many struggles this
week. She was very
motivated and
consistent and did well
on everything math

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