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Over the last five and a half weeks I have been traveling extensively doing what is in fact my last tour. And one of
the main emphases of this tour is to make sure particularly that Generators get the message. I've spent most of
my teaching career focused almost exclusively on Generators and the potential of being able to awaken

There's nothing more special on this planet than Generators; and what I mean by that is that out of the Sacral
Center, and only Generators have a defined Sacral Center, that out of the Sacral Center what you get is the
generation of life itself, literally. And it means that whatever we consider to be the life process, whatever we
consider to be the quality and the reality of life on this Earth, that life on this Earth is created by Generators. It is
their work. You know, this is the fundamental difference between Generators and all other types, is that all other
types are not born to work - they are born to find life.

It's a great joke by the way, you know, the difference between finding a life and getting a job, and if you're a
Sacral being, you come into the world to find the right work. And it's only once you've found the right work that
you get your life.

Everything about being a Generator is the fact that the Generator is a prime motor, and to really understand the
nature of that prime motor. It's not metamorphic; it's simply a motor. It's very, very powerful. It's the kind of
motor that doesn't give up, that doesn't stop, and that keeps on going; that the Generator is designed to operate
to the point of exhaustion every day, every day. The essence of being a Generator is that if you're using your
energy properly you reach a point of exhaustion each day that's perfect for you. That's perfect.

You know, I have so many things that I could discuss about the nature of the Generator. It begins with
understanding the holiness of being a Generator, which I'm sure appeals to all of the spiritual fishy people.
[Laughter] But the fact is that Generators as far as I'm concerned, as far as the way in which I understand the
nature of the world, that Generators are in essence the only holy ones, because they are here to surrender as
themselves. This is their process. It is their process.

You can see it's left over from the work that I was doing in the Living Design training that I was doing yesterday,
is that if you look over here on my left, you'll see that under the name of each Type is given the "Mental Focus"
of their lives - in other words, where they are designed; how they are designed to deal with the world.

A Manifestor does not look inward. Non-Sacral people do not look inward. They're not interested in looking
inward. The Manifestor will look to see what impact it has. The Projector will look to see and understand what
the other is. The Reflector is here to understand their environment or their milieu. None of those 3 Non-Sacral
types have any direct interest in themselves.

You know, it's my joke about Delphi - "Know Thyself." And underneath "Know Thyself," it said, "Generators
Only," but somebody scratched it out. It was probably a pissed-off Projector or something, who knows? But
anyway, somebody scratched it off, you know. It is only for, only for Generators.

And it's the thing to understand about the Generator consciousness, is that the Generator consciousness is
exclusively focused on their own process, which is why they're so stupid. You know, because in the moment that
you don't know who you are according to what it is to be a Generator, [that is, that you know who you are
through response], then what you get is the depth of the Not-Self.

Nothing gets in the way of a Generator waking up. Nothing gets in the way except their Not-Self. And please
understand something about the Not-Self. The Not-Self operates through strategies developed through open
Centers, and that the representation of the Not-Self is by the mind. If you have an open Ego, your Not- Self mind
is always convincing you to prove yourself. Prove yourself. Prove yourself, and of course, it's so devastating to
the open Ego. The mind is always going to be the propaganda voice of whatever open Center you have.


So it's very important to understand something as a Generator. Generators were given this gift of being
surrendered. Let me explain to you how surrender works for a Generator. A Generator comes to Human Design
and they're told that they make decisions in response.

So they begin this process of making decisions in response. And they begin that process by doing the mental
work first. If you do not seduce your mind as a Generator, you will never have a real opportunity to be yourself.
Your mind must become your ally. And the way in which you bring your mind as an ally for you is that when you
begin your Generator process, you begin by a "Question and Response Episode."

In other words, you enter into an experience in which somebody whom you trust asks you a whole series of
questions. Now, most of these questions are there for you to be able to see that your Sacral Center can express
the essence of what you are. In other words, that it's the beginning of a process of turning over Authority to your
Sacral, even though it's an experiment. Remember, this is all about getting your mind to go along with it.

The mind is deeply resistant to the Generator waking up. It's deeply resistant. Remember that the mind holds
onto the Not-Self strategies as its way of maintaining Authority over you.

So the first thing you have to do is you've got to fool your mind. And the way in which you can fool your mind, is
you get your mind to do what it loves to do best, which is research. And you get your mind to research who you
are. And it says, "Oh, that's interesting; oh, that's interesting."

The first time you go, "Uh uh," it says, "Why? I thought that this was fine." And you begin to go through this
process in which your mind is slowly without knowing it giving up Authority to your Sacral.

The Sacral is a response mechanism as truth for you. It's like a motor that's never been used properly, and the
moment you begin to use that motor properly, that is the moment that you begin to literally give it Authority,
slowly it begins to gain that authoritative power.

Now look, if you're a Generator and you are operating through your strategy - that is that you're only making
decisions in response, you're going to eventually, sooner or later, and in terms of the way Generators work,
sooner, you're going to get to a point in which you meet a wall of fear. And the wall of fear that you meet is the
fear that arises in the recognition that you have no idea, no idea what's going to happen to you, None.

You see, the moment you give Authority to the Sacral, the Sacral in essence is spontaneous. In other words, the
Sacral is here to provide you with decision-making capacity in the moment - response by response. It just is.

And the moment that you're honoring your Sacral, you get to a point where you realize that you cannot dream
any more. I mean, you do anyway, but you cannot, because you no longer can have that dream as something that
is a mental Authority track to get to it.

You have no idea if you'll get to it. You have no idea if that's even your dream. You have no idea. And so you get
to a point in which there is this tremendous fear because you suddenly realize, you do not know what's going to
happen to you.

Now in that moment the Not-Self mind jumps in, and it says to you, "You see, all of this was idiocy!" You know,
"Some weirdo's going to come up to you and ask you if you want to go live on a farm in the middle of Siberia,
and you go 'Uh huh,' and you're Tucked! You have to leave your family and your friends, and you don't even have
a wardrobe for that place, let alone that you're gonna spend your life looking at sheep!"

And there's the Not-Self Sacral mind going, "You see, you see, this was all bullshit! This is going to kill you! You're
going to go 'Uh huh' to the worst possible thing you can imagine, and it's just going to deserve you right!" You
know, blah blah blah - Not-Self mind.

You see, surrender is the moment in which you do not know what is going to happen to you, but you're not
afraid. You're secure in your own Authority. You're secure in your capacity to be able respond to whatever. And
you're not going to say, "Yes," to something that is incorrect for you. You're not going to say. "Yes," to your

mind's worst horror for you. You're not. You're not going to say, "No," to the best opportunity that life will offer
you. You won't. You won't.

What you will do is that you will live out what is correct for you. It isn't going to be a hell of a lot different than
what it is now.

You know, this is the stupid before and the stupid after. A life is a life is a life. It's the perception. It is the way in
which you move through life that changes.

You see, when you get to a point in which you do not know what's going to happen to you, and that's okay, you
have a lot that you can see; more than you were ever, ever, ever able to see in your life. You get to see all of the
things that are possible for you to see, because you're not distracted.

You're not focused on trying to compensate for your Not-Self. You're not dealing with a mind that's driving you
absolutely nuts. You're not.

And Generator minds, you know, Generator minds are the toughest minds to break. There's nothing tougher.
They hold on for dear life, because it's the Generator mind that's had the most Authority over any type.

After all, if you understand that it is Generators that literally generate the life Pattern itself, the world we live in,
and our basic complaints about the nature of this world you can put this all into the lap of the world of

There are over four billion of them! You know, this is quite a thing. See, my concern is that if you wake up a
Generator, then you're really doing something.

And all Generators are designed to wake up, they really are! They're designed to wake up to themselves. They're
designed for it.

That's why, my game with the gods. The gods on the other end say, "Okay, you know, basically it's easy for them,
but let's make it as difficult as possible." It's mechanically incredibly easy.

It's driven me crazy over the years. I live in a Generator-dominated world. I live in this incredible world of
Generator frustration, and my frustration, that is my amplified frustration with Generators!

Most of the time, I want to hit them! [laughter] Really, "Whack!" You know? Just hit them, "Hey, why don't you
get it, it's so simple!"

When I first started, truly, when I first started, one of the main motivations I had other than I saw that it was
practical; I saw things about myself that I didn't think were possible - the only thing that really brought me out
into the world was that [I thought] I could wake up Generators in a couple of years and quit. [laughter]
Really. It was like, "Okay, I'll do this for a couple of years, it's so easy for them, I'll just wake up these Generators,
and then I'll just go back and sit on the hills for awhile." You know? Auhhhh! Auahhhhh!

The Generators that I've wanted to hit! It's endless. I've got a list that's so long it's unbelievable. I have
Generators that have been in my life for the whole sixteen years of this process, and they're still living their Not-
Self. I have Generator students who've been with me for up to ten years who are still not living out their identity.

The Not-Self mind is incredible. It's incredible!


See, Generators are here to know yourselves. You're here to know yourself, so you above everybody else are
here to know the power of your Not-Self, because it's your greatest enemy! And in recognizing the power of that
Not-Self, to understand.

See, your mind, Generator mind is truly against you. I mean, you know, it is not open to reason. It isn't. And your
mind will fight you for the full seven years of your cycle. It will do everything in its power to turn you around.
Everything. It'll hold onto every last little bit of Not-Self bullshit.

And you see, the only way that you can deal with that is by honoring your strategy. It's all you can do. You can't
do anything else. Your mind is not going to save you.

Look at the gift that was given to Generators as a Type. They were given a Sacral. They were given a Sacral that
communicates! I mean, my Ego doesn't speak - not directly. My Ego doesn't have it's own voice. My Spleen
doesn't have its own voice; my Emotions don't have its own voice.

I can't tune into something in my vehicle, and say, "Hey, how are things going?"

"Well, it's going really good over here." [laughter] You know? Ask my Spleen, "Are we doing all right today, is
everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah." You know, it doesn't exist.

And then you have Generators, and they go, "Are you okay?" "Uh huh." That's incredible! It’s really incredible.

They have this thing inside of them that's going to tell them the truth - their objective truth. Their objective
truth. The Sacral Center's not intelligent. You know, it's not about intelligence. This is not the mind. It isn't
making decisions based on concepts. It isn't. It isn't, as you will see, because I will take you through how the
Sacral actually works.

You will see that the Sacral is simply designed to respond to certain things, and only certain things, or not. And it
speaks to you. It tells you exactly how to use your power.

It's all about power. See, Generators have so much energy that they're actually ready to work eight hours a day
in a job they hate. I mean, they just will, frustrated, miserable; they just will, because the energy's there. It's
there! Not only is it there, but when they're finished that horrible job, they desperately look for something that
they can do that feels good for their energy.

Oh, it is so unhealthy for a Generator not to use their power correctly.

See, as a Generator, if you don't enter into something correctly, you're not entering in, in a way in which your
motor is designed. It's designed to function in a certain way. Your power is designed to be used in a certain way.


And remember something about being a Generator. You're here to be used. Not abused - and I don't mean used
in any negative sense whatsoever. You're here to work. You're here to be used well.

And what that means for any Generator is that when you're doing the work that is correct for you, because that's
the secret in your life - when you're doing the work that's correct for you, everything is transformed in your life:
Everything because your energy is operating correctly. This is the whole thing for Generators.

Most Generators, when they get into bed at night, their motor has not been used properly that day. It has not.
And it means that they don't get the proper sleep; they don't get the proper rest. And eventually that just adds
up. It's just malfunction.

You know, the people who give up on life are Generators. They really are the ones who give up. They're quitters
after all. You know, the Generator Not-Self that enters into the wrong thing? At some point the frustration is so
much that they just have to get out, because they can't bear it.

It all begins as children. All of you were deeply, deeply conditioned as children. Your parents wanted you to be a
Manifestor. They wanted you to be in control. They wanted you to be able to do things; they wanted you to be
able to get everything done.

They didn't ask you, they told you.

You didn't have any respect in terms of what you were, from the moment you came into the world. Not only
that, you were conditioned to meet nothing but frustration. Nothing but frustration.

You know, when Manifestors ruled, it was so easy to have Generators as slaves, because all the Manifestor had
to do to the Generator was say, "Be like me."

And the moment that the Manifestor says to the Generator, "Be like me," the Manifestor runs the game, because
the Generator can't be like me. Never. Never.

And as long as they try to manifest, I have the advantage, because, they're going to be frustrated, they're not
going to have their full power; they're going to be easy to manipulate. Generators aren't here for that. You're not
here to be slaves. You're not. I mean, that's my job. I free slaves. You've not here to be slaves. You're not. You're

You're the most powerful thing on the planet. You're not here to be slaves. You're here to build. This is the
mystical quality of the Generator, is that in surrender they become builders. And basically what you build is
always the macrocosm of your microcosm.

If you look at the world that we live in, if you look at the architecture of the world that we live in, we live in a
world that was created by Not-Self frustration. It just was.

And the moment that you liberate the Generator is the moment that what can be built is totally different.
Because, you see, you, more than anyone else, you are here to be the first real members of the Revolution. And
the Revolution is that you forever now will live by your own unique Authority.

You must understand how radical that is. We live in a world in which Authority is imposed on us from millions of
directions, literally - everything from television news to the teachers we have in school, to the parents that we
have, to the governments that we have, to the cultural group we belong to, to the communities that we're
entrenched in. All of those things. And every single one of those aspects have Authority over us in our lives.

Remember something about your white Centers. This is where everything is secondhand. You know, this is a
second-hand world. It's not original. It's not.

What lies in following your Strategy is the opportunity for you to be your own Authority. No one has the right to
decide for you. No one. Your mind does not have a right to decide for you. No one has that right. No society, no
law, nothing!

And again, it's not like you're going to break every law. It's not like you're going to run off to Siberia. It's not. It's
not about any of that. It's about each and every one of us.

Each and every one of us is unique.


You know, the most extraordinary thing in my work has been to recognize the true differentiation of humans. It's
so easy for me from the scientific perspective to see that we're incredibly similar. I mean, incredibly similar.
Sameness is everywhere in us.

And yet at the same time, there is this magic of unique imprinting, of differentiation; that not only do we
obviously look different, but there is an intrinsic difference in each of us.

Over the years I've taught my students about the potential of living out your mythology. Your mythology. To live
out your mythology is to recognize that there is, and has never been anything like you, and if you are no longer
absorbed and conditioned by sameness, you can express your difference. And the expression of your difference
is your mythology. It's the only thing that's interesting.

See, I'm interesting because I am the mythology. I am a 5 - 1 Cross of the Clarion. I really get to live out my Role
and my Character. This is the byproduct of honoring my Strategy.

None of you get to live out your Profile or your Cross until you are living out your characteristics, your Body
Graph as you. And the moment that you are making your decisions as yourself, there is no comparison any more.
You will learn to see that there's no better or worse. You will learn to see that it doesn't matter what people
think or say. It doesn't.

Oh, Generators, and their thin skin. Nothing worse than Generator thin skins. You know, they take everything
personally. It's all upsetting. They don't want to disappoint. "All right, I'll manifest that for you, okay. Oh, I'm
supposed to be like that? All right, I'll manifest that, okay." And the frustration that goes with all of that.

You are here to be the unique expression, not some kind of homogenized, "Oh my god, what will they think?"

It's one of the most difficult things for Generators to do when it comes to responding. The Generator response
mechanism is deeply repressed. It's not like it's just sitting there waiting to be activated. It's like that beautiful
car that you've had in the garage for twenty years, or thirty years, or forty years. Nobody's used it!

I had this incredible tub of frustration with clients - the Generators I would do readings with. And I'd be going
along and going, "There's this, and there's this," and they'd be going, "Ummmmmmhummmm,
ummmmhummmmm, ummmmmmmhumm, ummmmmmmhummmmmm," and I'd say to them, "See, that's the

And they'd look at me like a dead sheep, you know? I said, "The sound, the sound, the sound of your Sacral!"

"Ummmmhummmm? No? Okay."

So I'd keep on going along with the reading, you know, da da da da da da da da. And they're going,
"Ummmhummm, ummmhummmmm, ummmmhummmm, ummhummmmmm," And I'd say, "See, see, and I'd
point to their throat. See, see, you just made that sound!"

I would get so frustrated I would say, "All right, you'll hear it on the tape! The one grunting is you!" You know?
[laughter] I mean get it, it's there.

This is why it's so important to go through the "Question and Response" episode. Because in doing that, you
force your Sacral to start its work, its real work; its real work to reveal you to you. So that you can benefit, so
that the Sacral can begin that process of, "Yes, we can make answers." It gets to that point where it starts

It's repressed. It's been repressed by the fact that your parents want a Manifestor. They don't want a grunter.
It's repressed because they don't want you as a child making all those funny noises at dinner. It's repressed
whether it's the bedroom, or it's the bathroom or whatever. These are sounds that by Manifestor propaganda
are not correct.

Not only that. The other three types look out at the world. And in looking out at the world, they need to find a
way to communicate very difficult concepts. So Manifestors, Projectors and Reflectors create a communicative
potential to describe what the Sacral actually produces. So they've got a very different - they have a very
different mental approach. They have an approach that is looking out into the world - out into the world.

The Sacral being is deep within their own process. They are deep within their own process.


The Sacral mind - I've watched it now for so long. I have three Sacral children. I have a Sacral wife that I've lived
with for twenty years. I have a Sacral mother. I have two Sacral sisters. I've grown up with Sacral energy.

You know, I'm a Manifestor, and I've watched the Sacral mind, and that mind is so deeply, deeply connected to
the Not-Self, it doesn't want to hear anything. It doesn't.

And that Not-Self is so deaf, that all it wants to do is manifest. All it wants to do is manifest. There isn't a
Generator that I've ever known in my life, whose mind didn't want to just manifest, and directly out of their Not-
Self. Directly out of the Not-Self. You can almost hear it in the same language I describe each of the Not-Self
strategies to you.

It comes exactly out. "Well, I have something to prove," says the open Ego. "Well, I have to attract attention,"

says the open Throat, and on and on and on.

And remember something about your open Center. The whole thing about an open Center is that it has a
strategy. This is called strategy transference - decision-making transference. Instead of making a decision as a
Generator, instead of making a decision in response out of your Sacral, you transfer the decision-making to that
open Center and its strategy. And your mind expresses it.

So there's your mind saying, "We're making a decision now, based on the fact that we have to prove something.
We're making a decision now based on the fact that we have to attract attention. We're making this decision
based on..."

It has nothing to do with who you are! Nothing! Nothing! And remember, you cannot reason with that mind. I've
tried. I'm a good teacher; I'm articulate. I know my stuff. I have tried over and over and over again to explain to
Generators, "Look, it's your mind. Your mind is your enemy. Your mind is taking you away from your truth. Your
mind doesn't like your Sacral at all!

Your mind is here to deal with all these cute sophisticated concepts. You think that the Generator mind wants to
give up its Authority to a grunting machine? "Yes, let's give up everything that we learned in philosophy, and let's
live our lives as 'Uh huh, uh uh.' Sure, sure, that's the right thing to do! Good life! Yeah."

And you see, the whole thing about mind, is mind's interested in the life, not in the work.

Now, Manifestors and Projectors and Reflectors are here to focus on the life, because they have to deal with the
other. And the Generator is here to focus on the work, because that's where they find their truth.

But you see, their Not-Self mind goes into the same game that was structured by Manifestors in the beginning.


And so, you have the Generator mind trying to find a life, and it tries to find a life through its open Centers. It's
frightening to see what happens when you try to find a life through your open Centers.

You try to find a life through proving yourself; you try to find a life through finding love and direction. You try to
find a life through all the open Centers you have.

And that's not what you're here for. And you're not going to find a life there. What you're going to find is the
same Not-Self stuff just in another guise. And every time one of the Not-Self strategies proves to be too much,
the mind will switch to another one.

It never lets go.

And you see the only thing that will diminish the power of that mind is when you stop giving decision-making
Authority to those open Centers.

You can only do that by honoring your Sacral. There is no other way.

It is a struggle. Remember. You're special - you're really special! You can be transformed in a moment, on a dime.
Bang! [clicks fingers] Just like that.

I know Generators who have been able to step into being a Generator almost from the beginning. It doesn't
mean they're awake, it still takes seven years. There's business to be done. But almost from the beginning they
can live out what is really them, and go through that whole process of discovery.

But I've watched their movie. As they go through that, what they have to deal with! Every stage in which the
Sacral triumphs, the mind tries one more time to, "Come on, there must be something here that we can sidetrack
this grunting, groaning railway run." [laughter]

You know? It does everything it can. It really does.

All of these years of teaching, I finally put my hands up in the air, and said, "Okay, okay, it's time to attack the
Not-Self, and teach the power of the Not-Self, which I've been doing for the last several years in Europe; teach
the power of the Not-Self, to really understand the enemy. And you know, in understanding the enemy you see
the horror of your lives.

Before I had my mystical experience, I lived out the Not-Self strategy of my four open Centers. My open Head
Center was trying to figure out every question. All the answers were floating around, "What am I going to do
with this one?" My open Emotional System was avoiding confrontation and truth. My open Sacral didn't know
when enough was enough. My open Root was always pushing me to be as fast as I could to get rid of the
pressure to be free. And it was my life for thirty-five years. I mean it was my life!

It had nothing to do with me. I made Emotional decisions, and Sacral decisions, and Root decisions, and Head
decisions. I never made a decision as myself, and the price of that - broken marriages, broken families, all kinds
of messes, all kinds of messes. And none of the claptrap helped. The fact that I was smarter than most people
didn't help. The fact that I could try to resolve it on the mental plain didn't help. None of it helped. And being a
Manifestor I wasn't interested. It was just a mess!

See, the Not-Self is overwhelming. It's overwhelming; it's what you've been all your life.

It's not like you can just peel off that skin and throw it away. You can't. And it's not gone when you go through

your seven years of deconditioning.


My Not-Self is my shadow. It's not gone. I don't want it to be gone. I need it. It's through that Not-Self that I'm
wise. Remember the magic of conditioning is that the moment you break through conditioning, if you have an
open Emotional System, the moment that you're no longer making Emotional decisions, you can become wise
about emotions. You can recognize different kinds of emotions and how they work, and you can become
sensitive to other beings and recognize that they're emotional, and where they are in their Wave, and how to
deal with them, and all of the things that come as wisdom.

I love my shadow. I know when to avoid things and when not to, because it's not an Emotional decision. I know
when to be in a hurry, and when not to, because it's not a Root decision. I know when enough is enough; it's not
a Sacral decision. I know what questions are for me. It's not a Head decision. It comes out of whatever my
spontaneous manifesting truth is in the moment.

The reality is that whatever is your Not-Self, you're never going to lose it. You're never gonna kill it. You're not
here to kill it. You're here to turn it into your shadow. It doesn't run your life, yet through it you can make
contact with the rest of life.

After all, the conditioning field is your connective environment. You're here to meet the Maia. We're all here to
meet and deal with the Maia. But we're not here to be conditioned by it. We're not here to give the Maia
Authority over our lives. Each and every one of you are here to live out your unique, your unique process.


That was my Generator pep talk.

Let's talk about function. Let's talk about the Sacral Center and the way it functions. I think it's one of the basic
things to recognize about being a Sacral person, is understanding how this motor actually works. The Sacral itself
is simply a vibrating mechanism, and as a vibrating mechanism, it's actually a kind of spiral vortex. I hate to use
that word because it's Sedona, and it sounds really spooky. [laughter]

But let me show this to you. If you're looking at the Sacral Center, there are many, many things crossing in the
Sacral. For example, the 5th Gate crosses to the 9th. Eh? This is a movement of the circuitry. This is Logical
Circuitry moving here.
The 42nd Gate moves over here to the 29. This is the shift through the Sacral here.

Then you have the Individual going right through, and you have the Tribal going right through. And what this
creates is a movement inside, and this is the frequency movement of the Sacral Center. In other words, it's fed
by many different streams of energy. As a matter of fact, the thing that actually turns it is the 34 that comes in
like this, and brings all of these various movements together into a kind of spiral if you will. Basically what it is, is
that it just creates a frequency. It's the life giving frequency. And this life giving frequency, this life generating
frequency is a frequency, and that frequency is fixed.

It's very important to grasp that. It's fixed. In other words, the Sacral Center is a motor, but it doesn't have any
gears. The gears are in the Throat. This is the basic binary of life, is the Throat and the Sacral.

And so when you're looking at the Sacral Center and you're looking at this frequency, you have to understand
that this frequency is fixed. It's out of this fixed frequency that we get the terminology so often used to express
the Sacral experience, is this state of being stuck. Stuck! All Generators get to a place of stuckness.

Now by the way, if you're a Generator and you get to a place of being stuck, and you've entered into something
correctly, you're in the best place you want to be. Because the moment you recognize you're stuck, is when
you're actually ready to move to the next level.

Now if you're not entering into things correctly and you get to that place of being stuck, rather than that being a
signal that's positive, a sign post that says, "Time to move onto the next level, you've completed this," instead
it's frustration that, "I can't go on any further; this isn't for me; I'm going to quit this and walk away."

And the theme of frustration is the same. In other words, stuck, frustrated comes from the same basic
mechanical dilemma - that is that you have a very powerful motor, but it has a fixed frequency.

When you understand that, you can also understand what it means that the Generator is here to work. You see,
when a Generator enters into work correctly, and that's the whole point, is that when they enter into it
correctly, they're actually the only ones who are designed to master whatever that is. Whatever that is.

This is the whole movement of a Generator, is this process of mastery in which you go level by level by level by
level by level by level by level. And there's no cheating. Only Manifesting Generators cheat, but I'll talk about
that in a moment.

If you're a Pure Generator, you don't cheat. Pure Sacrals don't cheat. Pure Sacrals go one level at a time, and
every time they get to the end of that level where they've done their work in that level and it's been correct,
they'll get to the place of stuckness. They'll get to the place of, "All right I'm ready. I'm ready for the next step,"
and of course it doesn't come in the moment you're ready. You're not a Manifestor.

You know, you can't manifest that transition. It does come. What's interesting is, once there are enough
Generators doing this, it'll be an interesting experiment to see what are the time differences in various kinds of
Generators, from that moment of stuckness to the moment of Metamorphosis.

Because remember, you meet the potential for Metamorphosis every day. If you're a Generator, whether it's
with your partner, your children, going into the supermarket, whatever it is, you're going to meet opportunities
to connect your Sacral to the Throat. And the Throat is where Metamorphosis is. So there's always this potential
of this metamorphic moment, and it can come at any time. But it only comes; it only comes when you reach the
state of stuckness. And it's very important to grasp.

In other words, the moment when you're actually living it as yourself, you will get to the point where you don't
recognize it as stuckness. You will recognize it as completion. In other words, "All right, I'm done at this level, I
know that. Pretty soon I'm going to move to the next one; it's coming."

You know? That's a totally different experience than, "I'm at this barrier and I can't get any further, and it feels
terrible, and what am I going to do, and I hate it." And then there's all this pushing. That's when the Generator
says, "Okay, I'm done with this level. Give me the next one, give me the next one!"

It's the moment when they stop generating and start manifesting. "Give me the next level, I want it right now."
And it doesn't work. And so they get frustrated.

You know, these are people that, not so much in our time, because our time's very different with networking and
the computer world we live in. But in days where you would go into an organization in order to move yourself up
the ladder, these were places where Generators with tremendous potential would quit before they could get to a
higher level, because they'd feel complete at one level and say, "Well, look,

I'm ready for more responsibility, I'm ready for more. I've done this."

And then they push, and when they push, they get pushed back. They get pushed back! The first thing that
happens to a Generator when they play Manifestor, is they get smacked. Because the moment they play
Manifestor, somebody can control them as a slave. You have to remember that as a Generator, the moment you
pretend you're a Manifestor somebody will use you as a slave. Instantaneous, right back in the old movie. It's so
easy to enslave Generators. And you know, it's the mind. There you are in that position where you've gone
through the level; you've gone into it correctly, and there's your mind going, "Yeah, they don't see how good we
are here. And I'm really frustrated, and I'd like to make some more money, and I've been doing all this work, and
I've been working twelve hours a day, and they should notice that, and I'm ready and I want more. So let's go get
it, let's go ask for it; let's tell them if they don't give it to us we're walking!"

Well, see ya! Have a nice life. That's what happens. Okay.

Particularly here in America there's a lot of research that's been done here and there's been a lot of discussion
about the nature of Generators and the fact that Generators have a subgroup: that is Pure Generators and
Manifesting Generators.

The knowledge that was given to me I have never altered in any way. And the knowledge that was given to me
has already proven itself to be deeply, deeply accurate in scientific observation.

I was told that there were only four kinds of beings, and there are only four kinds of beings.

There are two kinds of Generators. But Generators are Generators are Generators. The reality is that anyone
who has a defined Sacral Center, that their Strategy is the same. It doesn't matter whether you're a Pure
Generator; it doesn't matter whether you're a Manifesting Generator - the reality is that what it means to be
yourself, what it means to honor your strategy is that you only make decisions in response. Period. Okay.

There is also a great deal of confusion about Manifesting Generators because very few people understand the

Let me put it to you this way. The Manifesting Generator has a dilemma. The dilemma is that they are the most
deeply conditioned of all beings. One third of humanity are Manifesting Generators. The Manifesting Generators
have been the most deeply conditioned by Manifestor propaganda.

You know, when you're a Pure Generator and your parents are telling you what to do, it's very frustrating, and it
really takes a lot to be able to fulfill those instructions. When you're a Manifesting Generator, it's not so difficult.
You simply get into the manifesting aspect of your nature, and you pretend you're a Manifestor. It doesn't mean
that you meet resistance, and it doesn't mean that you don't physically suffer from that. You do. It doesn't mean
that you become angry. You're not a Manifestor. It isn't about anger. It is more likely rage than anger.

The reality is that when you're a Manifesting Generator the thing to recognize is the greatest handicap you have
is the manifesting capacity, because it's the thing that's locked you into living out the manifesting propaganda.
And of course, that's devastating for Generators. The Generator Not-Self - the Not-Self mind of the Generator
will spend its whole life trying to get you to manifest, because when you manifest, it has you. So Manifesting
Generators, obviously, obviously, they're real suckers for manifesting propaganda. And they get deeply, deeply
hooked into that.

There's something else about their process - the frequency of the Sacral Center. We know that the frequency of
the Sacral Center is that it is a fixed frequency. It's fixed.
So Sacrals, in entering into anything correctly, they go into it in a fixed frequency, and will stay in that frequency
until that Stage is complete. And it's complete in terms of what you're working with and so forth and so on, and
there are all kinds of things, but it is a natural process, and at the point that you're stuck, that's the point that
you know that Metamorphosis is coming if you're correct.


But you see, if you're a Manifesting Generator, when you get to that place of being stuck, the easiest thing for
you to do then is to be a Manifestor.

Remember, if you're a Generator and you're Pure, when you reach that first Stage of being stuck, the Not-Self
strategy of your mind is, "All right, we're ready; we've done this Level, let's go get the next one, let's tell the

The Manifesting Generator doesn't even need a lot of propaganda to do that. The moment the frustration is
there, is the moment they launch into their manifesting.

In the Ibiza International Event in April, we have a Human Design Restaurant called "Abundance." And in that
restaurant, everybody orders food according to their Type. And when it comes to Generators, the waiters and
waitresses, their responsibility with Generators, is they take the Generators through the whole menu. Now if
you're a Pure Generator, you have to wait until the end before you make up your mind. In other words, you need
to go through the whole list, even if there's one that as you go through, you go "Uh huh," on the way through,
you go through the whole list just to make sure that the first "Uh huh," maybe there's something even better. So
you have to wait for the whole thing.

But if you're a Manifesting Generator, you can't. So the waiter and waitress start reading things off, "There's this,
there's this, there's this..."

The Manifesting Generator jumps in, immediately, and goes, "Ok, I want this." Now the one thing about
Manifesting Generators, if you ever see them in a restaurant, is that they're always so annoyed when the food
finally comes. "I didn't really want this. That looks much better! I should have waited and taken that." And then
there's the whole thing with, "Can you take this back to the kitchen?"

You know, the manifesting. And the waiter and waitress say, "Well, you ordered it, you idiot!" The whole movie,

Manifesting Generators have a real problem in that their manifesting capacity skips levels. Remember I said Pure
Generators go level by level by level.
A Manifesting Generator comes along, and they get into one Level, and they'll skip a Level and jump to another
one. Now, it looks good on the surface. It even looks like Manifesting on the surface. Oh, but it's not. You see,
they skip things. I don't want a surgeon who's a Manifesting Generator. I don't. I don't. " Don't touch my body,"
you know?

"Oops, did we leave the scissors inside? [laughter] I must have missed something." Or, "Wasn't I supposed to do
that artery first before I did this one over here?" [laughter]

Ninety-eight thousand Americans die in the hospital from surgeons every year, and I guarantee you, most of
them are Manifesting Generators.

They skip things.

You don't want a Manifesting Generator as the pilot of your plane. I mean think about it. You want a Manifesting
Generator looking after your baby? Think about it. They miss things. They skip over things. They're in such a
hurry. It's the manifesting in them. They're in such a hurry.

This is the dilemma for the Manifesting Generator, and look, understanding that doesn't help. Manifesting
Generators, like Pure Generators are here to make decisions in response only. Only. And there is something that
is so simple for Manifesting Generators to do that will make a difference in their lives. Make lists. It'll save your
life. Make lists. You know, you're going to go shopping. You don't want to miss those two items, get back to the
house, and be so annoyed that you've got to go back again to get the things that you missed. You drive to the
airport and remember that you forgot to pack your passport because you were in such a hurry to get the bag
closed. There's something you missed. Make lists. It'll save your life!


There is no way that we can talk about generating without taking into consideration the impact of the Emotional
System. Half of humanity is Emotional, and it means that half of all Generators are Emotional.

The Emotional Wave is an extraordinary thing. It's very, very powerful. The Emotional Wave that goes from hope
to pain and back again that never stops, that takes everybody through that process - everybody through that
process, up and down.

There is no cure, after all, for the Emotional Wave. It is just simply there. And what we know in Human Design is
that when we're doing analysis is Human Design, is that the first thing that we're looking at is if you see
somebody that has a defined Emotional Center, then you know that defined Emotional Center is the Authority in
their life. It's their Authority. It's their Inner Authority. This is the most revolutionary phrase in Human Design - is
Inner Authority: that place inside of you where you can make reliable decisions as yourself.

And yet the Emotional System - the Emotional System is not aware. It's not aware. The best that you can do with
the emotions is be clear, and clarity is never 100%. Clarity is not certainty, and will never be certainty.

Remember that when you're dealing with the Emotional System, you're dealing with feelings. You're dealing with
sensitivity. You're not dealing with a conceptualizing mechanism like the mind.

Clarity at the emotional level is about a physical clarity - a physical clarity within the Emotional Body, and that
physical clarity can only come to the fore over time.

I'm not a great fan of St. Augustine, but he did say that "The only reward for patience is patience," which is really
quite sharp. If you're an Emotional being, the only reward for patience is patience, and out of that you get your
true reward, because patience is everything. It's everything!

And it's not this imposed patience. Remember, my interest is not in the controlling of emotions. This is sick. This
is not about controlling emotions. It's not about repressing emotions. It's about the Emotional being recognizing
that their very capacity to be in the world is dependent on their emotional clarity.

After all, it is where they have their Inner Authority in this life. And that because we're dealing with an emotion
that is a Wave, that we know very clearly that at any point in that Wave, at any moment is not the truth, but a
perception, an experience, and an experience that is filtered through wherever you are in that Wave. In other
words, if you're a Generator, and you're Emotional, it is not possible for you to accept your response in the
moment. It's not. You can't.

So you're finally in a situation where you've been waiting for something and there's this wonderful experience
that comes, and somebody comes directly to you and says, "I want you, I need you, blah, blah, blah...will you
come with me?" And you're all excited, and you really are cranking away, and your Emotional System is going,
"Yes, yes, yes! This could be wonderful!"

Whoa! Whoa. That response is conditioned by the emotions.

Look at the Sacral. Remember something about the Sacral Center - it's not intelligent. It's not intelligent, and the
way that it responds is determined by what hooks it up. Think about that.

So look, if you're coming over here and you see the Sacral Center's connected to the Spleen, this is someone
who's a Splenic Generator. And basically what that means is when they say, "Yes," or "No," it's because
something is either healthy or not in the Now; that something is either secure or not in the Now. You know,
that's the way the Sacral is responding. It's responding based on how it's hooked up. So that hook-up conditions
it. In other words, the Spleen - the Spleen is controlling the Sacral response.
When you look over here and you see somebody, who is Emotional like this - here is an Emotional Generator, a
Pure Emotional Generator, as a matter of fact, this is the only real kind of Emotional Generator, just as here is
the only example of a true Manifesting Generator.

The only Pure Manifesting Generator is a 20 - 34. The only Pure Emotional Generator is a 59 - 6. All the other
variations are just that. They're variations, but they're not the Archetype of how that energy works.

When you're looking at the Sacral being connected to the Emotional System, you have to recognize, it's not the
Sacral that's independently intelligent. It's not. What the Sacral Center is going to do, is the Sacral Center is going
to respond the way in which it is designed to operate - in this case, emotionally. And when this Sacral is going,
"Yes," or "No," it's going, "Yes," or "No," to being intimate or not, to every question. And it's the Emotional
System that's conditioning that, and that Emotional System's operating in a Wave.

There is no truth in the moment. There can't be, and this is the whole point about what it means to wait. The
difficulty with the holiness of the Generator is that because the Generator is so basically stupid about
themselves, because they live so deeply within their Not-Self, they don't see themselves ever as being worthy.

Why do you think Generators run around being Manifestors - because they don't think they're worthy. They
don't think anything is here for them - you know, "Money for nothing and chicks for free." They don't believe it -
or boys for free - let's be fair in all that. They just don't believe it. They don't believe it's just there - they don't
believe it just comes. They don't believe they can sort of sit there in their vehicle, and, "Oh, this is coming and
oh, that's coming, and love is coming and work is coming and this is coming and that is coming." They don't
believe for a moment.

I know that, I mean because their mind won't let them believe that. Their mind says to them, "We are unworthy
furniture. We are unworthy extras in the movie."

"We are unworthy, and the only way we can go beyond being unworthy is, let's follow our Not-Self strategies
and see how fucked up we can really get. So at least we get noticed. Everybody sees that we're really struggling."
It's very sad.


The Emotional System demands a whole different, a whole different approach to being a Generator. I have this
thing about the Emotional System that if you operate correctly as an Emotional being, there are rewards that are
waiting there for you. There truly are, and the reward is a byproduct of the strategy of being an Emotional

You can't imagine how powerful it is when somebody wants you. Remember, basically in the eyes of all others,
you're a slave. You're a slave! So somebody's looking for a slave - slave partner, slave colleague, slave lover, slave
whatever. They're looking for a slave. And they notice you. And you know, they take in your slaveness, because
they take in your aura. They know what you're capable of; they can feel the zzzzzuhzzzzzzuhzzzzzzuh of the

I mean, I'm a Manifestor with a totally open Sacral, no Gates, eh? I come into a room like this, and you know, I'm
just in a buzzing field.

So, they recognize immediately that you're slave material. They just do! And it's so easy for you to go like this,
"Hey, yes, you're interesting; yes you look very nice. Yes, it's a nice offer. Right now as a matter of fact, inside of
me, I sort of feel like it might be something that I could do. But you know, you can't get me that easily. I'm just
not 'just available' for you. Who the hell do you think you are? You think I'm going to become your slave just
because you say something to me? Naw, naw, naw, naw, naw naw."

"You go away - and you think about how well you want to treat this slave, and while you're doing that, I will go
through my Feeling System and I'll see whether this is something I really want to do, and you call me back."

Oh, you have no idea how powerful that is. You have no idea how powerful that is! See, when the Emotional
System is operating correctly, it is the most natural thing to go, "Wait." It's not rejection. See, Generators meet
so much resistance; they're terrified of rejection. They're terrified of it. They don't want to be rejected. Every
time they try to manifest, somebody gets in their way. They don't want to be rejected.

And so when somebody comes to them and looks at them and says, "Hey, you're my slave!" You know, they go,
"Okay." They don't want to reject them.

And if they're in their high end of their Wave, their mental strategy will jump in and say, "Right on baby, let's go
for it!" And then they get to pay the price - and it's a deep price.

Play hard to get.

If you're an Emotional Generator, if you're an Emotional Manifesting Generator, play hard to get! It's the whole
point! It's the whole point. This is the only strategy that works for you, and it's about respect.

You know, the whole thing about living out your own nature is that you represent a uniqueness that is solid and
secure. And when you operate correctly as yourself, you demand respect. You demand it. You're here for it.

If you're an Emotional Generator, you have to respect the fact that there is no truth for you in the Now. And that
the only way you're going to get the respect that's due you is that you don't jump! Because then you will see that
the other values you. And they will make you a better deal. They will make you a better offer. They will. You see
they want their slaves. They're determined to have them.


The moment you enter into anything correctly as yourself, whether you're a Pure Generator, or a Manifesting
Generator, or you're an Emotional version of either of them, it comes down to the very same thing. And what it
comes down to is that you're here to have your own Authority. That's all.

If you honor that Authority, the most important thing in your life happens. You get to find a place where you can
use your energy correctly. If you're a Generator, that's the only thing that really matters to you. That motor
wants to be used well. That motor wants to be in a place at the end of each day, where really, it's the exhaustion
of joy, you know? " Ahhhh, it's been a real day!" You know, you've had a real day; it's great. "Okay, now we can
collapse and sleep."

It's perfect. Because this is what the motor wants. This is what the motor needs. It's the kind of thing where the
motor literally starts purring. It's humming! Because this is the perfect use of the Generator energy.

I've mentioned it a couple of times on this trip that the ultimate Generator, and we will never see this in the
deconditioned, but we will see this in Generator children - the ultimate Generator will need very, very, very little
sleep, I mean, very little sleep, extended naps maybe two or three times a day, nothing more, nothing less. And
they won't be tired; and they won't be unhealthy. This is such an incredible mechanism!

When you finally meet a Generator who's really doing what's right for them, everything becomes refined. This is
the part of it that I like so much. There's this refining. You know, after all, they are here to be Masters. So when
their energy is being used properly, their bodies function properly. Their heart functions properly, their digestive
system functions properly. Their skin is healthier, their body mass changes; their features change. There are so
many things that happen to somebody when they're a Generator and they are using their energy correctly.

It's about efficiency after all. It's about efficiency.

You look at Generators who have open Emotional Systems, and six times out of ten, they're overweight. Just like
that, absorbing all kinds of liquid, absorbing all kinds of body mass to help them avoid confrontation and truth,
like trying to build armor. That doesn't work.

It is endless the ways in which the Not-Self torments the Generator. This is the price you pay for being the ones
who can wake up. I mean, it's the price you pay!

Each and every one of us in our journey have an Archetypal struggle. We all do. Manifestor, Projector, Reflector,

they all have their struggles for this process.

But the Generator specifically because it is for them to wake up - no change in this world without them. It
doesn't matter how many Manifestors like me you wake up, we are not going to change the world. We can't. As a
matter of fact, the more we try, the more people will shoot us. It's not our time. Nobody wants to be pushed
around anymore, you know.

Only Generators can change the world. They're the only ones.


See, the Sacral is so amazing! After all, it is generating the whole Pattern of life! I mean, it generates the whole
Pattern of life!

Why do you think I put so much emphasis on waking up Generators? You want to change the Pattern of life - you
want to make this not the planet of suffering and frustration anymore? You want to make it the planet of
exhausted joy? Yes! Go for it! And let's see what we build.

It's this transformation that's possible - this instantaneous "Bang!"

You're the only ones that are here to know yourself. I mean, you're the only ones that are here to know yourself.
You're the only ones that are given the gift of having something inside of you that yells at you - "Uhnnnhhhhhh!"
Don't be so stupid, you know?

You have all these gifts and then you sit there and you have your manifesting bullshit suffering lives. It's amazing
to me! Amazing! I mean, it's so simple, to conquer the Not-Self and its mind.

[Showing the chart Bill Gates] Look at what happens to a human being. Here's somebody who's a Splenic
Generator. They're here to know the truth in the moment in response. They're unemotional; they're here to
know it in the moment, right? Right. Okay, but what do they live? They live everything that they're not. And what
does this mind of theirs express? It expresses the Not-Self.

He may be the richest man in the world, but he still doesn't know where love is and he's still looking for the right
direction. He's still trying to prove himself; he's still doing everything in his power to avoid confrontation and
truth. He's still trying to run through things in order to be free, and all of those are his strategy.

Now, it may have made him rich. After all, we live in a Not-Self world, so we've got rich and poor in the Not-Self
world. But that's not a mark of success.

[Showing John Lennon's Chart] Look here. You've got so much openness here. You've got a Head Center, always
trying to answer everybody else's questions, an Ajna Center, always trying to pretend that he's certain, an open
Throat - classic - Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, you know, open Throat, always trying to attract attention. "Here
I am, here I am." Okay, "Here I am." And I don't know where love is, and I don't know what direction I'm going in,
but I have a lot to prove, and I hold onto things that aren't good for me, and I wish the Hell it would all end! Well
it did. Somebody shot him.

Every single one of these human beings that you look at - you're not seeing the true Self at work. Their lives have
all been about the Not-Self strategy. All about it.

Now when you see a configuration like this [Mozart] you see an open Throat and everything else is defined, you
know that's the deepest, deepest part of the Not-Self strategy. So here's "Mr. Attract Attention" himself.
Amadeus, Amadeus, wherever you look.

You know, to prove yourself by holding onto things that aren't good for you. Isn't that a nice destiny! Now, you
want to know how funny that is. This is Marie Curie. This is the first woman ever to be given a Nobel Prize. You
know how she died? She kept Uranium in her pockets! Trying to prove something while holding onto what isn't
good for you. Now thank you Marie Currie! How nice of you! There's the Not-Self killing you dead, [clicks his
fingers] just like that. "Well, let's keep Uranium in our pockets." Amazing!


Look at your white Centers, please!

You're a Generator! Your mind is so deeply connected to your Not-Self strategies - deeply, deeply, deeply
connected like the talons of a hawk!

And it doesn't matter that every day you're going "Uh huh, Uh uh." Your mind is in there doing everything it can
to drive you to decisions based on those open Centers. Mind will not help you. Your mind will not help you. It
doesn't want to.

After it goes through that experiment with you of "Question and Response" it suddenly recognizes that it's
fucking itself and it doesn't like it at all! And I mean that! It has a visceral, visceral response to that. It's like,
"What are we doing here? Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute, this is crazy!"

And I know the experience of Generators really living their Design and I know that people around them think
they're crazy. You know, "What happened to you? You used to - you used to speak!" [laughter] You know? "I
used to be able to have a conversation with you. Now I say, 'Do you want to have a conversation?'" You go, "Uh

"What am I supposed to do?"

The Not-Self mind is in there going, "You see, you're a freak; everybody thinks you're nuts, this is all crazy; this is
not the way it works, give up this nonsense! This was a fun game, but look at all those things you said 'Uh uh' to.
You know, I know that's not true," and so forth and so on, and your mind is in there rattling away.

I mean you have to recognize how powerful the Not-Self mind is - deeply, deeply, deeply powerful - always trying
to pull you to your open Centers. And all the therapy, and all the teachings, and all the stuff that goes with, you
know, "Here's this Center, this is the way it works - it's open - blah, blah, blah, here's your Not- Self strategy."
The mind goes, "Well, yeah, interesting, right, right, okay," and then ignores it entirely. Because it's not on your
side. It's not.


The only thing that's on your side is your Sacral. That's who you are. You're Sacral beings. This is what it's all

Think about the honesty of it. You know, Manifestors, Projectors and Reflectors - they're not personally honest.
It's not their trip. They are much more honest about what they see out there in the world than themselves, but
then again, they're not designed to look at themselves.

Generators are here to be impeccably honest. Again, they're holy. After all, they're the righteous - the true
righteous when they're correct. In the old I Ching they talked about the righteous man; the correct man, the
correct being.

Generators are here to be correct - they're here to be correct. They're here to be absolutely honest. It's not, "Do
you love me?"

"Well, I don't know, I used to love you and on Wednesdays I still love you, and sometimes even late at night I get
this feeling that perhaps I love you." [laughter] You know, this is a non-Generator relationship.

You say to a Generator, "Do you love me?" They go, "Uh huh." That's it, movie over. You know, you know! And
there isn't anything else necessary, because that's the absolute, honest, simple truth, no adornment.

If you say to them, "Why did you go 'Uh huh?" then you're back to the mind game, and then you're back to the
Not-Self strategies that try to explain it. "Well, you're only saying it, blah, blah, blah." It's just madness.

You are here to be pure beings, pure beings, absolutely correct, absolutely honest.

And you see, you can't manifest honesty. I know that. [laughter] You can't project it, and you have a hard time
reflecting it because it ain't there! But you can generate honesty, and if all the Generators in the world were
generating honesty, we'd live in a truthful world in which lies would have no place, and the rest of us who aren't
Generators, we'd have to go along with it, because it's the world we live in.

The fact that almost all Generators are dishonest makes it easy to live in a dishonest world, and for those of us
who look outward, not to see the truth, because we're not seeing the truth. We're not.

It's like people who say to me, "Well, you think that person's a Generator, or a Projector, or this or that?" I'd
rather see their Design. The Not-Self is so powerful that people live out what they're not. They just do. It's not
like you can just sort of read it. It's so obvious that the Not-Self is what the life is all about for humanity. And you
see, we don't end up then with honesty. We don't end up with honest relationships. We don't end up with those
who represent us being honest; we don't end up with any of that.

And it's you that's generating that. See, something for a Generator to understand: you're generating that field.
It's coming out of you, each and every one of you. And it's not like this is some kind of Democratic sharing.

Each of you are an archetype of a unique imprint, and what you're representing is the lie of that, not the truth of
it. And so we don't know these Archetypes.

When you wake up a Manifestor, barely anybody notices. When you wake up a Generator, everybody notices.
Everybody notices, because their aura impacts on everybody and it's not comfortable. I mean, Generators don't
meet brass bands when they're awake. Most of the band long ago stopped wanting to play for them. They don't
like it! They don't know what it is.

You see, through the Not-Self, we have the delusion that we actually know somebody. And in the delusion of
actually knowing somebody, assuming, because it's Generators we're talking about, assuming that you can
enslave them.

Everybody in your lives, everybody in your lives enslaves you in one way or another and you go along with it. You
just do, you just do. As long as you're not correct, as long as you're not being honest, as long as you're not
operating correctly, they're all going to take advantage of that. They will.

And they don't like it when their ability to manipulate you is taken away from them. They don't like it when they
can't go and use you when they need you. They don't like it when they want you to provide your energy to help
them do something that you go, "Uh uh." They don't like it. See, when you used to go, "I don't know," they would
immediately be able to jump in and say, "Aw, come on, it'll be fun, come on, let's go do it."

"Yeah, well, all right."

And when you go, "Uh uh, uh uh," it's something that there's no barrier that. You can't go around it. You can't
reason with a grunt. You can't reason with, "Uh uh." You can try, it won't do you any good; you can't reason with

And they don't like it; you know they're losing a slave. They're losing somebody they could count on to do
something that they didn't want to do. ''Aw, could you look after the kids today?" "Uh uh." "What do you mean,
"Uh uh? What the hell

is that? Hey, come on, somebody's gotta look after these kids! [laughter] It might as well be you! You've been
doing it for years." You know? It's so easy to be enslaved.


See, you're here to be the honest ones, the honest brokers. You represent the truth. You do, and the moment
that you are awake within your own nature, the moment that you're living out your strategy, that's the moment
that your truth comes out. And it's a unique truth. It's yours.

See, standing on that Authority is all you get in this life. If you can't stand on that Authority, if you can't live by
your own Authority, your Not-Self, and it's your mind, is going to take you and is going to keep you in that Not-
Self state for the rest of your life. It just will.

The only thing that you can count on is that you'll die and come back. You've got another movie. You can try it
again. It's about Now. There's a map now. You have a map. You have the best map that's ever been available.
You have a way of operating correctly in your vehicles.

You particularly as Generators have the opportunity to participate in passenger consciousness. Passenger
consciousness is what this is all about. It's not about being the driver. It's not about being the vehicle. It's about
being the passenger. I'm a passenger in here. This isn't mine. I didn't ask for it; I don't own it. I don't know what
it's going to do in any given moment. I have no idea. It's just a ride. It's just a ride. It's nothing else. And only
when you're riding in the vehicle as a passenger, and you're not trying to control the vehicle, and you're not
trying to drive that vehicle, only then do you get to see what you're here for.

You get to see your purpose. You get to see the fulfillment of your potential; that is the potential of your vehicle.

You know, it's only a costume. It's a costume. It's an Archetypal costume that fits over this vehicle. It has a Role
and a Character it can play.

But you have to get there, and you can only get there through your own Authority. You can't get there any other

After the break, I'm going to begin a process of taking you through the Sacral Center in depth, so that you can
understand the mechanisms of the Sacral, and in understanding those mechanisms you can begin to understand
the way in which your own unique Sacral works.

There are very, very different kinds of Generators in terms of the way in which the Sacral operates. It has to do
with the way in which your Sacral Center is defined. See, the Sacral Center has two things: one is that it has
respondability. That's the first thing. And the second thing is that is has respondability relative to its availability.

What we're going to look at is we're going to start looking at the themes of availability. There are nine - there
are nine Gates out of the Sacral. There are nine Themes of Availability. That availability is two-fold: availability
for work, which is the central theme of a Generators life; and availability for sex, which is the secondary theme
of the reproductive capacity of the Sacral Center.


Okay, I'm going to take you through an inner Sacral journey. We're going to look at the two basic themes of the
Sacral. We're going to look at its respondability, and we're going to look at its availability. We're going to look at
the respondability and the availability in relationship to each of the nine Gates of the Sacral.

Now remember that in terms of your own process, what you're looking for in all of this aside from the additional
information that's there is that you're looking at your specific definition that defines your Sacral. Now, you may
have more than one.

But the reality is that's what this is all about, to give you an idea of your particular availability, your particular
respondability. Remember, respondability is to work; availability is to sex. Yet they both get mixed up, so our
responding is all about our availability, and our availability is all about our responding, and they get caught up


When we're going to start here, we're going to start with the basic nature of what life is, and we're going to start
with looking at the 5th Gate, and the 5th Gate as it runs up to the G Center, the 5 - 15. This is the Channel of
Rhythm; this is the Channel of Being in the Flow. This is the only Universal Channel in all forms of life down to
the single cell. In other words, whether we're looking at insects or mammals, or we're looking at reptiles or fish;
we're looking at plants, whatever we're looking at, we're looking at the presence of the

15 - 5 in the matrix. In other words, the 15 - 5 is the Basic Pattern and Flow of Life Itself.

If you're somebody who has the 15 - 5, there are a number of things to recognize. The first thing is that you're
generating a Pattern, and you're generating a Pattern that has a fixed frequency.

The 5th Gate, the Gate of Waiting - this is the Gate of Patterns. This is the Gate of the Generation of Patterns.
And everything about life is that because all life is generated out of this Gate, life in fact is orderly, despite the
fact that we experience through the Not-Self chaos. In other words, that life is orderly, it's an orderly program;
it's an orderly design, and that the Patterns are generated out of the 5th Gate.

But the Patterns, and whenever you're looking at a Gate, recognize that when I say that the 5th Gate is a Pattern,
I want you to understand how deep that Pattern is. There are six variations of that Pattern - that is the six Lines.
Each Line has six Colors. Each Color has six Tones. Each Tone has five Bases. There are, I think, one thousand and
seventy-eight variations of Pattern that you're looking at in the 5th Gate. In other words, it's not like there's one
Pattern. And we can see that, life is very complex. There are many Patterns in life

The other thing is to go to the other side and to go to the 15th Gate. When you go to the 15th Gate on the other
side, you get the Gate of Extremes, and this is the Extremes of Frequency. The way I've always described this is
that I'm a musician, I write music. Writing music is writing a Pattern. It's a Pattern. Yet everything about the
Pattern is that the Pattern can operate through different frequencies.

If I play the Pattern slowly, it's melancholic; it can be a love song, it can be the Blues. If I play the Pattern quickly,
it becomes Rock and Roll, it becomes Rhythm; it becomes Movement. In other words, the very same Pattern
played at a different frequency will give you a different sense of what the Flow is - in essence, a different kind of

So everything about the 15th Gate is you have all of these potential frequencies, one thousand seventy-eight of
them as possibilities, and when you put that one thousand seventy-eight with the other one thousand seventy-
eight, and you figure out all the possible combinations in between, you have millions of things that make up The
Flow. And it's the Flow of Life itself.

You're here to understand that if you are somebody that carries the 5th Gate in your Design and it's defined in
your Sacral, or if you have the 5th Gate and it's active in a defined Sacral, you are part of what generates the
Pattern of life.

If you wake up, in other words, if you live your life according to your Strategy, then the Pattern that you
generate is correct, and that Pattern has an impact on the overall Flow of what life is.

The 5th Gate is extremely, extremely important to grasp.

The other thing is, the G Center through the Magnetic Monopole: the Magnetic Monopole carries a magnetic
quality [obviously it's its name], it only attracts; it never repels. And the Gate of the G Center that carries the
most magnetism is the 15th Gate - is the Love of Humanity. The 15 - 5 is magnetic as a definition. And you can
see that.

For example, I have a child who's a 15 - 5. I have two children who are 15 - 5's. The moment that they're in my
life, my Pattern, my Flow, the frequency, all of that, is immediately controlled. You know, and they have a
magnetic impact on others to bring others into the Flow.

So when you're looking at the 5th Gate, you're not just looking at the generating of the Pattern. You're not just
looking at it in terms of definition, that this is all about the Flow of life itself, but how deep an impact that has
because it is magnetic in nature.

Now think about what it means if you have that Channel defined, and somebody comes up to you and says,
"Would you like to go away with me this weekend?" And you go, "Uh uh." Eh, your Sacral response in the

Now your mind is going to say, "What the hell is the matter with you? This was a great idea. This could have been
a lot of fun. Why are you saying 'No'?" Now the Sacral is not able to explain itself. But the thing to recognize
about it is that the moment you have a Channel defined, that Channel restricts what your responding is. It
restricts it, and it restricts your availability.

This person is only available if the Pattern and the frequency are going to be right. This person is only available if
they feel like this is something in which they're going to be in the Flow. And they're only going to respond to
things positively that can allow them to stay in the Flow. In other words, what they're going, "Yes" or "No" to
isn't about, "Is it a nice place? Will I have a good time? Can I survive a couple of hours in the car with this
person?" It isn't about any of those things. It's only about, "Is this going to lead to being in the Flow? Is this going
to lead to me bringing others into my Flow?" It's Collective, after all; it has to be shared. "Is this going to lead to
me being able to be magnetic in the Flow?"

It's all about responding and being available only because that is the Pattern, and that the results of living the
Pattern are going to be positive.

When you look at any configuration in the Body Graph, you have to keep several things in mind. First of all, the
5th Gate is part of the Logic Circuitry, and as part of the Logic Circuitry, it is Collective; the Collective, and its
Keynote is Sharing. All Collective activations are social or antisocial, because everything's a binary. All Collective
activations are about sharing or not sharing, but sharing is the point.
Everything about being in the Flow is sharing your Flow. Why do you think we all get pulled into the Pattern of
life? All of these 15-5's are magnetically pulling us into their Flows. And so ultimately all of us are pulled into the
Flow of all the 15-5's on Earth. It's the way it works.

And you on the personal level, that you have to see that if that is who you are, then everything you're saying
"Yes" or "No" to in this life, everything is based on whether you can stay in your How, and in staying in your
Flow, being magnetic, and bring others into that Flow as well


15th Gate is the Love of Humanity, or the Hatred of Humanity. It is the Gate through which humanity is prepared
to be organized. The Flow leads to the Alpha. The Flow leads to the 7 - 31, the Channel of Leadership, the Design
of an Alpha.

This is about bringing the Collective into a shared Flow that can be properly guided into the future. Think about
what that means in sexuality. It means you're only available for sexuality in your Pattern and Flow. So, let's say
you're a 15 - 5, and you only like sex in the morning. You will only have sex in the morning. You will only go, "Uh
huh," to sex in the morning. Even if you're horny as hell and you have a perfect opportunity at night, there's
nothing inside of you that's going to do that, because you're only available in your Pattern.

If you're somebody that has the 15 - 5 and you like to have sex in the morning and you've been having it every
night, you know you're deeply conditioned. I mean you just know you're deeply conditioned. You're only
available, you're only available and will only respond when it's part of your Flow. Otherwise it doesn't work.

So you have a Pattern. Not only is that Pattern about time of day, that Pattern is about style and form; it's about
speed. Some people's Pattern is, "This is fine, but let's get it over with fairly quickly." Other people's Patterns
are, "I really like this. Let's do it for another eight hours." You know? And you're only going to respond positively
to somebody who's in your Flow.

15 - 5's can be quite disturbing that way to somebody who's not a 15 - 5. I know that through my totally open
Sacral Center. I'm not available, and I'm not here to respond. I have no themes of availability, no themes of
response. I'm not an easy person to get to. I'm not available.

And every once in awhile, I'll have a 15 - 5 and they'll come into my aura, and I can smell the whole movie, you
know? I mean, I can tell instantaneously what this Flow is going to be like, what the Pattern is like, what the
frequency is going to be like. You know, you just amplify it.

So if you're somebody who has the 15 - 5, you have to begin to understand certain very basic things about who
you are. Who you are is all about the Flow - your Flow. Your Flow. And the moment you're responding and the
moment that you're living out what is your nature, it is your Flow that emerges. And that Flow is not for you
alone. It's to be shared with others. It's to be shared. It's magnetic. It's there to bring other people into your
Pattern and frequency.

It's there to create a rhythm of harmony in the Flow. Now obviously, that's quite a job.

When you see the 15 - 5 in that way, you can understand how incredible it actually is. And the Channels that go
from the Sacral to the Self - they're called Tantric. Not many people understand what that is. But the reality is
that the Tantra of the 15 - 5 is all about the right time, place, pace in the Flow. It's the Pattern that matters. And
as long as the Pattern is fulfilled, the experience is one of love. The 15th Gate is the Gate of the Vessel of Love.

We all love to be in the Flow. We all love those moments where everything is just easy and smooth and moving,
to be one with the river. Don't fight the river, Flow with the river. But our rivers are polluted. Our rivers are ugly.
The Flow of the Pattern of this planet, we all know what it looks like out there! We don't know it from here. Such
a pretty illusion to be in Sedona!

The world is a place of great, great suffering! The Pattern and Flow of the planet is not nice. It isn't. There is so
much greater want on this planet than anything else. There is so much hunger and degradation on this planet.
There are two billion people that make less than a buck a day. You are dealing with a planet that has horrors!

It's the generated Flow. That's what our river looks like. Turn on CNN and see the river. Whoa! Nice, dirty, messy,
ugly river. This is the incorrectness of the Sacral generation of the Flow. It's up to you!

I can't do anything about that. I'm not a Generator. I have neither the 15 nor the 5. I am a victim. I am a sufferer
of a planetary Flow that's not mine. Stinky river, you hold your nose and you sail down the river.

And it's Generators that create that. This is your world. I'm an alien Projectors are aliens. Reflectors are aliens.
We don't belong here. This is your world. You make it. You make it. We have to live in it; you make it.

And you see, it can be transformed in a moment! In a moment! One Generator at a time. You know, one 15 - 5 at
a time.

My 15 - 5 son who lives with me, as long as he's acting correct as a Generator, the Flow of the house is correct.
It's that simple. This is the power that the 15 - 5 has. They are incredibly magnetic. They have this tremendous
capacity to pull people into their Pattern and Rhythm. But if they're not being correct, what Pattern and
Rhythm? The Pattern and Rhythm that their Not-Self Ego drives them to do?

"You can't be so slow. You've got to be much, much faster! You've got to prove yourself!" The Not-Self strategy
comes in and distorts everything. And then instead of being brought to the purity of what the Pattern and the
rhythm can be, we get brought to something that's dysfunctional; that is no longer correct. And it's still
participating in generating the Flow and the river of life.

And all of that's in the 5th Gate - I mean, just in the 5th Gate. When you're looking at the Sacral Center, you're
looking at something really incredible! It's an incredible thing. It's pumping out this whole world! At every level,
every blade of grass, every plant, every animal, everything that's alive on this planet, this is the generating force
of life. It's all through this System.

And then you wonder why we have such a disturbed world, and why everybody says, "How the natural world
works in harmony." Well sure it does! They don't have a neo cortex. I remind my dog of that all the time. "You
don't have a neo cortex." [laughter]. And she yawns. You know?

"Okay. We don't care. Life's easier for us. We don't have Not-Self mental strategies."

Sure nature has it. All those 15 - 5's in nature work fine. They're just operating as response mechanisms in the
world. That's all, pure response all the time. And humans? We're really messy creatures, messy. Messy Flows,
really messy, because the Generator is so ignorant of themself.

As you go through this process, you will see that what you generate has enormous impact on the other.

It's always an interesting experience for me when I come into a room of Generators how physical it is. It's
physical for me. Again, with an open Sacral - I have no activations so it's all white. I step into a room like this, it's
physical the Generator power. It's physical. You have to see what kind of impact you have.

If you're carrying the 5th Gate in your defined Sacral, recognize something about you! You're initiating the
Pattern out of your generating. You're creating the world out of your generating. And what does that mean if
you're not doing that? You don't have the right Pattern, and that, and that is going to lead you to a meaningless
life. It will lead you to meaningless work and meaningless love. And none of it will work correctly for you.

You're here to be the Perfection and the Master of Patterns. That's what you're here for! To enter into things
correctly so that each time you enter into it, you are living out a perfect Pattern - your Pattern: your unique
differentiated Pattern; your mythology.

You see, the Generator Clarions will do a better job than me. I'm just a messenger. I'm the perfect messenger.
But I'm not a Generator. I cannot generate the truth. I cannot impact life itself directly, cannot. Not possible. I
make no contribution, none whatsoever. Please get that. No contribution whatsoever, none, none. Only
Generators change life. Only Generators can change the world. Only Generators are here to transform the world.

I can teach you. I can teach you, but that's all. And in my personal life, me personally, I'm not in charge here. I'm
not in charge. I'm not in charge of the world I live in; I'm not in charge of the Patterns around me. All I can do is
accept the Flow as myself. And I accept which Flow is correct for me as myself.

But I cannot influence it anymore than I can influence somebody's Emotional System penetrating my open Solar
Plexus. Cannot.

You see, when I was given this knowledge, it was obvious to me - deeply obvious to me that Generators were the
movie! You're the movie; you make this world what it is!

The only Type I ever get angry with is Generators. I could kill ‘em, you know? I won't, I won't, you're okay.
[laughter] Because it's your world. I've been incarnating forever, into your world, I mean, your world; you make
it. I come in this time, your world, you make it.

And then I see the chaos in the individual Sacral life - the deep frustration, the pain, the suffering, the lack of
worthiness, the density of the Not-Self, all of that. And I think, "Whoa, man, I'm gonna keep my shoes on for the
great change coming in a hurry!" It's like, "Okay, okay."

At least I see them wake up. That says something because it says that it's possible, and it's transferable, and that
you can get to that state. And I know most deeply that any child that's raised according to its nature who is a
Generator will get to that state. They will not have to go through deconditioning. It's a very different thing than
what we do.

All of this was made necessary. I couldn't just introduce this knowledge and say, "Look, it's not for any of you. It's
for your kids. You know, it never would have gotten anywhere.

I had to go through this process of dealing with the Not-Self, and dealing with a deeply conditioned Not-Self. It's
been my career.

It's not what the future is. The future will be filled with more and more children who are simply raised correctly.
And the need for these processes of deep, deep conditioning, and all the pressure being on the deconditioning
process - this is not what the future holds.

This is an inter regnum. It'll last several hundred years. It's an inter regnum. It's a way of getting to the children.
It's a way of slowly penetrating.

But I recognize now how difficult it is for the adult, particularly for the adult, how difficult it is to go through this
process; how intrusive the mind is, how relentless it is in wanting to keep you, keep you in your Not-Self. All of
the capacity that I have as a teacher and a motivator is pushing at Generators to simply enter into the process;
stay with the process, recognize that at some point, you can defeat your mind. You can. And while you're doing
that , the integrity of your energy, what that puts out in the world, how valuable that is.

Every time that I can meet a 5th Gate and see that 5th Gate begin to make decisions according to its nature -
how different the world will be for people who love that person, who are part of that person's life. What a
transformation that will be in terms of the Pattern that is coming out, because remember, Generators are here
for the truth.


We're going to move over here, and we're going to move to the natural relationship that is here in the Sacral.
Remember that we have a crossing of the Energy Stream in the Sacral in the Collective. It's the same crossing
that takes place in the brain, that is the crossover that takes place between the Ajna Center, and the Head
Center, Ajna to Throat. Here we have the same crossing over that takes place.

The 5 is actually an expression of what the 9 - 52 is. These Channels that are here between the Sacral Center and
the Root Center - they're called Format Energies. They're very important to grasp. A Format Energy, because the
Format Energy is aligned to the nature of the Flow and the Pattern, the Format Energy gives a kind of super
frequency, if you will, to the way in which the ultimate Flow will operate. And what happens here in the 9 - 52 is
that the 9 - 52 is a Channel of being Focused and Concentrated. Focused and Concentrated. We're actually at the
Logical Level, we're here to be focused and concentrated on the Flow, so that we can be led into the future

This is the whole story. We're here to focus and concentrate on the Flow in order to be led into the future; that's
our movie. When you have the 9 - 52 as a Channel, so if you have the 9th Gate and that's your Sacral definition,
the 9 - 52, that means that, that process of being focused and concentrated is applied to everything in your
Design, and everything in your Not-Self.

Let's say that you have the 9 - 52, and you have an open Spleen. Then you're going to be focused and
concentrated on holding onto what isn't good for you. Let's say you have the open Ego. You're going to be
focused and concentrated on proving yourself. It can be obsessive. You have the open Ajna Center. In that open
Ajna Center, you're going to be focused and concentrated on making certain that everybody thinks that you're

So the moment that you have a Format Energy, it influences everything else in your chart. Being focused and
concentrated is the bedrock of the Logical Process, and remember that only the Logical Process provides us with
a way of seeing the future and seeing the future in a sense that we can feel secure moving towards that future.


The 9th Gate is the Taming Power of the Small. It is the Gate of the energy for detail work. There are only two
Gates about detail work - the 62nd Gate in the Throat, and the 9th Gate is the Taming Power of the Small; the
62nd is the Preponderance of the Small. The 62nd Gate it the expression of detail. The 9th Gate is the energy for
detail work. But if you can't get still, if you can't sit still, that energy for detail work becomes depression.

All of the Gates between the Sacral and the Root are about depression. It is one of the byproducts of having an
aspect of a Format, and not having the whole Channel. So if you're somebody for example, who has the 9th Gate,
and doesn't have the 52nd Gate, there is a part of you that can always be depressed, because you can't sit still,
and of course, that becomes a Not-Self strategy, because that 52nd Gate isn't you.

Remember that the Not-Self strategy doesn't just operate out of your open Centers. It operates out of your open
Channels, it operates out of your open Gates. Whatever is not you - whatever is not you has a hold on you.

When you're looking at the 52nd Gate, the 52nd Gate is Keeping Still Mountain. Speaks for itself. It is the ability
to be still. Now, this is not passive. It is the stillness necessary to be able to have the energy to be able to focus
on the detail. Because you see, if you can't sit still, you can't focus. You can't. It's not possible. And so
everything, everything about this Channel is about understanding how deep that process is. Now, by the way, if
you have the 52nd Gate and you don't have the 9th Gate, depression for you is you're sitting still, but there's
nothing for you to focus on. And then you're deeply depressed that there's nothing there to focus on.

So you go looking for something to focus on, which becomes your Not-Self strategy, because it's not you, and
your mind says, "We need something to focus on." And off you go. "We have to prove ourselves because we
need something to focus on." It goes on and on and on. You see, your mind is always taking all of the Not-Self, all
of the Not-Self; it's always synthesizing it, it's always presenting it to you as your propaganda. And it synthesizes
all of it.

So let's say you're a 9 - 52. You've got a Format Energy. Now what that means is that when you're sitting in a
classroom, everybody's more focused and concentrated. Do we have any 9 - 52's here? Anybody have this
Channel? Yeah, see, thank god. Bueno. Eh? Mui importante. Sin to es impossible aqui.

The reality is that because there's somebody in the room, somebody in the aura that has the 9 - 52 you can all be
more focused and concentrated. That's what they do.

In other words, you're dealing with something that has a very powerful impact! See, Generators have an
incredible impact. You know, for people who feel so unworthy, and are so frustrated, and are afraid to wait
because they don't think anything's going to come to them, it is mind-boggling for me. Because when I look at
the Sacral Center, I see nothing but its incredible power! And the power not simply that it's the inherent power
within the being, but what that stuff does to everybody else.

I don't have the 9 or the 52. The moment it's there, I'm suddenly focused and concentrated, because that's the
energy that's there, and I amplify it. You know, all of you are here amplifying her Channel.

That's the power of the Sacral Center.

Now, respondability. It must be obvious now. If you have the 9-52, you're only going to respond positively to
something that you can focus and concentrate on.

So if somebody says to you, "Let's go away for the weekend," if you say, "Yes, uh huh," it's because you have
something that you can focus and concentrate on.

"Ah, that's good, I've never really taken a look at that drive. I can focus and concentrate at looking at the
scenery." And your mind doesn't know why you're going, "Uh huh."

The other thing is the "Uh uh." You're saying, "Well, this is not something I can focus and concentrate on. And if
it's not something I can focus and concentrate on, I don't want to do it."

And it means every question you answer, every question you answer, that's the criteria. This is what it means to
be Sacral. You have a basic availability, respondability criteria. And it is the criteria for everything you respond
to, everything you respond to. Everything. Everything.

You see, that's what gives you your geometry - your tractile. Your correctness. See, if you're going to live out
your mythology as a Generator, you can only live out that mythology through what is your true imperative. And
that comes out of your availability, and your respondability because that's part of the mythology that you're here
to fulfill.

The only way that any, if you have a Clarion that's got this activation, they're going to be focused and
concentrated in a way I'm not. They'll be focused and concentrated on being a Clarion, and they'll get other
people to be focused and concentrated on what the Clarion is clarioning about. You know? It's different. It
affects everything. And it means that every decision that they're going to make is about the focus and the
concentration, and nothing else!

Oh, it's very funny sexually - yeah, because it's about the details - the little things. The tchotchkas, you know?
The music, the Flowers, the perfect setting, the little Buddha, and god knows what - all the little things that show
your deep focus and concentration on that experience. And you're deeply focused and concentrated in the

It can be lovely, after all, as long as everything is there; as long as all the details are dealt with. And you see,

every time you make a sexual response, that's the criteria.

"Can I be focused and concentrated on this person? Can I be focused and concentrated on this being as a lover?
Is it worth the focus and concentration? And the Sacral response. And it responds with its inherent truth.
Remember, this is the point.

If you're a 5, and you're operating correctly, you're putting out a truthful Pattern. It's honest. You're putting out
an honest Pattern. An honest Pattern is much more magnetic. I mean, an honest Pattern is much more magnetic!
How much of an impact Generators when they're correct have! If you're focused and concentrated, that's your
impact, and when you're focused and concentrated because you're responding, because you're being correct,
that means that the focus and concentration is correct, and it's correct for the other.

You know, to really understand, there is no life without the Generator. Nobody on this planet would ever focus
and concentrate - no human being would ever focus and concentrate. Mammals don't have this. No other life
form has this Channel.

This is us. We're here to focus and concentrate, and that's generated by Generators, who are frustrated, and
who don't live as themselves. I mean, give me a break.


Look at what our world is focused on. Look. Look and see what we focus and concentrate on. It's all about money
and power. You think that's the truth? I know something very, very special about Generators. They're not here
for power. They don't look outwards. They're not. And no Generator ever works for money. They work for the
pleasure of working. The money's secondary. It's secondary. It's a byproduct of how well they use their energy.

The better a Generator uses its energy, the more material it gets in return. But that's not what they're about.
This plane that we live on, that's all about power and money. This is the Generator world. This is what we focus
and concentrate on. And we only focus and concentrate on it because that's what the Not-Self Generator brings.
Those are the things that seem important, because Generators have been conditioned to believe that money and
power come with manifesting. "Be a Manifestor and you can gain power. Be a Manifestor and you can gain
material. Go out there, pull yourself up by your bootstraps; go out there and make a man or a woman of
yourself." Gung Ho.

And then you wonder why we've got a focus and a concentration on this planet that is really not pretty. It's ugly.
That's not what we're here to be focused and concentrated on. It's not. But as long as the Not-Self Generator is
trying to manifest power, and is trying to manifest money, it's not going to change. It's not going to change. It


Think about how powerful the Generator is. Think about that. The way in which the whole world focuses and
concentrates. The whole world. It's the Generator doing that. It's nobody else. Just Generators. Why do you think
I'm in such an intense, intense relationship with Generators? Even at the expense of Projectors, which is really
not something that has been fair over the years, because I've given them very little attention. They deserved a
lot more, but there wasn't enough of them. And they aren't the ones that change the world. They don't. As a
matter of fact, a Projector isn't even useful until a Generator wakes up. Because only then can they have a
legitimate relationship.

It's all the Generator. It's your world. You make it, you break it. It's the way it is. If we're all going to focus and
concentrate on the madness that's out there now, that's you, that's not me. I don't want to think about that. I
don't want to focus on that.

I've never been interested in power and money. Never. Never, never. I've been given power and money. But I
never focused on it. It was never interesting. And you know why I have it? You. It's your world. You pay me. You
empower me. All the people around me when I woke up - Generators. Generators. It's your world.

You have to understand how powerful you are. You have to understand your impact in your home, in your work.
You have to understand your impact.

Think about what that's like. When she walks into the supermarket, and somebody who is in a hurry is suddenly
stuck standing beside her in the Dairy Counter, deep in thought and focus. She doesn't know she's doing that to
the person. The person doesn't know it's doing that. And they're standing there wondering why the fuck they're
standing there!

"What am I looking at here, what is this? I don't even want cheese!" [laughter] You know?

And the Generator walks away in their frustration and everything else, thinking they're powerless, thinking
they're useless, and they leave behind an idiot at the Cheese Counter. And you don't see it. You don't get it.

You're so powerful. And if you're not correct, think about what that does to everybody else. It doesn't stop at
your boundary. It doesn't. You put out this very, very physical thing. It doesn't stop; if you're messed up, you put
it out. Everybody else gets it; everybody else has to take it into their vehicle. Everybody else.

Your world. Only when each...this is the whole difficulty. See, when I look out at the world, I see four point two
billion Generators. And the horror of that is that you can only change them one by one, I mean, from my
perspective. One by one. Because you can only change yourself. Nobody can do that for you. I can see the
problem. I can give you a solution. But I'm not the answer. You are. So one by one.

There will be a time where literally a Projector can stand in front of Projectors, and with the wave of a wand,
bring them all into the same experience at the same time.

But Generators? Naw. You know, they're here for their experience. Know thyself. They're there for them. It's
your experience, each and every one of you.

See, you carry a slice of godliness, after all. It's Generators who created the world, and our illusion of that is the
godheads that we create - this godhead that makes life. But Generators are the godhead. It's you. It's you. You
create the world.

You create the way in which we live in the world. You establish everything about what life is - all of our Patterns,
all of the way that we process things, all of the ways that we work - everything is established by you. And to
recognize that the only way of awakeness is personal, within you, is to understand that you carry this aspect of
the godhead as an archetype.

See, you really do have a unique capacity to express a mythology. You're creators. Out of response, you create
the world. If your response is correct, what you create out of your unique aspect, this is a truth the world waits
for. It's a truth.

And it's not a mental truth. It's a truth in the way in which life works for us as humans. And everywhere that you
go in this life, as you're living that out, everywhere you go you impact on every one. On everyone. Don't need to
say a word, after all. It's the Archetype of the Role Model. It's the perfect expression of being. It's the uniqueness
of yourself. Nothing like you. Never will be. Can't be.

And instead of accepting all of the homogenized world that you live in, where you take in all the conditioning,
and you live with the Not-Self mind, one by one you can change the way the world works. It's just like that. One
by one. Nothing more, nothing less.

And for you as Generators, understand. It's not like you have to, I'm not saying these things, or teaching you
these things to make you responsible. I'm not.

I'm telling you these things to understand that there is an even greater value, despite your own concerns. There
is even a greater value to you being yourself, beyond the value of what it is for you to finally live out your truth,
and how beautiful that experience is. But for you to recognize, because it is not your natural tendency - for you
to recognize how far-reaching any of you being transformed has on the society and culture that you live in. It's
enormous. It's enormous. It's not to do it for that sake. It's simply to understand your impact as a being. And that
the moment you understand that, I know that there isn't any one of you that wants to put out what is incorrect
into the Whole.

You know, you can change the world we live in by becoming yourself. It's something that's very beautiful. It is
the essence of what this is all about.

It's just about you being finally your own Authority. Take away all of the chains; take away all of the things that
have controlled you - your cultures, your religions, your education, your parents, your children, your lovers, your
friends, your teachers.

The hell with them. They do not know what is correct for you. They have no right to be your Authority in this life.


We live in a time in which the negative aspect of this Revolution has already taken hold.

When this knowledge came into the world, was the beginning of the preparation of the Aquarian Process in
which each human being stands on their own. That standing on your own has already changed the nature of
warfare. We know that. We know that a couple of guys in a bad mood can frighten a country. We know that.

What we don't know what's coming for us, is that in every neighborhood, on every street corner can be the
enemy. Because the line that is being drawn has nothing to do with borders; has everything to do with where
we're going.

On one side we have the future, and on the other side we have a return to the past. These are the two forces
that are at work.

Now, remember that we live in a Generator world. And remember the place at which Generators are at the
doorstep of awakening, is when they don't know what's going to happen. They don't know whether they're going
to say, "Yes," and they don't know whether they're going to say, "No." And we are approaching this point
globally. We're approaching a point in which we're all going to have to deal within the Generator context with
truly great questions. And those questions can only be answered from within. Only from within.

I have a deep concern for Generator children. I'm more interested in them quite frankly, than I am in you. They
don't need to be conditioned. They don't need to have a distorted Sacral. And one of the greatest contributions
you can make with this knowledge is to make sure that you pass this on to the parents of Generator children, to
your own children.

To treat a Generator correctly from the time they come into the world is to bring some light into this world. It
opens up the possibility for a new Flow, for a new Pattern, for a new focus, for a new future.

Because what I've looked at here in this time are the two Gates that deal with the future. These are the Sacral
Gates of the future. And you see, our future is not safe until those Gates operate correctly. And our future is not
safe - we're looking at war for hundreds of years now. We're looking at a time that is going to grow ever more

In this country, you have an enormous population of fundamentalists.

Fundamentalism in the world isn't just about Islam. Christian Fundamentalists, Hindu Fundamentalists, Jewish
Fundamentalists, and Buddhist Fundamentalists. The world is filled with them.

They all want to go back to the Twelfth Century. They all want to take us back to another world. They want to
chain us to the Authority of something above us. They are my enemy. I'm for the future.

This is a dividing line that is here. It's a dividing line between whether we're going to have the power of our own
Authority, or whether Authority is going to be imposed on us forever.

The Pattern of the world is an unhealthy Pattern. The Authority of the world. The Authority of the world. The
generated Authority of the world is sick. No dogma, no political stance is automatically anybody's Authority.

You see this is the magic of the future, that each and every one of us has a right - we have a right to be our own
Authority. To be able to say, "Yes," or "No," for what is correct for us. Period.

When Generators start waking up, and start taking their own Authority, we start breaking the homogenized Not-
Self field, and slowly but surely, humanity can be transformed.

I never expect it to happen, by the way. I don't. From the knowledge I have I know there's not enough time for
all of that. It would take tens of thousands of years, and it's not going to happen. What will happen is pockets of
that, areas of that. But it all begins with - all begins with Generators operating correctly as themselves. Only
then, only then do we have a future that we can look forward to; Only then.


We're going to move over to the other side. We've looked at the Logical Collective, and remember, that
everything about the Logical Collective is about generating a Pattern for the future. Understand, in terms of what
we've been looking at, in terms of the inherent capacity of all Generators to create life, that it's broken up into
many different aspects.

So, this is one of the aspects, that is generating Patterns, and generating Patterns that are going to be stable into
the future. And what we need our focus and concentration for is to be able to establish those Patterns in the
Flow for the future.

Remember that everything about the 15 - 5 is about the future. It's always about the future. It's always about
being able to bring everybody into a Flow, and the Flow itself becomes the stability. In other words, it keeps on
moving on, it keeps on working in the Pattern. As long as the Pattern is consistent, human beings are secure.

Imagine what that would be like to have to go to the airport, and you never know when your plane is leaving. It
just doesn't work. We're not secure unless we know that there's a reasonable Pattern that we can trust in the
future, that if we buy a ticket we know that at some point in the future we'll actually be able to redeem that and
get on an airplane, whatever the case may be.

So everything about us is about generating Patterns and generating Patterns because they provide stability in
terms of our direction in the future.


When you're looking at the other side, the other Collective side - that is the 42nd Gate to the 29th Gate, what
you're looking at here is the Abstract Process. The Abstract Process is very different from the Logical Process.
The Logical Process works with Patterns as we've seen, and Patterns that are simply differentiated through
frequency. But when you're dealing with the Abstract, there are no Patterns. There are none. What the Abstract
represents is what I call the human experiential way. In other words, it's the thing that makes us distinctly
human is that despite the fact that we can have Patterns that establish the danger of something, our Abstract
Process is, "The hell with that, we're gonna try it anyway!" This is the human experiential way, and the human
experiential way, because it is the mirror of the Logical way - they are counterpoints for each other.

In other words, when the Pattern and the experience become one, then we have a unity of the past and the
future, because the Abstract is always about the past. Though the experiential way is existential - that is it's
taking place in the moment; that the nature of the Abstract is that only after an experience does the Abstract
fulfill itself. In other words, the Abstract is designed to look back at experience and then to qualify of codify what
that experience is. In other words, this is the way in which we have experiential proof, rather than experimental

Remember something about logic. The establishment of a Pattern is often simply nothing more than theory. We
get that from politicians all the time. Politics is full of the experiment with Patterns. But we've learned the lesson
that in our agreement to vote for the Pattern, when you actually try to live within the Pattern, it doesn't work.
And then we know there's something wrong with the Pattern.

In other words, we need both processes. We need the process by which the Pattern is established, but we also
need more than a theoretical Pattern for the future. We need to have the human experience. And that gives us
our two kinds of teachers. It gives us the teacher that shows us the Pattern and the way into the future, and it
gives us the teacher who shares their experience of the past.

So when we're looking at the Abstract Process, we're not looking at something that's focused and concentrated
at all. We're looking at something that's seeking the experience of beginnings and ends, and throughout this, the
middle - in other words, a Beginning, Middle and End frequency.

Now think about what that actually means. Logic is willing to enter into an agreement, and is willing to enter into
agreement based on what it thinks the Pattern will lead to. Recognize that. The Abstract, the only agreement
that the Abstract will agree to, is an agreement in which they can see the out. They need to see the end. Logic
wants to see the eternal future. Abstract wants to see an end so it can look back. As long as it's moving forward
it can't look back. As long as it's in the experience it can't look back.

So it's always looking for completion. This is the Channel of Maturation.


Now as I mentioned to you this morning, that the Channels that connect between the Root Center and the Sacral
Center, these are called Formats. We've already seen that the Logical Format to focus and concentrate brings us
to attention, puts a focus on anything that we're working with; brings us this Logical basis for how we have to
work. To be Logical, to be able to work with the Pattern, you need to be focused and concentrated.

But when we come to the Abstract Process - the Abstract Process isn't about that at all. Everything about the
Abstract process is, "All right, let's get into this thing and finish it."

Format energies define the frequency of the vehicle. So if you have this Format energy, whenever you're
entering into anything as a Generator, when somebody comes up to you and says, "Do you want to do this or do
that," your response is all about, "Can I see the end of it?" I mean, "Can - I - see - the - end - of - it?"

If you're an Abstract person and you don't have your own room, you're torturing yourself, because you need to
see the end of your relationship every day. You need to see the end of it. You need to finish things. Everything is
about finishing things. If you can finish something, then you can put it away, and catalog it as an experience. This
is the whole Abstract process.

So when we're dealing with the formats, we know that Formats are all about depression. That when particularly
you have Gates activated in the Format, and they don't have their harmonic, in other words it's not defined - so
for example, the 53rd Gate - Development is a Gate of Beginnings. Beginnings. Think about what that means if
you only have the 53rd Gate. All you ever want to do is start things, but you can't finish anything. Nothing.
Nothing you start do you finish, and you get so depressed.

And you know what's the wonderful thing about mechanics is that mechanics tell you the obvious. If you can't
finish anything, then why bother? Look, do you understand what conditioning is? If you have the 53rd Gate and
you don't have the 42nd Gate, the 42nd Gate is as important as anything is going to be in your life! You want to
be Mr., or Mrs. Finish. You want to show everybody that you can take things from the beginning through the
middle to the end, because everybody in your life has always pointed their finger at you and said, "You've never
finished anything. The only thing you're going to finish is when you're dead!" You know? And of course, the Not-
Self grabs that, oh is that a cookie! And the Not-Self says, "Oh, are you useless, look at you! You failure! You have
to learn to finish things! [Whispering] It's not true.

If it's not you, it's not true. And you see, just telling somebody that doesn't mean it fixes it. It doesn't, it doesn't,
it doesn't; it doesn't. You have to follow your Strategy. It's the only thing that heals you. It's the only thing that
keeps you away from what you're not.

If you're somebody that has the 42nd Gate and you don't have the 53, oh boy! Depression. I used to love it - I
mean, you know, I have a black sense of humor, so don't misunderstand me. I used to love it when women would
come in, and they would come in with this Gate, you know? There they'd be with their 42nd Gate, and all I had to
say to them, was, "You know, you met your lover. The first couple of months were terrific. You realized right
away that it wouldn't work. And you're still there trying to finish it off."

Oh, you see, if you can finish things and you can't start them! You know. You're stuck with finishing, and you
can't break out because there is no new beginning and you get so depressed! And you see, the new beginning's
not you, but you should have entered into the right thing that you never leave. As yourself, because that's the
only answer.

When somebody has the whole Channel, that's your definition - this is the way in which your Sacral is defined -
you have to recognize something about what is your availability and your respondability. You're here to take
things to completion. You will not say, "Yes," to anything you can't see the end of. You won't. You won't. If
becomes your law. You see, seeing the end of it means everything to the Abstract.

The ultimate expression of the Abstract person is, "1 have been there and 1 have done that." This is an Abstract
being, and they gain their value and importance in life through collecting experience. Now obviously if you're not
entering into things correctly as yourself, you're not entering into the right experiences and you're not going to
gain from that the value. But everything about life is seeing the end of it, and it's one of the great jokes. I mean
it's Generators that give us that, after all. It's Generators that generate a life that comes to an end.
I have given very, very beautiful, mystical courses over the years, called Gray Courses. And you know, it's a joke
that I have, because I know the Design of what's to come long down the road. And in that Design, the Heart
Center and the Sacral Center are directly connected to each other, which is not true in a human. And when the
Sacral Center is directly connected to the Heart Center, the result is you don't die, which is a tantalizing yet
surprisingly uncomfortable concept. Any way, fortunately, fortunately Generators generate an end game.
Everything about the Generator creating the world is they create the human experiential way, and the human
experiential way is that there's a beginning, and a middle, and an end. Basta.

You know, you're born, you live it out and you die. You do that! Isn't that interesting? You thought that it was
just sort of passed down to some kind of cosmic rule. It's not. You generate the Pattern. You generate the human
experiential way. You generate that everything about this life is beginnings, middles and ends. Everything.

It's fun to speculate what the Pattern would look like - you know, people are always looking for the "Fountain of
Youth" and all of these things. You see, you have to recognize that Generators worldwide don't function
properly. The Generator as a motor probably operates at about 30% of its capacity in the world today. We have
no idea what a Generator world could actually build, a Generator world that was awake.

We have no idea how long we would live if the Generator world were awake. No idea. No idea. Not that we
would be able to live beyond what is the capacity of our bio system, but probably a hundred and twenty-five, a
hundred and thirty and not feeling like you were just a bag of bones. After all, we have no idea! We don't know.
See, look, you, you, you... look at your lives and then think that you're contributing to this world! You've made
this world what it is.

You have to think about that. Every generation, every Generator generation coming in being conditioned as
Manifestors! Every Generator generation coming in and being conditioned as Manifestors. Every generation that
creates the living world that we live in is full of nothing but frustration. This is the plane of our realm! Frustration
in the Patterns and frustration in the Flow, and frustration in the focus, and frustration in the...all of it! All of it.
All of it.

Anyway, when it comes to sexuality, guess what? You want to see the end of it. This is like, "Okay, but let's get it
over with." And that can be said in a nice way, but nonetheless, "Okay; let's get it over with. Let me see the end
of it, and when it's over, I'll actually enjoy it." This is the Abstract being. The Abstract being who's given an ice
cream cone - afterwards they enjoy it more than when they're actually eating it. It's so incredible about Abstract

When you see the end of it, it's like, "Yeah!" This is the whole thing. "Made it, got through, it's done, we did it."
And this is the perfection of the Abstract process. You go through a cycle - the maturation cycle, the life cycle.

That leads us to the other side. It leads us to the crossing that takes place in the Body Graph. So, you have this
movement here of this 42 going to the 29. If you're a Generator and you have aspects that are either in the
Sacral pointed at the Root, or in the Root pointed upwards, you have to realize how distracting that is in your
life. It is really distracting, because the reality is that other people are going to impose that Format on you as a
compromise all the time. All the time. And so you end up in a situation where you try to become desperately
what you're not. And of course your mind is just going to jump on that, it's just going to jump on that.

So if you're sitting there with an open Root, an open Root. Think about it. You've got an open Root, and you're
sitting there with the 53rd Gate. You don't have the 42. Now, we know what the strategy is of the open Root.
The strategy is trying to get rid of pressure and stress as quickly as possible in order to be free. So these are
people that when they are placed under pressure race through things to try to get rid of them.

Think about what happens to that 53rd and that open Root when it meets a 42. I mean, think about it. They are
suddenly given a beginning, middle and end frequency. It's suddenly there. And they become under enormous
pressure to finish whatever it is. Enormous pressure to get rid of the stress - to get it over with, to get to the
end. It's not natural for them. It's not who they are. It has nothing to do with them. It's a Not-Self.

They don't have to finish anything! Ever! Ever! You see, we've got all kinds of morality connected to aspects of
our nature.

If you're a 53 and you're here to start things, that's what you're here to do! It's not for you to finish them, you
don't know how! You can learn over time to recognize who's a good finisher, and maybe you could make a good
partnership, "I start, you finish." But if you're a starter, you're a starter, you're not a finisher; if you're a finisher,
you're a finisher, you're not a starter.

See, human beings only want what they're not. It's so attractive genetically. It is the difference. And when you're
dealing with a Format energy, how depressing that is! You know, that you're conditioned into being something
that you're not!

But anyway, it's one of the prime things to understand about the integrity of yourself. The Integrity of yourself.
When you see activations in your Design, this is what belongs to you. If you don't have anything at the other end,
that does it. The Channels have a Kabalistic Root. And you see, the Channels in their Kabalistic Root, in physics
we call it Quantum. It's Quantum because it fulfills something that's very odd - is that when you take the
meaning of a Gate at one end, and you take the meaning of a Gate at the other end, it doesn't mean that those
two things have a real relationship to each other.
It's only when they meet that something, a Quantum Field takes place - in other words, their combination
becomes something that's different from what either one of them really is. It's like looking at the Gate of
Beginnings, and the Gate of Ends. But you know, there is nothing to do without them coming together, and it's
something totally different. It is the middle, whatever the middle represents. And it's something to understand,
if you have a Gate at one end, it doesn't mean that you're living out what that Channel is. You're not.

If you have the 9th Gate, and you have the energy for detail, it doesn't mean you're here to be focused and
concentrated. Focused and concentrated is the Channel. The Channel's not your Gate. Your Gate is the Gate! If
you're a Sacral, and you have the 9th Gate, you have the energy for detail, but not by sitting still - not by being
focused and concentrated. You have energy for detail in another way depending on how you're defined -
depending on what your availability is going to be and what you're responding to.

I have a defined G Center. And in my G Center, I have a number of Gates that are active. I have the 7th Gate. I
don't have the 31. I'm not a leader. Leaders have the whole Channel. I'm not a leader, and I don't want to be a
leader! I have three activations of the 7th Gate. I have a very strong complex Role. But that Role doesn't come
out through leadership. It comes out through awakening in the now. I have the 10 - 20. That's how my Seven gets
out the door. And my 7 is never looking for the 31. Oh, it did once.

Oh, all I ever wanted was to be influential - the 31' Gate - wasn't me. And as long as I tried to be influential,
nothing worked. You know when I became totally useless when I got whacked, suddenly I became useful.

You see, when you have a Gate, it's just that. It isn't anything more. Don't look at that Channel and say, "Aha, I
have half of this!" You don't have half of shit. [laughter] It's just a Gate. Period. Nothing more, nothing less. Just
a Gate.

And you see, think what happens to us as pressure. Those of you that have a defined Sacral, obviously you're not
going to just have a single Gate in that Sacral. You'll have a few others. Some of you might not. But some of you
will have other Gates that are there, that are active, that the other end, what it's pointed to is open. That Gate in
your Sacral isn't sitting there saying, "Oh gee, I wish that door would open up." It goes out the door you've got,
whatever your definition is. It brings its quality to that definition. It's never seeking the Channel at all. But your
Not-Self is.
Your Not-Self is saying, "Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, you're supposed to be a finisher! You've got a real
problem, you can't finish anything. There's something wrong with you! Everybody is a finisher."
Well, it's in the program, isn't it? You know, those people who have this Channel, they put it out into the life
program that everything is intended to be completed. You're meant to finish things. We punish our children who
do not finish things. We tell them it's not good, and irresponsible. We tell them, "If you want to grow up and be
mature, you've got to go through everything." I heard that so many times, "Take it right to the end, finish if off."

I don't have any of that. It's not my movie. I'm not here for beginnings, middles and ends. I'm stuck in a world of
beginnings, middles and ends.


I teach people about self love. How to love yourself. You've got to love all those Gates as Gates. You've got to
love them for what they are on their own. Not what they might be when you connect to the outside. Not how
they impact on you when it becomes a concept. But just to accept them for what they are.

For me, somebody who has a defined Sacral and has the 42nd Gate, these are human beings who must
understand the principle of entering into things correctly. Because they're not going to be able to start things
again easily. They're not. It's not there. They really are meant to take things to the close, to the bitter end. But
you have to enter into it correctly.

This is the whole point about Generators and how extraordinary they can be. This is all about recognizing that
the moment that that being is living correctly through that — just that, accepting what is to be them. I am here
to finish it — I'd better enter into the right thing. I'd better enter into the right thing, because I'm going to stay
there to the bitter end.

That's different than saying, "Oh, I wish I could start again, Oh, I wish I could start again, Oh, I wish I could start
again." And on, and on, and on. And, "Oh, what's wrong with me that I can't start again? What's wrong with me
that I can't walk away? Let me be free, let me be free." And the Not-Self mind just grabs that and holds onto it
for dear life.

Look at what these Gates that you have, that just sit there. Look at what they're pointed at. And recognize they
are not the Channel! They're not. They're not. They're just a Gate, and nothing more, and that's you. And that's
for you to recognize and accept completely. Not intellectually, but through living out your Design - you get to see
that that's the way it functions. And that it can function without that pressure, without the stress, without the
thin-skinned Generator thinking that they are doing something wrong.

"Everybody else is so I must." It's just not true. You know, the most dangerous things in life are generalizations.
It's just not true. Each and every one of us, each and every one of us has a unique differentiation.

To love yourself is to love what you are, and it's not about looking in the mirror and trying to figure out how to
love yourself. It's about living as yourself to recognize it's worthy of your love! I mean, it's just like that. You

know, it's falling in love with who you are. And the moment that you see, "This is what I am. This is my
perfection." When you live that perfection, you appreciate you. You finally get respect for yourself! And out of
that grows self love, and it's the best love - the best love of all.

And I know them all. I know wife and lover; I know the love of my children, I know the love of my parents. I know
it all - I've met a lot of love in this life. There is nothing like self love. It is the basis of all love. It is only when you
can love yourself that you are free to love - objectively love - not subjectively love. And all of that begins with
you living out your nature.


So we move across the Sacral - we cross the Sacral and we come to the 29 - 46. I love the traditional
configuration here of this Channel. The 46th Gate, Pushing Upward, and the 29th Gate, the Abysmal, in the
original I Ching, that 29th Gate is the Abysmal, the Deep within the Deep, and the 46th Gate is Pushing Upward
into the Kingdom of Heaven. So you have this deep dark pool within the 29th Gate, and you have the potential of
achievement if you will, in the 46th Gate. And the 29 - 46 is very much a prisoner of their Format, just as the 15 -
5 is a prisoner of its Format in the sense of the way in which the frequency operates.

Once you're in the Flow, you stay focused in the Flow. Being in the Flow becomes the focus itself. That's one

When you're looking here at the 46 — 29, what you're looking at is a Channel of Discovery. It's all about
discovery. It's about succeeding where other people fail, or failing where other people succeed. It is about the
very nature of the test of the life experience. The 29th Gate is extraordinarily deep. It is the Deep within the

Deep. It is the abysmal. It is the Gate of saying, "Yes," in the sense that it is the Gate of Commitment. Now
remember, there isn't anything in Human Design that you cannot read as a binary. Any keynote, any name of any
Channel, you can really enjoy that experience. See what it sounds like in its polarity, because this is a Dualistic

The Not-Self is prone to saying, "Yes." The True Self, it's a 50/50 crapshoot. The True Self sometimes will say,
"Yes," and sometimes will say, "No." So the 29th Gate isn't just simply a Gate of saying, "Yes," and the Gate of
making commitments, it's the Gate of saying, "No," and not making a commitment. But that's something else.
That comes with awakeness. For the vast majority of humanity, the 29th Gate is, "Yes.”
"Can I fuck you up?"
"Can I borrow money from you and never pay you back?"
"Can I steal your partner?"
"Can I make a mess out of your life?"
"Yes, on yes."

On and on and on and on and on and on, it's a Gate of saying, "Yes." The whole thing about the 29th Gate is it is
there to generate commitment to life. Hoof! It's there to generate a commitment to experience in life. In other
words, this is not about all those Logical people sitting on their ass going nowhere. This is about these Abstract
people running around like chickens without their heads on. "Let's go for it!" Eh? "Let's make sure that there's
lots of us who are just flying into the life process." Saying, "Yes," to this; saying, "Yes," to that. On you go; let's
see where that takes you. And all of that is about getting to the end of it. The 29th Gate says, "Yes," to what it
thinks it can get as an experience. It's like, "I'm saying, 'Yes,' to this because I'm going to get that." Oh, the
Abstract. Whenever the Abstract pretends to be Logical, you know that they're going to have a very, very
surprising kind of slap in the face, because it doesn't work that way. The Abstract isn't about, "If I do this, I get
that." It's, "If I do this, let's see what happens, and I'm going to get what I'm going to get."

The 46th Gate is a Gate of the Vessel of Love, and it's a Gate of the Love of the Body. And it is one of the most
spiritual of all Gates. It represents the recognition of our great serendipity, and it's a nice word, serendipity. The
book, The Prince of Serendip - it's actually a word that comes from fiction. Serendip was a Utopian environment
in which everybody was always in the right place at the right time. And of course, this is the whole point of the
46th Gate. The whole thing about the 46th

Gate is to be in the right place.

Now remember something about place. Place is one of the great secrets of life. To be in the right place is one of
the most important things that anybody is here to deal with. To be in the right place at the right time. If you're in
the right place the timing will come. If you're in the right place at the right time, then you're going to succeed
where other people fail. If you're in the wrong place at the right time, or the right place in the wrong time,
you're still going to fail where other people succeed. It's all about being in the right place at the right time.

Now remember, it is the Sacral, and only the Sacral that can make a commitment that leads to serendipity. Only
the Sacral can make the commitment that leads to serendipity. In other words, that is true for all Sacral beings.
It's true for all Sacral beings.

You see, if somebody comes up to you, and you're a 29 - 46. Somebody comes up to you and you go, "Uh huh,"
to whatever it is, you're saying, "Uh huh," because you're going to be in the right place at the right time.

Now what you get's another story. Heh Ha, everyone gets what they deserve - depends on your fractile. Being in
the right place at the right time could mean that a bird's right overhead, you never know, eh? It could be exactly
what you need in that moment. You know, this is not for judging whether it's going to be great or not. It's about
what's correct - what's correct.

And if you're in the right place at the right time, ah, you get your experience. And everything about being an
Abstract being is being able to get the experience.

This business of succeeding where other people fail - usually you interpret that in terms of how we understand
success. But basically all its saying is, that being in the right place at the right time is, is success. And at the
spiritual level, being in the right place at the right time is being this passenger in this vehicle.

This is the Gate of the Body, and the love of the body - the love of the body as the vessel of life itself. And that
the body is holy, that being in these vehicles is holy. That these vehicles are the life, and that we are in the right
place at the right time. We do not have to be concerned. All we need to do is live by our inner Authority. And in
living by our inner Authority, the vessel is honored - less resistance, a healthier life, and a healthier body. And all
of that out of the commitment of the 29. It's the commitment of the 29 that leads to the right place at the right

Now again I'm talking about the defined Channel. If this is you as a Generator, you must understand, that if you
don't make a commitment according to your strategy, you are not going to be in the right place at the right time,
and you're going to fail.

There is no greater Gate of failure than the 29. You have the 29 - 5, which is a Gate of Failure, literally of failure -
of making so many commitments that eventually it just all collapses. You know, these kinds of people who say,
"Yes," to anything - every time the phone rings, they say, "Yes." And then they end up being overwhelmed,
burdened; they collapse. They can no longer keep their promises. They are ashamed; they're humiliated. They go
through all that stuff. It's just the Sacral. It's just a question of whether the Sacral is going to operate correctly or
not. If the Sacral operates correctly it's going to make the right commitments. It just will.

And you can see something very interesting - is that if you look at the Sacral Center, and you look at the 5th
Gate, you can see that the 29th Gate is the Abstract Mirror of the 5th Gate. In other words, these are two
essential, essential kinds of Patterns that are put into the world by the generating field. One Pattern is this whole
thing of establishing the Flow and bringing people together. But the other one is being yourself in an experience
as yourself - in other words, making the right commitment to the right experience. And in making that right
commitment for the right experience, it only becomes Collective afterward. "I've been there. I've done that. I
succeeded. It was the right thing to say, 'Yes,' to, and I'm glad that I did." And so forth and so on.


Now think about what that's like if you have the 29th Gate and you don't have the 46th Gate. Think about that
for a minute now. You have the 29th Gate you don't have the Channel. So it's not about succeeding or failing. It's
not. That's the Channel. And it isn't about the serendipity of being in the right place at the right time. That's the
conditioning - "You have to make a commitment to succeed!" something very simple - you cannot expect your
mind, who does not work for you, to work for you!

You cannot expect that you're going to be able to teach your mind, to be able to compensate for your Not-Self.

You've got an open Spleen. You have an open Spleen - from the moment that you came into the world, you've
been holding onto things that aren't good for you. You came into the world with an open Spleen, and when you
come into the world with an open Spleen, you're deeply insecure. This is your immune system. It's the primary
defense system in life. It's the one thing that will keep you alive! It will keep you alive on the inside; it keeps you
alive on the outside.

What do you think it's like not to have one? You're insecure - deeply, deeply, deeply insecure; afraid for survival.
And that fear for survival is legitimate. You've got an undefined Spleen.

So, imagine you've got a father or a mother with a defined Spleen. The moment they're in your aura, they make
you feel good, and when I say, "Feel good," it's not like you're ready to party. They make you feel good in the
sense that they take away your fear of insecurity. They make you feel secure.

You feel protected; you feel embraced. And let's say your father has a defined Spleen and he's abusive - verbally
abusive, psychically abusive, physically abusive. You think you're going to let go of that? You won't let go of that.
You'll hold onto that defined Spleen no matter how much it hurts.

You know, it's not about partying. It's about security, basic life security. You'll hold onto anything that isn't good
for you, just to be secure.

Now think about what that means, if you're a Generator and your Not-Self mind is what's going to express that
as your propaganda.

You think you can say to that Not-Self mind, "Now look, you don't have to feel insecure! Look at you now, you've
been able to survive thirty, forty, fifty, 60 years. You know, what are you worried about? You think your life's
going to come to an end? You don't have to look to other people to make you feel secure, blah, blah blah."

You think that works? That's toilet work, you know; it goes in, it flushes; it's gone. The mind does not hold onto

that. The mind's not interested in that. Mind knows that's a joke; knows that the first Spleen that comes along
will immediately erase all of that. "Umummmummmmmummummmummm, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, " says the
Sacral. "I don't have to make a commitment to succeed! This is not my Role. I have another way out. I may be
making a commitment to the Pattern. I may be making a commitment to intimacy. I may be making a
commitment to nourishing. All I'm doing there is just expressing other Channels."

So if you have this kind of configuration the way it looks here, and let's say you're defined here as a 59 - 6, what
that means is that the way in which that 29 works is always this way - its natural way of working is to make a
commitment to say, "Yes," to intimacy. In other words, these are people who have more intimacies than
somebody who wouldn't have that 29th Gate there, because they're always saying, "Yes," to intimacy. They're
always saying, "Yes," to breaking into somebody's aura. They're always - they're making a commitment to that.
They're not making a commitment to be in the right place at the right time, because that's not them.

You see, you're so caught in conditioning that this surprises you, heh ha. Ha heh ha, which is what I like so much!
You know? I mean, you've got to see how deep conditioning is!

You've got your Gate sitting there saying, "I've got the Channel, I've got the Channel." Well it's not true, you
don't have it! You've got the Gate. That's all you have - just the Gate, nothing else.


Think about the 46's who don't have the 29. They're always being forced to make a commitment. Always. And
their Not-Self is saying, "Hey, you have to say, 'Yes,' to this. You have to say, 'Yes,' to this," instead of them being
in the right place for something else. For something else!

Who you are, each of those Gates that just sit there, wherever they are, recognize that it's you and that it is an
aspect of you that is to be left in its complete integrity, what it is, nothing more.

I have the 49th Gate in an open Emotional System. And I've met so many 19's in my life. I'm living with Neptune
in the 19 - so many 19's in my life. Now that Channel is a mystical Channel about sensitivity. And the 19th Gate is
very needy - it's needy. It needs resources, it needs this, it needs that, it needs all kinds of things.

My 49th Gate is simply about principles, nothing more, nothing less. It's just about principles. Before I had my
experience, that neediness is what made me so uncomfortable emotionally. I needed to get married. I needed to
get married to Emotional people, like the Pope needs a circumcision, you know? [laughter] It does not work. I
really didn't need that; it was not necessary.

It is not natural for me to be needy. It is not natural for me to worry about resources and my territory. It's not
natural. And yet the only way my Emotional System is actually activated so I live out a theme is through that

But I'm a 49. I can be nothing else - it is what I am. And if I'm dependent on somebody else hooking me up
emotionally, that way to activate that Gate, what I do know is, that the only part of me that's in all of that is the
principles in me - Sacrificer/Sacrificed - nothing else. Not needy. I'm not needy.

Wherever the Gate is, honor that as yourself. And it's not like you can do anything about it. As I said, your mind
isn't interested in having its impotence revealed. It doesn't want that.

But every single one of those Gates, when you're living out your nature, you get to see that they function just as
that - a Gate, not a Channel. Not lost on the other side, not longing for the other side, not needing the other

The 46 in a defined Self needs no 29. A 29 in a defined Sacral needs no 46. It's not for you.


We're going to look at the, or begin to look at the Individual Process. We've already seen that in the Logical
Format we have a Focused and Concentrated frequency. When we look at the Abstract Format, we have - well
it's very similar to the Emotional - it's kind of a Wave Process - it's a Movement Process; it's Fluid if you will. In
homeopathy, this is the Dry and this is the Wet. In other words, it's much more fluid - this is the Beginnings,
Middles and Ends.

When you come to the Middle, what you come to is the Hot and Cold, and this Hot and Cold is the 3 - 60. This is
the Individual Process. Everything about Individuality is that Individuality and its aspects, and there are more
Individual activations than any other kind of circuitry, that it is an indication of how deeply Mutative we are as a

We're highly Mutative living in a highly Mutative time. That should give you solace in that Mutation is possible
and is all around us, and you can participate in that Mutation. But Mutation is an interesting thing. That is,
Mutation is simply the emergence of.

Let me see if I can illustrate that for you. [Drawing a diagram] You have a pulse, and it's an on-off pulse. And this
is the pulse of the Individual Process, but you can't see the pulse two dimensionally. You have to see the pulse in
its movement, because everything is moving. So when you're looking at the pulse, you have an "off" over here,
but the "on" isn't up there - it's over there somewhere, and when it comes back, it comes back over here
somewhere. And it's in this space that Mutation takes place.
It's one of those - you know, if you have an open Head Center and you want to get fucked up, you can spend the
next thirty years working on how incredible that actually is because that tells you so much. [laughter] It tells you
so much about the nature of life, after all.

It does, you see, there is something really magical when - I follow modern physics, and there are all kinds of
interesting concepts that float around. And one of my favorites is String Theory. String Theory is lovely. What
String Theory does is that it's the only time I've met a scientific thought that comes close to the deepest of
Eastern Mysticism. In String Theory, there are little things [they call them string] - there are little things that are
so tiny that they make everything.

So if you get down to the tiniest thing, a quark, some aspect of an atom, and you get down and you get a tiny
thing, according to String Theory, even that is made up by these tiny things. As a matter of fact, the string is so
tiny that one string by itself doesn't exist.

Now I like that. Because you see, it is all out of nothingness. It's one of the great jokes. The something is out of
the nothing. It's all illusion after all, this is just illusion for you, here's the great illusion, the great illusion of

You know, it's a great illusion. You go off, and you go out and in the space in between, something happens.
Something changes. You come back different. And suddenly it's in the world. Now it was always there. It was
always there, that all of a sudden, you catch it, you've got it, and it comes into the world. Mutation.

Miles Davis said that, "The music is between the notes." It's the same expression of this truth. Or I think Osho
said, "It's the space between the fingers," - there are all kinds of quotes about this Mutative experience.

In the nothingness is everything. In the nothingness is everything. The consciousness field. Do you see the 3
trillion neutrinos that are passing through this space every second? Do ya? Can you imagine how many neutrinos
are moving through this room? Can you imagine? You cannot. You cannot.

And you look at this empty space and you say, "There's nothing there." Just eight zillion, zillion, zillion, zillion,
zillion, zillion, zillion neutrinos every second passing through this room with consciousness! "Oh no, there's
nothing here."

It's everywhere, and if you're in the right place at the right time — Whack! Mutation.

And the moment Mutation comes into the world, it's a real force. It's a real force! And either it's going to
triumph, or it's going to be destroyed. Nature does not like lousy Mutations. Eh? It's not in favor of Mutations
that are not productive.

Genetically speaking, we've been driven to the point of the vastest human experimentation in genetics ever - six
billion of us. With combinations that take place in the modern world of jet liners and trans global relationships
and so forth and so on, we have the greatest mixing of blood and genetic types in the whole history of this
planet. We're producing all of these unusual offspring with genetic combinations that have never ever, ever
existed before, nor could they.

It opens up the field of Mutation. This is how Mutation develops.

I'm a Pure Individual. I'm a Mutative force. I bring a Mutation. I'm a Mutative Messenger. And if the Mutation,
what I fondly call "The Virus," if The Virus takes hold and everybody gets The Virus, Yay for our team. You know,
the Mutation is positive; it works, very good, Ra Ra Ra! It's going to go on forever.

But if the Mutation stops because everybody says it doesn't work and so forth and so on, it's gone; it's lost. It's
over. And everything about the Individual Process is bringing and expressing Mutation.


When you're looking at the 3 - 60, you're looking at the deepest of potential depressions. This is manic
depression. It is - the difference being that because this is Mutative, and because it's Individual, it is already
Melancholic. Everything that has to do with the Individual Process is associated with melancholic chemistry. If
you're Individual, if you have an Individual Channel, if you have Individual Gates, even if you have only one, out
of that one Gate will come the melancholy of your life. And it is this very sadness that is the font of, or the best
environment for Mutation to take place - that's why we call it creative - why I refer to it as the Muse. That is in
those mutative experiences, that have chemistry we experience as sadness or melancholy, that's actually the
greatest opportunity for us to literally release our creative forces - our Mutative forces, however that comes out,
whatever way in which one can express oneself creatively.

So the fact that we're dealing with a very powerful combination of the Adrenal Stress System of the Root, and
the Sacral Power - that you're bringing them together in an Individual Channel which is Melancholic to begin
with, and then on top of that, it's a Format which can be depressive. In other words, the quality of depression
that's potential here is very, very powerful, and will move as a Mutative Force through the whole body.

Now remember something about the Emotional Waves. Emotional Waves are different. Individual Emotional
Waves is a plane, if you will. It's one of the things to recognize about the Mutative Individual, that they will
function on a plane, waiting for that Mutation, (they don't necessarily know it's coming), waiting for a Mutation
to take place. This is how Mutation works in a person - they spike. There's this "Aha!" They suddenly get it, or
whatever the case may be.

The depression is something that's rooted in having one Gate and not the other. Remember, the Gates by
themselves, the depression comes from the Not-Self temptation of the other end. You know, it's always the same


So here you have two different aspects - you have the 3rd Gate, Difficulty at the Beginning in the Sacral Center,
and you have the 60th Gate, Limitation in the Root. Now limitation is really that. Limitation is limiting. It's like it
draws a cage around you, is what basically limitation does. It says, "This is the ring, pass not." Beyond this, there
is nowhere to go." And when you have the 60th Gate, and there is no 3rd Gate, then what builds up in you is a
restlessness, a deep restlessness.

You know, I have the Archetype of the 60th Gate - I have the First Line of the 60th Gate, which is specifically
about restlessness, and I don't have the 3rd Gate. So, every time that I would be restless - every time that I
would be put under restless pressure, I wanted it to turn into something. My assumption was, "I'm restless for a
reason." In other words, "There's something for me to do." And of course, it was never true. It was just never
true. Now it's very amusing to me, because in the moments that I'm restless now, I realize how much Root
Pressure I'm being put under in an environment. Tremendous, you feel it right away - I get this, "Oh boy, what's
this? Who needs this now, we don't need this pressure right now, thank you very much."

If the 60th Gate doesn't accept its limitation... and the limitation is something very simple. The 60th Gate is the
mirror of the 61st Gate. They have an interesting relationship. They're right beside each other in the Wheel;
they're exactly opposite each other in the Body Graph. They're in Capricorn.

The 61' Gate is the Central Individual Gate of the Head Center, which is also the other Pressure Center. And the
60th Gate is the Central Gate coming out of the Root Center. They're the opposite ends of the Individual
pressure sandwich. And they're deeply connected to each other. Inner truth leads to limitation. Oh, nothing
wiser than those two Gates. Inner truth of the whole body leads to the recognition of the limitation of the
vehicle and its acceptance. Everything about limitation is to teach acceptance. Acceptance.

I accept the limitation of my vehicle. I accept the things that it's not possible for me to be or do. I simply accept
it. I am no longer restless for the sake of being restless. I'm not looking for the other end.

Now if you have somebody who has the 60th Gate, and they can't break out of that limitation, because they
think that's the most important thing - you know, "If I break out of the limitation I'm free." You know, "If I
become more than I could be." Isn't that a military hook-up commercial? "Be all you can be; be more than you
can be; be what you can be." Anyway, anybody with an open Root Center particularly who has the 60th Gate,
this is their thing - "I've got to be more than this, it has to be more than this, I've got to do something about it;
I'm under pressure, I need to do it now." Oh wow, what a mess! And how depressing it all is. "Oh, I'm limited."
Eh yeah, boof! I remember that movie.


The 3rd Gate on the other side is fascinating because the 3rd Gate, Difficulty at the Beginning is actually a Gate
that in the prenatal process, that is, during pregnancy, that the 3rd Gate is specifically involved with the
inheritance of genes. That is, whether the genes are going to be inherited from parental grandmothers or
grandfathers, whether recessive genes are going to be brought forward or not. All of that is in the hands of the
3rd Gate. The 3rd Gate is the most Mutative of all Gates. That's why it's Difficulty at the Beginning. It's all about
handling the different. And you can imagine how difficult Difficulty at the Beginning is if there's nothing new. Oh,
is that ever depressing. I mean, the only thing that Gate is good for is handling Mutation. It's the only thing it's
good for, is handling Mutation. And the moment that there's no Mutation, the moment there's no pressure on
that 3rd Gate, then the 3rd Gate gets depressed. "Oh, what a boring world. It's all just the same, and it's never
going to change, and how sad, blah, blah, blah.

You know, if you have the 3rd Gate in your Sacral and your Sacral's defined, but it's not defined through the 3 -
60, then obviously that 3rd Gate is going to bring its power to whatever it is that you're doing. So if you're
somebody that has the 5th Gate of the Pattern, the Flow, that 3rd Gate's going to put enormous pressure on
starting some kind of new Flow, some enormous pressure of just, "Maybe there's something different in this
Flow so we can change it a little bit," which of course is incredibly destabilizing to all the Collective people
saying, "Don't rock that boat, man! So far so good, and the Pattern looks good going into the future. Don't mess
with this!"

"No, no, no, no, no, no. I think that maybe we could try something new in the future, let's see if we all become
vegetarians." Or whatever the hell it is.

When you have the whole Channel, everything about your response is about whether your experience that
you're open to, is going to lead to Mutation or not, which is a funny thing. You see, Sacral Mutative people, 3 -
60's, if you ask them, they can honestly tell you whether something will be mutative or not. Isn't that
interesting? In other words, they have a gift of saying, "Yes," or "No," based on being available to Mutation only.
They're not going to say, "No," to something that as far as they are concerned will lead to Mutation. If it won't
lead to Mutation, they're not interested.

They're looking for something volatile. They're looking for something a little explosive; they're looking for

something that could, you know, be different! It's what it's here for; it's what the energy's here for. And you see,
when you're in the Melancholic Pulse of the Mutative Process, it's not like every time you come back, you come
back with something new. You don't. You don't.

It's a pulse.


And the thing that the 3 - 60 brings that brings the most difficulties for those who have it, is that it brings the
deep, deep, deep sense of indecisiveness into the life. It's a pulse.

All Individuality can be sub-themed with Knowing. There are different ways of knowing - knowing Sacrally,
knowing Emotionally, so forth and so on. And recognizing that knowing is not something that is always there.
Most of the time it's not. Most of the time the Individual doesn't know. The Individual is basically indecisive
because they're waiting for Mutation.

And don't think of Mutation as simply meaning that suddenly somebody grows flippers. I'm talking about
changes. I'm talking about these moments of satori where there are changes. And it's not a big satori, but a tiny,
tiny, tiny, little one. But it's about this sense that there is this movement and growth and development and all of
these things that are part of the Mutative Process. But the whole thing for the Individual is that Individuality is
indecisive. They do not know. "Do you love me?"

"I don't know...why are you bugging me? I don't know." "Well, come on, you must know!"

"Well I don't know."

"Do you think you could live with me in the future?" "I don't know!"

"Well, what was it like living with me in the past?"

"I don't know! What do you want from me? I don't know." "Well, why do you love me?"


Oh, Individuals are like that all the time. If you say to an Individual, "Come on now, it's time to go."

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know! We have tickets." "Yeah, I don't know."

What do you mean you don't know? You asked me to buy them!" "I don't know. I didn't know then."

And you see, everything about this life is about decision-making. This is what I teach. Make decisions correctly as
yourself, blah, blah, blah. Everything about a life is about decision-making.

And so, think about what it's like to be an Individual in a world where everybody has to make decisions. And
they're the ones going, "I don't know."

Think about it. If you're a Logical person, and somebody comes up to you and says to you, "Here's the job, what
do you think? You want it or not?"

And what they do is they look at the Pattern. They look at the Pattern and say, "It's this kind of job, it's these
kind of hours, I get this much pay, I get this much vacation, I have this much potential for growth - there's the
Pattern. I can see myself down the road. I can see - I like that office over there." And on they go. "Okay, yes,"
they say, "I've seen the Pattern." And they can make a decision.

You go to an Abstract person and you say, "Here's this job. Would you love it? Do you want it?" And their process
is, "Oh, I know jobs like this. I remember a job like this. I remember a jerk like this! [laughter] No, I don't want
this job." You know, because they can immediately access it through their experiential wisdom. "I've been there,
I've done that; that's what I've seen." That's how they make their decisions.

And then you come up to the Individual. "Here's this job. Do you want it?" "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? You either want it or not."

My father used to say this to me all the time, eh? He'd say, "Look, you either want it or not!"

And I'd go, "I don't know." And I enjoyed that so much, because it pissed him off royally, eh? He would get blue
in the face. "I don't know! How could..."

And then the worst thing he'd say to me, "Make up your mind."

Now if you've got an Individual mind, that's the silliest thing that you could imagine. It's incredible! You can't
make up your mind - you don't know!

Everybody thinks of knowers because they're always saying, "I know, I know, I know, I know, I know." And yes
they do, they do, they do, they do, they do. However, however, most of the time, inside, inside - outside they're
always saying, "I know!" Inside, they're going, "I don't know. I don't know, I don't know, and I wish they'd stop
asking me! I don't know."

And so what you end up with is that under the pressure of the Not-Self, the Not-Self says, "Look, you're being a
jerk. These people expect an answer. Give it to them!" And give it to them based on your Not-Self strategy. Give
it to them because you're trying to prove something; give it to them because you're trying to avoid something,
give it to them because you're trying to hold onto something, I mean, just give it to them. And then the misery of
the Individual, because Individuality is deeply complex. It carries the Melancholy, but it carries conditions.

Everything about being an Individual is about doing what you love to do, and that you don't know that you love
to do it until you've slowly built up an experience of it. This is the nature of passion.

So it's not about knowing and not knowing. Even in the moment that they know, they're better off tiptoeing
towards it than leaping into it.

That's the thing that happens to Individual lovers. There is this moment of recognition. But that moment of
recognition is not Abstract. It doesn't lead to going into the telephone booth. It's not Abstract. It doesn't lead to
marriage. It's not Tribal. It's something else. What it leads to is a kind of space being created so that the passion,
of the recognition can be built. And it builds up over time. This is the whole thing about Individuals. See look,
they're meant to be Mutative. If you're Mutative and you bring something into the world, you've got to nurture
it, step by step by step by step, and slowly the passion builds.

I did not start with a passion for bringing this into the world. I didn't. I started with fear.

You know, I had been dealt with, and I didn't really want to mess with all that.

The other side of me was, you know, I don't like people. "What am I going to do, spend the rest of my life looking
after them?" I mean the idea of that was repellent. But I loved the knowledge. And I loved to teach, and so
slowly but surely I developed a passion for this. Slowly but surely.

The Mutation isn't just something that comes. That's what Difficulty at the Beginning is all about. Difficulty at the
Beginning says, "Hey, look this is not a shot in the pan! This could change the world. And it's true of any
Mutation. This could change your life. This could change everything! This is new, and you can't just throw it out
there on the ground and see what happens. You've got to pay attention to it. You've got to look deeply into it.
You then... because you finally know. You know if you know, you've got something to know. So everything about
Difficulty at the Beginning is not simply about bringing Mutation into the world. Yes, it's a vehicle for that. But
more importantly is the frequency that it brings. A frequency that says, "Once the Mutation appears, it requires
nurturing. If it doesn't get nurturing, it isn't going to survive. It isn't going to become a viable, or a potentially
viable Mutation."

And everything about the Individual is that any Individuality anywhere in the world in any human being, can be
the spark of Mutation. It's one of the most incredible things about us.


So look, if you're an Individual Format Energy Sacral person, whoa! Are you sitting on a horse! You know, this is a
real horse!

And the first thing for you to recognize is that your Sacral Center is going to go, "Mmmmmmmmmmmm," rather
than "Uh huh," or "Uh uh." It's not a Sacral Center that rushes to one end or the other. There's usually this kind
of droning build up, you know, it's like, "Mmmmmmmmmmm...uh huh." It's this, "Mmmmmmmm," it's waiting
for the eueeeesuuuuseehhhhs, stretching it out a little bit.

But the reality is that anybody with that Format energy - they are so important to the Mutative work of the
world. Every single one of my early associates were 3's to my 60. They brought the deepest mutative potential.
Because out of that you bring the frequency of the new.

And in bringing the frequency of the new, you get everybody into that pulse. And everybody has a chance,
everybody has a chance to get access to it if you deliver it correctly. Somebody who has the 3 - 60, every time
that they're saying, "Yes," to something, they're saying two things: they're responding to the possibility of
Mutation, and they're available for Mutation. "I'm ready. I'm ready."

You know, it's one of my favorite concepts is the concept of readiness. When you are yourself, you're always
ready. You never have to think about it. You don't have to be prepared.

I'm never prepared when I walk into these rooms. I have no idea. But I'm ready. You know, I'm always ready. I'm
always ready to be in an environment that pulls out of me whatever it is that I can deliver. Everything about
being an Individual and being a Mutative Individual is about recognizing that it's about your readiness. And the
moment that you're responding as yourself, the moment that you're entering into things correctly, blah, blah,
blah, all of that stuff, that's the moment that you become a deeply important Mutative force for others.

Remember, we saw how everybody in this room focuses and concentrates because one person has a definition in
the aura. Do we have a 3 - 60 here? Oh, we have two. The place is buzzing. Eh?

In other words, you have right away, the potential for deep Mutation in this process because they are here. They
help Mutation along. And they are the ones who are generating Mutative potential. Now by the way, if they're
messed up, they're generating depression. And all of you can go home and start crying, you know, because,
"These horrible Mutators, what they did to me! [laughter] Brought tears to my eyes."


Oh, Generators, if Generators could get it straight, it would be so much fun to be in the world. It really would, it
would be so much fun, just to see what the world would look like. To see how different it would be.

I guarantee you that we would not have such architecture. I guarantee it. After all, it's the Generators who build
all that. They create the Pattern of life. So many things, so many things that we take for granted is the way that
the world is supposed to be, is not so. It's just the Not-Self of the generated field, nothing more, nothing less. It's
an incredible thing to think of. Nothing more, nothing less. Just Generators making the world.

I have this wonderful Generator friend at Ibiza. I always tell that story - first person I met there. Told me he was
god. I said, "Well, all right, nice to meet you." And his joke was, "I'm god cuz when I die I take you all with me."

This is your world to create. So true. It's incredibly true. It is your world to create, and it's not simply a matter of
the unseen effect that you have as yourself in the larger world, because that's accumulative and waits for a
moment, if ever, if there's a critical mass to the other side. No, it's about your personal world. How you as a
Generator transform your personal world, because you're generating the field, and if you're correct, those in
your life, they are brought to that correctness whether they like it or not, because this is the power of a
Generator and what they do.

So 3 - 60's are deeply mutative forces. And when they are at their best, they make Mutation possible for
everyone. For everyone. They bring the Mutative potential into the world. It's very, very powerful. And how
interesting it is to watch them.

My youngest son is a 3 - 60 - and to see those moments of Mutation. They're (clicks his fingers), they're like that
- suddenly, from one thing to another, from one face to another face. There are these incredible shifts. He's very
Individual; there are these incredible shifts that take place. This is the Mutative capacity inherent in the 3 - 60.

And it's the thing that drives the human evolutionary process. Without this mutative force, without this mutative
impulse, there's nowhere to go. And everything about the 3-60, as you'll see tomorrow - everything about the 3-
60 is pointing towards the most important thing for us - which is our direction in this life as a totality - as a
consciousness, where we are going. And all of that is fueled, all of that is fueled by this Mutative capacity.

So the 3-60, when it is being correct, it is only entering into those things that have the potential for Mutation. It
enters into only those things where there's the promise of transformation. And for that when they're correct,
that means we're going to have more and more successful Mutation take place, particularly for them. They're
already mutative beings. This is a Mutative process. You know here's their opportunity (clicks his fingers) to be
transformed - their evolutionary process. Transformed into the being that they are, that is correct for them.

Okay. Tomorrow we're going to take a look at the other side of this, and we'll travel through the rest of our

We closed yesterday with beginnings of our look at the Individual Mutative Process that operates through the
Sacral Center, and we were looking at the 3 and the 60, which is the Format Energy of the Individual Mutative
Process. And remember in so many ways, how important the response is. Obviously the responses in each and
every one of the Sacral Gates are significant because they're all part of generating the life process.

However, when you're dealing with the 3 - 60, you're dealing with something else. That is, the Generator that's
operating correctly with the 3 - 60, that every time they're responding positively, that what they're responding
positively to is the potential for Mutation. In other words, their response opens up the possibility that Mutation
can in fact take place. It doesn't necessarily mean that it will, by the way. But it can in fact take place.

So their positive response, "Uh huh," to something with that 3 - 60, the indication is that there is Mutation
possible. It's very important because without that Mutation, we don't have our evolutionary direction. And that
evolutionary direction means everything for us.

So the way in which our society, and our civilization has developed, remember that it's Generators that are
generating that, that if all the 3 - 60's are not responding correctly, in other words, are not living out their
nature, then what they're saying, "Yes," to isn't necessarily a mutative possibility at all, and that the moment
that an Individual gets into something that has no mutative possibility, that's the moment that they become
very, very depressed.

And so one of the things to recognize about our evolutionary direction is that from the moment that we began to
have more and more human beings, we began to get more and more depression. Depression is one of the most
common things in the world. And the depression is all about literally, the lack of Mutative opportunity - the lack
of the possibility of Mutative transformation, of Mutative change.

So when we're dealing with the 3 - 60, and if you have that in your Design, it's essential for you to grasp this -
that every single time that you're responding positively, not only do you open up a Mutative window for
yourself, but you open up a Mutative window for everybody that's a part of your life. In other words, this is a
field in which you're generating, and remember the power of the Sacral, in generating the world, you're talking
about something that's physical - the physical transformation of a 3 - 60. If you're a

3 - 60 and you're in a family and you're operating correctly, there's more evolutionary potential available to that
family. Whatever that means, by the way - it is this - you don't really know what it's going to be until it comes
back. It's simply a Mutation. It is a change; it is a transformation that is possible, that's always possible if the 3 -
60 is entering into things correctly.

I have trained and educated hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of professional teachers. And it's one of the
things to understand about Format Energies, is that Format Energies determine the success of any classroom.
They just do.

When you're looking at the Logical Format, you have Focus and Concentration, so you know that the
environment is going to be focused and concentrated, that it's going to be much more difficult, much more
difficult to be staring out the window when everybody is focused and concentrated at the board. In other words,
it brings a certain quality to the aura environment that it's in.

If you have the presence of the 53rd and the 42 at the same time, then you know that there's going to be a
process by which going through that training, or through that education in the day, that by the time that the day
is over, there is satisfaction that the day has come to an end. We all wait for the bell to ring - and then the ability
to be able to reflect.

At the same time, with the presence of the 3 - 60, the education is not simply information, but carries with it a
Mutative potential of transforming those who are being educated.

In other words, if you don't have the Format Energies, and you don't have them operating correctly, then you
don't really have the potential of furthering humanity, either by being able to create successful Patterns for the
future, or by being truly clear about the nature of the past, or having the potential to Mutate at all.

And so you can see that these Format Energies are enormously important. And don't ignore them when you see
them. And recognize what their value and potential is. If we take all the graphing of everybody here, we're going
to have the presence, one would assume, we're going to have the presence of the Formats.

And of course, this is beneficial for everyone. It's not simply the Individual aspect - remember, Generators are
generating the world, so you're generating this classroom.

You're generating this work environment. And either you're generating this work environment with the potential
for Mutation, or not.

By the way, are there any 3 - 60's in the room? We've got one, we've got two. Are there any 53 - 42's? We have
one. So there we go. We have the whole thing.

And what's so interesting about the way the Generator works, and again, this goes back to - you know, I've
always tried to explain to Generators that their aura does the talking. It will call people to them. It will call things

to them, that they are inherently magnetic. And it's not simply that they're calling things to them because they
have some kind of magnetic field. They're calling it because they're penetrating it. The generated field
penetrates the other.

I walked out of here yesterday. I laid down for six hours. It took about two hours for the buzz to get out of my
body. You have no idea how much you actually impact the other human being. So, we have two people that have
the mutative capacity. We have one each for the other Formats and yet everybody in the environment benefits -
everybody - because this is the generated field.

And you see, the moment you walk out the door if you don't have any of those 3 Formats, you've lost all that. It's
like, "My focus is gone, and the mutative capacity is gone, and I didn't really get to finish it." All of this stuff. It's
like, "I'm not done yet." And then you wander around out there connecting and interconnecting with all of the
possibilities again. But you really have to see what that means.

That's why in holy books, depending on the culture, and what number was their trip, they always wanted a
certain number of people to be around any teacher. In the Christian/Judaic tradition, it's twelve. In the
Babylonian tradition it was seven, and so forth and so on. In the Hindu/Brahmin tradition it was eleven. But the
reality is that the more auras you bring together, the more possibility it is that all of the factors are at work, but
particularly, particularly the Format Energies.

As Generators who carry that Format Energy, it's time for you to recognize your impact and your effect on the
world around you. It's time to see what that means when you're correct how much change that brings into other
people's lives, that the moment that you're correct and you're a Mutative being, you give the potential of
Mutation to everyone. So the two people that carry Mutation here in the 3 - 60, they're bringing that possibility
to everyone to have a mutative evolutionary experience right here right now.


See, if you go through a training in Human Design, and by the way, the trainings in Human Design are being
transformed. I lived here in Sedona. It's my last day actually in Sedona. I lived here in Sedona in the late 90's, and
that was the time in which the legality of the International Organization was established and Jovian Archive
Corporation was established, which is, by the way, a Sedona Corporation, Arizona Corporation.

And in establishing Jovian, one of the primary concerns was education, that is, to be able to provide not simply a
good education, but we operate in many, many languages in many countries around the world. And the time and
investment for eleven different organizations to come together and to share in the development of an
educational platform, so that if somebody is trained here in America as an analyst that they can go over there
and work, and so forth, and so on - everybody's got the same education. Quite something to be involved with, I
must say, and so many people have been involved in that process.

In 2000 we established what has been current and what has been available for example through Human Design
America, that is the Living Design, which many of you participated in with me, the Living Design Course and Rave

In April [2003], the Educational Program for Human Design will be established for a seven-year cycle. Human
Design's been substantiated as fact. And so, what it deserves is to be treated as a science. I've noticed, for
example, that students of mine who were with me for the first seven years of my work, are better educated than
students of mine in the last seven years. But students of mine in the last seven years can do an incredible
reading, and students of mine from the first seven years can't do a reading worth a damn.

Because I went through a process - that is in order to establish the validity of Human Design I had to teach
everything, and I taught it the way I was given. That is, I taught all the Gates, and all the Channels, and all the
Lines, and all the Centers, and I taught all of the basics so that all of the basic, or the primary basic information,
the foundation of the information of Human Design could be there. Otherwise it could never be legitimate. All of
that had to be laid out.

It wasn't until after that first seven-year cycle that I began to focus on synthesis because I realized that the
people that were training - they simply were not competent. In other words, they really didn't know how to
synthesize a reading. They didn't know how to see the Body Graph as a whole. They didn't have the tools.

In the first seven years, I had not taught anybody Profile. I had not taught anybody Incarnation Crosses because
all of that is a massive amount of knowledge, and it wasn't possible for me in the first seven years to even think
of indulging in that. I would have dropped dead from teaching.

So, in the second seven years I went to the synthesis. I started to teach Profile, I started to teach Type; I started
to teach people how to synthesize the Graph.

Now basically what we have is that we have a new educational program that begins in April worldwide. And that
educational program is based on the cellular reality. That is a Training in Human Design will take three and a half
years, three and a half years to get to the critical mass, to get to the transformation in cells.

In the beginning, because I'm a Messenger and this is new knowledge, I put people out in the world who really
did not represent Human Design well. Not because they didn't have the information, but because they
themselves were not living their Design. And this is a real problem. The integrity of this knowledge, how
important this knowledge is, that it cannot be trivialized; it cannot just be rushed to the marketing field.

I had to do what was necessary to get the knowledge into the world. But Human Design now is extremely well
established worldwide. And the criteria of education has changed.

So basically what will start in April is that we will have a three-year training program. And this will involve the
two aspects of Human Design. That is, all of the training that I originally gave - in other words, a deep
understanding of Gates, and Channels, and Lines and Centers, and all of these things done in detail, as well as all
of the synthetic tools. In other words, a complete training in Human Design while that person is going through
their own deconditioning process.

At the end of three years there is a six-month Analyst, or Professional Analyst Training. So that when somebody
goes out as an analyst, they're three and a half years into their process; they're in the critical mass of their

There will also be Continuing Education, which will be another three and a half years. And this will be for what
will be teachers of Human Design at many, many levels. That second three and a half years is sort of like a
Master's Degree, because it will involve all of the various directions that Human Design is now involved in.

That is Human Design in Health, and Human Design in Psychology, and Human Design in terms of Professional
Analysts, Human Design in terms of its Mysticism, Human Design in terms of Death, Human Design in terms of
Pregnancy - all of the various areas of Human Design will be explored in depth in order to be able to produce
really educated representatives of Design.

Recognize something. For every hundred people that will experiment with their Design, only about five of them
really qualify to become analysts and teachers. It's not for everyone, as teaching isn't for everyone, as working
with other people as analysts’ isn't for everyone.

My greatest concern in life is not how many Human Design analysts and teachers are produced. They're there
anyway, and it's been growing ever since day one. My concern with the synthetic values of this knowledge is how
easy it is to get it to the general public, and how easy it is for the general public to experiment with it without
having to go into great depth or study. My concern is about giving every human being the right to know who they

We give out tens of thousands of free Rave Charts every year. It is our job to inform the general public.

So those of you that are ultimately interested in a Human Design Education, recognize that as of this coming
month, because in April in Ibiza where I have the International Event, the Human Design Standards Board, which
is made up of the independent Directors of National Organizations - in other words, all the people that are
owners and control National Organizations, they all sit on the Board. The Board is Democratic. It is actually the
Board, not me personally, though obviously I have a certain influence, it is the Board that makes decisions for
Human Design. The Board was created to look after Human Design when I'm dead. In other words, the Board is
made up of people who are dedicated to bringing out Human Design in various countries around the world as
well as affiliated organizations that use Human Design, whether for business consultancy or other aspects of
professional Design that are in the world.

So in a matter of three weeks or so, there will be a Board Meeting for a number of days in Ibiza. All of that by the
way, will be available in the Human Design Virtual Community Update, which is a free mailing that goes out every
two weeks from Jovian Archive by email.

All of the results, if you will, of that Board Meeting will be published. One of the main themes will be the
transformation of the educational program. This does not affect anybody who has been educated under earlier
standards. In other words, if you're already somebody who's an analyst, or you're already somebody who's a
teacher, it's not like all of that is something that's lost.

You will be required, as all professionals are, to take either by correspondence or in person certain courses each
year to keep you au courant and to keep you up to pace with what's going on. And all present teachers and
analysts will be provided with materials they've not had access to that other professionals have had. In other
words, to keep everybody up to speed.

Those of you that are entering into Design, please recognize that if you really want to be educated in this
knowledge, this is the right way to be educated, and it's something that will lead to a very sophisticated level of
education - somebody who is really able to do a professional reading, and somebody that Human Design can
really be proud of to have out there and to support. Just so that you understand the mechanisms that are going
on right now in Design.

Human Design America is a very important Organization for me. There is enormous potential in this country and
a tremendous need in this country for this knowledge.

And it's very important that the representatives of Human Design in America are really well educated and are
good representatives of this knowledge as beings.

When somebody sat down beside me for a reading, so much of their concerns about what they were going to get
dissolved in my aura, because it's correct. I'm correct. The moment that somebody is a professional and they're
operating correctly, this carries enormous power. It simply does. You know what it's like to be where they are.
You understand the process. You're involved in the deconditioning; you know what all of that means and they
can feel it. And that's something that's very significant.

It's part of the Mutative Process of Human Design. It's sixteen years old now; it's in the second half of its first
Saturn Cycle. It's time for it to grow up; it's time for it to mature. It's gotten to a place where it has established
its credentials, and now it's time to treat it according to what it deserves.

All of that by the way was inspired by Mutation and the mutative direction and evolution.

When you come to the other side, [laughter] you - what to do, I'm not in charge of what I say!


When you come to the other side, you come to the 2 - 14, and the 2 - 14 is, yeah, it's one of these Channels
where I could spend many a year describing to you what this is, because it is very profound.

When you're looking here at the 14th Gate, it's something to understand about what the 14th Gate actually
fuels. Eh? There is nothing - Possession in Great Measure - of all of the traditional Gates of the I Ching, only the
14th Gate was honored with its Abundance. That is, the 14th Gate was the wagon that was always being filled
up. It's an enormous resource of energy, and that enormous resource of energy is there because it powers
something very special. That is, when the 14th Gate goes up, it goes up to the 2nd Gate. Now again, when you get
to the Second Gate, you get to one of the arms of what's called the Sphinx - from the 1 to the 2, from the 13 over
here to the 7, this is the Cross of the Sphinx - so here's the 2, and here's the 1, and here's the 7, and here's the
13. It's a Trident. You look at it and you'll see that it's a Trident. And when you're looking at this Trident, the first
thing to recognize is here's the 14 - this here, this is the 2, in other words, from the 2, the directions go out. So
here, you'll have the 7, and here you're going to have the 1 and here you're going to have the 13. And what that
means is that this here, this thing here, this is the Monopole - this is your Driver. Your driver is sitting there in
the 2nd Gate. The 2nd Gate is the Receptive; it's the Yinest of all Gates, and it is the 2nd Gate where the "Driver"
of this vehicle sits. Now this is an aspect of the function of the Magnetic Monopole. The Magnetic Monopole sits
here in the sternum. The Magnetic Monopole is something in which it is a magnet in which it only attracts. And
what that means is that it holds us together in the illusion of our separateness. It's very important to grasp that -
it's an illusion; it's like the aura. The aura goes far beyond our body, but our illusion is that our body stops here.
Eh? It's the illusion of our separateness. That's the first thing the monopole does.

The second thing the Monopole does, what's connected to the Sphinx is that the Monopole gives us our
Direction in Life. That's why it's called the Driver. That is, the Monopole is like the arm of a streetcar - it hooks us
into our specific geometry and drives us in this life. So when you're looking at the 2nd Gate and you see it's the
driver, the gas pedal is the 14th Gate. Eh? This is the gas pedal. And if there's no gas pedal, well, there's nowhere
to go. I mean, there's no driving that's going to take place.

The next thing to understand is that when you're looking at the 2nd Gate, it represents our Mutative Direction,
and our Mutative Direction is experienced three ways - the Trident. It's experienced Logically, so imagine you're
driving in a vehicle. If you're experiencing the direction Logically, you're not concerned with where you are;
you're looking way ahead down the road to where you think you're going to get to.

If you're Abstract, the 13th Gate, you're not looking at where you are, you're looking in the rear view mirror to
see where you've come from.

If you're Individual, you're looking at your naval, while you're driving in the now, trying to figure out, "Are we
there yet. Are we there yet, are we there yet?"
"I don't know."
"Are we there yet?"
"I don't know."
"Are we there yet?"
"I don't know."

Anyway, okay, so this is the way the Trident works. So something to really understand, the 2 - 14 - this is the
heart of the vehicle, and what I mean by that, or the core is a better word for it - what that represents is it
represents our Mutative Direction in Life. Period. So all of us, as a totality, we have a Mutative Direction to life.
And that Mutative Direction incorporates the three views of the future, the past and the present, and this is how
we experience our Mutative Direction.

Now obviously, Individually, some of us will only experience it Logically, or some of us will experience it
Abstractly; some of us will experience it Individually. It will depend.

But when you look at us as a whole, when you're looking at the 14th Gate, you're looking at something very
special. Because what you're looking at is the real gas pedal, and it's the gas pedal that gives us Direction. Now
think about what that means if you're a 2 - 14. If you're a 2-14, you bring the actual Direction.

Remember that the 3 - 60 responds to the Potential of Mutation. The 2 - 14 drives you there. This is the Keeper
of Keys, this is The Beat. And by the way, The Beat is just the Pulse, you know. And everything is about that
Mutative Direction. Now, remember, it doesn't always mutate. It's simply a direction. Everything is about place.
You drive down, and you drive down and all of a sudden there's a door, and that door opens and there's
something else on the other side.

This is the magic of our movement in space. We're all moving in space. So the 14th Gate, in terms of somebody
who is carrying that as the 2 - 14 in their Design, is to recognize the importance of what they generate in the
world. They generate the actual Mutative

Direction. They generate it.

You know, I've known this experience so deeply because I have a totally open Sacral, and I have the 2n d Gate.
The 2nd Gate is my North Node. Again, the major forces in my process in terms of Human Design - they have
come with that 14th Gate. They bring the fuel. And I say, "Okay, great, you bring the fuel, here's the direction."
You know, "You bring the fuel, I'll drive." Eh? "You pay for the gas, I drive."

Well this is my bargain in life - it's not my fault. I'm not here to work. I'll drive you and you'll get a life that way.
It's just one of the things. There are so many jokes in that, but I won't get into all of that.


Anyway, the 14th Gate - so basically what you have is the moment you have the 2 - 14 responding positively, it's
saying, "This is the direction." When you have it responding negatively, it's saying, "There is no Mutation in this

So think about what it means for you as that being. Your availability, your respond ability - you're only going to
respond positively to something in which you know that's a Mutative Direction. Only. That means that "Yes," is
quite something. And to recognize the value of that "No," that there is no Mutation down that road; that's not
the way to go. It's not. The only way for us to go is to go where there is Mutation as our direction.

Okay, now think about, and remember how important this is, if you have the 14th Gate and you don't have the
2nd Gate, and your Sacral obviously is defined, so it's defined somewhere else. That 14th Gate isn't looking to
give Mutation to direction.

You know, not everybody wants to buy the gas and let me drive, if you know what I mean. In other words, yeah,
"Come on guy, what do you mean you drive?" Because basically what the 14th Gate says is that it says, "Hey, I
don't need a driver." That's what it says. It doesn't need a driver. It's true it doesn't need a driver. It's got a way
to go. And so what happens to that energy is that tremendous potential of that energy, the Mutative potential of
that energy is just fuel given to something else. It's basically like having a wild card. You know, you can just pop it
in there and it juices everything up. Eh? But it doesn't need the driver. It doesn't. See, when I meet somebody
who has the 14 and they don't have the 2, that relationship is an electromagnetic relationship. It means it's
attractive and repellent at the same time.

"Hey, I'm always paying for the gas! Why can't I drive?" Eh? Because if you're a 14, you don't want to pay for the
gas. You want to drive. And if you're a 2, you don't want to drive, you want to have enough money to buy the
gas. Because this is the way we are, because we're always interested on what's the other side. Always. Always.

And you have to see that when you know that, no salvation. Being yourself, honoring your strategy, yes, you will

avoid that. But you know, that's very powerful conditioning.

My 2 does not need the 14. I don't. I don't. I have access to another motor. I don't need it. It's not necessary for
me. My 2 goes out anyway. It goes out through my 10 and gets to my Throat. I know how to drive in the now,
and I have the power to drive in the now. And because I'm entirely Individual it's Mutative anyway. It's not like I
need the 14's energy because whenever I have to deal with 14s, they're always telling me that they're always
paying for the gas. Well, it's true. They always remind me, "Hey look, I'm paying for the gas!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, you're paying for the gas. Good for you." You know.

Knowing yourself is such a liberation. The moment that you really know yourself, the moment that you're just
operating as yourself, all those old hooks disappear. They just do. They're gone - they're gone. This is the real
magic of what it's like to be yourself, that the Not-Self can't hold onto you.

You know, your mind, which is the Not-Self representative, it's going to do its job; it's not going to stop. But the
fact is that it loses its power to convince you. Period. It just does. It's no longer convincing. You have found
something else that works sufficiently. And as you move through that process, those Not-Self aspects disappear.


When it comes to the sexuality of the 14, there's an enormous energy for sexuality. But it is a sexuality in which
saying, "Yes" means that it has to be Mutative. In other words, it has to be something that really brings out
passion. It's the only thing that the Individual is ever interested in. Passion is the theme of all Individuality. And
passion is a slow burn. Passion is something that takes time to build. And the one place where you don't need
that time, that's why it's the Central Tantric Channel, is through the 14. Because it can be Mutative. There can be
this incredible spark in being in the right Mutative Direction.

But everything about the 2 - 14 is about the Mutative Direction. This is something that's so important. It's
actually taking you somewhere. So it's a key of how we operate. It's like the 15 - 5, like the 46 - 29. They give our
planet an identity. This is the Sacral Center generating the identity of the planet as a whole. And it's through
those three Gates in the G Center that we see the generated identity. We have the 15th Gate, the Extremes of
Humanity and the Potential of Love within all of that; the Forty-Six, the Perfection of the Body as the Vessel, to
get to the point where you generate the body, and you generate the discovery that comes through being in the
vehicle - that you generate the Pattern and the Flow that humanity can live with despite its diversity, and that
you generate the Mutative Direction for all of humanity.

Three Gates out of the Sacral, and how much they determine the nature of the world. They just do. You know,

I'm always glad to seduce a 14. It's always - I'm a 5; seduction is natural. You know, it's not like you think about
how to do it. 14s are always there because they don't have a driver. "Where do I go? I've got all this energy."

"Well, put it in the gas tank, I'll put my foot on the pedal and away we'll go." And you know, you don't have to be
trapped by it - I'm not trapped by it. I don't make decisions according to whether or not somebody else is going
to pay for the gas. You can tell that. If I was a 14, I would have been one of these characters where everybody
gave me money. Nobody ever gives me money. Nobody gets close enough to give me money. [laughter]. You
know, it's not like they're going to love me and say, "Oh, here, have the family fortune." I work for a living, what
to do. It's very different.

And when you get to be yourself and you live that out, you realize, "Yeah, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter,
it's not me. I have my thing, I do my thing and the rest of the world falls into place."

You know, you do your thing as yourself, and the rest of your world falls into place.


That brings us to the most entertaining of the Gates. I love to make fun of the 34. You know, I have the Ten, the
Twenty and the Fifty-Seven of Integration, and I don't have the 34. I have been the biggest sucker for the 34 in
my life. You talk about a Gate that has driven me mad, here it is, the 34th Gate. I have tried, I originally even was
going to make charts and take it out. (Laughter, someone saying, "I would agree."). You know, fuck em, the hell
with em. I don't want that anymore. No, no.

Okay, Integration is something that is very unusual as you can see. It is the only configuration within the Body
Graph in which it is not a binary. I mean it's not. It's not a binary - it's not a Gate at one end; and a Gate at the
other end. You've got a Channel. There are actually six Channels at work through those four Gates. And they
operate through three different kinds of circuitry, and it is very, very complex Integration.

And Integration is not a circuit. The most selfish, the most purely Individual of all aspects are in Integration.
Integration is about the fundamental principle of Survival.

When you look at Integration, the 57th Gate is a Gate of Intuition. It's an Acoustic Gate. It has the deep, deep
potential of hearing. And this Acoustic potential, the Intuition, the 34th Gate is a Gate of Power. This is the Gate
of Power and it's obvious why - it's a generating Gate that actually has to generate both in terms of the Spleen,
the Self and The Throat. In other words, this is a very, very, powerful Sacral Gate, and very unusual. It's not
simply powering one aspect. It has the potential to power three aspects. The 34 - 57 is the Archetype. The 57 -
10 is Perfected Form a Design of Survival. And the 10 with the 34 is about following your convictions. Now when

you look at that, this is an Archetype of finding the right form to survive by following your convictions with the
right behavior in the now. Now this is the basic survival mechanism of humanity. In other words, this is all about
staying alive.

I lived wild. I'm a Pure Integration being, Pure Individual. I came into the world and I came into a fortunate
environment - there was great wealth in my family. There were all kinds of privileges that I grew up with in this
life. I was very much a Post-Second World War North American male. I was very connected to the nature and the
pop culture of my society.

But after I disappeared and I began to go through what I call the Deconstruction Period, I ended up living wild.
My first year of disappearance, I lived in a tree, and not in a tree house. I lived in a tree for twelve months sitting
in a chair. You know, I lived totally wild. I lived on a side of a hill for years where I did nothing but wake up in the
morning and stare. You know, no people, no money, no nothing. Just sitting there. Now this is Primary Individual
Integration. That is, it is the aspect of my nature that truly is basically mammalian and wild. It's the ability to live
off the ground; it's the ability to find any form for survival. It's the concentration camp victims who survive, it's
the torture victims who survive. It's the people who are humiliated for decades who manage to find their way. It
is a deep, deep survival mechanism. And it's very selfish. It's extremely Individual.

So think about the 34th Gate. The 34th Gate Empowers, when you're talking about Individuality, all Individual
Circuitry is given the Keynote of Empowerment. Tribal is Support, Collective is Sharing, Individual is
Empowerment. The 34th Gate is an Empowering Gate. It empowers the Intuition. And Empowered Intuition is an
Archetype for Survival.

I am nothing but Intuitive. It's the only thing I can trust. It's the only thing that guides me spontaneously in the
now. Despite the richness of my mind, my intuition is so much more intelligent. I've experienced this over and
over and over again how incredible the intuition is. No way of understanding how the Spleen works in that way -
simply the recognition that the intuition is profound.

So the basis of survival is the empowerment of intuition. Somebody with a 34th Gate in their Design - they are
natural empowerers of survival. It's fine to have a direction. It's fine to be looking forward and looking backward,
but excuse me, we have to survive! Survival is essential. The 34th Gate is so busy with keeping us alive, that it
has very little time for anything else. And it's one of the great things about the 34th Gate, is that when you see it
connected to the 20, Channel of Charisma, what you get is the great, "I am busy now. I am busy now, I am busy
now, I am busy now, I am busy now; I am busy now." Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy. "I'm not available, because I'm

Now remember, Integration is not available. Integration doesn't want to be available. The 20 - 34 says, "No, I'm
not available."
"No, I've got this great job for you."

"No, I'm not available right now, I'm busy. I'm busy, I'm busy. I'm very busy, I'm very busy, I'm very busy."

"Hey darling, would you like to have sex?"

"No, no, I'm busy now, I can't. I'm really busy; I'm so busy that I just can't." [laughter].


"No, I'm busy."

"Would you look after the kids today?"

"Can't. I'm busy. I'm busy, I've got all this stuff that I've got to do I'm busy, busy, busy, busy, busy."

The 34th Gate is always empowering. And it doesn't get a break. It empowers the 57 of the Archetype, it
empowers the 10, the Gate of Behavior, the 10 - 34 is the power to behave correctly. Follow your convictions.
And it empowers the 20 - the only existential Gate, the only expression of, "I am now."

So when you're looking at all of Integration, what you're actually looking at is, "I know (the 57, the Intuition) I am
busy in the now for myself. This is Integration. "I know I am busy in the now for myself. I know I am busy in the
now for myself; I know I am busy in the now for myself! What do you want? I'm busy in the now for myself!"


Hidden in Integration is the confusion about generating. And that confusion is there within the 34th Gate. When
you look at the Body Graph, of the eleven Gates of the Throat, only four Gates, only four Gates have the
potential to manifest, sort of. Only three truly manifest. In other words, if you're looking at the 35 - 36, direct
connection of the Throat to the Solar Plexus, this is a Gate that has direct access to manifesting.

If you're looking at the 12th, going down to the 22, again, you've got a Gate directly connected to a Motor, or
open to a Motor, direct manifesting potential.

If you have the 45th Gate, it points directly down to the 21st Gate, to the Ego Center, to a Motor. This is a Pure
Manifestor. Understand something. There are only two kinds of Pure Emotional Manifestors - 35 - 36 and 12 - 22.

There's only one kind of Pure Ego Manifestor. For example, I'm not one. I don't have the 45 or the 21. My Ego is
defined through the 51 - 25 and goes out this way.

But here is the only Pure Ego Manifestor, and the only Pure Non-Emotional Manifestor. This is through the 45 -

When you come over here to the 20, the 20 does connect to a Motor, but it connects to the Sacral. And that's
very different than connecting to either the Ego or to the Emotional System. In other words, the moment that we
have this 20 - 34, what we have is the only example of a Real Manifesting Generator. This is the only example of
a Real Manifesting Generator. There are other variations.

On Sunday in New York I'll do a one day on Manifesting Generators, and that's something I can then go into in

But the reality is that the only True Manifesting Generator is the 20 - 34. This is the direct connection between
the Throat and the Sacral System. Now, one of the things to recognize about this is something so essential to
understand about the nature of our survival capacity is that humanity in terms of its basic infrastructure for
survival is designed to only survive through Response. It's designed only, only to be able to survive through
Response - the

20 - 34. This is the Pure, the Pure Manifesting Generating. And the reality is that if you look at the world as a
whole, and obviously if you look at the world as a whole, everything is defined, and if you see everything
defined, the only way you could describe that is as a Single Definition Emotional Manifesting Generator. Period.

In other words, all of humanity, all of humanity, that is our nature as a whole. Single Definition Emotional
Manifesting Generator.

There's something else as well - the way in which we are programmed. When you look at the Wheel, you'll notice
something. That there are three Channels - there are three Channels that are formed by natural oppositions in
the Wheel. So for example, here's the 43 - 23. Eh? Here's the 43 in Scorpio and exactly opposite is the 23 here in
Taurus. So they are in exact opposition, which means that if your Sun is in one of those Gates, your Earth is in the
other one. If your Node is in one of those Gates, your other Node is in the other one. In other words, you get to
see a lot of 43 - 23's - you'll notice that the more charts you look at because it's a common phenomenon. It's a
common imprinting. In other words, one of the basic imprinting’s for humanity is to have an Individual efficient
mind. A little freaky, however.

When you look at the 40 - 37, the Channel of Community, then what you're looking at is you have the Forty over
here in Virgo, and if you go directly across, you have the 37 over here in Pisces. And so what you have is that the
Channel of Community, what bonds us together in Communities, again this is one of the most common
imprinting’s, because it's an opposition in the Wheel. So a lot of people carry this 40 - 37 energy, you're going to
see a lot of it.

The final one is the 20 - 34. That is here's the 34 at the beginning of Sagittarius, and here's the Twenty at the
beginning of Gemini. In other words, again, here you have an opposition, so the Manifesting Generating theme is
a basic theme of imprinting in humanity. It's a basic theme.


Now think about this because it's a great joke. You know, I go through this process of training Generators and I
explain to Generators about the Sacral and because it has this very complex frequency that's physical, that actual
physical frequency becomes a sound - in other words that they can tune into those sounds. I've also made jokes
about how repressed sacral beings can be in terms of not even hearing that the sound is there to begin with, eh?

But one of the things to recognize is the joke of the 34. It's actually too busy to make noises. Now think about
that, it's very funny. It's actually too busy to make Generator noises - turns it all over to the Throat. Now when
you're dealing with the 20 - 34, you cannot say to them, that when somebody asks them something, to respond
with their Sacral. You can't. Now you can do that with all the other kinds of Manifesting Generators because
they're not Pure ones. That's very important to grasp. All the other Generators have a real capacity to have their
Sacral stand on its own. But the 20 - 34 does not. The 34th Gate is just too damn busy! "I'm too busy to make
noises! What do you think I have a throat for, you idiot! We're busy here." [laughter]

Now one of the secrets for the 20 - 34 is to recognize something very basic. When you go through your Question
and Response episode, you know, which is a key for you - the secret is verbally responding spontaneously.
Because you're not going to respond with your Sacral. And this is the only exception of all Sacral beings. And it's
because it's different. It's different. It's deeply occupied in many, many processes, and the Generator, that
generating capacity out of the 34, because it's feeding those three other Centers, it's totally lost in that if you
will. Just lost in it.

The 34th Gate is designed to say, "I'm not available." It's designed to say, "I'm not available. I'm busy, I have my
own thing to do, I'm not available for you." 20 - 34s have enormous difficulties. They really do. You see, this is a
tremendous energy, and obviously being given Manifestor propaganda from the time they come into the world,
and because their Sacral is fundamentally quiet in that sense, that the Sacral is distracted from its Authority if
you will. It's just so busy pumping that energy into all those various functions, and so what happens to the 20 -
34s is that they become the Ultimate Phony Manifestor. You know, they're the great Phony Manifestor. They
really look like Manifestors,

I follow Thyroid problems, and I've followed them for years, and I can't tell you how many 20 - 34s I know who
have had their thyroids removed. I mean, because this is a very, very, very, powerful Sacral Connection to that
Throat. And the fact is if they're not responding, if they're only manifesting, how destructive that is to the
Thyroid System itself.

You know when I first began to give lectures in medicine relative to Human Design, I talked about the fact that in
the ideal, if everybody was living out their nature, that the only places that we would have to be concerned
about would be the open Centers. In other words, making sure that people operating correctly as themselves,
the only possible disease or illness would be the result of not having finished your deconditioning in an open
Center, and something hooks you there. But in the reality of the way in which the Not-Self operates in the world,
everything is fair game. As a matter of fact, your definition is more likely to destroy you than your lack of it.
Because while you're living your Not-Self, you're ignoring the way you're supposed to function. And ignoring the
way you're supposed to function, your very attributes turn against you. So somebody with a very powerful
defined Throat, as 20 - 34's are, and remember, this is an opposition in the Wheel, you're going to meet them
everywhere. How many in the room? Do we have any 20 - 34 's here? We have one. Okay, we have another one,
she's surrogate here. She's very busy, right? She couldn't be here, yeah? Yeah, I know so many of them. It's
natural for me because I don't have the 34 so I do meet a lot of them. One of the things that's so very interesting
about it is the way in which that operates. The Channel's called Charisma. It's an interesting name for this
Channel. Now look, nothing is more charismatic than the Phony Manifestor.

You know, this is the Charge of the Light Brigade. This is idiocy in the face of death.

And everybody says, "Wow, look how busy they are. Isn't that impressive? Look how occupied they are, they're
doing all these things. Aren't they won...I wish I could be like that."

They don't know how much of what they're doing has nothing to do with anything. They're just cranking away.
But the reality is that that charisma - behind every 20 - 34 must be someone who can guide them. Now, because
of the way that the configuration operates, the only possible guide, that is the only true guide for the 20 - 34 is
the 43 - 23.


When you look at the 34, what you get to see is that there are three phenomena at work. That is, the 34 to the
57 is a Splenic Generator, Pure Splenic Generator, that the 34 to the 10 is a Generated Self, this Channel of
following your Convictions, and then what we've been looking at, the 34 - 20 which is the Manifesting Generating

Behind every charismatic being must be a guide. It's one of the most essential things for the 20 - 34 because it is
the Pure Manifesting Generating Channel. It's the Archetype of Manifesting Generating. And only when
Manifesting Generators submit to guidance, only then, only then can they fulfill their potential. Now, it's one of
the most difficult things in the world to get any Individual to accept any kind of guidance in any way. And the
thing to recognize about the 20 - 34 is that the guidance isn't the same kind of guidance that every other
Generator has to deal with as Response. The 34 - 57 and the 34 - 10 are totally different from the 20 - 34. They're
totally different.

The 20 - 34 needs to be spoken to. They actually need to be guided. Now, it doesn't mean that they need
Svengalis, you know, but it does mean that they need to be guided, and the only natural guide for the 20 - 34 is
the 43 - 23. They are both oppositions in the Wheel, and both of them as oppositions in the Wheel meet
together as a Single definition - all in the same circuitry. And it's one of the essential ingredients in
understanding the Pure Manifesting Generator that the Pure Manifesting Generator doesn't respond well - needs
to be guided. You know, this is Integration; it's not a circuit. They're not interested in everybody else - couldn't
care less about anybody else. The only aspect of the 34 that has any kind of recognition in any way of the other,
is the 34 - 10, only because that's part of the Centering Circuit, and it's something that can be of value to any
other human being.

But you know, when you're looking at the 34 - 20, it is all about whether or not that Pure Manifesting energy is
going to be used properly. The truth is that it's less likely to get a

20 - 34 to wake up than it is just about anything else. In other words, the depth of the manifesting is so deep -
it's so deep, and when they meet this knowledge and they hear about the Sacral and so forth and so on, it's very
difficult for them to accept that because it's hard to find what is in fact the Sacral Voice.

That 34 is just busy. "I don't have time for that. We don't need that. We can find our outlet." So it's one of those
things to understand about the 34, it operates very differently than the other Sacral Gates, and it operates
differently because it's under a different burden.


Now in looking at the others, if you look at the 34 - 57, again you have the Channel of the Archetype - the 57th
Gate, the Gate of the Right Ear, the Gate of Intuition - this is very, very significant. This is about the unique
Individual Archetype. And it's about literally being able to establish the difference between you and it. And that's
basically what the Acoustic Archetype is. They separate themselves from the other, and they start paying
attention to the other, not because they're interested in the other, but because they want to survive. And

everything about the 34 to the 57 is that the 34 is Empowering, it's empowering the Intuition.

Remember the Splenic Center is not a motor. It's very weak. When the 34 plugs into the 57 it is very, very

If you have the 34, and you don't have the 57, then you're always, you're always looking for the security of
knowing what you're doing. And your Not-Self mind is always convincing you that what you're holding onto is
good for you, instead of recognizing that what you're holding onto isn't good for you. And if you're Integration
and you fuck up, nobody is going to help you. You know? It's not like you were ever really there for them. It's not
like you can expect that they're going to be rushing over to save your life, they're not.

It's like, "Well, all right, too bad, blah, blah, blah." This is Integration.


The 10th Gate in the G Center is one of those essential aspects of life. The 10th Gate - I love the original
description - "Treading on the Tail of the Tiger, Beware." Isn't that nice? Gate of Treading - this is the whole thing
about the nature of behavior is that we tend to see behavior in terms of the way in which we impress, rather
than seeing that behavior is about survival.

The moment that you have the right behavior for survival, you can actually begin loving yourself.

That's the 10th Gate - 10th Gate is the Potential to Love Oneself. It actually begins with the Potential to Love
Being in the World. And that potential to love being in the world is when you know how to survive. Everybody
who's reached their midlife knows the sigh that comes. There's this point that comes when you realize you do
know how to survive. You've made it this far - even if it's shitty, you know? You got there - it wasn't like you
couldn't do it. And of course this whole thing about being competent in the world gives us a better sense of our
own value. The easier it is for us to be in the world, the easier it is to think well of ourselves. "Well, look at me, I
survived that; I got through that, I can handle it; everything's okay, we're moving along." This is one of the
essential ingredients of the 10th Gate.

Because you're dealing with Integration, the 10th Gate can also go three ways - only one way does it connect to
the Sacral. The 10th Gate to the 20 is about your behavior in the now. In other words, being able to establish,
not simply as concept, but being able to establish your physical behavior in the now. Living it out.

When the 10th Gate goes to the 57, you have a Design of Perfected Form; a Design of Survival, but when I look at
my 20 - 10 - 57, if it weren't for my Ego, I'd be nothing but a big mouth. But I wouldn't have the ability to live it.
This is the essential ingredient of the 34. The 34 brings all of that into action. Into action. Otherwise, it's mostly
just verbal, and without the 34 it doesn't work. I mean, it doesn't work.

It's like the 57 - 20. This is the only Channel in the Integration System that actually is ready at some level to be
open to anybody else - because it's part of Individual Circuitry, rather than Integration. And when you look at
that, that's Penetrating Awareness - but it's penetrating awareness from the Spleen to the Throat. There's no
motor, so it's only verbal. It doesn't mean that penetrating awareness then takes on a life. It doesn't.

So everything about the 34 is that it empowers all of these basic, basic fundamental processes. Now think about
what that's like. I have three Gates of that Integration, don't have the 34, and don’t have a defined Sacral Center.
My life was saturated, still is saturated with 34s. I mean, saturated.

This is the most enslaving energy I have ever met. And my Integration doesn't look to the 34. I mean, that's what
I am now. What I am now, is my Integration looks at the 34 and says, "You're not going to get me to do that shit.
No, no, no, no, no, no. You be busy. Don't make me busy."

I'm operating out of my Ego and my Ego will decide when I'm healthy enough to be busy and when I'm not
healthy enough, to need a rest. This was the great challenge for me.

I had Pluto transit the 34th Gate and the 14th Gate, so I had Pluto for seven years defining my Sacral Center. And
I want to tell you, it nearly killed me. I became a super slave for Human Design - now, willingly, willingly I
accepted the energy. I knew what was going on, obviously.

But what it did to me was incredible. The day that Pluto left the 34th Gate, that day - I have never felt so
relaxed! It was like, Whooooo! Woa! If you're an Ego Being, the Sacral overwhelms the Ego. If you're an open
Sacral, you're here to be a super slave, after all.

Pluto was there hammering away, [making hammering sound] "You do your work, boy." An incredible experience
- to understand how powerful that 34 was. I was too busy for anything else. I had to be. Otherwise, Design never
would have rooted.

So this was my Manifestor decision that this is what had to be - I had to go out there and "There's this energy
that I can ride on..." Wow! What a ride! I was so glad to get off of that horse. What a ride!

My son's first five years, my eldest son, he may have seen me six months. I was on this incredible ride - busy,
busy, busy. Fortunately I knew what I was busy about. But, busy, busy energy. So if you're a 34, think about what
you've got there, and recognize something about it.

If you have the 20 - 34, the only thing that is ever going to make a difference in your life is if you will accept
guidance. That means Waiting to Respond. It's just Waiting to Respond to Verbal Guidance. And it doesn't mean
that you have to accept that person in your life as an Authority. It doesn't. And that verbal guidance doesn't have
to come from a counselor. It can come from the person picking up the garbage. It doesn't matter who it's coming
from. It is about recognizing that only with guidance are you ever going to be able to use your energy correctly.
And only then is that Charisma really going to be a powerful thing.


When the 34 is connected to the 57, or when the 34 is connected to the 10, or those two combinations together,
because you get many, many combinations out of this, that's quite different. It's quite different. That Sacral will,
if you get its attention, respond with normal Sacral Responses. It's not connected to the Throat. So it will
Respond, but you really have to get it to Respond.

Again, it's the 34. Its natural tendency is to be - the typical 34 - 57 - it's a great joke always - the 34 - 57 says to
you, "Don't talk to me now, I'm listening." I mean, it's one of the great absurdities, isn't it? "Don't talk to me
now, I'm listening."

"You idiot! That's why I'm talking to you!"

"No, no, no, don't talk to me now. I'm listening." Eh?

If you want to get the attention of the 34-57, turn off the TV, turn off the radio. Turn off anything that they can
say, "Shhhhh, shhhhh, shhhhh, I'm listening."

You know, because that's what they love to do, "Shhhhh, shhhhhh, shhhhhhh, I'm listening. I'm listening." They'll
- I've had the experience with a 34, watching a movie with a 34. Quite an experience to watch a movie with a 34.
Because there's something in the movie that they don't get and they ask you, "What's that?"

And in the moment that you're about to tell them, they go, "Shhhhh, shhhhh, shhhhh, I'm listening. [laughter].
Shhhhhh! I'm listening. Shhhhhhh, I'm listening." So, when you're dealing with the 34, you're dealing with
something that's different - it's an Individual - it's freaky. It's different. It's just different. And they are busy! "I'm
busy listening, don't talk to me."

It's incredible. I burst out into laughter. It was the funniest thing that I'd ever experienced - I mean, you ask
somebody, and then when they want to tell you, you say, "Shhhhhhh, I'm listening!" And the story's going on,
and they're missing the whole fucking thing because the thing they asked would have made sense out of the
story, and away they go.

You know, they're wonderful, so, if you want to talk to them, get rid of the distractions.

Don't go with a 34 - 57 to a cafe to have that big conversation. "Shhhhhhhh." You know? Whatever it is. "Did you
hear that truck go by?" It doesn't matter what it is! They're just like that.


The 10 - 34. The 10 - 34 is really something. It's the ability to be able to follow your convictions - the
empowerment of behavior. Now, you have never met anything so stubborn and so selfish in your whole life as
the 10 - 34. And it is one of the most obnoxious delights in the Not-Self. They are - "No, I'm doing what I know is
right." They have no idea what's right." I mean, they're not a 57. They don't know.

"No, no, no, this is absolutely right. This is the way I dress in the jungle, and I love to carry my Ghetto blaster
with me in the jungle and turn it on full blast, particularly at lunch time so the leopards can eat me."

Right. Good. You know, how you behave makes your life, eh? Behavior is everything. 10 - 34's like anything that
is purely, purely Individual is basically deaf.

There are only three Channels of Deafness - they're all Individual. The 28 - 38, the 39 - 55; the 43 - 23. These are
people who are truly deaf. I've got a child who's a

39 - 55. He is an atomic bomb. Now, you're in a restaurant with him, and he's standing on somebody else's table.
And you're saying, "No! Don't do that." You know? And you say it with rising crescendos of concern, because
after all, somebody's sitting at the table, [laughter], and they do not hear you!

You could use one of these blasters, and scream, "NOOOOOOO!" Nothing happens. They don't even know that
that sound originates from a parent. [laughter] None, whatsoever.

When he's in the house and he's doing something, I say, "Could you not do that?" He's a Generator - you've got
to ask. "Could you not to that? JIVA! Ha, ha, ha. Nothing! Hears nothing.

Now, I'm a 43 - 23. I should complain about him! [laughter]. Nothing! I hear nothing! Nothing. I remember when I
started, people would be stand in my face and they would be telling me all this stuff. I didn't hear a word of it!
You know, as my eyes glaze over, I'm not listening.

Struggle people - 28 - 38's - they don't listen! "Don't bother me now, I can't find my fucking keys! I can't listen to
you while I'm looking for my keys! I'm deaf to all of that."

"You left [them]..." You know, "Uh huh."

Ha, ha, ha, Individuals are designed that way. Look, you cannot be Mutative and live a Collective life. You cannot
be influenced by the Collective or the Tribe. Mutation is what's new; it's what's different. And so anyone who has

Individuality within their Design - that Individuality in them doesn't want anybody to interfere with them -
doesn't want anyone to influence them.

I grew up with a father who had a huge fiction library, and I read a tremendous amount when I was young. And
at some point, I just couldn't stand it anymore. Somebody inside of my head talking to me! I couldn't stand it
anymore. I stopped reading. I can't do that. I just don't want to hear them. I don't want to hear their story about
their stuff. I'm not interested - don't want it in my head. Don't want it, don't want it at all. Period.

This is the Pure Individual - "Do not influence me! You risk your well-being trying to influence me." And the thing
that's frightening about that is that the Not-Self Individual doesn't listen to the truth - doesn't listen to the truth.
It ignores it all the time, doesn't want to hear it.

Now by the way, that's not real deafness, after all. So it means that it does go in. This is how it works. I'm a 43 -
23, and somebody'll come up to me and say, "Look man, you've made a terrible mistake. There's something
wrong here." And they do their thing, and I don't hear them while they're doing that. I mean, I don't. When
they're looking at my face, they realize that I'm not giving much credence to anything they're saying. Eh?

And I take that in. And two or three days later, if it comes out of my mouth as my own expression, I took it in.
Now, many times people have told me things over the years in which they were right. And in the moment that I
took that in as a Classic 43 - 23, "You can't influence me, I'm not here to be influenced. I'm not listening to all of
that," only to find myself two or three days later saying precisely the same thing they said.

And before I understood all of this, I never recognized that I was doing those things. Now I understand how that
works - I understand how Individuality can accept, can accept correction and direction. It can. But then again,
you really have to get to a place where you're correct before you begin to experience that.

The same thing is true with the 39 - 55, that is with Emotional Deafness, or with Splenic Deafness, you know, the
28 - 38. Same principle. They're not really deaf - they just don't want to be interfered with.

You know, it's my joke about a 28 - 38, and you have a 28 - 38, and you have an Integration person, and they
have a deep relationship to each other, and they're standing at a street corner, about to cross the street. And
the 28 - 38 steps out into the street and the Integration realizes that they're going to get hit by a car. And so the
Integration, because Integration is transformed the moment it meets either the 28th Gate, or the 38th Gate - it
stops being purely selfish, it starts paying some attention to the other. And in that moment, the Integration will
grab that person, and yank them back.

You know what happens in that moment? That deafness, that struggle person, will turn around and look at you
and say, "Don't do that ever again! You think I can't cross the street? You idiot!" You know? Whoa! Okay, I'll
scrape you up. [laughter]
So, deafness is deafness is deafness. Individuals are not here to be influenced; don't want to be influenced.


So when you're dealing with the 20 - 34, you're dealing with an unusual situation. You're dealing with the great
loose cannon of life, because 20 - 34's can be so productive at bullshit it's incredible. And they carry a vibe that's
very uncomfortable.

Because if they're not operating correctly, they are not just simply frustrated, they're Melancholic frustrated.
They become deeply, deeply saddened. Remember, whenever you're looking at Individuality, you're looking at
Melancholy. You're looking at that chemistry. So the 34th Gate pumps out melancholic energy. It does. Creative
energy. The Creative Archetype. The creative behavior. The creative expression in the now, all of that is possible
through the 34th Gate.

Whatever your configuration out of the 34, it is always something for you to recognize, that you to have to see,
and you have to begin to see that it is not a weakness to accept guidance. It's not a weakness to accept guidance.
it's not a failure to accept guidance; that guidance is necessary.

And this is the deepest theme for all Manifesting Generators. You see, Generators only need to just respond. The
Pure Generator has it easy - just respond. The pure Generator that's unemotional - they can be a miracle in a
moment. I mean, just respond.

But when you're dealing with Manifesting Generating, it's not just a matter of responding - it also is a matter of
accepting guidance. That manifesting capacity needs to be guided, needs to be guided. And so many Manifesting
Generators, regardless of how they respond, so many Manifesting Generators need to be directly guided. In
other words, direction for them, what's possible for them, really has to be given to them, or offered for them to
respond to. Guidance for them is very important and Manifesting Generators particularly as children need a
great deal of guidance in order to get them away from being Manifestors and living on the Manifesting energy.

Now, if you're not a 20 - 34 and you're a Manifesting Generator, your Sacral will save you. Because you can go
directly to your Sacral. But if you're a 20 - 34, again, the guidance is something that's almost invariably detailed
and verbal. And one of the real illnesses of Manifesting Generating, is that all of the other kinds of Manifesting
Generators try to be like the 20 - 34. It's the Charismatic example. It's the Charismatic example of Manifesting

You see, Pure Generators have it much easier in terms of connecting to their Sacral than Manifesting Generators.
And it's not because the Sacral is in any way distorted in the Manifesting Generator. It's that the deepest
Manifesting Generator conditioning is not from Manifestors, but from the abundance in the world of 20 - 34's,
who bring the Pure Manifesting Generating, which is Silent Sacral, Deeply Verbal. And that conditions
Manifesting Generators away from what is their Pure and True Nature.

So the 34 brings a complexity, if you will, to understanding the nature of the Sacral Center. It brings different
conditions, and because it's the backbone of our survival mechanism, it also brings basic conditioning factors
that impact on all Manifesting Generating. Remember, this is Mutative. This is the bedrock of our survival. Every
MG looks at the 20 - 34 as its example of the survival, because it's linked to that whole survival mechanism. This
is the way to do it.

If you have the 34th Gate, and you don't have anything else in Integration, then it's essential for you to recognize
that like the 14, or like any Gate activated in a defined Center, it'll bring this energy for involvement to
something else - and not to Integration. And again, that's something for you to see, because if you have the 34
just sitting there, if you think that one Gate at the other end of a Channel is tempting to the genetics, Three
Gates at the other end of the Channel is incredibly seductive. I mean, it's really yanking on you! And again, the
only thing that's going to save you, is to operate correctly. Period.

If you've got the 34, your Sacral's defined in another way. Go through your Generator process, go through
honoring the Authority that is there, and then that energy of the 34 will function correctly, and you won't be
drawn to the rest of that process. You won't. It's all about honoring what is you, and not trying to be what you're
not. And it's one of the keys in Design.

So looking at Integration and in looking at the 34th Gate, keep in mind that this is unusual, it's different, and also
to recognize that it's not available. It's not available. It doesn't want to respond. And so, you've got to bring that
availability, you've got to make that availability happen.

It's those circumstances when you catch one of these people in the middle of a breath that you have them.
[laughter] It's in that moment when you catch them in a moment of silence that you can talk to them. And of
course, those moments occur naturally. They're always there. These things always happen, but it's just about the
understanding of that, and particularly if you are a 20 - 34. To recognize how important it is for you to receive
verbal guidance in this life. And that verbal guidance isn't you giving Authority to anybody else. It's very
important to understand. It isn't about turning somebody into a controlling agent of your life. It's simply about
realizing that when you get guidance - and by the way, it doesn't mean that the guidance you get is correct.
When somebody's offering you the guidance, your verbal response, "That's interesting," or, "That's a possibility,"
or, "No, I'm not interested," whatever the case may be, but the guidance is the thing that brings out your
response, and it's through that guidance that the 20 - 34's can actually begin to use their energy correctly. Then
they're really charismatic. Then they really have this impact. I mean, after all, if this is one of the Primary
Channels, then we know that we're here on Earth to be busy, but to be efficiently busy.

This is where the 43 - 23 comes in. The 43 - 23 is the Individual Channeling - a Channel of Structuring. And
structuring is about the Individual Mutative gift, is to make things more efficient. Any of you that have been a
student of mine over many years know that. Everything about my work as a teacher is about compressing things,
and compressing things, and compressing things, so more and more information can be given out in less time.

I don't know how good that is for all of you - you've got to digest it, but nonetheless, it's efficient. It makes more
sense for me to give basic information in half an hour that used to take me a day. Because it's been pruned down
to what's efficient.

And everything about the 20 - 34 is that it's intended to operate as an efficient energy - busyness that's efficient
- busyness that is responding - busyness that's correct. And that requires guidance. And the best guide for that is
the natural one - that's the 43 - 23.

And it's something to keep in mind if you're a 20-34, is to take a look at who are the 43 - 23's in your life,
because you'll notice they're there, and you'll notice that they're the ones in fact that on occasion, you actually
do listen to, because they're like you. They're Individual, they're melancholic and they're part of the same
stream, or circuitry of energy.


Okay, now we get to the real troublemakers. I mean, real troublemakers. [laughter] To live in a world generated
is to know who is a troublemaker. Anyway, here is the 59 - 6. I have done courses as long as eight days of this
Channel. I've said a lot about this Channel. The 59 - 6 is the Channel of Mating. It's a Channel of Reproduction.
It's a Channel of Intimacy. It is in fact the only example, the only example of a true Emotional Generator. This is
the only possible direct connection between the Sacral Center and the Emotional System. So, this is a, like the 20
- 34 which is the only example of a Pure Manifesting Generator, that the only example of a Pure Emotional
Generator is through the 59 - 6.

Now, in understanding in our process so far, and I assume that it's clear to you the significance of the Sacral in
terms of generating what we call Life - one of the most essential ingredients of life is that life can only be
maintained not simply through Survival Mechanisms, but through Reproduction. Otherwise the life of the specie

is not possible. So, when you're looking at the Sacral Center, you get to see something very unusual. In the
language of Design, we have six Role Gates. Now, four of those Role Gates are in the G Center. We've already
looked at three of them because they're the Arms of the Sphinx - the 7, the Role, the Logical Role of the
Individual as a Leader, the 13, the Abstract Role of an Individual as a Listener, the 1, the Individual who has an
Individual Role of expressing their Individuality, and the 10th Gate, which is the Expression of the Individual in
the Life. Now, those are Four Role Gates that are in the Identity that are in the G Center.


However, there are Two Genetic Role Gates. And Genetic Role Gates are much, much more powerful than
Identity Role Gates. Identity Role Gates are only an add- on. They are a byproduct, because everything is, they
are a byproduct of the Generating Field. In fact, we only have two basic Roles - the Basic Binary - the Yang 59,
the Gate of Penetrating the Other, penetrating the other in the sense of the Role of being able to Genetically
Attract a Mate, and the 27th Gate, which is the Yin, which is the Receptive, that is, the Nurturing of the Young.

Basically when you're looking at the Sacral, the 59 is the Father and the 27 is the Mother, best exemplified by the
way, by Mother Teresa, Classic Twenty-seven - because this is the Gate of Nurturing and Nourishing and of

So when you're looking at the Sacral Center, we've so far in our process seen everything else but these two
Gates. Right? And in recognizing everything else, aside from the 34, because again, the 34 is unusual as we've
seen, basically what we're looking at in terms of the Sacral System, is that we're looking at all of this, is what's
essential for making life happen. In other words, it's not about Reproducing Life, it's not about Looking after Life,
it's simply about all right, this is the way. You've got to be Focused and Concentrated, you've got to go through
Beginnings, Middles and Ends, you have to find a Mutative Way, you have to find the Flow, you've got to discover
through Experience the Direction is always Mutative, and then eventually you Express that in the Throat from the
G Center's and those Channels in the Throat, in which you come out with the Leader and the Prodigal and the
Role Model - all of them exemplifying what it is to be a human in this world.

The 34 we know is something about the Basic Survivability of this whole function. In other words, unless we
know how to survive, unless we know how to function in the world, unless we develop the right behavior for
living in the world, then we're not going to be able to fulfill all of this.

But you see, here in the 59 and the 27 is really the truth as revealed by the genes. I like to have fun with the
genes because of course they don't care about me so why should I care about them, you know? [laughter]. And I
mean they don't. They don't care about us.

However, the genes do have an investment, a very, very important investment in us, and it is through these
Genetic Role Gates that it makes sure that investment pays off. I mean, that's the whole point, is that the
investment pays off. The investment is us, and the only way that we pay off genetically is that we make more "us
es." This is the payoff for the genes. If we don't make more we're going to perish.

The only enemy of humanity in the end is ourselves, and we all know that. In the end, we're the only enemy. And
one of the great ways we can be the enemy of ourselves is that we don't reproduce enough. Modern Western
Society, particularly European Society -Europeans have an enormous problem. They're dying out. Not that the
French dying out would upset any Americans, [laughter], however, it wouldn't upset me either, but any way, the
French reproduction rate is 1.7, which means that they're dying out. The Spanish rate is 1.3, which means that
Spaniards are dying out. The German rate is 1.6 and they're investing enormous money, they're offering
incredible amounts of money to people to have children. I mean, you see the ad campaigns in America, here
you've got campaigns for, ah, it's very funny, but anyway, the whole thing is population oriented - "Have more
children, have more children." The governments there [in Europe] are providing all kinds of cash bonuses for
having children; they will pay you a lot of money every month to have a child. They're in full panic, because
they're dying out - I mean, they're dying out.

And you see, our genes have a real problem with all of this. Basically, basically, there are certain races on this
planet that are dying out, and others that are still growing, and it's just obvious to see that. And the reality is
that material and education have so much to do with it. Because the more material and education you have, the
less children you have. The less material and education you have, the more children you have.

Where the life expectancy is different, where the child survival rate is different - we have forty thousand babies
every hour, under two years old - forty thousand babies every hour that die in this world, and most of them from
diarrhea-related problems. I mean, you know, this is quite a planet.

Anyway, we're having real trouble in terms of reproduction. We already have a 70% drop in the potency of male
sperm since 1945. Nobody can explain that. We have the highest infertility rate in women that we have ever
been able to record. Otherwise we wouldn't have multi, multi trillion dollar investments in the reproduction of
life, whether it's from in vitro to cloning, to whatever you want to call it, humanity is desperately looking for a
way to remain fertile and viable. This is a genetic direction.

Everything about the genes is, "We're here to make more." This is why our lives are so difficult. I mean, get the
joke of that. Why I make fun of the genes not caring about us, because in fact all of those open Centers that the
genes set us up for - that's where the difference is, and that's what they want. "Bond with somebody who's
different, new genetic material is produced," new opportunity and so forth and so on.

And so genetically we get set up that we're only interested in what we're not, and then we end up being
conditioned by it, lost in it, and never get to be ourselves. Nor do we get to bond with what's correct — with
what's correct.

See, the joke is that the clay you take away the creation process from the natural way in which we've been
reproducing - the day that you do that will be the day that human beings will be able to bond through sameness,
and the world will have the best relationships it has ever known. Because sameness is so important.

There will be a day that having the same Type as your partner, having the same Profile as your partner is an
essential ingredient in the perfection of the bond. We are designed ultimately to be with our own, but
genetically that's unhealthy.

If we're still reproducing through the genetic system, it's going to be unhealthy. The Egyptians tried it, it didn't
work - it doesn't work. So this is something that's very interesting about where we are as humanity.

The other thing is in 2027 we're about to experience a major Mutation - it's a Mutation of the Solar Plexus
System. It's taking place in the 55th Gate, and the opposition of the 55th Gate is the 59th Gate. We are about to
go through a great change in our sexuality and in the way in which sexuality is going to be generated.

Any child coming into the world after 2027 with the 59th Gate will not operate in the same way that the 59th
Gate has been operating for millennia.

By the way, two days ago was the Anniversary of the Discovery of Uranus, and the pinpoint of the transition from
the Seven to the Nine-Centered Being. It was cute because I watched CNN, and there was this little line going
across, "In 1781 Herschel discovered Uranus on this date." And it was like, good one, good one to remember. It
happened on the Cross of the Unexpected. The discovery of Uranus, the discovery of Neptune, the discovery of
Pluto all happened on the Cross of the Unexpected. All of them, all of them. And every year after all, starts that

It's the magic of being a Mutative Being. It's the magic of being caught up in the Mutative Force. Okay, so let's go
back here.


We have two Genetic Role Gates. That means they have enormous power because these are the Genetic Roles
that are established the Way our World Works. In other words, in the beginning was male and female. You know,
Yin and Yang. 59 and the 27 are an Archetype of the Sacral Generating the Theme of Father and the Theme of
Mother. This is basic. This is why we have two sexes. It's why we operate in this way, is the Binary of the 59 and
the 27 these two distinct genetic roles.
So when you're looking at the 59th Gate, what you're looking at is our Genetic Roles for Reproduction. They're
Roles. It's the way in which we attract fertility. In other words, the world we live in - it generates six Archetypal
ways in which we attract fertilization. Isn't that cute? And we're all stuck with it. Which I don't know how cute
that is, but nonetheless, Generators establish the way in which we attract each other. And not only that, but the
Archetype of how we attract each other is that we attract each other Emotionally. Oh boy. This is the only direct
connection between the Sacral Center and the Emotional System. It's the only one.

And it tells you something about the nature of intimacy and reproduction. We are designed as a Genetic Role to
seek fertilization through meeting the Emotional System. Now only half of us are Emotional. I mean, I don't have
the 59 or the 6. I don't have a defined Sacral or a defined Emotion. I have three children. That's just very funny.
For me it's hilarious.

I didn't know any of this when my eldest was born - my daughter, but when my son, Loki was born, when he was
conceived, that was an experience that I'll never forget. I could feel it. And my partner has the 59, and doesn't
have the Six, and we both have an open Emotional System, and together we do not define it. And so, we're an
unemotional couple, which is not very common.

And I can remember afterwards, and we had been together for nearly ten years without having children. I said to
her afterwards, "You know, we're going to have a child."

She said, "Are you nuts?" - which is what she always says to me. [laughter] And about five weeks later, because
we weren't living together at the time, about five weeks later, she gives me a phone call and she said, "You were

And I said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah." It was the Moon. It was the Moon. I mean I knew the exact time, and I was
already into Design. It was the Moon. There I was, I looked at the Ephemeris, and it was the Moon. Now what's
so extraordinary about that - talk about magic in your life, I’ve had some wonderful magic.

I think it was eighteen months before he was born I had a dream. I was in Frankfurt in Germany, and I had a
dream, and in the dream, the Goddess Artemis came to me, and told me I was going to have a son, and told me
exactly when the son was going to be born. She said he was going to be born on the Winter Solstice during the
Full Moon Eclipse. And I woke up from the dream, and I rarely if ever remember a dream, and I wrote it down in
a journal, and I did a Chart for it, and eighteen months later my son was born during the Winter Solstice at the
Full Moon Eclipse at exactly the same time that was given to me.

Now Artemis is a Lunar Goddess, and he was conceived by the Moon! It's one of the wonders of knowing
mechanics. I mean, this child was conceived by the Moon. The Moon showed up. I mean, really, give me a break!
"What the fuck are you interfering with my life for?" [laughter] Some ménage a trois, you know?

And they say that the Gods - they bitch about Jupiter. I love Jupiter, I'm very Jupiterian, I love Jupiter, and Jupiter
was the horniest, Jupiter would disguise himself as anything to fuck anything anywhere, and we call that
Mythology, and the Moon fucks me, and that's real! [laughter] She did that to me. She did that to my partner, let
alone me.

You know, it's the magic of understanding the mechanics is that the energy, the forces, the gods. It's fun to call
them that. They're not after all; you know, it's just a crystal inside of an inanimate object that filters
consciousness, but nonetheless, for me the Moon was my partner in producing this child. It's just obvious.

All of that can be seen in this process - this whole process of the 59 - 6. This whole process of what mating
actually is. But to understand that all mating is really dumb, because it's ruled by the Emotional Wave. The
Emotional Wave is everything, and the other thing is when you meet a 59 - 6, they're here to hold you close; best
huggers in the world - 59 - 6's.

And nobody can break into your aura like a 59 - 6. And it's one of the real difficulties of the 59 - 6 is to
misinterpret how the other feels when you do that. I mean, if you're a woman with a 59 - 6 and you step into a
man's aura, they immediately think you want them. This is a Channel of Reproduction. It's a Channel of Mating.
All the genetic stuff is going, "Zzzzuhzzzzuhhzzzzzzhuuuuzz!" And it doesn't mean that they deserve true intimacy
from you. It just means that you can get into your aura.

But it also tells you something else about their availability. They're available for intimacy, or not. They will
respond to the potential for intimacy or not. So if you say, "Look, I've got this job for you," if they don't see that
they can have intimacy with others in the work that they do, it won't be interesting.

Everything is going to be conditioned by that, and more than that, the 59 - 6 is a true Creative Channel. It's
obvious - it produces children - that's about as creative as we get. This is a pure Creative Channel, and to
recognize that when Intimacy is operating correctly, it's not just about creating children, this is highly fertile,
highly fertile, and able to benefit the Tribe.

When you look across here, you're looking at a unique circuit. This is called the Defense Circuit, and it stands
alone as a circuit in the Body Graph. And the Defense Circuit is this unique aspect of this movement from the
Emotional System through the Sacral, and from the Sacral through the Spleen.


Now let's talk about the generation of a Role. When you're looking at the 59, remember it's a Role Gate. You can
only look at a Role Gate through its Themes - and those Themes are the Six Lines.

The 1st Line is the Caveman/Cavewoman. This is the Investigator. This genetic Role of attracting isn't, isn't very
considerate. This is Lower Trigram. It's self-absorbed. This is somebody that studies the other, like the Caveman
sitting up on the hill, looking down and watching, watching, and trying to figure out what's really there, and all of
a sudden they rush down and whack em on the head and drag em back. This is the 1" Line - doesn't really even
think about the other. I mean after all, it's the 1st Line.

2nd Line is the Shyness - that is, the 2nd Line is, "Don't bother me. I don't want to be bothered right now, leave me
alone," and leave me alone is one of the great traps, because every 2nd Line, while they're going, "Leave me
alone," remember, this is a Genetic Role to find fertilization. This is a Role, sneaky devils. The 59 - 2 might give
off that shyness, but they're also going like this, "Yeah, sure I'm shy, yeah, sure I'm shy. Yeah, sure I'm shy. Come
over here. Yeah, sure I'm shy." Because they're not really - it's a hook, and they're naturals at it. Oh, they're so
good at playing that game, eh? And it's always this because after all the 2nd is always waiting for a call. It's always
waiting for the right thing to break through its barrier of, "Leave me alone," and that's why when you have the
2"d Gate, and you have the Not-Self at work, this can lead to infertility. In other words, somebody with the 59 - 2
who isn't operating correctly, that generating field, that Role doesn't work properly, and they don't attract
fertilization. And these are people that can end up with all kinds of problems in terms of fertility, obviously.

The 3rd Line, the 3rd Line is Trial and Error - making mistakes - the 3rd Line is promiscuity. The 3rd Line is the
genetic way of saying, "Let's put something extra into the mix." I mean, the genes are really cruel. Right? You
know, you've got the 59 - 3, and you end up for some reason in Harlem for the weekend, and you end up with
this Topeka-colored child. And the genes are going, "Yeah! Good one, Good one! This one's new, this one's
different, this is an unusual model. We really like that" [laughter] Never mind what happened to those people's
lives, eh? Nothing about that. The 59 - 3 is all about that, the 3rd Line is saying, "Look, we also need to have
experimental genetics," because out of that the 3rd Line's Mutative - it's the only one that's really Mutative. I
can't tell you how many nationalities are in my children, particularly in my sons. Both my partner and I come
from so many different bloodlines.

We live in a different age now. So the genes are going, "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, Okay!" And she's a 3, so it's just the
way that it works - you end up with a weird combination on the other side, and you end up with a weird
combination in your children, and the genes are going, "Yeah! Good one!" This is the way it works.

When you get to the Transpersonal, it's different, that is when you get to the 4th and the 5th and the 6th Lines,
because remember something about the way a Hexagram is structured. Eh? The Hexagram is structured from the
1 up to the 6, that basically it's a two-story house - 1 - 2 - 3, and then 4 - 5 - 6, and we have Harmonies, the 1
with the 4 and the 2 with the 5 and the 3 with the 6.

The 1 to the 3 is very Personal - it's Inward Looking.


The Lower Trigram, the First 3 Lines - this is Inward Looking, Inward Looking. The Upper Trigram, the 4, the 5 and
the 6, this is Outward Looking.

So when you're looking at the 4th Line, the 4th Line plays a Role of Brotherhood/Sisterhood. In other words, its
way of going and finding Intimacy is through Friendship first. That's its hook, and so the 4th Line, rather than
looking for friendship, offers friendship. They're the great Opportunists. Because the whole tragedy of the 4th
Line Role is that fertilization is not something you get right away. In other words, you've got to go through this
process being somebody's friend while they're being fertilized by somebody else and telling you about it.
[laughter]. And then finally one boring rainy day, when there's really nothing to do, all of a sudden, there's a
sudden chemistry and (snaps fingers) Whop! There you go, and friendship has become something else, and this is
the method of getting to that place of fertilization. Yeah. Well, you know, the genes are cruel. They don't care
about how we have to live with all this stuff. They don't! It's not like they're going around taking polls, "Do you
like this particular Role, what do you think, should we work on this?" They don't do that. We're just stuck with it.

And if you don't accept these things - that's what being yourself is all about - if you're a 4, you're here to be the
Great Opportunist, after all. If you've got a 4th Line in your Profile, "Never leave your lover until you have
another lover, never leave your job until you have another job, never leave your house until you have another
house, otherwise you're fucked." You have to wait. You've got to wait for opportunity to come.

So while that person that you really want is being fertilized by somebody else, that's the perfect strategy. It may
be painful if you don't get it. It may be very painful, but in the end, you also end up with a different quality of
relationship because it has a grounding in friendship. And it's a totally different relationship that has all kinds of
opportunities associated with it.

The 5th Line is perhaps the most difficult. Whenever you're looking at a Hexagram, to understand any Hexagram,
read the first Line. If you read the first Line, you have the foundation or the Basis of the Hexagram. In other
words, the Basis of our sexuality is the Caveman/Cavewoman. That's what we started with.

When you go to the 5th Line, the 5th Line represents the Hopes, the Dreams, and the Projection of that
Hexagram — in other words, where that Hexagram would like to see itself get to. In other words, it's the
Caveman wants to be a Seducer, because that's the 5th Line. It is about the Seducer/Seduced. So, Caveman
stories don't appeal to us, but Romantic Seduction stories - ahhh, we love that! Eh? You know, we love to be
annoyed with seducers and seduction. At the same time, it turns us on. And seduction is a projected field.

Think about what it's like for a woman who's a 59 - 5. That means that everybody is going to project on her that
she's seducing. Think about it. Okay, so she's working all day, and she's absolutely exhausted and she finishes
work, and she's incredibly thirsty. I mean, all she can think about is having a cold beer. Period.

You know, it's 95 degrees. She comes out of work; she across the street into a bar. It's empty except for one guy
at the far end of the bar, okay?

She sits down at the bar, bartender comes over, okay, cold beer, gets the cold beer. Has her face in the beer, I
mean, she's just drinking the beer, and she suddenly realizes that she has to do something, pick up a kid, or
whatever the case may be, and she turns to look at the clock on the wall. Now, for one millionth of one millionth
second, her glance goes past this guy at the other end of the bar - less than one millionth of a second of eye
contact - so little that you couldn't possibly have even experienced it that way.

And that guy is on his way to sit beside you. Not only that - when you tell him to piss off, and you go out the
door, he's screaming at you. "You can't do that to people!" [laughter].

Think about what that's like to be a 59 - 5, and everybody is projecting on you that you're seducing, and you're
not, after all.

If you're not correct, your Role, your genetic Role in meeting the other is a disaster. And the rest of us who
aren't Generators have to live those themes. Have to, have to.

And they're not operating correctly, because those beings aren't operating correctly. Think about what it means,
what mating really is. Mating is something that can only be correct in response. And we can see it can only be
correct in response over time.

I'm a boomer. I was the Sexual Revolution. But I know now, at this point in my life, that courting, courting before
sexuality, before consummation, that courting is the only thing that actually makes sense when you look at the
way we're designed. It's the only thing that truly makes sense.

Now, obviously if you're Abstract, that's a killer. You don't want to court, you want to rock. But the thing is if you
really look at the way in which we operate in terms of bonding, the message is clear - Wait, wait. Be sure that
this is correct for you, and it can only be correct if you're responding over time, and it's the only way that makes
a relationship potentially useful.

Because remember, the genes on this side only care about you fertilizing. They don't care about any of the
consequences. None of them, none of them. Not concerned about consequences. The only thing they're
concerned about is, "Make more, make more, make more." Now that's something to be careful with.

When you get to the 6th Line you get to the Role Model, but 6th Lines operate differently. They operate through
three distinct phases in their life. And so basically 6th Line Sexuality goes through three different phases. It goes
through a Chaotic Phase, that is like the 3rd Line. In other words, it will be drawn to sexual relationships with
people who are not right for them at all - at all. And if they do get pregnant, they will obviously end up having to
deal with the consequences, but will not have a relationship that lasts.

Everything about the 6th Line is that it is designed to be not so much promiscuous - it's called the "One Night
Stand" a lot - it's One Night Stand because they can't stand any more.

Everything about the 6 th Line is looking for perfection and trust, and they learn very early in their 3rd Line Phase
that what they end up with is not necessarily good for them, nor is it something lasting.

And then they go through a Phase of Aloofness. The Sixth Line goes through a phase where it's basically not very
interested in sexuality. It's normal - it's normal. That is, they're looking for the perfect sexuality. You go from the
Subjective experience that's Pessimistic, to the Objective experience that's Optimistic.

And in that Objective experience rather than experimenting sexually yourself, in that sense with intimacy, you're
watching intimacy in others. This is where you fall in love with your friend's partner, because they seem to be
such a good partner for your friend. And it turns out to be a horror for you, but you don't know that.

Anyway, you go through that process. Ultimately, the 6 th Line Being is to come Off the Roof, that is, their post-
Chironian Phase where sexuality is not an important key anymore hormonally - it isn't, and yet at the same time,
the post-Chironian Phase for sexuality is the best, because it's all about being a Role Model in terms of bonding.
And the Role Model in terms of bonding is simply about that being correct.

If they're correct, if they're operating correctly as a Sacral Being, if they're responding according to their
Authority, then they're going to be able have in this life the results of all of that work. Because the 6th Line Being
is meant to go through this dichotomy in their life, of both sides of something, in order to find what is their true
middle ground, in order to live out the Tao of their Life Experience.

Coming Off the Roof is a synthesis. It's a synthesis of the Objective and the Subjective. And that synthesis is alive
through them being themselves.

The first thing that's going to Mutate is the 59 - 6, like the first thing that Mutates is the 55 - 6. And that
Mutation is towards selfishness, and that Mutation is towards being an example. And being an example means
that most relationships will be rejected.

See again, when you're dealing with the 59 - 6 being ruled by the Emotional System, you have to see that any
time the Emotional System is up, fertilization is possible.

That's highly chaotic - it's highly chaotic. And it tells us something else, that there's no awareness in mating.
There's only the potential for clarity - clarity that comes over time if you wait before you consummate.
These are things that obviously in the Not-Self, they don't function that way. The vast majority of all fertilized
bonds are a mistake - a mistake within the sense that they're not correct. We have no idea what our sexuality or
these Roles would actually look like.

My assumption is, for example, that the 1" would study and not do, you know? It seems to me that the 15t Line -
I'm somebody with - I'm a 5 - 1 with ten 151 Lines in my Design. I'm somebody that really understands that it's
much more interesting to understand sexuality than it is to do it. That's the reward of a life of sexuality.

I have an open Sacral. I've been to every dance and every movie you could imagine. It's actually more interesting
to understand it. That's a typical 1st Line Theme. "Well, let me investigate it - how do you do this, and how do
you do that," somebody with a Pt Line wrote the Kama Sutra. Somebody with a First Line figures out how you
make children without needing to make love. This is just basic 1st Line investigation into "How does it work?"

My youngest was born two and a half months premature. I saw firsthand, up close and real personal, what
modern science can do. It's absolutely incredible. Just to read the drugs that were going into this - I could put his
whole body, to the knee, in my hand. I mean, imagine, eh? This was a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny little creature. And they
just gave him an artificial womb. And they gave him everything that he didn't get, or couldn't get from his
mother. And it's incredible that this creature's alive. I mean, it's incredible what they charged for it! [laughter]
But it's incredible that he's alive.

We're not far from all of that mechanically. We're almost there already. That's a typical 1" Line Theme. We don't
know what the future holds, because we don't know what Generators will be. If they stay Not-Self, it's
predictable where we're going. As they began to transform, it's obvious to me that we're in for a lot of surprises.

The difference between a slave and a builder is really something. It's really something! And none of us can even
imagine that - I can't even give you a science fiction scenario for that! Because, this is our Maia. I'm a Master of
this maia. I have no idea what the regeneration of this plane could be. Because it's Generators who can
regenerate a whole new plane.

And as you'll see, because we'll get to that in the afternoon - that whole plane includes the way in which our
intelligence operates. This is out of the 27. It's one of the most important aspects of the 27, is that it's there not
simply to nurture the young in the obvious sense, that they need resources, and rules, and this and that, they
need to be educated. More than being educated, their intelligence needs to be nurtured. And none of those 27s
are operating correctly.

So how our intelligence is nurtured. You know, it was camp to say, "We only use 3% of our neo cortex," and
everybody feels like a pillow. It's like, "Just whack it up! What do you mean, only 3%?" It's obvious that the way
in which the intelligence potential is generated is limited. It's limited.

[Whispering] Do you know how many people on this planet can't read? Do you know how many people in this
country can't read?

This is the wealthiest nation that the world has ever seen, has ever seen. It has incredible poverty. It has one of
the weakest educational systems of the whole Western World. Something's wrong, you know, it just is.
Something's wrong. And it's not about intellectually saying, "Well, okay, here's the solution. Here's the solution.
Try this, try that, blah, blah, blah." No, it's not true. It's Generators. It is Generators that create the plane upon
which we bond and mate with the other.

They establish the rules of the Roles that we play. I cannot escape living out a 5th Line Theme in my sexuality
because that's what Generators created. I'm not a Generator. But I can't escape it. I can't.

My personality is a 5th Line. It resonates to all of that. I have to live in the Generator world. The moment that
they generate what is a true 5th Line, mine will change too. Because the plane will change, the projection field
will change; the purpose of it will change.

See, when I say that Generators are holy, people think that I'm just playing a game. I'm not. I'm not. This is just a
transformation that's possible only through Generators. You make the world; you can remake the world.

The plane that we live on is what it is. We do not have to accept it. Every Generator that wakes up, every
Generator that's living its own unique Authority transforms the plane slowly but surely; impacts directly on
everyone that's in their aura, in their life. It just does.

And the moment that Generators begin to grasp this - it's not so much I want you to feel responsible but on the
other hand why not, fuck you! [laughter]. You know, it is your world, do something about it for Christ sake.
Change this, will you? Give us all a break.

And you know how to do it. And you know how to do it, and you know how to treat other people in your life
now. And you know how to treat children in your life now. You know how to do this.

But as Generators, see how much you affect everything around you, that being correct for you is an essential
ingredient to the lives of everyone around you. You are a transforming agent, and the moment that you are
dealing with another Generator, you are the ultimate Role Model for them.

When a Generator meets a Generator that's really a Generator, it's, "WOW! Me too, please!" And this is the
effect that you have, and it all comes back to your own process.


It all comes back to your own process. It comes back to you remembering every moment of every day that your
mind is not on your side. It's not on your side. It's going to tell you whatever it tells you. It's not on your side. It
has to learn. You have to teach it. You have to fool it. You have to get it to a point that it surrenders to you being
your own Authority, claiming what's rightfully yours.

Your Sacral Center, that's the movie, to claim what's rightfully yours - your Authority. I wait for awake 59s to
change the way in which we bond, so that we can bond with clarity, so that we can bond with those that are
correct for us to bond with.

How difficult it is now. I could be a very, very rich man just doing partnership analysis on this planet, because
they're all fucked up. And they're not curable, what ails them. You see in Mechanics what's there and what's not
there. You see what's at work. You can only point to it, you cannot fix it. You can only transform a relationship
that was incorrect by both being correct, and seeing what happens.

You can end up discovering that it is correct. Good. You can end up discovering, both of you, that it is not. Good.
But at least it's correct. This is you; you have to change it all. And it's not something that in the end, that
anybody can help you do.

This is the whole point about being a Generator - how personal your life is, how absorbed you are in yourself,
and that absorption at the Not-Self level means how deep the Not-Self has been what you've been dealing with,
thinking about; worrying about, the driving force in the way you see this life and feel about this life.

And all of a sudden, you want to say to that mind, "Hey, back off." It doesn't want to back off. And nobody can
help you. You have to be there. And as a Generator, it's a breath, by breath, by breath, by breath, by breath
experience. It's always possible for you to align yourself to yourself. Always.

It's possible in every day to meet that place of response, to hear the response come out of you - to hear it, to
feel its Authority moving through your body.

The first time your mind hears that "Uh uh," or "Uh huh," and that moves through your whole body, the mind is
shivering in that. Shivering in that. But again, it's the Research Department - it will not back away. It watches. It
hopes that it's a failure. It hopes that it doesn't work. Again, it waits for that magical moment you will all get to if
you live your Design, I promise you, you will get to this place where you're terrified. You will get to this place
where you realize you really don't know what's going to happen to you anymore, and it's only your mind that's
going to make it scary. Only your mind.

Your Sacral at that moment is ready to take over your life. It's ready to be your Authority for Life. It's ready to
assure you never again will you have to worry about what you think a decision could be, might be, never again,
that you can actually be free in the now as yourself. Perfect. Perfect. And always being able to respond.
And each response brings you closer and closer to the end of the deconditioning and the beginning of your life.
This is not a life. This is real work. This is work. It's seven years. You see, Generators can get into being
themselves very easily. And I mean that seriously in the sense that yes, you can begin that experiment of
experimenting with waiting, responding, making decisions in response; making decisions in response, but your
mind holds on.

You will fight your mind to the end of the seven years. You will fight it to the end. After three and a half years,
you will already recognize that you're winning all the time. You're winning all the time, doesn't make it easier.
Doesn't make you feel better. Doesn't take away the pressure from your mind. But deep within you, you
recognize that the mind basically has had its day.

And then you finish it off. When you get to the end of that seven year cycle, then, like a newborn baby, you come
out of the womb, and you come out as yourself, and you come out with your own Authority, you're god in your
world. And you get to see what that life is going to be.

And only at that point will the grip of your Purpose, your Profile, your Cross, your Character, your Role, only then
will you be gripped by it - and I mean gripped. It is what you're here for. And it will take you fully, take you fully
like you've never been taken, and it will take you on that ride.


We finished this morning with looking at the beginnings of understanding the Defense Circuit and the way in
which the Genetic Roles operate. We looked at the Genetic Role of the 59, its Role of Attracting Fertilization; the
whole way in which we reproduce.

That's the Yang Aspect, in the sense that this is the Penetrating Aspect, this is the aspect that's there to be able
to produce more, and in order to be able to produce more, the ability to be able to pull somebody into intimacy.
The 59 - 6 is very penetrating. It's very penetrating. It pulls you into its aura, or its aura simply gets inside of
yours. It's a very penetrating Genetic Role.

On the other side, we have its polarity - that is we have the Genetic Role of Nurturing, the Genetic Role of
Nourishment, which we find in the 27th Gate of Nourishment.

There's an enormous difference between generating in connection with an Emotional Field, and generating
connected to the Spleen. In fact, the Splenic Center is the only Awareness Center that we can actually trust. We
know we can't trust our minds.

And the Spleen we can trust, because the Spleen is there simply to keep us alive in terms of it is our Immune
System; it is our capacity to be able to survive.

The relationship between the Sacral and the Spleen, and these are the only Pure Splenic Generators, that this
relationship between the Sacral and the Spleen is unusual in a very specific way. When you're looking at the 6 th
Gate in the Emotional Center, what you're looking at is the Source of the Emotional Wave. And that Emotional
Wave is what makes sexuality interesting, because the sexual drive, the sexual availability that is there in the
Sacral, is not the same as the sexual drive that's there in the Emotional System. And the relationship between
the 59 and the 6 is the direct relationship between Availability and Drive. That's why it's the most highly sexual in
that sense, of all of the Channels.

But that relationship - the very availability of the 59 actually ignites the Wave, after all. It ignites the capacity in
the 6th in a very specific way.

When the 27 is dealing with the 50, the 50 also has a very specific Role. That is, the 50th Gate is the Source of,
not what its mirror does, the 6th, it's not the Source of the three Emotional Waves, or the Three Emotional
Drives, which is Need, Passion and Desire, but on the other side, at the 50th Gate, you have the generation of the
three ways of Intelligence. Intelligence. And that is Instinct, Intuition and Taste. Taste is the Judgmental.

In other words, when you're looking at the 50th Gate, you're looking at, in the Gate of the Cauldron, you're
looking at the Gate of the Laws, you're looking at the Gate of the Tribal Lawgiver, you're looking at the Gate that
is part of the Cross of the Laws that Establishes the Laws for the Tribe. But one of the most fundamental things
about this Channel is that this Channel is the very Source of Intelligence, and the commitment to the Nurturing
of Intelligence. It tells you something about us as a Specie - that in order to be able to get us to the point that at
the end of our first cycle - the end of our first seven-year cycle, that we are competent to survive in the world,
it's not enough that we simply have physical attributes of survival, in other words that our bodies are properly
developed because they've been well-nourished in terms of the food that we've been given and so forth. In other
words, one of the main priorities of nurturing is Nurturing Intelligence. Without intelligence, we don't develop
the survival strategies that will allow us to maintain our survivability.

And the most important thing about once you have children, is teaching children how to survive. One of the first
things we teach our children is about crossing the street. It's about being intelligent. It's about learning how to
tell the difference between this color and that color and what this color means and what that color means, and
all of these things; and then you have a strategy that you're teaching for survival. And if they don't get that
intelligence, if they're not given the information, they don't develop the successful strategies.

After all, what makes human beings so interesting is the capacity of our intelligence. We have an enormous
potential when it comes to intelligence. It's obvious. Enormous potential. All of that is in the 50th Gate. All of it.
But the Spleen, unlike the Emotional System - the Splenic Center is not a motor. It's not. The Splenic System is
your washing machine, and you've got everything in the washing machine, but it's not plugged in.

It's not a motor, it's not like it's going to clean itself. It can't. It needs a relationship to generating or manifesting.
And so when you're dealing with the 50 - 27, you have this direct, this very direct turning on of the Cleansing
System. This is the Archetype of turning on the machine. And in turning on the machine, what you're turning on
is this intelligence capacity.


When you're looking at the way in which the Channel itself operates, is that you're dealing with a very deep fear
in the 50" Gate. The Spleen has very deep fears. The 50" Gate is the Fear of Taking Responsibility. And it's not
just about the Responsibility to Nourish at the Physical Level, but the Responsibility to Nourish at the Educational

You understand, this is the Generator Program. We all live this way. We have kids and we worry about their
education. We worry about their development not in terms of, half of our attention is, are they physically
developing properly, and the other half of our attention is are they learning anything?

We want them to be competent in the world, and we know that to be competent in the world, they have to be
able to do more than climb a tree. They have to be able to solve complex daily strategic puzzles. You can see
what children go through in the earliest years when you give them developmental toys - what it is to go through
the process of developing the intelligence to operate the Strategy successfully. This is us. And this is the way it's
generated. So we have all this pressure on us to educate our young.

Since I was twelve or thirteen years old, I have been teaching people younger than me. And I've had a deep
interest in my life, both professionally as a teacher, and I've taught in just about every kind of environment - I
have a great concern for the education of children.

One of my basic concerns is that one of the primary elements of any child's education has to be, has to be that
they know themselves and know how to be treated as a human being in this life.

In my searching through my own process for the value of education, the value of education - this is the only time
in my career as a teacher that I've ever truly taught anything of value. Everything else has been interesting.

Information is interesting. When you teach children, whether it's history, geography or a language or whatever,
you're broadening the capacity of their minds to deal with more and more complex subjects. However, this is the
first time as an educator I actually feel like I'm doing something that makes a difference, something that is really
worthy of what education is about, and for me this is the essence of what the 27 - 50 is about.

The essence of that is to get to the point where the intelligence is nurtured in the best possible way. This is what
it's all about. That intelligence is nurtured in the best possible way, and through this we have many ways in
which intelligence is nurtured.

The first one is perhaps the most amusing to you, but the first way is food. It's food. It almost sounds nutty to
say that your intelligence and your diet have a deep relationship, but they do. You know, the old California joke
about, "You are what you eat." In essence, it's true. In essence it's true.

There's actually something very basic to understand about the human diet. Let me see if I can show you that.
[Writing on the Board] - Human beings, of the Sixty-four Gates, human beings have the most complex matrix
because their matrix involves potential imprinting in any of those Sixty-four Gates.

But when you're dealing with other forms of life, for example when you're dealing with mammals, mammals
have a matrix that's only made up of Sixteen Gates. In other words it means that their imprinting potential, what
makes them different, there's less difference in them than there is in us in terms of the way in which they
experience each other as differentiations. So, what we have is that there is a reduction that takes place in the
matrix itself.

Where the hell was I going? Anybody know?

Food. Thank you, good, good, good, because I was wondering, "What are you doing?" [laughter]. "Where are you
going?" And I never know what I'm going to say, so I get lost. Okay, so look, human beings have a special
relationship with mammals as an example.

Mammals have three Gates in which they do not have the other side. So for example, the cow that we eat, the
cow has the potential to be imprinted in the 19. This is the Territorial Gate/ We have the potential, obviously the
whole thing, but specifically the 49. Now this is our ritual relationship with animals. In other words, in the 19th
Gate we have the need for god and we have the need for magic, and the sacrificing of animals which is taking
place in the 49th Gate, the sacrifice of animals led to the raising of animals, as our first, the animus gods, our
first relationship with the forces of nature.

So this relationship here between human beings and mammals, and mammals, this connection is here. Okay?
Human beings also have a connection with fish and fowl - with fish and birds and reptiles actually, but
specifically because I'm talking about diet, with fish and fowl. Now, basically all fish and fowl, they have the 44th
Gate; they do not have the 26.

Now we have the 26 as the potential of meeting them. Now, this is a direct connection into the Heart Center,
and it is a direct connection through the Thymus Gland, which defines our Immune System, and the T cells that
are our soldiers - our soldiers that protect us in our bodies. And within the Heart Center is the Stomach. But
notice something about the 19 - 49. It goes to the Emotional System - the 37th Gate is the Mouth, and the 40th
Gate is the Stomach. It gets into the Emotional System, but if there isn't the bridge of the 40 - 37, that's why
people eat together, if it wasn't for the bridge of the 40 - 37, it would be very difficult for our bodies to process

So look, we eat meat for its magical properties, even though we long have forgotten that that's what meat
brought us. But it's not natural to the diet. It's not. That is, not unless you're in a communal situation, and the 40
- 37 is present. Only through the 40 - 37 does the food go to the stomach. Our natural diet is fish and fowl. That
is our natural diet in terms of the so-called meat, the things that we will kill to eat, that these are the healthiest
things for us to put into our system.

They're easier for us to process, and the more fish and fowl that you eat, the healthier your T-cells. In other
words, it's the food of your army. Remember that T- cells are so important to your immune system, because it's
the T-cells that actually defend you. In other words, they're the ones that will attack invading bacteria or viruses.
They're the ones that will do their best to eat them alive. They're quite vicious, T-cells. So if you're eating chicken
and turkey and whatever, or you enjoy eating fish, you're actually strengthening your immune system. It's easier
for you to digest.

If you're eating meat, remember it's much easier to eat meat in a crowded restaurant than it is to eat meat by
yourself somewhere, because it doesn't naturally digest, and ultimately, ultimately, it is an aspect of our diet
that will disappear. Ultimately this will not work for us anymore.

And the children that are going to be born after 2027, with a transformed Solar Plexus System, they will simply
not be able to digest meat at all. I mean at all. It won't be possible for them. Okay, so that was your little
interesting diet sidebar.


Now the reason that I bring up diet, now why the hell was I talking about that? Okay, here we go - the reason I
bring up diet is that the 50 - 27 is the Channel of cooking. It's all about cooking. The Fiftieth Gate's the Cauldron,
and the 27th Gate is Nourishment. You put all the nourishment in a pot and you cook it around, and it's also the
Witch's pot, it's the Magical pot, it's the pot full of Dreams and

Wisdom, and all kinds of things in that cooking pot.

And quite frankly, if you go into a restaurant and the cook's had a bad day, you've got a bad dinner. You know,
the Brahmins said there are only three things that a Holy Man can do - because you're not supposed to be
working. There are only three things a Holy Man can do. You can be a musician, you can be a launderer, and you
can be a cook, because those three things, when you put on clothes that somebody washed for you, they better
love you. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Otherwise the vibration is not going to be very good. And whoever is cooking for you
- their vibration is the food, after all. And a musician is an obvious one, you know, if you're listening to a junky
musician, you're going to have a low evening. [laughter].

So the 50 - 27, that part of Nourishment is diet. Americans in many ways, surprisingly are ahead of the curve
when it comes to diet. Now one of the most important things about the modern diet and the necessity of the
way in which our world is moving - you know we have this whole thing about Global Warming. I'm a fan of Global
Warming. I appreciate it and I hope nobody stops it. Global Warming has been taking place since 1781. It is the
byproduct of a raise in body temperature. When we went through the Mutation from Seven to Nine-Centered
Beings, it's because our body temperature went up. We're hotter than we used to be, and our world is hotter
than it used to be. All of that is to create the environment for Mutation, and one of the main ingredients in
Mutation, because the Mutation is going to take place in the 55th Gate, which is the Gate of the deepest
emotional connection to food. And the diet that's so important to us is the Diet of Diversity.

For example here in America, though there are those who oppose it, genetically altered foods are something that
are essential for us to embrace. They're essential to embrace. I know that all the New Age-y, vegan, veggie,
veggies will get upset, but I'm a heretic, fuck you, you know? [laughter] You know, away with all of that. The
reality is that the more complex the diet, the more we are in tune with where we're going.

If you go into any supermarket in this country, you're going into the world. You're meeting the world. All the
hands that picked all the fruit, and the vegetables, where everything has come from; where everything has been
made. We have global supermarkets. It's incredible what's in there. And basically that's making us different.

If you live in a valley and you eat the same food season after season after season, you don't want to meet the
world. You don't want to meet the world at all. As a matter of fact, everybody else smells bad. And it's one of the
essential ingredients of diet - is that if we're all eating a globalized diet, it's actually easier for us all to get along.

Think about it, what is the first thing you say about your enemy? "They stink."

It's the oldest pejorative. "They stink." Because you're on one side of the valley and you're eating one kind of
food, and they're in the next valley and they're eating other food, maybe they like garlic, who the hell knows?
And the fact is that every time you meet, you recognize that you smell different. I'm bringing up smell, because
this is the deepest source of smelling as a sense.

The Tribe is deeply connected to the nose, and food is what gives us our aroma.

You know what it's like when you have a stranger come into your house, and you go into the bathroom, and you
know there's been a stranger in the house. I mean you just know that. They're different. They're different; they
take different things into their body. They're different than we are.

The way in which our society - how do you think that 15 or twenty million people live together in the same damn
city without killing each other all the time, like rats in an overcrowded maze? We all eat the same food. It's one
of the keys. We all eat the same food. We don't smell like the enemy. Nothing worse than being in an apartment
building and you go up and all of a sudden you smell something strange cooking. It's like, "Who are they and
where did they come from?"

Diet has enormous impact on the way in which we live, and see it just beyond your own body. Understand what
that does.

So when you're dealing with the 27 - 50, you're also dealing with something else - that intelligence expands in
relationship to abundance in the diet. We already know that children who are undernourished have lower IQs.
Come on, it's a basic, and beyond that basic, is that it's not just simply a matter of making sure that your children
eat in a healthy way, is that they eat in a Global way. It's the Global Diet that is the future. It is what we all
experience now, and it adds to the expansion of our intelligence, and brings us closer together as beings. It's one
of the funnier things about knowing all this stuff, is to see how important food is and how much it's resented.

You know, blowing up McDonald's in Indonesia. Because when we eat that, we're eating the same thing as
people all over the planet. It's a different movie. This is an invasion. Its like, "Wait a minute, stop now! Stop now;
we don't want to lose our little Tribal Control Plane. We don't want to lose this safe place. We don't want to lose
all of that.

All the restrictions that you see - I bitch endlessly in Europe because they don't like genetically altered foods
because they don't trust Americans. You know, they think it's insane, so nobody's allowed to eat that stuff over
there. They won't even - they're debating over there now whether or not even cows can eat it. And I keep on
complaining, "This is insane, people." Because the fact is that the expansion of the diet is very, very important
for all of us. It's one of the major things you see - I travel, and I've traveled a lot in the world in this life, and it's
extraordinary how homogenized food is becoming.

All of a sudden, the world just finds its way in. When I first lived on the Island of Ibiza, basically you could only
buy what was there. You'd go into a supermarket, and what was imported from the Mainland limited, just
limited. And then all of a sudden, the Island was changed by tourism and whatever, and now, it's like you're
shopping in the whole world.

And it's all fresh. It's one of the most extraordinary things of what we do. And when you see that, you have to
understand that this kind of recognition of what diet is is very important, and it's part of all of this.

As long as Generators are not responding to diet, then we're not going to get the diet that the planet deserves.
Because after all, only those of us that are wealthy, and what I mean by that is that we have the advantages of
Western Society, only we have the opportunity for that vast diversity that we can put into our systems. And it
makes us more Global than them. Don't you notice?

Go into the Third World where they don't have that. They're eating the same stuff every day, and it's the same
stuff their ancestors ate every day. And that makes them always different to everybody else. Everybody else.

I watched in my years that I lived in Germany, little Bavarian villages suddenly get this, you know, you'd go in and
there would be mangoes in the supermarket. And the people change. They change. If you, the moment you move
away from that local Tribal diet, you stop being local and Tribal. And it's the food; it's just the food. I mean, it's
something to keep in mind.

This whole thing about that it's healthy to go back to the farm - it's insane to go back. The only people who are
going back there are Fundamentalists, because that's the only way that they can preserve themselves. You think
Al Qaida likes their boys eating at McDonald's? This is the enemy. The Global Diet is the enemy. The Global
Supermarket is the enemy to any Tribe. It's the enemy.

I watched years ago with the development of the European Union in Europe - and Austria, which is a Country
that came in late into the European Union, and basically they had an Agrarian Society that could support the
Country, and yet the moment the came into Europe they had to give up growing certain things, to permit only
certain things to be grown there, because other things are grown elsewhere, and there was this initial
resentment that farmers had to change their crops and so forth and so on, but you know, it makes them all
dependent on each other, and they eat each other's energy all the time.

It's what I love about the Euro, the European currency - on the coins, all of one side has the same face, but on
the other side, it's from any of the nations. So they calculated how long it would be, for you to be able to receive
as change in your hand, all of those countries. My son collects them. They have boards where they put in the
coins from all - you know, and all of that is the same thing. This is the way you bring those societies together.

Food is one of the keys, and food is one of the keys of advancement, because it's something that's there to feed
the intelligence.


The 27th Gate is a Gate of Nourishment. It follows all of the basic themes of the Lines. But it's interesting, and I
don't want to go into this, because its days and days of work, the 1st and 2nd Lines are about Nourishing Instinct.
And the 3rd and 4th Lines are about Nourishing Intuition. And the 5th and 6th Lines are about Nourishing
Judgment. And that is the way in which the themes are generated, each obviously as a Binary.

So, the 27 is much more complex than its obvious appearance, than anything - you know, when you're looking at
the Lines or whatever. It's very complex. It really is generating those aspects.

If you carry the 50 - 27, you have the Ideal Aware Sacral; that your Sacral is always responding intelligently. Now
again, that's not about right or wrong, intelligently according to what that Self is; what that Being is, because it is
the only direct connection.

The 34 - 57 is not the same. That is something else. That is the Integrative Process.

So when you're looking at the 27th Gate, and you're looking at somebody who carries this Channel, is that every
decision that they make, that their availability, their availability is only when they see that Intelligence can be
Nurtured. Only when they see that Intelligence can be Nurtured. They're only available; they're only available for
intelligence. They're very, very picky about who they allow into their lives when they're operating correctly. It's a
criteria of whether intelligence is present. And depending on their level of intelligence, that can be quite a
criteria. In the Not-Self, it's a real problem obviously. All of this always is.

If you're not paying attention to the 27 - 50, you're dealing with the Spleen. The Spleen never comes back and
tells you anything again. Never. The Spleen tells you something once. It doesn't come back and say, "Hey,
dummie! I just told you, don't do that!" And it's one of the things to be clear about is that if you are a Splenic
Generator and you are not paying attention to your Sacral, and you're not following your Intuition, you're going
to mess up your Immune System. Period. It also means that there's going to be unreasonable fear in your life.
Unreasonable fear. Remember that the Splenic System is about fear. A defined Splenic System that operates
correctly is not fearful. It's not. But a defined Spleen that doesn't operate correctly is full of fear. It's full of fear.


When you look at the Defense Circuit as a whole, you get to see the way in which genetically we get to maintain
our populations. And not only the way in which we maintain our populations, despite the silliness of the way in
which we mate, we're very serious in the way in which we train our young. And out of that comes this drive
within us to make sure that our children do better than we did, get the advantages and so for the and so on. And
it's part of the way the genetics work. It's the way of passing on the information.

By the way, in mammals - in mammals, this Channel is the Channel of Herding. And it is their only Sexual
Channel. And so in the movement from the mammalian to the human, that this transformation - the 27 - 50 is
still about herding. Because it's one of the things to understand about the Defense Circuit, is that one of the first
things you realize when you have a child, is you're so grateful to have support.

Everybody knows that. Everybody experiences that - you know, how nice it is to have grandparents who enjoy
the experience. How nice it is to have friends or whatever, have the support mechanisms around you. And of
course, what we know is that to raise a child by ourselves in the world is literally impossible.

We don't have the capacity to properly educate them. This is something that's Tribal. Remember, this whole
structure, from the 6 to the 59 to the 27 to the 50; that this is the very, very basis of what Tribe is. These are the
only aspects of the Sacral Center that are Tribal. The rest is Collective and Individual. Of the Nine Gates, only two
of them are about the Tribe, but it is the core of, the core of what makes the Tribe what it is. It forces the Tribe
to do something. It's done again, through the food. It forces the Tribe to bond together.

Now, how does the Tribe bond together and what are the advantages? The advantages are that not everybody
has to go out and hunt. Not everybody has to go out and work in the fields. And that the moment that we share
a way and find a way to support each other through the resource of food, eh, you know, the big cooking pot that
everybody gets to eat out of - this is the way in which we create the bond in the community.

And basically those that don't have to produce the food can do what is necessary. They can advance the culture,
and they advance the culture through the pottery making, they advance the culture through inventing alphabets,
and on and on and on and on and on, until finally, we get have the world that we have. This is one of these basic
mechanisms is that because of what the 27 - 50 is - if we didn't have the 27 - 50, we would make love, we would
impregnate, but we wouldn't necessarily look after. We would just abandon them. You know, "Oh, wow, that was
an interesting experience." Whoosh! You know?

There would be nothing within us that said, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, we have a responsibility. We have
this length of responsibility." This is so important. So built into us is that for seven years, because it only works
on seven-year cycles - that's why all couples who last long enough go through seven-year itches. It's seven years.
So, the moment that the Generator, the 27 - 50 Generator is generating a seven-year responsibility, and that
seven-year responsibility is to nourish, and a seven-year responsibility to educate. And that responsibility has to
conform within the law. They create the law.

What comes out of sharing the food is the rules, after all. "Well, I killed it, and I've got to run all day to chase it,
so I'm going to get the best cut. And you sat on your ass making pottery. You wait in line." You know?

All of that was - the rules had to be established, how food was going to be shared. This is what built our

civilizations. All of it is here.


The 50th Gate is all about the Cross of the Laws. And our laws are part of our whole Mutative development. It's
all a part of that. This is the First Law. It's the First Law. When you look at the Cross of the Laws, you have the
50th Gate, and you have the 56th Gate, and the 3rd Gate, and the 60th Gate. The Laws of Limitation, the Laws of
What are New, the Laws of Stimulation, and the Law, the Law of Us. Now one of the things that's so important
about the Tribe is that in the 50th Gate, you get all kinds of Laws.

The 50th Gate is where Moses carves the Law into stone. The 50th Gate is where the Tribe sets all the Sexual
Laws. Remember, this is a direct connection to the Sacral Center. So whether there's going to be male or female
circumcision or not, what the age is that somebody can be married, what kind of process they have to go through
to get there, what's the cost of wanting to be divorced, and so forth and so on, all of those laws are here in this.

So when you're looking at the 27 - 50, you have to recognize something deeply about the nature of this Channel,
is that what's being generated here is the Intelligence of the World.

And what's being generated here is the way in which we nurture that intelligence in the world.

Now we are doing a lousy job! I mean a lousy job. It is horrendous the level of education worldwide. It's
horrendous. I have a pet thing. 60% of all women in the world are not allowed to receive an education. Now this
is one of the ways in which intelligence is destroyed. It's simply destroyed. If a mother cannot read, her child will
not read. Yeah, there are always exceptions. There are always those things.

The level of education in the world - it's awful, it's awful. It's something to keep in mind. This is not about
blaming or faulting political constructs, or philosophical positions or whatever, it's just about Generators not
being correct. It's just about all the Generators who carry this energy, who ignore response, who try to live as a
Manifestor. This is the result of it. The result of it is that education is just a disaster.

As I said, in this Country, there are so many people who cannot read! That's unbelievable. I mean, they're going
to have children, and those children - there will be no interest in any of that. This is a crime. This is one of the
great crimes.

And it's not about standing up there and wailing. You know, I could wail. It doesn't do any good. I make my
contribution. My partner has a foster child, a little girl that we educate in Bangladesh. But you know, it's a spit in
the bucket. There's a world full of little girls that never get an education. It's real madness.

My thing is that as long as I've understood all of this, I've recognized what incredible potential lay in being a
Generator, and yet at the same time, what an ordeal to fix the plane, to get to the critical mass of 4.2 billion
Generators on the planet? WOW! I don't have any illusions.

I've already seen - sixteen years of my life now, and I've already seen what it takes, slowly, slowly, one Generator
at a time, the potential of really awakening. It's a long process. But for me, the point is that because I so deeply
understand the impact of the Sacral, how physical the Sacral is, that I recognize that a Sacral Being that's
operating correctly, they affect their world. Their world - the world of those that come into contact with them,
the world of those that are around them. And that impact is so important. It's a way slowly but surely, that the
way in which the plane operates begins to change.

In the description of each of these, as I've moved along, I've tried to stress as dramatically as I can, quite frankly,
how important it is, each of those elements, each of them. It's not like any one is more important than the other.
Those nine Gates represent the Generation of Life. That's the point. And to understand that that's you, that's
you, and your perfection is all about honoring your strategy.

But that, though for you is a personal triumph, understand that even as you're moving down the road, the
byproduct is so valuable to the other. And it is. It really is, because it changes the frequency, it changes the way
in which the generating energy operates. And remember, like being in this room and being conditioned by
whatever is there, we all have to live in the world of the 50 - 27. We all have to live in the world of the 2 - 14. We
all have to live in the world of all of that.

It's up to you. I long ago learned how to surf the Generator Wave. I'll ride the wave all the way, it's okay, I'm
fine. I'm fine. And I'm not a missionary. I have no dreams of slaves freed all over the planet magically in a
moment. It's not the way I operate, as a matter of fact, I don't even think about such things.

For me it's just always recognizing that as long as this information is there, there are always going to be
Generators that will wake up, because they can. And they're the ones that will really make a difference.


Okay. (Showing Individual charts) By the way, I thought you would appreciate this - Mother Teresa was too busy
for sex. [laughter]. Isn't that nice? Eh? What a classic example, "No, I'm too busy. I'm really too busy, sorry. What
to do, I'm much too busy." Cute. Anyway, when you look at somebody's Design, you can see their themes of what
they respond to; what they're available to.

First of all, you're dealing with somebody that has an Abstract Format Energy, and remember that's all about

Needing to be in the Flow, that is that this is somebody that needs to go from a Beginning to a Middle to an End;
has to go through that Abstract Process - the Experience Process. And for her, experiencing, this was her
experiencing all the time. Eh? And you can see she was a 43 - 23, if you're a 43 - 23 and you have the

20 - 34, you're always guiding yourself in a false way. That's a classic. The Mind is right in there and it's guiding
you in a false way, and look at Mother Teresa - holding onto what isn't good for her. She was the one that would
hold all these bubonic plague babies, HIV babies, and you name it - people dying in the street of Bombay. You
can't imagine what's in their bodies - I mean, you can't even imagine.

Anyway, holding onto what's not good for her. Very common - the open Emotional System. So, Mother Teresa
had the Open Emotional System smile. That wonderful smile; she would always avoid confrontation and truth,
always. Yeah, okay, and she obviously had something to prove. She was always trying to prove something. Not
only was she always trying to prove something, but of course, with her open Self, she didn't know where love
was, and she was always looking for it, and she was always looking for the right direction.

Now, when you look at somebody's Design and you see their Not-Self, the first thing to recognize is that
everything about them is operating through that Not-Self, and this is through a fixed Mind that has the 43 - 23
that says, "I know, I know, I know. I know what to be busy about. I'm actually busy about..." and look at what
she's busy about. Eh? She has a Role to attract fertilization. I mean, she has a Role to attract fertilization. She has
a Role, she has the 59th Gate, and she has the 27th Gate. She's a Nourisher. But that Role to Attract, and the
Nourishing, they don't look for either end. They're all moving up through that 20 - 34. So she's busy, busy, busy
attracting, and busy, busy, busy nurturing all the time - and one experience after the other, from one dying to
the next dying being to the next dying being. The irony is that she's going to be a saint, but aside from that - Not-
Self sainthood. I mean, really. What a trip, all the Not-Self saints that have ever lived.

You have no idea who they would have been as beings if they had lived out their nature. No idea, and yet we end
up, because we're so deeply conditioned as Not- Self, to have this admiration for the Not-Self.

"Oh, Mother Teresa!" You know, "Blab, blah, blah, blah, blah." Well, I don't think that Mother Teresa believed in
god. That's not the Design of somebody who believes in god. It isn't. This is not in any way, shape or form a
believer. This is not a believer. This is somebody who's too busy to believe. They're too busy to have sex and
they're too busy to believe, but they're not too busy to care. The 27th Gate is the Gate of Caring, and the Caring
goes into the Busyness - the busy caring. And no better place to avoid confrontation and truth than being in a
nun's order. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Aw, leave her alone, she's dead. Ahhhhhh.


Here's an example of what is not a True Manifesting Generator. When you look over here at Mother Teresa, you
can see this is the Classic 20 - 34. This is the real Manifesting Generator - manifests, manifests all of her life, all
of her life, all of her life, until she's dead. Okay. Over here you have Nixon, now here's an example, there's the 1 -
8, so you can see that the Sacral Center - the way in which the Sacral Center ultimately reaches the Throat is that
it's going through the G Center. This is not the Pure 20 - 34. This is something else.

And this is a Sacral that could speak. Obviously, when you're looking at him again, you're going to see that
everybody except Vincent van Gogh had something to prove. They all had something to prove, and making
decisions based on something to prove. What a joke!

Think about what that's like. You have a place inside of you that's going to tell you the truth. You have a place
inside of you that is going to allow you to make a decision that is correct for you in this life. And what do you do?
You agree with your mind to make a decision based on what you have to prove, and totally ignore it. And totally
ignore it. See, this whole decision transference that takes place - this is the killer in a human being's life.

None of these beings ever got to live out who they are. And the flaws or the difference that we see in them were
all the byproduct of their Not-Self. We never got to experience their uniqueness. We got to experience the way
in which they tried to be something that's not them. That's not them. You don't want to live your life that way.


Here's another example. This is a very strong - this is the Focused and Concentrated. And again, this is somebody
who's focused and concentrated on struggle. And it's split off from this social capacity, the 12 - 22. So we have a
Split Definition. So look, whenever you're looking at a Split Definition, the one thing that'll bring the split
together, so for example, here he has the 59 and he doesn't have the 6, here he is with the 49 and he doesn't
have the 19. Either one of those connections will bring this Split Definition together.

And those two ways in which the Split can be brought together is the focus of this person's conditioning in their
life, and the focus of their mind. So, for example, he doesn't have, he doesn't have the 6, so this is somebody
who is always looking for Intimacy, when in fact, intimacy is not what's natural. Not only is he always looking for
the intimacy, in other words, he's looking for the whole Channel, rather than just living out the Role, but he's
focused on looking for that intimacy - focused on it. So that's what he's looking for.

The second thing he's looking for is Resources. The 19th Gate is the Gate of Territory, the 19th Gate is the Gate
of Resources, the 19th Gate is about having enough Resources, and so instead of living out his 49, he wants to be
the 19. "I want the resources, I need the resources." Here's somebody who is driven by intimacy and the need for
money. They don't get to live out who they are.
Here's another example of a Manifesting Generator that isn't Pure. You've got a Manifesting Aspect here, the 12
- 22, and then of course you have the generating here which is the focus on struggle. You know, his life is focused
on struggle, and then you have the split. He's trying to prove something, he doesn't know who he is, he's an
actor. "Well, in this movie, I was..." It was even really nice for him to repeat the same role for years.

Well, he did that - he did that as this cowboy character, he did that as Dirty Harry, you know, he just found an
identity and lived with it for a while. "Well, that's me."

And then you have the open Ajna Center, and what do we know about people with the open Ajna Center - if you
have an open Ajna Center, you're always trying to pretend that you're certain. Eh?

And if you have an open Head Center, you're always trying to answer questions that other people put into your
head that don't belong to you. And think about what that's like to have an open Ajna Center and you think you're
certain and it doesn't even get to your Throat. That means every time you think you want to say something,
that's not what you say. You end up saying something totally different. This Throat is activated through the
Emotional System. Very common for actors that have either defined Ajnas or open Ajnas that get to the Throat,
or don't get to the Throat, don't get to a motor, that they're looking for something stable. "Okay, here's the
script that'll really work for me. If I read this script I can pretend to be something that I'm not in order to prove
something. In order to prove that I can find intimacy and make money, and have territory.


My favorite of course, is Madame Currie. I told you this joke. She has the open Splenic Center and of course
that's all about the Not-Self strategy of holding onto what isn't good for you, and she kept Uranium in her
pockets, and that's what killed her. And that illustration of how the Not-Self strategy kills you is about as good an
example as you'll ever have about the open Spleen and what can happen to you by holding onto things.

If you're not correct, you see, I would never bother to read the definitions of these people to know them. It's not
the way that I would recognize any of you on a first meeting. I would look at the chart and I would look at the
open Centers and I'd see who's there. I'd see somebody who's trying to prove himself or herself, or I'd see
somebody who holds onto, blah, blah, blah, you see all the Keynotes of the open Centers and you know right
away what you're dealing with - because that's the person.

There's the Not-Self, and there's not only what the person is, but what their mind has convinced them they are,
and at the same time, continues to tell them that it's not good enough, that there's something wrong, that it can
be better; that we can FIX it.

And basically what the mind is saying, the way to fix it is to concretize your conditioning, in other words, always
pretend to be what you're not. And if you can always pretend to be what you're not, your mind is going to be
very happy with you. "Good for you." It'll buck you up when things fail. It'll be right there holding your hand as
long as you're working on what you're not.

And it's powerful. When I look at the Sacral, how the Sacral is described to you, to understand this force, and
then I look at the Not-Self, it's like, yeah, it's quite a challenge, because the Not-Self sinks so deep into the
Generator. It just does. It just sinks so deep. This is the price you pay for having an easy potential, that it's not.

It's not. And it's the most difficult battle of all, because it's the battle of putting mind in its place. In its
place. This is real work. After all, you're Generators. The only holy work is the work on yourself. And in working
on yourself you will have a much deeper connection to the mental plane than the other Types, because of
course, you're always dealing with the Not-Self construct that your mind keeps giving you.

And each time that you go through this process, and remember that the difficulty I describe is basically the first
year or so. That's when it's really difficult. That's when your mind is best equipped to fight with you. And that's
when many of the things you respond to trouble you on the mental plane, because you're not used to being you.

You're not used to the way in which you actually do respond to things.


Once you get to this point, where your mind begins to struggle, it begins to struggle with you because you're
exercising your Sacral. It's really what it is, eh? You're exercising it. You're beginning to use it in the way it was
intended to be used. You're beginning to give it its sense of power, because every time that it's responding
because this is physical, that response is moving through your body. It's a physical experience.

After all, it's not like speaking. Speaking is very much something that's here - it's Throat, But Sacral is coming
from a different place inside of your body. And that sound making is different. The moment that frequency
begins to work more and more for you, and the moment you are following the frequency, this is when the mind
first begins to really struggle with you. You go through your Question and Response episode to get the basics of
yourself to begin to work, your Sacral - you know, the mind goes along with that because it's interesting.

But the mind after that's over would like you to stop now. You know, "Enough now. Okay, that was interesting,
that was very nice, okay, can we go back to our life now? I need a job, what am I going to do? You know, I've got
to do something, I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING NOW." And the mind is driving you crazy, "Come on now, come on
now, enough of this shit! We've got to work! You've got to pay the bills, and there's things to do," and there's

the mind going, "Da da da da da da."

Yeah. That's not easy to deal with. The Generator new in that process, and they're going through this whole thing
of how weird it is, you know, it's different. It's not the way they were trained, they weren't conditioned to be a
Generator. Nobody told them that's the way it worked. Nobody rewarded them for those sounds. Nobody
encouraged them. None of that. It's like it's a totally new experience.

And then it begins to actually work, in the sense that you begin to follow it. And the mind goes BESERK. And you
see, it's in that moment when you're at the point where you can either cross that threshold, or stall. It is very
natural for Generators to get stuck. It's not a failure. You can get to that point very easily. That's the First Step,
and it's easy for every Generator to get into that First Step.

But part of being a Generator is that you're not Metamorphic. Part of being a Generator is that you GO
THROUGH LEVELS TO MASTER THEM. And you can get stuck at these places in which the mind overwhelms you
because you are stuck at a certain level. But you see, if you're in there correctly, if you're in there correctly, and
you keep on working at it, you will break through that point. And by being in there correctly, even when you get
to that point and its greatest tension, yes, you might get stalled for awhile. But it can't really stop you. It can't. It
will make you question things. It will make you wonder. It will raise the necessary things that you have to deal
with - your fears, your level of trust, your stability in the process, the impact of others around you, I mean, come
on. You're adults, you have lives. It's very complex, this process.

And then, once you break through that barrier, then you have a really nice movement. It takes a couple of years.
You have a very nice movement where slowly you begin to appreciate your Sacral.

You begin to see that it's a gift for you. You begin to see that things DO come to you.

You begin to experience the benefits of honoring your Sacral. It does not mean that the mind has given up. The
mind will continually say to you, "Are you sure? You really think that this will work? You really think that that 'Uh
huh' was for real? I mean, you really think, don't you think we should think that over for awhile before you make
that kind of a step, I mean, don't you think it's a little crazy?" And it's your mind. It's not like you can turn it off.

Because it'll say to me, "Aw, you're afraid, eh? You're trying to run away from the truth, eh? We have you, we
have you!" It's just the mind. It's what is does. It doesn't want to give up power. It doesn't.

You read any Eastern Philosophy and they will tell you the same thing. The whole principle is, "Look, it's not the
mind." The mind is Maia. The mind's the exploring experience, the interconnectivity field for all of us. It's our

But it can never tell you the truth. It can't. If you're a Generator, mind will never, ever, your mind for you, ever

tell you the truth. Ever. It's not in the business of doing that. It's in the business of serving your Not-Self and it's
not your mind's fault.

You can blame it on the pituitary glands if you like. They are responsible. Your mind is connected to every aspect
of your being through the pituitary. It's the biological association in the Ajna - the so-called "Master Glands" for
the outer and inner body. And so mind is connected to all of that. Mind thinks it is, or could be, or should be in
control of everything. But you know, mind has those connections so that the world that we explore has a deep
density for us - that we're connected to all of this, and that the moment that you release yourself from the
burden of having to make decisions mentally, your mind improves. Ha, it becomes a better mind.

It begins to do what mind does best, which is to coordinate the conscious experience of life itself. That's all -
your life. The witness. Witness consciousness. Passenger consciousness. Simply taking in, simply taking in, simply
taking in, simply taking in, nothing else to do, after all. There isn't.

I remember the first time I read the Druid Line, "Do without doing and everything gets done." And I thought,
"Funny people." You know? But this is the nature of Being - it all gets done.

You're Generators! You know it all gets done. It does. So as you move through this process, as you go through
that long Pattern, what you're dealing with is not so much that your mind can actually take away your Generator
experience from you, it can't, what it can do is make you still nervous. Mental anxiety. The last weapon of the
mind is anxiety - the anxiety that you've been fooled, the anxiety that you've been tricked, the anxiety that this
is all just a mistake; it's the mental anxiety. And it's the mind's weapon, after all.

It's the weapon of the Ajna Center, "You don't know what the hell you're doing. You don't understand a thing
about life. I wouldn't believe a word you said."

The mind - Wow.

It's at that point that once you get to three and a half years and you get to the change and the critical mass, this
is where you get to the point where you approach fear, and the fear gets deeper and deeper. And it's not that
the fear actually opposes the strategy. The fear is irrational. What comes - the mind, eh? And the mind does
everything - the last gasp of the mind is to pretend that it's crazy. It's the last gasp, so the Generator mind in the
point of fear will invent the most implausible fears, and all of that based on the fact that they reach this wall.
And they reach the wall of recognizing that because they've been involved now in this process long enough, they
actually have come to a place where they don't know, they don't know what's going to happen to them. They
don't know.

Their mind can't help them anymore. It can't. They know that the only way that they live out their lives is
through response, decision through response, and that there's no way of projecting what's going to happen,
because you don't know what's going to come, and you don't know how you're going to respond to it.

Oh, is this an incredible place to be! This is the Seventh Veil going down for the Generator. This is the place
where you're finally at the Gate of the Temple. You're really there. Yet at that moment the mind really will do
everything. It's its last real gasp. As I told you, it will make up the most unreasonable thing. It'll say to you, "What
if somebody asks you to kill Uncle George, and you go, 'Uh huh,' are you going to kill Uncle George?"

It really goes bananas. It tries to find any kind of scenario to terrify you. Anything. Anything. Anything. And there
you are in this intense fear, this intense anxiety that the mind brings.

And again, you're a Generator. It's not like you can wash that away like this. [Snaps his fingers]. It doesn't
happen that way. It doesn't. You have to process the anxiety. Some of you will process it for months. Some of
you will process it for years before Metamorphosis comes. Eh? This is the deepest anxiety. It will not stop you. It

Once you get to three and a half years, you have a critical mass. You have a real change in your body. You have a
real change in your chemistry. You're more who you are than what you're not. So there's a real motion taking

But you see, the mind doesn't care about that. The mind is dealing with you on the mental plane and trying to
drive you and disturb you as deeply as possible on the mental plane so you'll finally give it back Authority.
[Whispering] "Okay, look, we'll be Generators on Wednesdays, okay? But the rest of the time, let's get rid of this
anxiety. Let's stop worrying about tomorrow. Let's create our own tomorrow. Let's be in charge of our lives
again, let's make our way in the world. Let's manifest."

And the Generator's in there going, "Shit, this is what I'm thinking." Eh? It doesn't belong to you. It's just passing
through. It has no ability, truly no ability, no Authority, and no true capacity to guide your life.

I'm sixteen years in the process. My mind is still there. My mind still knows how to reach my open Centers and
try to propagandize their strategies. It hasn't forgotten. It's like riding a bicycle, it never forgets. It's there. But it
sits in the recess. It's back in the corner somewhere, and basically it picks its shots now.

It waits for a moment that it thinks, "Maybe, maybe, maybe we've got a shot today. Let's see if we can get him to
do something." You know? It never goes away. It never goes away, its mind after all.


This whole thing about balance, living out your Design, honoring your Strategy brings real balance in your

process. It just does. And the moment that the Generator is in tune, because it's attuned, it's music, eh? The
Sacral Center is a frequency. If the frequency was somehow turned into a - it's a low frequency - see, there are
people who think they hear a hum all the time. They're all over the planet. It's a low frequency. They're blaming
the military for this, [laughter] because they use low frequency to contact submarines. But the Sacral puts out a
low frequency, and if you could hear it, you would hear that it is a tone, its music; it's a frequency, after all.

We have an un-tuned world. And to me, Generators are un-tuned instruments. They're beautiful, they have this
wonderful potential, and at the same time every time they play a note, it hurts my ears. And it's all about tuning,
and the moment that the Generator begins operating correctly, they become tuned. And it means their
frequency; their very frequency has an even greater effect in that sense, because it's correct. And it's in tune.
And it's all about that. It's the real music, if you will

If all of us could live in a world of generated harmony, wouldn't that be a nice world? Wouldn't that be a lovely
place? Well, I'm going to keep my shoes on. I don't expect anything. However, however, for each of you to see
something about being a Generator - you're each in a way metaphors for Eden. You're the ones who have truly
been thrown out - to go forth and multiply and to learn that the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge are your
trees. They're your trees.

And my experience is that this knowledge is the fruit of those trees. There is so much. There is so much that can
be transformed on this planet when you're correct. This is your movie. And you're out here in the world. It's the
world that you've made. It's the world you've made on this journey of producing and nurturing. It's the world
you've made. And it's a world that can be remade in your own image.

That's your godliness. You know, that Generators can change the world - you can change your world. You can
change your life. It's just about honoring the strategy, and don't be afraid of the fear. And don't trust your minds.
And have fun.

Last time, that's all.


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