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Measurable Achievable Relevant to bound

Month Objective Specific Tasks Targets Steps Mission Targets
Organize a High- Secure venue, Informing,
Quality National invite guest inspiring, and End of
Program on SDGs Plan workshop on each Attract 100+ speakers, promote engaging about 1st
1 Awareness SDG attendees event UN month
Organize a
Professional Invite experts to conduct a Coordinate with
Knowledge Sharing training session on Active speakers, prepare Building support Within
Session on advocacy strategies for participation materials, for UN among 1st
1 Advocacy SDGs of 20 members schedule session students month
Establish present
Partnerships with Identify potential partner Establish collaboration Partnering to End of
Local Organizations organizations aligned with partnerships opportunities, promote and 2nd
2 for SDG Initiatives SDGs with 2 orgs negotiate terms improve the UN month
Conduct a Survey Develop survey Obtain Distribute survey Informing,
to Assess Members' questionnaire to test responses electronically, inspiring, and End of
Understanding and members' knowledge and from at least encourage engaging about 2nd
2 Engagement engagement with SDGs 50% members participation UN month
Compile and Allocate time for Informing, 1st 2
Analyze Survey Summary analysis and inspiring, and weeks of
Results to Inform Review survey data, report with key reflection on engaging about the
3 Future Initiatives produce summary report findings survey results UN month
Collaborate with
Organize a partners, set clear
Collaborative SDG Identify specific SDG objectives,
Project or project or campaign theme, Launch and allocate resources Delivering high- 2nd half
Campaign with mobilize resources for implement for effective quality programs of 3rd
3 Partner Orgs implementation project implementation and events month

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