All Prescriptions of Pharm

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Abdullah Sabah & Mohammed Shakir Hanoon

contact : 89170691576

Unit № 6

1-Pilocarpine hydrochloride (Pilocarpini hydrochloridum) 1% and 2% solution in

10 mL bottles (vials).
1) treatment of glaucoma
2) functional antagonist of M-cholinoblockers

Rp :. Sol . Pilocarpini hydrochloride 1% - 10ml

D.S. 2 – 3 drops in eye (drop wise)

2-Proserin (Proserinum) 0,05% solution in 1 ml. ampules

1) anticholinesterase with reversible action
2) stimulation of peristalsis in the postoperative period
3) treatment of neuritis
4) acute poisoning caused by M-cholinoblockers
5) improvement of the tone of skeletal muscles
6) functional antagonist of M-cholinoblockers

Rp :. Sol . Proserini 0.05% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. I/M

3-Armin (Arminum) 0,01% solution in 10 mL bottles (vials).
1) treatment of glaucoma
2) anticholinesterase with irreversible action
3) functional antagonist of M-cholinoblockers
4) organophosphorus compound, reducing intraocular pressure

Rp :. Sol . Armini 0.01% - 10ml

D.S. 1 – 2 drops in eye (for 2 – 3 days)

4-Atropine sulfate (Atropini sulfas) 0,1% solution in 1 ml. ampules, 1% solution in

10 ml. bottle
1) treatment of stomach ulcer and duodenum ulcer
2) prevention of reflex bradycardia
3) treatment of atrioventricular heart block
4) examination of ophthalmic fundus
5) elimination (relief) of spasm of smooth muscle
6) identification of true refraction when prescribing glasses
7) acute poisoning caused by M-cholinomimetics
8) acute poisoning caused by anticholinesterases
9) functional antagonist of Mcholinomimetics
01( functional antagonist of anticholinesterase agents
11) medicine, administered before anesthesia to prevent bronchospasm

Rp :. Sol . Atropini sulfati 0.1% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. I/M 1ml

Rp :. Atropini sulfati 1% - 10ml

D.S. 2 – 3 drops in eyes

5-Pirenzepine (gastrozepine) (Pirenzepine) 0,5% solution in 2ml. ampules, 0,05 gr.
1) treatment of stomach ulcer and duodenum ulcer

Rp :. Sol . Pirenzepini 0.5% - 2ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . I/M

Rp :. Pirenzepini 0.05
D.t.d.N. 20
S. 1 – 2 tab 2 t/d

6-Troventol (Troventolum) 15 ml. Spray bottle, containing 0,0125 of powder

1) relief of bronchial asthma
2) M-cholinoblockers in aerosol

Rp :. Aerosulum . Troventoli 0.0125 – 15ml

D.S. 2 inlalation 3 t/d

Abdullah Sabah & Mohammed Shakir Hanoon
contact : 89170691576

Unit № 7
1-Benzohexonium (Benzohexonium) 2,5% solution in 1 ml. ampules
1) relief of hypertensive crisis
2) treatment of pulmonary edema
3) medicine having spasmolytic activity
4) relief of bronchial asthma
5) treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Rp :. Sol . Benzohexonii 2.5% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. 1ml in I/M

2-Hygronium (Hygronium) Bottles, with 0,1 gr. of powder

1) controlled hypotension
2) treatment of brain edema
3) short-acting ganglionic blocker.

Rp :. Hygronii 0.1
D.t.d.N. 10
S. dissolve 0.1 in 100ml of Nacl solution I/V drop wise

3-Pentamine (Pentaminum) 5% solution in 1 or 2 ml. ampules

1) relief of hypertensive crisis
2) treatment of pulmonary edema
3) medicine having spasmolytic activity
4) treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Rp :. Sol . Pentamini 5% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. 1ml in I/M

4-Pipecuronium bromide (Pipecuronium bronidum) Ampules with 0,004 gr. of
1) relaxation of skeletal muscles
2) antidepolyarising muscle relaxants

Rp :. Pipecuronii bronidi 0.004

D.t.d.N. 10
S. dissolve 0.004 in 4ml of isotonic solution I/V 3ml

5-Dithylin (Dithylinum) 2% solution in 5 or 10 ml. ampules

1) muscle relaxation during intubation of the trachea
2) depolarising muscle relaxant
3) short-acting muscle relaxant
4) relaxation of skeletal muscles

Rp :. Sol . Dithylini 2% - 10ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. I/v 10ml

Unit № 8

1-Adrenaline hydrochloride (Adrenalini hydrochloridum) 0,1% solution in 1 ml.

1) α,β - adrenergic agonists
2) to enhance the effect of local anesthetics
3) for the treatment of sinus bradycardia

Rp :. Sol . Adrenalini hydrochloridi 0.1% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 20 in amp
S. 1ml in S/C

2-Mesatonum (Phenylephrine) (Mesatonum) 1% solution in 1 ml. ampules

1) for the treatment of acute vascular weakness (failure)
2) vasopressor agent (medicine)

Rp :. Sol . Mesatoni 1% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1mg dissolve in 100ml of Nacl solution I/V dropwise

3-Naphthyzin (Sanorin) (Naphthyzinum) 0,1% solution in 10 ml.bottles

1) for the treatment of acute rhinitis

Rp :. Sol . Naphthyzini 0.1% - 10ml

D.S. 2 – 3 drops in nose

4-Isadrine (Isadrinum) 0,005 gr. Tablets
1) 1, 2 - adrenergic agonists.
2) for the treatment of atrioventricular block

Rp :. Tab . Isadrini 0.005

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 1 tab sublingually

5-Fenoterol (berotec) (Fenoterol) 15 ml. aerosol sprayers, containing 0,04 gr. of

1) for relief of asthma attack
2) a bronchodilator agent for inhalation
3) 2-adrenergic agonist

Rp :. Aerosolum . Fenotroli 0.04 – 15ml

D.S. 2 inhalation 3 t/d

6-Prazosin (Prazosinum) 0,001 gr. Tablets

1) α1 – adrenergic blocker

Rp :. Tab . Prazosini 0.001

D.t.d.N. 20
S. 1 tab 2 t/d

7-Anapriline (Anaprilinum) 0,25% solution in 1 ml. ampules, 0,01 (0,04) gr.

1) for the treatment of hypertension

Rp :. Tab . Anaprilini 0.01 Rp :. Anaprilini 0.25% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 D.t.d.N.10 in amp
S. 1 tab 3 - 4 t/d S. dissolve in 10ml of Nacl solution I/V

8-Atenolol (Atenololum) 0,05 gr. Tablets
1) cardiospecific -adrenergic blocker
2) for the treatment of coronary heart disease
3) for the treatment of sinus tachycardia
4) for the treatment of hypertension

Rp :. Tab . Atenololi 0.05

D.t.d.N. 20
S. 1 tab 2 t/d

Unit № 10
1- Halophane (Phthorothanum) 50 ml. bottles
1. inhalation anesthesia
2. basis anesthesia

Rp :. Phthorothani 50 ml
D.S inhalation anesthesia before surgery.
2- Thiopental sodium (Thiopentalum-natrium) Bottles containing 1 gr. of powder
1. non inhalation narcosis
2. anesthetic drug – barbiturate
3. relief of convulsive disorder
4. non inhalation anasthetic for medium-duration narcosis
5. anesthetic in solid dosage form

Rp :. Thiopentali natrii 0.1

D.t.d. N. 10
S. 1g dissolve in 10ml of Nacl solution I/V.
3- Ketamine hydrochloride (Ketamini hydrochloridum) 5% solution in 2 ml. ampules
1. non inhalation narcosis
2. drug that causes "dissociative anesthesia
3. initial anesthesia

Rp :. Sol. Ketamini hydrochloridi 5% - 2ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. 2ml in I/V
4- Propanidid (Propanididum) 5% solution in 10 ml. ampules
1. non inhalation narcosis
2. non inhalation anesthetic for short-acting narcosis

Rp :. Sol. Propanididi 5% - 10ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. 5ml I/V
5- Sodium hydroxybutyrate (Natrii oxybutiras) 20% solution in 10 ml.ampules
1. anesthetic drug – derivation of hydroxy-butyric acid
2. non inhalation anesthetic for long-acting narcosis
3. drug increasing the brain resistance to hypoxia

Rp :. Sol. Natrii oxybutirai 20% - 10ml

D.t.d.N.10 in amp
S. 25ml in I/V (S. max – 42ml , mini – 25ml)

6- Desulfiram (Teturamum) 0,25 gr. Tablets

1. a drug inhibiting the oxidation of ethyl alcohol
2. treatment of alcoholism

Rp :. Tab. Desulfirami 0.25

D.t.d.N. 10
S. per os according to scheme Contains little amount of alcohol.

Unit № 11
1- Nitrazepam (Nitrazepamum) 0,005 gr. Tablets
1- the treatment of insomnia
2- a hypnotic drug to counteract addiction to barbiturates
3- the agonist of benzodiazepine receptors
4- hypnotic drug with weak rebound phenomenon

Rp :- Tab. Nitrazepami 0.005

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 20 – 30 minutes before sleep.
2- Diazepam (relanium) (Diazepamum) 0,5% solution in 2 ml. ampules, 0,005 gr. Tablets

1- the treatment of insomnia

2- a hypnotic drug to counteract addiction to barbiturates
3- the agonist of benzodiazepine receptors
4- hypnotic drug with weak rebound phenomenon
5- hypnotic drug with anxiolytic action

Rp :- Tab. Diazepami 0.005

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 20 – 30 minutes before sleep.

6- for the relief of convulsive disorder

7- hypnotic drug for parenteral administration

Rp :- Sol. Diazepami 0.5% - 2ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. 2 ml in I/V.

3- Zolpidem (Zolpidem) 0,005 gr. Tablets
1- the treatment of insomnia
2- a drug with little impact on "structure" of sleep
3- hypnotic drug with weak rebound phenomenon

Rp :- Tab. Zolpidemi 0.005

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 20 – 30 minutes before sleep.

4- Phenobarbital (Phenobarbitalum) 0,1 gr. Tablets

1- a barbiturate
2- for prevention of large seizures caused by epilepsy
3- for prevention of partial seizures caused by epilepsy
It is a antiepileptic drug

Rp :- Tab. Phenobarbitali 0.1

D.t.d.N. 10
S. per os according to scheme.

5- Dyphenine (Dipheninum) 0,117 gr. Tablets

1- for prevention of large seizures caused by epilepsy
2- a hypnotic drug to counteract addiction to barbiturates
3- antiepileptic drug with no drowsiness effect

Rp :- Tab. Diphenini 0.117

D.t.d.N. 10
S. per os according to scheme.

6- Carbamazepine (Сarbamazepinum) 0,2 gr. Tablets
1- for prevention of large seizures caused by epilepsy
2- for prevention of partial seizures caused by epilepsy
3- pain relief in trigeminal neuralgia

Rp :- Tab. Сarbamazepini 0.2

D.t.d.N. 10
S. per os according to scheme.

7- Ethosuximide (Ethosuximidum) 0,25 gr. Capsules

1- for prevention of small seizures caused by epilepsy
2- antiepileptic drug with no drowsiness effect

Rp :- Ethosuximidi 0.25
D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S. per os according to scheme.

8- Cyclodol (Сyclodolum) 0,002 gr. Tablets

1- antiparkinsonian agent with central anticholinergic activity

Rp :- Tab. Сyclodoli 0.002

D.t.d.N. 10
S. per os according to scheme.

9- Levodopa (Levodopa) 0,25 gr. tablets and capsules

1- antiparkinsonian agent (drug), which is a precursor of dopamine

Rp :- Tab. Levodopi 0.25

D.t.d.N. 10
S. per os according to scheme.

Unit № 12
1- Morphine hydrochloride (Morphini hydrochloridum) 1% solution in 1 ml.ampules
1- pain relief in myocardial infarction
2- dyspnea caused by acute left ventricular failure
3- prevention of traumatic shock
4- potentiation of effects produced by anesthetics
5- pain relief in renal colic
6- pain relief in inoperable malignant neoplasms
7- agonist of opioid receptors
8- preparation for surgery
9- pain relief in the postoperative period

Rp :. Sol. Morphini hydrochloridi 1% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amps
S. 1ml in S/C , I/V , I/M .

2- Promedol (Promedolum) 1 and 2% solution in 1 ml. ampules

1- labor pain relief
2- pain relief in myocardial infarction
3- prevention of traumatic shock
4- potentiation of effects produced by anesthetics
5- pain relief in inoperable malignant neoplasms
6- pain relief in renal colic
7- agonist of opioid receptors
8- preparation for surgery
9- pain relief in the postoperative period

Rp :. Sol. Promedoli 1% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amps
S. 1ml in S/C .

3- Fentanyl citrate (Phentanyli citras) 0,005% solution in 2 and 5 ml. ampules
1- an analgesic of short-time action
2- dyspnea caused by acute left ventricular failure
3- prevention of traumatic shock
4- potentiation of effects produced by anesthetics
5- pain relief in renal colic
6- pain relief in inoperable malignant neoplasms
7- agonist of opioid receptors
8- preparation for surgery
9- pain relief in the postoperative period
10- pain relief in myocardial infarction (1ml in I/V)
11- neuroleptanalgesia (1ml in I/V)

Rp :. Sol. Phentanyli citras 0.005% - 5ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amps
S. 1ml in I/M .

4- Tramadol (tramal) (Tramadolum) 5% solution in 1 ml. ampules, 0,05 gr. Capsules

1- an analgesic in capsules
2- an agonist-antagonist of opioid receptors

Rp :. Sol. Tramadoli 5% - 1ml Rp :. Tramadoli 0.05

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp D.t.d.N. 10 in Caps
S. 1ml in I/M . S. 1 capsule 2 t/d

5- Loperamide (imodium) (Loperamidum) 0,002 gr. Tablets

1- diarrhea
2- an agonist-antagonist of opioid receptors

Rp :. Tab. Loperamidi 0.002

D.t.d.N. 10
S. per os according to scheme

Unit № 13
1- Paracetamol (panadol) (Paracetamolum) 0,5 gr. Tablets
1) relief of febricity
2) headache
3) treatment of neuralgia
4) an analgesic-antipyretic
5) for toothache

Rp :. Tab . Paracetamoli 0.5

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

2- Analgin (Analginum) 50% solution in 1 ml.ampules, 0,5 gr.tablets

1) an analgesic for parenteral administration
2) relief of febricity
3) headache
4) treatment of neuralgia
5) for toothache
6) an analgesic-antipyretic

Rp :. Sol . Analgini 50% - 1ml Rp :. Tab. Analgini 0.5

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 ml in I/M S . 1 tab 2 t/d

3- Baralgin (maxigan) (Baralgin) 5 ml. ampules, tablets
1) an analgesic for parenteral administration
2) headache
3) treatment of neuralgia
4) relief of biliary colic
5) a drug containing analgin and substances with spasmolytic activity

Rp :. Baralgini 5ml
D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 5 ml in I/M

4- Ketorolac (ketorol) (Ketorolac) 3% solution in 1 ml.ampules, 0,01 gr. Tablets

1) an analgesic for parenteral administration
2) headache
3) treatment of neuralgia
4) non-steroidal antiinflammatory agent
5) for toothache

Rp :. Sol . Ketoroli 3% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml in I/M

5- Acetylsalicylic acid (аspirin) (Acidum acetylsalicylicum) 0,5 gr. Tablets

1) headache
2) for toothache
3) treatment of neuralgia
4) treatment of rheumatism
5) treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Rp :. Tab . Ac . acetylsalicylici 0.5

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

6- Diclofenac-sodium (orthophen) 2,5% solution in 3 ml. ampules
(Diklofenak-natrium) 0,025 gr. Tablets
1) an analgesic for parenteral administration
2) headache
3) for toothache
4) treatment of neuralgia
5) treatment of arthritis
6) treatment of myositis
7) treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
8) non-steroidal antiinflammatory agent
9) myocarditis

Rp :. Sol . Orthopheni 2.5% - 3ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 3ml in I/M

7- (Ibuprofenum) Ibuprofen (nurofen) 0,2 gr. Tablets

1) headache
2) treatment of neuralgia
3) treatment of myositis
4) treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
5) non-steroidal antiinflammatory agent
6) for toothache

Rp :. Tab . Ibuprofeni 0.2

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

9- Meloxicam (movalis) (Meloxicam) 0,0075 gr. Tablets
1) headache
2) for toothache
3) treatment of neuralgia
4) non-steroidal antiinflammatory agent
5) myocarditis
6) a selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2.

Rp :. Tab . Meloxicami 0.0075

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

10- Glaucin hydrochloride (Glaucini hydrochloridum) 0,05 gr. Tablets

1) treatment of arthritis
2) an antitussic (cough reliever)

Rp :. Tab . Glaucini hydrochloridi 0.05

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

Unit № 14
0-Valerian tincture (Tinctura Valerianae) 30 ml. bottles
1) treatment of neurosis
2) a sedative
3) insomnia
4) a drug removing the feeling of fear and nervous tension

Rp :. Tincturae Valerianae 30ml

D.S. 20 drops per os 2-3 times a day.

2-Novo-Passit (Novo-Passit) 100 ml. bottles

1) treatment of neurosis
2) a sedative
3) insomnia
4) a drug removing the feeling of fear and nervous tension

Rp :. Novopassiti 100ml
D.S. 1 tablespoon 3 t/d per os

3-Aminazin (Aminazinum) 2,5% solution in 2 ml. ampules, 0,025 gr. Pills

1) potentiation of anesthetics’ effect
2) potentiation of opioid analgesics
3) antipsychotic agent for parenteral administration
4) relief of hypertensic crisis
5) treatment of psychosis
6) stopping vomiting
7) relief of psychomotor agitation

Rp :. Sol . Aminazini 2.5 % - 2ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . dissolve 2ml in Novocin solution (any local Anesthesia) I/M or
Dissolve in 10ml of Nacl solution I/V
Rp :. Drgee Aminazini 0.25
D.t.d.N. 10
S. 1 pill 3 t/d of meal

4-Dehydrobenzperidol; droperidol (Droperidolum) 0,25% solution in 2 ml.

1) potentiation of anesthetics’ effect
2) potentiation of opioid analgesics
3) antipsychotic agent for parenteral administration
4) relief of hypertensic crisis
5) treatment of psychosis
6) stopping vomiting
7) relief of psychomotor agitation
8) neuroleptanalgesia

Rp :. Sol . Droperidoli 0.25% - 2ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. 2ml in I/M , I/V

5-Phenazepam (Phenazepamum( 0,3% solution in 1 ml. ampules, 0,0005 gr. Tablets

1) treatment of neurosis
2) a drug removing the feeling of fear and nervous tension
3) insomnia
4) potentiation of anesthetics’ effect
5) potentiation of opioid analgesics
6) anxiolytic for parenteral administration.
7) relief of psychomotor agitation
8) the most active anxiolytic
9) treatment of alcoholism withdrawal syndrome
10) anxiolitic with central muscle-relaxing effect

Rp :. Sol . Phenazepami 0.3% - 3ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. 1ml in I/M

6-Mezapam (Mezapamum) 0,01 gr. Tablets
1) treatment of neurosis
2) a drug removing the feeling of fear and nervous tension
3) insomnia
4) potentiation of anesthetics’ effect
5) potentiation of opioid analgesics
6) treatment of alcoholism withdrawal syndrome
7) anxiolytic witout hypnotic effect

Rp :. Tab . Mezapami 0.01

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 1 tab 1 t/d

7-Chlordiazepoxide, (Chlozepide) elenium (Chlordiazepoxidum) 0,005 (0,025) gr.

pills, tablets, capsules
1) treatment of neurosis
2) potentiation of anesthetics’ effect
3) a drug removing the feeling of fear and nervous tension
4) insomnia
5) potentiation of opioid analgesics
6) treatment of alcoholism withdrawal syndrome

Rp :. Tab . Chlozepidi 0.005

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 1 tab 1 t/d

8-Diazepam (relanium) (Diazepamum) 0,005 gr. tablets
1) treatment of neurosis
2) a drug removing the feeling of fear and nervous tension
3) insomnia
4) potentiation of anesthetics’ effect
5) potentiation of opioid analgesics
6) treatment of alcoholism withdrawal syndrome
7) anxiolitic with central muscle-relaxing effect

Rp :. Tab . Diazepami 0.005

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

Abdullah Sabah & Mohammed Shakir Hanoon

Unit № 15

1-Caffeine sodiobenzoate (Coffeinum-natrii benzoas) 20% solution in 2 ml.

1) acute poisoning caused by drugs, inhibiting the central nervous system
2) hypotension
3) a psychomotor stimulant
4) a faster recovery of psychomotor reactions in postanesthetic emergence
5) relief of acute poisoning caused by soporific medicines
6) to stimulate mental activity
7) functional antagonist to anesthesics
8) mental fatigue.

Rp :. Sol . Coffeini-natrii benzoasi 20% - 2ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. 2ml in S/C

2-Piracetam (nootropil) (Pyracetamum) 20% solution in 5 ml. ampules, 0,4 gr.

1) improvement of learning
2) nootropic drug
3) psychostimulant when there is dementia
4) after brain injury with the aim of improving motor and mental activity
5) psychometabolic stimulant
6) improvement of brain tissue resistence to hypoxia
7) to stimulate mental activity

Rp :. Sol . Pyracetami 20% - 5ml Rp :. Pyracetami 0.4

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S. 5ml in I/M or I/V S. 1 caps 3 t/d

3-Pycamilon (Picamilonum) 0,02 gr. Tablets
1) improvement of learning
2) nootropic drug
3) psychostimulant when there is dementia
4) after brain injury with the aim of improving motor and mental activity
5) psychometabolic stimulant
6) improvement of brain tissue resistence to hypoxia
7) to stimulate mental activity

Rp :. Tab . Pycamiloni 0.02

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 1 tab 2 t/d

4-Imisine (imipramine) (Imizinum) 0,025 gr. Tablets

1) treatment of depression

Rp :. Tab . Imisini 0.025

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 1 tab 3 t/d

5-Ginseng tincture (Tinctura Ginseng) 50 ml. bottles

1) hypotension
2) to stimulate mental activity
3) a tonic drug

Rp :. Tincturai Ginsengi 50ml

D.S. 15 – 25 drops 2 t/d

6-Cordiamine (Cordiaminum) 25% solution in 2 ml. ampules
1) acute poisoning caused by drugs, inhibiting the central nervous system
2) hypotension
3) relief of acute poisoning caused by soporific medicines
4) a faster recovery of psychomotor reactions in postanesthetic emergence
5) functional antagonist to anesthesics
6) analeptic agent (drug)

Rp :. Sol . Cordiamini 25% - 2ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. 2ml in S/C

Unit № 17

1-Novocaine (Novocainum) 1% solution in 5 ml. ampules, 0,5% sterile solution

in200 ml. bottles
1) conduction anesthesia
2) infiltration anesthesia

2-Senade (Senade) 0,0135 gr. Tablets

1) a laxative containing anthraglycosides
2) permanent constipation
3) a laxative of vegetable origin
4) a laxative that does not affect the digestive process
5) a laxative, affecting mainly the large intestine

3-Bisacodyl (Bisacodylum) 0,005 gr. Tablets

1) permanent constipation
2) a laxative that does not affect the digestive process

4-Magnesium sulfate (Magnesii sulfas) 25 gr. Powder

1) a laxative for curing acute intoxication caused by hypnotics
2) saline purge
3) a laxative, affecting the entire intestine
4) a laxative, provoking mechanioreceptors of the intestinal tract

5-Ambroxol (ambrobene) (Ambroxol) 0,03 gr. Tablets
1) mucolytic medicine

6-Althaea root infusion (Infusum radicis Althaeae) 180 ml. infusion in bottles
1) an expectorant with reflectory action
2) a medicine stimulating expectoration (spitting).

7-Allochol (Allocholum) Tablets

1) treatment of chronic cholecystitis
2) medicine stimulating the production of bile

8-Essentiale (Essentiale) 0,3 gr. Capsules

1) a hepatoprotective drug
2) treatment of chronic hepatitis

Unit № 18

1- Celanidi (Celanidum) 0,000 25 gr. Tablets

2- Digoxin (Digoxinum) 0,025% solution for injections in 1 ml. ampules, 0,000 25

gr. Tablets

1- atrial paroxysmal tachycardia

2- the tachysystole form of atrial fibrillation
3- cardiac glycoside with strong vagal effect
4- the treatment of chronic circulatory deficiency

 cardiac arthmia
 support of normal function of heart

Rp :. Sol . Digoxini 0.025% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml dissolve in 200ml of Nacl solution I/V dropwise OR
) With 10ml of 5% solution of glucose (

3- K-Strophanthin (Strophanthinum K) 0,025% solution for injections in 1ml.

1- the treatment of acute circulatory deficiency

2- atrial paroxysmal tachycardia
3- cardiac glycoside with a small cumulation
4- cardiac glycoside of short-term effect
5- cardiac glycoside with low absorption from gastrointestinal tract

Rp :. Sol . Strophanthini K 0.025% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml dissolve in 10ml of Nacl solution I/V OR
) With 10ml of 5% solution of glucose(

4- Corglyconum 0,06% solution for injections in 1 ml. ampules

1- lily-of-the-valley galenic medicine

2- the treatment of acute circulatory deficiency
3- atrial paroxysmal tachycardia
4- cardiac glycoside of short-term effect
5- cardiac glycoside with low absorption from gastrointestinal tract

Rp :. Sol . Corglyconi 0.06% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml dissolve in 10ml of Nacl solution I/V Slowly

5- Herbal infusion of spring adonis (Infusum herbae Adonidis vernalis) infusion

(1:30) in 180 ml. bottles

1- the treatment of chronic circulatory deficiency

2- adonis galenic medicine.

Rp :. Inf . herbae Adonidis vernalis 6.0 – 180ml

D.S. 1 tablespoon 3 t/d

6- Panangin 10 ml. ampules, pills (pellets)

1- potassium medicines to cure intoxication caused by cardiac glycosides

2- prevention of intoxication caused by cardiac glycosides

Rp :. Panangini 10ml
D.t.d. N. 10 in amp
S . 10ml dissolve in 200ml of 5% glucose solution I/V dropwise


Rp :. Dragee . Panangini N. 10
D.S. 1 pill 3 t/d

Unit № 19

1- Procainamide hydrochloride (Novocainamidum) 10% solution for injections in
5 ml. ampules, 0,5 gr tablets

1. the treatment of premature atrial contraction

2. medicine with hypotensive action
3. relief of atrial paroxysmal tachycardia
4. the treatment of atrial fibrillation
5. IA subgroup

Rp :. Tab . Novocainamidi 0.5 Rp :. Sol . Novocainamidi 10% - 5ml

D.t.d.N. 10 D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. 1 tab 4 t/d (every 6 hours ) S. 5ml dissolving in 200ml of Glucose
solution I/V slowly

2- Lidocaine hydrochloride (Lidocaini hydrochloridum) 2% solution for injections

in 2 ml. ampule

1. the treatment of ventricular arrhythmia

2. medicine, which is effective only for ventricular arrhythmia
3. medicine, which inhibits the atrioventricular conduction slightly
4. the treatment of arrhythmia caused by intoxication of cardiac glycosides
5. medicine with local anaesthetic activity

Rp :. Sol . Lidocaini hydrochloridi 2% - 2ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. I/V dropwise after dissolving 6ml in 5% glucose solution

3- Propafenone 0,15 gr. Tablets

1. the treatment of premature atrial contraction

2. relief of atrial paroxysmal tachycardia
3. the treatment of atrial fibrillation
4. medicine with hypotensive action
5. IC subgroup.

Rp :. Tab . Propafenoni 0,15

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 1 tab 3 t/d

4- Metoprolol (Metoprololum) 0,1% solution for injecttions in 5 ml. ampules,

tablets 0,1 g

1. the treatment of premature atrial contraction

2. the treatment of atrial fibrillation
3. medicine with hypotensive action
4. sinus tachycardia, orally / tab
5. -adrenoreceptor blocking agent group
6. group II
7. medicine with antianginal action

Rp :. Sol . Metoprololi 0.1% - 5ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. I/V slowly after dissolving 50ml of 5% glucose solution

Rp :. Tab . Metoprololi 0.1

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 1 tab 2 t/d

5- Amiodarone (cordarone) (Amiodaronum) 5% solution for injecttions in 3 ml.

ampules, tablets 0,2 gr.

1. the treatment of premature atrial contraction

2. relief of atrial paroxysmal tachycardia
3. the treatment of atrial fibrillation

4. medicine with antianginal action
5. antiarrhythmic from group III
6. potassium channel blocker

Rp :. Sol . Amiodaroni 5% - 3ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. I/V slowly after dissolving 200ml of 5% glucose solution

Rp :. Tab . Amiodaroni 0.2

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 1 tab 3 t/d

6- Verapamil (isoptin) 0,25% solution for injections in 2 ml.

7- (Verapamilum) ampules, tablets 0,04 g

1. sinus tachycardia, orally

2. group IV
3. calcium channel blockers group
4. medicine, which is effective only for the atrial arrhythmia
5. medicine with antianginal action

Rp :. Sol . Verapamili 0.25% - 2ml

D.t.d.N.10 in amp
S. I/V slowly after dissolving 200ml of 5% glucose solution

Rp :. Tab . Verapamili 0.04

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 1 tab 3 t/d

8- Atropine sulfate (Atropini sulfas) 0,1% solution for injections in 1 ml. ampules

1. sinus bradycardia
2. the treatment of atrioventricular blockade

Rp :. Sol . Atropini sulfas 0.1% - 1ml
D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S. 1ml in I/M or I/V

Unit № 20

1. Nitroglycerin (Nitroglycerinum) 0,1% solution for injections in 10 ml. ampules,
0,0005 gr. Tablets

1- relief of a heart stroke

2- the treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
3- the medicine which reduces oxygen requirement of cardiac muscle
4- the medicine, which reduces oxygen requirement of cardiac muscle and
improves its blood supply
5- antianginal drug for parenteral administration
6- antianginal drug from organic nitrates group
7- antianginal drug for curing acute cardiac failure

Rp :. Tab . Nitroglycerini 0.0005

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

Rp :. Sol . Nitroglycerini 0.1% - 10ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . I/V dropwise after dissolving 10ml in 100ml of isotonic solution

2. Nitrosorbidum Tablets 0,01 gr

1- the treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

2- the medicine which reduces oxygen requirement of cardiac muscle
3- the medicine, which reduces oxygen requirement of cardiac muscle and
improves its blood supply
4- antianginal drug from organic nitrates group
5- for the preventive treatment of heart stroke

Rp :. Tab . Nitrosorbidi 0.01

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 3 – 4 t/d

3. Amlodipine Tablets 0,005 gr

1- calcium channel blockers group medicine

2- the treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

3- the medicine which reduces oxygen requirement of cardiac muscle
4- the medicine, which reduces oxygen requirement of cardiac muscle and
improves its blood supply
5- antianginal drug with the antihypertensive activity

Rp :. Tab . Amlodipini 0.005

D.t.d.N. 10
S. 1tab 2 t/d

4. Talinolol (Talinololum) Pills 0,05 gr

1- the treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

2- the medicine which reduces oxygen requirement of cardiac muscle
3- for the preventive treatment of heart stroke
4- antianginal drug with antiarrhythmic effect
5- antianginal drug with the antihypertensive activity
6- cardioselective - adrenoreceptor blocking agent

Rp :. Tab . Talinololi 0.05

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2t/d

5. Trimetazidine (Preductal) (Trimetazidinum) Tablets 0,02 gr

1- the treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

2- for the preventive treatment of heart stroke
3- cardioprotective medicine which increases the immunity of the
cardiomyocytes to the ischemia.

Rp :. Trimetazidini 0.02
D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 3 t/d

6. Papaverine hydrochloride (Papaverini hydrochloridum) 2% solution for

injections in 2 ml. ampules

7. No-Spa 2% solution for injections in 2 ml. ampules, tablets 0,04 gr

1- the medicine with a significant antispasmodic activity

2- the medicine which improves the microcirculation and the blood rheological

Rp :. Tab . No-Spai 0.04

D.t.d.n. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

Rp :. Tab . ´´ No-Spa ´´ N . 0.04

Rp :. Sol . No-Spai 2% - 2ml

D.t.d.n. 10
S . I/V slowly after dissolving 2ml in 10 ml of isotonic solution

8. Pentoxifylline 2% solution for injections in 5 ml. ampules

1- the medicine which improves the cerebral circulation

2- the medicine which improves the microcirculation and the blood rheological

Rp :. Sol . Pentoxifyllini 2% - 5ml

D.t.d.n. 10
S . I/V dropwise after dissolving 5ml in 200 ml of isotonic solution

Rp :. Tab . Pentoxifyllini 0.1

D.t.d.n. 10
S . 1 tab 2 – 3 t/d

9. (Pentoxyphyllinum) pules, tablets 0,1 gr.

10.Troxevasin Capsules 0,3 gr.

1- vasoprotective medicine

Rp :. Troxevasini 0.3
D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S 1 caps 2 – 3 t/d

Unit № 21

1- Dibazol (Dibazolum) 0,5 and 0,1% solution for injections in 5 ml. ampules

1- relief of hypertensive crisis I//M

2- the antihypertensive drug of musculotropic action
3- the peripheral vasodilator

Rp :. Sol . Dibazoli 0.5% - 5ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 3ml I/M

2- Clonidine (Clophelinum) 0,01% solution for injections in 1 ml.

- ampules, 0,000075 gr. Tablets

1- the medicine reducing the tonus of vasomotor centre

2- relief of hypertensive crisis
3- antihypertensive drug of the central neurotropic action
4- central 2-adrenoceptor agonist

Rp :. Sol . Clophelini 0.01% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml I/M

Rp :. Sol . Clophelini 0.01% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml I/V slowly after dissolving in 10ml Nacl solution or I/M

Rp :. Tab . Clophelini 0.000075

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

3- Bisoprolol (Bisoprolol) Tablets 0,005 gr.

1- adrenoreceptor blocking agent to cure arterial hypertension
2- arterial hypertension of hyperdynamic type of blood circulation
3- the medicine lowering the arterial tension mainly due to the negative
inotropic effect
4- antihypertensive drug of the peripheral neurotropic action
5- the treatment of cardiac failure
6- the medicine with antiarrhythmic action

Rp :. Tab . Bisoprololi 0.005

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 1 t/d

4- Carvedilol Tablets 0,0125 gr.

1- adrenoreceptor blocking agent to cure arterial hypertension

2- arterial hypertension of hyperdynamic type of blood circulation
3- antihypertensive drug of the peripheral neurotropic action
4- the treatment of cardiac failure
5- the medicine with antiarrhythmic action
6- , β-adrenoreceptor blocking agent curing arterial hypertension
7- the peripheral vasodilator

Rp :. Tab . Carvediloli 0.0125

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 3 t/d

5- Lercanidipine Tablets 0,01gr. (0,02 gr)

1- calcium ions channel blocker
2- the antihypertensive drug of musculotropic action
3- the medicine lowering the arterial tension only by vascular distention.

Rp :. Tab . Lercanidipini 0.01

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 1 t/d

6- Captopril (Captoprilum) Tablets 0,025 gr.

1- relief of hypertensive crisis

2- the treatment of cardiac failure
3- the medicine reducing the activity of the renin-angiotensin system

Rp :. Tab . Captoprili 0.025

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 3 t/d

7- Perindopril (prestarium) (Perindoprilum) Tablets 0,004 gr.

1- angiotensine transforming enzyme blocker of long-term action

2- the medicine reducing the activity of the renin-angiotensin system
3- the treatment of cardiac failure

Rp :. Tab . Perindoprili 0.004

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 1 t/d

8- Valzartan (Valsartanum) Tablets 0,08 gr.

1- the treatment of cardiac failure
2- the medicine reducing the activity of the renin-angiotensin system
3- the medicine blocking the angiotensin receptors

Rp :. Tab . Valsartani 0.08

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 1 t/d

9- Mesatonum 1% solution for injections in 1 ml. ampule

1- acute vascular asthenia

Rp :. Sol . Mesatoni 1% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml in I/V after dissolving 1ml in 50ml (Or 100ml) of isotonic solution

Unit № 22

Abdullah Sabah & Mohammed Shakir Hanoon



1- Dichlothiazide (Hydrochlorotiaside) (Dichlothiazidum) Tablets 0,025 (0,1) gr

1- A diuretic with significant antihypertensive action

2- the saluretic agent
3- for treatment of the chronic cardiac failure

Rp :. Tab . Dichlothiazidi 0.025

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 1 t/d in morning

2- Furosemide (lasix) (Furosemidum) 1% solution for injections in 2 ml. ampules,

tablets 0,04 gr

1- A diuretic with significant antihypertensive action

2- a diuretic for relief of pulmonary edema (solution)
3- the medicine to relieve the cerebral edema. (solution)
4- the saluretic agent
5- for treatment of the chronic cardiac failure ( tablet or solution )
6- the treatment of acute cardiac failure
7- the relief of the hypertensic crisis (solution)
8- a diuretic to relieve the acute intoxication caused by soporifics

Rp :. Sol . Furosemidi 1% - 2ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 2ml I/V after dissolving in 100ml of 5% glucose solution
Or 2ml I/M

Rp :. Tab . Furosemidi 0.04

D.t.d.N 10
S . 1 tab 1 t/d

3- Spironolactone (verospiron) (Spironolactonum) Tablets 0,025 gr

1- potassium-sparing agent
2- a diuretic agent - aldosterone antagonist
3- for treatment of the chronic cardiac failure
4- the diuretic agent to reduce toxic effects of the cardiac glycosides
5- side effects caused by the intake of saluretics

Rp :. Tab . Spironolactoni 0.025

D.t.d.N 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

4- Indapamide (Indapamidum) Capsules 0,0025 gr

1. A diuretic with significant antihypertensive action

2. the saluretic agent

Rp :. Indapamidi 0.0025
D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S . 1 cap 1 t/d in the morning

5- Brew of bearberry (Decoctum foliorum Uvae ursi) Brew (1:20) in 180 ml.

1- the diuretic agents of plant origin

Rp :. Decocti foliori Uvae ursii 9.0 – 180ml

D.S. 1 tablespoon 5 – 6 t/d

6- Ergotal (Ergotalum) 0,05% solution for injections in 1 ml. ampules

1. uterine bleeding
2. new galenic preparation of ergot
3. the medicine increasing the tonus of uterus

Rp :. Sol . Ergotali 0.05% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1 – 2 ml in S/C , I/M OR
S . 1 ml in I/V after dissolving in 100ml of 5% glucose solution

7- Oxytocin (Oxytocinum) 1 ml. and 2 ml. ampules

1- for labour induction

2- the medicine increasing the uterine activity
3- the medicine increasing the tonus of uterus

Rp :. Oxytocini 2ml
D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml in I/V dropwise after dissolving 200ml of Nacl solution

8- Partusisten 0,005% solution for injections in 10 ml. ampules, tablets 0,005 gr

1- prevention of premature delivery

Rp :. Sol . Partusisteni 0.005% - 10ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 10ml in I/V dropwise after dissolving in 200ml Nacl solution

Rp :. Tab . Partusisteni 0.005

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab every 4 hours

Unit № 23

1- Methyluracil (Methyluracilum) 0,05 g tablets

1- stimulator of leucopoiesis

Rp :. Tab . Methyluracili 0.5

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 4 t/d

2- Cyanocobalamin (Cyanocobalaminum) 0,01% and 0,05% solution for

injections in 1 ml. ampules

1. the treatment of hyperchromic anemia

2. erythropoiesis stimulating agent

Rp :. Sol . Cyanocobalamini 0.01% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . I/M or I/V 1ml

3- Ferroplex Pills

1. the treatment of hypochromic anemia

2. iron deficiency

Rp :. Dragee ´´ Ferroplex ´´ N . 10
D.S. 1 pill 3 t/d

4- Vicasol (Vicasolum) 1% solution for injections, in 1 ml. ampules, 0,015 g.
1. functional antagonist of indirect-acting antithrombotic agents
2. a medicine stimulating synthesis of prothrombin
3. stopping the bleeding
4. overdose produced by indirect anticoagulants

Rp :. Sol . Vicasoli 1% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml in I/M

Rp :. Tab . Vicasoli 0.015

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 1 – 2 t/d

5- Heparin (Heparinum) Bottles 5 ml (5000 U/ml)

1. medicine quickly lowering the blood clotting

2. prevention of blood clotting during laboratory studies
3. acute cerebral thrombosis
4. direct-action antithrombotic agent

Rp :. Heparini 5ml
D.t.d.N. 10
S . I/ V or S/C in UA according to scheme

6- Fraxiparine (Fraxiparinum) Syringes containing 0,3 ml (9500 U/ml)

1. medicine quickly lowering the blood clotting

2. acute cerebral thrombosis
3. direct-action antithrombotic agent
4. low molecular weight heparin

Rp :. Fraxiparini 0.3ml
D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 t/d S/C

7- Warfarin 0,0025 g. tablets

1. functional antagonist of Vitamin K

2. depressor of prothrombin synthesis
3. prevention of the thrombogenesis
4. indirect anticoagulant

Rp :. Tab . Warfarini 0,0025

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

8- Streptokinasе Bottles containing 250 000 IU (1 500 000) of powder

1. dissolution of fresh thrombus

2. medicine stimulating the fibrinolysis
3. thrombolytic agent

9- Clopidogrel Tablets 0,075 g

1. prevention of the thrombogenesis

2. antiaggregatory medicines

Rp :. Tab . Clopidogrel 0.075

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 1 t/d

10 - Thrombo ASS Tablets 0,05 (0,1) g
1. prevention of the thrombogenesis
2. antiaggregatory medicines
3. the medicine affecting synthesis of thromboxane

Rp :. Tab . Thrombo ASS 0.05

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 1 t/d

Abdullah Sabah & Mohammed Shakir Hanoon

Unit № 25

1- Gonadotrophin chronical (Gonadotropini chorionicum) Bottle with 500 (1000)

IU of powder

1. male infertility of endocrine genesis

2. anterior pituitary hormonal drug
3. female infertility with ovarian hypofunction
4. hormonal drug that stimulates the function of sex glands
5. luteinising hormonal drug

Rp :. Gonadotropini chorionici 500 IU

D.t.d.N. 10
S . I/M according to scheme after dissolving in 2ml of Nacl solution

2- Levothyroxine sodium (Levothyroxinе sodium) Tablets 0,000 05 (0,000 1) g

1. the treatment of myxedema

2. replacement therapy

Rp :. Tab . Levothyroxini natrii 0.00005

D.t.d.N. 5
S . 1 tab in the morning

3- Mercazolilum Tablets 0,005 g

1. the treatment of hyperthyroidism

2. the medicine decreasing the synthesis of thyroxine

Rp :. Tab . Mercazolili 0.005

D.t.d.N. 5
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

4- Humulin Regular 10 ml. bottles (40 IU / ml), 1,5 and 3 ml. cartridges
(100 IU / ml)

1. the treatment of diabetes

2. replacement therapy
3. hormonal antidiabetic agent
4. medicine that promotes penetration of glucose in the tissue cell
5. hyperglycemic coma

Rp :. Tab . Humulini Regular 10ml

D.t.d.N. 5
S . I/V or S/C in UA according to suger level in blood plasma

5- Glibenclamide (Glibenclamidum) Tablets 0,005 g

1. the treatment of diabetes

2. hypoglycemic agents – sulfonylurea derivative
3. medicines stimulating function of pancreatic ß-cells

Rp :. Tab . Glibenclamidi 0.005

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

6- Miacalcic 1 ml. ampules (100 IU)

1. replacement therapy
2. osteoporosis.

Rp :. Miacalcici 1ml
D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml in S/C

Unit № 26
1. Prednisolone (Prednisolonum) Tablets 0,001 (0,005) g

1. acute adrenal insufficiency

2. chronic adrenal insufficiency
3. the treatment of autoimmune diseases
4. the treatment of arthritis
5. for organ and tissue transplants
6. rheumatism
7. infectious nonspecific polyarthritis

Rp :. Tab . Prednisoloni 0.001

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 2 tab at 7am
2 tab at 1pm

2. Dexamethasone (Dexmethasonum) 0,4% solution for injections in 1 ml.


1. acute adrenal insufficiency

2. the treatment of autoimmune diseases
3. the treatment of arthritis
4. for organ and tissue transplants
5. the relief of asthmatic status I/V
6. acute allergic reaction I/V

Rp :. Sol . Dexmethasoni 0.4% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . I/V after dissolving 3ml in 200ml of Nacl solution OR 1ml in I/M

3. Ethinylestradiol (Aethinyloestradiolum) Tablets 0,000 01 (0,000 05) g

1. agent with estrogenic activity

2. the treatment of female menopause
3. low ovarian function

Rp :. Tab . Aethinyloestradioli 0.00001

D.t.d.N. 10
S . per os according to scheme

4. Prohesteron (Progesteronum) 1% oily solution in 1 ml ampules, 0,1 g capsules

1. habitual abortion
2. a drug with gestagenic activity

Rp :. Progesteroni oleasae 1% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 5 in amp
S . 1ml in I/M

5. Methyltestosterone (Methyltestosteronum) Tablets 0,005 g

1. drug with androgenic activity

2. the treatment of male sexual involution
3. male sexual infantilism

Rp :. Tab . Methyltestosteroni 0.005

D.t.d.N. 10
S . per os according to scheme

6. Retabolil 5% oily solution in 1 ml ampules

1. an anabolic steroid
2. osteoporosis

Rp :. Sol . Retabolili oleasae 5% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 5 in amp
S . 1ml in I/M

7. Diphenylhydramine (Dimedrolum) 1% solution for injections in 1 ml. ampules,

tablets 0,1 g

1. functional antagonist of histamine

2. blocker of H1-receptors

Rp :. Tab . Dimedroli 0.1

D.t.d.N. 5
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

8. Loratadine Tablets 0,01 g

1. functional antagonist of histamine

2. blocker of H1-receptors

Rp :. Tab . Loratadini 0.01

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 1 t/d

9. Ranitidine (Ranitidinum) 1% solution for injections in 5 ml. ampules, tablets
0,15 g

1. functional antagonist of histamine

2. the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer with hyperacidity
3. H2-receptor blocker

Rp :. Tab . Ranitidini 0.15

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

10.Thymalin (Thymalinum) Bottles containing 0,01 powder

1. immunostimulant

Rp :. Thymalini 0.01
D.t.d.N. 10
S . I/M after dissolving in 1ml of Nacl solution

Unit № 27
1. Thiamin chloride (Thiamini chloridum) 2,5% solution for injections in 1 ml.
ampules, tablets 0,01 g

1. a vitamin for the treatment of polyneuritis

2. acidosis of diabetic origin

Rp :. Sol . Thiamini chloridi 2.5% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml in I/M

Tab  S . 1 tab 1 – 3 t/d

2. Cocarboxylase (Cocarboxylasum) Ampules containing 0,05 powder

1. a vitamin to cure myocardial dystrophy

Rp :. Cocarboxylasi 0.05
D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 0.05g dissolving in isotonic solution I/M

3. Ascorbic (cevitamic) acid (Acidum ascorbinicum) 5 and 10% solution for
injections in 2 ml ampules, 0,1 g tablets (pills)

1. treatment of hypochromic anemia

2. prevention of pellagra
3. prevention of scurvy
4. a vitamin, reducing membrane permeability
5. a vitamin that stimulates the function of the adrenal cortex
6. stimulation of regeneration

Rp :. Dragee . Acidi ascorbici 0.1

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 pill 3 t/d

4. Nicotinic acid (Acidum nicotinicum) 1% solution for injections in 1 ml.

ampules, tablets 0,05 g

1. a vitamin with vasodilator activity

Rp :. Sol . Acidi nicotinici 1% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml in I/M or S/C

Tab  S . 1 tab 1 t/d

5. Cyanocobalamin (Cyanocobalaminum) 0,01% solution for injections in 1 ml.

ampules, 0,05 g tablets

Rp :. Sol . Cyanocobalamini 0.01% - 1ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 1ml in I/M

6. Ergocalciferol (Ergocalciferolum) 0,5% oily solution in 10 ml bottles

1. prevention of rickets (rachitis)

2. regulation of phosphoric-calcium exchange
3. medicines in case of insufficient function of the parathyroid glands, on
top of apyretic tetanus.

Rp :. Sol . Ergocalciferolum oleasae 0.5% - 10ml

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 2 – 10 drops 1 t/d by orally

7. Atorvastatin (Atorvastatine) 0,01 g. tablets

1. treatment of atherosclerosis
2. lipid lowering agents

Rp :. Tab . Atorvastatini 0.01

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 1 t/d before sleep

8. Festal Pills

1. an enzymatic preparation for insufficient secretion and digestive capacity

of stomach
2. an enzymatic drug for chronic pancreatitis
3. an enzymatic preparation for replacement therapy

Rp :. Dragee ,, Festal ´´ N. 10
D.S. 1 – 2 pills 2 t/d

9. Lydazum (Lydasum) Bottles containing 64 IU of powder

1. an enzymatic preparation that increases membrane permeability

2. treatment of scars after burns and operations
3. an enzymatic preparation containing hyaluronidase

Rp :. Lydasi 64 IU
S . 64 IU in I/M after dissolving in 1ml of isotonic solution.

10.Calcium chloride (Calcii chloridum) 10% solution for injections in 10 ml.


1. medicines in case of insufficient function of the parathyroid glands, on

top of apyretic tetanus.

Rp :. Calcii chloridi 10% - 10ml

D.t.d.N.10 in amp
S . 10ml in I/V after dissolving in 200ml of isotonic solution.

11. Almagelum 170 ml. bottles

1. an antacid to treat stomach ulcer

Rp :. Almageli 170ml
D.S. 1 – 2 tablespoon 3 – 4 t/d

Unit № 29

1- Benzylpenicillin sodium salt (Benzylpenicillinum-natrium) Bottles containing

500 000 (5 000 000) IU

1- mainly affects Gram-positive microflora

2- treatment of gas-gangrene
3- a medicine from the group of biosynthetic penicillins
4- intravenous administration
5- treatment of syphilis
6- medicine not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract

Rp :. Benzylpenicillini natrii 500 000 IU

D.t.d.N. 10
S . I/M or I/V after dissolving in 5ml of Nacl solution 6 t/d OR
S . I/M 1 000 000 IU after dissolving in 5ml of Novocain solution 4 t/d

2- Azlocillin sodium salt (Azlocillinum sodium) Bottles for intramuscular

administration containing 2 g, for intravenous administration - 5 g of powder

1- treatment of peritonitis caused by Proteus

2- a medicine from the group of semisynthetic penicillins
3- severe purulent infection caused by Gram-negative microflora
4- intravenous administration
5- medicine not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
6- antipseudomonal penicillin.

Rp :. Azlocillini natrii 2.0

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 4g in I/M after dissolving in 2ml of Nacl solution 4 t/d
( 2g or 4g 4 t/d )

3- Amoxiclav (Amoxyclav) Bottles containing 1,2 g of powder, tablets 0,625 g

1- a medicine from the group of semisynthetic penicillins

2- treatment of pyelonephritis, caused by staphylococcus producing
3- treatment of pyelonephritis caused by Escherichia coli
4- antibiotic containing amoxycillin and clavulanic acid

Rp :. Tab . Amoxyclavi 0.625

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 3 t/d

4- Cephalexin (Cefalexinum) 0,25 (0,5) g. capsules

1- medicine of cephalosporin group to administer orally

2- mainly affects Gram-positive microflora

Rp :. Cefalexini 0.25
D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S . 1 caps 4 t/d

5- Ceftriaxone (Ceftriaxon) Bottles containing 1 (2) g of powder

1- treatment of peritonitis caused by Proteus

2- severe purulent infection caused by Gram-negative microflora
3- treatment of pyelonephritis caused by Escherichia coli
4- intravenous administration
5- a medicine of cephalosporins group of third generation
6- treatment of pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
7- treatment of urinary tract infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Rp :. Ceftriaxoni 1.0
D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1g dissolve in 10ml of Nacl solution 1 t/d in I/V

6- Roxithromycin (Roxithromycin) Tablets 0,15 (0,3) g

1- macrolide group
2- treatment of diphtheria

Rp :. Tab . Roxithromycini 0.15

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 2 t/d

7- Azithromycin (Azithromycinum) 0,25 g. capsules

1- a medicine of azalide group

2- treatment of diphtheria

Rp :. Azithromycini 0.25
D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S . 500 mg 1 t/d

8- Doxycyclin hydrochloridum Ampules with 0,1 g of powder, capsules with 0,1 g

of powder

1- a drug of tetracycline group for parenteral administration

Rp :. Doxycyclini hydrochloridi 0.1

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 0.2g in 200ml of Nacl solution in I/V 1 t/d  first day
S . 0.1g in 200ml of Nacl solution in I/V  second day

9- Gentamicin sulfate (Gentamycini sulfas) Bottles containing 0,08 g of powder,
4% solution for injections in 2 ml. ampules

1- treatment of peritonitis caused by Proteus

2- severe purulent infection caused by Gram-negative microflora
3- treatment of sepsis caused by E. coli
4- treatment of pneumonia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
5- a medicine of aminoglycoside group
6- medicine not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
7- treatment of urinary tract infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Rp :. Sol . Gentamycini sulfati 4% - 2ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . 2ml 2 t/d in I/M

Abdullah Sabah & Mohammed Shakir Hanoon

Unit № 30

1- Bactrim (Bactrimum) Tablets 0,48 g

1. sulfanilamide drug to cure inflammatory processes of the urinary tract

caused by E. coli
2. sulfanilamide drug when resistance to microorganisms of other
sulfanilamide drugs developed
3. sulfanilamide drug for the treatment of pneumonia caused by
Friedlander's bacillus
4. sulfanilamide drug with bactericidal activity (effect)

Rp :. Tab . Bactrimi 0.48

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 2 Tab 2 t/d

2- Phtalazol (Phthalazolum) Tablets 0,5 g

1. sulfanilamide drug for the treatment of bacillary dysentery

Rp :. Tab . Phthalazoli 0.5

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 2 tab 6 t/d after 2 days 2 tab 4 t/d

3- Furazolidone (Furazolidonum) Tablets 0,05 g

1. nitrofuran derivative for the treatment of bacillary dysentery

2. treatment of intestinal giardiasis

Rp :. Tab . Furazolidoni 0.05

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 2 tab 4 t/d

4- Furaginum Tablets 0,05 g

1. nitrofuran derivative for the treatment of inflammation of the urinary

tract caused by Proteus

Rp :. Tab . Furagini 0.05

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 2 tab 4 t/d

5- Dioxidin (Dioxydinum) 0,5% and 1% solution for injections in 10 ml. ampules

1. quinoxaline derivative for the treatment of pneumonia caused by

Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2. quinoxaline derivative to cure purulent pleurisy caused by
staphylococcus producing penicillinase
3. topical treatment of gluteal area pyogenic cellulitis (phlegmon) caused by
Gram-negative microflora

Rp :. Sol . Dioxydini 0.5% - 10ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . I/V after dissolving in 50ml of 5% glucose solution

6- Acidum pipemidiecum Capsules 0,4 g

1. quinolone derivatives for the treatment of pyelonephritis caused by

Escherichia coli

Rp :. Acidi pipemidieci 0.4

D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S . 1 caps 2 t/d

7- Nitroxoline (Nitroxolinum) Tablets 0,48 g

1. 8-oxyquinoline derivative for the treatment of inflammation in the

urinary tract caused by staphylococcus

Rp :. Tab . Nitroxolini 0.05

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 2 tab 4 t/d

8- Chlorquinaldol (Сhlorchinaldolum) Tablets 0,48 g

1. 8 - oxyquinoline derivative for the treatment of salmonellosis.

2. 8 - oxyquinoline derivative for the treatment of dysentery bitsillyarnoy

Rp :. Tab . Сhlorchinaldoli 0.1

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 2 tab 3 t/d

9- Moxifloxacin Tablets 0,48 g

1. fluoroquinolone drugs

Rp :. Tab . Moxifloxacini 0.4

D.t.d.N. 10
S . 1 tab 1 t/d

Unit № 31

1- Isoniazid (Isoniazidum) 10% solution for injections in 5 ml. ampules, tablets

0,3 g

1. A medicine from a group of isonicotinic acid hydrazides

2. prevention of tuberculosis
3. the most active tuberculosis drug
4. synthetic anitiberculosis medicines (drugs).

Rp :. Tab . Isoniazidi 0.3

D.t.d.N. 10
S . per os 2 t/d

2- Streptomycin sulphate (Streptomycini sulfas) Bottles containing 1 g powder

1. antibiotic from aminoglycoside group

Rp :. Streptomycini sulfis 0.1

D.t.d.N. 10
S . I/M after dissolving 1g in 5ml of Nacl solution OR Novocaine

3- Rifampicine/rifadin (Rifampicinum) Ampules containing 0,15 g of powder,

capsules 0,15 g

1. prevention of tuberculosis
2. the most active tuberculosis drug
3. the most active anti-tuberculosis antibiotic

Rp :. Rifampicini 0.15
D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S . 3 caps 1 t/d

4- Ethambutol (Ethambutolum) Capsules 0,25 g

1. an antibiotic to replace streptomycin sulfate when Koch's bacillus is not

2. synthetic anitiberculosis medicines (drugs).

Rp :. Ethambutoli 0.25
D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S . 4 caps 1 t/d

5- Metronidazole/metrogyl (Metronidazolum) 0,5% solution for injections in 100

ml. bottles, tablets 0,25 (0,5) g

1. anaerobic respiratory infections

2. treatment of trichomoniasis
3. antiprotozoal drug
4. treatment of intestinal giardiasis
5. medicines having detrimental effect on Helicobacter pylori and is widely
used for the treatment of gastro-duodenal ulcers

Rp :. Tab . Metronidazoli 0.25

D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S . pre os according to scheme

6- Piperazini adipinate (Piperazini adipinas) Tablets 0,5 g

1. treatment of enterobiasis
2. treatment of ascaridiasis (lumbricosis)
3. an antihelmintic

Rp :. Tab . Piperazini adipinasi 0.5

D.t.d.N. 10
S . pre os according to scheme

7- Fluconazole (Fluconazolum) 0,2% solution for injections in 100 ml. bottles,
capsules 0,2 g

1. treatment of intestinal candidamycosis (candidiasis)

2. Candida albicans
3. treatment of systemic candidiasis

Rp :. Fluconazoli 0.2
D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S . 1 caps 1 t/d

8- Arbidol (Arbidolum) Capsules 0,1 g

1. prevention of influenza
2. an antiviral medicine

Rp :. Arbidoli 0.1
D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S . per os according to scheme

Treatment  2 caps 1 t/d

Previntoin  2 caps 4 t/d

Unit № 32

1. Imatinib (Gleevec) Capsules 0,1 g

1. inhibitor of tyrosine kinases

2. treatment of hematological malignancies

Rp :. ´´Gleevec´´ 0.1
D.t.d.N. 10 in caps
S . per os according to scheme

2. Cyclophosphan (Cyclphosphanum) Ampules containing 0,2 g of powder,

tablets 0,05 g

1. treatment of acute leukemia

2. a derivative of dichloretilamin
3. treatment of breast cancer
4. treatment of ovarian cancer
5. an alkylating agent
6. immunosuppressive agent

Rp :. Cyclphosphani 0.2
D.t.d.N. 10
S . I/V after dissolving in isotonic solution according to scheme

3. Fludarabine phosphate (Fludarabini phosphas) Bottles 0,05 g

1. treatment of hematological malignancies

2. treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
3. treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia

Rp :. Fludarabini phosphati 0.05

D.t.d.N. 10
S . I/M according to scheme

4. Fluorouracil (Phthoruracilum) 5% solution for injections in 5 ml. ampules

1. treatment of pancreatic cancer

2. treatment of breast cancer
3. treatment of relapse (recurrence) and metastasis of stomach and large
intestine cancer
4. metabolic antagonist of pyrimidine bases

Rp :. Sol . Phthoruracili 5% - 5ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . I/V after dissolving in isotonic solution according to scheme

5. Doxorubicin chloride (Doxorubicini hydrochloridum) Bottles containing 0,01

(0,05) g of powder

1. treatment of prostate cancer

2. treatment of breast cancer
3. treatment of ovarian cancer
4. treatment of Hodgkin's disease
5. an antineoplastic (antitumour) antibiotic.

Rp :. Doxorubicini hydrochloridi 0.01

D.t.d.N. 10
S . I/M after dissolving in isotonic solution according to scheme

6. Fosfestrol (Phosphoestrolum) 6% solution for injections in 5 ml. ampules

1. treatment of prostate cancer

2. treatment of breast cancer
3. hormonal (antineoplastic) antitumour agent

Rp :. Sol . Phosphoestroli 6% - 5ml

D.t.d.N. 10 in amp
S . I/M according to scheme


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