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5 | Law and Order Mocabulary ster student's Book page 69 Law and Order The following sentences do not make sense. Rewrite the sentences without changing the words in bold. ‘They were caught shoplifting in a car park. She was given a sentence and they let her off the hook. Suddenly, the man grabbed my jeep [A famous police officer presided over the tral ‘They defied the truth and were arrested, Police officers spend time behind bars, Ifyou don't go straight, you'll return home. ‘The vietim was taken to a cell, ‘There was @ robbery on the aeroplane. ‘The offender received an award. 2 Complete the sentences with a suitable word. Pay attention to the words and expressions in bold. 1 She works in court because she's a Bringing a to school is forbidden, We might get into trouble if we : __ thefts are very common here. Teachers don't always enforce all the ou. Citizens must comply with the She was convicted of. ‘The suspect was charged with He was found guilty of. 10 We were fined for Words from the Text Give an example of... 1 something you always do thoroughly 2 aterm you have recently learned. 3 something that you need to think through 4 something you think should be outlawed ee Late eI 4 Answer the questions with a suitable response. Pay attention to the words in bold. 1 Why were they given a reward? 2 How do you know she's addicted to gambling? 3 Why are you concerned about him? 4 What do they breed here? 5 Why was this law repealed? 6 Why do they need a pool of volunteers? 7. How did you bypass the problem with the manager? 5 complete the text with the words and expressions below. convicted = reward = bypassing = complied concerned w guilty = outlawed w court w theft A 70-Million-Year-Old Case! The case of @ 70-million-year-old crime was heard in a 1 i New York. Eric Prokopi admitted that he was? of smuggling fossils of dinosaurs into the US. Many of the bones came from Mongolia, whose government had also accused Prokopi of a major 3 Dinosaur fossils can make enormous amounts of money when they ate sold at auctions, so criminals try * the laws about taking fossils out of a country. The Mongolian government are particularly * ‘about these crimes because they believe the bones are @ major part oftheir country’s history. Since 1924, they have ® both private collecting of fossils and taking them out of the country. Mr Prokopi? with the police demands, so the judge gave him a light sentence of just three months in jail Ever since he Wa ®.o0---nnn » POKOpI has helped the police in catching other people involved in the illegal fossil hunting world, As he could have faced 17 years in prison, the three-month sentence is akind of ® for cooperating with the authorities. 42 Grammar Atter Student's Book page 71 Modals and Modal Perfects ‘Complete the sentences with a logical ending. 4 Complete the text with the words in brackets. Use a Usea suitable modal. There may be more modal, modal perfect or the structure had better. than one possible answer, 1 I wouldn't leave any valuables in the car. Someone 2. This is private property. You. Graffiti and the Broken Windows” Theory of Crime ¥ 3 Entrance is free, We... 4 Hurry up! We. 5 You don't look well You 6 Dave never misses a meeting. He 7. He doesn’t have a driving licence. He 8 I'mnot strong enough. you 7 ‘Complete the sentences with a suitable modal perfect, affirmative or negative, and the verb in brackets. 1 It was careless to leave your bag here. Someone (teal It “ oe Ca inyiatyeceieys ee ene concert. He's been out of town all week. famous graffiti artist, but you ' 3. The clock stopped working, We {never / hear) of police officer Colin Saysell before. é (have) a power cut last However, he is also a big name inthe graffit world - but hight for very different reasons! When graffiti artists paint on 4 told you that you Gg ve) publ bugs in Beal, Saye the person who fot ase went Te ae om a : Fei en nd ele ter 5 You (te) Richard cathe = $a ‘was an idiot. You've really upset him. z (use) modern technology like 61 i (Go), but I was invited software to track cars as they hunt graff artists across E the country, They * (upset) quite Ee {be) last week a lot of graffiti artists over the years because Saysell’s 8 The boitle broke because you put it in your suitcase. } name is now often painted on buildings too — as a protest I (carry) itn my hand lice wor — ‘against his police work! 7. He's not sure when he last saw her. It £ Nevertheless Saysell has no regrets. He follows the ¥ -broken windows" theory of crime, which says that stopping small crimes like graffiti and breaking windows 8 gunners (pFEVENY bigger crimes in the Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the ‘words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the original sentence. 1 It's possible the prisoners received help. (might) je Pane nanan (pest) Other people criticise this approach. They say we _. (encourage) graffiti as a form of artistic freedom. In contrast, Saysell says he doesn't mind graffiti itself — just the graffiti that is on other 4-Tetrongly advise you not to remain inthe building, I PeUDEaaEa Uist Uru cacy oe (had better) thinking of doing illegal painting * a (leave) their spray cans at homel 3 Perhaps well identify the car thief. (might) 5. Tm sure that he is lying, (rust) 6 Itisn't necessary to lock the door. have to) 5 complete the sentences in two logical ways. Use a ‘modal in one sentence and a modal perfect in the other. 1 His car was stolen. He ane He = 2 The police arrested a suspect. The residents... a ‘The residents. 3 Tmo thirsty. I a 4 He is acting suspiciously. He e He 5. Oh, no! The shop is closing in a few minutes. We... We... = = G correct the errors. 1 The shoplifter shouldn't has grabbed my bag, 2 They will can to work out a solution to this problem, 3 Its impossible. She mustn't have known about the reward. 4 The trial may haven't finished yet. 5 It was a steal. I must buy it. T Translate the sentences into your own language. 1 Think this through! You might get into serious ‘rouble again 2 We should be concerned about the increase in the crime rate in our country. 3 Itcantt be true that he is gulty of shoplifting. 4 The Korean government needn't have banned teenagers fom playing online games at night. 5. He could have let him off the hook but he decided to crack down on young offenders. 5 | Law and Order GRAMMAR REVIEW EI BEI EB 6 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use a modal or modal perfect where possible. A: Hello. Sorry to bother you. Im Joe. Ilive in the house next door. B: Yes, please, come in, Are you all right? A: Well, no. Unfortunately, we had an attempted burglary lastnight B: Oh. no! | anything _ (steal? A: Fortunately, the thieves ? (break into) the house. They ran away when I turned all the lights on. B: Come to think of it, my dog went crazy last night at about 3 am! She» (hear) the noise next door. So what did you do? ‘A: Well called the police, of course. I didn't go looking for the burgiars on my own because they 4 (attack) me, Anyway, ‘when the police arrived, we walked around the house together and saw that the thieves : —... (try) to get in through the back door. They didn't want to break any glass, because that ° (wake) the neighbours. B; Well, [hope they catch them. You're lucky because alot worse” (happen) A: That’ right. Anyway, you® (worry) because the police say that criminals rarely come back B: hope that’s true, but [think 1° = analarm system (instal). ‘As Well if Thad a dog like yours, I Wacdeeeay (Gee) a ot safer. Speaking ate: students Book page 73 Discussing Rules Write a suitable response using the words in brackets. Give reasons for your answers. 1 What's your opinion on the use of security cameras, in schoo's? (allowed) 2 What would you lke to see changed in your community? (good idea) 3. What rule at home do you think Is unjustified? (unfair) Comparing Pictures Write sentences to compare pictures A and B using the words or phrases given. 1 see / while 2 incommon 3 probably 4 however ... different / because 5 pictures are alike 6 seems tome 7 suppose 8 another difference 3 Listen and repeat. 4904113 1 unjustified /s/ 2 suppose /x/ Listen and repeat the words. Which has gota /s/ sound? Which has gota /z/ sound? 4+ 04114 1 museum 6 husband 2 conversation 7 music 3. choose. 8 castle 4 cousin 9 clothes. 5 difference. Dictation | _ isten and write the sentences. #004115 L err _* Reading An Online Magazine Read the online magazine. Which text A, B, Cor D Tick (¥) the correct box. 1 7 talks about a suspicious vietim does NOT mention the country |~ | ‘where the crime happened includes the name of the criminal states the age of the victim does NOT explain the motive Includes a death does NOT give the exact number | of offenders mentions where the offender(s) ‘went after the crime Answer the questions. Find words or expressions i 1 ‘Who helped the police in the Green Parrot investigation? What mistake did the police make in the Green Parrot investigation? How do we know the Great Train Robbers were violent men? What two ways did the Great Train Robbers use to tty to prevent discovery by the police? ‘What made David Harrison particularly suspicious? Why was it easy for the police to identify the criminals from the Google photo? the text that mea ran away or escaped (text A) found something or someone after a lot of searching (text A) auickly and carelessly (text B) 4 burglary (text C) unclear (text D) Crimes That Were Solved by Accident 1m real life, many crimes are solved by complete accident, as felons make stupid mistakes. Here are four classic cases that were solved by pure chance. ‘A Murder at the Green Parrot In 1942, Max Geller, the owner of New York's Green Parrot restaurant, was shot while he was at work. Although he was ‘murdered in front of several people, nobody was willing to give evidence. Meanwhile, the restaurant's mascot, a real ‘green parrot, kept repeating the word “robber ‘A year later, one detective found out that the bird was able to recognise regular customers and it could say their names. ‘The detective had a brainwave. The parrot may have been saying "Robert", not “robber”, In fact, one customer was Robert Butler, who had fled right after the murder. When the police finally tracked him down, he admitted everything, B The Great Train Robbers ‘You might have heard of the Great Train Robbery. In 1963, a {gang of robbers stopped a train going from London to Glasgow, assaulted a guard, and escaped with £2.6 milion Some members of the gang then hid in a farmhouse. To pass the time, they played Monopoly — using the real money that ‘they had stolen, ‘Although the thieves had meticulously cleaned the house to remove all theit fingerprints, they overlooked the Monopoly set when they had to leave the building in haste. They should have been a litle more careful because when the authorities discovered it, they used this evidence to convict several of ‘the main offenders The Thief Who Chose the Wrong Customer In 2013, film fan David Harrison was at work when a man ‘came into his computer shop and asked if he was interested in buying a Bluray player and some discs. As Harrison was looking through the objects, he realised that they may have ‘come from his own collection. There were even two brand- new ones which were still in their wrapping, just as he had left them. Harrison asked the man to return the next day. Meanwhile, he returned to his house and discovered that there had been a break-in. The burglar had been trying to sell the discs back to their original owner! Unsurprisingly, he pleaded guilty ‘once the case reached court. D Google Your Criminals In 2008, a fourteen-year-old Dutch boy was cling around the town of Groningen when a pair of twin brothers pulled him off his bike and took his smartphone and some cash. A few weeks later, the boy was looking at Google Street View when he discovered a photo of him and the two boys which must have been taken just before the crime. The police requested a copy of the photo from the Internet giant (because the faces online were blurred) and Google complied with their request. At that point, a local police officer recognised the suspects, as it wasn't the frst time they had got into trouble! 45 I WEIEIAG)) ater seder’s Book page 75 A For and Against Essay Continue the sentences in a logical way. Pay attention to the connectors in bold. 1 He was arrested for shoplifting as well as 2 On the one hand, cycling to schoo! is great exercise. On the other hand, ate 3 Social networking sites are a great way to meet people. Nevertheless, — i 4. Many people just throw bottles and cans in the bin in spite of. 7: = 5 There's been alot of crime in our neighbourhood For instance, 6 Even though many online encyclopedias contain false information, — Bee 7 Computer games teach teenagers how to solve problems. Moreover, ....— Complete the for and against essay with suitable connectors. There may be more than one possible answer. Should Pit Bulls Be Banned as Pets? Mary Clements ‘Many people believe that pit bulls should be banned as pets.* there are reports of these dogs hurting and even killing people. _... many pet owners insist these dogs make wonderful and loving pets. So, should we continue to allow people to keep these dogs at home? Itis believed that certain breeds of dogs, 1 pit bulls, may have traits that ‘make them more likely to attack people, but these can only be brought out by training by their owners. 4 these dogs contribute more to society than most realise. They are known to search for lost children and work with patients with serious illnesses. 5 every dog has its own individual character, members of dog breeds behave in a similar ‘way, Some breeds are calm, friendly animals ike Labradors. ° pit balls are completely different. They often attack people who end up in territory that pitbulls believe is thers. A pit bull's powerful grip can cause serious injuries and fatalities 1 itis unfair to say that all pit bulls are dangerous animals, it is necessary to protect the public from the ones that are ‘To sum up. itis sad to ban a particular breed of dog as a pet, but in the case of public safety, believe it's necessary in the case of pit bulls. (EBD write a for and against essay on whether the ‘government should be able to monitor people's e-mail {and social media accounts in order to prevent crime. Write 120-150 words. 3 Brainstorm your essay. Read the statements below. Which are for governmental monitoring? Which are against? 1 Personal information can fall into the wrong hands. 2 If people are innocent, they have nothing to hide. 3 The security of a community is more important than an individual’ privacy. ....— 4 People will no longer trust their leaders. 5 An individual's privacy is a basic human right. 6 Acts of terror and crime can be prevented. ‘Add your own ideas to the list. Decide whether you are for or against governmental monitoring of e-mails and social media accounts. 4. organise your ideas into paragraphs and write your for and against essay. Use the model in Exercise 2 and the Useful Expressions below to help you. Remember to use connectors of addition, contrast and example. thas been proposed that The (major) benefit(s) / drawback’) is / are Some people believe / think / demand that Is this wise? / Is this a good idea? It seems to me that ‘Tosumup, In conclusion, In my opinion, Use the checklist below to check your work. '@ organisation i spelling 1 punctuation 1 grammar 1m word order 1 use of connectors. | Vocabulary Focus ‘After Student's Book page 77 1 DEEEDETIGITA compete the sentences with the correct form of the word in capitals. 1 Inthe past, women called "suffragettes" fought for the right of women to vote and they were often arrested. However. their led toa change in the law. DEFY 2 The terrible events of 11th September, 2001 people al around the world. HORROR 3. Many car accidents are... People just need to drive slower and more carefully. PREVENT 4 Tm afraid that your hand luggage is not with our rules. I's too big to 0 on the plane. COMPLY 5 Nobody in my class needed any to sign up for the scuba-diving trip. We all ‘wanted to doit! ENCOURAGE 6 There are very rules for using the British Library. RESTRICT 2 Complete the sentences ‘with a suitable word to show that you have understood the meaning of the phrasal verbs. pasate 1 Theard someone broke in and e the computers. 2 Thate to break in while you're. . but ie’ urgent Cbeegup) 3 My grandmother brought up six on her own, 4 ts not a good idea to bring up that. Ss (etup’ 5 Hebelleves he was set up so that people would think he was 6 My father set up his rst. after he got married (put down) 7 Yes Tim interested, Please put my . down 8 Don't put me down. It makes me feel. aes 9 Put it down. It's. = (turnin) 10 Tin turning in and going to. 11 The ‘turned herself in. back up) 12 Lookin the while you're backing up. 13 Please back me up. [need a lot of. 14 Have you backed up everything on the 7 up) 15 Tilpick you up in my father's 16 The weather is picking up and getting 17 Young children can easily pick up 5 | Law and Order 3 DRIES complete the mini-dialogues with a ‘common expression. Use a word from box A and a word from box B. A (cbove w blind = catch » crack « daylight) B (boar = down « eye = red-hande 1 A: Youre not allowed to go skateboarding in the park. B; Yes, but they tum a as long as people are careful 2 A That café just charged me €10 for an ‘ce cream! Bit’s isn't i? Tcan't understand why they're allowed to get away with that 3 A: Tm sure that Nicky has been taking money from my purse, but can't prove anything. Bz Then you have t0 en her one day. 4A: Tm worried about the business deal B; There's no need to be nervous. Everything's ‘going to be at 5 A: The head teacher is going to ban all chewing ‘gum at school, B: J knew she would - S (on it. There's gum everywhere. 4. complete the sentences with a suitable word. 1 There were fingerprints all aver the crime scene. The thieves didn't 3 their tracks. 2 Its time to down the law and Punish people who arrive late. 3. He gave upa life of crime and decided to his ways 4. The police have already caught two of the bank robbers, but the other one is still on the 5 Jen and Paula are always together. They're as as as thieves, a l]___ check your process UI FE) Vocabulary 1. Make a phrase with the word in capitals to complete the sentences. 1 The eriminals decided t0 n-—— and ‘give up their life of crime. STRAIGHT 2 Iwas too thin after I came out of hospital, but I've i ‘again. GAINED 3 My grandmother should buy a smartphone. She ¢eDS 10 oon TIMES 4 He only stole a T-shirt, so they'll probably | chimes oe HOOK How long did the prisoner spend 2 _—.? BEHIND 6 Tm sure the missing child willbe found POINT 7 At first it will be difficule but, a Ie willbe easier. RUN 8 [hear you, You don't have to. z VOICE 2 Complete the passage with the words and expressions below. There are more words than you need. guilty » outrageous m hooked » offender thefts w freedom w trouble » wandered reliable w perks A Real Life Cat Burglar! When things started going missing from homes in a street in Bristol, UK, local residents were puzzled. The : ‘were rarely of valuable items lke money or smartphones. Instead, clothes and food such as sausages disappeared in the middle of the night. was only when they discovered who the : sas WaS that the motive for the crime spree became clea. It was all the work of a local cat called Norris. Norris owners, Richard and Sophie Windsor, realised that their cat was® se Of the erimes when they started finding strange items in thelr home ~ like an ‘unfamiliar T:shirt.It appeared that Norns was ‘ __. on stealing items from washing lines, taking clothes that were left to dry. In one : case, he even ran off with someone's underwear. He would take anything and ‘everything he found as he ® ne rou the neighbourhood, Not wanting to deprive their cat of his 1 his owners decided to take action ‘They wrote to all their neighbours and told them that if they discovered anything mysteriously missing from their homes, they should call or e-mail them. That ‘would most likely mean that Norris had got into . again. R__ 48 Grammar Complete the sentences so they have the same ‘meaning as each first sentence. 1 Are they reading the suspect his rights? Is “i 2 2. It's Impossible he's the killer because he's in prison at the moment. He can't eo — Be 3 There's a possibilty she wil identify the offender She bs 4 Its a pity she witnessed the murder. Iwish 5. He started breaking into homes from the age of 18. By the time he was 20, L 6 Ilive ina very safe neighbourhood, ‘The neighbourhood — 00... Complete the article with one word in each gap. Eric Hebborn, the (Old) Master Criminal ‘An extraordinary art sale of paintings and drawings bby famous artists such as Michelangelo and Rembrandt won't be forgotten. These paintings 1 have been worth millions except for one thing One man * enn alte them all the notorious forger Eric Hebborn. ‘A forger is a person * = makes illegal copies of documents, banknotes or, in Hebborn's case, ‘works of art. During his lifetime, Hebborn managed to fool everyone, even the experts, One of his paintings, Young Cit! by Augustus John, * sold by world-famous auction house Christies in 1989 as an original artwork by the painter. ‘The trick was that Hebborn didn't reproduce existing paintings. His paintings looked like they oa __..been painted by an old master, but they were on new subjects. He didn't always get away with it. In 1978, an art expert in Washington, DC discovered Hebborn's criminal activities. The expert noticed that two drawings by diferent artists ‘were on the same type of paper. This « _... have happened naturally, 50 the expert realised that one petSOM wus--mmnnnme have produced both images. Hebborn was the offender. Fiebborn's life of crime began when he was a young, struggling artist. Although amazingly talented, he ' ce been selling his paintings so he started forging old masters to make some money. He ‘was a huge success and there are still pictures in the ‘world's galleries ® real creator was Hebborn and not the famous name in the signature in the comer: Like many criminals, Hebborn made enemies during his life, and his career came to a premature end in 1996, when he". ene murdered in Rome at the age of 61.

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