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‫‪Schools of Grammar‬‬

‫قسم اللغة االنكليزية – كلية االداب – جامعة االنبار‬

‫المادة‪ :‬النحو التحويلي‬
‫‪An Introductory Transformational Grammar‬‬
‫الصف‪ :‬الرابع – الكورس االول‬
‫عنوان المحاضرة‪ :‬مدارس النحواالنكليزي‬
‫‪Lecture Topic: Schools of Grammar‬‬

‫أستاذ المادة‪ :‬د‪ .‬علي سلمان حمادي‬

Traditional grammar, Structural Grammar and Transformational Grammar: Definition, History and

item traditional structural Transformational –

Modern linguistics

Definition a collection of It is concerned with how It considers grammar

prescriptive rules and elements of a sentence to be a system of rules
concepts about the such as morphemes, that generate exactly
structure of language. phonemes, phrases, all grammatical
Speakers and writers clauses and parts of sentences in a given
are forced to follow a speech are put together. language and involves
certain set of rules that the use of defined
were derived and rules (called
established according transformations) to
to Latin Models. produce new
sentences from basic
existing ones.
Origin Origins can be traced back to the Origins can be traced back Derived from
16th and 17th century. to the beginning of 20th traditional grammar.
century. Traced back to the end
of the 20th century.

Type Prescriptive Descriptive Descriptive

Focus Written form as the most Writing and Speech both as Speech as the most
important aspect of language important aspects of important aspect of
language language
Standards Force language into Study the structure of language Does not force one language to follow the
a Latin-based as objectively as possible rules of any other language.
model. without reference to any other
language. Focus on structure
rather than meaning.
Focus The purpose of the Followers of this approach felt The transformational grammarian is not
early grammars of that it was necessary to study content with describing what he finds in
English was not to the structure of a language as corpus of sentences collected from native
provide an accurate objectively as possible without speakers. He feels that his grammar
description of the reference to any other language, should enable one to produce all the
language, but rather and they felt that meaning was sentences of a language, and he is as
to serve as a basis a poor guide to the analysis of interested in possible sentences as he is in
for the study of structure. They attempted to the ones actually recorded. The
Latin grammar. analyze a corpus of sentences transformationalist is more concerned
collected from native speakers with the system that underlies the
of English in terms of structure language than he is with the actual speech
rather than meaning. of an individual at any given time. It is
language (the underlying system), not
actual speech output, that is of primary
interest to the transformationalist. A
transformational grammarian is interested
in the speaker’s competence, or
A point of retreat During the renaissance, Latin was During the 19th century, as scholars
replaced as the language of scholarship began studying and comparing large
by English and other Western European numbers of languages, many of them
languages. Because of this new role for radically different in structure from
English, some Englishmen by the late Latin, they saw that traditional
seventeenth and early eighteenth grammar was inadequate. Some
centuries were greatly concerned with missionaries and other people
refining their language. They felt that describing exotic languages
English had somehow become assiduously forced them into the
“corrupt” and that it was in need of framework of Latin grammar, but
purification. others realized the shortcomings of the
tradition. This dissatisfaction with
traditional grammar continued into the
twentieth century, when Jsepreson and
Poutsma found it necessary to make
significant departures from traditional
grammar in their monumental works
on English.
Figures and Books Plain English Handbook American English Syntactic structures by
by Walsh and Walsh – Grammar, The Structure Noam Chomsky.
Descriptive English of English by Charles
Grammar by House and C. Fries Language by Leonard
Harmon. Bloomfield
Item Traditional Structural Transformation

Origins Until the 61th century, Latin was During the 19th century, Starting formally in
the primary language of teaching scholars saw that traditional 1957 with the
in England and the rest of grammar is inadequate. publication of Noam
Europe. During the 16th and 17th , Teachers became disappointed Chomsky’s Syntactic
grammars of English began to with the grammar they were Structures, a new
appear. Because these English teaching when they discovered approach to the study of
early grammars were studied as a that it would not account for language appeared.
tool to learning Latin, they many ordinary sentences that Since 1957, the
followed Latin rules, although are found in modern newspaper majority of published
the structure of English is quite or texts. Teachers found that studies of English
different from that of Latin. they were relying on rules they syntax have used this
had made about the language approach.
more than upon explanations in
the texts. Thus, a new approach
to the study of language
evolved: structural linguistics.

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