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WFRP4e Adaptation (by jh)

Orc, Half-Castes

Original Text from: (p.226 1e; WFRP1e Core)

Half-orcs are the spawn of mixed races, chiefly Humans and goblinoids. All such creatures are commonly called Half-Orcs,
although in fact they may have Hobgoblin or Goblin blood. Outcasts from both Human and goblinoid society, they generally
group together as brigands and mercenaries, and may appear in goblinoid armies in rare occasions. They have been used as
both slaves and mercenaries by Human society, but are now generally regarded as too dangerous to be kept near Human
communities. Several states have embarked on campaigns of extermination, which may have driven them closer to the Orcs
and other goblinoids. They speak the common Goblin tongue, and some individuals speak a debased form of local Human
languages. Progenation (4e): Successful interbreeding between humans and the fungoid Greenskin creatures is very rare.

Physique: These creatures look like a cross between Humans and goblinoids, just as you would expect. Some have
characteristically Orcish heads, whilst others resemble Humans more closely, but maybe have slightly ape-like arms or crooked
legs. Appearance is very variable Skin and hair colour usually approximate to those of the creature's progenitors.

Alignment (1e): Neutral or Evil. Most are Evil.

Psychological Traits (1e): Half orcs are subject to animosity towards all other humanoids. Because they are outcasts, tests are
made with a 10% penalty.

Attribute variation (4e): Modify from Human species as follows: Higher: move (+1), weapon skill (+10), strength (+10),
toughness (+10). Lower: initiative (-10), intelligence (-10), fellowship (-20), dexterity (-10)

Talents (4e): Magic Resistance, Disease Resistance, Night Vision, Warrior Born (1) random human talents. Replace if rolled:
Night Vision, Noble, Attractive (use Warrior Borne instead)

Skills (4e): Athletics, Climb, Endurance, Language (Greenskin), Cool, Intimidate, Melee (Basic), Melee (Any), Ranged (Any except
powder), Trade, Consume Alcohol, Lore (Greenskins), and Outdoor Survival.

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