WFRP4E Vampire Hunter Career

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Halfling, Human
(Class - Ranger)

You are a self-made wanderer, driven to track down and destroy the restless dead.

Unlike the Witch Hunters, those who hunt vampires and other undead have no
Imperial sanction or authority. Still, a few resolute souls are compelled to hunt them,
often motivated by personal tragedy. Given that knowledge of the undead is a
forbidden subject in the Empire, Vampire Hunters must teach themselves or find
others of their ilk to inform them. Most such novice hunters fail early, left bloodless in
forgotten crypts or reanimated in servitude to their former nemeses. Those who
survive are a grim and haunted lot, waiting for the day when they inevitably become
the hunted.

“It takes caution, discretion, and swift action to hunt a vampire. But feel free to charge in
with your sharp stick - one more zombie in the way won’t slow me down.”
-Axel Höllesingen, veteran hunter, to his apprentice.

“I’m not sure what that young man’s issue with me was. Who can say where peasants get
their silly ideas? No, I haven’t seen him lately - perhaps he saw reason and went home?”
-Sofia Lebentrinken, Altdorf socialite.

While Vampire Hunters often operate in

solitude, they will work with others if
they see it as advancing their goals. At
the least, another body between them
and the bloodsuckers provides some
measure of advantage. Some Vampire
Hunters are directed to possible allies by
clandestine organizations such as the
Morrite Order of the Shroud.
WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel

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Ghoul-stalker — Brass 2
Skills: Cool, Dodge Blow, Gossip, Intuition, Melee(Basic), Perception, Outdoor
Survival, Stealth(Any)
Talents: Coolheaded, Night Vision, Shadow, Sixth Sense
Trappings: Hand Weapon, Leather Jack, Wooden Stake

Vampire Hunter — Brass 4

Skills: Athletics, Climb, Intuition, Lore(Vampires), Ranged(Crossbow), Track
Talents: Careful Strike, Read/Write, Stout-hearted, Strike Mighty Blow
Trappings: Crossbow or Crossbow Pistol with 12 Silver Bolts, Mail Shirt

Master Vampire Hunter — Silver 1

Skills: Endurance, Language(Classical), Lore(History), Research
Talents: Accurate Shot, Fearless(Undead), Furious Assault, Relentless
Trappings: Blessed Water, Silvered Blade

Killer of the Dead —Silver 1

Skills: Lore(Torture), Navigation
Talents: Berserk Charge, Implacable, Tenacious, Tunnel Rat
Trappings: Death-haunted Nightmares, Trophy from a Slain Vampire

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