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Recipe For a Symphony Create a symphony by choosing at least one activity from each part of the symphony. Each activity is worth 4 measures. You must have a total of 20 measures. Overture : 1. Choose a music time period and write a report about a composer from that time. Include birth and death, style of music, famous compositions and musical training. ( 2. Bring to class a recording of music from a specific time period and discuss how this belongs to that particular time period. Movement 1 1, Research a specific music time period and create a wordle based on the information you find, You need at least 10 sentences, ( 2. Create a list of 10 vocabulary words from a specific music time period of your choosing. Create a crossword puzzle from the words you find. ( Print the puzzle. Movement 2: (required) 4 measures Research the musical style from a specific time period. Write a report including information about the musical style and what makes it different from the other periods. ( Movement 3; 1. Choose a music time period and create a dance appropriate for the style of the music, Present to the class, This can be a collaboration of up to 4 people. 2. Choose a music time period and write a report about the economic status of the area, Include factors that influenced the production of music and performance. ( Coda: (required) 4 measures Create an original musical composition of at least 20 measures in the style of the time period researched from Movement 2. ( Use the chart on the next page that correlates to the activities from the menu. Cut and paste the measures on a blank sheet to create an original composition. Overture 1. Movement I fe Movement 2 | Movement 2 je Coda

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