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Concerning matter, we have been all wrong.

What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter. Albert Einstein For the mystery and the riddles of the Universe to be revealed and understood I must be able to understand them. Marion Garces The Universe is better represented by number patterns than by mathematics or number formulas! The Book of Genesis The Book of Revelation The Book of John No Beginning, no End In The Beginning The Serpent The Tree The Apple The Ouruborus Solomons Temple Solomons Key The Two Pillars The Emerald Tablet The Kabbalah The Merkabah Tte Philosophers Stone Numerology The Hebrew Alphabet The Greek Alphabet Egyptian mythology As Above So Below The Pyramids Yin and Yang The Vedas Mayan Mythology Irish Mythology The Solfeggio Tones The musical scale Gregorian Chants The Vatican The Phi Spiral The 3,6 and 9 Opposing Spirals Opposing Pressures Opposing vortices Opposing spirals Coral Castle Torus coil Vibrations The Magic Square of the Sun Self Similarity Sacred Geometry Ether The Fabric of Space Particle & wave Sine wave Water Newgrange Magnetism Masons angle & compass Cymatics Zero Point Field Walters 18 dimensions Analemma Adam and Eve Hermes Trismegistus Nicholas Flamel Nassim Harramein Tibetan monks The Templars The Freemasons Pythagoras Jenkins Hardiman Hans Jenny The Templars The Freemasons Ed Leedskalnin Nicola Tesla Marko Rodin Infinity EVERYTHING

2 Call me crazy, have me committed, but I think I have stumbled upon the secret of creation and the Universe! To document this journey of discovery I have to go back quite some time, to the mid 1950s. When I was about 7 or 8 years old. One winter afternoon, shortly before Christmas my brother and I were looking out of our 4th floor apartment window, waiting for snow to start falling. It is one of the clearest memories of my life. The whole sky was filled with the tiniest, wiggely lights. Billions of them! I can see the air! I burst out without thinking. Where? I want to see too! my little brother immediately demanded. My parents were curious at first, but soon went back to whatever they were doing, shaking their heads, where does she get this imagination? My grandmother wisely kept quiet at that point, she knew where I got it. From that point on I saw the air whenever I looked at a clear very bright area, the sky, a patch of snow, a sheet of paper with the sunlight falling on it, all of them were instantly alive with tiny squirming points of light. My parents eventually became less and less amused when I staked my claim to seeing the lights and one day, quite sternly, told me that I was too old for such silliness. I eventually learned not to talk about the lights anymore. But I have seen them throughout all of the many years that have passed since then. Im a very curious person, and I love, no, I adore weird things! So throughout my life I have always looked for and puzzled over strange phenomena. One of the strangest, weirdest things I ever came across was Coral Castle in Miami. In the summer of 2009 I stumbled across a YouTube video of the castle and its creator, Ed Leedskalnin. Ed claimed to see beads of light, which he believed to be the physical presence of nature's magnetism, and life force, or what we term today chi. Call it what you will, Ether, the Fabric of space, I can see it. I can see it so clearly that I cant understand how anyone can not see it. Before going on, let me interject the second pivotal event that set me upon my quest. It happened 7 or 8 years after the first. I had pretty much divorced myself from science at this time, because I developed a mental block to understanding the periodic table. It just didnt make sense to me. When I looked at the awkward arrangements of the elements, so disjointed and unconnected I just felt in my bones that this was not quite right. I will shortly return to this subject. First a few more facts about Ed. Of course when I found out that Ed could see the lights too (there have been others who can see them also), I had to investigate. From this point on things just seemed to fall into my lap. Every time I got to a seeming dead end where everything stopped, it didnt take more than a week of puzzling and I stumbled across a new piece of information, and just the right one at that. Then I was off obsessed with working in tise new info. At one point during my investigation of Ed and Coral Castle, I came across Walter Russell and The Universal One. Accepting the fact that I may well be perceived as a stark, raving lunatic, which I can live with, let me try and retrace the next steps that led me to a table of the most amazing numbers. I have no doubt that these numbers are very significant, though I am still puzzling over just how and what the significance is.

Before I get deeper into these numbers, I must tell you that I believe that for the mystery and the riddles of the Universe to be revealed and understood I must be able to understand them. By this statement I mean that every average person must be able to intuitively grasp the workings of it, without resorting to and understanding hundreds, or even a handful of long, complicated mathematical formulas. To justify this conviction let me re-tell a story about one of the few people I admire very much, Walter Russell*. 3 Walter Russell Walter Russell was born in Boston, MA in 1871 and died in 1963. He was an artist, sculptor, architect, musician, champion athlete and not least of all a polarizing figure in the fields of chemistry, physics and cosmogeny He proposed that the universe was founded on the unifying principle of rhythmic balanced interchange. He wrote several books, but since he was not, according to mainstream science, an official scientist, his works have been largely ignored. Lately however, some of the more open-minded and inquisitive scientists, such as mathematician Marko Rodin and quantum physicist Nassim Haramein, have been influenced by and have built upon his work. Walter Russell stopped attending regular school when he was only eight. But Walter did not leave learning. By the time he was 13 he had attained the position as church organist. He studied art and became a successful portrait painter and sculptor. He worked as an art editor at Collier's Magazine. As an architect he designed the Hotel des Artists, on West 67th St, in New York , and a Gothic studio across from the Museum of Natural History on 79th St, also in New York. As a sculptor, Walter created the Mark Twain monument, which features the author and his famous characters. As a scientist, Walter Russell studied physics, and became a member of the group, which included Viktor Schauberger Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, who believed that acquisition of energy from what Einstein referred to as the 'fabric of space' was possible. Walter Russell gave the world new theories such as the fundamental principles of energy dynamics, the nature of matter and the progression of the evolution of matter. He also depicted the universe as a continuously changing, creating effort, sustained by the systematic work of the energy of light which all matter is composed of (here are my wiggely lights). His depictions of universal laws were expansive enough to be considered a complete non-standard cosmology. Today his works are known as Russellian science. Russell portrayed the principles of the unity of universal law in a way that brought many highly considered theories into direct conflict. He faulted science for blindly believing many erroneous theories, never having checked their accuracy, or trying to remedy their incompleteness. Among these were some of the fundamental principles derived by Newton. Walter Russell, also presented a new view of the periodic table of elements that led him to the prediction of the existence of plutonium and several other elements, which were still unknown to mankind at the time. Some, like plutonium, have since been found, exactly where and how he described them. Other elements he predicted are still unknown to mankind today. However their

mathematical placement in his charts make their eventual discovery likely. He also predicted the creation of heavy water, which is required for the process of releasing nuclear energy. Russells periodic table has not however been adopted fully despite these discoveries, as it indeed defies a great deal of current scientific thought, primarily the nature of the evolution of matter and the unified wavelength principle on which his table is based. 4 Walter Russell was very spiritual, and his attempt to fuse science and God, though to in my opinion very successful, this is another reason why scientists ignore his contributions. However, many prominent scientists of his day, including Einstein, did respect Russells contributions. Nikola Tesla, advised Russell to hide his findings for a thousand years until humanity was ready for them. Books of Walter Russell can be found at the University of Science and Philosophy and include: * The Universal One * The Secret of Light, 3rd ed., 1994 * The Message of the Divine Iliad, vols. 1 & 2 * A New Concept of the Universe * The Electric Nature of the Universe * The Secret of Working Knowingly with God * The Self Multiplication Principle * The Fifth Kingdom Man * The Immortality of Man Further reading Clark, Glenn, The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe, Univ of Science & Philosophy, 1989 ISBN 1-879605-07-4 What connects Walter Russell to my numbers is his theory of the two opposing vortices that emerge out of and return into the field of equilibrium and his arrangement of the periodic table, to which I will turn later. Walters most basic premise seems to be that there is only one law for everything, and that trying to find a unifying theory of everything by leaving out 99% of everything is the ultimate foolishness. Walter says that, "The whole Universe is manifested through One Force divided into pulsation so that it appears to be two opposing forces that continually cycle in rhythmic balanced interchange to seek out balance and unity, but this is never the end result for if it were there would be no motion, and no life, and no Universe." Russell also states that "Electricity and Gravitation are one and the same force as are Magnetism and Radiation, which make up the opposing force. Both are evident in every effect of motion in which they move in opposite directions against a resistance set up by each against the other. This is how they create a 'plus' equilibrium condition of increasing pressure gradient and smaller volume. We have come to know this as 'matter. They also create a 'minus' equilibrium condition of decreasing pressure gradient and larger volume. This we know of as the 'space' surrounding matter. There are two forces, the positive, contracting, generative, electro-gravitative

force being in the centripetal direction of closing harmonic spiral vortices. In these vortices all attributes are endothermic. The second force being the negative, expanding, degenerative, magneto-ratiative force being in the centrifugal direction of opening harmonic spiral vortices in which all attributes are exothermic." This man then, Walter Russell, in 1930, challenged all of science that they basically had everything wrong. The New York Times severely chastised him, accusing him of blasphemy against science, saying how dare a non-scientist intrude into those hallowed halls. They called his claims absurd and severely misguided at best. 5 Walter responded that he was sorry that scientists were unable to provide the answers. He said I am sorry that an artist had to do it. Walter pointed out that Sir Oliver Lodge** said that no scientist could make the supreme discovery of the thing for which science is looking and hoping, such a discovery would have to be the supreme inspiration of some poet, painter, philosopher or saint. He continued, In other words, science sorely needs the imagination of an artist or poet to synthesize her heterogenous complexities and put her on a path of simplicity and truth, for nature is very simple in her causes. She is complex only in her repeative effects! So this has become my self-appointed mission, to make the complex so simple that anyone can understand it, even I. I will try to be Walter Russells artist and poet. Will I fail miserably at it? Probably! But until someone else tries and succeeds, I will keep working at it. Will some people take this as a challenge? I hope so! I think it is time that the wonders of the Universe are simplified so that everyone can marvel over them, not just a few high priests! My goal is, absolutely no math above algebra 1, and of course geometry, the sacred kind. 6 Physical Science Many years after I stumbled unwittingly unto this great puzzle and after many career changes I became an ESL (English as a Second Language) educator at a local high school. Since I am fluent in Spanish, my job is to go into the different classrooms with the students that have recently arrived from Spanish speaking countries and have not yet had time to learn English. I translate most of the materials and lectures for them. A little over two years ago, after one of my colleagues quit, I reluctantly volunteered to go into the Physical Science class. I had never been in the physical science class before and was prepared to either struggle or be totally bored. I am still sure this would have been the case, except for the teacher who was there that year. She was amazing. She made the class so lively and fascinating that even the 9th grade students loved going to her class. Thank you, Elizabeth! I began looking for some basic books to expand my knowledge of physics. I had not had any luck, most books that were basic enough for me were also too boring. Fate stepped in and I found myself one June day, killing time in a coffee shop on 39th Street, close to KU Medical Center. Across the street from there is the White Light Bookstore, a kind of not too serious new age bookstore. I cant pass up any bookstore, serious or otherwise. Of course, I went in.

In that dimly lit, cramped establishment of rejected secrets I came across The Field, by Lynne McTaggart and bought it. It wasnt on physics, but on Quantum Physics, Lynnes book promised to remedy my ignorance of the subject. Thank you, Lynne, the promise was delivered and then some. I not only understood what the book was about, but I became hooked on the subject and wanted more. One thing that McTaggart was amazing at in her book, is bringing in so many other disciplines and showing how they impacted physics. This is what I had for so long believed and been looking for. The Universe includes everything, so it must be explained with everything. You cant explain what something is by leaving out 99% of it! Walter had it right 7 Reiki Session Shortly after I bought Lynnes book, I went with my daughter in law to visit a friend of hers who does reiki sessions. We chatted a while, and I told her about Lynne McTaggarts books. I had by then also read The Intention Experiment. Sarah offered me a session free of charge and I accepted, not expecting much of anything. It started out quite ordinary, though very soothingly relaxing. The first hint of something unusual came when I felt an incredible warmth come from her hands, even though she never touched any part of my body. The heat became even more intense when her hands rested above my neck and shoulders and she asked me if I had been having any problems related to this part of my body. Many years ago I was in an accident, and I have had much pain in my right neck, shoulder and hip ever since. After about ten minutes she told me to lie on my stomach. As she worked her magic on my back I closed my eyes and listened to the music playing in the background. Almost instantly, with shocking suddenness I found myself looking at a classroom full of students, maybe 6 or 7 years old. The vision was so real. It was in 3-d, full color and incredible detail. But the most shocking thing was that right in the front row was a young girl I knew. Even though I knew that girl, Im not totally sure who it was. Either It was my sister in law who had died 3 years earlier or it was I myself at about the age of ten. Anyway the girl was trying to tell me something, but I could not hear her. She did motion me as if to say come on. I was shocked and determined to go follow up on the reiki sessions. Sadly with all that I have become involved in since, I have neglected this. 8 David Serreda and the Harmonic Codes However, shortly after the reiki experience I came across a video series by David Serreda on the Harmonic Codes. What he had to say was fascinating. His lectures were really easy to understand, even for someone who had no background in physics and they made me want to know more. One thing that struck me as interesting was that he talked about complementary pairs of tones. I recorded the lectures and burned them on CDs. As I listened to them on my 45 minute drive to work every morning and again going home. I suddenly and out of nowhere understood that the girl in my vision had been trying to tell me to follow up on whatever I had begun in the physical science class. I went to Google and Yahoo and did a search on Harmonic Codes. What I got were

the 6 numbers of the Solfeggio Tones. I had never heard of these tones, but as of this writing I have a couple hundred recordings and hundreds of pages of notes on them. 9 A Short History of the Solfeggio Tones The first time I came across the Solfeggios I got the following six numbers: UT 396 Hz RE 417 Hz MI 528 Hz FA 639 Hz Sol 741 Hz LA 852 Hz The numbers are the Hertz frequency values; the letters are letters of the musical scale. Note that there are only six of them. This is the solfeggio scale; the famous Gregorian Chants are supposedly based on this scale. This scale is very well adapted to vocal vibrations. The names of the notes are taken from the now lost, or rather hidden, Hymn to St. John the Baptist, and stand for: UT Queant Laxis That your servants' voices RE-sonare fibris may resound with MI-ra gestorum your great miracles FA-muli tuorum the stains SOL-ve poluti cleanse from LA-bi ireatum our polluted lips Sancte Ioannnes My knowledge of Latin is just what I picked up here and there, so this may not be 100% accurate. The Hymn to St John the Baptist, hidden by the Vatican, most interesting! John the Baptist, is one of several figures Ill just hint at in passing here. Each one of these subjects is probably worth a whole book to itself. Ill just mention that, there is a mystery and controversy connected to John the Baptist. It is something the Catholic church does not want to discuss. It is also connected to Freemasonry, Gnostic Gospels and many other things. Here are some links if you are interested: Godlike Productions Banner Users Online Now: 2,801 (Who's On?) Visitors Today: 1,168,680 Pageviews Today: 1,710,588 Threads Today: 797Posts Today: 13,064 02:59 PM This site has some interesting things to say about John the Baptist and Jesus, here are some examples: Unlike Jesus, we do have testimony outside the Bible that John the Baptist existed. John is talked about by the first century historian Josephus. Incredibly the Bible Jesus himself says that John is the true Son of God. This contradicts the Christian lie that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah. This is the evidence that John was the Messiah not Jesus who was a fake having leapt on to Johns bandwagon. Anybody who was baptised by John the Baptist

became Johns disciple. Jesus was baptised by John in the Jordan. So by accepting baptism, Jesus was declaring to John that he was learning from him and not vice versa. 10 These are things I have read, studied and puzzled about over the years, and I mention them now only to give an idea why I became so intrigued by these numbers. They touched almost every deep universal mystery across beliefs and cultures. When I began listening to the Solfeggio harmonics on YouTube, I found that each one of them corresponds to a Sacred Chakra color. Each one of the tones also is said to have specific healing properties. For instance, MI - the 528 frequency, is supposedly used by geneticists in order to repair damaged DNA. I found all of this information and wrote it down. However, it was not until much later that I found other and even more amazing connections between these subjects and the Solfeggios. For instance I found that the church, supposedly and intentionally, hid additional lost Solfeggio tones. 11 My Solfeggios As I was writing the information in a notebook, something odd struck me about the numbers. I noticed that there were 3 sets of two numbers that used the same digits, so I wrote the numbers in a different order: 396 639 417 741 528 852 Staring, at the numbers I noticed two additional things. One of those things unfortunately seemed to negate the other. The first pattern was that from 417 to 852 the difference between any two consecutive numbers is 111. However the 396 did not fit into that theory. I kept staring at the numbers or several days and eventually something else hit me. These numbers are in pairs and so the harmonic pairs David Serreda, had been talking about came immediately to my mind. But again, as soon as I recognized this pattern I also saw that the number sets were not complete. It seemed obvious that some numbers were missing. I had 6 numbers, but there should actually be 9 numbers. Each set was missing a third number and should be: 396 639 963 or 174 - 417 741 417 741 174 285 528 - 852 528 852 285 396 639 - 963 not harmonic pairs, harmonic triplets. I was ready to forget about Mr. Serreda. The moment I was going to forget Davids harmonic pairs, because there were none, I realized that there were harmonic pairs. The Solfeggios were not a set of 9 numbers, but a set of 18 numbers, like this: 147 174 258 285 369 396 417 471 528 582 639 693

714 741 825 852 936 963 3 sets of 6 or 6 sets of 3 or 9 sets of 2 or 9 pairs! Encouraged by this small triumph, I began looking again at the numbers and again I noticed almost immediately, that put in a certain order, I had two sets of 9 numbers that increased by 111 from one to the next, like this: 147 174 258 285 369 396 417 471 528 582 639 693 714 741 825 852 936 963 12 There were two exceptions, between 369 and 471 and between 639 and 741. So once again I rearranged: 147 258 369 471 aha!!! Eureka!!! I remembered the Pythagorean Skein (Base 9 ignoring 0), Kabbalah Numerology, Hebrew and Greek Language, no 0! 369 + 111 = the 3 becomes 4, the 6 becomes 7 and the 9 becomes 10, but since 0 is not used it becomes 1 = 471. Thus it works out this way: 147 258 369 471 582 693 714 825 936 One set of the Solfeggio Tones. For the second set I started again with the lowest number 174 285 396 417 528 639 741 852 963 The 2nd set of the Solfeggio Tones. By now, do you notice what I noticed? In the 1st set the next number in the sequence that begins with 147 and goes on to 936, will again return to 147, the last number returns you to the 1st number, Infinity! This is also true for the 2nd set of numbers, 963 will give 174 as the next number in sequence using the Pythagorean skein. This was too much of a coincidence, so I decided I now had the sequence right. I looked at the numbers to see what else was hidden in them, but for a couple of weeks I got absolutely nowhere. Then it hit me, base 9, Nikola Tesla, the 3, 6 and 9! I thought I had the 9; so where were the 3 and the 6? I saw several numbers with the digits of 3,6,9, and then I realized that these numbers are all divisible by (or multiples of ) 3. I checked all the other numbers and some can be divided by 6 and 9, but all can be divided by 3. Aha!

13 I was elated, because I had a good puzzle on my hands, but I had no idea what to do with the puzzle. I put the numbers for each set of the Solfeggios in order. I had already noticed the fact that between each number in the set was a difference of 111, so the most logical next move was to figure out the difference between the numbers in order. This is what I got:
174 147 258 285 369 396 417 471 528 582 639 693 714 741 825 852 936 963

27 84

27 84

27 21

54 57

54 57

54 21

27 84

27 84


174 - 147 = 27 258 174 = 84 285 258 = 27 369 285 = 84 396 369 = 27 417 396 = 21 471 417 = 54 528 471 = 57 582 528 = 54 639 582 = 57 693 639 = 54 714 693 = 21 741 714 = 27 825 741 = 84 852 825 = 27 936 852 = 84 963 936 = 27

As above, so Below! Walter Russells opposing vortices

Note: the difference of 21 is really a difference of 111.

These frequencies do seem to have a harmonic wave to them, increasing and decreasing in a very harmonic pattern.

Im not sure what meaning this has. The only thing I have been able to come up with so far is that the sum of 27+84=111. So we have 111 twice on each side of the center 54. The real numeric difference for the 21 is 111, which gives us that number 3 times on each side. Now the remaining numbers 27+57+54+57+27= 222 111 on each side for a total of 8 times 111. I may be way off on this, but it seems there is some connection. But what did suddenly strike me was, that the original 6 numbers I had were after all Hz vibrations for our musical scales, and that David Serreda, had talked about harmonic pairs. There certainly seems to be a certain harmony in the arrangement if of these notes. I started searching on Ggoogle again, this time for base 9 and other number systems that do not use 0. I came across the amazing Marko Rodin and his torus-shaped universe. While I was watching his videos, I noticed that one of the images that I had of the Solfeggio Tones, had them arranged around a circle. This arrangement perfectly


matched the angles of the windings of Markos torus coil. It also so happened that they matched the angle of the Freemasons compass. But much more, I could hardly keep up with the connections at this point. To begin with, notice that Marko Rodins manner of winding his wire is just an infinity symbol with squared edges instead of rounded ones. But more so, notice the numbers and how they match. The Gold numbers are Markos. Notice the center number of the Solfeggio Tones matches Markos number. When it gets to a double digit numbers, i.e. 16 and 32, notice that 1+6 = 7 which is the middle digit of the Solfeggio 174, 3+2 = 5, which is the middle digit of the Solfeggio 852. I followed this pattern, going around the circle a couple of times, and it continues to work out the same way with all of the numbers.
Fig. 1

Now take the other 9 numbers and put them in the same positions. Next based on the center number draw the 1,2,4,8,16, etc. connections of Rodin and the 3,6,9 angle. Superimpose the two and see what you have. This is also works with the other set of 9 Solfeggio numbers. If we keep in mind, that Marko Rodins torus coil is not a 2 dinensional figure, but a 3 dimensional figure, then it must have another side to it. Fig. 2 shows the backside of the torus coil. It works the same way, but the infinity loop now starts at the 4 position instead of the 1. This was way too much of a pattern for me to believe in coincidence. But I have not even started yet with the patterns. Notice, the red/black open triangle is the same as the angle of the Freemasons compass. Does the second figure remind you of something? Like the facets on a diamond (crystal). Formation or manifestation of matter by sound! I now started looking into Cymatics. I recommend starting with Dr. Hans Jenny. I will not go into it here; I am still too much of a novice to try and explain it to someone else. But would it work with 3 circles also? As you can see with the line-up below, it does not work. When it gets to the 528, it will not automatically return to the next number, which is 693. Im getting these images tattooed on my arms!


The next thing I did, was look at the numbers themselves. All of them resulted in either 3, 6 or 9 when I reduced them all the way down to their single digits. Teslas 3,6 and 9 again. Back to surfing the www. Unfortunately at this time I had two computers, and the one I found the next, and perhaps the most important site, died shortly afterwards and I can not go back to it. What I found was incredible, but there was not a lot of documentation either. It looked like someone had started and then given up and left the barely begun project out in the www ether (a prophetic term I think). Anyway, during one of the searches I came across a site where I found a 9x8 (9 rows, 8 columns) table. Most of the boxes were empty, but a handfull were filled in. Three of the numbers given happened to be my Solfeggios. The center column had a number in the 1st and the 6th row, 111 and 666 respectively. It seemed obvious where to start. I filled in all of the numbers in the center column. And yes, I did notice the 666!
111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 123 135 159

174 285 396

The red numbers are the ones that were filled in when I found the table. Step two was easy also, I filled in the rest of my Solfeggios in the way that seemed most logical, the ones from the 2nd set of the Solfeggios. Conveniently there were 9 numbers - perfect since there were 9 slots. At that point I was stuck for a moment. Then the brainstorm came. I noticed that the 111, 123 and 135 made a pattern. Take 111 and 123: the first digit stays the same, the second digit increases by 1 and the last digit increases by 2. This same pattern holds true going from 123 to 135. There is an arithmethic pattern also, it turns out that each cell increases by 12 over the previous one. but I noticed the other pattern first, because it is an obvious visual pattern, 111 123, etc.
741 852 963 174 285 396 417 528 639 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 123 135 159

The next number was missing, but assuming that I had found the pattern it should be 147. To check if I was right, all I had to do now is compare the 147 and the next number, which was given, 159. Eureka, it worked! From here it was easy to fill in the rest of the numbers on the right side of the center column.


741 852 963 174 285 396 417 528 639

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

123 234 345 456 567 678 789 891 912

135 246 357 468 579 681 792 813 924

147 258 369 471 582 693 714 825 936

159 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948

But now I was faced with the other side! I tried to work it backwards, no go. The problem here was that I had a specific set of numbers I had to match the others to. So I studied the completed side some more. It didnt take me long to notice the 3rd column, they were some more of my Solfeggios. Looking at the left side of the table I noticed that the original Solfeggios were in the 3rd column from the center. So the rest must go into the 3rd column from the center on the left side also. Now I had 18 Solfeggios. An OMG moment! Looking at the Solfeggios I now had on both sides it jumped at me. As Above, So Below**. MIRROR IMAGE! Notice the Solfeggio columns the one closest to the center on the right is 147, 258 etc. the one closest to the center on the left is 741, 852 etc. MIRROR IMAGE! From that it was easy to fill in the other numbers as well. The left side was a mirror image of the right side.
951 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 741 852 963 174 285 396 417 528 639 531 642 753 864 975 186 297 318 429 321 432 543 654 765 876 987 198 219 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 891 912 135 246 357 468 579 681 792 813 924 147 258 369 471 582 693 714 825 936 159 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948

One evening, sitting in front of my computer with a bottle of wine, I got out the numbers and stared at them again. I thought, why not see where the sequence takes me. I continued on the right side and was stunned when I ended with the table looking like this.
111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 891 912 135 246 357 468 579 681 792 813 924 147 258 369 471 582 693 714 825 936 159 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 951 174 285 396 417 528 639 741 852 963 186 297 318 429 531 642 753 864 975 198 219 321 432 543 654 765 876 987 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

The sequence returns to the beginning number.

See Egyptian Mythology The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus


Of course I immediately finished the other side of the table. There were no surprises this time, as I got exactly what I suspected. The sequence on the left side of the center 111 column too, returned to its beginning, the 111 column (I left them off here, for lack of space).
891 912 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 681 792 813 924 135 246 357 468 579 471 582 693 714 825 936 147 258 369 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 159 951 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 741 852 963 174 285 396 417 528 639 531 642 753 864 975 186 297 318 429 321 432 543 654 765 876 987 198 219 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 891 912 135 246 357 468 579 681 792 813 924 147 258 369 471 582 693 714 825 936 159 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 951 174 285 396 417 528 639 741 852 963 186 297 318 429 531 642 753 864 975 198 219 321 432 543 654 765 876 987

Lets look at the completed table, maybe there are other oddities hidden in the numbers. MIRROR IMAGE; Row Right Side All All numbers = 3, 6 or 9 when the digits of that number are added together 1 All numbers start with 1 2 Center digits range in order from 1 to 9 3 Last digits increase by 2 starting with odd number ending with even, would return to first odd number in next step Column All To be a Solfeggio frequency the digits of the number must give the single digit 3,6,or 9 Center 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999 1 From top to bottom all digits 1-9 present in each position in the following order: first digit in order from1,2,3, etc. 1-9 second digit in order 2,3,4, etc. 2-1 third digit in order 3,4,5, etc.3-2 etc. 2 Now we go to the 2nd column to the right of the center and we keep up the same pattern. The first series is 19. The second series now starts with 3 and ends with 2 and then the 3rd series starts with 5 and ends with 4. On this side of the center column all columns start with the 1-9 sequence. Left Side All numbers = 3, 6 or 9 when the digits of that number are added together All numbers end with 1 Center digits range in order from 1 to 9 First digits increase by 2 starting with even number ending with odd, would return to first odd number in next step To be a Solfeggio frequency the digits of the number must give the single digit 3,6,or 9 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999 From top to bottom all digits 1-9 present in each position in the following order: third digit in order from1,2,3, etc. 1-9 second digit in order 2,3,4, etc. 2-1 first digit in order 3,4,5, etc.3-2 etc. Notice that on the other side of the center column the pattern is the same, all sequences go through all the digits in order, depending on which one they start with


Once I was done with verifying that all the columns followed this pattern I noticed the most awesome thing of the whole table. At least I thought so at the time. As I just pointed out, to the right of the center column, looking at the last number in the row, the next number in this sequence would be 111 again, in the 2nd row it would be 222 again, and in the third 333, etc. Weird! But iIt gets weirder! To the left of the center column, after 891 the next number would also give you 111, 222, etc. again. In each row, on either side the end leads you to the beginning! It doesnt matter what column you start with, you always will end up in the same place again. But there is just one more step of weirdness! When you apply the same scheme to each column the result is the same. The last number in each column will bring you to the first number again if you follow the sequence. What we have is a pattern of infinity, because in either direction each end simply starts over again, and again .
891 912 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 891 681 792 813 924 135 246 357 468 579 681 471 582 693 714 825 936 147 258 369 471 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 159 261 951 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 951 741 852 963 174 285 396 417 528 639 741 531 642 753 864 975 186 297 318 429 531 321 432 543 654 765 876 987 198 219 321 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 891 912 123 135 246 357 468 579 681 792 813 924 135 147 258 369 471 582 693 714 825 936 147 159 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 159 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 951 162 174 285 396 417 528 639 741 852 963 174 186 297 318 429 531 642 753 864 975 186 198 219 321 432 543 654 765 876 987 198

Now Im not a religious person, actually I try to keep religion out of my life and as far away from me as possible. However, didnt the Bible say God has no beginning and no end, a concept most of us struggle with. I can suddenly see how this is possible, and Im beginning to think that the Bible may well be a book written in a code that no one has yet discovered. In the book of John it also says that in the beginning was the word, now what is a word? It is sound! And what is sound? It is vibration! And what are these numbers, they are harmonic vibrations. And what does vibration do? It manifests matter! Are you with me here? Before I go on, let me tie these numbers to Marco Rodin. Marco Rodin is an amazing mathematician who uses a number system closely based on the Pythagorean skein. For more information, which I highly recommend, go to YouTube and look for Marco Rodin, Torus Math, Torus Coil or Rodin Coil. Marco demonstrates (by using a mindboggling, ingeniously simple mathematical system) how the universe is a torus (a donut or inner tube shape). So how does my table connect with all of this? Put the table on a sheet of paper. Roll the paper up so that the top row connects to the bottom row, and you will have a tube. Connect the ends of the tube to one another you get A TORUS! You can keep adding tables both vertically and horizontally and you will always keep that torus shape, just like in a globe. Actually if you look at our terrestrial globe and picture the North and South Poles as the Axis Mundi, going right through the center of the ball and meeting in the middle at the core, you have a torus! Actually, if you


look at an apple and picture the core going through the whole fruit, you have a torus. Just what was it that dawned on Eve when she bit into the Apple??? No, Im not done with patterns yet, but lets just review here for a moment: 1. the difference between the numbers in the rows is 111 for all rows and in each column. 2. all of the numbers are divisible by 3 (multiples of 3). 3. All numbers will reduce to the single digits of 3, 6 or 9. 4. No 0 is used. 5. No number has 2 or more identical digits, excep the center and end columns. 6. The last numbers in both the rows and in the columns connect back to the first number again. 7. the numers on the left side are mirror images of the numbers on the right side. 8. Every column cycles through the digits 1-9 three times in varying orders, but always in sequence 9. The center and end column has the number 666 10. Columns 3 and 6 on either side of center hold a copy of the Solfeggios 11. The Vatican would like to keep some secret connected to the Solfeggios secret. 12. The difference between the Solfeggios have a very rhythmic, harmonic pattern 13. The Solfeggios are Hz frequencies 14. Frequencies are sound 15. Sound is vibration 16. Vibration manifests matter 17. The Bible says everything came into existence through the Word (sound/vibration)0 Now to some additional oddities:
+780 +570 +360 +150 +840 +630 +420 +210 891 681 471 261 951 741 531 321 210 360 420 570 630 780 840 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 +12 +24 + 36 +48 +60 +72 +84 +96 123 135 147 159 162 174 186 198 12 72 24 84 36 96 48 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

Notice how harmoniously the numbers increase. The columns on either side of the center column =: 1st R +12, L +210 = 222 2nd R +24, L +420 = 444 3rd R +36, L +630 = 666 4th R +48, L +840 = 888 These are the even numbers and it is pretty easy to see how this works. With the uneven numbers 111, 333,555,777 and 999, it is trickier. Lets take the hardest one:


5th R + 60, L +150 =210 since we dont use 0, we have 2+1 = 3 or 111 6th R +360, L +72 = 432 = 4+3=7+2=9 = 333 7th R +570, L +84 = 654 = 6+5=11+4=15=555 8th R +780, L +96 = 876 = 8+7=15+6=21=777 I am still puzzling over the 999, though I am sure it is in there somewhere. Lets look some more. We have looked at the relationship between each column and the next one, but now lets look at the relationship between the columns on either side of the center one. 1. 111 + 111 = 222 2. 321 + 123 = 444 3. 531 + 135 = 666 4. 741 + 147 = 888 5. 951 + 159 = 1110 =111 6. 261 + 162 = 423 = 4-1=3 2+1=3 3=3 =333 7. 471 + 174 = 645 = 6-1=5 4+1=5 5=5 =555 8. 681 + 186 = 876 = 8-1=7 6+1=7=7 7=777 9. 891 + 198 = 1089 = 10-1=9 8+1=9 9=9 = 999 But lets just look at the numbers in the second row of each set of columns. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 222 + 222 = 444 432 + 234 = 666 642 + 246 = 888 852 + 258 = 1110 = 111 162 + 261 = 324 = 4-1=3 2+1=3 3=3 = 333 372 + 273 = 645 =555 582 + 285 = 867 =777 792 + 297 = 1089 = 999 912 + 129 = 1041 =333

This pattern works all the way across the table. Also notice that it does not matter in this table where you start, you will always return to the same position. Once you know the most basic pattern, you can give someone any one of these numbers, just one, and that person will be able to construct the whole table in as long as it will take to write the numbers. Once you have one number, you have them all.
891 912 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 681 792 813 924 135 246 357 468 579 471 582 693 714 825 936 147 258 369 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 159 951 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 741 852 963 174 285 396 417 528 639 531 642 753 864 975 186 297 318 429 321 432 543 654 765 876 987 198 219 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 891 912 135 246 357 468 579 681 792 813 924 147 258 369 471 582 693 714 825 936 159 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 951 174 285 396 417 528 639 741 852 963 186 297 318 429 531 642 753 864 975 198 219 321 432 543 654 765 876 987
111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999


Remember 555 + 555 = 1110 = 111, 666 + 666 = 1332 = 33(1+2)3, etc.
891 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 198 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

108 9 891 792 693 594 495 396 297 198 108 9 681

108 9

11x 99 198 297 396 495 594 693 792

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

891 108 9 186

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999


111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999


111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

681 582 483 384 285 186 987

186 285 384 483 582 681 789

If you add the two mirror image numbers on the diagonal they will always add to the same number.
471 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 174 111 222 333 444 555 666 777




888 999

888 999

471 372 273 174 975 876

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

174 273 372 471 579 678

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

261 423

162 423

261 162 963 864 765

162 261 369 468 567


111 0

111 0


951 852 753 654

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

159 258 357 456

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

Notice the pattern on he diagonal: on the right side of the center column starting with the number in the first row the succeeding number adds 1 to the first digit and subtracts one from the second digit, the center digit stays the same. On the left side the first digit


increases by one, the last digit decreases by one, the center digit stays the same. This will always return to the center column to the same triplet number as the sum of the three individual digits. Ex. 753 the next number on the diagonal is 654 7+5=12+3=15 15 divided by 3 (3 digits) = 5 = 555. Now take 654 or 456 applying the above diagonal pattern both numbers will give 555 as the next sequence. And true to the pattern, the next and center number is 555. This works for all diagonals, and it works whether you divide by 3 or 7-2=5 3+2=5 and 5 =5 (753) = 555.
741 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 147 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999



741 642 543

147 246 345



531 432

135 234




912 813 714 615 516 417 318 219

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

219 318 417 516 615 714 813 912

111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

123 444

321 444

123 924 825 762 627 528 429

321 429 528 627 726 825 924

Notice that when marking the numbers across the rows (horizontally) the pattern moves towards the center. Now, marking the numbers down the columns (vertically), they move faway from the center.
111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

234 135 936 837 738 639

432 531 639 738 837 936

Notice: the next number in sequence after 936/639 would be 135/531. Where are 135/531? It is in the next column in at the top. The next sequence on the diagonal would then be 234/432, and -VOILA - so it is.
531 432 111 222 333 135 234 111 222 333


234 135 936 837 738 639

444 555 666 777 888 999

432 531 639 738 837 936

444 555 666 777 888 999

Truly Harmonic Pairs! There are more patterns. The next pattern became clear when I looked at the difference between the matching columns. The difference between each set of mirror image columns is a multiple of 99 from 1x to 10x, working out to 2,4,6, and 8 x 99 in the innermost sets and 1,3,5 and 7 x 99 in the outer 4 sets. The outermost set = 10 x 99 if the true sequence numbers are used. 111 x 9 = 999 222 x 9 = 1998 = 1+8=9 99 333 x 9 = 2997 = 999 444 x 9 = 3996 555 x 9 = 4995 666 x 9 = 5994 777 x 9 = 6993 888 x 9 = 7992 999 x 9 = 8991 I am a long way from being done with finding patterns. If you add the mirror image columns in the following manner you will also get: 198+891=999 186+681=777 174+471=555 162+261=333 159+951=1110=111 147=741=888 135+531=666 123+321=444 111+111=222 Notice that these numbers also make MIRROR IMAGE pairs! 1998 8991 222 999 2997 7992 333 888 3996 6993 444 777 4995 5994 555 666 Notice something else? 2 + 9 = 11 3 + 8 = 11 4 + 7 = 11 5 + 6 = 11 Notice something else? 222 + 999 = 1221 = 222


333 + 888 = 1221 = 222 444 + 777 = 1221 = 222 555 + 666 = 1221 = 222 There is always just one more pattern to be found. Notice that all triple numbers can be evenly divided by 37, starting with 3X37, 6X37, 9X37 aha, Mr. Tesla again. We are not done. Notice that each column adds up to the same total, 4995. And notice too that SURPRISE - 4995/9=555, the center number of the table.
891 912 123 234 345 456 567 678 789

681 792 813 924 135 246 357 468 579


471 582 693 714 825 936 147 258 369


261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 159


951 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849


741 852 963 174 285 396 417 528 639


531 642 753 864 975 186 297 318 429


321 432 543 654 765 876 987 198 219


111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999


123 234 345 456 567 678 789 891 912


135 246 357 468 579 681 792 813 924


147 258 369 471 582 693 714 825 936


159 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948


162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 951


174 285 396 417 528 639 741 852 963


186 297 318 429 531 642 753 864 975


198 219 321 432 543 654 765 876 987


At this point I came across Walter Russell, whom I introduced at the beginning and I began to believe in a higher hand messing with my life, or at least my mind. I cant remember which number I typed into the www, or if it was GOOGL or YAHOO, but typing in each one of the center numbers 111, 222, etc. the problem was that when I was working on these numbers at that time, I would just type in the first word, and then click on the first interesting thing that came up and then on the next one. When I finally found something I was 35 links away from where I started . But anyway on one of them, Walter popped up. Since the very first time I ever looked at the periodic table I have had the feeling, no the deep belief, that the order in which we have the elements listed is very awkward and does not make sense. I cant explain why, but all the gaps in the arrangement have never seemed logical to me. Among the many things Walter did so amazingly well, is drawing incredible diagrams and schematics. Here is one of them, it is his Octave Table of the Elements. It looks like he based the order on how stable the elements are, and perhaps on hardness, which means spin, which means vibration. What struck me, is that if you straighten this horseshoe shape, it looks pretty much like my table. Besides re-arranging the periodic table, Walter Russell also proposed that there are not 3 or 4 dimensions, but 18 of them, he listed them in his book The universal OneThese are Walters Diminsions; * The first Dimension is "Length". * The second Dimension is "Breadth". * The third Dimension is "thickness". * The fourth Dimension is "Time". * The Fifth, "sex"


* The sixth, "pressures" * The seventh, "potentials" * The eighth, "temperature" * The ninth, "ionization" * The tenth, "crystallization" * The eleventh, "valence" * The twelfth, "axial rotation" * The thirteenth, "orbital revolution" * The fourteenth, "mass" * The fifteenth, "color" * The sixteenth, "plane" * The seventeenth, "tone" * The eighteenth, "elliptic" I I immediately thought, 18, that too matches my table, especially if you add another 111 column at the end. Notice that there are also 18 periods in the periodic table; that does not change by re-ordering it. I am working on these angles also, but have not gotten very far, because I keep finding odd connections to the table itself. Next I looked at each individual number. I started with the first row. I looked to see if I could find that same number repeated anywhere. Sure enough, I found every number in the first row repeated. The first oddity I noticed was the fact that each number was indeed repeated, but it was repeated on the opposite side of the 111 center column. I began marking the position of each number and ended up with the most amazing pattern. Following is a printout of the pattern. The small one at the top is of one individual table, the larger one is what emerges as I strung several tables together, both vertically and horizontally. Looking at the pattern horizontally it looks like a Navajo Indian blanket, looking at it sideways I see a harmonic sine wave. All of the above makes a weaving pattern, which gives the term Fabric of the Universe a literal meaning! Now look at the pattern and imagine a slight twist to it. Does it remind you of something else? How about the Double Helix DNA The Building Blocks of life itself! I will shortly show more evidence of this connection.



This is what Walter Russell Was talking About when he Wrote The Universal One

The moment I saw this chart, it clicked!


Now unbend the chart, so that instead of a horseshoe shape you have a table. Keep in mind that at Russells time not all elements we have today had been discovered. Also dont forget that Russell predicted and included a large number of elements that even today have not yet been found.(see the chart here for Russells elements). I now predict that we will eventually have a periodic table with 144 (2(8x9 )) elements plus 2 times 9 the same substance between the two sides. Perhaps that substance will be Russells inert gases. You can see on the chart here the fat dots along the center column (there are 9 of them) are his inert gases. Anyway I am convinced we will end up with a total of 162 substances.


Professor Willi Apel, wrote the origin of what is now called Solfeggioarose from a Medieval hymn to John the Baptist which has this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scale, and thus the first syllable of each line was sung to a note one degree higher than the first syllable of the line that preceded it. By degrees these syllables became associated and identified with their respective notes and as each syllable ended in a vowel, they were found to be peculiarly adapted for vocal use. Hence Ut was artificially replaced with Do. (Something to consider there is a controversy surrounding Jesus and John the Baptist, something the Catholic Church is trying to hide at all costs, but hints and rumors of it are found throughout the non-traditional texts of the Gospels) In the 11th century Guido of Arezzo first adopted this scale. Six hundred years later a French musician, le Marie , added a seventh note, Si. ,The knowledge that sound and vibration are the cause of the manifesting of all matter was probably known to our earliest ancestors, but like so much other information was lost and/or hidden through the centuries. Then just a century after le Marie, added the additional note that knowledge re-emerged. The modern knowledge of this began with Ernst Chladni, a German scientist. In 1787 he wrote Discoveries Concerning the Theory of Music, a book about his research with sound. Chladni documented his method of making sound waves (look into the fact that sound is not a wave, but a sphere) produce structures. If you draw a violin bow across a plate that has a thin layer of sand in it, the vibrations of the bow produce distinct pattern in the sand (YouTube again, look for Cymatics). We call these patterns Chladni figures now. Nathaniel Bowditch, in 1815, determined that the appearance of these figures wa because of the frequency oscillations, which were in certain ratios to one another, ex.1:1, 1:2, 1:3, etc. A more recent researcher into the characteristics of sound is Dr. Hans Jenny. Jenny even discovered that when he took a plate with a layer of sand, put it on an oscillator and spoke the letters of such ancient alphabets as Hebrew and Sanskrit, the sand actually formed these letters. Another modern scientist, Dr. Candice Pert, PhD, said Energy and vibration go all the way to the molecular level. We have 70 different receptors on the molecules and when vibration and frequency reaches that far they begin to vibrate. That sound has an effect on the human body is another example of knowledge that the ancient people possessed and we today did not discover this, but re-discovered it. All ancient religions and philosophies used sound to enter into spiritual connection with their sacred figures. They also used sound in healing. To find out more about this subject read the works of Drs. Barber, Horowitz and Puleo.


Take another look at my table and now imagine 6 notes (the solfeggios instead of 8) mark the notes above the columns. I noticed a couple of things; 1. The note DO uses the columns that contain the major Solfeggio tones and the triplet column 2. The note FA also uses the major Solfeggio columns and the center triplet column. 3. Not knowing much about musical scales and intervals, I did however notice how extremely harmonic these numbers are. Here are some ways the notes can be arranged.
DO FA DO 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

RE SO RE 891 912 123 234 345 456 567 678 789

MI LA MI 681 792 813 924 135 246 357 468 579

FA DO FA 471 582 693 714 825 936 147 258 369

SO RE SO 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 159

LA MI LA 951 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849

DO FA DO 741 852 963 174 285 396 417 528 639

RE SO RE 531 642 753 864 975 186 297 318 429

MI LA MI 321 432 543 654 765 876 987 198 219

FA DO FA 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

SO RE SO 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 891 912

LA MI LA 135 246 357 468 579 681 792 813 924

DO FA DO 147 258 369 471 582 693 714 825 936

RE SO RE 159 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948

MI LA MI 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 951

FA DO FA 174 285 396 417 528 639 741 852 963

SO RE SO 186 297 318 429 531 642 753 864 975

LA MI LA 198 219 321 432 543 654 765 876 987

I can prove that Carl Jungs theory of synchronicity is correct. Some 2 years ago I bought Michael Hayes book The hermetic Code in DNA thinking it would answer some of my questions. I have since forgotten what answers to what questions I was searching for at the time. The book however, did not provide the answers I had hoped to find. Three days ago the Cuban, a.k.a. my husband, a.k.a. Tito, started working for himself, driving a delivery route halfway across the Realm of the People of the West wind, a.k.a. Kansas. I decided that since I have the summer off Ill ride with him. Thus I started looking for reading material. Since my last move in May I have not yet unpacked the boxes with my books. I have been reading online since the move. I started looking for something that would allow me not to have to go to the basement, or my sons house, or the trunk of my car to look for my books. I came across Hayes book again and decided to finish reading it. I started reading where I had left off, and was stunned, on every page there were at least a couple of answers to questions I have accumulated since I bought the book. Ive found at least a couple of references to my number table on every page. Especially connected to the above subject is the chapter called Inner Octaves I can only recommend anyone interested in these subjects to read this book. Among a number of incredibly interesting facts, Mr. Hayes said that understanding the theory of full, half and quarter tones allows one to re-construct the whole scale of frequencies and harmonies from just one note. This is exactly true of the numbers in my table.


On 5/16/11 I came across this web site, I think this is where the origin of the center number column can be found. The site has a lot of information that ties it to mine, but it is wrong on one thing: It is 1 X 72 or 2 X 36 = 72 2 X 72 or 4 X 36 = 144 3 X 72 or 6 X 36 = 216 4 X 72 or 8 X 36 = 288 5 X 72 or 10 X 36 = 360 Etc. It should be 3 X 24 = 72 6 X 24 = 144 9 X 24 = 216 12 X 24 = 288 15 X 24 = 360 Etc. + 3 X 13 (39) + 6 X 13 (78)) = 111 or 3 X 37 = 222 or 6 X 37

Look at the table for a moment, you should see why I used 24 instead of 72. Actually there are several reasons, but the obvious one should be that using 24 instead of 72 keeps with the 3, 6, 9 skip sequence. Think NikolaTesla, here. Notice that 24 + 13 = 37, therefore 3X24+3X13=3X37=111, etc. Now you may ask what is the significance of 37? Well, since you asked, look at this, also from the same web site: 1 35 34 3 32 6 30 8 28 27 11 7 24 23 15 16 14 19 13 17 21 22 20 18 12 26 9 10 29 25 31 2 4 33 5 36 This is called the Magic Square of the sun. Look at the numbers in the 4 corners 1 6

36 1+36=37 and 6+31=37 1+6=7 and 31+36=67, but 7+30=37 and 67-30=37 8 26 11 29


8=29=37 and 26+11=37


15 21

16 22

15+22=37 and 16+21+37 15+16=31 and 21=22=43, but 31+6=37 and 43-6=37 35 32

2 5 35+2=37 and 32+5=37 35+32=67 and 2+5=7, but 67-30=37 and 7=30=37 34 3

4 33 34+4=38 and 33+3=36, but 38-1=37 and 36+1=37 4+33=37 and 34+3=37 8 26 11 29

8+26=34 and 11+29=40, but 34+3=37 and 40-3=37; 8+11=19 and 26+29=55, but 19+18=37 and 55-18=37 28 9 27 10

28+10=38 and 9+27=36, but 38-1=37 and 36+1=37 28+9=37 and27+10=37 28+27=55 and 10+9=19, but 19+18=37 and 55-18=37


23 17

14 20

23+14=37 and 17+20=37 23+17=40 and 20+14=34, but 40-3=37 and 34+3=37 23+20=43 and 17+14=31, but 43-6=37 and 31+6=37 This works with all opposite numbers horizontal, vertical and diagonal. 1 30 24 13 12 31 35 8 23 17 26 2 34 28 15 21 9 4 3 27 16 22 10 33 32 11 14 20 29 5 6 7 19 18 25 36

What is the significance of these numbers? Lets begin with the 1st and last numbers in the first row and look for a pattern on the diagonal. Is there one? YES! 1+7=8+7=15+7=22+7=29+7=36. The same pattern works starting with the 6+5=11+5=16+5=21+5=26+5=31. 1 35 34 30 8 28 24 23 15 13 17 21 12 26 9 31 2 4 35+8=43 and 32+11=43 26-2=24 and 29-5=24 1 35 34 30 8 28 24 23 15 13 17 21 12 26 9 31 2 4 23-17=6 and 20-14=6 3 27 16 22 10 33 32 11 14 20 29 5 6 7 19 18 25 36

3 27 16 22 10 33

32 11 14 20 29 5

6 7 19 18 25 36


1 35 34 30 8 28 24 23 15 13 17 21 12 26 9 31 2 4 1+7=8 and 6+5=11 35-7=28 and 32-5=27 8+7=15 and 11+5=16 31-5=26 and36-7=29 2+7=9 and 5+5=10 26-5=21 and 29-7=22 1 35 34 30 8 28 24 23 15 13 17 21 12 26 9 31 2 4 30-7=23 and 7+7=14 12+5=17 and 25-5=20

3 27 16 22 10 33

32 11 14 20 29 5

6 7 19 18 25 36

3 27 16 22 10 33

32 11 14 20 29 5

6 7 19 18 25 36

1 35 34 3 32 6 30 8 28 27 11 7 24 23 15 16 14 19 13 17 21 22 20 18 12 26 9 10 29 25 31 2 4 33 5 36 24-19=5 and 18-13=5 and 24-6=18 and 19-6=13 33+4=37 and 34+3=37 1 35 34 3 32 6 30 8 28 27 11 7 24 23 15 16 14 19 13 17 21 22 20 18 12 26 9 10 29 25 31 2 4 33 5 36 in addition notice that the numbers in the 2 center columns are all separated by 1, even the first and last row numbers (they are simply switched) 33-34 and 3-4.


Now the question comes up, what is the Magic Square of the sun? The Book of Threes - a Subject Reference Encyclopedia *1 has the following explanation One of the arguments the early Church used to convert pagans to Christianity was that Jesus Christ had more solar attributes than any other god. In the article the question is then raised did the early followers of Christ know some connection that would cause them to assume that Jesus and the sun are the same? Again I simply quote the same source: The "magic square of the sun," was one of the most important symbols used to represent the sun in antiquity because of all the symbolism it possessed involving the perfect number "6." There are six sides to a cube, the numbers 1, 2, an 3, when added or multiplied together are equal to "6," and the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 36 arranged in a 6x6 magic square are equal to the number "666." The square is "magic" because the sum of any row, column, or diagonal is equal to the number "111." After the Church became the state religion of the Roman empire, possessing the diagram below could get you burned at the stake! Finally, the diagonal of each square that holds a Christ circle by calculation is 666 units!!! July 2, 2011 The following link was sent to me today on Facebook:

As I was reading through it another EUREKA moment happened! The Solfeggio Numbers Once Again - Triplets this time Look at the following 9 sets of 3 numbers. 111 147 174 222 258 285 333 369 396 417 444 471 528 555 582 639 666 693 714 741 777 825 852 888 936 963 999

To begin with, these are the 18 major solfeggio tones plus the 9 triplet numbers of my center columns. However, lets look at the other properties: in the first 3 columns the triplets are the 1st number. 2. In the next 3 columns the triplets are the center number 3. In the last 3 columns the triplets are the last number

Next, look at the differences: 1. 2. 3. 4.


111 147 difference 36 111 174 difference 63 222 258 difference 36 222 285 difference 63



5. 333 369 difference 36 6. 333 396 difference 63 7. 417 444 difference 27 8. 444 471 difference 27 9. 528 555 difference 27 10. 555 582 difference 27 11. 639 666 difference 27 12. 666 693 difference 27 13. 714 777 difference 63 14. 741 777 difference 36 15. 825 888 difference 63 16. 852 888 difference 36 17. 936 999 difference 63 18. 963 999 difference 36

= 162

= 108 = 252

If we were to add up the absolute value of the differences we end up with 2(378)= 756 = 71=6, 5+1=6, 6=6 = 666. If we take the actual values instead of the absolute ones we would end up with 0. As I am sitting here things are jumping again.
891 912 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 681 792 813 924 135 246 357 468 579 471 582 693 714 825 936 147 258 369 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 159 951 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 741 852 963 174 285 396 417 528 639 531 642 753 864 975 186 297 318 429 321 432 543 654 765 876 987 198 219 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 891 912 135 246 357 468 579 681 792 813 924 147 258 369 471 582 693 714 825 936 159 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 951 174 285 396 417 528 639 741 852 963 186 297 318 429 531 642 753 864 975 198 219 321 432 543 654 765 876 987
111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

Look at the numbers diagonally. Start with the 1st one, 123. Next one down diagonally is 246. 123+123=246. Next one down is 369. 246+123=369. On the other side of the center column start with 321. 321+321=642. 642+321=963. This works with every column. If you determine the difference on the diagonal starting from the ends towards the center you will always get 99. For example 198 297 396, etc. Even if we keep expanding the table, the pattern continues horizontally, vertically and diagonally. 123 x1 = 123 123 x2 = 246 123 x3 = 369 123 x4 = 483 123 x5 = 615 here it doesnt work anymore because the number I have is 516 WOW do you see it? 123 x6 = 738 I have 639 (9-1=8 6+1=7 = 738) I would say this method is farfetched, except that it works every time. 123 x7 = 861 I have 753 (take 1 from the 3 to make 7 into 8 and take another 1 from the 3 to make the 5 into 6 and you have 861)


123 x8 = 984 I have 876 (take 1 from the 6 to make the 8 into 9 and take 1 from the 6 to make the 7 into 8 and you have 984) 123 x9 = 1107, since we dont use 0 = 117 I have 999 (take 1 from 9 to make the 9 into 10 and take 1 from 9 to make the 2nd 9 into 10 = 10107 since we dont use 0 = 117)
891 912 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 681 792 813 924 135 246 357 468 579 471 582 693 714 825 936 147 258 369 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 159 951 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 741 852 963 174 285 396 417 528 639 531 642 753 864 975 186 297 318 429 321 432 543 654 765 876 987 198 219 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 891 912 135 246 357 468 579 681 792 813 924 147 258 369 471 582 693 714 825 936 159 261 372 483 594 615 726 837 948 162 273 384 495 516 627 738 849 951 174 285 396 417 528 639 741 852 963 186 297 318 429 531 642 753 864 975 198 219 321 432 543 654 765 876 987
111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

Now the other side: 321 x1 = 321 321 x2 = 642 321 x3 = 963 321 x4 = 1284 I have 384 (1+2=3= 384) 321 x5 = 1605 I have 615 (we dont use 0 = 165 or 615) 321 x6 = 1926 I have 936 (2+1=3 = 936) 321 x7 = 2247 I have 357 (take 1 from 2 to make 2 and take 1 from 2 to make 5 = 357) 321 x8 = 2568 I have 678 (take 1 from 2 to make the 5 into 6 and take the other 1 from 2 to make the 6 into 7 = 678) 321 x9 = 2889 I have 999 (take the 2 and make the 2 8s into 9s) On the Diagonal the increase is always 123 on the right side of the center Master Numbers or Walter Russells Master Tones. On the left side they all increase by 321.


I noticed this a couple of days ago:

891 666 912 444 123 222 234 333 345 444 456 555 567 666 678 777 789 888 681 555 792 666 813 444 924 555 135 333 246 444 357 555 468 666 579 777 471 444 582 555 693 666 714 444 825 555 936 666 147 444 258 555 369 666 261 333 372 444 483 555 594 666 615 444 726 555 837 666 948 777 159 555 951 555 162 333 273 444 384 555 495 666 516 444 627 555 738 666 849 777 741 444 852 555 963 666 174 444 285 555 396 666 417 444 528 555 639 666 531 333 642 444 753 555 864 666 975 777 186 555 297 666 318 444 429 555 321 222 432 333 543 444 654 555 765 666 876 777 987 888 198 666 219 444 111 123 222 234 333 345 444 456 555 567 666 678 777 789 888 891 666 912 444 135 333 246 444 357 555 468 666 579 777 681 555 792 666 813 444 924 555 147 444 258 555 369 666 471 444 582 555 693 666 714 444 825 555 936 666 159 555 261 333 372 444 483 555 594 666 615 444 726 555 837 666 948 777 162 333 273 444 384 555 495 666 516 444 627 555 738 666 849 777 951 555 174 444 285 555 396 666 417 444 528 555 639 666 741 444 852 555 963 666 186 555 297 666 318 444 429 555 531 333 642 444 753 555 864 666 975 777 198 666 219 444 321 222 432 333 543 444 654 555 765 666 876 777 987 888

222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

All the numbers in the table can be expressed as Master Tones; for example 123 = 1+2+3=6, 6/3 =2 = factored as 3,2 = 222 135 = 1+3+5=9, 9/3 =3 = factored as 3,3 = 333 147 = 1+4+7=12, 12/3 =4 = factored 3,4 = 444 Im looking for a pattern in this now,
111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 666 444 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 555 666 444 555 333 444 555 666 777 444 555 666 444 555 666 444 555 666 333 444 555 666 444 555 666 777 555 555 333 444 555 666 444 555 666 777 444 555 666 444 555 666 444 555 666 333 444 555 666 777 555 666 444 555 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 666 444 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 666 444 333 444 555 666 777 555 666 444 555 444 555 666 444 555 666 444 555 666 555 333 444 555 666 444 555 666 777 333 444 555 666 444 555 666 777 555 444 555 666 444 555 666 444 555 666 555 666 444 555 333 444 555 666 777 666 444 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999

The pattern does not emerge until the numbers are reduced to their single digits, then Tesla comes into the picture (table). One thing that becomes obvious from this is how harmonious these numbers really are (each one 1 octave higher).
3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 9 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999


In truth, without deceit, certain, and most veritable. That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing. And just as all things have come from this One thing, through the meditation of One Mind, so do all created things originate from this One Thing, through Transformation. Its father is the Sun; its mother the moon. The Wind carries it in its belly; its nurse is the Earth. It is the origin of All, the consecration of the Universe. Its inherent Strength is perfected, if it is turned into Earth. Separate the Earth from Fire, the Subtle from the Gross, gently and with great Ingenuity. It rises from Earth to heaven and descends again to Earth, thereby combining within Itself the powers of both the Above and the Below. Thus will you obtain the Glory of the Whole Universe. All Obscurity will be clear to you. This is the greatest Force of all powers, because it overcomes every Subtle thing and penetrates every Solid thing. In this way was the Universe created. From this come many wondrous Applications, because this is the Pattern. Therefore am I called Thrice Greatest Hermes, having all three parts of the wisdom of the Whole Universe. Herein have I completely explained the Operation of the Sun. I can hear Walter Russell in these words!



Remedies for Boredom

Sources to check out



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