Pokémon Exceeded

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Heavy Rain
Harsh Sunlight
Extreme Harsh Sunlight
Stats Formula
STAB (same-type attack bonus)
Damage Formula
Type Effectiveness
Item System
No longer increases the power of Water-type moves; reduces the power of Fire-type moves by 25%; no longe
No longer increases thethe power
power of of Water-type
Fire-type movesmoves by 50%,the
or reduces unable
powertoofuse Fire-typemoves;
Water-type moves,now no longer activate
increases the
type (increased to 50% if the Pokémon has Chrolophyll
Increases the power of Fire-type moves by 50%, unable to use Water-type moves; now increases the Speed stat b ability).
to 50% if the Pokémon has Chrolophyll ability).
Now increases the Defense stat of all Ice-type Pokémon by 50% and doubles the change of inflicting Fro
Now the Pokémon can use HMs outside battle if a Pokémon in the party can learn the HM (badg
Each Pokémon has one ability and up to 3 innates. Innates may beReusable. ignored by Mold Breaker like abilities and be
Inflicts damage equal to 1/16 of the target's maximum HP every turn, and only
Trace, Simple Beam, Role Play affectsdamage
it reduces the ability as by
dealt normal.
its special m
If the Pokémon has already a Frosbite, there is a chance to inflict Freeze status to the target equal to cure
of inflicting Frostbite status is doubled in hailstorm. Using Flame Wheel or Flare Blitz will 10%the use
of orig
The chance of inflicting Freeze status is doubled in hailstorm. Using Flame Wheel or Flare Blitz will cure th
{{{[(Level/50) + 1] * BaseStat * (10/15)} + (EV/4) + IV} * natureModifier} + {[(Sqrt(BaseStat) * 25) +
Now increases the damage of moves with STAB by 25% (67% if the Pokémon has Adaptab
This can be 0 (ineffective);damage
Now the 0.3, 0.4formula is: MoveBasePower
or 0.5 (not very effective); 1 *(normally
[(Sqrt(Level) + 100)/100]
effective); 2, 2.5 *or(Attack/Defense)
3 (super effective),* (84
target's types.
Each Pokémon can hold up to 3 items (Battle Item, Consumable and Accessory). Go to to "Item Interactio

the formula EV = (current level * ev) /

Index Name Type Category PP Power Accuracy
1 Pound Normal Physical 35 40 100%
2 Karate Chop Ok Fighting Physical 20 70 100%
3 Double Slap Ok Fairy Physical 10 25 90%
4 Comet Punch Ok Normal Physical 15 15 100%
5 Mega Punch Ok Normal Physical 20 80 100%
6 Pay Day Ok Normal Physical 20 60 100%
7 Fire Punch Fire Physical 15 75 100%
8 Ice Punch Ice Physical 15 75 100%
9 Thunder Punch Electric Physical 15 75 100%
10 Scratch Normal Physical 35 40 100%
11 Vise Grip Ok Bug Physical 20 70 100%
12 Guillotine Ok Bug Physical 5 120 80%
13 Razor Wind Ok Flying Special 10 90 100%
14 Swords Dance Normal Status 20* — —
15 Cut Ok Normal Physical 20 50 95%
16 Gust Ok Flying Special 25 60 100%
17 Wing Attack Flying Physical 35 60 100%
18 Whirlwind Normal Status 20 — —
19 Fly Flying Physical 15 90 95%
20 Bind Ok Normal Physical 20 35 85%
21 Slam Ok Normal Physical 20 80 100%
22 Vine Whip Ok Grass Physical 25 45 100%
23 Stomp Normal Physical 20 65 100%
24 Double Kick Fighting Physical 30 30 100%
25 Mega Kick Normal Physical 5 120 75%
26 Jump Kick Fighting Physical 10* 100 95%
27 Rolling Kick Ok Fighting Physical 15 60 85%
28 Sand Attack Ground Status 15 — 100%
29 Headbutt Normal Physical 15 70 100%
30 Horn Attack Ok Normal Physical 25 65 100%
31 Fury Attack Ok Flying Physical 10 25 90%
32 Horn Drill Ok Normal Physical 5 120 80%
33 Tackle Normal Physical 35 40 100%
34 Body Slam Normal Physical 15 85 100%
35 Wrap Ok Normal Physical 20 35 90%
36 Take Down Normal Physical 20 90 85%
37 Thrash Normal Physical 10* 120* 100%
38 Double-Edge Normal Physical 15 120* 100%
39 Tail Whip Normal Status 30 — 100%
40 Poison Sting Poison Physical 35 15 100%
41 Twineedle Ok Bug Physical 20 40 100%
42 Pin Missile Bug Physical 20 25* 95%
43 Leer Normal Status 30 — 100%
44 Bite* Dark Physical 25 60 100%
45 Growl Normal Status 40 — 100%
46 Roar Normal Status 20 — —
47 Sing Normal Status 15 — 55%
48 Supersonic Normal Status 20 — 55%
49 Sonic Boom Ok Normal Special 10 —* 90%
50 Disable Normal Status 20 — 100%
51 Acid Ok Poison Special 30 40 100%
52 Ember Fire Special 25 40 100%
53 Flamethrower Fire Special 15 90* 100%
54 Mist Ice Status 5 — —
55 Water Gun Water Special 25 40 100%
56 Hydro Pump Water Special 5 110* 80%
57 Surf Water Special 15 90* 100%
58 Ice Beam Ice Special 10 90* 100%
59 Blizzard Ice Special 5 110* 70%
60 Psybeam Psychic Special 20 65 100%
61 Bubble Beam Water Special 20 65 100%
62 Aurora Beam Ice Special 20 65 100%
63 Hyper Beam Normal Special 5 150 90%
64 Peck Flying Physical 35 35 100%
65 Drill Peck Ok Flying Physical 20 80 100%
66 Submission Ok Fighting Physical 5 150 80%
67 Low Kick Fighting Physical 20 —* 100%
68 Counter Fighting Physical 20 — 100%
69 Seismic Toss Ok Fighting Physical 10 — 90%
70 Strength Ok Fighting Physical 15 80 100%
71 Absorb Grass Special 25* 20* 100%
72 Mega Drain Grass Special 15* 40* 100%
73 Leech Seed Grass Status 10 — 90%
74 Growth Normal Status 20* — —
75 Razor Leaf Grass Physical 25 55 95%
76 Solar Beam Grass Special 10 120* 100%
77 Poison Powder Poison Status 35 — 75%
78 Stun Spore Grass Status 30 — 75%
79 Sleep Powder Grass Status 15 — 75%
80 Petal Dance Grass Special 10* 120* 100%
81 String Shot Bug Status 40 — 95%
82 Dragon Rage Ok Dragon Special 10 —* 90%
83 Fire Spin Fire Special 15 50 90%
84 Thunder Shock Electric Special 30 40 100%
85 Thunderbolt Electric Special 15 90* 100%
86 Thunder Wave Ok Electric Status 20 — 90%
87 Thunder Electric Special 10 110* 70%
88 Rock Throw Rock Physical 15 50 90%
89 Earthquake Ground Physical 10 100 100%
90 Fissure Ok Ground Physical 5 120 80%
91 Dig Ground Physical 10 80* 100%
92 Toxic Poison Status 10 — 90%
93 Confusion Ok Psychic Special 25 50 100%
94 Psychic Psychic Special 10 90 100%
95 Hypnosis Psychic Status 20 — 60%
96 Meditate Ok Psychic Status 10 — —
97 Agility Psychic Status 30 — —
98 Quick Attack Normal Physical 30 40 100%
99 Rage Normal Physical 20 20 100%
100 Teleport Psychic Status 20 — —
101 Night Shade Ok Ghost Special 10 — 90%
102 Mimic Normal Status 10 — —
103 Screech Normal Status 40 — 85%
104 Double Team Normal Status 15 — —
105 Recover Normal Status 10* — —
106 Harden Normal Status 30 — —
107 Minimize Normal Status 10* — —
108 Smokescreen Normal Status 20 — 100%
109 Confuse Ray Ghost Status 10 — 100%
110 Withdraw Ok Water Status 15 — —
111 Defense Curl Ok Normal Status 40 — —
112 Barrier Psychic Status 20* — —
113 Light Screen Psychic Status 30 — —
114 Haze Ice Status 30 — —
115 Reflect Psychic Status 20 — —
116 Focus Energy Ok Normal Status 30 — —
117 Bide Normal Physical 10 — —
118 Metronome Normal Status 10 — —
119 Mirror Move Flying Status 20 — —
120 Self-Destruct Normal Physical 5 200* 100%
121 Egg Bomb Ok Fire Physical 10 100 85%
122 Lick Ok Ghost Physical 15 80 100%
123 Smog Ok Poison Special 15 50 —
124 Sludge Poison Special 20 65 100%
125 Bone Club Ground Physical 10 65 100%
126 Fire Blast Fire Special 5 110* 85%
127 Waterfall Water Physical 15 80 100%
128 Clamp Ok Water Physical 10 80 85%
129 Swift Normal Special 20 60 —
130 Skull Bash Normal Physical 10* 130* 100%
131 Spike Cannon Ok Water Physical 15 25 100%
132 Constrict Ok Normal Physical 15 55 95%
133 Amnesia Psychic Status 20 — —
134 Kinesis Ok Psychic Status 10 — 100%
135 Soft-Boiled Normal Status 10 — —
136 High Jump Kick Fighting Physical 10* 130* 90%
137 Glare Normal Status 30 — 100%
138 Dream Eater Ok Psychic Special 15 60 100%
139 Poison Gas Ok Poison Status 10 — 90%
140 Barrage Ok Ground Physical 30 25 100%
141 Leech Life Bug Physical 10* 80* 100%
142 Lovely Kiss Ok Normal Status 10 — 85%
143 Sky Attack Ok Flying Physical 5 140* 90%
144 Transform Normal Status 10 — —
145 Bubble Water Special 30 40* 100%
146 Dizzy Punch Ok Normal Physical 10 80 100%
147 Spore Grass Status 15 — 100%
148 Flash Ok Normal Status 20 — 100%
149 Psywave Ok Psychic Special 10 — 90%
150 Splash Normal Status 40 — —
151 Acid Armor Poison Status 20* — —
152 Crabhammer Water Physical 10 100* 90%
153 Explosion Normal Physical 5 250* 100%
154 Fury Swipes Ok Normal Physical 15 15 100%
155 Bonemerang Ok Ground Physical 10 50 90%
156 Rest Psychic Status 10 — —
157 Rock Slide Rock Physical 10 75 90%
158 Hyper Fang Ok Normal Physical 15 80 95%
159 Sharpen Normal Status 30 — —
160 Conversion Normal Status 30 — —
161 Tri Attack Normal Special 10 30 100%
162 Super Fang Normal Physical 10 — 90%
163 Slash Normal Physical 20 70 100%
164 Substitute Normal Status 10 — —
165 Struggle Normal Physical 1* 50 —
166 Sketch Normal Status 1 — —
167 Triple Kick Fighting Physical 10 10 90%
168 Thief Dark Physical 25* 60* 100%
169 Spider Web Ok Bug Status 10 — —
170 Mind Reader Ok Normal Status 5 — —
171 Nightmare Ghost Status 15 — 100%
172 Flame Wheel Fire Physical 25 60 100%
173 Snore Ok Normal Special 15 50* 100%
174 Curse* Ghost Status 10 — —
175 Flail Normal Physical 15 — 100%
176 Conversion 2 Normal Status 30 — —
177 Aeroblast Ok Flying Special 5 100 95%
178 Cotton Spore Grass Status 40 — 100%
179 Reversal Fighting Physical 15 — 100%
180 Spite Ghost Status 10 — 100%
181 Powder Snow Ice Special 25 40 100%
182 Protect Normal Status 10 — —
183 Mach Punch Fighting Physical 30 40 100%
184 Scary Face Normal Status 10 — 100%
185 Feint Attack Dark Physical 20 60 —
186 Sweet Kiss* Ok Fairy Special 10 50 100%
187 Belly Drum Normal Status 10 — —
188 Sludge Bomb Poison Special 10 90 100%
189 Mud-Slap Ok Ground Special 10 20 100%
190 Octazooka Ok Ground Special 5 100 50%
191 Spikes Ground Status 20 — —
192 Zap Cannon Electric Special 5 120* 50%
193 Foresight Normal Status 40 — —
194 Destiny Bond Ghost Status 5 — —
195 Perish Song Normal Status 5 — —
196 Icy Wind Ok Ice Special 10 75 95%
197 Detect Fighting Status 5 — —
198 Bone Rush Ok Ground Physical 10 15 95%
199 Lock-On Ok Normal Status 5 — —
200 Outrage Dragon Physical 10* 120* 100%
201 Sandstorm Rock Status 10 — —
202 Giga Drain Grass Special 10* 75* 100%
203 Endure Normal Status 10 — —
204 Charm* Fairy Status 20 — 100%
205 Rollout Ok Rock Physical 20 30 90%
206 False Swipe Normal Physical 40 40 100%
207 Swagger Normal Status 15 — 85%
208 Milk Drink Normal Status 10 — —
209 Spark Electric Physical 20 65 100%
210 Fury Cutter Bug Physical 20 40* 95%
211 Steel Wing Ok Steel Physical 15 80 95%
212 Mean Look Normal Status 5 — —
213 Attract Normal Status 15 — 100%
214 Sleep Talk Normal Status 10 — —
215 Heal Bell Normal Status 5 — —
216 Return Normal Physical 20 — 100%
217 Present Ok Normal Physical 15 — 100%
218 Frustration Normal Physical 20 — 100%
219 Safeguard Normal Status 25 — —
220 Pain Split Normal Status 20 — —
221 Sacred Fire Ok Fire Physical 5 100 95%
222 Magnitude Ground Physical 30 — 100%
223 Dynamic Punch Fighting Physical 5 100 50%
224 Megahorn Ok Normal Physical 10 100 90%
225 Dragon Breath Ok Fire Special 20 70 100%
226 Baton Pass Normal Status 40 — —
227 Encore Normal Status 5 — 100%
228 Pursuit Dark Physical 20 40 100%
229 Rapid Spin Normal Physical 20 50* 100%
230 Sweet Scent Normal Status 20 — 100%
231 Iron Tail Steel Physical 5 100 75%
232 Metal Claw Ok Steel Physical 15 75 95%
233 Vital Throw Fighting Physical 10 70 —
234 Morning Sun Normal Status 5 — —
235 Synthesis Grass Status 5 — —
236 Moonlight* Fairy Status 5 — —
237 Hidden Power Normal Special 15 60* 100%
238 Cross Chop Fighting Physical 5 100 80%
239 Twister Ok Dragon Special 20 60 100%
240 Rain Dance Water Status 5 — —
241 Sunny Day Fire Status 5 — —
242 Crunch Dark Physical 15 80 100%
243 Mirror Coat Psychic Special 20 — 100%
244 Psych Up Normal Status 10 — —
245 Extreme Speed Normal Physical 5 80 100%
246 Ancient Power Rock Special 5 60 100%
247 Shadow Ball Ghost Special 15 80 100%
248 Future Sight Psychic Special 10* 120* 100%
249 Rock Smash Fighting Physical 15 40* 100%
250 Whirlpool Water Special 15 35 85%
251 Beat Up Ok Dark Physical 10 —* 100%
252 Fake Out Normal Physical 10 40 100%
253 Uproar Normal Special 10 90* 100%
254 Stockpile Normal Status 20* — —
255 Spit Up Normal Special 10 — 100%
256 Swallow Normal Status 5 — —
257 Heat Wave Fire Special 10 95* 90%
258 Hail Ice Status 10 — —
259 Torment Dark Status 15 — 100%
260 Flatter Dark Status 15 — 100%
261 Will-O-Wisp Ok Fire Status 15 — 85%
262 Memento Dark Status 10 — 100%
263 Facade Normal Physical 20 70 100%
264 Focus Punch Fighting Physical 20 150 100%
265 Smelling Salts Normal Physical 10 70* 100%
266 Follow Me Normal Status 20 — —
267 Nature Power Normal Status 20 — —
268 Charge Electric Status 20 — —
269 Taunt Dark Status 20 — 100%
270 Helping Hand Normal Status 20 — —
271 Trick Psychic Status 10 — 100%
272 Role Play Psychic Status 10 — —
273 Wish Normal Status 10 — —
274 Assist Normal Status 20 — —
275 Ingrain Ok Grass Status 20 — —
276 Superpower Fighting Physical 5 120 100%
277 Magic Coat Psychic Status 15 — —
278 Recycle Normal Status 10 — —
279 Revenge Fighting Physical 10 60 100%
280 Brick Break Fighting Physical 15 75 100%
281 Yawn Normal Status 10 — —
282 Knock Off Dark Physical 20 65* 100%
283 Endeavor Normal Physical 5 — 100%
284 Eruption Fire Special 5 150 100%
285 Skill Swap Psychic Status 10 — —
286 Imprison Psychic Status 10 — —
287 Refresh Normal Status 20 — —
288 Grudge Ok Ghost Special 5 80 100%
289 Snatch Dark Status 10 — —
290 Secret Power Normal Physical 20 70 100%
291 Dive Water Physical 10 80* 100%
292 Arm Thrust Ok Fighting Physical 20 15 100%
293 Camouflage Ok Normal Status 20 — —
294 Tail Glow Bug Status 20 — —
295 Luster Purge Psychic Special 5 70 100%
296 Mist Ball Psychic Special 5 70 100%
297 Feather Dance Ok Flying Status 20 — —
298 Teeter Dance Normal Status 20 — 100%
299 Blaze Kick Fire Physical 10 85 90%
300 Mud Sport Ground Status 15 — —
301 Ice Ball Ok Ice Physical 20 30 90%
302 Needle Arm Ok Grass Physical 15 90 100%
303 Slack Off Normal Status 10 — —
304 Hyper Voice Normal Special 10 90 100%
305 Poison Fang Ok Poison Physical 10 75 100%
306 Crush Claw Normal Physical 10 75 95%
307 Blast Burn Fire Special 5 150 90%
308 Hydro Cannon Water Special 5 150 90%
309 Meteor Mash Steel Physical 10 90* 90%
310 Astonish Ghost Physical 15 30 100%
311 Weather Ball Normal Special 10 50 100%
312 Aromatherapy Grass Status 5 — —
313 Fake Tears Dark Status 20 — 100%
314 Air Cutter Ok Flying Physical 20 70 100%
315 Overheat Fire Special 5 130* 90%
316 Odor Sleuth Normal Status 40 — —
317 Rock Tomb Rock Physical 15* 60* 95%
318 Silver Wind Bug Special 5 60 100%
319 Metal Sound Steel Status 40 — 85%
320 Grass Whistle Grass Status 15 — 55%
321 Tickle Normal Status 20 — 100%
322 Cosmic Power Psychic Status 20 — —
323 Water Spout Water Special 5 150 100%
324 Signal Beam Bug Special 15 75 100%
325 Shadow Punch Ghost Physical 20 60 —
326 Extrasensory Psychic Special 20* 80 100%
327 Sky Uppercut Fighting Physical 15 85 90%
328 Sand Tomb Ground Physical 15 50 85%
329 Sheer Cold Ok Ice Special 5 120 70%
330 Muddy Water Ok Ground Special 10 90* 95%
331 Bullet Seed Ok Grass Physical 30 25* 100%
332 Aerial Ace Grass Physical 20 60 —
333 Icicle Spear Ice Physical 30 25* 100%
334 Iron Defense Steel Status 15 — —
335 Block Normal Status 5 — —
336 Howl Normal Status 40 — —
337 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical 15 80 100%
338 Frenzy Plant Grass Special 5 150 90%
339 Bulk Up Fighting Status 20 — —
340 Bounce Flying Physical 5 85 85%
341 Mud Shot Ok Ground Special 15 55 95%
342 Poison Tail Ok Poison Physical 15 100 85%
343 Covet Fairy Physical 25* 60* 100%
344 Volt Tackle Electric Physical 15 120 100%
345 Magical Leaf Grass Special 20 60 —
346 Water Sport Water Status 15 — —
347 Calm Mind Psychic Status 20 — —
348 Leaf Blade Grass Physical 15 90* 100%
349 Dragon Dance Dragon Status 20 — —
350 Rock Blast Rock Physical 10 25 90%
351 Shock Wave Electric Special 20 60 —
352 Water Pulse Water Special 20 60 100%
353 Doom Desire Steel Special 5 140* 100%
354 Psycho Boost Psychic Special 5 140 90%
355 Roost Flying Status 10 — —
356 Gravity Psychic Status 5 — —
357 Miracle Eye Psychic Status 40 — —
358 Wake-Up Slap Fighting Physical 10 70* 100%
359 Hammer Arm Fighting Physical 10 100 90%
360 Gyro Ball Steel Physical 5 — 100%
361 Healing Wish Psychic Status 10 — —
362 Brine Water Special 10 65 100%
363 Natural Gift Normal Physical 15 — 100%
364 Feint Normal Physical 10 30 100%
365 Pluck Flying Physical 20 60 100%
366 Tailwind Ok Flying Status 15* — —
367 Acupressure Normal Status 30 — —
368 Metal Burst Steel Physical 10 — 100%
369 U-turn Bug Physical 20 70 100%
370 Close Combat Fighting Physical 5 120 100%
371 Payback Dark Physical 10 50 100%
372 Assurance Dark Physical 10 60* 100%
373 Embargo Dark Status 15 — 100%
374 Fling Dark Physical 10 — 100%
375 Psycho Shift Psychic Status 10 — 100%
376 Trump Card Normal Special 5 — —
377 Heal Block Psychic Status 15 — 100%
378 Wring Out Normal Special 5 — 100%
379 Power Trick Psychic Status 10 — —
380 Gastro Acid Ok Poison Status 10 — 100%
381 Lucky Chant Normal Status 30 — —
382 Me First Normal Status 20 — —
383 Copycat Normal Status 20 — —
384 Power Swap Psychic Status 10 — —
385 Guard Swap Psychic Status 10 — —
386 Punishment Dark Physical 5 — 100%
387 Last Resort Normal Physical 5 140* 100%
388 Worry Seed Grass Status 10 — 100%
389 Sucker Punch Ok Dark Physical 5 70* 100%
390 Toxic Spikes Poison Status 20 — —
391 Heart Swap Psychic Status 10 — —
392 Aqua Ring Ok Water Status 20 — —
393 Magnet Rise Ok Electric Status 10 — —
394 Flare Blitz Fire Physical 15 120 100%
395 Force Palm Fighting Physical 10 60 100%
396 Aura Sphere Fighting Special 20 80* —
397 Rock Polish Ok Rock Status 20 — —
398 Poison Jab Poison Physical 20 80 100%
399 Dark Pulse Dark Special 15 80 100%
400 Night Slash Dark Physical 15 70 100%
401 Aqua Tail Ok Water Physical 10 90 100%
402 Seed Bomb Grass Physical 15 80 100%
403 Air Slash Flying Special 15* 75 95%
404 X-Scissor Ok Bug Physical 15 40 100%
405 Bug Buzz Bug Special 10 90 100%
406 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special 10 85* 100%
407 Dragon Rush Ok Dragon Physical 10 100 85%
408 Power Gem Rock Special 20 80* 100%
409 Drain Punch Fighting Physical 10* 75* 100%
410 Vacuum Wave Ok Fighting Physical 5 70 100%
411 Focus Blast Fighting Special 5 120 70%
412 Energy Ball Grass Special 10 90* 100%
413 Brave Bird Flying Physical 15 120 100%
414 Earth Power Ground Special 10 90 100%
415 Switcheroo Dark Status 10 — 100%
416 Giga Impact Normal Physical 5 150 90%
417 Nasty Plot Dark Status 20 — —
418 Bullet Punch Steel Physical 30 40 100%
419 Avalanche Ice Physical 10 60 100%
420 Ice Shard Ice Physical 30 40 100%
421 Shadow Claw Ghost Physical 15 70 100%
422 Thunder Fang Electric Physical 15 65 95%
423 Ice Fang Ice Physical 15 65 95%
424 Fire Fang Fire Physical 15 65 95%
425 Shadow Sneak Ghost Physical 30 40 100%
426 Mud Bomb Ok Ground Special 10 65 100%
427 Psycho Cut Psychic Physical 20 70 100%
428 Zen Headbutt Psychic Physical 15 80 90%
429 Mirror Shot Steel Special 10 65 85%
430 Flash Cannon Steel Special 10 80 100%
431 Rock Climb Ok Rock Physical 20 90 85%
432 Defog Flying Status 15 — —
433 Trick Room Psychic Status 5 — —
434 Draco Meteor Dragon Special 5 130* 90%
435 Discharge Electric Special 15 80 100%
436 Lava Plume Fire Special 15 80 100%
437 Leaf Storm Grass Special 5 130* 90%
438 Power Whip Grass Physical 10 120 85%
439 Rock Wrecker Rock Physical 5 150 90%
440 Cross Poison Ok Poison Physical 20 35 100%
441 Gunk Shot Poison Physical 5 120 80%
442 Iron Head Steel Physical 15 80 100%
443 Magnet Bomb Ok Steel Special 20 60 —
444 Stone Edge Rock Physical 5 100 80%
445 Captivate Normal Status 20 — 100%
446 Stealth Rock Rock Status 20 — —
447 Grass Knot Grass Special 20 — 100%
448 Chatter Flying Special 20 65* 100%
449 Judgment Normal Special 10 100 100%
450 Bug Bite Ok Bug Physical 15 75 100%
451 Charge Beam Ok Electric Special 25 50 100%
452 Wood Hammer Grass Physical 15 120 100%
453 Aqua Jet Water Physical 20 40 100%
454 Attack Order Bug Physical 15 90 100%
455 Defend Order Bug Status 10 — —
456 Heal Order Bug Status 10 — —
457 Head Smash Rock Physical 5 150 80%
458 Double Hit Ok Normal Physical 10 35 90%
459 Roar of Time Dragon Special 5 150 90%
460 Spacial Rend Ok Dragon Special 5 100 95%
461 Lunar Dance Psychic Status 10 — —
462 Crush Grip Normal Physical 5 — 100%
463 Magma Storm Ok Fire Special 5 100* 90%
464 Dark Void Dark Status 10 — 50%
465 Seed Flare Grass Special 5 120 85%
466 Ominous Wind Ghost Special 5 60 100%
467 Shadow Force Ghost Physical 5 120 100%
468 Hone Claws Dark Status 15 — —
469 Wide Guard Rock Status 10 — —
470 Guard Split Psychic Status 10 — —
471 Power Split Psychic Status 10 — —
472 Wonder Room Psychic Status 10 — —
473 Psyshock Psychic Special 10 80 100%
474 Venoshock Poison Special 10 65 100%
475 Autotomize Ok Steel Status 15 — —
476 Rage Powder Bug Status 20 — —
477 Telekinesis Psychic Status 20 — —
478 Magic Room Psychic Status 10 — —
479 Smack Down Ok Rock Physical 15 70 100%
480 Storm Throw Fighting Physical 10 60* 100%
481 Flame Burst Fire Special 15 70 100%
482 Sludge Wave Poison Special 10 95 100%
483 Quiver Dance Bug Status 20 — —
484 Heavy Slam Ok Steel Physical 10 — 100%
485 Synchronoise Psychic Special 10* 120* 100%
486 Electro Ball Electric Special 10 — 100%
487 Soak Ok Water Status 20 — 100%
488 Flame Charge Fire Physical 20 50 100%
489 Coil Ok Poison Status 20 — —
490 Low Sweep Fighting Physical 20 65* 100%
491 Acid Spray Ok Poison Special 20 40 100%
492 Foul Play Dark Physical 15 95 100%
493 Simple Beam Normal Status 15 — 100%
494 Entrainment Normal Status 15 — 100%
495 After You Normal Status 15 — —
496 Round Normal Special 15 60 100%
497 Echoed Voice Normal Special 15 40 100%
498 Chip Away Normal Physical 20 70 100%
499 Clear Smog Poison Special 15 50 —
500 Stored Power Psychic Special 10 20 100%
501 Quick Guard Fighting Status 15 — —
502 Ally Switch Psychic Status 15 — —
503 Scald Water Special 15 80 100%
504 Shell Smash Normal Status 15 — —
505 Heal Pulse Psychic Status 10 — —
506 Hex Ghost Special 10 65* 100%
507 Sky Drop Flying Physical 10 60 100%
508 Shift Gear Steel Status 10 — —
509 Circle Throw Fighting Physical 10 60 90%
510 Incinerate Fire Special 15 60 100%
511 Quash Dark Status 15 — 100%
512 Acrobatics Flying Physical 15 55 100%
513 Reflect Type Normal Status 15 — —
514 Retaliate Normal Physical 5 70 100%
515 Final Gambit Fighting Special 5 — 100%
516 Bestow Normal Status 15 — —
517 Inferno Fire Special 5 100 50%
518 Water Pledge Water Special 10 80* 100%
519 Fire Pledge Fire Special 10 80* 100%
520 Grass Pledge Grass Special 10 80* 100%
521 Volt Switch Electric Special 20 70 100%
522 Struggle Bug Bug Special 20 50* 100%
523 Bulldoze Ground Physical 20 60 100%
524 Frost Breath Ice Special 10 60* 90%
525 Dragon Tail Dragon Physical 10 60 90%
526 Work Up Normal Status 30 — —
527 Electroweb Electric Special 15 55 95%
528 Wild Charge Electric Physical 15 90 100%
529 Drill Run Ok Ground Physical 10 80 95%
530 Dual Chop Ok Dragon Physical 15 40 90%
531 Heart Stamp Psychic Physical 25 60 100%
532 Horn Leech Ok Grass Physical 10 75 100%
533 Sacred Sword Fighting Physical 15* 90 100%
534 Razor Shell Water Physical 10 75 95%
535 Heat Crash Ok Fire Physical 10 — 100%
536 Leaf Tornado Grass Special 10 65 90%
537 Steamroller Ok Bug Physical 20 65 100%
538 Cotton Guard Grass Status 10 — —
539 Night Daze Dark Special 10 85 95%
540 Psystrike Psychic Special 10 100 —
541 Tail Slap Ok Normal Physical 10 25 90%
542 Hurricane Ok Flying Special 10 110* 70%
543 Head Charge Normal Physical 15 120 100%
544 Gear Grind Ok Steel Physical 15 50 100%
545 Searing Shot Fire Special 5 100 100%
546 Techno Blast Ok Steel Special 5 120* 100%
547 Relic Song Ok Normal Special 5 100 100%
548 Secret Sword Fighting Special 10 85 100%
549 Glaciate Ok Ice Special 5 100 95%
550 Bolt Strike Electric Physical 5 130 85%
551 Blue Flare Fire Special 5 130 85%
552 Fiery Dance Fire Special 10 80 100%
553 Freeze Shock Ok Ice Physical 5 130 85%
554 Ice Burn Ok Ice Special 5 130 85%
555 Snarl Dark Special 15 55 95%
556 Icicle Crash Ice Physical 10 85 90%
557 V-create Fire Physical 5 180 95%
558 Fusion Flare Fire Special 5 100 100%
559 Fusion Bolt Electric Physical 5 100 100%
560 Flying Press Fighting Physical 10 100* 95%
561 Mat Block Fighting Status 10 — —
562 Belch Ok Poison Special 10 120 90%
563 Rototiller Ground Status 10 — —
564 Sticky Web Ok Bug Status 20 — —
565 Fell Stinger Bug Physical 25 50* 100%
566 Phantom Force Ghost Physical 10 90 100%
567 Trick-or-Treat Ok Ghost Status 5 — 100%
568 Noble Roar Normal Status 30 — 100%
569 Ion Deluge Electric Status 25 — —
570 Parabolic Charge Electric Special 20 65* 100%
571 Forest's Curse Ok Grass Status 20 — 100%
572 Petal Blizzard Grass Physical 15 90 100%
573 Freeze-Dry Ice Special 20 70 100%
574 Disarming Voice Fairy Special 15 40 —
575 Parting Shot Dark Status 20 — 100%
576 Topsy-Turvy Dark Status 20 — —
577 Draining Kiss Fairy Special 10 50 100%
578 Crafty Shield Fairy Status 10 — —
579 Flower Shield Fairy Status 10 — —
580 Grassy Terrain Grass Status 10 — —
581 Misty Terrain Fairy Status 10 — —
582 Electrify Electric Status 15 — —
583 Play Rough Fairy Physical 10 90 90%
584 Fairy Wind Fairy Special 30 40 100%
585 Moonblast Fairy Special 15 95 100%
586 Boomburst Normal Special 10 140 100%
587 Fairy Lock Fairy Status 10 — —
588 King's Shield Steel Status 10 — —
589 Play Nice Normal Status 20 — —
590 Confide Normal Status 20 — —
591 Diamond Storm Rock Physical 5 100 95%
592 Steam Eruption Water Special 5 110 95%
593 Hyperspace Hole Ok Ghost Special 5 80 —
594 Water Shuriken* Water Special 20 15 100%
595 Mystical Fire Fire Special 10 75* 100%
596 Spiky Shield Grass Status 10 — —
597 Aromatic Mist Fairy Status 20 — —
598 Eerie Impulse Electric Status 15 — 100%
599 Venom Drench Ok Poison Status 20 — 100%
600 Powder Bug Status 20 — 100%
601 Geomancy Fairy Status 10 — —
602 Magnetic Flux Electric Status 20 — —
603 Happy Hour Normal Status 30 — —
604 Electric Terrain Electric Status 10 — —
605 Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special 10 80 100%
606 Celebrate Normal Status 40 — —
607 Hold Hands Normal Status 40 — —
608 Baby-Doll Eyes Fairy Status 30 — 100%
609 Nuzzle Electric Physical 20 20 100%
610 Hold Back Normal Physical 40 40 100%
611 Infestation Bug Special 20 50 100%
612 Power-Up Punch Fighting Physical 20 40 100%
613 Oblivion Wing Flying Special 10 80 100%
614 Thousand Arrows Ok Ground Physical 10 90 100%
615 Thousand Waves Ground Physical 10 90 100%
616 Land's Wrath Ground Physical 10 90 100%
617 Light of Ruin Fairy Special 5 140 90%
618 Origin Pulse Water Special 10 110 85%
619 Precipice Blades Ground Physical 10 120 85%
620 Dragon Ascent Flying Physical 5 120 100%
621 Hyperspace Fury Dark Physical 5 100 —
622 Breakneck Blitz Normal Physical 1 — —
623 Breakneck Blitz Normal Special 1 — —
624 All-Out Pummeling Fighting Physical 1 — —
625 All-Out Pummeling Fighting Special 1 — —
626 Supersonic Skystrike Flying Physical 1 — —
627 Supersonic Skystrike Flying Special 1 — —
628 Acid Downpour Poison Physical 1 — —
629 Acid Downpour Poison Special 1 — —
630 Tectonic Rage Ground Physical 1 — —
631 Tectonic Rage Ground Special 1 — —
632 Continental Crush Rock Physical 1 — —
633 Continental Crush Rock Special 1 — —
634 Savage Spin-Out Bug Physical 1 — —
635 Savage Spin-Out Bug Special 1 — —
636 Never-Ending Nightmare Ghost Physical 1 — —
637 Never-Ending Nightmare Ghost Special 1 — —
638 Corkscrew Crash Steel Physical 1 — —
639 Corkscrew Crash Steel Special 1 — —
640 Inferno Overdrive Fire Physical 1 — —
641 Inferno Overdrive Fire Special 1 — —
642 Hydro Vortex Water Physical 1 — —
643 Hydro Vortex Water Special 1 — —
644 Bloom Doom Grass Physical 1 — —
645 Bloom Doom Grass Special 1 — —
646 Gigavolt Havoc Electric Physical 1 — —
647 Gigavolt Havoc Electric Special 1 — —
648 Shattered Psyche Psychic Physical 1 — —
649 Shattered Psyche Psychic Special 1 — —
650 Subzero Slammer Ice Physical 1 — —
651 Subzero Slammer Ice Special 1 — —
652 Devastating Drake Dragon Physical 1 — —
653 Devastating Drake Dragon Special 1 — —
654 Black Hole Eclipse Dark Physical 1 — —
655 Black Hole Eclipse Dark Special 1 — —
656 Twinkle Tackle Fairy Physical 1 — —
657 Twinkle Tackle Fairy Special 1 — —
658 Catastropika Electric Physical 1 210 —
659 Shore Up Ok Ground Status 10 — —
660 First Impression Bug Physical 10 90 100%
661 Baneful Bunker Poison Status 10 — —
662 Spirit Shackle Ghost Physical 10 80 100%
663 Darkest Lariat Dark Physical 10 85 100%
664 Sparkling Aria Water Special 10 90 100%
665 Ice Hammer Ice Physical 10 100 90%
666 Floral Healing Fairy Status 10 — —
667 High Horsepower Ok Ground Physical 10 95 95%
668 Strength Sap Grass Status 10 — 100%
669 Solar Blade Grass Physical 10 125 100%
670 Leafage Grass Physical 40 40 100%
671 Spotlight Normal Status 15 — —
672 Toxic Thread Ok Poison Status 20 — 100%
673 Laser Focus Normal Status 30 — —
674 Gear Up Steel Status 20 — —
675 Throat Chop Dark Physical 15 80 100%
676 Pollen Puff Bug Special 15 90 100%
677 Anchor Shot Steel Physical 20 80 100%
678 Psychic Terrain Psychic Status 10 — —
679 Lunge Bug Physical 15 80 100%
680 Fire Lash Fire Physical 15 80 100%
681 Power Trip Dark Physical 10 20 100%
682 Burn Up Fire Special 5 130 100%
683 Speed Swap Psychic Status 10 — —
684 Smart Strike Steel Physical 10 70 —
685 Purify Normal Status 20 — —
686 Revelation Dance Normal Special 15 90 100%
687 Core Enforcer Ok Dragon Physical 10 100 100%
688 Trop Kick Grass Physical 15 70 100%
689 Instruct Psychic Status 15 — —
690 Beak Blast Flying Physical 15 100 100%
691 Clanging Scales Dragon Special 5 110 100%
692 Dragon Hammer Dragon Physical 15 90 100%
693 Brutal Swing Dark Physical 20 60 100%
694 Aurora Veil Ice Status 20 — —
695 Sinister Arrow Raid Ghost Physical 1 180 —
696 Malicious Moonsault Dark Physical 1 180 —
697 Oceanic Operetta Water Special 1 195 —
698 Guardian of Alola Fairy Special 1 — —
699 Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike Ghost Physical 1 195 —
700 Stoked Sparksurfer Electric Special 1 175 —
701 Pulverizing Pancake Normal Physical 1 210 —
702 Extreme Evoboost Normal Status 1 — —
703 Genesis Supernova Psychic Special 1 185 —
704 Shell Trap Fire Special 5 150 100%
705 Fleur Cannon Fairy Special 5 130 90%
706 Psychic Fangs Psychic Physical 10 85 100%
707 Stomping Tantrum Ground Physical 10 75 100%
708 Shadow Bone Ghost Physical 10 85 100%
709 Accelerock Rock Physical 20 40 100%
710 Liquidation Water Physical 10 85 100%
711 Prismatic Laser Psychic Special 10 160 100%
712 Spectral Thief Ghost Physical 10 90 100%
713 Sunsteel Strike Steel Physical 5 100 100%
714 Moongeist Beam Ghost Special 5 100 100%
715 Tearful Look Normal Status 20 — —
716 Zing Zap Electric Physical 10 80 100%
717 Nature's Madness Fairy Special 10 — 90%
718 Multi-Attack Normal Physical 10 120* 100%
719 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt Electric Special 1 195 —
720 Mind Blown Fire Special 5 150 100%
721 Plasma Fists Electric Physical 15 100 100%
722 Photon Geyser Psychic Special 5 100 100%
723 Light That Burns the Sky Psychic Special 1 200 —
724 Searing Sunraze Smash Steel Physical 1 200 —
725 Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom Ghost Special 1 200 —
726 Let's Snuggle Forever Fairy Physical 1 190 —
727 Splintered Stormshards Rock Physical 1 190 —
728 Clangorous Soulblaze Dragon Special 1 185 —
729 Zippy Zap Electric Physical 15* 50* 100%
730 Splishy Splash Water Special 15 90 100%
731 Floaty Fall Flying Physical 15 90 95%
732 Pika Papow Electric Special 20 — —
733 Bouncy Bubble Water Special 15* 90* 100%
734 Buzzy Buzz Electric Special 15* 90* 100%
735 Sizzly Slide Fire Physical 15* 90* 100%
736 Glitzy Glow Psychic Special 15 90* 100%
737 Baddy Bad Dark Special 15 90* 100%
738 Sappy Seed Grass Physical 15* 90* 100%
739 Freezy Frost Ice Special 15* 90* 100%
740 Sparkly Swirl Fairy Special 15* 90* 100%
741 Veevee Volley Normal Physical 20 — —
742 Double Iron Bash Steel Physical 5 60 100%
743 Max Guard Normal Status 10 — —
744 Dynamax Cannon Dragon Special 5 100 100%
745 Snipe Shot Water Special 15 80 100%
746 Jaw Lock Ok Rock Physical 10 80 100%
747 Stuff Cheeks Normal Status 10 — —
748 No Retreat Fighting Status 5 — —
749 Tar Shot Ok Rock Special 15 70 100%
750 Magic Powder Psychic Status 20 — 100%
751 Dragon Darts Dragon Physical 10 50 100%
752 Teatime Normal Status 10 — —
753 Octolock Fighting Status 15 — 100%
754 Bolt Beak Electric Physical 10 85 100%
755 Fishious Rend Water Physical 10 85 100%
756 Court Change Normal Status 10 — 100%
757 Max Flare Fire ??? 10 — —
758 Max Flutterby Bug ??? 10 — —
759 Max Lightning Electric ??? 10 — —
760 Max Strike Normal ??? 10 — —
761 Max Knuckle Fighting ??? 10 — —
762 Max Phantasm Ghost ??? 10 — —
763 Max Hailstorm Ice ??? 10 — —
764 Max Ooze Poison ??? 10 — —
765 Max Geyser Water ??? 10 — —
766 Max Airstream Flying ??? 10 — —
767 Max Starfall Fairy ??? 10 — —
768 Max Wyrmwind Dragon ??? 10 — —
769 Max Mindstorm Psychic ??? 10 — —
770 Max Rockfall Rock ??? 10 — —
771 Max Quake Ground ??? 10 — —
772 Max Darkness Dark ??? 10 — —
773 Max Overgrowth Grass ??? 10 — —
774 Max Steelspike Steel ??? 10 — —
775 Clangorous Soul Dragon Status 5 — 100%
776 Body Press Fighting Physical 10 80 100%
777 Decorate Fairy Status 15 — —
778 Drum Beating Grass Physical 10 80 100%
779 Snap Trap Ok Steel Physical 10 80 85%
780 Pyro Ball Fire Physical 5 120 90%
781 Behemoth Blade Steel Physical 5 100 100%
782 Behemoth Bash Steel Physical 5 100 100%
783 Aura Wheel Ok Electric Physical 10 110 100%
784 Breaking Swipe Dragon Physical 15 60 100%
785 Branch Poke Grass Physical 40 40 100%
786 Overdrive Electric Special 10 80 100%
787 Apple Acid Ok Grass Special 10 80 100%
788 Grav Apple Grass Physical 10 80 100%
789 Spirit Break Fairy Physical 15 75 100%
790 Strange Steam Fairy Special 10 90 95%
791 Life Dew Ok Water Status 5 — —
792 Obstruct Dark Status 10 — 100%
793 False Surrender Dark Physical 10 80 —
794 Meteor Assault Fighting Physical 5 150 100%
795 Eternabeam Dragon Special 5 160 90%
796 Steel Beam Steel Special 5 140 95%
797 Expanding Force Psychic Special 10 80 100%
798 Steel Roller Ok Steel Physical 10 65 100%
799 Scale Shot Dragon Physical 20 25 90%
800 Meteor Beam Rock Special 10 120 90%
801 Shell Side Arm Poison Special 10 90 100%
802 Misty Explosion Fairy Special 5 100 100%
803 Grassy Glide Grass Physical 20 70 100%
804 Rising Voltage Electric Special 20 70 100%
805 Terrain Pulse Normal Special 10 50 100%
806 Skitter Smack Bug Physical 10 70 90%
807 Burning Jealousy Fire Special 5 70 100%
808 Lash Out Dark Physical 5 75 100%
809 Poltergeist Ghost Physical 5 110 90%
810 Corrosive Gas Poison Status 40 — 100%
811 Coaching Fighting Status 10 — —
812 Flip Turn Water Physical 20 60 100%
813 Triple Axel Ice Physical 10 20 90%
814 Dual Wingbeat Flying Physical 10 40 90%
815 Scorching Sands Ground Special 10 70 100%
816 Jungle Healing Ok Grass Status 5 — —
817 Wicked Blow Dark Physical 5 80 100%
818 Surging Strikes Water Physical 5 25 100%
819 Thunder Cage Electric Special 15 80 90%
820 Dragon Energy Dragon Special 5 150 100%
821 Freezing Glare Psychic Special 10 90 100%
822 Fiery Wrath Dark Special 10 90 100%
823 Thunderous Kick Fighting Physical 10 90 100%
824 Glacial Lance Ice Physical 5 130 100%
825 Astral Barrage Ghost Special 5 120 100%
826 Eerie Spell Psychic Special 5 80 100%
827 Geogeyser Ok Water Special 10 90 95%
828 Rose Whip Ok Grass Physical 10 70 100%
829 Jurassic Bite Dragon Physical 20 50 100%
830 Deathroll Ok Water Physical 5 100 80%
831 Feather Shot Ok Flying Physical 20 15 100%
832 Frozen Terrain Ok Ice Status 10 — —
833 Cursed Terrain Ok Ghost Status 10 — —
834 Ravine Terrain Ok Flying Status 10 — —
835 Burning Terrain Ok Fire Status 10 — —
836 Sandy Terrain Ok Ground Status 10 — —
837 Swamp Terrain Ok Water Status 10 — —
838 Venomous Terrain Ok Poison Status 10 — —
839 Witchcraft Ok Fairy Status 20 — —
840 Black Swam Flying Status 10 — —
841 Excalibur Ok Steel Physical 5 100 80%
842 Shield Bash Ok Steel Physical 10 80 100%
843 Christmas Gift Ok Ice Status 10 — —
844 Quicksand Ground Status 5 — —
845 Spoil Poison Status 10 — —
846 Dragon Bone Ok Dragon Physical 10 85 100%
847 Draco Impact Ok Dragon Physical 10 120 90%
848 Psychic Crash Psychic Special 10 120 100%
849 Warm Up Ok Fire Status 5 — —
850 Livid Outrage Ok Dragon Physical 10 130 100%
851 Artic Glide Ok Ice Physical 20 70 100%
852 Coin Shower Ok Normal Physical 10 90 90%
853 Mammoth Mash Ok Ground Physical 5 120 90%
854 Berry Belly Flop Ok Normal Physical 10 90 95%
855 Nap Slam Ok Normal Physical 15 50 100%
856 Power Nap Ok Psychic Status 10 — —
857 Seismic Slam Ok Flying Physical 10 90 100%
858 Barrage Blow Ok Fighting Physical 5 130 100%
859 Plague Poison Status 5 — 90%
860 Queen Ascendant Ok Grass Physical 5 100 100%
861 Aura Cannon Ok Fighting Special 10 100 —
862 Rings Unbound Ok Psychic Status 5 — —
863 Nock Lock Ok Grass Physical 10 25 100%
864 Bliss Assistance Normal Status 5 — —
865 Fairy Singularity Ok Fairy Special 5 120 100%
866 Midnight Slash Ok Dark Physical 10 70 100%
867 Phantom Ambush Ok Ghost Special 5 120 —
868 Flame Sweep Ok Fire Physical 10 120 100%
869 Waterburst Shuriken Ok Water Special 5 110 85%
870 Gatling Gulp Missile Water Physical 10 25 80%
871 Thunderstorm Ok Electric Special 10 30 100%
872 Underground Bite Ok Ground Physical 5 100 100%
873 Ink Jet Ok Ground Status 10 — 100%
874 Aqua Tornado Water Special 5 100 100%
875 Mocking Shout Ok Normal Status 10 — 100%
876 Tyrannical Rampage Ok Rock Physical 10 130 100%
877 Phantom Forest Ok Ghost Status 5 — —
878 Fanciful Fireworks Ok Fire Special 10 90 95%
879 Revolving Ruin Ok Steel Special 5 90 —
880 Rubble Rouser Ok Rock Physical 10 90 90%
881 Snow Globe Ok Ice Special 15 60 100%
882 Hydro Typhoon Ok Water Special 5 120 90%
883 Blazing Bicycle Kick Ok Fire Physical 5 120 80%
884 Coup da Grace Ok Steel Physical 5 120 80%
885 Stream Impulse Ok Water Status 10 — —
886 Spicy Breath Ok Fire Special 20 60 100%
887 Dark Bargain Ok Dark Status 15 — —
888 Blood Pact Ok Dark Status 5 — —
889 Fog Ok Flying Status 5 — —
890 Neurotoxin Ok Poison Physical 15 50 100%
891 Tough it Out Ok Fighting Status 10 — —
892 Reckless Swing Ok Dark Physical 5 50 100%
893 Undertow Ok Steel Physical 15 60 100%
894 Phoenix Down Ok Fairy Status 1 — —
895 Revival Blessing Ok Water Status 1 — —
896 Aqua Cutter Ok Water Physical 20 70 100%
897 Forest Blessing Ok Grass Status 1 — —
898 Forest Fury Ok Grass Special 20 70 100%
899 Crafty Clothes Ok Grass Status 20 — —
900 Dragon Combo Ok Dragon Physical 15 80 100%
901 Ki Explosion Ok Psychic Physical 10 50 95%
902 Hell Gate Ok Dark Special 5 — 100%
903 Cordyceps Ok Grass Status 10 — 90%
904 Aqua Fang Ok Water Physical 15 65 95%
905 Bloomsday Ok Grass Status 5 — —
906 Hammer Smash Ok Ground Physical 5 150 100%
907 Home Run Ok Rock Physical 5 150 95%
908 Hellblaze Ok Dark Special 10 90 100%
909 Atomic Breath Ok Electric Special 5 160 90%
910 Proton Scream Ok Electric Special 5 150 90%
911 Diamond Dust Ok Rock Physical 10 90 95%
912 Moonfall Ok Fairy Physical 5 180 80%
913 Falling Stars Ok Steel Physical 10 20 90%
914 Ali Shuffle Ok Fighting Status 5 — —
915 Force Choke Ok Psychic Special 15 80 100%
916 Force Lighting Ok Electric Special 10 75 100%
917 Trash Ok Poison Special 10 80 100%
918 Heat Siphon Ok Ice Special 10 75 100%
919 Despair Kiss Ok Dark Special 10 50 100%
920 Aurora Dance Ok Ice Status 10 — —
921 Mustard Gas Ok Fire Special 15 50 —


High critical hit rate (+1).

High critical hit rate (+1).
Raise Speed by one stage. Immediatly attacks in Tailwind or Ravine terrain.

Always crits. Deals super-effective damage to Grass-type Pokemon.

The target get affected by entry hazard on their field, including flying-type.

Does not make contact.

Removes the effects of any binding moves and Leech Seed from the user, as well as entry hazards from the user's side of the

The user's type determines the type of this move.

The user's type determines the type of this move. Ignores any changes to the target's Defense stat stages and ignore any
ignorable abitilies.
Makes contact.

Damage = Max[1, (BaseSpeed * Level) / 100)]

Deals "super-effective" damage to Steel-type Pokemon.

If the Pokémon used Withdraw, Hydro Pump will ignore user stats change and will gain Rapid Spin effect.

10% chance to lower target's Attack stat. While under Aurora Veil: Doubles the power of this move, always lowers target's
Attack stat and increases the Aurora Veil duration by one turn.

High critical crit rate (+1).

50% recoil

Damage = Max[1, (BaseAttack * Level) / 100)]

Damage = Max[1, (BaseSpAttack * Level) / 100)]

Also hit if user is Electric type.

Deals double damage to undergrounded Pokemon. The user shakes down foe's held item, making them drop the item that can't
be used in that battle.

Doubles its power if the Pokémon is confused. 30% chance to confuse self.

ATK +1 Stage, Sp. ATK +1 Stage, Sp. Defense +2 Stages.

Damage = Max[1, (BaseSpAttack * Level) / 100)]

Increases Defense and Special Defense by two stages, and lowers Attack, Special Attack and Speed by two stage.
Increase Defense stat by one stage. Set Defense Curl effect: doubles the damage of Rollout, Steamroller and Steel Roller.

Focus Punch does not lose focus when hit by damaging move one time but halves the damage and Focus Blast has
increased accuracy to 90.

30% BURN.
50% BADLY POISON and hit both enemies.

Can hit flying type pokemon (deal neutral damage).

100% lower SPD. Change its type to primary type of Pokémon.

Lowers the target's accuracy and increases the user's Sp. Atk stat by 2 stages.

May become Ghost- or Dark-type if the Pokemon is Ghost- or Dark-type. Doubles its power against sleeping
Pokemon. Drain 50% damage.
Badly Poison.
Can hit Pokemon in air (always deal neutral damage).

Immediatly attacks in Tailwind or Ravine terrain.

100% acc down. Hits all.

Damage = Max[1, (BaseSpAttack * Level) / 100)]

High critical hit rate (+1).

Can hit Pokemon in air (always deal neutral damage), and they will fall to the ground when it's hit.

30% flinch.
Raise ATK by two stages, increase critical hit rate by 2.
Deals 3 hit each dealing 30BP of Fire-, Electric- or Ice-type. It is considered Normal-type for most of things, except damage
Traps the target. Set 1 stack of Sticky Web on the foe field.
Target takes double damage on the user's next move.

Can be used while awake, but when sleeping doubles its power is doubled.

Always critical hit. The target get affected by entry hazard on their field, including flying-type.

Makes contact. Doubles its power if hit a Pokémon with opposite gender and the target become infatuated.

This move is Water and Ground type simultaneously. Can hit Pokemon in air (always deal neutral damage). If the Pokémon is
Water-type, it gain STAB as it was Ground-type.
Can hit Pokemon in air (always deal neutral damage). Always lower foe accuracy by one stages.

PRIORITY +1. Can hit Pokemon in air (always deal neutral damage),
Target takes double damage on the user's next move.
Increase Speed stat by one stage, and removes the effects of any binding moves and Leech Seed from the user, as well as entry
hazards from the user's side of the field.

20% self DEF up.

maximum HP and cleanse their status conditions. Others: 40% => 40 BP, 30% => 60 BP, 10% => 100 BP, 20% => 1/4
maximum HP. Or heal allies for 1/4 max HP.

100% Burn. Heal allies for 1/2 maximum HP and clear their status conditions. Can be used in party menu.

Matches the Pokémon first type. Ignores target's defense stages.

10% Burn. Deals super effective damage against Dragon-type.

20% ATK up.

The target get affected by entry hazard on their field, including flying-type.
Base Power = [(ally's Base Attack + 5) / 5] + 5

1 Stockpile:
status 100 Power.
condition. 2 Stockpile:
3 Stockpile: Restore200 Power.
100% equal3toStockpile: 300 Power.
of its maximum HP, cure any status condition and increases the Attack an
Special Attack by one stage. It can be used if meet any of the conditions.

Also hit if user is Fire type.

Boost Special Defense by one stage. Doubles the power of Electric-type moves.

Prevents self to escape, restore 1/16 HP every turn, the Pokémon does not need a turn to charge to use Solar Beam and Solar
Blade, Synthesis recover twice as much HP and Growth raises the user's Attack and Sp. Attack by two stages instead of just on
Decreases the PP of the last move the target used by 3.

High critical hit rate (+1).

The Pokémon also has 20% increased evasion while camuflaged.

Increases the user's Attack, Defense and Speed stats by one stage.

Increase Speed stat by one stage, and removes the effects of any binding moves and Leech Seed from the user, as well as entry
hazards from the user's side of the field.

Does not make contact. high critical-hit rate.

30% move
This FREEZE. Ice-type
is Water Pokémon
and Ground type has 10% more Can
simultaneously. accuracy. DealsinSuper-effective
hit Pokemon air (always dealagainst Water-type.
neutral damage). 30% SPEED down
If the Pokémon is Water-type, it gain STAB as it was Ground-type.
Increase the maximum number of hit by +1 for each time it eats a berry.

Can hit Pokemon in air (always deal neutral damage). If the Pokémon is Water-type, it gain STAB as it was Ground
30% Poison. High crit.

Increase the duration by 50% when used on Ravine terrain.

Supresses Pokémon's ability and innates.

Is considered a punching move.

Takes 50% less damage from Electric-type moves, cure burn status conditions and restore 1/16 HP every turn.
Doubles the Speed stat while Magnet Rise is in effect. Priority +1.

Increases the Speed stat by two stages and Special Defense by one stage.

Hits twice. High critical hit rate (+1).

The move uses user's Attack and target's Special Defense for the damage calculation. Priority +1. Doesn't make contact.

This move is Water and Ground type simultaneously. Can hit Pokemon in air (always deal neutral damage). 30%
ACC down. If the Pokémon is Water-type, it gain STAB as it was Ground-type.

Hit twice. 10% poison. High critical hit rate.

Is considered a biting move.


Change to its primary type.

Always crit.

Increases Attack and Accuracy stat by one stage. Boosts the critical hit rate by 1.

Increases the Speed stat by two stages and reduces weight by 1000. Reduces weight by 90% and its base Speed becomes 120.

Lose 1/8HP when hit ground.

power varies 150 (1/8), 140 (1/7), 130 (1/6), 120 (1/5), 100 (1/4), 80 (1/3), 60 (1/2) or 40 (>1/2).

Target both foes.

The next time the Pokémon uses a biting move, its priority is increased 1.

Deals "super-effective" damage to Steel-type Pokemon.

Can hit Pokemon in air (always deal neutral damage).
High critical hit rate (+1).

Ignores target's Defense stages.

Power varies 150 (1/8), 140 (1/7), 130 (1/6), 120 (1/5), 100 (1/4), 80 (1/3), 60 (1/2) or 40 (>1/2).
The type of this move always matches the user's primary type. Doubles the power of this move if the Pokémon is in a Defense

Bypass target's break through protection and Dark-type Pokemon immunity. Hit all on the field. Fails if not used by Mewtwo.

The target get affected by entry hazard on their field, including flying-type.

Has a 10% chance of putting the target to sleep. This move inflicts Attack or Sp. Atk damage—whichever stat is higher for the

20% BURN.

Halves its power if the Pokemon didn't consumed berry previously. Increase the base power by +10 for each time it eats a berr
besides the first time.

Non-Bug-type Pokémon reduce speed by one stage and becomes grounded.

Also curse the target.

Also curse the target.

Poison the opposing foes. Lower ATK, SPATK and SPD by one stages if already poisoned.

Lose 1/8HP when hit ground.

Restores self 50% HP. Restore 2/3 HP if in sandstorm or sandy terrain.

Can hit Pokemon in air (always deal neutral damage).

Poison the target and lower target's Speed stats by one stage. Set 1 stack of Sticky Web and Toxic Spikes on the foe field.
Lower Speed by one stage. The target becomes weaker to Fire-type moves. A flying Pokémon will fall to the ground when it's
hit and lose 1/8 maxHP.
If the user is grounded under any type of terrain, change its move type. Traps the foe.

Always a Electric-type move.

Deals "super-effective" damage to Steel-type Pokemon.

Restore 25% HP if partner is alive in a double battler, otherwise restore 50% HP.

Removes any active terrain. Doubles the power of this move if the Pokémon is in a Defense Curl.

Restore 25% HP if partner is alive in a double battler, otherwise restore 50% HP.
The Pokemon heats underground water to make a geyser. 30% chance to inflict burn. Fire-type Pokémon receive
LowersHit Pokémon
target's underground
Defense for 2xThere
stage by one. damage.is a 30% chance that the attacking Pokémon will become either
poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep, with a 10% probability each.
If this move the targeted Pokémon to faint, restore 25% of target's maximum.
Ignores any changes to the target's Defense and evasion stat stages.
that are onpriority and critical
the ground. hit ratio Pokémon
Non-Ice-type +1. Hits 2-5 (ortimes.
don't have Slush Rush) that are on the ground has 33% chance
to slip on ice
Pokémon thatandaredamage itself instead
on the ground. Preventsof executing a damaging
healing effects move.) or Dark-type Pokémon that are on the
of non-Ghost-
Pokémon that are in the air. Flying-type Pokémon that are in the air takes 25% reduced damage by super-effective
Pokémon that are lasts
on for
turns.) All non-Fire Pokémon that are on the ground take damage equal to 1/16 of its
Pokémon that HP scaling withground.
are on the type effectiveness.
Pokémon that Prevents Pokémon
are on the groundfromhavefalling
their asleep
becoming drowsy.)
by 33% (Ground-
type, Rock-type, Sand Veil, Sand Rush or Sand Force are not affected).)
Swim) that are on the ground is reduced by 25%. The power of Bulldoze, Earthquake, and Magnitude is halved
Pokémon Pokémon
that are that is on
on the the ground.)
ground. The Pokémon that eats berries become poisoned and have their effects negated.
At the end of every turn, may poison grounded pokemon. )
Turns targeted Pokémon into a lizard, becoming a Dragon-type Pokémon.
Both Pokémon will faint after one turn.
It usessuper effective
the user's damage
Defense statagainst
of its AttackPokémon. High critical
stat to calculate damage.hit ratio.
It doesn't chance Aegislash to Blade
It will bring Hail and Frozen Terrain effects for five turns.
Prevents escape.
If target eats a berry, it will lose 25% of its maximum HP instead.
Deals double damage if target switch out.
On the turn
moves) it isaccuracy
bypass selected,checks
it will raise the user's
to always hit andAttack
one unable
stage. On the following
to escape. Two turnsturn,after
it will
is used, the foe fall
into the ground, dealing damage. The heavier the foe, the greater the damage.
Restore 50% of its maximum HP and will thaw out the user if it is frozen. If used by a non-Fire-type Pokémmon, the user to
gain Fire-type.
Same as Outrage, but receives 33% less damage from contact moves while move is in effect.
Increases priority +1 in Frozen terrain.
Payday effect + 30% flinch.
Lowers the user's speed by one stage.
The attacker eats na Oran Berry, then leaps to target area, dealing damage. (activates cheek pouch ability)
30% flinch. Deals double damage while sleeping.
Same as Rest, but the Pokémon will use either Snore or Nap Slam when sleeping depending on highest offensive stat.
SKY DROP effect, but can lift up to 300 kg, or 661.4 lbs.
Lowers user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage, and increases the user's Attack by one stage.
Inflict a special poison on the target, that there is 10% chance to spread to other party members at the end of each turn.
75% of damage dealt is converted into HP.
Change its form to Hoopa Unbound and increases all stats by one stage, except Defense. While in Hoopa Unbound, Hyperspac
Hole become Hyperspace Fury.
Hits 2-5 times. Deals 50% more damage if target's HP is 50% or below.
Follow me effect and heals 25% of ally HP.
Traps them for one turn. In the next turn, it deals damage and release it.
Always crits.
Same as Phantom Force.
Recoil 33%, 10% change to burn, removes frozen from user and increases Speed stat by one stage.
Lowers the target's Speed stat by one stage.

Summons a thunderstorm that strikes all foes in the end of each turn for five turns, dealing 30 BP electric damage.
Same as Dig.
Lowers target Accuracy by one stage, and the switches out.
Deals 33% more damage if super effective
Decreases the Attack and Speed stats by one stage of all opposing Pokémon. Sound move.
For as turns,
five Outrage, but1/8
drain Pokémon with 15%
of maximum or less
HP from allHP faints. on the field. While the Phatom Forest, the Pokémon that summone
it gains 50% more HP from draining moves or Strength Sap, Leech Seed, Ingrain or Aqua Ring.
Creates na area on opposing field for three turns that deals 1/16 maxHP and reduce healing of moves by 50%.
If three
moveturns, if anyit Pokémon
is used, consumeson themaxHP
25% field switch out, ait shield.
to create loses 25% ofPokémon
If the its maximum HP. by contact while the shield is up,
is attacked
deals damageto[power
30% chance inflict 40, type rock].
Frostbite or/and lower Speed by one stage. Deals double damage to enemies with Frostbite or Freeze
30% chance to flinch.
Deals additional 15% of missing HP.
Deals additional 15% of missing HP.
The Pokémon become ungrounded for five turns. Doubles the Speed stat while Stream Impulse is in effect. Priority +1.
For each berry eaten, adds 20 power and 20% chance to inflict Burn status.
Increases the Atk, Special Atk, and Speed by two stages, but the Pokémon become cursed.
Increases all stats by one stage, but lose HP equal to 1/2 of its maximum HP.
Summons a Fog for five turns.
Renders target unable to use Psychic-type moves for two turns.
Sets substitute
Consumes 25%and increases
of user's maxSpeed
HP, tostat stage
inflict by one.
normal damage + consumed HP. If target faints, restore the HP consumed and PP
30% chance to reduce target's Defense and/or Speed stats by one stage.
Revives one Pokémon, and restores its HP and PPs to full.
Revives one Pokémon, and restores its HP to half.
High critical hit rate (+1).
Revives one Pokémon, and restores its HP to full.
Doubles power on grassy terrain.
Increases Defense stat by two stages for the user and ally.
The moves10% dealsofspecial
user's damage
max HP,(use
to inflict normal
target's Specialdamage
Defense + consumed HP.additional
instead), and 20% flinch.of target's Defense for the Attack calc
(this bonus is not affected by attacker's abilities or items).
The rather
ally Pokémonthandeals damage target
the intended equal the
infectmissing HPCordyceps
them with (maxHP - currentHP).
(it doesn't affect if is not double battle). Grass-type,
Overcoat, Stalwart, Propeller Tail and Safety Goggles are immune.
10% chance to flinch or lower Defense.
Summons harshy sunlight and increases Attack and Special Attack by one stage.
Cannot be used consecultively.
Cannot be used consecultively. Smack down effect.
Target cannot be revived in battle by items or other Pokémon's moves and abilities.
Recharges next turn.
Recharges next turn.
50% chance to raise user's Defense.
Hits all, including the user (it cannot miss but cannot crit against user)
10 hits, may hit user and allies with 20% chance.
Protect + if the move makes contact, counter with Punch 25 power.
Prevents the target from using sound-based moves for two turns.
Lower target's Attack by one stage.
30% chance to set Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock and/or Sticky Web.
Drain 50% damage. Supereffective against Fire-type. Removes Fire-type from target.
Drain 75% damage.
Boosts Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed stats by one stage during hail.
50% burn and hit both enemies. Poison-type Pokémon gains stab.
Master Ball
Ultra Ball
Great Ball
Poke Ball
Safari Ball
Net Ball
Dive Ball
Nest Ball
Repeat Ball
Timer Ball
Luxury Ball
Dusk Ball
Heal Ball
Quick Ball
Cherish Ball
Fast Ball
Level Ball
Lure Ball
Heavy Ball
Love Ball
Friend Ball
Moon Ball
Sport Ball
Park Ball
Dream Ball
Beast Ball
Premier Ball
Burn Heal
Ice Heal
Paralyze Heal
Full Restore
Max Potion
Hyper Potion
Super Potion
Full Heal
Max Revive
Fresh Water
Soda Pop
Moomoo Milk
Energy Powder
Energy Root
Heal Powder
Revival Herb
Max Ether
Max Elixir
Lava Cookie
Blue Flute
Yellow Flute
Red Flute
Black Flute
White Flute
Berry Juice
Sweet Heart
Big Malasada
Old Gateau
Sacred Ash
Shoal Salt
Shoal Shell
Red Shard
Blue Shard
Yellow Shard
Green Shard
Hp Up
Rare Candy
Pp Up
Pp Max
Guard Spec
Dire Hit
X Attack
X Defense
X Speed
X Accuracy
X Sp Atk
X Sp Def
Poke Doll
Fluffy Tail
Escape Rope
Super Repel
Max Repel
Ability Capsule
Health Feather
Muscle Feather
Resist Feather
Genius Feather
Clever Feather
Swift Feather
Pretty Feather
Sun Stone
Moon Stone
Fire Stone
Thunder Stone
Water Stone
Leaf Stone
Dawn Stone
Dusk Stone
Shiny Stone
Ice Stone
Red Apricorn
Blue Apricorn
Yellow Apricorn
Green Apricorn
Pink Apricorn
White Apricorn
Black Apricorn
Tiny Mushroom
Big Mushroom
Big Pearl
Star Piece
Heart Scale
Red Nectar
Yellow Nectar
Pink Nectar
Purple Nectar
Rare Bone
Orange Mail
Harbor Mail
Glitter Mail
Mech Mail
Wood Mail
Wave Mail
Bead Mail
Shadow Mail
Tropic Mail
Dream Mail
Fab Mail
Retro Mail
Cheri Berry
Chesto Berry
Pecha Berry
Rawst Berry
Aspear Berry
Leppa Berry
Oran Berry
Persim Berry
Lum Berry
Sitrus Berry
Figy Berry
Wiki Berry
Mago Berry
Aguav Berry
Iapapa Berry
Razz Berry
Bluk Berry
Nanab Berry
Wepear Berry
Pinap Berry
Pomeg Berry
Kelpsy Berry
Qualot Berry
Hondew Berry
Grepa Berry
Tamato Berry
Cornn Berry
Magost Berry
Rabuta Berry
Nomel Berry
Spelon Berry
Pamtre Berry
Watmel Berry
Durin Berry
Belue Berry
Occa Berry
Passho Berry
Wacan Berry
Rindo Berry
Yache Berry
Chople Berry
Kebia Berry
Shuca Berry
Coba Berry
Payapa Berry
Tanga Berry
Charti Berry
Kasib Berry
Haban Berry
Colbur Berry
Babiri Berry
Chilan Berry
Roseli Berry
Liechi Berry
Ganlon Berry
Salac Berry
Petaya Berry
Apicot Berry
Lansat Berry
Starf Berry
Micle Berry
Enigma Berry
Custap Berry
Jaboca Berry
Rowap Berry
Kee Berry
Maranga Berry
Bright Powder
White Herb
Macho Brace
Exp Share
Quick Claw
Soothe Bell
Mental Herb
Choice Band
Kings Rock
Silver Powder
Amulet Coin
Cleanse Tag
Smoke Ball
Focus Band
Lucky Egg
Scope Lens
Metal Coat
Dragon Scale
Oval Stone
Dubious Disc
Reaper Cloth
Razor Claw
Razor Fang
Prism Scale
Whipped Dream
Soft Sand
Hard Stone
Miracle Seed
Black Glasses
Black Belt
Mystic Water
Sharp Beak
Poison Barb
Never Melt Ice
Spell Tag
Twisted Spoon
Dragon Fang
Silk Scarf
Up Grade
Shell Bell
Power Bracer
Power Belt
Power Lens
Power Band
Power Anklet
Power Weight
Power Herb
Choice Scarf
Choice Specs
Focus Sash
Wide Lens
Zoom Lens
Muscle Band
Wise Glasses
Expert Belt
Light Clay
Icy Rock
Smooth Rock
Heat Rock
Damp Rock
Destiny Knot
Grip Claw
Life Orb
Toxic Orb
Flame Orb
Sticky Barb
Black Sludge
Iron Ball
Lagging Tail
Shed Shell
Big Root
Float Stone
Rocky Helmet
Air Balloon
Red Card
Ring Target
Binding Band
Eject Button
Absorb Bulb
Cell Battery
Luminous Moss
Weakness Policy
Assault Vest
Safety Goggles
Adrenaline Orb
Terrain Extender
Protective Pads
Electric Seed
Psychic Seed
Misty Seed
Grassy Seed
Sea Incense
Lax Incense
Odd Incense
Rock Incense
Full Incense
Wave Incense
Rose Incense
Luck Incense
Pure Incense
Insect Plate
Dread Plate
Draco Plate
Zap Plate
Pixie Plate
Fist Plate
Flame Plate
Sky Plate
Spooky Plate
Meadow Plate
Earth Plate
Icicle Plate
Toxic Plate
Mind Plate
Stone Plate
Iron Plate
Splash Plate
Bug Gem
Dark Gem
Dragon Gem
Electric Gem
Fairy Gem
Fighting Gem
Fire Gem
Flying Gem
Ghost Gem
Grass Gem
Ground Gem
Ice Gem
Normal Gem
Poison Gem
Psychic Gem
Rock Gem
Steel Gem
Water Gem
Soul Dew
Deep Sea Tooth
Deep Sea Scale
Lucky Punch
Metal Powder
Thick Club
Light Ball
Quick Powder
Odd Keystone
Adamant Orb
Lustrous Orb
Griseous Orb
Bug Memory
Dark Memory
Dragon Memory
Electric Memory
Fairy Memory
Fighting Memory
Fire Memory
Flying Memory
Ghost Memory
Grass Memory
Ground Memory
Ice Memory
Poison Memory
Psychic Memory
Rock Memory
Steel Memory
Water Memory
Douse Drive
Shock Drive
Burn Drive
Chill Drive
Red Scarf
Blue Scarf
Pink Scarf
Green Scarf
Yellow Scarf
Charizardite X
Charizardite Y
Mewtwonite X
Mewtwonite Y
Mega Bracelet
Armor Fossil
Skull Fossil
Helix Fossil
Dome Fossil
Cover Fossil
Plume Fossil
Jaw Fossil
Sail Fossil
Root Fossil
Claw Fossil
Mach Bike
Coin Case
Old Rod
Good Rod
Super Rod
Ss Ticket
Contest Pass
Wailmer Pail
Devon Goods
Soot Sack
Basement Key
Acro Bike
Pokeblock Case
Eon Ticket
Red Orb
Blue Orb
Go Goggles
Room 1 Key
Room 2 Key
Room 4 Key
Room 6 Key
Storage Key
Devon Scope
Sweet Apple
Tart Apple
Cracked Pot
Chipped Pot
Galarica Cuff
Galarica Wreath
Strawberry Sweet
Love Sweet
Berry Sweet
Clover Sweet
Flower Sweet
Star Sweet
Ribbon Sweet
Fossilized Bird
Fossilized Fish
Fossilized Drake
Fossilized Dino
Rusted Sword
Rusted Shield
Eject Pack
Throat Spray
Heavy Duty Boots
Blunder Policy
Room Service
Utility Umbrella
Rotom Catalog
Reveal Glass
Dna Splicers
Zygarde Cube
Prison Bottle
N Solarizer
N Lunarizer
Galarica Twig
Ability Patch
Reins Of Unity
Rainbow Wing
Silver Wing
Magma Stone
Dna Meteorite
Paralyze Orb
Berserk Gene
Suppression Helmet
Vacuum Cleaner
Single Strike Belt
Rapid Strike Belt
Red Scale
Clear Bell
Zygarde Cell
Linking Cord
Legend Plate
Blank Plate
Confuse Orb
Intriguing Stone
Black Meteorite
Black Augurite
Peat Block
Running Shoes
Oaks Parcel
Poke Flute
Secret Key
Bike Voucher
Gold Teeth
Old Amber
Card Key
Lift Key
Silph Scope
Town Map
Vs Seeker
Fame Checker
Tm Case
Berry Pouch
Teachy Tv
Tri Pass
Rainbow Pass
Mystic Ticket
Aurora Ticket
Powder Jar
Magma Emblem
Old Sea Map
Shiny Charm
Oval Charm
Z Ring
Normalium Z
Fightinium Z
Flyinium Z
Poisonium Z
Groundium Z
Rockium Z
Buginium Z
Ghostium Z
Steelium Z
Firium Z
Waterium Z
Grassium Z
Electrium Z
Psychium Z
Icium Z
Dragonium Z
Darkinium Z
Fairium Z
Aloraichium Z
Decidium Z
Eevium Z
Incinium Z
Kommonium Z
Lunalium Z
Lycanium Z
Marshadium Z
Mewnium Z
Mimikium Z
Pikanium Z
Pikashunium Z
Primarium Z
Snorlium Z
Solganium Z
Tapunium Z
Ultranecrozium Z
Adamant Mint
Bold Mint
Brave Mint
Calm Mint
Careful Mint
Gentle Mint
Hasty Mint
Impish Mint
Jolly Mint
Lax Mint
Lonely Mint
Mild Mint
Modest Mint
Naive Mint
Naughty Mint
Quiet Mint
Rash Mint
Relaxed Mint
Sassy Mint
Serious Mint
Timid Mint
Ability Shield
Clear Amulet
Punching Glove
Covert Cloak
Loaded Dice
Dragon Slayer
Dragon Breath
Poison Knife
Thief Gloves
Bone Wand
Skull Ring
Healing Staff
Strong Shield
Assassin Dagger
Waterdrop Brooch
Ice Falchion
Golden Hammer
Safety Helmet
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Now also increases Meowth, Persian and Perrserker's Attack, Special Attack and Speed stats by 30%, including A

Type boost reduced to 5%.

Type boost reduced to 5%.

Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.

Now heals if the Pokémon has Poison Absorb or Poison Heal abilities. And doesn't do damage (or heal) if the Po
Pokémon holding a Big Root regains 50% more HP from Leech Seed, Ingrain and Aqua Ring. The Big Root also
taken by the holder from Liquid Ooze.
Now also prevents the holder from evolving.

Flying-type moves gain same-type attack bonus regardless the Pokémon's typing. This effect is negated if the

Boosts the power of Water-type moves by 5%.

Boosts the power of Rock-type moves by 5%.

Boosts the power of Water-type moves by 5%.

Boosts the power of Grass-type moves by 5%.

Type boost reduced to 5%.

Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.
Type boost reduced to 5%.

Doubles the Attack and Special Attack of Clamperl. Increases the power of Huntail's Water- and Dark-type
Doubles the Defense and Special Defense of Clamperl. Increases the power of Gorebyss' Water- and Psychic

Doubles Pichu, Pikachu and Raichu's Attack and Special Attack stats, including Alolan form

Increases the power of Dialga's Dragon- and Steel-type moves by 5%.

Increases the power of Palkia's Dragon- and Water-type moves by 5%.
Increases the power of Giratina's Dragon- and Ghost-type moves by 5%.
Increases the power of Ho-oh's Fire- and Flying-type moves by 5%.
Increases the power of Lugia's Water- and Flying-type moves by 5%.

At the end of the turn, the Paralyze Orb paralyzes its holder.

Disables the Pokémon's Ability. It doesn't affect Innates.

At the end of the turn, the Confuse Orb confuses its holder.

Allows Deoxys to change form in battle.

Evolve Scyther into Kleavor.
Evolve Ursaring into Ursaluna.
Enables/Disables auto-run.
Ability Shield prevents the holder's Ability from being changed or suppressed by any effect.

Punching moves deal +10% damage and they don't make contact.
Prevents secondary effects from moves.
Multi-hit moves strike at least 4 times. Triple Kick and Triple Axel have only one accuracy che
Increases the damage against Dragon-type Pokémon by 20%. Increases the odds of catching Dragon-type P
Increases the damage
Slicing moves against
deal +10% Dragon-type
damage, Pokémon
they don't by 5%.and
make contact Dragon Slayercritical
they have set: Receives 25% less by
hit ratio increased damage from
1. Each da
chance to Curse the user.
Moves that make contact have 20% chance to Poison the target.
Moves that make contact have 5% chance to steal one of the target's items. Poison Knife set: Doubles the chance
Prevents Curse from other Pokémon or items. Bone Special
Wandmoves deal +5%
set: Special movesdamage.
deal +10% damage. Restore HP e
maximum HP and restore 1 PP of last used move when faints other Pokémon.
Increases the healing of certain moves by 30%. (Recover, Soft-Boiled, Synthesis, Heal Pulse, Pollen
Prevents switching out and becomes grounded. Increases the Defense and Special Defense by
Deals 10% less damage. Reduce Defense and Special Defense by 67%. Increases the evasion b
After using damaging moves, if the target is below 5% of its maximum HP, it causes the target to
Reduces the Pokémon's Speed stat by 25%. Iron Ball set: Increases the Attack and Special Attack
Reduces the damage taken from Water-type moves by 5%.
Increases the Pokémon's Speed stat by 10%.
Physical moves inflict an additional Fire-type special damage with 10 power, also there is a 10% chance to i
Physical moves inflict an additional Ice-type special damage with 10 power, also there is a 10% chance to infl
Moves that have recoil damage deals 30% more damage, but the recoil damage is increased by
The Pokémon takes no recoil damage from moves.
Slots Fling Power Fling Type Fling Effect
Battle Item
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Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item 30 Grass Inflict Confusion
Battle Item 30 Grass Inflict Confusion
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
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Battle Item
Battle Item
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Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Key Item
Battle Item 80 Priority +1
Battle Item
Battle Item
Accessory 10 Bug Lower Accuracy by two stages
Accessory 30 Lower Accuracy by two stages
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item 80 Always critical hit
Battle Item 30 Inflict Flinch
Accessory 10 Ground Lower Accuracy by two stages
Accessory 100 Rock Smack Down effect
Accessory 30 Grass Inflict Leech Seed
Accessory 50 Flying Always critical hit
Accessory 70 Poison Inflict Poison / Always critical hit
Accessory 70 Dragon Always critical hit
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item 30 Poison Inflict Badly Poison
Battle Item 30 Fire Inflict Burn
Battle Item
Battle Item 130 Steel Lower Speed by two stages
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item 90 Grass Drain 100% of damage dealt
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Consumable 30 Ice Inflict Frostbite
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Accessory 10 Grass Inflict Leech Seed
Accessory 40 Fighting Always critical hit
Accessory 90 Ground
Accessory 60 Grass Always critical hit
Accessory 30 Electric Inflict Paralyze
Key Item
Key Item
Battle Item
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Key Item
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Key Item
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Battle Item 30 Electric Inflict Paralyze
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Battle Item 30 Psychic Inflict Confusion
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Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Battle Item
Fling Effect
Inflict Confusion
Inflict Confusion
Priority +1

Lower Accuracy by two stages

Lower Accuracy by two stages

Always critical hit

Inflict Flinch

Lower Accuracy by two stages

Smack Down effect
Inflict Leech Seed
Always critical hit
Inflict Poison / Always critical hit

Always critical hit

Inflict Badly Poison

Inflict Burn
Lower Speed by two stages

Drain 100% of damage dealt

Inflict Frostbite

Inflict Leech Seed

Always critical hit

Always critical hit

Inflict Paralyze
Inflict Paralyze
Inflict Confusion
Name Type
Compound Eyes Ability

Pickup Ability

Sticky Hold Ability

Gluttony Ability
Unburden Ability
Klutz Ability
Frisk Ability
Multitype Ability
Harvest Ability
Pickpocket Ability
Unnerve Ability
Cheek Pouch Ability
Magician Ability
Symbiosis Ability
RKS System Ability
Ripen Ability
As One Ability
Name Type
Thief Move
Trick Move
Knock Off Move
Covet Move
Recycle Move
Natural Gift Move
Embargo Move
Fling Move
Switcheroo Move
Judgment Move
Acrobatics Move
Magic Room Move
Bestow Move
Techno Blast Move
Multi-Attack Move
Teatime Move
Stuff Cheeks Move
Corrosive Gas Move
Poltergeist Move
If a Pokémon with this Ability leads the party, it increases the chances of running into a Pokémon with a held item
May obtain a held item after a battle
From Generation V onward, at the end of a turn will obtain an item used by another Pokémon
Protects the Pokémon from item theft
The Pokémon
calculation. eatseffects
These held "pinch
additively,afterforlosing at least of
a maximum half of itsofHP
200% speed, remains for the rest of the battle, even if
switch out, but the speed is lost when the Pokémon regain an item.
Reveals theopponent's
effect of theheld
item Battle heldItem,
Battle Item, andConsumable
Accessoryand andAccessory, for most
disables them items
for two turns upon entering
Changes the Pokémon's type to match the Plate or Z-Crystal it holds
May restore
player is in a an eatenBattle,
Trainer Berry Link
at the end of
Battle, a turn
Battle Frontier, Secret Base or Trainer Hill, the item will be just removed for the
rest of the battle.
Prevents the opposing Pokémon from eating Berries
The Pokémon
Trainer Battle, heals a thirdBattle
Link Battle, of its HP after eating
Frontier, SecretaBaseBerryor Trainer Hill, the item will be just removed for the rest of the
Transfers the possessor's held item to an ally when that ally consumes its held item
Changes the Pokémon's type to match the memory disc it holds
Ripens Berries and doubles their effect
Prevents the opposing Pokémon from eating Berries
same slot, the stolen item will be add to the bag instead, orEffect if the player is in a Trainer Battle, Link Battle, Battle Frontier,
Secret Base or Trainer Hill, the item will be just
Swaps the user's and target Pokémon's held items Battle Item, removed for theConsumable
rest of the battle.
and Accessory (even if one of them does not
have a held item)
will be locked, unable to get new items on that slot for the rest of the battle. If Knock Off is used on a Pokémon that is
same slot,an the
Item, Consumable
will be add to the or Accessory
bag instead, that
orcan beplayer
if the knockedis inoff, its baseBattle,
a Trainer powerLinkwillBattle,
be boosted
Battleby 50%.
Secret Base or Trainer Hill, the item will be just removed for the rest of the battle.
Restores an item consumed by the user
The user draws power to attack by using its held Berry. The Berry determines the move's type and power.
Disables any
Consumes the item useheld
user's on or by the
item target
Battle Item, (including
Consumable held or
items Battle Item,
Accessory Consumable
(randomly) anddamage
and deals Accessory)to the opponent
depending on the item flung (some items have added effects).
Swaps the user's and target Pokémon's held items Battle Item, Consumable and Accessory (even if one of them does not
have a held item)
This move's
Battle Item. type variesitsdepending
Increases power by on 25 the
if thekind
userofisPlate the useraisConsumable.
not holding holding Increases its power by 25 if the user is not
holding an Accessory. (max power 150)
Disables all Pokémon's held items Battle Item, Consumable and Accessory for five turns
Gives the user's held item Battle Item, Consumable and Accessory (if able) to the target
The move’s type changes depending on the Drive the user holds
The memory held determines the move’s type
Each Pokémon eats its held Berry
The user
The user renders
eats its held Berry and
the target's heldraises
DefenseItem, stat by two stages
Consumable and Accessory unusable for the rest of the battle (even if
switched out)
Attacks the target if it is holding an item. The item can be either Battle Item, Consumable or Accessory (chosen randomly).


Species Holding Item Condition
Alolan Sandshrew Never-Melt Ice Trade for Sandshrew
Alolan Vulpix Trade for Vulpix
Lillipup Silk Scarf Trade for Zigzagoon
Alolan Raichu Thunder Stone Trade for Raichu
Alolan Geodude Magnet Trade for Geodude
Alolan Diglett Soft Sand Trade for Diglett
Alolan Grimer Trade for Grimer
East Shellos Black Sludge Trade for West Shellos
Alolan Rattata Salac Berry Trade for Rattata
Alolan Meowth Amulet Coin Trade for Meowth
Alolan Exeggutor Leaf Stone Trade for Exeggutor
Alolan Marowak Thick Club Trade for Marowak
Galarian Meowth
Galarian Ponyta
Galarian Farfetch'd
Galarian Weezing
Galarian Mr. Mine
Galarian Corsola
Galarian Zigzagoon
Galarian Darumaka
Galarian Yamask
Galarian Stunfisk
Galarian Slowpoke
Gift (depends on the starter
Panpour, Pansear or Pansage
Bonsly Gift (after buying a decoration)
Elekid, Smoochum or Magby Egg (knows Dizzy
Gift (random)
Pikachu Cosplay Gift
Beldum Metagrossite Gift
Castform Mystic Water Gift
Latias or Latios Latiasite or Latiosite Gift
One Starter Pokémon from three regions Gift
Drifloon Event
Spiky Eared Pichu Event
Castform Mystic Water Event
Kecleon Event
Fossil Pokémon Gift
Groudon Event
Kyogre Event
Rayquaza Event
Regirock Event
Regice Event
Registeel Event
Regidrago Event
Regieleki Event
Sudowoodo Event
Lugia Event
Ho-oh Event
Deoxys Event
Cosmog Gift
Marshadow Event
Wiglett Trade for Diglett
Paldean Wooper Trade for Wooper
Poltchageist Trade for Polteageist
Petalburg City Poké Center 2F
Petalburg City Poké Center 2F
Oldale Town Poké Center 2F
Rustboro City Poké Center 2F
Dewford Town Poké Center 2F
Mauville City Poké Center 2F
Slateport City Poké Center 2F
Rustboro City House 1
Lilycove City Poké Center 2F
Verdanturf Town Poké Center 2F
Verdanturf Town Poké Center 2F
Fallarbor Town Poké Center 2F

Petalburg City House 1

Pretty Petal Flower Shop
Lavaridge Town
Lilycove City Contest Hall after participating any Contest
Mossdeep City Steven's House
Route 119 Weather Institute 2F
Southern Island Interior
Prof. Birch Ranch (version 1.0: after Feather Badge, version 1.1: after catching 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 or 500 Pokémon)
Route 110 on Friday
Petalburg Wood
After saving Weather Institute from Team Aqua
Accessible via the Devon Scope throughout Route 119 and Route 120
A day after giving respective fossil to Cientist in Devon Corporation
Terra Cave (After entering Hall of Fame)
Marine Cave (After entering Hall of Fame)
Sky Pillar
Desert Ruins
Island Cave
Ancient Tomb
Magma Cave
Lagoon Cave
Battle Frontier
South from Mossdeep City (after obtaining Silver Wing)
Pacifidlog Island on Sunday (after obtaining Rainbow Wing)
Meteor Falls 1F
Meteor Falls 1F
Pacifidlog Cave 1F
Fortree Town Poké Center 2F
Lavaridge Town Poké Center 2F
Mossdeep Town Poké Center 2F
400 or 500 Pokémon)
Id Move Type
TM01 Focus Punch Fighting
TM02 Dragon Claw Dragon
TM03 Water Pulse Water
TM04 Calm Mind Psychic
TM05 Roar Normal
TM06 Toxic Poison
TM07 Hail Ice
TM08 Bulk Up Fighting
TM09 Bullet Seed Grass
TM10 Hidden Power Normal
TM11 Sunny Day Fire
TM12 Taunt Dark
TM13 Ice Beam Ice
TM14 Blizzard Ice
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal
TM16 Light Screen Psychic
TM17 Protect Normal
TM18 Rain Dance Water
TM19 Giga Drain Grass
TM20 Safeguard Normal
TM21 Frustration Normal
TM22 SolarBeam Grass
TM23 Iron Tail Steel
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric
TM25 Thunder Electric
TM26 Earthquake Ground
TM27 Return Normal
TM28 Dig Ground
TM29 Psychic Psychic
TM30 Shadow Ball Ghost
TM31 Brick Break Fighting
TM32 Double Team Normal
TM33 Reflect Psychic
TM34 Shock Wave Electric
TM35 Flamethrower Fire
TM36 Sludge Bomb Poison
TM37 Sandstorm Rock
TM38 Fire Blast Fire
TM39 Rock Tomb Rock
TM40 Aerial Ace Flying
TM41 Torment Dark
TM42 Facade Normal
TM43 Secret Power Normal
TM44 Rest Psychic
TM45 Attract Normal
TM46 Thief Dark
TM47 Steel Wing Steel
TM48 Skill Swap Psychic
TM49 Snatch Dark
TM50 Overheat Fire
TM51 Brine Water
TM52 Work Up Normal
TM53 Bug Buzz Bug
TM54 Heat Crash Fire
TM55 Body Press Fighting
TM56 Geogeyser Water
TM57 Burning Terrain Fire
TM58 Nature Power Normal
TM59 Natural Gift Normal
TM60 Tri Attack Normal
TM61 Wild Charge Electric
TM62 Frozen Terrain Ice
TM63 Sandy Terrain Ground
TM64 Swamp Terrain Water
TM65 Fog Flying
TM66 Headbutt Normal
HM01 Cut Normal
HM02 Fly Flying
HM03 Surf Water
HM04 Strength Fighting
HM05 Flash Normal
HM06 Rock Smash Fighting
HM07 Waterfall Water
HM08 Dive Water
Move Tutor Double-Edge Normal
Move Tutor Dynamic Punch Fighting
Move Tutor Explosion Normal
Move Tutor Fury Cutter Bug
Move Tutor Metronome Normal
Move Tutor Mimic Normal
Move Tutor Rollout Rock
Move Tutor Sleep Talk Normal
Move Tutor Substitute Normal
Move Tutor Swagger Normal
Move Tutor Softboiled Normal
Move Tutor Seismic Toss Fighting
Move Tutor Dream Eater Psychic
Move Tutor Mega Punch Normal
Move Tutor Mega Kick Normal
Move Tutor Body Slam Normal
Move Tutor Rock Slide Rock
Move Tutor Counter Fighting
Move Tutor Thunder Wave Electric
Move Tutor Swords Dance Normal
Move Tutor Defense Curl Normal
Move Tutor Snore Normal
Move Tutor Mud-Slap Ground
Move Tutor Swift Normal
Move Tutor Icy Wind Ice
Move Tutor Endure Normal
Move Tutor Psych Up Psychic
Move Tutor Ice Punch Ice
Move Tutor Thunder Punch Electric
Move Tutor Fire Punch Fire
Move Tutor Ancient Power Rock
Move Tutor Signal Beam Bug
Move Tutor Blaze Kick Fire
Move Tutor Water Ball Water
Special Tutor Burn Up Fire
Special Tutor Draco Meteor Dragon
Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon, Frenzy
Special Tutor -
Volt Tackle
Thousand Arrows,
Special Tutor -
Thousand Waves or Core Enforcer
Dewford Town.
Littleroot Town.
Petalburg Woods.
Magma Hideout.
Dewford Poké Center 2F.
Lavaridge town.
Jagged Pass.
Slateport City.
Slateport City.
Ruins of Alphs Ho-oh Item Room.
Ruins of Alphs Ho-oh Item Room.
Lilicove Department Store Rooftop.
Lilicove Department Store Rooftop.
Lilicove Department Store Rooftop.
Fortree City.
Petalburg Woods.
Rustboro City.
Route 119.
Petalburg City.
Route 112.
Granite Cave.
Mauville City.
Sootopolis City.
Mossdeep City.
Sootopolis City.
Moosdeep City.
Pacifidlog Town.
Verdanturf Town.
Fallarbor Town.
Lavaridge Town.
Mauville City.
Fortree City.
Lilycove City.
Slateport City.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Battler Frontier Move Tutor.
Rustboro City.
Rustboro Devon Corporation.
Mossdeep City.
Lilicove City.
Mt. Chimney Poké Center (any Fire-type Pokémon with high
(any it).
Dragon-type Pokémon with high friendship
can learn it).
Mauville Poké Center 2F.
Mossdeep Bill's House.
Stone Location
Aerodactylite Fossil Maniac Tunnel
Aggronite Rusturf Tunnel
Altarianite Slateport City
Banettite Mt Pyre Summit
Beedrillite Petalburg Woods
Blastoisinite S.S. Tidal
Blazikenite Jagged Pass
Cameruptite Mt. Pyre
Charizardite X Jagged Pass
Charizardite Y Jagged Pass
Galladite Mauville Game Corner
Garchompite Sky Pillar
Gardevoirite Verdanturf Town
Gengarite Mt Pyre 5F
Glalitite Shoal Cave
Gyaradosite Route 136
Heracronite Route 141
Houndoominite Lavaridge Town
Latiasite Southern Island interior
Latiosite Southern Island interior
Metagrossite Mossdeep City (Steven's House)
Mewtwonite X
Mewtwonite Y
PidgeotiteMr Stone in Devon Corporation(after finding little girl Schroomish in Verdanturf Town)
Pinsirite Route 119
Sablenite Old Chateau (in Petalburg Woods)
Salamencite Meteor Falls
Scizorite Route 119
Sharpedonite Mt. Pyre
Steelixite Granite Cave B2F
Tyranitarite Pacifidlog Cave
Venusaurite Route 137
danturf Town)
Defending type
Normal Fighting Flying Poison Ground Rock Bug Ghost
Normal 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× ½× 1× 0×
Fighting 2× 1× ½× ½× 1× 2× ½× 0×
Flying 1× 2× 1× 1× 1× ½× 2× 1×
A Poison 1× 1× 1× ½× ½× ½× 1× ½×
t Ground 1× 1× 0× 2× 1× 2× ½× 1×
t Rock 1× ½× 2× 1× ½× 1× 2× 1×
Bug 1× ½× ½× ½× 1× 1× 1× ½×
k Ghost 0× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 2×
i Steel 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 2× 1× 1×
n Fire 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× ½× 2× 1×
g Water 1× 1× 1× 1× 2× 2× 1× 1×
Grass 1× 1× ½× ½× 2× 2× ½× 1×
y Electric 1× 1× 2× 1× 0× 1× 1× 1×
p Psychic 1× 2× 1× 2× 1× 1× 1× 1×
e Ice 1× 1× 2× 1× 2× 1× 1× 1×
Dragon 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1×
Dark 1× ½× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 2×
Fairy 1× 2× 1× ½× 1× 1× ½× 1×
Defending type
Steel Fire Water Grass Electric Psychic Ice Dragon Dark Fairy
½× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1×
2× 1× 1× 1× 1× ½× 2× 1× 2× ½×
½× 1× 1× 2× ½× 1× ½× 1× 1× 1×
0× 1× 1× 2× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 2×
2× 2× 1× ½× 2× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1×
½× 2× 1× 1× 1× 1× 2× 1× 1× 1×
½× ½× 1× 2× 1× 2× 1× 1× 2× 2×
1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 2× 1× 1× ½× 1×
½× ½× ½× 1× ½× 1× 2× 1× 1× 2×
2× ½× ½× 2× 1× 1× 2× ½× 1× 1×
1× 2× ½× ½× 1× 1× ½× ½× 1× 1×
½× ½× 2× ½× 1× 1× ½× ½× 1× 1×
1× 1× 2× ½× ½× 1× 1× ½× 1× 1×
½× 1× 1× 1× 1× ½× 1× 1× 0× 1×
½× ½× ½× 2× 1× 1× ½× 2× 1× 1×
½× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× ½× 2× 1× 0×
1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 2× 1× 1× ½× ½×
½× ½× 1× 1× 1× 1× 1× 2× 2× 1×
Get Zygarde 10% Form
Get Zygarde 50% Form
Enable Power Construct
Enable Signature Moves Tutor
Zygarde Complete form

Core 1
Core 2
Core 3
Core 4
Core 5
Cell 1
Cell 2
Cell 3
Cell 4
Cell 5
Cell 6
Cell 7
Cell 8
Cell 9
Cell 10
Cell 11
Cell 12
Cell 13
Cell 14
Cell 15
Cell 16
Cell 17
Cell 18
Cell 19
Cell 20
Cell 21
Cell 22
Cell 23
Cell 24
Cell 25
Cell 26
Cell 27
Cell 28
Cell 29
Cell 30
Cell 31
Cell 32
Cell 33
Cell 34
Cell 35
Cell 36
Cell 37
Cell 38
Cell 39
Cell 40
Cell 41
Cell 42
Cell 43
Cell 44
Cell 45
Cell 46
Cell 47
Cell 48
Cell 49
Cell 50
Cell 51
Cell 52
Cell 53
Cell 54
Cell 55
Cell 56
Cell 57
Cell 58
Cell 59
Cell 60
Cell 61
Cell 62
Cell 63
Cell 64
Cell 65
Cell 66
Cell 67
Cell 68
Cell 69
Cell 70
Cell 71
Cell 72
Cell 73
Cell 74
Cell 75
Cell 76
Cell 77
Cell 78
Cell 79
Cell 80
Cell 81
Cell 82
Cell 83
Cell 84
Cell 85
Cell 86
Cell 87
Cell 88
Cell 89
Cell 90
Cell 91
Cell 92
Cell 93
Cell 94
Cell 95
Cell 96
Cell 97
Cell 98
Cell 99
Cell 100
Needs at least 1 Core and [(Core * 5 + Cells) >= 10] Zygarde pieces.
Needs at least 3 Cores and [(Core * 5 + Cells) >= 50] Zygarde pieces.
Collects [(Core * 5 + Cells) >= 50] Zygarde pieces.
Bill teaches the move tutor in Mossdeep City. Needs at least 3 Cores and [(Core * 5 + Cells) >= 75].
Collects all Zygarde pieces (75 Cells and 5 Cores).

Get Spiritomb
Upgrade 1
Upgrade 2
Upgrade 3

Wisps 1
Wisps 2
Wisps 3
Wisps 4
Wisps 5
Wisps 6
Wisps 7
Wisps 8
Wisps 9
Wisps 10
Wisps 11
Wisps 12
Wisps 13
Wisps 14
Wisps 15
Wisps 16
Wisps 17
Wisps 18
Wisps 19
Wisps 20
Needs at least 5 Wisps.
Gain base stats. Needs at least 10 Wisps.
Gain base stats and new Innate. Needs at least 15 Wisps.
Gain base stats. Needs at least 20 Wisps.
*Note: Wisps only appears at night.
Min Level Max Level 30% 10% 10% 10% 10%
1 10 Oran Berry Cheri Berry Chesto Berry Pecha Berry Rawst Berry
11 20 Cheri Berry Chesto Berry Pecha Berry Rawst Berry Aspear Berry
21 30 Chesto Berry Pecha Berry Rawst Berry Aspear Berry Persim Berry
31 40 Pecha Berry Rawst Berry Aspear Berry Persim Berry Leppa Berry
41 50 Rawst Berry Aspear Berry Persim Berry Leppa Berry Sitrus Berry
51 60 Aspear Berry Persim Berry Leppa Berry Sitrus Berry Pomeg Berry
61 70 Persim Berry Leppa Berry Sitrus Berry Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry
71 80 Leppa Berry Sitrus Berry Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry Qualot Berry
81 90 Sitrus Berry Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry
91 100 Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Grepa Berry
10% 10% 4% 4% 1%
Aspear Berry Persim Berry Leppa Berry Sitrus Berry Liechi Berry
Persim Berry Leppa Berry Sitrus Berry Pomeg Berry Ganlon Berry
Leppa Berry Sitrus Berry Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry Salac Berry
Sitrus Berry Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry Qualot Berry Petaya Berry
Pomeg Berry Kelpsy Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Apicot Berry
Kelpsy Berry Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Grepa Berry Lansat Berry
Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Grepa Berry tamato berry Jaboca Berry
Hondew Berry Grepa Berry tamato berry Micle Berry Rowap Berry
Grepa Berry tamato berry Micle Berry Custap Berry Kee Berry
Tamato berry Micle Berry Custap Berry *Any berry that halves damage Maranga Berry
Ganlon Berry
Salac Berry
Petaya Berry
Apicot Berry
Lansat Berry
Jaboca Berry
Rowap Berry
Kee Berry
Maranga Berry
Enigma Berry
Min Level Max Level 30% 10% 10% 10% 10%
1 10 Potion Paralyze Heal Awakening Antidote Burn Heal
11 20 Paralyze Heal Awakening Antidote Burn Heal Ice Heal
21 30 Awakening Antidote Burn Heal Ice Heal Full Heal
31 40 Antidote Burn Heal Ice Heal Full Heal Revive
41 50 Burn Heal Ice Heal Full Heal Revive Hyper Potion
51 60 Ice Heal Full Heal Revive Hyper Potion Rare Candy
61 70 Full Heal Revive Hyper Potion Rare Candy PP up
71 80 Revive Hyper Potion Rare Candy PP up Ether
81 90 Hyper Potion Rare Candy PP up Ether HP up
91 100 Rare Candy PP up Ether HP up Elixir
10% 10% 4% 4% 1%
Ice Heal Full Heal Revive Hyper Potion Mental Herb
Full Heal Revive Hyper Potion Rare Candy White Herb
Revive Hyper Potion Rare Candy PP up Power Herb
Hyper Potion Rare Candy PP up Ether Red Shard
Rare Candy PP up Ether * Any medicine that increases EVAbility Capsule
PP up Ether HP up Elixir Bug gem
Ether HP up Elixir Full Restore Heart Scale
HP up Elixir Full Restore Max Elixir Leftovers
Elixir Full Restore Max Elixir Max Revive Ability Patch
Full Restore Max Elixir Max Revive PP MAX Insect plate
White Herb
Power Herb
* Any Shards
Ability Capsule
* Any Gem
Heart Scale
Ability Patch
* Any Plate
* Any TM that isn't already owned
Trying to catch Pokemon in double battle
One Type Challenge somethings not allow to capture the first encounter in route
Effect Can be replicated?
Unable to do
Not bad
Add Team Galactic theme music.
Trainer AI: Smogon University doesn't change the enemies trainer's Pokémon and strategies.
Test Breeding system
Pokédex needs some work.
Better Lugia and Ho-oh events.
To be released 9.0 8.4Dragon Fang,
Gatling Missile,
Fix Spicy Extract, Tailwind, Mortal Flower Gardener, Champion Belt,
New Bash,Deep
effects: ForceSea
Spin stones not Crest,
Fix new evolutionary Old School, Bonfire
Mirror Herb, Blossom,
Fairy Feather, Shadow Storm,
Deep Sea Shadow
Scale. Chill,
evolving Added Apple,
Syrupy generation 9 Pokémon,
Unremarkable Tea Lightsaber, Shadow Aura,
to the list (Sprigatito family,
some items and most abilities Gale moves
Fix steal of Darkness.
not stealing
Fidough family, Maschiff
Added Commander)
Umbreon effect in
and Espeon sometimes
Fix Muramasa quest not giving
Eeveelution list for Evoboost
Fixed Monstrosity the item
Sync Fusion not Dragon Dance now boosts the
Aqua changing
Ring nowtheir removes
types burn highest offensive stat and Speed.
Light ball is now given after
even if the Pokémon
Fix Destruction Cocoon hasandfull
three badges instead of four.
Fix Loaded HP
"reviving" fainted
number of hits Pokémon
from moves that
Round isalwaysnow considered
hit twice Sound-
based move
because some emulators were
setting the flag (making
Fix Coup De Grace and other him
moves nobeing
expiresKO after
two turns, but after using Electric-
Supersonictype nowmovelowers target's
Safety Helmet nowone
Evasion stat by stage.
halves recoil
All platesinstead
are nowofbattle
items it
Elite Four now have
and boost damage by 20% again hard mode
team, also hard mode should be
DexNav guarantees
more difficult held item
after Wattson
If difficult modenow werent set, the AI
type will be displayed instead in
Fixed abilities
hall ofbug
famein the Battle
Autotomize increase base speed
100 Rider
instead andof Wind
to 120
Fixed activate
Fang not Sandstorm
considered a
fang move
Changed Blood Pact and Dark
Giant Bargain effects the
Wings increases
duration of Tailwind
Howl effect was updated
Mega Evolution was removed from
one type challenge rules
Added DexNav's Detector Mode
Unremarkable Teacup and
Added Auspicious Teacup
Added more Armor to Fallabor
in-game tradeTent
PokeCenter 2F
Added TM66 8.3
Headbutt, TM67 8.2 OneType
Nuzlocke and 8.1
Rough Skin and similar abilities
Zap Cannon, TM68 Chilling Challenge no longer need
Added headbutt encounters to Polarization, Wrestling don't activate
Water Pokémon that learns Heel,
HM Venomous no longer is
other types of trees Ability PatchFeuds,
Provoking now can remove
Pandemic, affected by Corrosion
Fix Hakamoo sprites hidden ability. Lanette gives Mints no longer reset abilities
you oneStones/
instead Primal OrbsDoll.
of Lotad no Abilities are reset after form
Fix berries not being consumed
Removed occupies
from 3 slots
Roxanne's changing and evolution
Fix Sweet Kiss New moves: Despair Kiss
four Pokémon's level to the level New Shuckle (gym 1) from
wild encounters New Abilities: Petrifying Gaze,
Fixcap / Give
Water them
Veil back their on
animation Petalburg Woods, Trees, Safari Matriarch, Patriarch
Fix latias roaming Stats cannot pass 999
wrong battler Guard abilities blocks Mind Blown Fixed Trade mon having no
Provoking Feuds buff Voodoo
Fix Ice Falchion and Strong and Doll
bugs when abilities
Corrosion and recipes
Rough Skin no fainting target (Removed Blood
longer affects Magic Guardfaints
like Pact
Voodoo Doll can no longer
abilities Fix Master of Mimics freezing the
the target, activates only once per
Debug givemongame now allow
Fix Frisk on battle
wrong battler
Brendan & May might give less change Pokeball & Gender
Fix Petrifying
Debug Gaze now
meny in battle display
Fix Galarica Cuff & Galarica
to change/display all
Fix move typenot working
color display in Fix Ice Fang displaying wrong
battle status
Removed condition in summary
Bug weakness to
Fix thunderstorm
Magic Guard like abilities now Poison
block Momentum damage
Grimtooth, Traumatic Fist. New
Moves: Absolute Zero, Fire in the
Game Fix Forewarn
starts in the soft
time of
emulator (month has no easy
Fix meteorsolution)
scene for female
Fix Commensalism and multihit
Emulator compatibility warning
8.0 Follower is 7.3 updated when 7.2
Allow to give any Pokémon any Fix type effectiveness display in
True Random Pokémon evolves
Stellarafter battler or
ability/innate viamode (species,
Sandbox menu Luminance, Luminance, Illusion for Player
items, abilities. innates, moves no Rare Candy
HEarth Eater,and
Qwilfish Cosmic Energy,
Stantler evo Fix some follower bug (?)
longer Up, New
on a Move: Heat?)
fixed value Pyroclastic, Hero- Added Drifloon event in route 110
method onlyGranitic
requires Body,knowing
Siphon. New Ability: Hollow Ajustment to (like
Voodoo Doll and on fridays
Added H Qwilfish and Stantler
the move
Fix multiple Tangela)
abilities not procing New Abilities: Psychokinetic,
Perfectionist evo methods
when cause other Pokémon to Pack
New Tactics, Pack Leader,
moves: Atomic Breath,X
Prevents some abilities procing
faint Ray Vision.
Partner's abilityend Proton Scream, Force Choke,
when battle would Fix Tar Force
Shot not increasing fire
(Watchdog) that would proc Lightning
Remove feature
damage where Spiky
in a double notbattle
Shield like moves would proc
Fixdisplayed duringitem
display wrong a battle
name Fix Growing Tooth
contact and Cat's Luck
when switching items
Your Rival's battle in route 103 increasing target's stat
Fix Wide notLens
you "white
Added slot 3 (should
TMHM, Tutorbelearnsets
slot 1) for
Hisuian and RotomBarrier,
it Rip, Psychic forms
Dauntless Shield, Intrepid Sword
only activates once per battle
AI now stores 7.1
the battlers infos 7.0 6.0
even if it switches out (moves, Fixed Haunted Spirit Fixed ability name display when act
abilities, items Fixed Strength animation without
Fix Illusion for ...)
AI New moves: Cordyceps, Hell Gate
get a Pokémon from Prof Birch that follower
Fixed Shell Smash animation New abilities: Friction Mane, Thunderc
is not supported
Fixed followersby following
during system
script with Added Kleavor and Ursaluna TM,
Added Followers
other NPCs HMNuzlocke
Fixed and Tutorvariables
been moves:
cleared Falling
after a newStars,
No longer Aliallowed
Shuffle, to
Dust. Added ability:
unsupported Voodoo to
Pokémon Doll.
Added hisuians evolutionary
follow you
5.3 5.2 5.1
Now items will be restored after b Moves: Shed Tail, Neurotoxin, Toug
Fixed Loaded Dice bug
Wally now has custom party in Vic Added Headbutt encounter Fixed Trainer AI smart or higher c
New abilities: Hiten Mtsurugi, Ryutsu Autotomize reduces 90% weightAdded
a a check to prevent Trainer
Added time of day in start menu (mo
Deoxys equipped with Black Meteori
Added moves: TM65 Fog (removed f
Foul Play and Body Press now takesAmulet Coin now works with Persian
Added abilities: Cat's Luck, Ragna
Thick Fat, Ice Scales and HeavyweiAdded item: Blank Plate, Legend PlAdded items: set1(Dragon Slayer,
Added missing Pokémon spritesThere is Fog only in Fortree Gym
Added a function that gives items
Added Blacksmith, and Steal questItemfinder works like in FireRed
Pokémon will likely have more innates in randomizer
Fixed script removing first slot item from trainers, collision, entry haza
Added form change methods: Arceus, Genesect, Keldeo, Xerneas, Zacian
5.0 4.0 3.0
Now Battle Palace and Verdanturf Fixed Gear Up and Magnetic Flux n Added Punching Glove, Covert Clo
Added more Legendary Pokémon to Fixed
t item icon in summary Fixed Surging Strikes, Triple Kick
Added Black Augurite & Peat BlFixed pokemon duplication after Lat Added Jet Punch and Axe Kick.
Verdanturf and Fallarbor Tents nowFixed Ranch and Fossil giving ????
Fixed King's Rock not evolving Po
Optimization of innates processingFixed moves that consumes berriesMinor changes and bug fixes
Z-move implemented Updated most moves and abilities N
t ow Pokémon can hold up to 3 ite
Added Running Shoes as Key Item (enables Auto-Run, or just press B)
Increased bag capacity for berries to 67 (to fit all current berries)
Add more options to the debug menu
Pokémon egg will always inherit the nature of the parrent that is holding everstone (chosen randomly if both are hol
Pokémon egg has 80% inherit female ability, or male if the other is Ditto. Including Hidden ability.
Destiny Knot will increased the number of inherit IVs to 5 from 3.
Parents will pass down the specific stat if holding that Power item (if both are holding different Power items, those stats will b
2.1 2.0 1.6
Fix bypass the EV limit using mediFixed Moxie soft locking when trig Removed EV cap of 100 from medi
Fixed some events that needed theMinorP changes to post-game eventAdded Celebi & Mega Rayquaza e
Opportunist ability name was chang Added settings display in Hall of Fixed Water- and Fire-type moves
Added Legend of Arceus PokemonAdded the rest of evolution stones Ajusted static encounter level of
Fossil typing and ability Fossilize Access PC from Sandbox menu Fixed one type challenge of normal type and D
Fixed Greninja gender change wh Enabled Link Battle (you can battleFixed multi hit moves against Stench ability
Sonic Boom, Seismic Toss, Psywav Fix Move Reminder showing only Fixed Cracked Pot and Chipped pot item not e
Increase the max quantity of itemsAdded new party for Gym Leaders and Elite F
Doubled the max bag capacity to 1Added an option in Sandbox menu to enable/d
andomly if both are holding it) Sandbox GivePokémon option now can step back using B instead of canceling th

r items, those stats will be passed down. If both are holding the same, pick random parent to pass down)
1.5 1.4 1.3
Fixed battle 1vs2 (Brendan & May Fixed Surf issue Fix burning terrain not removing P
Player AI mode will always use theRegieleki
fi Cave issue Fix grassy terrain, burning terrain
Fanciful Fireworks animation and aFixed Color Change ability in Inve Increased bird encounter again in r
Final evolution type counts for On Fixed Double Battle mode couldn'tFixed oran berry, potion, super pot
ge of normal type and DexNav encounter not aFixed some Nuzlocke and OneType Brendan & May in Mossdeep will giv
gainst Stench ability Shell Smash triggers the Shields Redone Zygarde and Greninja tran
Chipped pot item not evolving Fixed ability pop up with long nam Fixed Player AI not trying to catc
ym Leaders and Elite Four for AI Smarter or higher Changed button to L to trigger S
ndbox menu to enable/disable the battle mode of Mossdeep Gym (Benjamin Butt Fixed DexNav not showing the cor
B instead of canceling the whole action Added Marshadow event (Warning: if
Prof Birch gives National Pokédex
1.2 1.1 1.0
Fixed dark cave lag because of Fl Added Slateport, Mauville and For Release!
Increases Potion fixed HP healing Fixed Trainer AI: Smarter flags
Nerfed early difficulty Removed Prof. Birch giving new starter upon receiving Feather Badge, now he c
Added Ralts encounter in route 2
Fixed berry and medicines that changes EVs
Fixed mints (was affecting EV points)
Player icon in map
Extrasensory bug fix
Fixed Fill Pc cheat
Fixed bugs in Meteor Falls event
Added PLA formulas options (it reverses the stats & damage formulas from Pokémon: Legends Arceus)
eather Badge, now he calls you when you catch 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 or 500 Pokémon

nds Arceus)

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