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1 Anatomical Drawings of a Random Monster: Study to gain Back-Stab versus 51 Pages in the middle act as an Accurate Scale: Annotating

le: Annotating Weights

2 Astronomical Calendars and Constellation Charts: Next Eclipse is noted 52 Painstaking Diagrams of various types of Doors and their Hinges

3 Beauty Regimen, rather Time Consuming, but said to improve Reactions 53 Pamphlet entitled “How To Corner The Garlic Market”

4 Bedtime Stories that uncannily grant Pleasant Dreams to the Listener 54 Pawprint of an uncourteous Cat conceals final steps for making Wax Golems

5 Beneath the Bloodstains, some tender and tear-jerking Haiku 55 Phrasebook for 1d6 Languages, 2-in-6 chance of conveying simple Concepts

6 Botanical Illustrations, might help with identifying Magical Herbs 56 Polite Correspondence Exchanges between Owner and a Gnome Brewer

7 Bound into Book is a tetchy Imp named Kvetch: Quickly Counts Coins for a Fee 57 Pop-Up Sundial miraculously functions accurately (to the Hour) sans Sun

8 Care and Feeding Advice for Cockatrice Chicks 58 Precise Diagrams for Summoning Circles: Crickets, Rain, Nether Wolves

9 Closely Guarded Trade Route through a Major Desert 59 Pressed Flowers, some specimens only heard of in Legend

10 Concealed in Knotwork Illuminations: Maps to navigate Legendary Labyrinths 60 Promising Treatments for a recurring Plague or virulent Disease

11 Convoluted Family Trees, that if deciphered, reveal embarrassing Scandal 61 Quaintly detailed Maps of Lucky Fishing Spots on a Local Body of Water

12 Crumpled Tear-stained Letter of a Mother, surrendering Child to Apprentice 62 Rambling Diary Entries claiming to have discovered a Vein of Moon Metal

13 Deed to a small Plot of land, next to a Cemetery, pockmarked with Graves 63 Recipe for Familiar Food: Keeps Coats/Scales Shiny, can Speak if fed Daily

14 Detailed Description of a Massive Dragon Hoard: Itemized to the Coin 64 Recreations of Famous Battles: Replete with Illusory Miniature Combatants

15 Disturbing Map of Local Wells, and some drawings of Poisonous Plants 65 Renderings of a Game Board with pieces in puzzling positions

16 Doodles of various Chimerical Monsters, some scratched out, others circled 66 Reviews of various Vintages of Wine, most demonstrating terroir insight

17 Dubious Tips and Tricks for ridding Pasture from a Jackalope infestation 67 Riddled with Folksy, Homespun Aphorisms that don't make a lot of Sense

18 Ears (d4x2) and Mouths (1/2): Whisper a Question, a Mouth Answers Once 68 Rigid Reminders to ingest a Peculiar Medicinal Concoction (with Recipe)

19 Exciting Developments in the field of Ioun Stone Rejuvenation 69 Rigorous Research Itinerary: Halve the time for next Research Endeavor

20 Extensive Notes on Random Spell might increase Duration twofold 70 Rules for a Popular Local Card Game, along with a tally of Gambling Losses

21 Fanciful doodles of a Crab attacking a Knight in progressively hilarious ways 71 Sealed Envelopes containing wistful Love Letters to a Harpy

22 Fascinating Spore Prints help ID some of the deadliest Mushroom Species 72 Seating Arrangement for a Feast, obviously labored over meticulously

23 Four pages of increasingly preposterous Epithets. Settled on “the Mysterious” 73 Self-Portrait of the Owner in Charcoal, eyes seem to follow you

24 Fragrant Pages detail Perfumery: One acts as Smelling Salts for the Fainted 74 Several staves of Sheet Music that trail off lazily, never finding a melody

25 Handbook for Breeding Ear Seekers for Fun and Profit 75 Sewing Pattern for some rather Ostentatious Robes and matching Conical Hat

26 Heavily Warded, but mostly for show: Steps to “Activate” them inside 76 Shopping List, with Garlic crossed out and Wolfsbane Underlined thrice

27 Illustrated Inner Workings of Locks may be of interest to Burglars 77 Shortcut for Creating a very Weak and Short-lived Homunculus

28 Impossible seeming Contraption for Distilling Liquids 78 Signatures and Autographs of various Dwarf Royalty

29 Ink Spill obscures a page containing Steps for binding a Quasit 79 Sketches and Blueprints for a fancifully tall Tower, replete with Oubliettes

30 Insightful Military Formations and Battle Plan Diagrams 80 Sloppily ciphered Sonnet, easily solved: Detailing an Affair between Royals

31 Instructions for reading Tea Leaves for the purposes of finding a Spouse 81 Snakeskin Bookmark can turn into a Spitting Serpent once a week

32 Interviews with a Person in the initial stages of Lycanthropy 82 Somewhat Heretical Contemporary Biography of a well-loved Saint

33 Kitchen stains don't quite conceal several Tasty-sounding Recipes 83 Stack of IOUs (2d12) for Livestock/Village Services for Arcane Assistance

34 Labanotation for a peculiar Reel, to be performed in Mushroom Circles 84 Still Life of 3d6 pieces of Realistic Fruit: Each can be plucked from and Eaten

35 Last Will and Testament: Promising Princely Sum for Familiar Upkeep 85 Surprisingly reliable Seasonal Almanac might help with Weather Prediction

36 Letter of Introduction to a Frost Giant Noblewoman 86 Tenderly tucked between Pages: Scroll of Random Level and Spell

37 Lifelike Drawing of a Sparrow: Can animate 1/month to deliver a Message 87 Tombstone rubbings of famous Magic Users and Alchemists

38 List of Thirteen Magic Wand Command Words, some crossed out angrily 88 Treatise on Falconry and constructing a Hawkery

39 Long Ribbon: If used to Garotte/Strangle a MU, their Spells appear in Book 89 Uncannily Reflective Page could serve as a Mirror/Scrying Device

40 Magic Page fosters two-way communication to Companion Book somewhere 90 Unconventional Timetables for Sowing/Reaping that increase Yields

41 Map to the Location of Magical Mud Springs, said to have Healing Powers 91 Unflattering Caricature of an infamous and powerful Wizard

42 Minutes from a Meeting for some kind of Secret Society: Mostly Mundane 92 Unsigned Contract (potentially still valid) with powerful Assassin's Guild

43 Monocle on Chain attached to Spine: Allows Reading without Light 93 Unsuccessful Experiments with Doppelgänger Livers are still insightful

44 Mostly complete Recipe for a Random Potion, only d4 weeks of Research left 94 Unwavering Accounting Ledger, down to the single Copper Piece

45 Mouse Nibbled Page appears to contain a Lunar Map 95 Very unsettling Seven Fingered Handprint in Violet Ink

46 Names and Summarized Histories of at least a dozen Magic Swords 96 Vociferous invectives against someone named “Glorfin” who stole from them

47 Nearly complete work on an Antivenom for Giant Spider bites 97 Wanted Poster for the Former Owner: 500 gp Dead or Alive

48 Notes on Potion Color, Character, Taste, and Smell for at least a dozen 98 Watch Order Rotors, growing distressingly shorter over time

49 One Perforated Page contains something known as a “Universal Invitation” 99 Watercolors of Mountain Ranges, some painted with considerable talent

50 Overwrought Essay that does reveal the Weakness of Two Oozes/Slimes 100 Waxy Workbook for Chandler Enchantments: 1d6 Magic Candle Recipes

Draft Version (08.18.2023) |

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