Assignment On Query

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Assignment on Query

Customer(C_ID, name, age, phone, address)

Order( Order_ID, C_ID, Date, Amount, Product_id)

Product( Product_id, Pname, Per_Quantity_Cost)

a. Find the customer name who has order multiple item.

b. Find the customer name who has order more than tk5000
c. Find all the product which have been ordered between 01-01-1995 to 01-01-2023
d. Find the Product name which per quantity cost is the 6th highest.

Student(S_ID, Sname, Age, Phone, Address)

Teacher(T_ID, TName, Phone, Address)

Course( C_ID, CName, S_ID, T_ID)

Marks(M_ID, Marks, S_ID, C_ID)

a. Find all the Student name who obtain less than 60% marks in English but more than 80%
marks in mathematics.
b. Find Course wise highest marks.
c. Find the student name who get 5th highest marks in bangle.
d. Find all the teacher name who has take more than two courses.

Employee(E_ID, Ename, PhoneNo, Salary, Date_of_Joining, D_id)

Manager( M_ID, ManagerName, E_ID)

Department( D_id, DepartmentName)

a. Find Department wise highest salary

b. Find the employee name who have work under manager ‘Jack’ and earn more than 50000 and
work in CSE Department.
c. Find all the Manager name whose Employee work more than 15years
d. Find the Employee whose name contain the string ‘asv’.

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