Ours To Protect Ours To

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Ours to Protect. Ours to Cherish.

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/48238624.

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel Movies),
Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve
Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers
& Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes &
Tony Stark
Characters: Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Howard Stark, Maria
Stark, Obadiah Stane, Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Sunset
Bain, Tiberius Stone, Brock Rumlow, Jack Rollins, Nick Fury, Natasha
Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Edwin Jarvis, Ana Jarvis
Additional Tags: Omega Tony Stark, Omega Tony, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega
Verse, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Alpha Steve Rogers, Alpha Howard Stark,
Alpha Obadiah Stane, Creepy Obadiah Stane, Abusive Howard Stark,
Bad Parent Howard Stark, Bad Parent Maria Stark, Abused Tony Stark,
Teacher-Student Relationship, Student Tony Stark, Teacher Bucky
Barnes, Teacher Steve Rogers, Boys In Love, True Mates, Soulmates,
Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Touch-Starved Tony Stark, Touch-Starved,
Hurt Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has Issues, Tony Stark Feels, Insecure Tony
Stark, Beta Natasha Romanov, Omega Clint Barton, Minor Clint
Barton/Phil Coulson/Natasha Romanov, Implied/Referenced Sexual
Assault, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Not
Between Main Pairing, Serial Killer Obadiah Stane, Hurt/Comfort,
Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Anal Sex, Oral
Sex, Anal Fingering, Breeding Kink, Implied Mpreg, Mutual
Masturbation, Shower Sex, Lingerie, Knotting
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-06-30 Completed: 2023-10-15 Words: 26,343 Chapters:
Ours to Protect. Ours to Cherish.
by cinnamonroll_ofdeath


17 year old Omega Tony's life sucks. He's bullied at school. Abused by his father at home.
And is about to be mated off to his father's creepy business partner, Obadiah Stane.

Enter his new teachers. A mated pair of alphas. 21 year old Steve Rogers and 22 year old
Bucky Barnes, are, unbeknownst to them, Tony's true mates. And they just might be his ticket
to freedom.

Note: I did not tag this this story as underage because there will not be any underage sex in
this story. Tony will turn 18 in this fic and there will be nothing happening before then.
Sexually or romantically. But let me know if I should change the tags to underage.


I'm trying my best, but updates on this might be kinda slow. Sorry in advance. I promise I'm
working on it.
First Impressions

Howard Stark considered himself an alphas alpha. Head honcho. Large and in charge. Big
man on campus. Leader of men. Biggest knot around. He expected the same from his son. He
wanted a big, strong alpha son to carry on in his footsteps. Anything less was unacceptable.

He didn't want a beta son, much less an omega one. A fact that he made abundantly clear
when Tony presented as an omega at thirteen. From that day forward, Tony was dead to him.
In his mind, he might as well not have a son.

From then on, he ignored Tony. He pretended that his son did not exist. And when he was
forcibly reminded of him and his omega status, he flew into a violent rage, breaking things
and injuring Tony the moment they were alone.

Maria, his beta mother, had mostly checked out years ago. Now, she would come out of her
alcohol and drug induced haze to teach him what, in her mind, he ought to know as an

She began to instill in him the fact that omegas are nothing more than sex toys and baby
factories for their alphas. That they were best seen and not heard. They were meant to cook
and clean and spread their legs. They didn't swear. They didn't have big ideas. And they
certainly didn't invent or build things. They were demure and polite. Always serving their
alpha, making him look good, never outshining him.

It was awful. Tony hated it. In a single day, his life had become an absolute nightmare.

While he wouldn't say his father doted on him before he presented, his abuse had been
significantly less, as he expected him to be an alpha. His mother, on the other hand, had had
no interest in him, completely ignoring him until he presented as an omega.

Now his father hated him, as likely to hit him as look at him. And his mother. His mother was
determined to force him into a mold he did not fit into. And she had every intention of doing
it, no matter how long it took her. It didn't matter to her how many pieces of him she had to
chip away to do so. He was going to be her idea of a good omega.

It had now been years since he presented. He was seventeen, turning eighteen in just a few
short months. His father had agreed to give Tony away to his business partner, Obadiah
Stane. Obadiah was at least as old as Howard. Tony had grown up around him. He had been
like a kind uncle or a surrogate father to him before he presented. Giving him gifts and candy
and affectionate head pats every time he saw Tony. As soon as he presented, that had all
stopped. The way he now touched him and leered at him made his skin crawl.

Tony begged Howard not to. He pleaded with him not to be bonded to a man old enough to
be his father. Howard had refused to relent. He made his opinion of omegas very clear.
Omegas didn't care who their alpha was, he said. As long as that alpha forced them into their
place and kept them hanging off his knot, then they were happy. And Obadiah would do just
that. Tony shuddered at the mental picture. It sounded like hell.
Eventually, Howard had agreed to wait until he finished high school, a mere few months
away, to bond him to Obadiah. He had framed it as a reprieve, but Tony knew the real reason.
They were only waiting that long because Howard was worried about appearances if he
mated him off earlier.

They both knew that once mated, Obadiah probably was not going to allow Tony out of the
house, even to finish school. He was too obsessed with the thought that someone else might
touch, or look at, or talk to what was his, to allow any omega of his out. He had, in fact,
complained several times that Tony was allowed out of the house now. Tony had no delusions
that he would be allowed out once they were mated.

So Howard didn't want to raise any eyebrows by having his son drop out of school and
disappear. But he also didn't wait too long since Obadiah didn't like his omegas "too old." In
fact, with him, it was pretty much, the younger the better. He had often lamented the laws
that banned the mating off of omegas as soon as they presented at twelve or thirteen.

All in all Tony was fucked. He was going to be mated before he even turned eighteen. He
was terrified of mating Obadiah, with good reason. Obadiah's last officially mated omega had
mysteriously died a couple years ago. Tony wasn't sure whether murder or suicide was more
probable. She had been almost twenty five, and Obadiah had complained that she was getting
too old. But Tony was sure that Obadiah made her life a living hell. So it could have easily
been either one. He wondered how long he would last.

School was no relief. His classmates bullied or ignored him for the most part. Sunset and Ty
were the ringleaders. They were among the most popular kids in school. Sunset was the head
cheerleader, Ty was the star quarterback. And they never missed an opportunity to harass

Tripping him in the hall was a favorite pass time of theirs, though they used other methods
too. They had stuffed him into his locker more than once. Given him swirlys. Slammed his
hands in doors. Mocked him at every turn. But tripping him was the easiest and, therefore,
most common method.

He only had two friends. Pepper and Rhodey. Both alphas. Unfortunately, he was rarely
allowed to see them. His father was afraid of the presence of alphas tainting him. Howard
was afraid that if he spent time with them, he would no longer be pure for his future alpha. It
was no secret that Obadiah loved virgins.

And so he could only see Pepper and Rhodey in secret. If his father even suspected that they
were still friends, it would bring his wrath down on Tony's head. The last time they were seen
together, Tony was unable to fully move his left arm for a month afterwards.

So, unfortunately, they could do little to help him, though the abuse enraged them. Tony was
afraid that any hint of a connection between them would anger Howard. So they kept quiet.
Knowing that as bad as it was at school, it would be even worse at home, should they

Tony was also on suppressants and heavy duty scent blockers on Howard's orders. He had
been on them since the year after he presented, when Howard said he couldn't stand "that
stupid omega stinking up the place."

They wreaked havoc on his body. He was supposed to go off the suppressants twice a year to
allow his body to have a natural heat. Howard would not allow this. He claimed it was just an
excuse for his bitch son to whore himself out.

And the scent blockers were never supposed to be used nonstop longterm. As they could
cause dangerous psychological effects. They were known to raise the depression and suicide
rate. This was not surprising as they tended to isolate the user, making them feel out of touch
with their body.

Omegas were known to need more physical contact and affection. It was a biological fact.
One that Howard despised and, therefore, refused to indulge. So Tony was never really
touched except by his father, in anger. Or Obadiah, when he would come over. He had a
fondness for groping Tony lingeringly or giving him an ass slap or two. But this was not what
he, or his body, needed.

Omegas were social creatures. They needed a good support system to be healthy. They
needed positive attention as well as physical affection from people they trusted. Something
that Tony was denied. Pepper and Rhodey, while they would love to cuddle him, couldn't.
They didn't dare touch him for fear of their scent getting left behind. They unfortunately
knew what would happen to Tony if that happened. So, as with many things, Tony did

This particular morning, the school was abuzz with gossip. A month or so earlier, it had
gotten out that the alpha PE teacher was cheating on his omega husband with the beta art

This had caused a big scandal, and they were both fired. The public backlash also forced
them to move. Well, now it seemed that the school had finally replaced them, and everyone
was talking about it.

Tony let the words wash over him as he entered the school. For once, everyone ignored him
in favor of gossiping about the new teachers.

Since he was mostly ignored, unless he was being targeted, he overheard a lot. They were
apparently both male alphas. In their early twenties. Very attractive, if the talk was to be
believed. And they were also mated to each other. A fact that had a lot of the class body
groaning at the misfortune of it.

Tony really couldn't care less about any of that. He just hoped that the teachers would ignore
him like most of the others. There were a couple of teachers who, unfortunately, liked to pick
on Tony almost as much as Sunset and Ty.

Coach Rumlow being one of them. He had taken over PE class when the previous teacher
was fired. Needless to say, he made that class as difficult as possible for Tony.

The other was Mr. Rollins, the math teacher. He absolutely dispised that Tony was smarter
than him. And he took that anger out on Tony. Tony was consistently given drastically low
marks in every area that Rollins could get away with it in. It hurt, but like with everything
else, Tony had learned to deal with it.

Tony moved quietly between his classes. Sometimes, if he was quiet enough or made himself
small enough, he would be unnoticed and, therefore, unharrassed. Today was not one of those
days, unfortunately.

Each student at the school had to choose an elective course to take. They had a choice
between sports, band, or art. Tony had chosen art, as it was the one that kept him furthest
away from the worst of his bullies.

It was on the way to art class that some of Sunsets friends struck. They tripped him in the
hall. Then, grabbing his backpack, they opened it up, and dumped its contents on the floor.
Tony was left to clean up the mess amid the occasional snickers from some passing

He was subsequently late for the first art class with the new teacher. He tried to slip into class
quietly, but the door closed behind him with a bang. All eyes were suddenly on him. He
shrank away from the attention. Hunching his shoulders and hanging his head as faint
laughter sounded through the room.

A voice from the front of the spoke.

"Ahhh. You must be Tony Stark."

"Yes sir." Tony responded. He looked up to see the new art teacher. The rumors were correct.
He was handsome. Blond hair, blue eyes, and a kind smile. But best of all was his scent. It
smelled like sunshine, freshly mowed grass, and wildflowers. It smelled like a longed for
home. One whiff and Tony knew. This was his True Mate.

"It's nice to meet you, Tony." He said, not unkindly. "I'm the new art teacher, Mr. Rogers.
Now please go find yourself a seat so we can begin class."

Tony died a little more inside when no recognition passed over the teachers face. He turned
and made his way to a seat in the back silently. He sat down and berated himself for feeling

Of course Mr. Rogers didn't react! He didn't know! He would have no way of knowing! Tony
was wearing heavy duty scent blockers for God's sake! And besides, even if he did know, it's
not like he would want Tony anyway! Tony was just some loser kid!

Engrossed in these thoughts, the class time passed quickly. Almost before Tony knew it, the
bell had rung and everyone was leaving. Tony slowly got up and followed them, his omega
instincts screaming at him to stay as he left the room. He refused to give in to them. Being an
omega made you weak, Howard had always said. So he squared his shoulders as he walked
away without a backwards glance.

The school day continued as usual. But Tony was lost in his own head. Mr. Rollin's digs at
him barely even registered. He just went through the motions until he was forced out of his
own mind by the arrival of PE class.

He was purposefully late this time. He always tried to be a little late to PE. That way, there
was less likelihood of him being harrassed while he changed. He learned pretty quickly that it
wasn't safe to change at the same time as everyone else. A while back, someone took pictures
of him changing and spread them around the school. Howard had broken his nose when the
news got back to him.

So Tony snuck in just a little behind everyone else. His eyes fell on the new teacher. His nose
was assaulted by the smell of rain and books and spiced apples. It smelled all cozy and just as
much like home as Mr. Rogers.

Great. He had two true mates. Two alpha true mates. Howard would kill him if he found out.
Then resurrect him and mate him off to Obadiah as soon as possible, high school and
appearances be damned.

Tony sighed and joined the class. He had to force himself to not stare longingly at the new PE
teacher. The handsome brunette introduced himself as Mr. Barnes and took roll. His eyes
were a beautiful blue, much like Mr. Roger's, but Tony was more fascinated by the fact that
he had a metal prosthetic arm. It moved fluidly with him. It was gorgeous.

After taking attendance, Mr Barnes started class by having them run. Tony was immediately
tripped by Ty. He was too caught up in his head to see it coming and fell flat on his face. Ty
and his friends burst out laughing. Tony tried to stand only to be tripped again, amid more
peals of raucous laughter.

Mr. Barnes had apparently been watching though, since a sharp whistle immediately rang out.
"Stone, Andrews, Sinclair!" He yelled out in a gorgeous commanding baritone voice that sent
shivers down Tony's spine. "To me. Now!"

The three boys hurried to obey, though they hadn't lost their cocky grins. "What do you need,
sir?" Ty asked with a smirk.

Barnes towered over them, looking throughly unimpressed. "Your behavior is unacceptable.
We do not allow bullying in this school, and I do not allow it in my class. You all have

"Ah, come on, Mr. Barnes!" Ty whined, his voice getting high pitched in agitation. "You don't
mean that! We're on the football team! And it was only Tony!"

"I most certainly do." His voice lowered an octave. He was barely able to keep his voice level
and his temper in check. "I dont care who you are. I dont care who the victim is. I will not
tolerate this kind of behavior from anyone towards anyone. And I'm very concerned that you
think it'd be otherwise. You have detention. And I'll be keeping an eye on you all in the
future. Now back to running. "
Ty sighed angrily and stomped off, his friends following suit. They glared at Tony as they
rejoined the group who had stopped to watch the proceedings. At Ty and his friends rejoining
them followed by Mr. Barnes' whistle, they continued running.

Tony hung back a little, purposefully letting them others get ahead of him so he could run
alone. He knew there was going to be hell to pay for this, but he could at least put it off for as
long as possible. Not that he seriously thought they'd try something in front of Mr. Barnes
again, but he still didn't want to be stuck next to them hearing their threats.

As soon as they got far enough ahead of him, he picked up his pace again. He didn't want his
new teacher, his mate, his traitorous mind whispered, to think he was slacking.

PE ended soon enough. On his way out, Ty shoulder checked Tony and whispered, "You're
dead, Stark." Tony curled in on himself and kept walking, pretending he didn't hear. This was
going to suck.


Bucky's alpha was antsy. It had been ever since that bully Stone had deliberately pushed
Stark to the ground.

The look on Stark's face had stirred something in him. The sadness and resignation in his
eyes was heartbreaking. It stirred up every protective feeling in him. And the audacity of
Stone and his friends had enraged him.

"It was only Tony." He had said. It was all Bucky could do to not punch him right then and
there. And while he'd never liked bullying, he rarely had this strong a reaction to it.

It perplexed him. He'd wanted to brutally rip the smirk off of Stone's smug face. He'd wanted
to cradle Stark's small body to his chest and protect him from all who would harm him. He'd
felt ready to burn the world down to protect him.

He mulled it over in his head as he walked to the art classroom to meet Steve. His mate. As
he thought more about it, the only other time he had been that protective over someone was
back when Stevie was sickly. He couldn't even remember the amount of people he fought to
protect him. It had been a lot. Steve had always had a penchant for trouble and never knew
when to back down.

He smiled fondly at the memories that it conjured up. His then scrawny little mate squaring
up against some bully three times his size declaring that he'd fight him. He'd had his hands
full back then keeping him alive and in one piece.

With that thought, he turned the corner into Steve's classroom. Steve looked up with a smile
and a wave from packing up for the day.

Bucky leaned against the doorframe. "Hey Stevie. How was your first day?" He practically
"Not bad." Steve chuckled at his mates tone. "How was yours? I can't imagine running a
bunch of teens around was any fun."

Bucky sighed heavily, making his way over to Steve so they could have a more private
conversation. "Some of the football players decided to bully the Stark kid. Then they had the
audacity to think that I would just let it slide because, in their words, "It was only Tony." The
whole situation really pissed me off! I gave them detention, but I doubt they learned their

"Damn!" Steve swore. "That makes my blood boil just thinking about it! They really thought
you'd just let it slide?"

"They were certain of it. They seemed shocked that I called them out on it all! Makes me
wonder how much they've been allowed to get away with here."

"Probably a lot." Steve guessed as he shook his head sadly. "I remember Tony. He came in a
couple minutes late to my class. He seemed like a good kid, but he seemed very quiet."

"Yeah. He was silent my entire class. All the other kids ran with their friends, but he was left
by himself. I'm worried that he is a regular target of bullying here."

"He probably is. The way he was curled in on himself as he walked in hurts my heart, Bucky.
I feel like I should do something. Like I have to do something."

"I know what you mean. I feel like I have to protect him. It's all my alpha wants to do! It
honestly reminds me of how it was with you, when you were sick all the time."

"Exactly! I feel a burning need to help him. My instincts desperately want me to do

something!" Steve shook his head again. "We have to be careful though. We are his teachers
and he is underage. I don't know why our instincts are going haywire over him, but we don't
want to do anything inappropriate."

"Yeah." Bucky agreed. "The last thing I want to do is become a creep who grooms kids. But
that doesn't mean we can't keep an eye out for him."

"True. I don't like the thought of him being bullied on our watch. Let's try to keep an eye out
for him while also being careful not to cross any lines, or do anything inappropriate. We don't
want to cause him more harm."

"That sounds like a good plan, Stevie. Let's just hope we can actually execute it." Bucky
smiled and kissed his mate tenderly.

By this time, Steve had finished packing up for the day. As they walked, arm in arm, out to
their car, they mulled over events of the day. More specifically, their feelings regarding
certain omega student, and their alphas desperate need to protect him.
Down Hill From Here
Chapter Notes

Sorry this took so long. And is a little short. I'm trying I promise.

Well anyway here's chapter 2. Enjoy.

School continued, and so did the bullying. However, it soon became very obvious that the
new teachers had zero tolerance for it. A fact that was made abundantly clear when Ty and
his friends decided to get their revenge on Tony for the detention they received from Mr.

They hid in the locker rooms before PE and waited for Tony. They watched from their hiding
place as he stripped down to his underwear, waiting until he was at his most vulnerable to
pounce. The three of them then jumped Tony. They shoved his socks in his mouth and forced
him into one of the lockers. Then they left and went to PE.

Bucky immediately noticed that Tony wasn't there. He seemed to have a sixth sense where
Tony was concerned. He was always hyper aware of his presence. Even more so since he and
Steve were watching out for the kid. Tony's absence was glaringly obvious.

One look at Ty and his friends smug smiling faces was all it took. He instantly knew that they
had done something. They were the reason Tony was nowhere to be seen. Bucky felt an
innate need to go find him, to make sure that he was alright.

He quickly ordered the group or teens to start running laps before turning on his heels. He
headed straight for the locker room, where his hunch told him he would find Tony. After all,
Ty and his friends had been in the locker room with the other kids. But they had stayed in
there longer than the main group.

He entered the locker room. Tony's clothes were scattered on the floor next to his bag,
confirming his suspicions. Whatever happened had happened in here. A closer look showed
them to be both Tony's school clothes and his gym clothes. Bucky's blood ran cold.

"Stark?" He called out into the seemingly empty room. He stopped and listened. Muffled
cries and movement came from one of the lockers. Bucky was over there in an instant and
forced it open. Tony came tumbling out right into his arms.

He caught Tony easily. He was stunned by how right Tony felt in his arms. He tightened his
grip slightly, his instincts purring at the feeling of Tony safe against him.

An instant later, he came to his senses. Realizing what he was doing, he immediately, though
carefully, set Tony down. He quickly removed his hands from Tony, horrified at himself. He
reached down and handed him his gym clothes. He averted his gaze, trying not to look at
Tony's full eyes as they spilled over onto his already tear stained face as he thanked him
profusely. Or, more importantly, at his mostly naked body.

"Come on out when you are done getting ready. Come find me. Do not join the others." He
said gruffly as he turned on his heel, trying to shake the overwhelming emotions and
protective instincts brought to the surface by finding Tony like that.

Tony entered the gym a few moments later dressed in his gym clothes, the tear tracks had
been scrubbed from his face. He walked tentatively over to Bucky.

Bucky acknowledged him with a nod. "Sit here." He said briskly, motioning to the chair that
was set up beside him. Tony meekly obeyed. Bucky stood next to the chair, looking out at the
rest of the class, still running laps. "Stone, Andrews, and Sinclair did that to you, didn't

Tony didn't respond.

"I get it." Bucky replied understandingly, finally turning to look at him. He crouched down so
he wasn't towering over Tony. "You don't want to be a snitch. Snitches get stitches and all
that. And you don't want to give them a reason to hurt you worse. Well, I hate to break it to
you, but they don't need a reason. People like that? They like causing pain. They enjoy it.
They get off on it. They'll hurt you whether you tell or not. But I promise that if you let us,
Mr. Rogers and I will do everything in our power to keep you safe. From them or anyone
else. Do you understand?"

Tony nodded.

"Now. Was it Stone, Andrews, and Sinclair who did that to you?"

Tony nodded again ever so slightly, his head barely moved.

Bucky smiled a small sort of smile back at him and gave him a hall pass. "Here. Go to the
nurses office or the library and rest. I will handle them."
Tony hastily took it and retreated. Once he was out of sight, Bucky blew his whistle. All the
students looked at him at the high, shrill noise.

"Stone! Andrews! Sinclair! To me, NOW!" He barked out.

They exchanged looks as they sauntered over like they had nothing to worry about. "What'd
you want, Mr. Barnes?" Ty drawled out, completely unconcerned.

"I believe, Mr. Stone, that I made my stance on bullying perfectly clear." He began, his tone
sharp and icy. "But it would seem that you boys have misunderstood me, so I will state it
again. I will not tolerate bullying of any kind. And neither will the school. All three of you
have a months detention. And I will be having a word with Principal Fury about your

"But Mr. Barnes!" All three boys whined in discordant unison.

Bucky stared back, his arms folded across his chest, his face set disapprovingly, unmoving.

"Please, Mr. Barnes!" Ty begged, obviously not reading Bucky's demeanor. "We're on the
football team! You can't give us that much detention!"

"Oh, I think you'll find that I can, and you have only yourself to blame. If I had my way, you
would all be suspended or expelled. I will not tolerate bullies." He blew his whistle sharply.
"Now, back to running!"

The boys ran off dejectedly, grumbling to themselves about the unfairness of it all. They felt
very much put upon by the fact that this teacher seemed serious about the school's no
bullying policy. All the other teachers had just let it slide because they were football players,
so they felt very ill used that Mr. Barnes would not.


Bucky did talk to Principal Fury at his earliest opportunity. That very day, in fact, he pulled
Fury aside and informed him of the three boys' behavior. He also informed him of the actions
he had taken as well as Steve and his suspicion that Tony was a frequent target of bullying in
the school.

Fury was not happy with this news. He sighed heavily and agreed to suspend all three boys
for two days. They hoped rather than believed that this would fix the issue.

The boys were livid when they were informed of their suspension. Their faces turned bright
red with anger, and they screamed at everyone who would listen that Mr. Barnes had it out
for them.

Tony was kicking himself for telling Mr. Barnes that Ty and his gang were responsible for
shoving him into the locker. He had fully intended not to, but one look from Mr. Barnes'
stormy blue eyes, and he was a goner. He found that he could not refuse his mates almost
pleading gaze. Now, he was just going to be in more trouble. Ty and his friends would now
have two days to cook up more trouble. They might get creative with that much time on their
hands. Heaven forbid they realize the amount of pain they could cause in Tony's home life.
They wouldn't hesitate if they knew. He shuddered to think about it.

The next few days passed slowly. Every day, Tony left school filled with dread, terrified that
Ty had spoken to Howard. Lied to him just to get Tony in trouble. Luckily, that did not
happen. Ty really wasn't all that smart. Never the less, Tony breathed a sigh of relief when
they came back to school.

School got slightly better after that incident. While Tony was still verbally bullied and
harassed on occasion, the student body as a whole was too afraid to physically harm him.
They were very aware that that would no longer be tolerated. In fact, a lot of the students who
had formerly harrassed Tony just stopped all together. They knew, as did all the others that
Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes had taken Tony under their wings, and they had no intention of
pissing either of them off.
As if to balance out this change at school, home became even worse for Tony. As the end of
school edged closer and closer, Obadiah began to come over more and more frequently. He
also started to take more liberties with Tony than before. His hands became more lingering,
his words more suggestive. Then he stopped confining his behavior to the house.
He began to show up at school to pick Tony up, leering at him as he came out and feeling him
up when Tony reluctantly walked over to him.

Graduation was fast approaching. While everyone else was humming with excitement over it,
Tony grew more and more depressed. He knew that every day, the moment he dreaded was
getting closer and closer. The moment when he would be passed off to Obadiah for the rest of
his, probably short, life.

He was under no delusions that he would last long under Obadiah's "care." For while he
didn't think Obadiah would dare to outright kill him, he knew himself well enough to know
that he would go out of his mind under the man's control. He knew that whether it be self
inflicted or by Obadiah's hand, he would go the way of Obadiah's last omega sooner rather
than later.


Steve and Bucky did indeed keep a close eye on Tony. After all, Bucky had promised to
protect him. They were saddened when it became obvious that Tony had no friends. He was
always alone. But at least the outright physical bullying had pretty much stopped.

Now they saw Obadiah. They saw the leers and wandering hands. Saw how Tony looked sick
when he saw Obadiah waiting for him. Saw how he tensed under the old man's hand. They
were horrified. The sight lit something hot and furious inside of them. How dare someone
touch Tony with him so obviously not wanting it?! They resolved to talk to him about it as
soon as they could. Something was obviously very wrong.

Unfortunately, with the end of the school year preparation and graduation coming up, it took
a few days for them to find the time. Finally, Steve was able to ask Tony to stay after class for
a minute, that there was something he wanted to discuss.

Tony waited for him as asked. Then, once all the students were out the door, Steve sat down
on his desk and faced him.

"Tony." He began softly. "I'm sorry, but I have to ask. Are you ok? Mr. Barnes and I are
concerned for you. We've noticed an older alpha has been picking you up from school. We've
seen him putting his hands on you, and you don't appear to want it."

Tony sighed deeply and hung his head. It was all he could do to keep back tears. His mates
had seen Obadiah's behavior and were worried about him. They cared enough to ask him
about it. It made his chest constrict almost painfully just thinking about it.

"Please, Tony." Steve tried again. "We want to help you. If something is wrong, we will do
everything in our power to protect you."
Tony sighed heavily and looked up. "Obadiah is my father's business partner. My father has
agreed to give me to him as soon as I graduate high school."

"But that is only a month away!" Steve exclaimed, horrified. "You won't even be eighteen by
then! And he looks old enough to be your father! Not to mention the fact that you don't seem
happy about it at all!"

"He IS old enough to be my father." Tony replied flatly. "And of course I don't want him.
He's going to keep me locked in the house for the rest of my life! And when his last omega
hit her mid twenties, she became "too old" for his tastes and mysteriously died. But I don't
have a choice. As you pointed out, I'm going to be handed off to him before I even turn
eighteen. Before I am able to legally make decisions for myself, im going to be signed away
to him. Probably never to be seen again."

"Fuck!" Steve swore quietly.

"I've thought about running away. But I don't have anywhere to go that Howard wouldn't
immediately find me!"

Steve looked distressed and angry. "Don't worry, Tony." He said in a voice brimming with
righteous fury. "I'll talk to Buck tonight. We'll figure something out. I won't let this happen to
you. I promise."

Tony felt a tiny flicker of hope for the first time since he had been informed about his mating
with Obadiah. Maybe his actual mates would be able to do something.

He trusted Steve and Bucky. After all, they said they would protect him from the constant
bullying, and they had done it. Now, he was simply ignored instead of constantly harrassed.
They had kept their word. Maybe they could do it again? Maybe they could protect him from
Howard's cruelty and indifference. Maybe they could keep him out of Obadiah's clutches. He
couldn't help hoping they would. The tiny flicker burned brighter. Not even getting picked up
by Obadiah and having to endure his wandering hands were enough to stomp it out.
Afternoon Escapes
Chapter Notes

Third chapter! This was a fun one to write! I've already started on the next chapter so
hopefully I can get that written in a timely manner.

Anyway, enjoy!

Steve was shaking with silent rage the entire drive home. Bucky drove quietly, giving him
time to collect his thoughts. He knew better than to talk when his mate got like this. Finally,
they pulled into the driveway. Steve stormed into the house, Bucky on his heels.

"Alright, Stevie." He began. "What'd Tony say? I know it's gotta be bad to get you this riled

Steve snarled angrily. "That man, his name's Obadiah Stane." He spit out. "He's Tony's dad's
business partner. Tony's dad has decided to forceably mate Tony to him as soon as he

Bucky growled. A low threatening rumble deep in his chest. "He what?!"

"Yes!" Steve yelled, pacing back and forth in the living room as he talked. "Tony won't even
be eighteen by then! That man's old enough to be his father! He's planning on keeping Tony
locked in the house! And, according to Tony, his last mate died mysteriously in her mid
twenties after he began complaining that she was getting too old!"

The growling from Bucky grew louder and more dangerous. "We ain't gonna let that
happen!" He snarled out, clenching his fist.

"Yeah. I told Tony we'd help him. That we'd get him out."

"And that's exactly what we'll do! We ain't gonna just abandon him!" Bucky took a deep
breath to calm himself before continuing. "The question is how to best help him?"

"Yeah. I've been thinking about that all afternoon. Howard has a lot of pull in this city."

"We need to get him outta there, and stached somewhere Howard either won't think to, or
won't be able to, look."

They sat deep in thought, wracking their brains for an answer. After a few minutes, Steve
spoke up.
"I'd suggest hiding him here, but besides being slightly inappropriate, I'm afraid that's one of
the first places they'd check. We haven't exactly been subtle about helping him. The first
classmate or teacher they ask is going to point them in our direction."

"Hmmmmm....." Bucky hummed thoughtfully before brightening up. "What about Nat?"

"Holy shit!" Steve exclaimed. "Nat! That's perfect! And she'll absolutely be willing to after
we fill her in!"

"Exactly! And you know Nat. She'd never let them take him, come hell or high water!"

"I'll call her!" Steve jumped up and reached for his phone.

"Put her on speaker!" Bucky yelled as Steve pressed call.

"Good idea." Steve replied, moving the phone from his ear and hitting the appropriate button.
The sound of ringing filled the room as they moved to sit side by side on the couch.

Natasha picked up after four rings. "What do you want?" Her voice was tinged with

"Hey Natasha. You're on speaker with Bucky. We have a favor to ask you."

"What is it?" She heaved a put upon sigh.

"It's a bit of a story. You got a minute? Bucky replied.

"I suppose." She huffed. "But you'll owe me one."

"That's fine. We'll buy you a pizza next time we hang out." Steve replied.

"Pizza and wine." Natasha countered without missing a beat.

"Yes. OK. Pizza and wine. We'll deal with it." Bucky agreed.

That got them her full attention. "Wow. This must be really important to you, for you not to
try to barter me down."

"It is." They both answered at the same time.

"Alright. So spill. What's this important to you two?"

Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose and began. "So there is this omega kid in our classes,
Tony Stark. He was being very badly bullied."

"I see." Natasha hummed out. "I hope you aren't asking me for help with teenage school

"We're not." Steve assured her. "We've already handled the bullying. But recently, an older
alpha, Obadiah Stane, has been picking Tony up from school."
"He's been getting real handsy with the kid." Bucky interjected, anger audible in his tone.
"Grabbing his ass and feeling him up all the time. And Tony's very obviously not happy
about it."

"Yes. So I pulled Tony aside today to make sure everything's ok. And he told me that his dad
has agreed to let Obadiah mate him against Tony's wishes. And that he'll be handed off to him
as soon as he graduates in a month. He doesn't even turn eighteen for another couple months
past that!"

"And" Bucky picked up where Steve left off. "He says Obadiah's not gonna let him outta the
house once he has him! And to top it all off, Obadiah's last omega died mysteriously after
she, in his mind, got too old for him. She was only in her mid twenties!" A growl rumbled
deep in Bucky's chest as he finished speaking. The thought of what could happen to Tony
filled him with protective rage. Steve began to growl too, his thoughts drawn to the same

"I see." Natasha spoke when it became obvious they had finished speaking. "It's good you
called. I will absolutely help however I can. What do you need?"

"Well...." Steve answered. "He needs to get away but doesn't have anywhere to hide."

"We'd let him stay with us, of course," Bucky interjected. "But we've been kinda public about
helping him out. We'd probably be one of the first places the cops'd be looking."

"I see." Natasha answered. "He can stay with me. I will make arrangements. And if they
come to me looking for him, I can send him to Clint. I have sources that should let me know
in advance if the cops are coming. I won't let anything happen to him. You have my word on
that. You were right to contact me."

"Thank you so much, Tasha!" Buck replied sincerely. "We'll be sure to get you that pizza and

"You do that. I'll also do some digging. Men like this Obadiah Stane always have skeletons in
their closet. And I will find them. It shouldn't be too hard. Men like that tend to think they are
too smart to be caught. They are wrong. Howard as well. Howard is a powerful man. We
need to safeguard Tony against him making use of that power. With power comes secrets.
With any luck, it shouldn't be too hard to bring them both crashing down."

"We can't thank you enough, Nat!" Steve told her gratefully. "You know we couldn't just
stand by and let this happen to him."

"Of course. Anyone who could is a monster. And I would not be friends with such monsters. I
will be ready to take him within the next two weeks. I will contact you when I know the exact
date. I will call. Not text. I expect you to do the same if you have any questions. The phone
company keeps records of all texts and, if asked, could turn them over to the authorities."

"Ok. Understood. And thanks again, Natasha." Steve said just before she hung up. He turned
to Bucky, his mind racing, wound up from the events of the day. "I'm still so angry. Even
knowing we have a plan of action isn't helping."
"I feel the same." Bucky replied. "It just feels so personal. My alpha takes everything done to
Tony personally, and I don't know why."

"Right! Exactly! Even though we barely know him, an attack on Tony feels like an attack on
our pack." Steve sighed heavily. "We aren't going to get much sleep tonight, are we?" He said

"No, Stevie. I don't think we will." Bucky replied thoughtfully before taking Steve in his
arms and holding him comfortingly. Steve held him back fiercely, as though he were worried
his mate would disappear if he let go even for an instant. They sat on the couch a long time,
wrapped around each other, attempting to let the stress of the day melt away by focusing on
each other.

It took a while, but finally, they calmed down enough to be able to get a few hours of restless


The next day, Bucky found Tony hiding in the library during his free period. Steve and Buck
had agreed that he should be the one to fill Tony in on the plan. They were worried that Steve
asking Tony to stay after class again might raise a few eyebrows. Eyebrows they definitely
did not want to be raised since Tony was about to disappear. So here he was, walking up to
where Tony was ensconced with a book between the rows of shelves.

"Tony." He whispered, sitting down next to him. Tony looked up.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Barnes?" He asked in the same hushed tone.

"I'm here to talk to you. Steve filled me in on what's been happening last night. And we think
we have a solution." Bucky looked around to make sure no one was watching even though
the library was mostly empty at the moment.

"You have a way to help me?" Tony asked eagerly, hope flickering in his chocolate brown

"Yes." Bucky answered. "We have a friend that has a place to hide you. She's a beta. You'll be
safe with her. She's also a PI, and she's gonna look into Obadiah and your dad to make sure
that they can't hurt you."

"Thank you!" Tony whispered fervently. "I don't know what to say other than thank you,
though it isn't nearly enough." His eyes were filled with such profound gratitude that Bucky
had to look away for a moment, as his heart tugged at him to take Tony into his arms.

"No need to thank me." Bucky said gruffly. "We would never have let that happen to you."

"The other teachers would have." Tony whispered sadly, still looking at Bucky as if he hung
the moon.

"Yeah, well, that makes them pieces of shit in my book."

Tony smiled reverently at him. "I appreciate everything you guys have done for me."

"No thanks are needed. We are only doing what is right. I need to go now." Bucky stood up.
"It wouldn't be a good idea for us to be seen together right before you mysteriously disappear.
Bring anything you want to take with you to the school over the next few days. Put it in the
empty locker next to yours in the locker rooms. Stevie and I will be sure to get it and pass it
on to Nat. Nat will be ready to grab you no later than the end of next week. We'll let you
know the day and time when we know." And with that, he walked quickly away. He looked
around discreetly as he did. He was relieved to see that no one seemed to notice him.


Tony was shaking with nerves and excitement when he finally left the library. He felt almost
dizzy. Could it really be this easy? He mentally cataloged everything he wanted to bring with
him. His notebooks filled with blueprints had to come. Just because they had taken away his
tools didn't mean he had stopped creating. His mind never stopped. He still had ideas and
plans. He just couldn't implement them. So he wrote them down in secret.

He also wanted his band shirts, as well as some other clothes. The few pictures he had of
him, Pepper and Rhodey, as well as some with Jarvis and Ana. Jarvis and Ana had used to be
his family's butler and cook, respectively. They had been his support and the only adults he
fully trusted. Then he presented, and Howard had fired them and forbidden them from having
any contact with Tony. He thought they were too soft on his disgrace of a son.

And of course, he refused to leave his robots, Dum-e and JARVIS, behind. And if he named
JARVIS after his old butler, who was there to know, much less call him on it?

Other than that, he really couldn't think of anything he wanted to keep. Most of the cool stuff
he had had was taken away or destroyed after he presented as an omega. Since Maria
considered his hobbies to be improper for omegas. Though that was not surprising, seeing as
she thought anything besides being a servant and sex toy for their alpha was inappropriate for

He'd obviously have to leave his cell phone behind. But he had all his data backed up on
another device that he could take without it being tracked. He would be sure to reset the
phone to factory settings before he left, just to be on the safe side. He didn't want Howard
having access to anything on it.

He walked from class to class throughout the rest of the day, not really hearing a word that
was said. His head was too busy with plans to have attention to spare for anything else.


Over the next few days, most of Tony's wardrobe made its way into the empty gym locker
next to his own. Every day when he opened it to put more stuff in it, the things he had left the
previous day had vanished, just like Bucky promised.

Finally, after most of his clothes had been taken, he began on his notebooks. He shoved his
precious pictures in between the pages to keep them safe before he carefully placed them into
the locker. The next day, those too were gone. In its place was a single piece of paper.

It was a note from Steve and Bucky. It read,

Lunch period. The 15th. The corner of Maple and Rosemary. Right down the street from the
school. Be ready.

Wednesday. Two days from now. Just two more days, and he'd be free. Free from Howard's
anger. Free from Maria constantly pushing him to be her idea of a perfect omega. And most
importantly, he'd be out of Obadiah's grasp. Away from his disgusting leers and wandering

Nervous excitement flooded him. It coursed through his veins, making him jittery. His hands
shook as he ripped the note into tiny pieces and shoved it deep into the trash. It was almost
here. He was almost free. Just two more days.

The next two days flew by quickly. Tony brought the last of his stuff to school, ending with
JARVIS and Dum-e. He wrapped them carefully in the last of his shirts and placed them into
the locker on the 14th. The day before his escape. And that was it.

He looked around his room that evening. While it still looked full, to him, it was bare.
Everything he loved was gone from it. Waiting for him somewhere else. He smiled.

Sleep did not come easy to him that night. He tossed and turned into the wee hours of the
morning. Nightmares plagued him. What if they were unsuccessful? What if they were
caught? What if he got dragged back to Obadiah? He thought he would die if that happened.
To get a taste of hope only to have snatched away again would break him. And not in they
way Obadiah wanted.

A shot of adrenaline raced through him as his alarm went off the next morning. Today was
the day. He had to force himself to appear calm on the way to school. It wouldn't do to tip
anyone off. He counted the seconds until his lunch period. Watching the hands on the clock
go round and round. Time dragged by slowly.

Finally, noon came. The bell rang, signaling the beginning of his lunch. He reset his phone to
factory settings before turning it off. He stuffed it in his locker, then turned and walked out of
the school, heart racing.

No one stopped him. No one spoke to him. In fact, no one even seemed to notice him at all.
He walked out of the double doors undisturbed by anyone. He looked around to make sure no
one was watching him before beelineing for the meeting place.

When he arrived there was no one there. He didn't have to wait long however. He had only
been there a minute or two when an older nondescript car with tinted windows pulled up to
the stop sign next to him. The drivers side window rolled down to reveal a fairly young red
haired woman.

"Tony?" She questioned quietly, not looking at him directly.

"Yes." He replied in the same tone and volume.

"Good. I'm Nat. Get in the back seat. Quickly."

He did as he was told. No sooner had he shut the door behind him than she drove off. He
quickly buckled in and tried to calm his racing heart. He watched through the window as she
drove past the school. As it faded behind the car, Tony's heart finally began to slow. He had
done it. He was free. Now, they just had to make that freedom permanent.
Chapter Notes

I got this one out quicker than I thought I would! Just a heads up the next will probably
take a lot longer.

I just quit my job, and I have an interview on Tuesday. So 🤞

Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It was Friday. Obadiah was busy at work. He had a new secretary that he was training. She
was beautiful. Though a bit old and not an omega. She had a gorgeous curvy body, with full
tits and hips, and fiery red hair. She might be fun for a few fucks, he decided, though he
wouldn't be able to take things anywhere near as far as he'd like. She would be too easy to
trace back to him.

He had been unfortunately held up at the office these last few days. Partly with training her,
and partly with meetings. And so, had not had time to go harass Tony for the past few days.

He missed it. The tightness that would come over Tony's face when he saw him in the
parking lot. The way he would stiffen and his eyes would go round with fear when Obadiah
touched his young body. Obadiah reveled in it. He couldn't wait til Tony would be his. His to
own. His to break and destroy. He thought of taking Tony to his basement with relish. Just a
few more weeks.

He grinned maliciously as he pulled into the school parking lot to pick up Tony. He couldn't
wait to see the light die in Tony's eyes when he saw him waiting there. As it did every time.
He was addicted to it. Seeing the hope drain from his eyes as fear and resignation took its

He waited and waited. He waited until all the other kids had left and still Tony had not
appeared. He began to get angry. Was Tony avoiding him?! How dare he?!

He stormed into the school, threw open the office door, and demanded to know where Tony
Stark was. The young beta at the desk shrank away from him. Seeing her fear pleased him
slightly, though not enough to calm his anger.

She typed rapidly on her keyboard for a second before looking up to inform him that Tony
Stark had been absent the past two days. This information startled him exceedingly. He
marched out of the school, deciding to just swing by the Stark mansion and torment Tony
He might take things a little further today, he decided as he drove. Maybe he would force
Tony to sit on his lap and put his hand down the kid's pants. Give him a taste of what would
soon happen to him. The thought brought a wicked smile to his face as he pulled into the
driveway at the Stark mansion.

He was greeted at the door by a servant who led him to the main living area where Howard
sat drinking.

"Obadiah!" Howard greeted him warmly. "What brings you here?"

"I thought we could chat while I admire that omega of mine." He answered cheerfully.

"Of course, of course! I'll have him brought down. Marco!" He called. The servant from
before appeared immediately.

"Yes, sir?"

"Go get Tony and bring him here."

"Yes, sir." He turned on his heel and left.

Howard poured a glass for Obadiah, and they sat drinking for quite some time before the
servant returned.

"I'm sorry, sir. But your son is nowhere to be found. We've looked everywhere, he's not on the

"WHAT?!" Howard yelled, jumping up. His face turned purple with rage. Obadiah stood up,

"Why that little slut!" He snarled, enraged. "The school said he's been absent the past two
days, and now he's not here either! He's probably off spreading his legs for those alpha
friends of his! I told you Howard! You're too lenient with him! He should've been kept locked
in the house at all times!"

"Don't worry. We'll find him. I'll get the police to drag him home. Maybe that will teach the
bitch to stay where he's put." Howard growled, stomping over to the phone to call the police.

The police checked with the Rhodes and Potts families with no success. They hadn't seen him
since noon three days prior and had no idea where he might be. They stopped by the Jarvis
house next, with no luck there either. Finally, they put out an amber alert on Tony. Three days
after he had left.


Natasha drove Tony straight to her house. She drove the car into the garage and shut the
garage door before letting him out. It was important that the neighbors didn't see him. She led
him to a guest room where all his stuff had been neatly piled on the bed. Then she left him
alone to get settled in, closing the door behind her.
He immediately unwrapped JARVIS and Dum-e. They thankfully appeared unharmed. He
quickly turned them on and was relieved when they beeped to life immediately.

"Hello sir." JARVIS greeted him as Dum-e rolled around the bed beeping wildly at his new

"Hi guys." He said back. Dum-e swiveled to look at him as he beeped questioningly.

"We got out." Tony continued. "We got away from Howard and Obadiah. We are with people
who have promised to protect us from them."

"That is good to hear, sir. They did not treat you well." JARVIS replied evenly.

Tony picked both of his robots up and set them carefully on the floor. "Here. Now you can
explore our new room while I put my things away."

Dum-e beeped happily before scuttling off to stick his robot head in every nook and cranny.
JARVIS, though no less curious, followed at a more dignified pace. Neither of them had ever
been out of Tony's room. It hadn't been safe. So they were excited to explore their new

Tony smiled indulgently at them before turning back to the pile of stuff on the bed. There
wasn't much. He quickly folded his clothes and put them in the dresser. He stacked his
notebooks on top of nightstand. And that was it. He was done.

He decided to leave JARVIS and Dum-e on for a bit. They seemed so happy rolling around
the room, and there wasn't any danger for them here. So he told them not to get into trouble
and then left them to their exploring. He was careful to shut the door behind him, however,
since he wasn't ready to allow them free rein to someone else's house just yet. He'd ask
Natasha about it later.

He wandered out into the living room, where he found Natasha sitting on the couch writing a
list. She looked up at his entrance.

"Here. Sit." She motioned the couch. Tony wordlessly complied. She handed him the list she
had been making.

"I am making a list of things we need from the store. Write down what you need. I assume
you need shampoo, conditioner, and bodywash at the very least. I will be buying groceries as
well. Do you have any allergies?"

"No. I don't." Tony answered.

"That will make this easier then." Natasha replied, handing him the pen she'd been using.
"Here. Write down what toiletries you need. I will get them when I go to the store. I will be
grabbing mostly frozen meals since I will be out a lot, and will not have the time or energy to
cook for you or myself."

Tony nodded and added a few items to her list. Once he was done, he handed it back to her.
She nodded and stood up.
"Follow me. I will show you where everything is before I go. Also I am going to pick up a
pizza on my way back. What type do you want?"

"Pepperoni?" Tony responded.

"Perfect. I will order you a pepperoni pizza." She walked around the house, pointing out the
kitchen and the bathroom while he trailed after her. Once the tour was done, she got ready to
leave. Just before she opened the door, she turned to Tony and instructed seriously,

"You must not leave the house or open the window blinds while you are here. People will be
looking for you soon. And you need to stay out of sight if you do not want to go back. Do
you understand?"

Tony nodded. "I understand. I'll stay out of sight."

"Good. I do have a fenced in backyard. It is a privacy fence. But that does not mean that my
neighbors cannot see you. When I come back, I will show you how to tell if they are out."

"Thank you." Tony said sincerely.

"You're welcome." Natasha smiled. "I will be back shortly." Then she swept out the door,
shutting it firmly behind her.


True to her word, Tony saw very little of Natasha for the next few days. He spent his days
playing with his bots and reading on his tablet or watching TV.

Friday evening came. It had now been two days since his escape. Natasha breezed in around
nine pm, which was a bit earlier than usual. She was dressed professionally, if a little
sensually. She went straight to her room to change, reappearing in a few minutes in sweat
pants and a baggy T shirt.

She plopped down next to him on the couch where Tony was playing on his tablet with the
TV on in the background. Getting comfortable, she turned the TV to the news. They were
immediately confronted with a picture of Tony's face as the newscaster's voice came over the
TV speakers.

"-ber alert has been issued for Tony Stark. The seventeen year old omega son of Howard
Stark. He was last seen around noon on Wednesday. Authorities say that his parents believed
him to be staying over at a friend's house and became alarmed when they discovered he was
not there." Tony snorted at this lie. "We ask anyone with information to please call the
number on-"

Natasha switches the TV off. "So it begins. I'm surprised it took so long for them to notice
you were gone."

"I'm not." Tony countered. "No one in that house would care enough to notice I wasn't there.
I'd bet money that Obadiah was the one who realized I was gone. "
"He did leave work early today."

"Around 2:30?"


"So he went to school to pick me up then. That's how he found out." Tony heaved a sigh.
"They're looking for me now."

"Yes." Natasha agreed. "We will need to be extra cautious now. We do not want them coming
here. I have reached out to a contact of mine. They have promised to tell me if the police
decide to come here. We should have plenty of warning."

Tony nodded solemnly. "Thank you for helping me." He said quietly.

"No thanks are necessary. I would never have left you in that situation. Anyone who could
have is a monster."

Tony's eyes filled with tears at her sincerity. He'd been more emotional these past few days.
He was not used to people caring about what happened to him.


The next few days were tense for Tony. Natasha came home late every day. But even so, she
made sure to keep him in the loop. She kept him informed of the progress of the police
investigation. As much she knew, she told him.

They had footage of Tony walking out of the school, but after that, he disappeared. Steve and
Bucky had, of course, been questioned by the police. But they had been teaching at that time,
and the police hadn't found anything they could connect to them.

The stress began to wear on Tony. He felt more and more grumpy and irritable. His clothing
was almost too much for his skin. He couldn't get comfortable no matter what position he sat

After a couple days of this Tony was pretty sure he was coming down with something. His
head now felt hot and feverish. He checked his temperature with a thermometer he found in
the bathroom. He was definitely running hot. Not enough to be seriously concerning, but still
warmer than normal. And yet, despite all of that, all he wanted to do was cuddle up in a pile
of blankets and pillows and sleep.

He tried watching TV and reading on his tablet, but found he couldn't focus and the noise
from the TV grated on him. He head felt all fuzzy. He was miserable. He found himself
whimpering quietly from under the pile of blankets. He wanted Ana and Jarvis. He wanted
Rhodey and Pepper. But most of all, he wanted Steve and Bucky. Desperately so.

He craved them. He wasn't sure what was happening to him. Only that he needed Steve and
Bucky. He needed his mates.

Natasha came breezing in that evening to find Tony crying in a makeshift nest on the couch.
The house reeked of heat.

"Tony?" She asked gently. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I don't know!" He sobbed. "Something's wrong, but I don't know what. I think I'm sick."

"Tony. You're in heat." She said, slightly shocked that he didn't know.

"I am?" He poked his face out from under the blankets and pillows. His eyes were red
rimmed from crying.

"Yes. You are. How do you usually handle your heats?"

"I don't know?" Tony whined quietly. "I've only ever had one. My presentation heat. And that
was....... four years ago?.... I think? But it didn't feel like this at all. Howard put me on
suppressants before I could have another."

Natasha was horrified. "You're supposed to go off them twice a year to have a natural heat!"

"I know." He whimpered softly. "But he wouldn't let me. Said he wouldn't give me an excuse
to whore myself out."

"Fuck." Natasha swore under her breath. "Let me make a call."

She stepped out of the room for a moment, phone in her hand, and pressed call. It was
answered after the second ring.

"Heyyyyy Tasha! What're you up to tonight?" Said the flirtatious voice on the other end.

"Clint. I need your help."

"Course Tasha. Anything." Clint answered, immediately serious at her tone of voice.

"Remember that omega that I'm helping? He's gone into heat. It's his first heat since he
presented. His father has forced him to be on suppressants for years. Not letting him go off
them for a heat twice a year like he was supposed too. He has no clue how to handle it, and
frankly, neither do I."

"Shit, Tasha! That's abuse! That's fucking horrible for your body! This heat's gonna be real

"I know, Clint. He needs more help than I can give. The only experience I have with heats are
with yours. Will you come help? Please."

"Shit, absolutely! I'll swing by the store to grab some supplies, and I'll be right over."

"Thank you."

"You're always welcome. See you soon."

With that, Natasha hung up. She felt a lot better knowing that Clint was on his way. He would
know what to do even though she was out of her depth.

Thirty minutes later there was a knock on the door. Natasha opened it to find Clint with his
arms full of stuff. She let him in wordlessly.

By now Tony was in the midst of a wave of heat and nearly mindless with it. He was sobbing
loudly from under his pile of blankets and pillows.

"Hey, kid." Clint greeted Tony softly. What do you need?"

"I don't know!" Came the muffled reply.

"Yes, you do. What are your instincts telling you?"

Tony stuck his head out and sniffed. "I want Rhodey and Pepper and Ana and Jarvis and......"
He snapped his mouth shut.


"I need my mates." He whispered feverishly. "Please! I need them! Where are they?" He
grew more upset as the wave of heat grew stronger.

"Where are who?"

"Steve and Bucky! My alphas!"

Natasha and Clint shared a surprised look.

"Don't worry." Clint tried to sooth, "We'll get them as soon as we can." Tony only began
crying again.

Clint stepped away for a moment, pulling Natasha with him.

"We can't bring them here. Any of them." Natasha whispered fiercely.

"Yeah, I know. But you could have told me the omega you're helping is Tony Stark! The
whole country is looking for him right now!"

"It was on a need to know basis, Clint. We have to limit the amount of people involved in

"I get it, Tasha. But still. He's hurting, and we can't bring any of those people here right now.
The cops would find him immediately. And even if we could, there's the fact that Tony's
underage. You know Steve and Bucky would never go for that."

"I know. So what do we do now? He needs help."

"We do the next best thing. We steal laundry from them for Tony to use in his nest. The scent
of them surrounding him should help abate some of the worst of the symptoms. Well, that,
along with the fake knots I bought him."

"Ok. I will get that done now. You stay with him."

"Ok. And Nat?"


"Hurry. But don't get caught."

"I never get caught."

Natasha swung by each house like clockwork. Thankfully, it was well into the night by this
time, so everyone was in bed. She snuck in, grabbed a few pieces of clothing at each house,
and snuck back out. Steve and Bucky were the hardest as she had to grab a veritable
mountain of clothes and blankets. She knew that if Tony was right, and she suspected he was,
about them being mates, that the more she grabbed, the better he'd be.

She found that she was not surprised that Tony was Steve and Bucky's mate. It would explain
their behavior, their extreme protectiveness of him, as well as their level of emotional
involvement. She had thought it odd before, but in light of Tony being their mate, it made a
lot of sense.

It was around two am when she finally finished. She arrived back home to find that Clint had
moved Tony to his room and had helped him make a nest in his closet. Tony hadn't really
fought him it. He was really too miserable and out of it to fight, though he had insisted that
his bots be turned off before making the nest.

When Natasha entered with clothes he sniffed the air and reached out his hands for them
whining loudly. Natasha dumped them on the bed and began handing pieces to Clint one by

Clint carefully arranged them around Tony in the nest. Tony snuggled his head into the
blanket from Steve and Bucky's couch with a sigh of relief.

Natasha, after confirming that Clint could stay, turned on her heel and went to bed. She was
making good headway with Obadiah. She couldn't afford to take time away from that if she
didn't have to. It would be only too easy to lose all the ground she had gained with him. And
with Tony's disappearance being national headlines, speed was of the essence.
And besides, Clint would be able to help Tony through this better than she ever could.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for all the comments. I have a coworker who gets mad that I have the
audacity to write fan fiction for Marvel stuff that doesn't adhere to canon.
I like rubbing the comments I get in his face.

All in good fun though. It's how we communicate.

Pieces Falling into Place
Chapter Notes

Hey guys. Sorry this took a minute. And it's a bit short. I had a hard time with what
exactly I wanted to happen in it.

Today was my last day at my shitty job!

fanfiction was sad to see me go.
🎉🎉 My coworker who complains about my
I did not get the job I interviewed for. Which is fine. I wasn't sure I wanted it anyway, it
was just the first one to contact me back.

Also I might be moving states for a bit to help my grandparents. My grandma has cancer
on top of her dementia. So I've offered my help if grandpa wants it.

Anyway here's the chapter.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Clint stayed for the entirety of Tony's heat. He walked him through it, directing him on what
to do. On how to handle everything that came along with heats.

Tony desperately needed that direction. His heat was horrible. The longterm suppressant use
without the necessary breaks, having only amplified the symptoms.

That coupled with the fact that he'd never had a full heat made it almost unbearable for him.
Clint shuddered to think of how it would have gone had he been on his own. The only saving
grace was the laundry that smelled of his friends and mates. The familiar loved scents helped
to calm some of the frantic anxiety in him.

Natasha made it a point to check in on them daily, before and after work. But, as a relatively
unknown beta, there wasn't much she could do. And besides, Clint had it handled. So she let
him take charge of it and worried about freeing Tony, totally and completely, from Howard
and Obadiah's grasp.

Clint continued to stay with Tony as he recovered from his hellish heat. It had left Tony
feeling weak, sore, and exhausted, physically and emotionally. He was also detoxing from the
years of forced suppressant and scent blocker use, which only heightened his emotions. He
full on cried when the bots beeped on for the first time since he had turned them off at the
start of his heat.

Dum-e had beeped at him worriedly, and JARVIS had asked in a concerned tone, "Are you
alright, sir?" Clint hadn't been able to suppress a smile at the bots' love and concern for Tony.
Natasha was gone almost all of the time now. When asked, she simply said that she was
working towards getting proof that would bring down Obadiah and Howard and that she
couldn't risk stopping now and losing her momentum.

Even out of his heat, Tony still sought comfort from the few articles of clothing that still held
the scent of his pack and mates. Most days found him wearing one of Steve or Bucky's shirts
and wrapped in one of their throw blankets. Despite needing to wash and return the items
soon, neither Clint nor Natasha had the heart to take them from him. Not when he so
obviously still needed them.

Time flew by on winged feet. A month had soon passed since Tony's "disappearance."
Graduation had come and gone. Only a month was left until Tony's eighteenth birthday. Tony
had finally fully recovered from his heat, and so Clint had gone back home, saying something
about Phil, their alpha partner, being worried. Natasha was still out late most nights, though
she would occasionally come home in time to sit with Tony on the couch and watch some TV
before bed.

Tonight was one of those nights. It was a Friday evening, and Natasha had gotten home
around seven. After she showered and changed clothes, they curled up together on the couch
to watch TV. Tony looked over at Natasha as the TV played in the background.

"Do you think they like me?" He whispered hesitantly, clutching the throw blanket tighter
around himself. He buried his nose in the fabric to catch a whiff of the now barely there scent
of his mates.

"Who?" Natasha asked as she glanced his way. Then, taking in his form, knew. "Steve and

Tony nodded.

Natasha sighed. "Tony. You need to understand Steve and Bucky. They always do what they
believe to be the right thing. They would have rescued you whether you were their mate or
not. But, that being said, I've never seen them this protective over anyone other than each
other. Ever. They care about you far more than they realize or are willing to admit to

Tony looked at her, wide eyed as she continued.

"They call me to check up on you daily. While I do not believe they consciously know,
instincts are a thing of beauty. And their instincts are driving them to protect you. To make
sure that you are doing well."

She then turned to him very seriously. "But Tony. You can not tell them you are their mate
until after you turn eighteen. As much as they want you, I promise you it will not go well,
and it will set back any relationship you wish to have with them. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I understand." Tony answered meekly, snuggling further into the blanket. He only had
to wait one more month. Then, he could have his alphas. He supposed he could live with that.

Steve and Bucky were antsy. They just couldn't settle. They had been questioned by the
police multiple times. Thankfully, the police hadn't found anything. But that wasn't what was
bothering them. The problem was they didn't know what was bothering them. Things had
been weird since Tony left. But it had gotten especially bad about a week after Natasha
picked up Tony.

They had begun to feel odd, like they were under the weather. Or like there was something
they needed to be doing. Everything just seemed overwhelming, and there was a sense of
urgency buzzing under their skin.

Then, right after this feeling of wrongness started, half of their laundry and all of their throw
blankets vanished in the middle of the night. They had yet to reappear. Things were just odd
and unsettled inside of them. Their instincts went absolutely crazy for well over a week,
demanding that they do something, though they were not sure what.

Finally, after what was almost two entire weeks, things calmed down some. Their instincts
went back to normal. Well, almost normal. They missed Tony like a missing limb. Like they'd
only ever missed each other previously. It was concerning. They discussed it briefly amongst
each other. But they were too scared to verbalize it very much. After all, Tony was only
seventeen. And while yes, they were only a few years older than that, it was still unethical to
be feeling so much for their student.

They still annoyed the hell out of Natasha, though. They called her constantly to check up on
Tony. It pissed her off, and she didn't give them much information, but it calmed their alphas,
so they continued to do it.

Things got even worse once school was out. Since they no longer had something to occupy
their minds, they ended up spending even more time worrying about Tony. Then they berated
themselves for worrying so much. It was a vicious cycle. But one that they found impossible
to break.


Obadiah became increasingly angry with every passing day. The longer the search went on,
the more likely it was that Tony had, in fact, slipped from his grasp. Especially now with
Tony's birthday fast approaching. He was well aware that if they didn't find Tony before he
turned eighteen he chances of mating him were zero.

He knew Tony would never agree to mating him. Tony hated him, was terrified of him. He
would never consent to be tied to him. The only reason he was able to get the mating set up
in the first place was that Tony, as an omega, was basically Howard's property until he turned
eighteen. Which meant that before eighteen, Howard decided when and who he would mate.

But once he turned eighteen, Howard's consent was no longer required for a mating contract.
Tony would instead have to be asked directly for consent. A consent he would never give. So
they had less than a month to find him or he would never be Obadiah's.
Obadiah growled out his frustration at it all. He was supposed to have been mated to Tony
already. He had all these plans. All these things he wanted to do to the boy. An image
conjured itself into his mind. Tony chained in his basement. Forced to kneel on the red
stained carpet as he begged for mercy. A malicious grin spread itself across his face.

He stood up from his desk and reached for his phone. He was not going to fail. He had waited
to long for this to allow that. He could look at this disappearance as a setback or an

He dialed his new secretary. When she answered, he asked her to hire him the best PI she
could find. Tony would be his, mating contract or not.


Natasha ended the call with a sadistic smile. She got him.

She immediately called Clint. She would need his help to pull this off.

He picked up immediately. "Natasha! What's up?"

"I need your help again."

"What do you need?"

"I need someone to be a PI for me."

"OoOoo kinky!"

"Not like that. An actual PI."

"Awwwwwww...... Why?"

"Obadiah wants to hire one. Probably to find Tony. He told me to get him one. We don't want
someone snooping around. That would make our lives much more difficult. Also, it would be
good to know just what he knows."

Clint sighed. "Fine."

"Thank you, Clint. I'll let you choose what we do next time it's my turn to choose date night."

"Hell yeah!"

"One more thing, Clint. You will need to wear scent blockers when you meet with him. He
needs to think you're a beta. He will not respect you if he knows you are an omega."

"Seriously?! Ugh. Fine! When do you want me to come up there."

"Tomorrow afternoon. I'll talk to Obadiah and contact you with the actual time."

"I'll be there." He sighed, annoyed. "Scent blockers and all. I hate those things!"
"I know. Thank you."

"Yeah. You're welcome. I know you wouldn't ask if you didn't actually need the help. I'll see
you tomorrow."


The next morning, Natasha texted Clint the exact time and address of his meeting with
Obadiah. He arrived a little early and was escorted to Obadiah's office by a professional but
sexy looking Natasha. Obadiah was sitting at his desk waiting for them. He stood up and
walked around it at their entrance.

"Ah, you must be Mr. Barton!" He greeted Clint in a jovial manner.

Clint wasn't fooled. He could see the calculated malice behind the smile. He could see the
way his eyes trailed over Natasha's body as she left the room, obviously objectifying her.

"Yes, I am." He answered confidently, putting his hand out to shake. "Your secretary
informed me you were looking to hire a PI?"

"Why yes, I am!" He shook Clints outstretched hand firmly and replied with that same wide
smile, attempting to hide the cruelty behind his eyes. "I'm looking to hire someone to find my
business partner's son. Tony Stark. I'm sure you've heard about his disappearance." He paused
for Clints nod before continuing.

"We were supposed to be mated soon. But alas! He has been kidnapped! And I need someone
more competent than the police to bring him to me. The poor dear must be scared to death by
now!" His smile grew wider and more unhinged.

"I need someone discreet. Someone who won't get the media or police involved. After all,
that would only serve to embarrass the poor boy on the eve of his mating. And I, of course,
wouldn't want to do that to my new mate. I'm willing to pay handsomely for your time."

He looked at Clint expectantly. Clint smiled, wide and fake, and held out his hand. "I'm sure I
can find your soon to be mate. And I know the importance of discretion."

"Perfect!" He exclaimed, and he shook Clints hand again before rubbing his own together.
"I'll have Natalie get the paperwork together for you to sign. I'll make sure you are more than
fairly compensated for your time and effort! I'm just so worried about my poor little omega!"

Obadiah then walked to the door and opened it. "Natalie!" He called.

Natasha appeared like magic. "Yes, Mr. Stane?"

"Natalie honey, can you please print up the paperwork for Mr. Barton to sign and then show
him out.

"Of course, Mr. Stane." She answered professionally before motioning to Clint. "Right this
way, Mr. Barton."
Clint followed her out of Stane's office and into her own and watched as she printed up the
paperwork. Once it was all printed, he signed it, then followed her out into the bright
afternoon sunshine.

"How did it go?" Natasha asked in a low voice as she walked him out.

"Exactly as we expected it to." He replied in the same quiet tone. "Obadiah wants me to find
Tony and bring him directly to him, and to not involve the police or media. It's super sketchy
Nat. He must have something super bad planned for the kid."

"I agree. I just need to find out what. I'm getting close to bringing both him and Howard
down. There are some irregularities in the paperwork that I'm tracking down. But there's
something more than that with Obadiah. I'm confident he's done something evil. I just need to
prove it. And I will need you to keep him off my back so I can do it."

"You know I got your back, Nat. Just say the word."

"I may have to take you up on that. And as much as I'm loathe to do it, I may need to pull
Phil in on this, too."

"Oooooo. He won't like that one bit."

"I know. But we may need him. I need to access some police files, and he may be the only
way to do it discreetly."

"What files?"

"I need to look at the file for Stane's first omegas death. Tony already flagged it as odd. So I
think that might be a good place to start."

"Well, good luck, Nat. Just let me know when you need me."

"I will. Hopefully it will not take me too much longer."

"Godspeed, babe." Clint replied as they reached the door. He walked out to his car at a rapid
pace. Eager to leave that place, and Obadiah, behind him. Obadiah gave him the creeps. That
man was definitely hiding something sinister.

Chapter End Notes

What do you guys think? Should I change the rating to mature instead of explicit? Or
should I add a smut chapter at the end? I'm on the fence about it.
The Evidence
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Tony missed Steve and Bucky. He missed his alphas. While he hadn't gotten to spend a lot of
time with them previously, he had at least gotten to see the five days a week. And while that
hadn't been enough for him, it was infinitely better than now. Now he had no contact
whatsoever, and his omega instincts were complaining to high heaven about it.

He knew that Natasha was hard at work. She was hoping, she told him, to have the Obadiah
and Howard investigation in the hands of the authorities, both local and federal, by his
birthday. She knew how antsy he was getting without them and wanted him to be free to see
his mates again at the earliest opportunity.

He hoped she would be able to get it done. It would be the best birthday gift he could ever
ask for. He was well aware that he couldn't see them before. At least, not without reapplying
scent blockers, which he was loathe to do.

He was just getting used to life without them. His body was starting to adjust, and he was just
used to his own scent again. As much as he desperately wanted to see them again, he couldn't
lose his progress. Natasha said that he shouldn't even consider using blockers again for quite
some time. She said that his body was too fragile right now to even attempt it.

So he had to wait. It was boring. Natasha was gone most of the time. And even when she was
in, she spent hours holed up in her room, on her computer, or going through a mountain of
paper files. So he was by himself most of the time. And since he had to stay out of sight so he
couldn't even leave the house to so much as take a walk. The best he could do was to go out
into the backyard when the neighbors were out. Which was something he did as often as he
could. It helped to break up the monotony.

Clint came over to keep him company when he had the time. But more often than not, he too,
was busy. Not only did he have his own life, but he was also helping Natasha in some way.
All of that meant that he didn't have a lot of free time. So Tony spent his time alone with his
bots. The days ticked by slowly, and his birthday inched closer and closer.


Natasha was working hard. She had to not only be good enough at her job to not get fired, but
she also needed to discreetly dig up dirt on Obadiah and Howard. She needed something big
enough to, at the very least, scare them badly. She needed something bad enough to make
sure they kept out of Tony's life for all eternity.

She was definitely making headway with Obadiah. He saw her as nothing more than tits with
legs, and so, completely underestimated her. This gave her plenty of opportunities to snoop.
Going through the company files was easy with Obadiah's access codes. And since Obadiah
never paid any attention to what Natasha was doing except to ogle her, Natasha had no
problems going through those files with a fine tooth comb.

There was definitely something hinky going on. There were irregularities in paperwork and
finances, among other things. Weapons going missing. Costs from recycling the lower grade
weapons significantly lower than what they should be. The more she looked, the more she
thought that she might not even have to bother with blackmailing them into leaving Tony be.
She just might be able to get them both locked up.

Then there was the way Obadiah looked at her. It wasn't just lust. She was used to that. There
was something else behind it. Something dangerous. Violent. Predatory. It reminded her of
the information that had been passed down from Tony about his previous mate. Her days
grew even more busy as she followed that hunch as well.

She started by contacting Phil, her and Clint's alpha partner. He was a detective with the
police department. And while he knew something was up, he didn't know what. Which was
how he liked it. He preferred to be as uninformed as possible about Natasha and Clints less
than legal activities. But he was still able to pass along copies of the police files on Stane's
first omegas death.

Maya Elizabeth Stane. (Omega)

She was an only child. Mated at sixteen. Both of her parents had passed before her mating to
Obadiah. Her Alpha stepfather had handled the mating and then had no contact with her.

Her official cause of death was a car accident. This was odd because she had never been seen
off of the Stane estates in the seven years she was mated to Obadiah. Also, none of Obadiah's
cars had been wreaked in the time surrounding her death.

And once Natasha flipped through to the autopsy report, she found even more to disprove
that story.

Her injuries did not match up to the normal injuries you would find in a car accident. Spiral
fractures on both of her arms. Both of her shoulders out of socket. Head trauma to the back of
the head, which was her actual cause of death. Broken fingers and toes. And suspicious
bruising around her wrists, ankles, and neck.

It was obvious to Natasha that this woman had died in a far more sinister way than a car
crash. She had been murdered. Very brutally murdered.

Now, all Natasha needed was proof. She was pretty sure she knew who did it. It was only too
obvious that Obadiah must have, at the very least, had a hand in it. But Natasha was pretty
sure that he had, not only had a hand in it, but straight up done it himself.

He had a certain look in his eyes. A way of carrying himself. One she was very familiar with.
She had seen it before in the cases she had worked. She had come to recognize it as a
hallmark of violence. There was a cruelty behind his facade. She just had to find the proof to
bring him down.
The evidence would need to be overwhelming. Irrefutable. Obadiah was a powerful man. She
needed to make sure the case was too strong for him to weasel, or pay, his way out. She
started with looking for similar missing or unsolved murders. There was no way Maya was
his first. Most killers work up to that level of brutality.

She was right. There were multiple. She found no less than three murders she suspected had
been committed by Obadiah. The timing matched up perfectly. And there were also about
eight more missing persons cases that fit the same bill. One of which had only happened
about a month ago. Most of the victims were omegas, though there were a couple of betas.
Almost all of them were women, with only the most recent disappearance being a male
omega. All of them were young. The oldest being only twenty-one. Natasha. burned with

She pulled out her phone and dialed.


Clint's phone rang. He looked down to discover it was Natasha.

"Barton." He answered. He had taken to answering her more professionally since he had been
hired on by Obadiah. It was precaution in case either of their covers were blown. He hated it,
but both he and Natasha felt it necessary.

"Clint. I need your help again."

"Cool baby! What do you need?" He laughed in a playfully suggestive tone.

"I need you to give Obadiah an "update" on your search for Tony. Make it seem like you are
making headway without giving him any actual information. I need access to his house. And
I need him distracted for it."

Clint sighed. "Ok babe. But only for you. That guy gives me the creeps."

"With good reason. I'm fairly certain he has murdered at least one person."

"Seriously? Damn! I can't say I'm surprised, though. There is something seriously wrong with
that dude!"

"Yes. But I need access to his home to prove it. I'm hoping he was stupid enough to leave
evidence lying around. Men like him think they will never get caught. That can make them

"So you need him distracted so you can break into his house."

"Correct. I need to know where he is while I'm searching his house. I do not want any nasty
surprises. So keep him busy as long as possible. As long as he's with you, he's not at his

"Alrighty. When do you want this meeting to take place?"

"Well, it will need to be outside of regular business hours. I need those to investigate the
company itself. There is something off in the records, but I haven't been able to uncover just
what it is yet. And I'll need time to do more research on the house itself. I need to go over the
floor plans and such, so I know what I am walking into. So tomorrow evening? I will set it
up. Get him to take you to a nice restaurant. That is considered normal in his circles, and it
will buy me some more time in the house. I will call you tomorrow with the time and place.
And to go over details of what you are going to tell him."

"Alright, Tasha. Sounds like a plan."

"Goodbye, Clint."

"Bye Natasha."


The next day went according to plan. Natasha informed Obadiah that she had contacted the
PI he had hired to get an update him on the progress of his search. And that she had set up a
meeting with him at one of the expensive restaurants downtown at nine tomorrow night so
that the PI could deliver the update personally.

Obadiah seemed slightly put out at not having the evening to himself, which she found
slightly odd, but he agreed to go all the same. Natasha then called Clint to tell him the time
and place and to go over what he would tell Obadiah in regards to the "progress" he had
made on finding Tony.

After sorting all of that out, Natasha went back to discreetly sifting through SI's documents,
looking for the pieces of the paper trail. Looking for what was at the end. The more she had
looked into it, the more it became obvious that Howard and Obadiah were selling their lower
quality weapons to someone under the table. Now the question was, who?

Quitting time came, and Natasha was forced to abandon her search for the night. She left the
building and drove home. She greeted Tony, who was lying on the couch, and sat next to him.
Pulling her computer out, she resumed her digging into Obadiah's personal life.

She had been able to discreetly get her hands on the plans for his house. She looked through
them now. Tony scooted next to her, interested.

"What're you doing?" He asked after watching her for several moments.

"Looking through plans of Obadiah's house. I am sneaking in there tomorrow evening."

"Oh. Do you want any help?"

"With breaking in? Absolutely not!"

"No, with the plans. I've been there a bunch of times over the years. I could help you go over
them if you want."
Natasha raised her eyebrows and hummed. "That actually would be very helpful if you are

"Sure! Anything to help get Obadiah off my back!"

Natasha made room beside her, and Tony scooted closer, into the space she created. She
moved the computer so they both could look as she scrolled through the designs for the three
story mansion.

Tony had been in a lot of the rooms and was able to give commentary on them and the
security measures in place around the house. What type of locks were on which doors, where
security personnel were located, when they did their sweeps, and such. But when they got to
Obadiah's first floor bedroom, Tony stopped Natasha.

"Wait. That's not right!" He exclaimed. "There should be a door in that far corner! Obadiah
added it in when I was nine. It leads down to the wine cellar. I remember cause Howard made
fun of Obadiah for being such an alcoholic when he did it!"

"Really?" Natasha was intrigued.

"Yeah! He had the existing wine cellar expanded, and part of it walled off. That part can only
be accessed by those stairs."

"I see. Have you ever been down there?"

"To the walled off part? No. He never lets anyone down there. The door has like three locks
on it."

"What type of locks?" Natasha asked.

Tony closed his eyes and thought for a moment before answering with certainty. "A key lock,
password lock, and a fingerprint biometric lock."

"I see." Natasha hummed again. "Thank you, Tony. Your help has been invaluable."

"No problem. I guess you don't think it's just a wine cellar down there, do you?"

"No, I do not."

"What do you think is down there then?"

"Evidence, hopefully." And with that, Natasha got up and went to her room. She proceeded to
spend the next few hours coming up with a plan to get into that room unseen. She was
convinced there was something damning in that house, and a heavily locked door in
Obadiah's bedroom was the perfect place to begin looking.


The next day, Natasha went to work as usual. She took stock of what she would need for that
evening. She had a device that should be able to crack the password lock, as well as her
lockpicking set. She had made sure to pack them in her bag along with a change of clothes.
All she needed was a fingerprint.

It was almost laughable how easy it was to get one. With Obadiah's penchant for drinking on
the job, all Natasha had to do was pour him a glass of alcohol. When he had finished it, she
simply took the glass and lifted his print, and voila she had his fingerprint. And with that, she
was ready.

Natasha worked the rest of the day as she normally would. But before she got off, she
compiled all her findings onto a flash drive that she addressed and mailed to Phil. If this went
badly, she wanted to make sure she had her bases covered.

Eight o'clock arrived. Obadiah left for his meeting with Clint. Natasha changed her clothes
and left promptly after him. The sun was setting as she hid her car just out of sight of
Obadiah's house. She slid her gloves on and padded silently over to the high fence that
surrounded the mansion. Then picking the lock on one of the smaller back gates, she crept

She continued towards the house, being careful to avoid the guards that patrolled around it.
Upon reaching the service entrance, she picked the lock and slipped inside. Keeping the
layout of the house in her mind, she snuck from room to room. She headed, in a roundabout
way that avoided the personal security, towards Obadiah's room.

She finally reached the door and picked the lock. The door opened soundless inward,
allowing Natasha to enter.

The room was, like the rest of the house, opulent. It was obvious that Obadiah had spared no
opportunity to impress others with his wealth. It was displayed all over his bedroom.
Everything was needlessly and obviously expensive.

The side of the bedroom where Tony had said the door was, was covered in a large tapestry. It
depicted Obadiah himself dressed as a medieval knight. He was clad in shining silver armor
atop a pure white steed, sword held aloft in his hand. Natasha had to smother a snort of
laughter at seeing this.

She walked purposefully over to it and carefully moved the tapestry. The door was behind it,
just where Tony had said it would be. Tony was also, thankfully, right about the locks.
Natasha held her device next to the password lock to pair it. Then, as it worked through the
code, she picked the manual lock.

By the time the manual lock clicked unlocked, she had the code for the other lock on the
device. She had to hold back another snort as she read it. KING STANE. She rolled her eyes
as she keyed it in. The ego of this man was unmatched. Only one lock left to go.

The last lock was a breeze. Natasha simply put Obadiah's fingerprint that she had lifted from
the glass over her own gloved finger. And with all three locks disengaged, the door silently
swung open.
There was a light switch on the wall just inside the door. Natasha flipped it on. Lights
flickered on overhead, flooding the room with soft yellow light. It illuminated the stairs
covered in thick white carpet that led downwards. Natasha crept down them quietly. They
didn't so much as creak under her feet.

The bottom of the widened dramaticly into a room carpeted in the same lush white carpet as
the stairs. Natasha gasped in horror as she reached it.

In the middle of the room, hanging helplessly from chains that hung from the ceiling to attach
to the shackles around his wrists, was the last missing person she had flagged. Aiden
Mitchell. The young male omega.

He looked remarkably like Tony. She couldn't help but see Tony. Same youthful frame,
though it now boney from malnourishment. Same wild dark hair. He looked up with terrified
chocolate brown eyes at her gasp. His cracked lips were forced open by a red ballgag. His
feet were shackled to the floor. He was naked, his body covered in cuts, bruises, and dried

The carpet at his feet was stained a rusty red. In looking around the room, Natasha saw many
other such stains, gone brown with time. The room was set up similar to a sex dungeon only
way more sinister. Various equipment and furniture were strewn about the room. Whips,
paddles, knives, belts, a breeding bench, a Saint Andrew's cross, and many others. The area
around each was stained with blood.

She rushed over to Aiden's side. He flinched away from her. The moment rattling his chains.
She ignored this and picked the lock on his shackles as quickly as she could. He collapsed
onto her as soon as he was freed.

Natasha held him carefully as she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. It was
only a little after nine thirty. Though it felt like a lifetime. There were no messages from
Clint. Thank God. She had some time. She unfastened the ballgag from the kid's mouth. He
looked up at her imploringly.

"Help me." He whispered through cracked lips.

"I will. Do not worry." Her voice vibrated with barely contained fury.

She lifted him into her arms and carried him up the stairs. He passed out before they reached
the top. She turned off the lights and closed the door to the torture chamber behind her.

It was difficult getting the unconscious kid out of the house unseen. They had more than one
close call. But Natasha was damn sure not going to leave without him. Once they had finally
reached the car, Natasha put Aiden carefully in the backseat. She pulled her phone out as she
sped away and dialed Phil.

Chapter End Notes

The other omegas last name was originally Turner. But apparently that is the name of a
celebrity so I changed the name.
Things Done in Darkness Brought into the Light
Chapter Notes

I was able to get this chapter written really quick.

The AC has been out at my house for the past few days. I live in Texas and I am dying.
It's been over 90 degrees in the house.

Also the last chapter is pretty much just going to be smut. So the tags will be being
updated accordingly.

Natasha drove as fast as she safely could to the hospital. She didn't need to get pulled over
with a tortured kid in her backseat. That would raise all kinds of questions she didn't want to
answer. She called Phil as she drove.

"You need to get a search warrant for Stane's mansion NOW!" She growled into the phone as
he answered.

"Natasha. You know I'm going to need a very good reason to search his house. He's a very
powerful man."

"I am aware of that, Phil!" She all but snarled. "He had a teenage male omega chained up in
his basement. He had been tortured. It that a good enough reason?!"

"Fuck." Phil whispered fervently. "Where are you?"

"I am taking him to the county hospital right now. It's the closest one."

"I'll meet you there."

"We don't have long until Obadiah realizes his victim is gone, and he destroys the rest of the
evidence! I don't know how long Clint can keep him at the restaurant!"

"I understand that, Natasha! I will get it done. I will pull whatever strings I have to. But it
will be substantially easier to get a warrant if we have proof that Obadiah did it. Is the kid

"Not right now. He is currently unconscious. But he was awake when I found him. So that
bodes well for him."

"Good. If we can get a quick statement from him that Obadiah did this, we should have no
problem getting an emergency search warrant."
"Well then, hopefully we will be able to get that. I will see you at the hospital." And with
that, she hung up.

A few minutes later, she made it to the hospital. She parked her car in the shadows. Almost
immediately, Phil pulled into the empty space next to her.

"Good. You're here." Natasha greeted him as she got out of her car. "You take him in. I do not
want to get arrested for breaking and entering."

"Understandably so. I got him. I'll say that one of Obadiah's employees heard noises and
found him in the house."


"If they ask any questions, I'll just say you refused to give a name for fear of reprisal, and I
have since been unable to locate you."

"Good. Take him in now. And get that search warrant. The door to the torture basement is
behind the ridiculous tapestry in Obadiah's bedroom."

With that, Natasha opened the back door so Phil could take the badly injured kid out. He
began to stir as Phil lifted him into his arms.

"Bye Tasha. Love you." Phil whispered to her before he hurried Aiden into the hospital.

Natasha got in her car and pulled out her phone again. She texted Clint to keep Obadiah
occupied as long as possible. Once the text was sent, she drove home.

It was well after ten when she pulled in the garage. The adrenaline was starting to wear off,
and she was shaking slightly as she unlocked the door. Tony was waiting for her as she
walked into the living room. He gasped in horror when he saw her.

"Natasha! What happened?!" He demanded running over to her.

She looked down to see that her clothes, though dark, were rumpled and bloodstained.

"Do not worry." She patted Tony on the head fondly as she forced her lips into a tired smile.
"It is not my blood. Obadiah will soon be handled."

Her phone pinged as she said this. She looked at her phone to see a text from Phil.

Kid talked. Got the warrant. Almost at the house now.

Natasha smiled. "Correction. Obadiah is currently being handled. The police are on their way
with a search warrant. And since Clint has not texted me, Obadiah must still be at the
restaurant with him. It is done. And with time to spare. Your birthday is in just a few days, is
it not?"
Tony looked at her, eyes filled with gratitude as tears began to spill down his cheeks. He
threw his arms around her.

"Thank you." He whispered reverently.

"You are very welcome, Tony. I am glad I was able to help you."

"So what did you find in the secret wine cellar?"

Natasha sighed deeply. She was loathe to tell him. But he had a right to know. And it would
come out eventually anyway. Better to come from her than from the news or, god forbid,
some enterprising reporter looking for a reaction.

"A torture chamber." Natasha finally answered. "And a half dead omega. It seems Obadiah
has a fondness for hurting teenagers."

Tony's face drained of color turning a pale white. "What?!" He whispered, horrified.

"I got the omega out. He is safe. He is currently at the hospital. He was able to tell the police
that Obadiah Stane was the one who abducted him. That was how they were able to get the
search warrant so quickly."

Tony staggered over to the couch and collapsed heavily onto it. Natasha followed suit, sitting
next to him heavily.

"I knew Obadiah was bad. But I didn't think he was that bad." He said in a barely audible

"Obadiah has been killing people, mostly female omegas, for years. I believe that he has
killed roughly a dozen people, including his own

"No...." Tony's voice cracked, tears sprang to his eyes again. "You think he was going to do
that to me?"

"I am certain of it. The omega that I discovered in his room bares a remarkable resemblance
to you."

"Is it my fault then? Did Obadiah hurt him because of me?"

"No, Tony." Natasha replied firmly. "Obadiah hurt him because Obadiah is a truly evil
person. He hurt that omega and all of the others because he enjoys causing pain and suffering
to those weaker than himself. I was only able to save the omega because of you. All of
Obadiah's previous victims only have a chance at justice
because of you. Because you were strong enough to ask for help and brave enough to accept
it. Because of you, Obadiah will never be able to hurt anyone like that again."

Tony looked over at Natasha as he blinked back tears again. "So it's really over?"
"Yes. Though I would recommend waiting a few days to reappear just to be sure. I've passed
on evidence to the police of some underhanded things that SI is doing. But I believe it would
be wise to wait until your birthday to make yourself public again. Being of age will give you
some extra protection. "

"Yeah. Besides, we don't want to freak Steve and Bucky out any more than they're already
going to be."

"Correct. And having them as your true mates should help shield you from any legal trouble
regarding your disappearance."

Natasha's phone pinged again. It was Phil.

Found the room. A warrant has now been issued for his arrest. The police are on their way to
pick him up. Already texted Clint.

You weren't wrong about that tapestry. God, it's so pretentious!


Natasha smiled and texted back quickly.

Yes it is. And to make it worse the code on the door was KING STANE.

She turned back to Tony, who was sitting on the couch. "They have issued a warrant for
Obadiah's arrest. He will be in police custody soon.
Now I have had a very long day. So I am going to take a shower and go to bed. I suggest you
do the same. We will worry about everything else tomorrow."

And with that, Natasha turned on her heel and left the room.


The arrest of Obadiah Stane was all over the news the next morning. From photo and video
evidence found in his torture room, he was being charged with not only kidnapping and
assault but also fourteen counts of murder. The FBI was also digging up his backyard. They
had already found two bodies.

SI's records were being gone through with a fine toothed comb, helped along by the paper
trail Natasha had mailed Phil.

Within days, Howard and other senior members of SI were also under arrest for terrorism.
They had been selling weapons under the table to several terrorist organizations. Terrorism
was also added to Obadiah's list of charges.

The next few days swiftly passed. Steve and Bucky called as soon as the news broke. Natasha
put them off, telling them that it would be best to wait until Tony was eighteen to see him.
She told them it would be safest to keep him hidden until then. They reluctantly agreed. And
so it was decided that they would come by Natasha's house on Tony's birthday to celebrate
with him.

Tony all but vibrated with nervous excitement leading up his mates' visit. The morning of he
woke up early and dressed with extra care. Then he worked off his nerves by cleaning the
house from top to bottom. Natasha was shocked by how clean it was when she returned with
his birthday cake.

Tony practically shook with nerves as he collapsed on the couch, waiting for Steve and
Bucky to arrive. Natasha sat down next to him and grabbed his hands.

"Tony." She said, her tone was soft and understanding. "Everything will be alright. They like
you. More than they are willing to admit to themselves. Even if they are not open in the
beginning, they will come around. I promise you. I have known they for many years. They
will not reject you, not completely. Though you may need to reassure them."

Tony smiled half heartedly and nodded. Natasha patted his head gently before getting up and
setting up for his party. Clint, Rhodey, Pepper, and the Jarvis' were coming over a few hours
after Steve and Bucky.

Natasha had asked Steve and Bucky to come early on the pretense of them helping set up. In
reality, it was a ploy to make their meeting more private and, hopefully, less awkward. She
highly doubted that they would want an audience when they came to the realization that Tony
was their mate.

Tony heartily agreed. Whether they rejected him outright or they immediately wanted to fuck,
he didn't want his friends to be party to either. If they were willing to fuck he wanted to fuck
in private. And if they wanted nothing to do with him, he wanted to be able to lick his
wounds without people hovering. Hence, Steve and Bucky coming over several hours earlier
than everyone else.

The doorbell sounded shattering the tense atmosphere. Tony shot bolt upright. Natasha went
to open the door. It was Steve and Bucky. Their arms were laden with food and decorations.
Tony's nose flared slightly as he caught their wonderful homelike scent.


Steve and Bucky arrived exactly at two to help set up. They walked quickly up to the door
and knocked. They were excited to see Tony, though they couldn't quite put their finger on

The door was opened by Natasha. She smiled and welcomed them into the house before
immediately walking away to her room and shutting the door.

They stepped into the house, closing the door behind them, confused by her behavior. The
fresh clean smell of citrus, jasmine, and honey washed over them as they entered, filling their
senses with the smell of home..... of MATE. A growl rumbled deep in both of their chests,
and their fangs itched. Their omega was here!

They set their armloads down and looked around to see where the smell was. Who their mate
was. Their eyes were drawn to Tony. He stood up from where he was seated on the couch and
walked timidly over to them.

"Hi guys." He waved shyly as he approached.

"Tony?" Steve questioned, his voice low and gravelly.

Tony nodded slightly as he continued to walk towards them. "Steve. Bucky. Alphas. I know
I'm young, but please don't reject me!" He whispered pleadingly. Longing was visible in his
chocolate brown eyes as he reached out to them. "Please."

Steve and Bucky glanced at each other, then back at Tony. Their eyes began to tinge with
alpha red.

"Please. Alphas." Tony begged. His eyes were swirling with omega gold. He came so close
they were almost touching.

"Tony." Bucky rasped brokenly. We're so much older than you.

"Only four years."

"We were your teachers. You're so young! God, we are so creepy!" Steve groaned. His voice
was filled with want.

"Only for a little while. And we're true mates. We are meant to be together." Tony argued
breathily. "No one will think it's creepy. Please. I'm an adult. I know my own mind. I want
you. I want my mates."

"Fuck it!" Bucky exclaimed huskily. He grabbed Tony and pulled him between them,
pressing him flush against his body. He cupped Tony's face with the hand not holding Tony's
body against him. Then, tipping it upward, pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

Tony tried to deepen the kiss, but Bucky wouldn't allow it. He broke the kiss with a groan.
Steve pressed himself against Tony's back, caging him between them. Tony keened and
pulled Bucky back in for a truly filthy kiss full of tongue and teeth. Bucky growled into the

Meanwhile, Steve began to place nipping kisses along Tony's neck, starting underneath his
ear and working his way down to the scent gland located at the base of his neck.

When Tony was forced to break the kiss to gasp for breath, Bucky followed Steve's lead,
kissing down the other side of his neck. Tony mewled at the sensation and melted into their
arms. Slick began to drip from his hole into his underwear, scenting the room with his
Steve tipped Tony's head back and stole his lips in a kiss of his own while Bucky explored
Tony's body with his lips and hands. Finally, several kisses and many hickeys later, both
Steve and Buck pulled back.

"We gotta slow down." Bucky rasped out, his eyes blown wide with lust.

Tony whined pitifully and tried to pull them back.

"We ain't gonna deflower you on your fuckin birthday. And that's where this is headin." He
continued. "We need to have a serious chat before we take things any further."

Steve nodded. "Yeah. Tony. We don't wanna go into this half cocked. Especially since you're
so inexperienced."

Bucky smiled at them both. "Besides, we want to get to know you better before things get
any further. We ain't rejecting you doll. Lord knows you won't let us." He chuckled, low and
full of filthy promises, his hands loosely resting on Tony's hips.

Tony whimpered but complied. They led him over to the couch and sat down. They pulled
Tony down after them, getting him settled inbetween them cuddled up in their laps. They held
him gently, with Steve running his fingers through Tony's hair while Bucky gently massaged
his feet and ankles.

They talked in soft, gravelly voices about their lives. They told him story after story. How
they met, their childhood shenanigans, their presentation, all of it. Tony leaned up against
them, snuggled securely in their arms. Soon, he found himself purring sleepily against them
as he basked in their low rumbling voices.

When Natasha came out of her room some time later, she found them all asleep on the couch,
curled around each other. The entire house smelled of contented alpha and omega. She smiled
at their sleeping forms and took a quick picture before beginning to quietly set up for Tony's


They woke up an hour or so later. By that time, most of the decorations had been put up. And
they only had about an hour and a half until everyone else was supposed to be there. Steve
and Bucky apologized sheepishly to Natasha for not helping with setting up. She waved them
away, telling them to not worry about it. They smiled and each pressed a chaste kiss to Tony's

Tony flushed and scampered off to his room to change out out of his now wrinkled shirt and
slick stained underwear as well astame his wild hair. Steve and Bucky followed suit, going to
the bathroom to fix their own hair.

When they all emerged a few minutes later, Steve smiled at Tony and then ruefully at his
wrinkled shirt.

"To bad we didn't think to bring a change of shirt." He laughed.

"Well, we couldn't hardly know to plan for this little minx." Bucky chuckled in response as
he reached out a hand to rumple Tony's newly brushed hair.

Tony blushed a bright red and beckoned them both to his room. They followed him curiously.
He opened one of his dresser drawers and stepped back, looking away nervously.

Bucky and Steve looked in the drawer, looked at each other, and choked back laughter.

"So you were behind our missing laundry, huh Tony?" Steve smiled indulgently at Tony.

"I needed them." Tony whispered. "Howard put me on suppressants right after my first heat.
And he didn't let off them twice a year to have a heat like I was supposed to. So I went into
heat soon after my escape. It was my first full heat. I needed my alphas." He sniffled.
"Natasha got these for me."

"Oh doll." Bucky cooed soothingly, pulling Tony into his arms in a tight hug. "I'm so sorry
you went through that. We ain't mad, baby. Stevie and I are glad that our clothes were able to
bring you some relief. The missing laundry was just a weird little mystery we've been
wondering about."

"And hey." Steve murmured as he planted a kiss on Tony's hair and joined in on the cuddles.
"It works out on our end. Now we have unwrinkled clothes to change into."

Tony sighed and melted into his alphas' embrace with a purr.


Steve and Bucky changed shirts quickly, and they all trooped out to help Natasha finish
setting up. Soon, the other guests began to arrive. Clint was the first. He waltzed in like he
owned the place, greeting Natasha with a kiss. The immediately asked, with a pointed look at
Tony and the alphas.

"So how did it go? Did they fuck yet?"

Natasha smacked him hard around the head before answering. "It went very well. They took
it better than I thought they would." Then she dragged him off to put the food he brought in
the kitchen before he could say anything else inappropriate.

Next were Rhodey and Pepper. They knocked on the door uncertainly and were startled when
Steve opened the door and let them in. They stepped into the house warily. Then they saw
Tony. All their anxiety disappeared. They ran to him and threw their arms around him,
bringing him into a tight group hug with laughter and tears. He returned the hug fiercely, his
face wreathed in smiles.

Steve and Bucky watched the reunion with a fond expression, happy that Tony had at least
some true friends. As soon as the hug ended, Tony happily told introduced them to Pepper
and Rhodey as his true mates. They were skeptical at first but came around quickly after
Tony explained what they had done for him.
The last ones to arrive were the Jarvis'. They barely made it in the door before Tony ran into
their arms and burst into tears. It had been so long, and he was ecstatic to finally have them
back, to have them all back in his life. The evening was spent in happy chatter and the
reaffirming of pack bonds.

Though, when Tony had his back turned, Jarvis pulled Steve and Bucky into an out of the
way corner.

"You had better good care of my boy. Do you understand?" He ordered sternly. "I would die
for that boy, and he has experienced more than enough pain for a lifetime. Don't you dare add
to it."

"We would never intentionally hurt Tony." Steve answered solemnly.

Jarvis nodded and patted them both on the shoulder. "Good. Then welcome to the family. I
look forward to getting to know you both better. Now let's get back to your omega's party."


A few days after his birthday, Tony went to the police station and turned himself in. After
hearing his statement, more charges were added to both Obadiah and Howard. Obadiah,
molestation and assault. Howard, omega abuse, child abuse, and several other related

They both tried to bribe and slither out of their charges. However, they were spectacularly
unsuccessful and were subsequently charged with even more crimes. And in a few months, a
grand jury found them guilty of all charges. They were sentenced to life in prison.

SI and all of Howards assets that were not seized were given to Tony since he was not
involved in the illegal dealings and was Howard's sole heir. The only exceptions were a few
small estates that had been in Maria's name. She was forced to move to one of them now as
Tony refused to have anything to do with her.

She herself had been charged with several crimes also, but had been able to lessen them by
turning on her husband. So, in the end, she had to pay an enormous fine and do community
service, but got away without prison time.

All of this thrust Tony into the spotlight. With as public as the trials had been, everyone soon
knew Tony's story. And while there were some that discredited it, most called Tony
incredibly brave.
Safe in Their Arms
Chapter Notes

Sorry this took a long time. But hey, it's a good 2000 words longer than my normal
chapters so there's that.

This chapter was supposed to be pure smut. But somehow plot snuck its way in there
without my permission, so enjoy that.

Also sorry if the sex scenes suck. I'm ace.

Tony moved in with Bucky and Steve, almost immediately following his birthday. Now that
he was no longer in hiding, there was no reason why he couldn't. And he really hated being
parted from his alphas.

They had initially offered him their guest room. An offer which he refused with an eyeroll
before making himself at home in the master bedroom on their king size bed.

They spent their nights all cuddled together on the bed, their bodies wrapped around each
other, limbs intertwining in their sleep. However, much to Tony's displeasure and frustration,
they had yet to have sex.

Tony wanted them desperately. He woke up every morning practically dripping wet, slick
coating his thighs. And still, they had yet to touch him sexually. He was so pent up. Spending
every night pressed between his two alphas' delicious bodies, breathing in their scents
constantly, and yet not having sex.

He tried getting himself off in the shower, frantically pumping his small cock with three
fingers buried in his ass. But while it felt good, it didn't even touch the arousal building in
him. He NEEDED his alphas. He needed them to fucking rail him. To fuck him senseless.

They still cuddled and kissed him, but they always pulled away before things could get too
hot and heavy. It drove Tony up the wall. They were holding back.

He suspected it had to do with the fact that they had been his teachers. He'd tried to give them
time to work it out, but it seemed like they were never going to on their own. Finally, after
almost a month of this, Tony had had enough.

He had been mulling over a plan of attack for a little while. Now, he decided to put that plan
into action.

The first step was calling Clint. After all, Tony had little experience in this matter, and so
could definitely use the backup. After about a minute of ringing Clint finally picked up.
"Hey Tony! What's up?"

"Hey Clint. I was wondering if you were busy today?"

"Not really. Why?"

"I need to go shopping for something, and I wanted some input from another omega."

"Color me intrigued!" Clint hummed. "I'm in! When you wanna go?"

"As soon as possible. I'm not sure how long shopping will take, and I want to be back before
Steve and Bucky get home."

"Oooooooooooooooo..." Clint laughed suggestively. "That kinda shopping! Hell yeah! I'm
down for this! I'll pick you up in about half an hour."

"Thank you, Clint."

"No problem. See you soon!"

Clint pulled up almost exactly thirty minutes later. Tony ran out to the car and hopped in.

"Sooooooo..... Where we going?" Clint asked with a teasing smile on his face.

"To get lingerie." Tony replied unashamedly. After all, Clint had literally stayed by his side
while he was in the throws of his heat, dildo shoved up his ass, begging for Steve and Bucky.
There was no point being concerned with propriety after that.

"Ahhh... Special night?"

"Hopefully." Tony sighed before continuing. "We still haven't had sex! Every time I try and
start anything, or things get hot and heavy between us, they pull away! They're attracted to
me! I know they are! It's like they just won't let themselves actually do anything! It's driving
me up the walls! I don't know how much more I can take of this!"

"So you're buying lingerie. You want to look so completely irresistible that they just can't
help themselves."


"Ok! I can absolutely work with that! Away we go!"

Saying that, Clint pulled away from the curb and drove away. It didn't take long for them to
reach the parking lot of a store. As they parked and climbed out of the car Clint turned to

"So what kind of naughty garments are you looking for?"

Tony paused for a second. "To be honest, I don't know. Something that will drive my alphas
wild. I was kind of hoping you'd be able to help there. You have way more experience in this
area than I do."

"That I do." Clint smiled a filthy smile. "Follow me, young padawan, and I will teach you the
ways of seduction." And turning, Clint led the way into the store.

Clint quickly led Tony to the lingerie section of the store. He immediately began sorting
through the garments on the racks there. He held up a sheer white lace nightgown. Then,
shaking his head, he put it back.

"Too innocent." He explained at Tony's inquiring look. "You want them to rail you. Not to
continue to be hung up on you being a virgin." He rolled his eyes. "I know for a fact that they
were having sex long before they were your age. But I guess the teacher thing is freaking
them out. Too bad. It could be a lot of fun. A bunch of people have teacher student fantasies."
He winked suggestively at Tony holding up a sexy student lingerie set before hanging it back
up and flipping through the clothes still on the rack.

They continued on this way. Clint would pull out pieces and hold them up against Tony's
body and either shake his head and put it back or hand it to Tony and move on to the next
piece. Soon, Tony had a small array of lingerie to try on.

When Clint finally deemed they had enough, he made his way to the fitting rooms with Tony
trailing behind. There he helped Tony try on garment after garment. They discarded several
because they were too complicated for Tony to put on without help. Several more were put
aside because they weren't, in Clint's words, sexy enough.

"You want those boys to fuck you into the mattress, not to complement you on your new
nightgown." He insisted while Tony rolled his eyes but agreed, he didn't want to take any

They had a couple that they both deemed acceptable, but none of them were quite right. They
continued to work their way through the pile. Finally, they got to the only white one they had
grabbed. It was all straps with just a little bit of lace. Tony had been intrigued by it, and Clint
had deemed it sexy enough to offset the innocent connotations of the white coloring.

Tony pulled it on. It was surprisingly easy to slip into given the straps. He looked in the
mirror. It looked fantastic.

It was crotchless. A single strap encircled each thigh, they were connected via two more
straps to the one that above it that disappeared between his legs, displaying his small omegan
cock. That strap circled directly underneath his ass. More straps connected to that one and
went up his sides, one on each side. The connectioned to one right beside his pecs that went
underneath and between his pecs, framing them beautifully. The side strap continued up
going under his arms and over his collarbone to cross between his shoulders blades. His
stomach, from his hip bones to the bottom of his pecs, was covered in shimmery white and
silver lace.

He met Clints eyes in the mirror. Clint looked on approvingly.

"Have to admit, I had my doubts about this one given the color. But goddamn you look hot!
This one! This is the one you have to get! If those dumbasses can resist you in this, I'll punch
em both in the face."

Tony blushed and laughed, extricating himself from the garment. He agreed with Clints
assessment, if this didn't get them to fuck him nothing would.

Tony practically vibrated with nerves and excitement as he paid for the garment and left the
store. Clint smiled indulgently at him as they climbed into the car. He understood what it was
like to be in his shoes. To prepare to have sex with your mates for the first time. It could be
nerve wracking.

They drove back in relative silence, each lost in their own thoughts. When they reached the
house, Clint Tony out with a lascivious grin and a promise that he would let him know how it

Tony checked his watch as he bounded up the steps bag clutched in his hand. It was late
afternoon. He had about an hour before Steve and Bucky would be back.

He ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower. Once he was out and had dried himself, he
removed to tag and pulled on his lingerie. He then swiped a faintly shimmery lip tint over his
lips and did the tiniest bit of black eyeliner around his eyes. He artfully messed up his hair
and he was ready.

He darted into the bedroom and lounged in the middle of the bed, spreading one leg out while
keeping the other one bent just so. Everything was now in place, all he had to do was wait for
his alphas to return home.

He touched himself as he waited. He ran his fingers lightly up his rapidly hardening cock
before moving lower to play with his hole. He circled his hole gently with one finger before
dipping it inside. Then he trailed his hand back up to loosely grip his cock again. The room
began to fill with the smell of his arousal as it began to curl in his gut.

He continued to tease himself even as he heard the front door open and Steve and Bucky
enter the house.

"Tony! We're home!" Steve called out as they shut the door behind them.

Tony ignored them. He wanted them to find him just like this, splayed out on their bed, two
fingers in his hole. He waited with bated breath as he heard Steve call out again.

"Tony? Where are you?"

He shoved his fingers in deeper as he heard two sets of footsteps advancing towards the
bedroom door.

The door opened.

Steve and Bucky stepped into the room.

"Oh, there you are, Tony. I was wondering wher-" Steve trailed off at the sight that greeted
him as the smell of omega arousal washed over him.

Bucky, who was next to Steve, groaned deep in his throat. "Fuck. doll."

Tony looked over at them, his eyes tinged with gold. "Alphas!" He moaned breathily.

"Doll! God damn, fuck! Look at you!" Bucky rasped out as he stepped into the room with
Steve on his heels.

"Is this all for us?" Steve whispered, taking in Tony's appearance.

"Yes. Now come over here and take me." Tony purred.

They pounced. In an instant, Bucky and Steve were on the bed with Tony. They towered over
him, pinning him flat on his back against the mattress easily. Twin lustfilled growls rang out.
Tony looked up to see red swirling in their eyes, answering the gold in his own. He smiled.
He had won. There was no way they were going to walk away from him now.

They kissed him ravenously, one after the other. He reveled in it, kissing them back just as
fiercely. His hands grabbed at them of their own accord, pulling the closer as they kissed him.
Steve was claiming his lips, while Bucky began working his way down Tony's neck in
nipping sucking little kisses.

Bucky kissed down Tony's neck and collar bone. Leaving a trail of purpling hickeys in his
wake he worked around the lingerie and made his way down to lick at Tony's nipples.

Tony arched off the bed and broke the kiss with a cry at the sensations flooding him as Bucky
lavished his pecs with attention. He gently bit and sucked on Tony's nipple. Steve and Bucky
chuckled darkly at this and resumed their ministrations.

"Look at the pretty little breasts on display for me." Bucky rumbled against Tonys chest. He
tweaked a nipple between his fingers and laughed at the high whine Tony let out. "You're so
sensitive, huh baby?"

He grinned lasciviously and began to move lower, making room for Steve who had finally
abandoned Tony's lips in favor of kissing down his body.

Bucky kissed over the lace covering Tony's flat stomach. "I can't wait to see you swelling
with our children. You'll look so good when Stevie and I breed you up."

He continued lower sucking hickeys onto Tony's hips and above his cock where the white
lace ended.

Steve had now reached Tony's pecs. He sucked a nipple into his mouth and scraped his teeth
over it. Pulling away with an audible pop, he massaged both pecs and purred into Tony's ear.

"These will be so gorgeous filled with milk once you're all bred up." His lips then returned to
Tony's breasts to continue their onslaught.
Tony keened at the wave of sensation. He could feel a flood of slick dripping out of his hole
onto the bed. He unconsciously rolled his hips up, trying to get closer to Bucky's mouth.
Bucky immediately stopped him. He gripped his hips firmly, holding them in place.

Bucky grinned and moved lower. He avoided Tony's leaking cock, instead kissing his way
around it, going lower still until he kissed directly onto Tony's hole.

Tomy wailed and writhed at the onslaught of pleasure as he lapped at his slick as it leaked
from his hole in copious amounts. The light sweetness of it was intoxicating as it slid down
his throat. It coated his tongue until all he could taste was Tony. He groaned deep in his

"Oh fuck babydoll! You taste amazing! Stevie, you gotta taste him."

Steve bent down, pulling Bucky's face up to meet him in a deep searing kiss. He licked into
Bucky's mouth, tasting Tony's essence off his tongue. Tony whimpered at the erotic sight.

Steve growled, breaking the kiss. "Fuck Tony! You taste delicious!" He whispered huskily.

Bucky chuckled as he was then pushed out of the way by Steve, who took up his position
licking into Tony with a moan. Spearing his tongue into Tony's body to get right to the source
of the slick. Bucky moved up his body to kiss Tony's lips. Tony returned the kiss with
enthusiasm, tasting himself on his tongue.

He let his hands wander Bucky's body, sliding them under his shirt and up the hard plains of
his chest and abdomen. Bucky broke the kiss momentarily to yank his T shirt over his head,
launching it somewhere in the room to be hunted for later.

Tony then moved his hands lower and began pawing at his jeans. Bucky grinned and rolled
off the bed to obligingly remove those too, swiftly followed by his underwear.

Tony practically salavated at seeing one of his alphas, his mate's, naked body for the first
time. He let out a little aroused growl and reached out in an attempt to pull Bucky closer to
him, though he was still standing by the side of the bed.

Steve looked up at the growl. He smiled widely and got off the bed. Standing up, he
immediately followed Bucky's example by stripping out of his clothes as well. Tony's
attention was yanked from Bucky by Steve's newly uncovered skin.

He whined high in his throat and made grabby hands at Steve with one hand while still
reaching for Bucky with the other.

Steve went willingly. Tony grabbed him as soon as he was within range and pulled him
against his body.

Steve laughed delightedly in Tony's ear while Bucky, still standing beside the bed, smiled
indulgently down at his little omega mate's antics. He bent down and captured Tony's lips
with his for short kiss.

"Scoot over." He murmured after breaking the kiss.

Steve obligingly moved. Tony squealed as Steve manhandled him out of Buckys way,
moving him back into the middle of the bed from where he'd moved reaching for Bucky.

Bucky followed the of both of them, eagerly taking over the real estate they had vacated. He
lounged next to Tony and tweaked one of his nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

"What do you want, my love? What do you want us to do to you?" He whispered seductively,
his eyes roaming over Tony's lingerie clad body possessively.

"I want you to fuck me! I want you both to fuck me!" Tony cried out, his legs spread
voluntarily as Steve's hand trailed between them to his hole.

Steve and Bucky growled at this exclamation.

"Then that is exactly what will happen, sweetheart." Steve replied as he penetrated Tony with
a single finger. Tony moaned and pushed back against the finger, taking it in deeper.

"More!" He demanded breathily, rocking back on it.

"Eager little thing, isn't he?" Bucky chuckled sinfully. "Alright, Stevie. You heard our omega.
Give him more."

Steve grinned and immediately obliged, adding another finger to the one already deep in
Tony's hole. Tony mewled and writhed in pleasure as Steve slowly pumped his fingers in and
out. He carefully stretched them apart inside him, preparing Tony to take their cocks for the
first time.

Bucky leaned over Tony to sensually kiss Steve. Tony let out a breathy whine at the sight,
squirming against Steve's fingers as he gently added a third.

Tony was achingly hard. His small cock was dripping a steady stream of precum onto his
stomach drenching the white lace that covered it. Finally, after what was, in Tony's opinion,
way too many minutes, Steve deemed him ready. Tony whimpered as he removed his fingers.

"How do you want to do this doll?" Bucky rumbled in Tony's ear. "Condoms? No condoms?
Do you want us to knot you? Cum in you? To fill you up? Or maybe on you? Paint you with
our seed?"

Tony gasped at the filthy suggestions. "In me! No condoms!" He cried. "I want you both to
cum in me! Knot me! Fill me up! Breed me!"

"God, you're perfect, babydoll." Bucky purred against Tony's neck before nipping at the
mating gland located at the base of his neck.

"Then who do you want first, Tony?" Steve asked as he moved higher to nuzzle kisses against
Tony's collarbone. "Neither of us mind the others sloppy seconds. Though Bucky is a little
thicker than me. And his knot is truly impressive. It feels so good filling you up."

Tony looked down at their cocks. Steve was right. Bucky's was a little thicker than Steve,
though it looked like Steve might be a tiny bit longer.
He made up his mind. "Steve! Steve first! Than Bucky!"

"Good boy." Bucky purred again, scooting up to sit at the head of the bed before lifting Tony
and placing him in his lap. "Such a good boy letting Stevie stretch out your little hole for

He then gripped Tony's thighs and spread them easily, making room for Steve between them.
Steve immediately surged forward to occupy the space made for him, hooking Tony's legs
over his hips. He slicked up his cock with Tony's natural wetness, and lined up with his hole.
Then, placing a sweet, almost chaste, kiss to Tony's lips, he slowly thrust forward into his
waiting heat. A heartfelt groan left his lips as he pressed past Tony's muscle into his willing

Tony arched his back with a wail as he felt Steve enter him, the blood hot length of him
stretching out his walls.
Bucky held him from behind, cradling him against his chest, his strong arms caging him in,
as he whispered a steady stream of filth directly into Tony's ear. After giving him a few
moments to adjust, Steve began to fuck into Tony, slowly and sensually.

"You look so beautiful, doll." Bucky whispered hungrily. "Look at you, accepting Steve into
your body like you were made for him. Which you were, weren't you? You're ours. Only
ours. Fucking gorgeous."

Steve kept fucking Tony at a steady pace. His breath was hot on Tony's face as he supported
his weight with arms on either side of Bucky's thighs. It didn't take long for him to find
Tony's prostate.

Tony wrapped his legs around Steve's waist and clutched at his back, trying to bring him
closer. This felt incredible! It was everything! Every fantasy he'd ever had paled in
comparison to being fucked by Steve, by his mate! Moans fell from his lips unbidden,
answered by groans from Steve's.

Bucky reached down inbetween his lovers' bodies and began to stroke Tony's cock. Tony
keened in pleasure and clenched around Steve's cock. Steve sped up his thrusts.

"You gonna come for him, doll? You gonna come for Stevie? He's close. I can tell. He's
gonna knot you real soon. Gonna breed you up good." Bucky cooed in Tony's ear.

Tony nodded frantically. He felt the semi familiar heat build up to a tipping point in his body.
Seconds later, the tidal wave of the best orgasm of his life crashed over him. He wailed again
as he came, spurting his useless omega cum onto the pretty white lace covering his stomach.
Steve followed him a few thrusts later with a sinfully loud moan. His knot expanded inside
Tony, locking them together, locking his cum inside.

Steve and Tony sank back against Bucky, panting heavily. Tony's internal muscles kept
clenching around Steve, milking more spurts of cum out of his cock.

As they both finally regained their breath, they began kissing, deep and sensually, clutching
at each other. Bucky ran his hands over any part of their bodies he could reach. He tweaked
Tony's nipples and tangled his fingers in Steve's hair.

"How does he feel, Stevie?" He asked, his voice raspy with lust. "How does our omega feel
around you?"

"Fucking perfect." Steve croaked out. "He feels like coming home, Buck."

They lay there for many minutes simply exploring each others bodies while they waited for
Steve knot to go down. Touching and kissing every part they could reach with abandon.
Biting, sucking, leaving numerous hickeys in their wake.

Finally Steve's knot went down enough for him to slip out without causing pain to either of
them. Cum followed Steve's cock as he withdrew from Tony's body, slowly dripping from his
hole. They both groaned as they finally separated.

Bucky kissed both of them them gently before turning to Tony. "Are you sure you want to go
again? I'm perfectly fine with getting myself off if you're done. This has been a lot for you."

Tony's eyes widened in horror and he grabbed Bucky's arm. "No!" He cried. "I want you too!
Please! Fuck me too! Fill me! I want both of you!"

"Alright sweetheart." Bucky huffed amusedly. "If that's what you want. Who am I to deny my
wonderful omega anything he wants."

Steve and Bucky glanced at each other, exchanging some nonverbal communication. They
seamlessly switched places. Steve supported Tony while Bucky slid out from behind him.
Steve quickly took his place. Sitting cross legged he positioned Tony so that his head and
shoulders rested in his lap. Tony grinned up at him and gave a happy little wiggle.

Bucky wrapped his hand around Tony's half hard cock. It only took a few strokes to get it
back to full hardness. Tony squirmed, attempting to move his hips enticingly. He whined high
in his throat.

"Cmon Bucky! Fuck me!" He demanded.

"Well, come on, Bucky." Steve laughed. "Give our good boy what he wants. Don't you know
it's rude to keep an omega waiting."

Bucky complied, fully sheathing himself inside Tony with a groan.

"Fuck." Bucky swore fervently. All other words stolen from him for the moment by the tight
heat of Tony's body filled to the brim by their partners cum.

It surrounded his cock. He couldn't help but want to get down on his knees and eat Steve's
cum out of his hole. He loved the taste of Steve's cum. He always had, ever since they first
had sex. Now, he desperately wanted to try it mixed with the flavor of Tony's slick. To lick it
all from his body.

Tony gripped Steve's legs in a bruising hold as Bucky began to pound into him. His wails of
pleasure resounded throughout the room. The sensitivity of the previous orgasm made the
sensations all the more intense. Especially as Bucky found his prostate easily and made sure
to hit it on every pass. Tony canted his hips to meet each thrust eagerly. The carnal sounds of
flesh against flesh filled the room.

Steve's cock had grown hard again at the gorgeously sinful sight before him. He wrapped a
hand around his cock and stripped it in time to Buckys thrusts. It didn't take long for him to
cum, his release shooting up across his bare chest.

It didn't take long before Tony convulsed with the shockwave of his second orgasm, as the
pleasure overwhelmed him. Buck fucked him through it, driving into him relentlessly.

Moments later Bucky too came with a roar. He knotted inside Tony, flooding him with even
more cum. If he'd been in heat, he'd definitely have been pregnant after this. As it was, his
stomach was slightly rounded from the amount of cum that continued to pulse inside of him
adding to what was already there.

Bucky's enlarged knot pressed against Tony's prostate, wringing one last orgasm out of him
with a whimper. He collapsed against the bed, sated.

Bucky pulled him against his chest and carefully turned them both onto their sides. Steve
curled himself along Tony's back. And thus, without meaning to, all wrapped around each
other, they fell asleep.


They woke a few hours later sticky and uncomfortable. The sun had fully set. Tony peeled his
back away from Steve chest. It was tacky with cum and sweat. He sat up with a grimace. The
white lace of his lingerie was stuck to the skin of his stomach with dried cum. His thighs
were also sticky with cum. More flooded out of him as he sat up.

Tony stood up, a look of distaste schooled on his face.

"Ugh.. This is gross. I'm going to take a shower." He announced, leaving the room for the

Steve and Bucky chuckled, watching him go admiringly. Their cum slowly running down his

"How about we join you?" Steve called after him right before he closed the bathroom door.

"If you want." Tony replied, rolling his eyes playfully.

This was invitation enough. They were up in a flash, following him into the bathroom. Steve
came up from behind and wrapped his arms around Tony's small frame, pulling him close and
placing a kiss against his cheek. Tony squeaked in surprise. Bucky took advantage of this to
slipp past him and turn on the water.

Once the water had warmed up enough they crowded him into the spacious shower, lingerie
and all. The water helped loosen the dried cum gluing it to his body, and washed away the
cum lazily making its way down his legs from his well fucked hole.
Once the garment was sufficiently soaked, Bucky helped peel him out of it, while Steve held
him steady, keeping him from slipping on the wet floor of the shower.

Now naked, they each took turns washing the sweat, and other fluids, off of each other's
bodies. Tony and Steve used their hands to rub the body wash all over Bucky's body. Then
Bucky helped Tony return the favor to Steve.

Then came Tony's turn. The alphas trailed their hands over Tony's body, Steve in front,
Bucky behind. Gently, they washed all the remnants of themselves off of his stomach, back,
and thighs, ending with his leaking hole.

Steve steadied Tony's hips as Bucky's fingers penetrated his hole. He thrust them in and out
gently, bringing more cum out with every outward pull.

Tony gripped Steve's shoulders tightly and let out a soft moan. He tried to push back into
Bucky's motion but was stopped by the firm hold Steve had on his hips. His cock hardened
under the gentle, but no less erotic ministration.

Bucky easily found Tony prostate and hit it unerringly with every thrust of his fingers. Tony
was soon moaning loudly with every pass of his fingers.

The smell of aroused omega and alphas swirled around them in the confined space. It didn't
take long before Tony was cuming with a cry, his hole clenching around the fingers buried in
it. As his orgasm faded away, he sagged back against Bucky, boneless.

Steve and Bucky supported Tony with one hand each while fisting their cocks with the other.

"You'll get me dirty again!" Tony whined half heartedly.

"No better place to get you all dirty doll, it's no work to just clean ya right back up." Bucky
chuckled in his ear.

Moments later, Steve and Bucky both came with twin groans. Their seed painted Tony's front
and back before being washed away by the shower spray.

They finished the shower quickly after that. Toweling off, they ran into the bedroom to dress.
As they pulled in their clothes, Tony caught sight of the bed and grimaced at the mess on the

Steve saw the expression and followed his eyes to the bed. "We're going to have to change
that." He remarked with a sigh.

"Change what?" Bucky asked before he too saw the bed. His face twisted in disgust. "Oh.
Yeah. I'm not sleeping with that there. Absolutely not. Do we have an extra blanket

"I think so? I'll check the closet." Steve finished putting on his shorts and walked to the linen
closet. Throwing the door open, he sifted through it til finally, at the very back of the top
shelf, he found a quilt. He yanked it out, tossing it on the floor where it landed with a soft
Tony threw on an old shirt that belonged to one of his alphas and began stripping the bed
while Steve and Bucky pulled out the sheets and pillow cases to remake it. The soiled
blanket, sheets, and such were dumped unceremoniously in the corner while the three of them
worked together to put the fresh ones on.

Once that was finished, they all cuddled up in the newly made bed and talked and laughed
and kissed lazily. It was well after midnight when they all finally dropped off to sleep.


Tony woke late the next morning to a text from Clint.

So. How'd it go?

Tony grinned and snapped a selfie. Purpling hickeys were clearly visible going all down his
neck till they disappeared beneath the collar of his alphas T shirt. He sent it to Clint.

His phone beeped again moments later with Clints reply

Nice! Looks like you finally got some! You're welcome. You can give me all the dirty details
next time we see each other.

Tony laughed and hopped out of bed. The bed being empty except for him there was really no
reason to stay in it. He followed his nose to the kitchen where he found Steve and Bucky
making breakfast. They smiled lovingly at him when he entered and each greeted him with a
soft kiss.


Several Years Later

Tony sat in his workshop humming to himself, twin mating bite marks easily visible scarred
into his neck. Dum-e happily trundled along the workshop floor at his feet bumping into
things. JARVIS' newly upgraded body followed along behind him, attempting to stop him
from breaking anything.

He smiled fondly at them as he smoothed a hand over his now obvious baby bump. He had
finally allowed his alphas to breed him. Fuck that was a fun heat! His lips curved up into a
smile remembering it, and he felt the familiar curl of arousal lick through his body. He stood
up and carefully climbed the stairs that led out of his basement workshop and into the rest of
the house. He needed to go find his mates and have them fuck him six ways to Sunday.
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