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With You (For You)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Original Work
Relationships: Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Original Male
Character/Original Male Character/Original Male Character/Original
Male Character
Characters: Liam, Kit, Isac - Character, Nathan
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega
Dynamics, Alpha/Alpha, Omega/Omega, Alpha/Omega, Pack Dynamics,
Pack Feels, Pack, Animal Instincts, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and
Hurt/Comfort, Polyamorous Pack, Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling,
Scenting, Relationship Study, dynamic study, A/A, Dom/sub,
Worldbuilding, Biting, Instinct Study, Angst with a Happy Ending,
Angst, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Smut, Descriptive Sex, Praise
Kink, Dirty Talk, Puppy Play, Or more like Kit using AU relevant, Pet
Names, Knotting, Subspace, Healthy Relationships, Communication,
Breeding, Breeding Kink, But as always the pack is, Childfree, Kit's
mean Liam's keen, pinning, Wet & Messy, Scents & Smells, Love, Boys
In Love, Rutting, Mating Cycles/In Heat
Language: English
Series: Part 20 of Let Me Try
Stats: Published: 2023-10-14 Completed: 2023-10-17 Words: 29,083 Chapters:
With You (For You)
by coldcreation


Kit's having a hard time.

They figure it out.

Also known as the Sad!Kitty snippet.


This is original work. Please respect that and do not touch the characters or the story, or post
elsewhere without permission. Thank you. xx
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


“Hi, Iz,” Nathan said into the phone, looking around the busy street while trying to stay out
of the foot traffic. “What’s the place called again?”

“Hi-ya! I’m all done actually, I’ll come find you,” Isac replied, and then Nathan heard him
thank someone, other people’s voices muffled in the background. “Okay, ’m out. Where are

“Uhh…” Nathan turned around, eyeing the street he was on for landmarks. “There’s a huge
billboard on the side of a construction site? And the big statue-thing is at the other end of the

“Statue-thing..?” Isac hummed, the sounds of traffic crackling through his end. “Oh, you
mean the fountain?”

“Is it really a fountain if there’s never any water?” Nathan muttered, eyes squinting against
the sunlight that was peeking through the gaps in the clouds.

“Probably,” Isac laughed, and then; “I can see the billboard. Just a sec, don’t move.”

“Oka- Ah!”

Nathan almost dropped his phone, a familiar weight suddenly attached to his back and a pair
of legs wrapping around his waist. Isac’s arms squeezed over his chest and shoulders, and the
next thing Nathan knew was a loud, smacking kiss landing onto his cheek.

“Gotcha!” Isac declared smugly, grabbing Nathan’s phone from his floundering hand before
it actually got annihilated. Nathan watched him end their call, but mostly he just focused on
keeping Isac safely on his back, making sure his thighs were supported where they pressed
into Nathan’s sides.

“Almost dropped it…” Nathan complained, standing still so Isac could slip the phone into the
front pocket of his plaid shirt. Once Nathan felt it settle against his chest, he tilted his head
back, pressing his nose against Isac’s jaw. “Sorry I’m so late. Think I got a bit lost?”

“You’re fine, bub,” Isac said easily, purr already starting to roll happily against Nathan’s
upper back. “It’s on one of the smaller side-streets, bit hard to get to if you don’t know it’s

Nathan hummed, lifting his chin higher until Isac got the hint and pressed another, more
chaste kiss on his cheek. “Did you get it?”
“I did!” Isac cheered, bouncing a little, arms squeezing Nathan tighter. He then twisted to
awkwardly pull out the little fold-card Nathan had prepared and given him that morning.
Opening it for the both of them to see, Isac showed the tattoo shop’s branded gift-card,
already stickered inside of it. “Kit’s gonna be so excited! Don’t think he even knows the
artist's taking any appointments. And your note is so cute!”

“Well, it was on the lady’s Instagram, that’s where I saw it,” Nathan said, stubbornly
avoiding the cooing. Isac clearly had no intentions to uncling himself from Nathan’s back, so
Nathan trusted him to hang on by himself while he took the small card from his hands. It was
swiftly tucked safely away against Nathan’s phone in the pocket, effectively hiding the
handwritten words that now felt a whole lot more childish and inadequate than they had when
Nathan wrote them… “Hopefully Kit won’t see the post. That’d ruin the whole thing.”

“Nah,” Isac said, swinging his feet once Nathan’s hold returned to support his thighs. “If he’s
not seen it by now, I doubt he’d find out about it before we get home. He was still bein’ all
sleepy n’ sad when I left, earlier.”

Nathan pouted.

He’d had an early shift at the library, so he hadn’t really had the chance to spend any time
with the others in the morning. Isac and Liam had texted him throughout the day though,
letting him in on the fact that Kit, still, wasn’t feeling too well, not really getting out of bed
even after he had woken up.

“D’you… think it’s something to do with his work?” Nathan asked slowly, starting to head
down the street towards the bus stops, well used to hauling Isac around at this point. “Or
something else? It’s been a while already…”

“Mh, could be,” Isac said lightly, nuzzling under Nathan’s ear, the words ticklish on his skin.
“Could be a rut coming, too. That always makes things feel a bit more sensitive, even before
it fully hits.”

Nathan hummed, dodging a group of tourists taking pictures of the non-fountain statue. Isac’s
focus was on kneading Nathan’s chest with wandering fingertips, completely uncaring of
them being in such a public place.

“Why’re you gropin’ me?” Nathan huffed lightheartedly, looking around for cars before
crossing the street.

Isac squeezed with both hands.

“Why not? I like your titties,” Isac said innocently, and Nathan rolled his eyes, trying not to
blush as easily as he usually would. It was exactly why Isac said half the shit that he did, after

“Shut up,” Nathan said, bouncing Isac higher up on his back again, using it as a silent way of
retaliation. “Don’t say that.”
“My favourite wee titties,” Isac crooned into his ear, an impish grin obvious in his voice.
Then, just as they started to near their bus stop, he said: “Also, it’s nothing you’ve done.”

Nathan blinked, confused for a moment. He tried to crane his neck, but it was difficult to see
Isac’s face like this.


“Yeah,” Isac said, hugging Nathan properly around the chest, clearly not even entertaining
the idea of coming down and standing like a normal person. “It’s nothing you’ve said or
done. What’s bothering Kit, I mean. You’re fine.”



Nathan quickly ducked his head, feeling way too obvious and predictable, his face now
heating in silent, called out embarrassment.

“Awh, no,” Isac immediately soothed, rubbing his forehead against Nathan’s neck and jaw,
before repeating, “You’re fine, baby. I know it’s strange to see Kit like that, but... We’ll figure
it out. Okay?”

Nathan sighed, head still low, bottom lip pinched in between his teeth.

“I just… I really don’t like it when I don’t know what to do, to… to help, or… Just, to make
it better,” Nathan mumbled, leaning into the touch when Isac pressed his soft cheek against
his own.

“He says, while coming up with the best early birthday gift known to man,” Isac muttered
under his breath, pressing his nose against Nathan to scent him properly. And…

It was…


“I…” Nathan frowned, getting distracted. He tilted his head a little, trying to turn to take a
look again. “What is that?”

“What is what?” Isac asked innocently. Too innocently. Nathan huffed out a confused breath,
and then easily let go when Isac squirmed, finally ready to jump down.

“Why’s your…”

Nathan stared.

“What?” Isac grinned, impish and smug and knowing. Nathan had to force himself to close
his mouth, his brain still lagging behind what he was seeing.

Holy shit?

“You- you got your nose pierced?”

“Oh, this?” Isac pretended to be surprised, as if he had forgotten the little hoop now
decorating his left nostril. “Yeah, well. The place is a tattoo shop, they do piercings too.”



“Isac,” Nathan whined. He was really struggling to move his fixated gaze from the silver
ring, perfectly fitted for Isac’s small nose, somehow enhancing the summer freckles that were
scattered over the bridge of it.

“Y’like it, then?” Isac said, which was what finally snapped Nathan’s attention up, their eyes

Nathan could only nod, his feet shuffling him forward a little, just to get a closer look. Isac’s
lashes fluttered in a way that told Nathan how pleased he actually was by the stunned

“Good,” Isac said, mouth stretching into a big grin. “It was this or bleaching my hair. Figured
this is less work.”

“Looks really cool, Izzy,” Nathan said, his eyes still a little too wide, his voice ridiculously

But c’mon!

He really hadn’t expected… that!

“I know, right?” Isac said, bouncing up to stand on his tiptoes. He pressed the pleased curve
of his mouth against Nathan’s, almost making them miss the bus that was just slowing down
for the stop. “Thank you.”

By the time they got home, Nathan still wasn’t over it.

Isac was having the time of his life, of course.

“Nathan, focus,” Isac laughed, pulling on Nathan’s arm when he tried to just keep climbing
the stairs. He was completely distracted, sneaking glances at Isac, fully oblivious to the fact
that they already had the right floor.

“I’m focusin’,” Nathan muttered, ignoring the warmth on his cheeks as Isac slotted their
fingers together, pulling him down the short outside hallway.

“If I had known it’s this easy to fluster you - with my face - I would’ve done it ages ago,”
Isac said, pulling the front door open when they reached it. He stepped aside to let Nathan in
“‘s a pretty face,” Nathan said bravely through his own awkwardness, and then grinned,
pleased, when Isac puffed his chest out like a little songbird.

“Reckon the As will like it too?” Isac asked, kicking his chequered Vans off. The way he was
lingering near Nathan, instead of just running ahead to show his new piercing off, revealed
that it actually was a genuine question.

Nathan was still trying to figure out the things that had Isac’s secure confidence wavering.
There never seemed to be any rhyme or reason to it, and getting a piercing, which suited him
more than just well, definitely shouldn’t have been one of those things.

“You’ll give them a heart attack,” Nathan said firmly, “and a boner.”

“Oh, so that’s what happened to you at the bus stop! I see,” Isac gasped, grey eyes wide in

“Ugh,” Nathan said, successfully landing a sneaky poke on Isac’s ribs. With a surprised yelp,
Isac immediately karate-chopped the air in playful defence. Nathan just rolled his eyes,
huffing out a laugh at the theatrics. “Go show it to them, and leave me alone.”

“Show us what?” Liam asked through a yawn, arms lifted towards the ceiling as he stretched.
His t-shirt was pulling up with the move, revealing a sliver of pale skin and the scattering of
light hairs trailing down from his belly button and into his joggers.

He was coming from the bedroom, looking soft and rumbled, like he had just gotten up to
greet them.

Isac and Nathan were both already facing him, witnessing the way Liam opened his mouth to
continue, only to freeze when his eyes landed on Isac properly.

There was a short, silent standstill, until...

A small sound escaped Liam. Something curious, and somehow both throaty and high.

Nathan bit down on his bottom lip, noticing the pink that was quick to rise onto the highs of
Liam’s cheeks. It was very obvious on his fair skin, very endearing. His scent bursted
brightly with something excitable and warm.

Nathan noted how his feathery purr started to bubble beneath his breastbone in response.

“I can’t with you two,” Isac laughed, his scent going unabashedly pleased - happy - pleased -
pleased - proud. “Why are you like this? It’s not that big of a deal, is it? Y’dummies.”

Liam didn’t seem to be listening.

Instead he crossed the couple of steps to get to them, and then he was cupping Isac’s face,
tilting his head back, honeyed brown eyes bright as he took in the newness on his mate’s

“Looks so pretty on you, Iz.”

“Pretty?” Isac huffed, faking a beaking pout for his already pouty mouth, a smile twitching at
the corners. “It’s cool, Limo. Edgy. Rock n’ roll, baby!”

“My pretty prince,” Liam repeated seriously, leaning down so he could grab Isac around the
waist, effortlessly lifting him up into a big hug. Isac wrapped his legs around Liam, grinning,
pleased. “So hot.”

“I’ll accept hot,” Isac said, fingers already knotting into the waves of Liam’s blond hair.

Nathan smiled quietly at the sight the two of them made, always loving the fact that he got to
see them together like this. He could’ve happily just watched them forever, but Nathan also
wanted to let them have their little moment.

With a gently petting hand trailing along Isac’s spine, Nathan walked past the pair to get
further into the flat.

He did pause to rub his scent on Liam’s shoulder when the alpha made a gruff sound at him,
brown eyes pleading for a proper greeting from Nathan as well. He pressed his lips onto the
round of Liam’s shoulder for a lingering kiss, and then tilted his head until he was able to
nuzzle his cheek and the side of his nose against the same spot.

Liam was immediately back to his happy self with that, and Nathan, rolling his eyes with a
fond smile, left the two to…

Make out, by the looks of it.

Nathan kept smiling quietly to himself as he headed past the kitchen, turning right toward
where Liam had just appeared from. It really felt like forever since he’d been there in the
morning, and Nathan’s feet carried him to the bedroom without him even having to think
about it.

Leaving the house while knowing that one of his mates wasn’t quite their normal self went
against all of his instincts. It made sense why his omega would beeline straight to the source
of that concern once he got back.

“Hi, Kit,” Nathan called softly as soon as he stepped into the room.

Nothing seemed to be out of place, everything looking pretty much the same as it had earlier
in the day. The only real difference Nathan could detect were the curtains tucked to the sides
and the window cracked open to let in fresh air. Liam’s doing, no doubt, considering how it
looked like Kit hadn’t moved an inch since Nathan had last seen him.

Kit lifted his head at Nathan’s greeting, phone flopping from his hand. There was only a slow
delay to the smile that started to stretch his mouth, but it was just enough for Nathan to

“Natty,” Kit crooned, reaching his hands out with a sleepy grin. His eyes didn’t quite crinkle
the same way Nathan was used to, and the worry that had settled right below his breastbone
seemed to swell. “Wha’s up? Did you have a good time with Iz after work?”
Nathan allowed himself to be pulled onto the bed when he got close enough, and he nodded,
sighing happily as Kit’s arms wrapped around him.

“I should change first,” Nathan muttered, rubbing his nose against Kit’s shirt-covered chest.
“Still have my outside clothes on...”

“So?” Kit whined, petulantly tightening his hold on Nathan. Kit made him huff out a laugh
with the way he was already tugging Nathan up higher, nosing for his scent gland.

“Don’ wanna mess the sheets with these,” Nathan whined back, tilting his head to the side to
give Kit more room to nuzzle into his throat.

“Well, take ‘em off then,” Kit said, lightly pulling on the back of Nathan’s top. “Y’don’t need

“Hm… I’m sensing an ulterior motive here, sir,” Nathan huffed out, amused, but also secretly
a little flattered. He tried to hide the tellingly pleased pink of his cheeks by unloading his
phone onto the bedside table, the small card hidden safely under it.

Kit just tugged wordlessly on the hem of Nathan’s buttoned shirt.

This was definitely a cheeky habit of Kit’s, and Nathan knew by now that he’d sooner or later
end up giving in to the cuddly alpha’s pouting. It wasn’t the first time this had happened and
Nathan was sure it wouldn’t be the last. Which was why, instead of pretending to resist the
ruse to get him undressed, he shifted his weight so he was kneeling, and allowed Kit to
unbutton and pull his shirts off.

“No idea what you're on about,” Kit said, abandoning the clothes somewhere on the bed,
which… Counterproductive? Nathan was distracted from commenting exactly that, when Kit
pressed his open palms against his now bare sides, high up, right over the gentle waves of his
ribs. Kit sighed, clearly pleased. “Tha’s better.”

“If y’say so,” Nathan said, and then laughed when Kit’s hands found their way to the
waistband of his jeans next, a fresh pout rising back to his bowed lips as he tugged pointedly
at the belt loops. Kit’s brown eyes were in full puppy-mode when he peered up at Nathan
through his long, dark lashes, and… Nathan sighed, smile lifting the corners of his mouth.

Kit cheered quietly, and then watched, very patiently, as Nathan got up to kick the rest of his
day clothes off, only his boxer shorts remaining.

Straightening up, biting on the corner of his lip again, Nathan paused to eye the bedside table,
considering. As he draped the jeans over the arm of the office chair to deal with later, he
couldn’t ignore the little gift-card peeking out from under the phone.

The sliver of the messy crawl of his own handwriting made Nathan hesitate, the utterly
lopsided heart he’d attempted to draw all but leering at him.

It wasn’t… It wasn’t embarrassing, right?

Why did he feel like it was a bit embarrassing?

Or- or at least… It made Nathan feel very vulnerable. For some reason?


Surely Kit would just be happy to…

It was unlikely that he’d outright reject a gift… from Nathan. Or in general. Right? Maybe
he’d get a laugh out of the short childish note and the wonky heart, but… The gift itself
should still… work?


Nathan licked over his lips, sliding the little card out before his brain could twirl him dizzy.

Sorry you’re not feline purrfect, Kitty! x

Nathan cringed, so hard. It was a joke, at least partially, but still. Gosh, he should’ve come up
with something proper, not- not this! Google had really failed him…

Kit was already wiggling his fingers and making grabby hands for Nathan when he turned
fully back around. He went easily, happy shivers running along his spine as Kit pulled him
back onto the bed. His omega was melting under the attention too, a wriggly mess sending
pleased sparks through his veins.

“Wha’s you got there?” Kit enquired softly as he burritoed Nathan under the covers with him,
fussing with the pillows and the sheets and Nathan’s mussed fringe. The care left Nathan’s
cheeks a deeper pink under his shaky smile, and he found himself purring quietly as he
burrowed against Kit’s chest, toasty in their little bubble.

He almost forgot why he’d been feeling so nervous.


“Um, well…” Nathan all but mumbled, shifting a little restlessly despite how comfortably he
had nestled into Kit’s warmth. He traced the sharp edge of the card with the pad of his finger,
letting it dig in, just a bit. “I- Uh… I- I got you something?”

Nathan could scent the uptick of curiosity in Kit’s scent, but the warm palm rubbing up and
down his back never paused. Kit hummed encouragingly, tilting his chin low to press a kiss
on the top of Nathan’s head.

“For me?” Kit asked then, sounding genuinely surprised in his enquiry, his voice light and
adorably tiny. It made Nathan’s smile a little stronger, a little more sure.

Nathan nodded, and then poked his hand up from under the covers, offering the card out. He
couldn’t help the way his gaze remained low though, no matter how promising and reassuring
Kit’s reaction had been so far.
“Izzy and Liam helped,” Nathan tacked on, fingers curling into a fist when Kit shifted to
carefully take the gift from him. “But… It’s okay if you don’t… It was just a thought. A bit
silly, the note, and -” Nathan cleared his throat, pretending he didn’t sense the small
movements of Kit opening the card. His voice was barely there, when he added, “We can
cancel it, if it’s not, um… something you’d want?”

For a few, eternity-like moments, there was only silence.

Nathan was pretty sure he’d forgotten how to breathe.



And, oh.

Kit’s voice was wobbly.

Nathan scrambled to get his elbows under himself, propping his upper body up so he could
look at Kit, immediately scanning his face for the distress he’d just heard.

Scanning for- for the glint of tears in his eyes?

That’s… Those were…

Oh, god.

Oh, no.

“Kitty,” Nathan breathed out, sort of just… panicking? Internally. And maybe not so
internally, too. “Why- What’s wrong? D’you not -” The warm brown of Kit’s gaze
disappeared, his eyes squeezing shut. With the folded open card gripped delicately in
between his fingers, Kit pressed the inked backs of his palms against his face. Oh, no… Oh
no, oh no oh no - “Ah, it’s alright! I- Kit, don’t cry, ’s okay!”

Nathan’s hands felt too shaky as he shifted upwards to balance on his knees, thighs tucked
against Kit’s sides so he could reach out to cup his face without putting too much weight on

Nathan found himself purring a little louder, out of worry this time, and his whole chest felt
funny from the sudden sensation.

“Don’t be sad,” Nathan said, a whimper underlying his voice. And… Kit didn’t really scent
sad, but what the hell was Nathan supposed to think? He tugged gently on Kit’s thumb, and
then on the soft coils of his fringe that were drooping limply over his forehead and fingers.
“Kitty, please. Don’t hide. What’s- wha’s wrong?”

“Ah, no, no, ‘m not sad!” Kit finally gasped out, rushedly. “Nothing’s wrong. All good,
love,” the words were clearly meant to reassure Nathan, Kit’s voice thick but accompanied by
a soft, shaky laugh. “Sorry, pet. Everything’s okay. Just- I was… surprised.”
“‘t’was supposed to be a surprise,” Nathan said slowly, hesitantly syrupy relief starting to
trickle into his body, yet he was still eyeing Kit cautiously. He pulled on Kit’s hands again,
peering down at him when the alpha blinked his eyes open, dark lashes clumped wetly behind
his fingers. “But didn’t mean to make you upset…”

Kit sniffed, somehow ending up with a lopsided grin. He just looked at Nathan for a short,
silent moment, before exhaling out an airy chuckle, briefly using his knuckles to rub at his

“Silly,” Kit said then, voice raspy. He reached out one hand to curl it behind Nathan’s neck,
scruffing him in that gentle way Nathan had come to love. Kit turned to look at the card in his
other hand, all but staring. He was intently scanning the words, both Nathan’s and the printed
ones from the tattoo studio. “Not upset, I- I love it. Just… Really didn't expect to get
something like this just now, I suppose. I mean… Is there an occasion?”

Nathan shook his head, allowing Kit to pull him down for a brief kiss.

Thank You wasn’t really a scent, but it was… something like that.

“Uh, well, no. But it’s…” Nathan steeled himself, eyes briefly fluttering closed as Kit
massaged the back of his neck. He could do this. He could do words. Even if the words felt a
little too terrifying. “Early birthday gift? But mostly, just like… an ‘I like you’... sort of… o-

Kit’s teary gaze flitted between the card in his hand and Nathan’s undoubtedly flushed face,
his bowed lips popped open in… quiet amazement?

He breathed out another soft laugh then, a little disbelieving, a lot fond.

“Fuckin’ killing me, Nat,” Kit said, groaned, his fingers knotting into Nathan’s hair at his
nape, squeezing a little tighter. A pleasurable shiver ran up Nathan’s spine, and he tilted his
head into the firm kiss Kit reached up to press on his cheek. “How’d you even find out about
this? It’s- This… What?”

“It was on, um… on Instagram?” Nathan said, voice small and a tentative smile trying to
take over his face as he watched Kit go back to staring at the card. “The artist posted on their
story, and- and I was just really quick? Oh! There’s- there’s another day she might be able to
do it, too? So if you’re busy –”

“I’m so not busy! Holy shit, ’m the least busiest!” Kit blurted out loudly, wide eyed and
eager. He then surprised Nathan with an excited squirm, shifting Nathan and the bed along
with it, making him laugh. “D’you even realise how difficult it’s to get one of these from her?
Think she lives abroad for most of the year? I’ve- I’ve tried- Ahh, Nathan! What the hell!”

“So, you… like it?” Nathan asked, smiling a little too big now, happy to see the familiar
brightness back in Kit’s eyes. Even if said eyes were still looking a little misty.

Kit made an aborted sound from the back of his throat, and the next thing Nathan knew was
that he was being full-body hugged by Kit, face full of curls, lips pressed to his neck.
“Love it,” Kit said, vehemently, nuzzling deeper into Nathan, holding him tight. “Y’don’t
even know… Fuck… Thank you. Thank you.”

The purr that bubbled out was almost too ticklish, and Nathan leaned into Kit’s hold, happy
to have him press his scent and kisses all over his bare shoulder and neck.

Kit reached towards the bedside table a moment later, blindly but carefully setting the card
onto it. When he shifted back, he brought his hand to cup the back of Nathan’s head, his other
arm remaining behind Nathan’s shoulders.

For a stretching moment then, Kit just… held him.

Breathing him in.

So still.

There was something charged about it. Something intense, despite the stillness. Such a sharp
contrast to the burst of excitement just a moment earlier.

It was almost… desperate.

Kit’s scent was hard to read. A little muted, like something that a strong wave of heavy rain
had washed over, blending out the more obvious tells. Nathan frowned, hugging Kit back,
tight. As tight as he could, laying on top of him like that.

“Fuck, Nat…” Kit sighed, the exhale coming out uneven and trembling, teary, again. Right
away, Nathan tried to lift up to get a look at his face, but Kit just hugged him closer, lips
pressing another firm kiss against the side of Nathan’s head. “No, ’s okay, ‘s okay… I
promise ‘m not cryin’ ‘cause I’m sad. Promise ‘m not upset, love, just… Just- This is so
thoughtful and- And y’re… You’re perfect, y’know that? So perfect.”

“Kitty…” Nathan whined, quickly feeling overwhelmed himself. Pleased, but also… unsure.
His omega felt… shaky, and he could tell there was still something very off with Kit’s
instinctual side as well, no matter how he tried to reassure Nathan with his actions and words.

“No, I mean it, ‘s okay,” Kit said, refusing to let go, just hugging Nathan tighter. “Thank you
so much. I love –”

Kit swallowed, exhaling shakily.

He pressed another lingering kiss to the side of Nathan’s head.

“I love it. So much.”

Chapter End Notes

I think I'm more stressed about posting this than I ever was with CYE... Probably
because this one genuinely almost kicked my butt! :')
LIAM - 1/2
Chapter Notes

If you'd like someone to blame for how long it took me to finish this whole story, you
have my full permission to blame this chapter :))) xx

See the end of the chapter for more notes

LIAM 1/2

“Izzy… I have a favour to ask,” Liam said quietly, dropping his forehead to rest on Isac’s
shoulder. His lips felt warm and buzzing after their thorough makeout session, but Liam still
highly doubted that it was enough to mellow Isac down for what he was about to ask. “You’re
not going to like it.”

Isac’s fingers dug into Liam’s upper back, a silent telltale of how he immediately felt about
the direction of this conversation.

Liam sighed, adjusting his hold, hands cupped under Isac’s thighs and bum. He only shifted a
little, keeping Isac close with the support of Isac’s legs wrapped around his waist, their fronts
pressed together. In all fairness, he probably should’ve lowered Isac down for a conversation
like this, but… his recently more agitated alpha really didn’t like the sound of that.

Liam kept Isac’s back pressed to the hallway’s wall, snug and hidden behind Liam’s bulk;
protective instincts begrudgingly soothing the tiniest bit.

It wouldn’t last long though.

What Liam was about ask would be pure torture to his already out of sorts alpha.

“D’you think you and Nathan could head out again for a couple of hours, in a bit?” Liam
asked, lifting his head from Isac’s shoulder to look him in the eye. Predictably, Isac appeared
unhappy with what he was hearing, a furrow pressing in between his expressive brows. He
looked hesitant, more than anything, and Liam couldn’t help but lean in to brush their lips
back together, hoping to appease those concerns. “I don’t wanna kick you guys out but… I
think it’s time I see what I can do about this whole... Well. About Kit.”

It would’ve already been completely obvious to Isac what Liam meant, even without him
saying it out loud. It was pretty much all they had been able to think about, lately.

Kit’s alpha hadn’t been responding like it usually would.

It hadn’t been responding like it should. Where it usually was a secure wall to lean and rest
against, there now was just… barely anything. Just give.
It felt so quiet in that space, and Liam knew that Isac and Nathan felt that silence too. It was
unnerving, like a huge part of their foundation had gone missing, the ground unstable under
their feet.

“Okay… Alright,” Isac sighed after a short pause, lifting one hand to gently tug on Liam’s
hair at his nape. “I mean, I really don’t like the idea of leaving the flat again, and ’m not sure
how Nathan, or his O, will react either, but… Yeah, I think…” Isac shook his head with
another sigh, his frown growing heavier, scent dulling. “Just… Do what you can, but don’t-
not on your own expense, Li? I know you’re feeling a bit funny too and you want to fix
things, but we’re all here. Y’don’t need to take it all on alone, pup. We’ll help.”

Liam knew that Isac was right, he knew it wasn’t all on him. However, knowing it and
feeling it were so very different with all the noise coming from his hindbrain.

Liam’s alpha was confused.

It was an overtired and utterly overwhelmed mess. It wasn’t just the unusual sense of
suddenly having most of the instinctual weight of the pack on Liam’s shoulders, but also the
concern and puzzlement over just purely missing his alpha.

“‘m just worried,” Liam murmured quietly, closing his eyes when Isac brought his hand
around to cup his cheek. “Really don’t like seeing Kit like this. Feels… ‘s all wrong.”

Just simply on a human level, Liam absolutely hated seeing Kit feel so low and exhausted.
His instincts, on top of that, were going haywire. Constantly, panickingly, reaching for the
mate-bond that had all but gone dormant. It was still there, of course it was, but it felt so…
bizarre. Almost as if Kit’s alpha had gone underwater; there, but so distorted and distant that
the depths it had withdrawn to felt impossible to reach from the surface.

Isac’s purr kicked into gear, humming out comfortingly as he wrapped his arms behind
Liam’s neck for a big squeeze.

He didn’t need to say anything else. They both knew exactly what the other was feeling.

It was starting to reach such a miserable, unbearable point. Instinct driven or not, Liam really
felt like it was about time that he, as their standing alpha, did something about it. He knew it
wasn’t just on him, they all worried and looked after each other, but…

Clearly some time and rest alone weren’t doing the trick, like they had originally hoped.

The pack could withhold the turbulence and discomfort just fine, they were solid enough
even if it was unpleasant and stressful. However, Liam could no longer sit idly while Kit fell
deeper into the whatever-caused misery he had been pulled into for days.

And if Liam couldn’t trigger Kit’s alpha back online, then…


Wouldn’t be the first time Liam phoned the GP’s office for one of his mates.

Kit had barely lifted his head when Liam made his way through the dimly lit room to get to
the bathroom. It was just too damn quiet... Both literally, and on the mental level where their
designations usually manifested.

It wasn’t easy, but Liam forced himself to keep the ever cumulating worries and discomfort
in check for a little while longer. He needed to have his head clear for now, just so he could
make up a simple plan for how to go on about this.

Anything too complicated would be destined to fail. The moment his - and hopefully also
Kit’s - instincts kicked in, there was no longer much space for complex navigation. The plan
couldn't be anything too inflexible either, as there had to be room to adapt with the situation.

But that was... fine.

The main goal was to just take care of Kit.

To take care of Kit meant taking care of his alpha, and taking care of Kit’s alpha usually
meant letting Kit’s alpha take care of Liam. To just… Let it take over him, make Liam
submit, pin him… Whatever those instincts needed to do to feel like Liam and his instinctual
side were claimed and put in their place, protected.

It was something Liam had learned to notice over the years. Subconsciously the two of them
had always followed that instinctive routine, but rationally it often felt more… difficult.

Liam loved doting on the people he loved. It had, and still did, mess with his head that
sometimes the best way to take care of Kit instinctually, was to do nothing. No active doing,
just letting Kit take care of him, when all Liam wanted to do was to take care of Kit instead.

It could get confusing, especially since both of them had fairly strong protective and herding
instincts just waiting to pop up. It was natural for alphas to want to actively participate to
fulfil those impulses, and it was how their dynamics remained balanced and healthy.

It wasn’t impossible, but having more than one highly dominant alpha definitely made
navigating those instincts a little more… interesting.

It could be a bit of a challenge, at times.

Liam’s alpha just wanted to protect Kit from whatever it was that was troubling him. Of
course those instincts would get confused when, instead of standing strong to keep a mate
safe, they were pushed to submit and roll over. Just so that the hurt mate could take care of
things instead…

There was no explaining to his hindbrain that letting go of the reins would be the very thing
that’d help.

Ah… Or, well… In theory it should help, at least.

But what did Liam really know? He was just guessing here, and hoping for the best.
There was no predicting how Liam’s alpha would react if he actually managed to provoke
Kit’s more dominant side back to life. Especially not after those reins had been dropped on
Liam so suddenly and so completely, out of the blue.

All this had been going on for some time now, too. Liam’s alpha would no doubt feel
extremely hesitant to let go of that control, even though it didn’t come naturally to him to be
in charge to this extent.

Because… From Liam’s alpha’s tunnel visioned point of view:

Who would steer if Liam didn’t?

Who would ‘protect’ them, if he wasn’t there to do so? Where should he hide the omegas, in
case things went really wrong and they needed to be kept safe and unharmed? Why had they
even left his side? It wasn’t safe for them to go outside alone, was it? Alpha was unwell and
Liam needed to make sure he was safe so the omegas were safe and the house was safe and –


Distressed instincts really weren’t always the most rational and easy to bargain with… Which
was exactly why Kit’s alpha would likely have to take the reins, whether Liam’s wanted to
hand them back over or not.

And that was only if they managed to lure Kit’s instincts out in the first place.

Liam sighed, trying not to worry too much. He knew this was going to be trickier than usual,
but he really wasn’t sure what to expect here. Just… Who the fuck knew what Kit’s
instinctual side was up to, acting so strange like this?

Did it even matter if Liam had a plan?

Maybe not…

But he had to at least try.

Liam took a lot more time in the shower than usual, making sure the heat of the water had
time to relax his muscles while he thoroughly cleaned himself. The bathroom was quick to
fog up despite the fan humming away, and Liam’s skin turned steadily more pink the longer
he remained under the spray.

He knew that Nathan didn’t mind if the others used his nicer shower products, but Liam still
made sure to use the gently floral foam sparingly, enjoying how soothing and familiar it
smelled. It was subtle and lovely, very non-offensive mixed with Liam’s own scent.
Sweetness like this wasn’t necessarily what Liam used regularly on himself, but the softness
of the scent was unthreatening and inviting.

Liam hoped it’d coax his own alpha into feeling all sweet as well, whilst urging Kit’s to come
investigate the scent that was usually connected to their most submissive omega.
Honestly, anything that would help, at this point… And it wasn’t like it was a hardship to
smell as delicious as Nathan.

It was getting dark in the bedroom by the time Liam finally stepped back out, fresh, soft
shorts and a t-shirt clinging to his heated and still shower damp skin. He hung the towel up to
dry, and then padded to the window to close the curtains.

When Liam switched the bedside light on, Kit remained just an unmoving tuft of curly hair
poking out from the pillows.

Liam took in the miserably twisted state of the sheets as he stopped to stand right by the bed.
A couple of throw blankets had found their way into the mix, and Liam noted the soft shirts,
jumpers and hoodies tucked under the pillows, close to the headboard. The plaid shirt Nathan
had been wearing when he got home earlier was there, alongside the things Liam recognised
to be his, and Isac’s.

Alphas didn’t really nest, at least not in the same way as heated or comfort seeking omegas
did, but it wasn’t that unusual for them to want their mates’ scents close whenever they felt
unwell, vulnerable, or particularly needy.

However, it wasn’t something Kit usually ever did. It was very cute, but nonetheless

With one last deep breath, Liam got on the bed. The dipping mattress was finally what alerted
Kit into turning his head a little.

“Hey,” Liam whispered, gently tugging on the blanket to get a proper look at Kit’s face.

He looked very drowsy, but Liam was more focused on the worried tension around his brown

“Think I made Nathan sad…” Kit sighed instead of a greeting, slowly shifting to rub his face.
His eyes looked a little puffy, although Liam wasn’t sure if it was from tears or just pure
fatigue. Perhaps both. “He came in all nervous with the sweetest fuckin’ gift, so of course I
just cried all over him like an idiot.”


That answered that one.

“He’s fine,” Liam said softly, tone purposefully soothing, but firm enough that it’d hopefully
allow Kit to stop worrying. “Just seemed excited that you liked it. I heard him telling Izzy all
about it before they left.”

Kit was quiet for a moment.

His eyes lingered heavily on the wall behind Liam, as if he could see through it and to the
front of the flat if he just tried hard enough.
“Thought I heard the door…” Kit said then, brow pulling into a deeper frown. “Where did…

Liam tilted his head slightly, taking in a stabilising breath. “We agreed it’d be better if they
head out for a bit longer. So we can… talk.”

Kit frowned harder.

That pained look alone was enough to have Liam release the breath he had just taken in a
long, heavy sigh. The smile he tugged on afterwards was only a little bit manufactured.

“Hey,” Liam said again, shifting slightly closer on the bed so he could pet a hand over Kit’s
arm, playfully giving it a couple of massaging squeezes, “We can do it.”

“‘m fine,” Kit just grunted, stubbornly still looking the other way, jaw tense.

“You are,” Liam said, going for a cheeky tone. Kit still didn’t react, and Liam, trying not to
deflate, added, “Kit, c’mon… You know we should talk about it.”

Unfortunately, it was getting glaringly obvious that rational talk was unlikely to get them
anywhere. This didn’t feel like a rational issue to begin with. It seemed to be something to do
with the instinctual side, just like Liam had worried.

Liam swallowed, silently begging for his alpha to behave as he deliberately leaned into his
instincts, opening the mental door for them to come forward a little more.

Luckily, instead of trying to immediately pin Kit like a lunatic – or, holy shit, mock-mount
him out of some misguided attempt of dominance – Liam’s alpha went the other, although
just as puppyish route.

Leaning down to nuzzle over Kit’s shoulder, Liam allowed an instinct-born, playful
vocalisation to climb up his throat.

“Kit…” Liam coaxed, a soft rumble underlying his voice. He laid fully down on the bed,
squirming until he was right up against Kit, nudging the alpha for attention. When nothing
happened, he huffed, jostling the whole bed with his bulk, quickly getting whiny. “Kitty.”

Liam’s alpha was feeling very needy, like it had been for a while now. It was desperate for
any acknowledgment from Kit’s instinctual side, and didn’t hesitate to nip lightly at the fabric
of Kit’s top, tugging on it just to be a nuisance.

“’m tired, Li,” Kit said, and there was a slight warning buried somewhere beneath the words.

It should’ve made Liam nervous.

It did.

It was also exhilaratingly exciting.

There was a real risk that he’d get his arse kicked if he let his alpha keep pushing like this,
but Liam also knew that… that was kind of the goal? If talking wouldn’t do the trick,
hopefully provoking Kit’s instincts would get them somewhere.

Bravely, Liam growled a little. Just a soft, playful sound, before he pretended to bite Kit’s
upper arm, leaning heavier over his body.

To his surprise, and utter discomfort, Kit just flopped deeper into the sheets, showing…

Showing his throat.


It startled Liam’s alpha, completely.

It made him freeze, eyes widening. The whine that rushed out was bordering on hurt, the
conflict loud as it echoed all the way through Liam’s body.

This is all wrong, his instincts screamed, terrifyingly confused.

Liam jerked back harshly, quick to pull his weight off of Kit’s body, a whimper stuck in his
suddenly tight throat. His alpha was getting increasingly more stressed, something akin to
instinctual panic starting to sting through his veins.

Liam couldn’t help the way his alpha bared his teeth in a snarl, an anxious chuff hissing out
from between them. His breathing was rapidly picking up, becoming almost panting in just a
couple of short seconds. It was an unfamiliar sensation, and Liam realised it wasn’t just his
alpha that felt more than a little spooked by all this.

This was not how things were supposed to go with Kit.

Holy shit.

When Kit moved, rushing to look at Liam with concern in his eyes, the sudden movement
had Liam’s alpha forcing him flat down on the bed in a flash.

His body felt like it weighed a ton, the mattress somehow both too hard and too soft under

Liam’s heart was beating way too fast. When he stretched his neck to hastily show alpha his
throat, the whimper that rushed out sounded like an animalistic cry. Belly up, fingers fisting
into messy sheets to stay out of the way… Liam’s scent curled into something begging,
something submissive enough to finally pull a deep growl from Kit.

The growl was cut short very quickly, very intentionally.

“Ah, Li, baby, no,” Kit whispered, distressed urgency heavy on his voice, hands already
reaching for Liam. “Y’don’t have to do that. Not for me.”
The alpha in Liam mourned the disturbance to the more instinctive communication, Kit’s
growl having been the first proper sign of his alpha’s presence in a long while. It was
promising that there were some signs of life though, which was why Liam just hummed in

He felt hesitantly more content to close his eyes now, head tilting back further.

“Shit… I keep muckin’ this up,” Kit gritted to himself, clearly agitated. “First got Nat all
confused ‘n upset, and now… Ah, fuckin’ damnit…”

Liam focused really hard to lean into that unfamiliarly full-bodied submission, allowing the
pheromones and the scent of it pour out, shameless and needy, beckoning.

He could do nothing but hope that it would be provoking enough to lure Kit’s alpha out some
more. If this wasn’t enough to trigger his alphan need to dominate and claim, Liam wasn’t
sure what would be.

This was easy pickings.

Kit’s alpha just needed to… show up and take.

“Fuck…” Kit growled finally, after a long, tense moment. His breathing was heavier too, and
his scent suddenly so domineeringly dark that it made Liam squirm in hesitance, no matter
how good and exciting it felt as well. “Y’have to… Hold on, jus’... careful, Liam.”

Liam didn’t want ‘careful’.

His alpha didn’t want ‘careful’, either.

It was probably impossible to show his bared throat off any more, but Liam sure did his best
to try. Alpha look look look, his instincts begged, an almost irrationally desperate whimper
tickling past his lips. For you. Look, look!

Kit cursed, his scent flaring even stronger. Something anxious was building in the air, and
Liam’s ears hummed too loudly, all his senses feeling like everything was buzzing

Liam wasn’t sure, but his eyes might’ve felt a little damp.


For you.

Alpha. Look!


You don’t- want -?

Just before Liam’s alpha had the chance to get scared of true rejection, confident teeth
pressed down around his windpipe.

Holding, firm.

No doubt leaving marks, but never enough to draw blood or affect his hitching breathing.

The loud growl that followed was hot on Liam’s skin, and his eyes squeezed shut to hide the
way they rolled back. It was so bloody overwhelming. If the animal in the back of Liam’s
mind had had a material form, it would’ve pissed itself under the rush of joy and submission,
and the twitchy, overexcited nervousness.

Kit’s palms cupped around Liam’s jaw, holding his head even as his teeth kept him securely
pinned down already.

It was more than enough to have Liam’s scent spike tellingly.

There was no mistaking it.

“Fuck, Liam, pup, what are you –”

“Y’should fuck me,” Liam exhaled quickly, remaining in place even after the words echoing
his scent had Kit freezing.

“I… But… Are you- Are you sure?” Kit asked after another tense silence, trying to search for
the answer in Liam’s eyes. He was failing to do so because Liam wouldn’t meet his gaze,
Liam’s instincts keeping his eyes firmly lowered. “I mean… Really don’t… have to? I know
what you’re trying to do, and I get it, but - I’m honestly fine. I’ll be fine.” Liam’s alpha could
immediately feel the returning wavering hesitance in Kit’s energy, yet it still kept Liam
pinned in place, desperate to please Kit, desperate for the attention. “I know y’don’t like it all
the time, and I- I don’t want to make you, like, force yourself? If you really aren’t feeling it
today? I know I’ve been… weird, but that doesn’t mean you have to take on something you
don’t -”

“I do like it, though,” Liam rushed out, cutting Kit off. His instincts prickled at him for doing
so, but holy shit, Liam was not going to let Kit think he didn’t like it. “I mean, yeah, my A’s
not always down for it, but I like it. And- well. I don’t think my A would ever allow it with
any other alpha but you? Like, all the way, y’know, but… I’m not forcing it, I do like it. And
I like the other things we do, too.” Liam noticed the way Kit was starting to tense from the
mere offhand mention of someone else, so he quickly moved on from that specific notion.
Despite the hesitance, Kit’s possessive alpha was definitely closer to the surface now than on
a regular day, and it was such a stark difference to just a moment ago. Hell, just seconds ago,
even. “It depends on the mood, really, and how much time we have. Y’know it takes a bit
more than with Iz and Nat, so it‘s just less hassle, and just as good to do something else a lot
of the time.”

Kit was quiet again for a bit after that, remaining a heavy weight on Liam’s body, keeping
him pinned under him.
“So… Your alpha doesn’t mind it now?”

“Kit,” Liam sighed. “My instincts are making it feel like the world will bloody end if I don’t
get your attention. Your A’s been so… distant lately, we’ve all noticed it. I think mine would
do pretty much anything just to please you at this point.”

“But I don’t want you to do it just because it’ll please me!” Kit all but growled, the sharp cut
of his jaw tensing, shoulders rising with the obvious tension flaring in his body. “I want you
to want it, because you like it.”

“Alpha,” Liam said calmly, the choice of word very much purposeful. Predictably, as if a
string had been yanked, Kit’s pupils blew wider as they zeroed sharply on Liam. “Pleasing
you, or Isac, or Nathan, is literally the biggest thing that pleases me. It’s such a turn on. You
know this. We have talked about it. My A might act out a little, but it’s been craving it too,
trust me.”

Liam waited for the frustrated growl to die down from Kit’s chest, quietly watching as the
vulnerable, anxious unsureness returned on his handsome face. The weight of such stress was
saddening to see, making Liam’s insides twist uncomfortably. He added, softer; “I like it, I
want it, and the fact that your instincts will be happy makes it even better for me.”

“But… Liam…”

“Do you not want to?” Liam asked. He really yearned to reach out, just to touch Kit, but he
knew that Kit’s alpha wanted him to stay put and likely would see it as pushing it, if he tried
to move now. “I know we haven’t done it in a while, kinda busy with figuring things out with
the whole pack and all that. But it’s okay if you don’t feel up for it. Just like it would be okay
if I didn’t.”

“I do!” Kit rushed to say, fingers flexing against Liam’s skin. “I do want to… ’m just… My
instincts feel funny, and- and I don’t want to accidentally get too rough with you. Especially
because it’s been so long since the last time.”

“I don’t mind rough,” Liam said simply, honestly. Kit’s brows pulled tighter together at that.
It really was such an interesting juxtaposition to how their instincts usually presented
themselves. Everything about how Liam was feeling was rather steady and calm, although
oddly puppyish. That was very different from how Kit was evidently faring; even his scent
was muddled with some confusing, demanding static.

Liam gave a small shrug when the silence started to stretch again, seeing the way Kit
hesitated. “Just need to prep well. It’s fine.”

It really was.

Kit, however, still didn’t look like he quite agreed.

Liam just tilted his head even more then, not in a rush while Kit processed whatever it was
that was plaguing him about this.
“It’s just… My A feels like it wants to- to…” Kit sighed, his eyes squeezing shut. “It’s being
so fuckin’ crude now. Like, proper nasty. And- and the stuff I know it wants, the way it wants
it… it feels… ‘m just… Any other time I’d be all over you, but I just… feel so off. Doesn’t
make sense…” Kit blinked his eyes back open after another stretched pause, just in time to
see Liam starting to come up with a response. He shook his head though, and so Liam
remained quiet, listening.

It was easy to tell that Kit wanted to make it explicitly clear why he was hesitating; needed to
make it clear what exactly they were dealing with here. “Look, I know you don’t mind
submitting to me, and I know that you enjoy it, but… I don’t want to make you feel…
degraded, just because my alpha is having some pent-up ego trip all of a sudden.”

Liam looked thoughtfully at Kit, mapping his face without meeting his gaze.

He had dark bruises under his eyes, everything just on the wrong side of tight, the tension
subtle, but there. Liam could tell that his dimples were digging in unhappily at the sight, his
mouth pressing into a line as he huffed out a breath through his nose.

“Your alpha wants to make me its bitch, doesn’t it?” Liam finally asked, and Kit flinched. His
eyes flicked guiltily to the side.

“Something like that…” Kit said quietly, voice rough and stiff.

“And since when has that been a problem?”

Kit quickly blinked back at him, bowed lips slightly parted, confusion pressing a crease in
between his dark brows.


“You know my alpha will always go belly up for you in the end, if you just ask,” Liam said
patiently, but also knowing that he was being a bit provoking now: “Or arse up, y’know?
Whatever you want, Kitty.”

That had Kit’s fingers digging deeper into Liam’s skin, a soft growl hissing past his teeth.

He wasn’t saying anything though, so Liam sighed, hoping that Kit’d trust him on this, “It
feels good to submit to you. It feels right.”

They had most definitely had this discussion in the past, multiple times in some shape or

But Liam understood, he could see that Kit was feeling unsure. Hell, they both felt more than
a little shaken up, not having dealt with something like this before. It was no wonder there
was a need to check in with each other and their instinctual balance. Even if they found that
nothing had changed, it did always settle them to re-establish where they stood with each

“Like, sure, some days my alpha will want to fuck about and find out, rather than instantly
roll over, but the end goal and result is always the same. It feels natural, and it feels good
when y’can… ah… Y’know… Use me.”

“‘Use y–’?” Kit groaned, cutting off sharply, his jaw tensing. He pulled one hand away from
Liam, rubbing it over his own face in frustration. “Fuckin’ hell, Liam…”

Liam rushed to shake his head.

“No, listen,” he said, finally deciding to move despite his instincts’ push-back. He slowly
grabbed Kit’s wrist to pull his hand away from where he had gone to cover his eyes. “It’s
good. It feels good, and I don’t mean just physically. My instincts… they thrive on it,
y’know? Makes me feel like I’m being useful, and- and pleasing your alpha. My alpha takes
it as an achievement. So it’s… It’s not just about your alpha making me submit. It’s me…
wanting you to take over.”

It was all true.

And suddenly it was so important for Liam that Kit knew.

“Alpha…” Liam continued before Kit could say anything. His tone was even softer now. “It
doesn’t feel degrading when you let yourself and your instincts dominate me. It feels safe.”

Kit swallowed, eyes dark and a little pained.

He shook Liam’s hold off of his wrist, and then pinned Liam’s arm firmly back down against
the bed. “Even if I might say something… something not so great?”

Liam lifted his brows.

“You’re acting like y’haven’t had me whining on your cock before... Telling me I’m taking it
like a good dump, wet and begging for it like a heated up O,” Liam said flatly.

Kit groaned again, but at last Liam saw the small tug of a familiar smirk on his lips. “Fine.
Yeah, you’re right. Just… I just feel weird. I don’t want to accidentally make things worse,

Which was understandable.

On an instinctual level, nine times out of ten it was purely about dominance, or exerting
dominance, whenever Kit fucked Liam. No matter how gently he’d do it, their base instincts
would always see it as Kit staking a claim on Liam, putting him in his place, and showing
him that Kit’s alpha was in charge.

Of course it was intense, and of course the more dominant alpha would be nasty about it,
especially the rare times Liam’s would actually kick up a proper fight. There was just no way
of knowing which way it would go this time… Which was why it was so nerve wracking.

They had a lifetime of trust and respect in between them though, and they always made sure
to check in with each other regularly. Over the years it had become easier to differentiate
those more primal urges from their rational and emotional sides. There was a lot of overlap,
but little by little they had been able to figure out how their alphas operated when it came to
each other.

Yes, it was sometimes frustrating how they had to work around flaring dominant instincts, but
they had also learned to be understanding.

It took some extra effort to manage everything at times, but the rewards really overshadowed
any negatives. It was simply a part of their nature, and all in all things had worked out really
well for them so far.

Liam was certain they’d figure this out, too, no matter how intimidating and different the
situation was. And, in all honesty, Liam thought that he was much better off having Kit’s
alpha balancing out his own. Even with the way things could get a bit tricky sometimes.

Liam also knew that traditionally some people said it wasn’t realistic, or even possible long
term… Clearly they were wrong, so, fuck them.

There was no release and relief quite like the one he got from submitting to Kit. Although
equally gratifying as what Liam felt with Isac’s and Nathan’s omegas, it was distinctively

It wasn’t just an opportunity for Liam and his instincts to let go, trusting Kit to take care of
everything, but it was also an opportunity for Kit’s alpha to feel fully in control. To feel
powerful, strong, and capable…

Kit had hesitated to admit it out loud, but he had told Liam that having a big, strong alpha
like Liam submit to him – to make him submit, too – was a decent sized part of what held up
Kit’s instinctual confidence. Which… There was a reason why Kit was the head alpha.

If he could take, and take care of someone like Liam like this, there were no doubts about his
footing as the lead of the pack.

Kit still often said that Liam would make a better head alpha; always calm and always so
good at taking care of everyone. But Liam knew that it’d never work, and they could both
feel it. He didn’t have the… He just wasn’t wired like that.

His alpha would topple under the instinct-driven responsibility. Liam’s wasn’t nearly as
dominant as Kit’s, and even though Kit often complained how frustrating it was to have such
a strong alphan side, Liam also knew that Kit had the willpower and confidence to keep all of
that in check. Whereas Liam shied away from the pressure of leading, Kit had always known
how to lean into it.

In the end, when it came to Kit, Liam’s alpha was nothing but an eager to please pup.

Any other A?

No fuckin’ chance.

His instinctual side was very dominant when side by side with many of the alphas he came in
contact with in his daily life. It wasn’t that Liam wasn’t confident or strong, he just didn’t…
thrive in leadership positions. Not instinctually, at least, and not when it came to pack and
Kit, specifically. There was no need for it, no internal pull to push their natural dynamics.

It was hard to imagine how Liam would’ve felt if he hadn’t known Kit growing up,
because… He had always had Kit? Liam didn’t even know what it was like to exist without
his alpha to lean on.

And frankly, he did not want to find out.

His instincts would’ve been a completely lost mess. Liam would’ve been a mess, trying to
navigate life without Kit. Considering how rough the past days had been, it was hard to even
think how it’d be if Kit ever actually had to go away for a longer time. Or if something bad
were to happen, to any of them…

Ah. Nevermind that. No use dwelling on things that hadn’t happened.

Still, it would’ve been so easy to get nervous, knowing how intertwined their lives had
always been and how much Liam actually relied on Kit. But… Liam just felt too safe with
him, and with their pack, to worry.



That’s what it kept coming back to. That’s what Kit and his alpha had felt like to Liam,

He had felt safe enough to move halfway across the country with Kit. Encouraged by him to
chase some silly dreams in footy. Dreams that had turned out to be less silly than Liam
could’ve ever imagined.

He’d just only started to grow out of the awkward teenage gangliness, height shooting past
even Kit’s, bulking up, everything broadening, firming up, like a puppy slowly growing into
its too-big paws. Barely matured enough to start working on getting his driver’s licence, and

Yet Liam had believed Kit when he had said that Liam could do it. Could do it all. The move,
the new town, the academy, the contracts, the team… And later; the press, the meetings, the
public speaking, the fans, the pressure...

There was no way Liam would’ve been able to do all that without Kit. He’d felt so young,
back then. Fuck, he had been so young. They both had been. And Liam had been so uncertain
if he was making the right decisions.

Kit had remained his anchor all the way through it. No matter how new and scary and risky
everything had felt, Liam had known that someone had him. Had his back.

And here Kit was, struggling and stressed as his alpha kept acting up for some unclear
reason, yet he just worried about overstepping, concerned that he’d somehow make Liam feel
bad, or that he might hurt him too much physically.
All the while their base instincts were more than happy with everything they shared, even if
they had to snap and growl and bite it out to get there.

That was just how their alphas were with each other. And sometimes… Sometimes it was
better that the more rational side just shut up, allowing the instincts to take the lead.

Kit seemed to mentally shake himself, consciously loosening the tension from his shoulders,
allowing his chin to lift up. It was almost tangible how Kit’s alpha had started to react to
Liam’s now, his freely displayed submission luring Kit’s instincts alive from wherever the
hell they had been withdrawn to.

As Liam had gambled, it was too tempting for Kit’s alpha to ignore such perceived
‘weakness’ from Liam’s instinctual side. Such an overplayed sign of submission as Liam
physically rolling over for Kit, was a mental trigger for Kit’s alpha to come and overpower

Liam was already down for him, wasn’t he?

It looked natural on him, Kit’s alpha almost visibly swelling now that Kit had clearly made
the decision to loosen his iron grip on it.

Liam knew that it was still an effort for Kit to step into this role, his instincts behaving so
unpredictably. Just because it suited him and looked natural, they both knew what the last
couple of weeks had been like. There was no way of knowing how their instincts would
react; this situation a lot more artificially orchestrated than what they usually ever dealt

“Okay… Alright,” Kit said then, slowly pushing to sit up fully, hands gentling over Liam’s
arms. “But let’s start slow, just to… Just to see how this goes?”

It was a good idea.

And it immediately proved to be a good idea, because it did not start…

Well, it was not like anything Liam was used to feeling when they had done something like
this in the past, that was for certain.

The immediate flip-flopping Liam’s alpha did from quietly tame to borderline hostile just
confirmed how important it really was to tread carefully. Just Kit’s palm slipping to cup
Liam’s nape had his hackles rising in a flash, his muscles locking up as if his alpha was
preparing to…

To be attacked?

Gone was the gently probing submission from before that had been keen to reach out to Kit’s
alpha, soft and yearning and concerned. Now that Liam could sense Kit’s more domineering
side sparkling back to the surface, he felt like his own alpha was pissing itself, but not in a…
good way. It was quickly startled into posturing and baring its teeth, aggressively trying to
upkeep the position it had been forced into.
The position it didn’t even want in the first place.

If Liam’s alphan side had been the type to crave ‘power’, these past days would’ve been the
optimal time to strike. To most alphas, any show of weakness was like a beacon, a primordial
calling that too easily rallied aggression on an instinctual level. It was something that echoed
in the animal kingdom, any weakness or injury basically just an invite to get killed or chased
off, offspring destroyed, pack or pride or flock taken over.

It was the human side and society that had watered down these impulses over the years,
making them practically nonexistent. Brutish traits that could’ve guaranteed success in the
wild, thousands of years ago, were now considered to be merely a gut feeling most knew how
to reel in to avoid unnecessary conflict. To any sane person, true hostility when facing
someone else's perceived fragility, was the real weakness.

In the modern day, instincts were a great tool and the key when it came to building strong
bonds and relationships. They were secondary to rational thinking for the most part, yes, but
in some areas the instincts did take the lead.

It would’ve made sense if Liam’s alpha had started to disregard Kit’s, no matter how
uncomfortable that idea felt to Liam’s more logical side. Instincts didn’t operate on the same
wavelength as human sensibilities; Liam could love Kit-the-person all he wanted, yet it
wasn’t really up to him whether his alpha would accept Kit’s leadership or not. It wasn’t
something to decide. It was…

Well, instinct.

But, fucking thankfully, even on an instinctual level it didn’t feel natural for Liam’s alpha to
challenge Kit’s. Sick or not, weak or not, Kit was his alpha.

Not a single molecule in Liam’s body wanted to challenge Kit’s position in the lead, yet here
they were… Aggressions flaring up, ready to tear at each other.

All because they had a pack to protect.

Liam’s alpha was anxious, so clearly disturbed and distressed to be in this situation. Liam
could feel how it yearned to just give in, but simultaneously it didn’t feel safe to do so. This
caused a wild swell of hostile turbulence within him, his alpha swelling and lashing out like a
cornered animal, trying to look bigger and more intimidating, while desperately hoping to
hide away from the impending conflict it couldn’t avoid.

Liam’s alpha would protect the pack, Kit included, with all it had. If Kit wasn’t well enough
to stand strong in his lead, Liam’s alpha felt the desperate need to protect him, too. It would
feel unnatural and off-putting and stressful, but Liam knew his instincts would step up to do
it, no matter what.

His alpha would always protect its pack.

Even if that meant protecting it from unstable, incomprehensible, out of control instincts.
Even if it had to be done by challenging their alpha.

What if Liam’s instinctual side now went and rolled over without testing their standing,
before Kit’s alpha proved that it was back in full strength and control? What if Liam let go
too fully, too soon, trusting his alpha to be there, only to find that it wasn’t the case for
whatever reason?


Their dynamic and instinctual relationship had faltered, and to restore that they had to let
Kit’s alpha prove that it could, and would, step back in.

And to step back in…

It had to take Liam’s alpha out.

Which. Yeah… That wasn’t going to happen painlessly.

Not with the instinctual sense of pack-safety and stability on the line.

The frantic push and pull between his alpha and his rational mind left Liam’s vision
swimming. Kit was properly scruffing him now, bodily forcing him to turn face down on the
bed, using his full weight to combat Liam’s bigger size.

Kit’s chest was rumbling so loudly, so dangerously, that it was making Liam dizzy in a
completely different way. His alpha snarled back, twisting and thrashing up and down Liam’s
veins, making him bare his teeth, ready to actually, physically, fight.

The sting of blunt fingernails digging into his neck was what snapped some clarity into
Liam’s mind.

Despite his larger frame, Liam found himself firmly re-pinned under his alpha.

He was already breathing almost painfully harshly, heart beating frantically in his chest.
Everything felt too warm all of a sudden, Kit’s weight on him like a heavy blanket, Liam’s
instincts struggling to decide whether it was comforting or suffocating.

Kit’s half-hard cock was pressed against the back of Liam’s thigh.

Liam’s teeth were clamped down on Kit’s forearm.

The warbling whine Liam’s alpha breathed out around the bite was somehow both a
desperately genuine apology– and a flat out fuck you.

“Hope you realise that if you mess up my ink -” Kit said quietly against the side of Liam’s
head, his voice too soft and too silky, his sharp smile carving into each of the letters falling
from his lips, “- I’ll put you in a fuckin’ muzzle.”

The dangerous seriousness of the statement provoked another wet snarl to rip out from
Liam’s chest, spittle pooling on Kit’s skin where Liam’s teeth were threatening to draw

“Awh, what? Puppy doesn’t like the sound of that? Y’sure?” Kit crooned darkly. His mouth
was contrastingly gentle on Liam’s shoulder, soft lips pressing down on his scent gland,
loving and sweet. It was such a vulnerable area, the sense of threat jarring. Liam’s vision
blurred around the edges when Kit’s hips rutted shamelessly down against his arse, making
him really feel the bulge of his filling cock. “Thought you’d love havin’ that nippy mouth
taken care of so y’can fully focus on taking my knot. Hm? No?”

Liam’s alpha was pressing against his skull, thrashing wildly, the tension continuing to build
into an uncomfortable throb.

He didn’t get the chance to respond, not that he really knew how to react to this situation in
the first place.

Kit moved his left hand from Liam’s nape to curl it under his chin. It was an awkward angle,
but it didn’t stop Kit from digging his thumb and fingers mercilessly into each side of Liam’s
jaw, forcing his bite open. The hand and unforgiving grip acted like a maw in their own right,
vicious and strong, clawed tight over the soft underside of Liam’s chin.

Once his teeth were unburied from Kit’s arm, Liam only got a quick glimpse of the deep
indents he had left on Kit. The skin wasn’t broken, but it was clearly the start of an angry
bruise, one that would no doubt linger for a while.

Liam didn’t like it.

No. He absolutely hated seeing that under these circumstances. Yet all he managed to
vocalise was a nasty growl, his alpha filling his airways.

Kit moved his bite-mimicking hold to wrap around the front of Liam’s throat, fingers
squeezing just enough to make it clear who had the upper hand, but not enough to affect his
breathing. It wasn’t enough to quiet Liam’s roaring instincts, but Kit was seemingly content
to keep him pinned there, ignoring the snarling and the uselessly snapping teeth.

“Ah, c’mon now,” Kit said softly, shifting slightly where he was sat straddling Liam’s hips.
His voice was a lot more gentle than it had been just a moment ago, more Kit than alpha.
Liam’s shoulders tensed further, flinching when he felt Kit rest his free hand over his
shoulder blades. “Hey, easy… Fuck, ‘m sorry, pup. You know I don’t really like bein’ rough
with you like this. Feels wrong when it’s not just playin’…”

“Pretty sure it’s me who just almost took a bite out of your arm,” Liam forced out thickly
over the tireless growl rolling from his chest. His throat jumped against the palm of Kit’s
hand, and his muscles twitched as the touch on his shoulder massaged down, starting to
confidently map the stretch of his back.

“Reckon I deserved that,” Kit said easily, making Liam frown in disagreement. His alpha
kept fighting in the back of his mind though, refusing to relax even a little bit under Kit’s
familiar weight and touch. Liam wanted to refute what Kit had just said, but it was becoming
more and more difficult to ignore the discomfort of his conflicted instincts.
Kit’s exploring hand rose back up, curling over Liam’s shoulder, fingertips barely brushing
the sensitive swell of his scent gland.

“Ah- fuck, Kit, I don’t…” Liam had to squeeze his eyes shut, suddenly feeling like he
couldn’t breathe well enough, “god, that feels... rough. Wait a sec...”

“No rush,“ Kit said quietly, slowing his movements down until he was just rubbing his palm
over Liam’s upper back in small circles. “Makes sense that your A’s testing mine more than
usual. ’s okay.”

Liam could definitely feel that instinctive hesitance and resistance against being forced to
show his back like this, the hand on his throat not helping the situation in the slightest.

His back just felt so... bare.

Too vulnerable.

Something within him certainly felt more unsure and wrongfooted, his alpha gauging the
situation and Kit’s every move much more than it usually would. The whole thing was
honestly just upsetting; Liam used to the security and trust he normally felt with Kit’s alpha.

It was jarring to suddenly feel unable to lean into that established dynamic he was so familiar

The dynamic he relied on, every single day…

Kit kept massaging Liam’s back. Patient, and with a low, soothing rumble starting deep
within his chest.

He wasn’t shying away from touching Liam in whatever way he wanted, using a firm and
sure pressure to re-desensitise Liam’s alpha, showing and reminding it that Kit’s touch was


And that Liam was Kit’s to touch.

Chapter End Notes

no, literally, that's the "plot": thems confused. and emo about it. :') xx
LIAM - 2/2
Chapter Notes

Picking up right where LIAM 1/2 ended... so y'better be prepared for this xx

See the end of the chapter for more notes

LIAM 2/2

“How’s that?” Kit asked after a long while, voice low and warm, making Liam’s skin tingle
all over.

He felt overheated, knew his neck and ears had remained pink from the moment Kit had
started to finally assert his familiar and confident dominance on him again.

It was clear that Kit’s alpha had already decided that it had successfully reaffirmed its


Was maybe still questioning it, pockets of fight flaring unexpectedly.

“Mh… Better?” Liam breathed out, rolling his shoulders a little, face buried in the soft
pillows. “Still… feels a bit weird, like. Different? Doesn’t feel… right.”

“Me touching? Or is it your A?” Kit asked. He leaned down then, palm flat over Liam’s ribs,
his other hand still gently secure around Liam’s throat. Kit’s mouth felt scorchingly hot when
it pressed against the knob of Liam’s spine. “Or mine?”

Liam sighed, trying to get his thoughts and senses in order.

“I like it when you touch, ‘s not that…” he said, blinking slowly, taking in the sensation of
Kit’s lips moving over his skin through his shirt. “Just… Don’ like it when I can’t relax.
Usually it’s… easy.”

Kit hummed.

There was something apologetic to the low, rumbling tone, and the kiss that was pressed in
between Liam’s shoulder blades lingered.

“That’s not on you. And try not to force it if it doesn’t feel good, okay?” Kit said, petting his
hand up to give Liam’s nape a gentle scruff. The move elicited a muffled whine, and then a
soft, unsure growl. Kit didn’t move the touch, wordlessly trapping Liam’s neck inside the
circle of his hands. “It’s my alpha that hasn't been consistent... Why would your instincts
relax if they can’t trust alpha to be there?”

“‘s not your fault either,” Liam said, the words slightly slurred. His brow was furrowed,
upper back feeling tense as Kit’s fingertips pressed confidently into the muscles of his neck.
“Don’t- don’t stop, though… Please.”

“Yeah?” Kit’s voice was just a low hum. Liam shook his head, eyes squeezing shut. “Okay,
pup. Not unless you need me to.”

Kit really took his time then, slowly turning Liam’s skin pink with his massaging touches. He
didn’t hesitate to touch all over, ignoring Liam’s soft gasps when he leaned down to bite and
suck marks over the side of Liam’s throat.

“Will you stay down if I take your top off?” Kit asked after torturing Liam’s scent gland until
his alpha stopped flinching from it. It had taken a good while. Frustratingly long, really.
Liam’s instincts had definitely been wound up painfully tight, to a point that it now felt sore
to relinquish all that.

Liam didn’t say anything, just tried to exhale the tension from his lungs. He didn’t fight it
when Kit pulled his shirt off, and even helped to kick his shorts off too.

Liam firmly ignored the vulnerability of suddenly being fully bare under Kit.

“Good, Liam,” Kit muttered, barely a whisper. His alpha was rumbling out a pleased hum,
and that was really what Liam felt in his bones, instead of the equally praising words.

Liam stayed still when Kit reached over to the bedside table, only one hand pressing down
over the nape of Liam’s neck to keep him there. He even stayed still when Kit crudely
dripped a cold, excessive puddle of artificial slick on his lower back.

The slick was mostly warmed up by the time Kit dragged his fingers through it, making it slip
down in between Liam’s cheeks, messy and unnecessarily wet, making Liam’s skin prickle
with an obvious shiver. Regardless, he didn’t move, just let alpha touch him however he
pleased. But still, when Kit’s pinning hand finally left his neck, Liam was fully expecting a
resurfacing burst of a fight.

Instead, his alpha whined.

Liam’s thighs spread further open in the little space they had in between Kit’s knees.

There was a filthy, overwhelming flare to Kit’s aroused scent, and suddenly Liam had teeth
closing over his nape, Kit’s cock heavy against his upper thigh. Liam gasped audibly, lower
back arching when he felt Kit’s fingers teasing over his slick wet rim.

“Yeah… Jus’ begging to be filled up,” Kit crooned roughly through the gloating growl his
alpha had started emitting, breath hot on Liam’s skin. The fresh bite mark he had left stung
now that the teeth were gone, but Liam noticed that he didn’t hate it. His alpha seemed to
enjoy the no doubt lasting reminder on his skin; how alpha had pinned Liam down with his
teeth, kept him put just to make Liam open up for him. “Fuck, Li… Y’really reek like you
want to get bred.”

Yeah… Liam could just imagine how much his needy, yet distinctively alphan scent was
getting to Kit. Everything about it must’ve been driving Kit’s instincts insane, beckoning him
to take and to bite and to claim. And to humiliate, even. Kit’s alpha was as smug as it was
filthy, and it rarely hesitated to rub its upper hand all over Liam, making sure there was no
mistaking who had come out on top.

Liam grunted, tensing slightly when he felt Kit starting to press in with a finger. Careful, but
definitely not coddling. So, obviously, the most rational thing to do was to provoke him:
“And d’you think we’ll ever get there if y’keep takin’ forever?”

Liam didn’t regret it.

Not even when the response his words elicited sent his alpha cowering, metaphorical tail
trembling pathetically in between its legs, instinctual belly submissively bared to show
anything and everything vulnerable.

Kit was not gentle when he dragged Liam into lifting his arse up, and he clearly didn’t give a
damn about the slick pooled on Liam’s lower back, left drooling along his spine and towards
his shoulders. Kit’s scent wasn’t gentle either, almost oppressive in its intensity now. The
pheromones of a more dominant alpha, so confident and so obviously ready to fuck Liam into
submission, filled Liam’s lungs like thick smoke, making his head hazy.

Liam whimpered at the fingers that suddenly squeezed meanly around his balls, his knees
feeling unstable where he tried to keep himself up on the mattress. Liam’s face and chest
were buried even deeper into the sheets under the weight of the rest of his own body, but Kit
just landed a harsh smack on Liam’s thigh when he trembled, trying to find his strength.

“All this muscle, and what’s it good for?” Kit said with a sigh, purposefully sounding
inconvenienced. That purposefulness flew right over Liam’s alpha’s head, and his next exhale
came out as a needy, placating chuff, his knees sliding further apart on the sheets. Kit
breathed out a laugh, partly genuinely fond, but mostly just calculatingly condescending;
“Awh, I know. Don’t need any of this-” Kit dug his fingers into the firm curve of Liam’s
glute, the tense muscle tightening further, “- when y’can just be all soft and cute and pathetic
for me. Spreadin’ your legs, like that’s your own slick that’s got you so wet.”

Liam had to turn his face into the sheets at that, heat rushing to his face, his cock flexing
where it was hanging ignored in between his legs, fully hard, and all too sensitive.

Kit’s hand moved to scoop some of that said slick from Liam’s back, fingers guiding it over
his skin until the wetness started to drip in between his cheeks again, over his hole. Kit’s
fingers followed, and this time he was neither particularly careful nor coddling, and instead
pushed past Liam’s tight rim right away.

That left Liam clenching around a knuckle that felt impossibly big, his brain struggling to
remember that he needed to relax for this to work. It really was a tight fit, even though Liam
had been pretty thorough in the shower, earlier. Or so he had thought…
Fuck… It really had been a while, hadn’t it?

Too long.

“C’mon, pup,” Kit spoke softly, more encouraging now, and much less mean. Although, the
way his other hand tugged and rolled Liam’s balls in the cup of his palm wasn’t that kind,
either. Kit moved his finger, slowly from side to side, making Liam feel the stretch. “Know
for a fact that y’can take more than that. Or has this tight little thing forgotten all those times
it’s sucked on my knot?”

“Kit…” Liam barely managed to gasp, back arching with a grunt when Kit pressed the finger
in deeper.

“See? Knows exactly what it’s for,” Kit growled out, his alpha flashing clearly in his voice,
suddenly possessive; “Who it’s for.”

Liam breathed harshly into the sheets when Kit dragged his finger out, only to whine when it
was pushed back in, accompanied by an ample amount of the slick that had slowly started to
slide down his taint. Kit made a filthy mess with it with his other hand, spreading the slick all
over Liam’s heated skin, getting his meticulously shaved balls slippery so the glide was
smooth when he tugged on them next.

As if that wasn’t already more than enough, Kit decided to add more once he had teased
Liam’s rim into opening up just a little.

Just a little, and just enough to minimally gape when Kit pulled down with his hooked

The slick was cold sliding right into his hole from the bottle, making Liam clench up
instinctively, suddenly snug around Kit’s finger. That just swallowed the slick that had been
poured in, and Liam’s body seemed to welcome it greedily, soon relaxing enough for Kit to
make him take more of it. Some of it started to spill over, the backs of Liam’s balls sensitive
to the feel of it, making him squirm on Kit’s finger.

It did nothing but make Kit add another one for him to clench down on.

“Such a filthy puppy,” Kit teased gruffly, as if it hadn’t been him who just dumped most of
the artificial slick on- in Liam. “Look at you taking two already, got so wet for it too... ‘s this
what y’ve been craving then, hm? Alpha to finally give your greedy hole something to work

Had he been in his right mind, Liam might’ve laughed at Kit’s words, probably teased him
for being such an obnoxiously messy talker when he was turned on. However, he was too
busy trying to blink his instincts from his eyes, the beast blissed out as it rolled under the
indulgent attention it had been yearning for from Kit and alpha. It was more than a little
pathetic, but Liam’s alpha loved it, now starting to pant happily in agreement with whatever
Kit said, no matter how nasty.
Kit only ever really called Liam a ‘puppy’ when he wanted to get to Liam’s alpha, knowing it
made those instincts feel soft and small and young under Kit’s attention. This time was no
exception; Liam’s alpha already starting to lean into that role Kit kept knowingly nudging
him toward.

It let Kit make him just as messy as Kit wanted, preened happily when Kit called his hole
pretty; called it greedy and cute and his, Liam all but melting into the sheets to let Kit work
him open. Liam’s scent was going increasingly sweet, he could even sense it himself now.

His cock was drooling under him, Kit still ignoring it in favour of playing with Liam’s sac. It
was a decent distraction, the frustration over being deprived taking some of Liam’s attention
off of the growing number of fingers used to stretch him open. It wasn’t painful, Kit always
knew to take his time with Liam, even if he wasn’t being the nicest about it anymore. Kit was
clearly avoiding the most pleasurable areas though, almost clinical with the way he coaxed
Liam’s body into loosening up.

It was starting to get pretty overwhelming for Liam, soft whines slipping past his teeth, sweat
gathering in tiny pinpricks at his temples and the bottom of his spine. He was getting proper
worked up now, yet Kit wouldn’t give him anything but the meticulous stretching and the
distant pleasure when he pressed near something good inside.

“Kit…” Liam sighed heavily, eyes scrunched shut and brows furrowed in concentration, his
face still pressed firmly into the sheets. His hips tried to hitch and jump, but it did nothing but
make his straining cock smack wetly against his belly. “Ah, ‘s enough? I can- I… Don’t need
any more?”

“Yeah?” Kit hummed, crudely grabbing Liam by the balls again to make him stop moving. It
made Liam hiss out an oddly chastised whine, thighs shaking and his cock feeling like
something wet had already built up enough to start dripping down onto the bed under him.
With his snug hold forcing Liam to remain still, Kit pressed the fingers of his other hand back
inside for what felt like the millionth time already.

Except this time, he finally, properly, pressed down.

Liam gasped loudly at the sudden heat flashing strikingly through his body, a low groan
following, the lewd sounds only partially muffled by the sheets. Before Liam could really
enjoy any of it - the sensitive nerves still firing too hotly for him to fully feel the pleasure
buried underneath - Kit had already removed his fingers.

The whine that rushed out came straight from the heart, betrayed and needy and unmistakably

“Oh, hush, you,” Kit said with played-up dismissiveness, giving Liam’s balls one last quick
squeeze before letting go altogether. His hand reappeared on Liam’s waist. “You already
know you’re getting it, so why are we being so whiny?” Liam wasn’t quite sure why that
made him hide his face better into the sheets again. But maybe it was worth it, as it brought
him Kit’s lips pressing along his upper spine, softly teasing words warm on his skin; “Yeah.
A whiny baby.”
With a clearer mind, Liam might’ve realised that Kit had knowingly lulled him into going
very soft and very, very sweet, just so that he’d do nothing but whine when Kit finally
pressed his cock into him.

It worked.

Until it didn’t.

“Hm? Still bein’ cranky?” Kit muttered, pressing his chest down on Liam’s aggressively
vibrating back, the sound quickly building from nothing to something very tangible and real.
Kit’s weight felt so good on him, inside of him, and his scent, now definitely back to its usual
potency, was helping Liam’s rational mind relax.

His instincts, however…

Kit’s alpha was back to being so calm and assured, whereas Liam’s, out of nowhere, tried to
snap and break free again, testy to be in such a submissively vulnerable position. His thighs
shook, Kit paying it no mind as he pressed his hips against Liam’s, filling him completely.

Just like that, the mellow, blissful calm from before started to break, Liam noticing the days
long unsure tension pulling at his gut once again.

It was always frustrating to feel this kind of conflict within himself, no matter how
understandable those instinctive reactions were. Liam tried to slow his breathing and his heart
rate, unsuccessfully attempting to relax his muscles, hoping that his instincts would stop
acting up if his body was at rest.

It felt impossible, and even though his alpha had yearned pretty much exactly this, just as
much as Liam had, it still clawed furiously under his skin.

Still fighting it now.


Liam's jaw was starting to ache from how hard his teeth were grinding together. His brain
hurt from the whiplash, instincts jerking from the complete let-go back to the earlier hostile
defensiveness. His body was so tense, yet quickly adjusting to the feel of Kit inside of him.
When he kept shifting away, muscles bunching up as his alpha growled and fought the exact
thing it wanted, Kit just wordlessly followed, not letting him escape the pressure of being so
full, taken.

Kit’s persistent weight was enough to have Liam’s knees slowly slipping from under him,
and in the end he found himself trapped flat against the bed, pinned down on alpha’s cock,
left to uselessly squirm no matter how his instincts made him snarl.

It was already so indisputably clear that Kit was back in charge here, but Liam’s alpha…

It just wouldn’t...
“Do we need to stop, pup?” Kit asked calmly after a while, rubbing his hands over Liam’s
shoulders and arms, cupping the trim dip of his waist.

The deep rumble in Liam’s chest… It suddenly stuttered at the question.

Then, slowly, it started to cease.

There was definitely a confused shift to the sound as it started to die, a tone which Kit
seemed to catch as well.

He kept quietly massaging over Liam’s back. Touching gently, as if to remind Liam’s
hindbrain that it had nothing to worry about, even with Liam’s back turned like this, another
alpha on top of him, inside of him.

There was clearly a conflict between the natural urge to fight for control, and the just as
natural keen urge to please Kit’s alpha; the deep want to let go for him. Liam’s instincts
genuinely loved the fact that he got to be with Kit like this. Got to have such a strong, doting
alpha care about him, choosing to give him attention and… And a pack. Choosing Liam,
when it could’ve just as easily rejected and chased a competing alpha out of its sight,
intolerant and rash.

For a stinging moment then, Liam’s head was a deafening mess of crisscrossing emotions and
instincts and worries and fears, and…

Suddenly it was silent.

Just a slow, long exhale of tension…

And finally his alpha fully relinquished the control it had tried to protectively, desperately
keep holding onto. Liam’s mind remained silent, and the desire to be good for alpha won.

“There we go…” Kit said softly, his scent swelling in reaction to the true submission in
Liam’s. That scent alone helped Liam’s instincts to stay calm and quiet when Kit slowly
pulled out, urging Liam to turn around and show his belly.

Kit moved him so confidently, with firm hands and a crooned out: “C’mon, Li. Show alpha
that knot, hm?”

And it wasn’t like Liam had any other options but to do exactly that; his thighs soon hiked
over Kit’s, the heavy weight of Kit’s cock already pushing right back into him.

Liam sighed, his body quickly relaxing into this new position, no longer having to think
about keeping himself up, his face no longer rubbing against the sheets. Kit’s hand was warm
and gentle when it briefly cupped Liam’s jaw, fingers brushing over his flushed cheek. It felt
so nice to have his damp fringe pushed away from his face, the strands having stuck to
Liam’s skin with the way he had heated up, face down and arse up through it all.

Kit rested his hand over Liam’s throat next, just lightly, letting him know it was there but
clearly not feeling the need to pin him more just then. It was all the same really, since Liam
was already pinned by his own instincts; everything so vulnerable and open and bare in the
position Kit had put him in.

“Feels good?” Kit checked quietly, and Liam could only nod. He was a little tense still, the
mixture of pleasure, aching fullness, and his alpha’s fading caution to face this sort of
vulnerability twisting up inside of him. His cock was almost painfully hard laying on his
lower belly, and his breath hitched when Kit traced a finger over the swelling of his knot.
“Mh, yeah… Must be. Look at you filling up here.”

It didn’t always happen.

At least not to the extent that it clearly was now.

Outside of ruts, most alphas usually needed some omegan pheromones to stimulate the full
forming of a knot, as its sole biological function was to tie with an omega. Sometimes
though, when Kit’s dominance was flaring more than usual, and when he was being as
thorough with Liam as he was today, Liam’s body would still react like this.

It was hard to tell if his body was just confused, stimulated so well that the arousal, pleasure,
and the shift in headspace were enough to trigger his body’s subconscious instinct to fully
knot without an omega present. Or perhaps it was just another form of submission. A reaction
to the more domineering energy; Liam’s alpha willing to show all his vulnerable parts to
please the pack alpha in Kit.

A naked showcase of how good it felt to be under him, especially now that they had
reestablished their footing with each other.

“Gonna knot for me, Li?” Kit asked, something dark and satisfied in his gaze. The corners of
his mouth were pulling up, the smile widening into a grin when Liam gasped, Kit’s hand
wrapping lightly around that sensitive mound at the base of his neglected cock.

The skin there was still slightly loose, but the more Kit toyed with it, the more it filled. Liam
had to grit his teeth, soft whimpers starting to hitch up his throat.

It really was sensitive, and Kit’s warm, skilled fingers knew exactly how to work Liam up.

“Awh, so big… What’re we gonna do with this, hm?” Kit wondered, his grin turning sharper
again with the teasing tone. He wrapped his fist properly around Liam, squeezing slightly
now, while completely ignoring the way Liam’s hips tried to hitch up and into it. It must’ve
been torturous to feel Liam clenching around him too, but none of it showed on Kit’s face.
“Looks like it's a bit confused, don’t you think? Getting all nice and ready to tie. Very
impressive…” Kit gave him a good, pulsing squeeze, brows lifting in amusement when
Liam’s knot throbbed in his palm. “Did you forget who’s the one getting a breeding?”

“Didn’t forget,” Liam hissed out, abs tightening as Kit pointedly rolled his hips again, slowly,

“Yeah?” Kit said, tone still purposefully aggravating and playing Liam’s alpha. “Just wanted
to show off how fat your knot can get for me, then?” Kit let go to pull Liam’s stiff and
flushed cock up. He did it just to let it smack right back down with a wet sound. “Can’t lie, it
is pretty. Gets all pink ‘n swells up so well… No wonder the Os like riding this so much.”

“Kit…” Liam grunted, looking pleadingly up at him when those fingers moved to tease at the
wetly shining head. There had been something Liam was about to say, but his words suddenly
dissolved from his mouth, his attention caught onto something completely different.

The bite mark on Kit’s forearm was an angry, purpling red, disturbing the lines of his dark
tattoos. It looked deep, it looked so sore, and Liam had a hard time looking away now that he
had noticed it.

There was a burning, sudden urge to lick over it, everything in him wanting to soothe the
stinging ache that was no doubt there.

It made Liam want to shrink, his alpha cowering, and his scent no doubt shifting with it.
“Oh… Kitty, your arm…”

And Kit?

Well. He didn’t seem to give two shits about his arm.

It was as if Liam had said nothing, his words completely ignored.

“All this ‘s a bit useless though, isn’t it?” Kit just continued leisurely, rubbing his thumb over
Liam’s frenulum. The touch had electric sparks zapping along Liam’s veins, sharply
refocusing him.

It was easily enough to have the worries melt from his mind, because…

If alpha wasn’t worried, then why should Liam be?

His muscles tightened around Kit’s length when the stimulation just kept going, Kit brutal
with the way he teased Liam’s nerve ends, clearly knowing what would make him lose his

“Yeah… Got all big for nothing.” Kit sighed, audibly pleased. He canted his hips, rocking,
just slightly. “‘s kinda cute… Just showing alpha how good you can be, hm?”

Liam found himself nodding.

Body tense, overwhelmed, and his eyes glued on Kit.

It really was just a cacophony of goodgoodgood inside of his head now, and the purposeful
way Kit was using his words to steer Liam’s alpha deeper into pleasured submission was
almost completely lost to him.

The teasing, condescending tone didn’t really make him feel embarrassed, at least not in the
way Kit’s filthy mouth could make Nathan embarrassed, or even Isac on rare occasion. Liam
just felt incredibly young, a bit too wide-eyed as he stared up at Kit, like a pup eager to
please, unable to help his keen, glaringly obvious reactions.
Like, yes, Kit had him all stretched and pinned on his cock, Liam’s own just about ready to
knot air. And yes, all he could do was to nod desperately and whine when Kit kept slowly
grinding in, tone dark as he asked if Liam was going to be good and let alpha use his pretty


Liam felt a bit too far gone to care about being embarrassed.

Kit kept whispering filth into Liam’s ears, distracting him from the stretch he wasn’t so used
to when Kit’s own knot started to swell, lulling Liam’s alpha into a state where nothing else
existed but Kit.

Kit was moving much slower than either of them did with Isac and Nathan, the omegas’
bodies naturally welcoming and used to the intrusion in a way Liam’s quite wasn’t. It was
something they could work up to, but it really had been a while, and this time wasn’t just a
physical refamiliarisation.

Liam couldn’t bite back the whimpers when Kit really started to use his knot to stretch him. It
was just halfway full, but there was no escaping it, and Liam felt splayed open in more ways
than one when he felt Kit rut fully inside for the first time.

Liam’s muscles were all tensed up, tightening even further when Kit ran his palms up Liam’s
sides, cupping his trim waist, tweaking his nipples before squeezing his pectorals harshly in
both hands. He didn’t stay all the way in for long, all too happy to torture Liam by slowly
starting to fuck him with his knot.

Kit’s chest was rumbling, his scent pleased and heavy as it filled Liam’s lungs with each
stuttering breath.

“So fuckin’ gorgeous,” Kit growled, hips snapping just a bit harder, the sound of it wet and
obscene. The movement felt almost punishing, as if Kit was mad about it. “Gorgeous, Liam.
So strong, and always holdin’ your alpha down for me so well. Such a good pup…”

Liam gasped when Kit suddenly shifted, his cock pressing into him from a different angle.
Kit pushed Liam’s legs up and against his belly, before following with his whole body,
trapping Liam further, now completely pinned for Kit to do as he wished.

Kit didn’t stop Liam from wrapping his arms behind his shoulders, just leaned his head down
to briefly rest his forehead against Liam’s. His loose ringlets were messy, the longest dark
coils of his fringe easily reaching to ticklishly brush over Liam’s skin.

He was so handsome, and Liam couldn’t help but tilt his chin up for a kiss.

“Good alpha,” Kit hummed with a rasp to his voice, the words making something vulnerable
shiver in Liam’s chest.

He already knew that he was good for Kit.

Was his good pup, his good love, his good mate.
Somehow, still, hearing that Kit also saw him as a good alpha…

Liam hadn’t realised how much he had needed to hear that after the past days. And… It
seemed like his alpha had needed it too, which made sense, considering the fact that it had
just been ousted from the position of a leading alpha, no matter how temporary and unwanted
that title had been.

His good pup, his good love, his good mate.

Alpha’s good alpha.

Kit kissed Liam the same way he fucked him; owning, adoring, and completely
overwhelming. He barely gave Liam the chance to breathe, and when his partially swollen
knot finally got slotted right up against Liam’s prostate, the sudden constant pressure was like
a punch to the gut.

It wrangled a thin whimper from somewhere deep within Liam’s chest, and once it started, it
refused to die down. Liam was left gasping on it, hands uselessly grabbling for Kit’s
shoulders, then for the sheets, for the air, trying to hold onto anything he could find, trying to
anchor himself.

It was Kit’s hands that found his.

“Shh, hey, easy there, pup… I’ve got you,” Kit husked lowly, voice tight, heavy with
emotion. He pressed Liam’s hands down against the bed, slotting their fingers together. He
didn’t seem to mind the brutal way Liam’s curled and dug into the tattooed backs of his
palms. “Look at you… Fuck, you’re amazing.”

Kit kept slowly rocking his hips, barely a proper movement, but it felt like a direct assault on
everything sensitive inside Liam. It had his thighs trembling, his muscles visibly rippling
under his skin, breath caught in his throat.

It felt like he should’ve been coming.

Like he was coming, except…

Except he wasn’t.

“Ah- Kit, I- What- A-ah!” The words stumbled out choppy, slightly slurring and heavy on
Liam’s tongue. He wasn’t even sure what he was trying to say, just feeling so overwhelmed,
his whole body lit up with the constant torturous, aching pleasure. “Wanna- wanna come, ah-
! Kit, Kit, fuck, what the fuck? That’s- What the fuck?”

“‘m not stopping you,” Kit said, dark, quiet. When Liam forced his tightly shut eyes open, he
found Kit intently watching his face, hands still pinning Liam’s to the bed, hips fucking
almost lazily.

“Can’t,” Liam gasped, his chest tight, his whole body falling into trembles. There was a
desperate urgency building underneath his skin, yet he could do nothing but clench on the
knot pressing against his prostate. It really felt huge despite not being anywhere near a full
one. Inescapable. Liam’s legs tightened around Kit’s hips, skin slick with sweat where Kit’s
weight still kept Liam’s thighs trapped snug against his own belly. “Feels- ah! Kit, feels-
weird. Good? It’s- I c-can’t?”

Kit hummed, soothing, but also curious. He finally looked away from Liam’s flushed face,
head dipping so he could see in between their bodies.

The rumble in his chest grew from what he saw.

“Y’sure you’re not already coming?” Kit asked, voice hoarse over the instinctual gravel.

He sat up a little, allowing Liam’s legs to lower with him, but he never let his hold on Liam’s
hands go. He slowly started to grind in with his hips, aiming up, and then… He paused there.

For a moment, Liam genuinely couldn’t breathe.

Couldn’t think.

“Wow, yeah… That knot’s got puppy good, huh? Leakin’ so much,” Kit groaned, sounding
amazed even with how dark and hungry his voice had become. “Look –” the way Kit put
weight on his next rutting thrust had the slit of Liam’s cock flexing, more pearly white
drooling out, “– ‘s milking it right out, fuck, that’s so hot, Li.”

Liam tried to respond, only to have a guttural moan force its way out, his belly jumping as he
tried to draw in more air. The movement jostled the mess that had pooled on his skin, leading
it to slowly drip down his side.

Liam was legitimately starting to go out of his mind, his legs shaking, fingers uncurling
between Kit’s until they were all spread and pointing straight, so, so tense. Liam was too far
down with his instincts now, confusingly stuck between avoiding looking into Kit’s eyes
while yearning to do exactly that.

In the end, all he could do was to frantically search for Kit’s gaze, helpless and desperate and
wide-eyed, scrambling for his alpha when the sharp-pleasured overwhelm felt too huge to

Kit crooned at him, something a little mean glinting in his blown dark eyes.

He did lean down though, briefly pressing his forehead against Liam’s again, wordlessly
showing that he was there, was staying close.

“Almost drooling… Messy,” Kit tutted. His thumbs were petting over the sides of Liam’s
own, treasuring and soothing. His hips kept on the torturous game of forcing as much come
out of Liam as he could, without actually tipping him over the edge. “‘s your mouth going

“Y-yeah,” Liam stuttered out, all dumb, and then grunted when Kit fucked in again, his eyes
rolling back a little. Oh, god, he could feel the way his balls lifted up, more come pushing out
of his slit, dripping down and onto his stomach. The pressure inside was lighting his veins on
fire, something intense zapping all over his nerve-endings.
Yet he wasn’t coming.

There was no real release, even though it felt so good that Liam had to actually swallow to
avoid making that drooly mess Kit was teasing him about.

“Think y’can come like this? Without touching your cock?”

Liam shook his head harshly, eyes squeezed shut again, hair tangling even further as it rubbed
against the sheets. The movement then turned into a nod, only to swap back into a shake
again, a tense groan slipping past his lips.

“No, I- maybe? Maybe I could- but- But please, I don’t –” A gasp cut him off, Kit not
pausing his movements to let him speak, seemingly content to just watch Liam struggle, “–
don’ wanna try now? Just want to- wanna come, please, ah- alpha, fuck!”

Alpha alpha alpha…

“Aah, so puppy wants to have his own knot warmed too, is that it?” Kit grinned down at him,
devilish, hungry. Liam knew full well that it was a trap, but he was nodding before he could
stop himself, his instincts begging him to please alpha; to answer honestly. “So spoiled,
Liam... Already got my cock and now you want me to deal with yours on top of it?” Liam
tried not to sob out his exhale, Kit not giving him even a second to catch his breath. “Maybe
y’should’ve waited until you had an O here to tie with, hm? ‘s not my fault you went and
popped it the moment you got a dick in you. I never said y’could come at all, y’know?”

Liam’s following breath came out more like a broken mewl, feeling too dazed to comprehend
whether Kit was being serious about denying him or not. He barely noticed the way Kit was
finally starting to show the signs of how much this was affecting him too. Out of breath,
especially when he spoke, and the muscles in his thighs trembling when he grinded deeply
into Liam.

“Guess it’s- ah… lucky for you that I love it when you come on my cock…”

It was so sensitive, almost painful, when Kit finally cupped a hand over Liam’s fully swollen

A low, startled moan left Liam’s throat feeling sore, but he couldn’t even focus on that. He
couldn’t remember if his knot had ever been so full for so long, not without it being tucked
into the warm, wet heat of an omega, or a knowing fist, even a mouth.

Kit had barely started to curl his fingers around Liam, when the dam snapped.

Every time his body tensed with the wave of the orgasm, he clamped down on Kit, triggering
yet another rush of wild pleasure.

He barely heard Kit’s harsh, wet sounding growl that followed, but he definitely felt it when
Kit’s mouth closed around his throat, teeth pressing down harshly. It probably shouldn't have
intensified Liam’s release, but holy shit it did.

It left Liam pinned in place by a biting hold, while alpha filled him up deep inside.
The world felt a little too blurry for a moment, everything so soft and calm. A content rumble
was vibrating through Liam’s body.

Was it coming from him? That he couldn’t tell.

The first thing Liam noted more clearly, was that his throat felt sensitive where Kit had
nipped and bit and sucked. The familiar burn his stubble had left behind had Liam’s skin
feeling like it was glowing with warmth.

Kit was pressing soft kisses to Liam’s slack mouth, over his cheek, down the side of his
throat. Gently firm hands rubbed over his arms, his shoulders, the touch softening when Kit
reached up to push Liam’s sweaty fringe off of his face once more, then cupping his cheek.

“Y’still floatin’, Li?” Kit asked him softly, being so sweet it made Liam’s chest ache a little.
“Or just fallin’ asleep on me?”

Maybe a bit of both?

“Could,” Liam rasped. He leaned into Kit’s palm, smiling contently, dopey and slow. Kit
brushed his thumb over Liam’s smile-deepened dimple.

“I know y’could... Don’t wanna risk us both falling asleep like this though,” Kit said, his
other hand playing with Liam’s hair, gazing down at him so stupidly fond that it was making
Liam want to squirm. He didn’t have the energy though. “You’re already going to be sore as
it is. Should just clean up when my knot starts to go down, which... It’s sure takin’ its damn

“‘s okay… Like it,” Liam muttered, easily showing his throat when Kit nosed under his jaw.
His instincts fluttered almost frantically, feeling blissed out when Kit pressed his tongue
against his pulse, intentionally marking Liam with his scent once more. “Alpha, y’don’t-
don’t have to… Don’ pull out...”

“Still ‘alpha’, huh?” Kit mused softly, brushing a light kiss on Liam’s bitten skin. He then
pulled back to look Liam in the eye, failing to do so because Liam’s submissive, irrational
instincts still had him in a chokehold, forcing him to look away. “Yeah... Still all sweet for
me. So good, Liam, did so well.”

“Good pup,” Liam mumbled a little dazedly, mostly to himself, just echoing what Kit tended
to shower him with like this. He gave another slow, shy grin when the words made Kit huff
out a laugh.

“Yeah, such a good love,” Kit grinned, kissing Liam’s smiling dimple. It was said so fondly
yet still so obviously teasing, Kit making it sound more like he was talking to an actual pet,
“My best boy, so clever.”

The praise felt stupidly good, nonetheless.

“Good alpha?” Liam hummed quietly, eyes closing, feeling heavier by the moment. He knew
that Kit’d look after him, even if Liam actually somehow managed to fall asleep on his knot.
There was a short pause.

Nearly nothing, but just enough to notice.

“Of course,” Kit said then, no more teasing left. There was a different kind of weight to his
words now. “Liam. Always.”

When Liam only managed a slow, shy nod, Kit started to kiss all over his chest, pausing to
lap at Liam’s scent gland as if it wasn’t already completely doused in Kit’s scent.

“Mean it, Li... Always so good,” Kit sighed into Liam’s skin. “And y’ve been workin’ so
hard… Been taking care of everyone so well these past weeks…”

There was something strange seeping into Kit’s scent then, confusing Liam at first

Nothing was wrong?

But then, the words followed, clearly reflecting whatever it was that weighed on Kit’s mind.

“Can tell your A’s exhausted... Of course you needed mine to show up, to- to do its job, to
help. I know y’don’t let Izzy and Nat take on anywhere near as much as they could, we both
don’t… So I know you were trying to do it on your own.” Kit wasn’t really scolding him, just
stating it as a simple fact that he knew. It still made Liam uncomfortable, but mostly that was
because of the crestfallen tone of Kit’s voice, “Ah… ‘m so sorry, pup. I’ll- I’ll do better.
Okay? I promise I’ll do better.”

Liam sighed out a soft huff, his brows furrowing.

“Not your fault,” Liam restated, as firmly as he could with his hoarse voice. His hand found
its way into Kit’s curls, right at the back of his head, twisting into the strands where they
started to get increasingly longer towards the top. “You’re allowed to need help, too.”

Liam didn’t tug, didn’t pull. Instead he used the weight of his hand to have Kit burrow
against his throat, knowing his honest scent would reassure Kit and the alpha in him.

Even though he knew that it was actively making Kit feel better to have Liam like this, he
still found himself hoping that he wasn’t quite so far down right then. It wasn’t possible for
him to be both, though, and that was something Liam was still practising to internalise and
accept. He was helping, even if it wasn’t physically and emotionally possible for him to do
literally everything all at once.

And… no one expected him to do everything all at once.

They were a pack for a reason.

Where Liam’s reach started to fade, Isac and Nathan were ready to sweep right in to take over
for him. He just needed to remember that, and Kit needed to as well, even when their
instincts stubbornly tried to refuse the idea more often than not.
There simply were some limitations to what Liam and Kit could do for each other after a
certain point, their dynamic always demanding one side to give for the other. Considering
how Kit had taken Liam practically fully out of the game now, he knew that the type of care
Kit needed after this was the sort Isac and Nathan were naturally hardwired to deliver.

And it was actually rather… relieving to remember that.

In all honesty… It was frustratingly silly that their alphas had to run themselves and each
other to the ground, before they accepted that they didn’t actually have to.

They were both allowed to need help, and Liam was pretty sure that two certain someones
were just waiting for them to remember that.

Kit sighed after what felt like forever, his breath audibly wavering.

“Okay…” he said then, quietly against Liam's skin.

Kit pressed a lingering kiss on Liam’s jaw, his cheek, his temple, purposefully thinking out
the scent of… good.

Good good good -

“Good Liam.”

Chapter End Notes

Thank you everyone for all the insanely lovely feedback on this so far!? Got me all up in
my feelings ngl :') I really struggled completing this story, there were months and
months I didn't manage a single word, and the ones I managed I often didn't like. To
have it posted now and hearing you guys enjoy it really means a lot to me. Thank you xx

(Also: Not me just casually, in one go, filling most of the A/A Lit prompts I've received
over the years thehee<3)
Chapter Notes

Eyy, you made it! Just spiced up fluff ahead xx

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Kit was pretty sure that Isac had knowingly used his new piercing as a distraction to bully Kit
into the bathroom.

His alpha had absolutely not wanted to leave the bed under any circumstances, but watching
Isac strip stark naked in front of him, saying he’d only let Kit look properly if he got up and
into the shower with him…


Kit squinted through his sopping wet fringe, water streaming down his back as he admired
Isac’s pretty face in the quickly warming white-tiled room.

“Why didn’t you tell me y’were gonna do it?” Kit whined over the hum of the shower. “I
would’ve come with…”

“You haven’t left that bed in days,” Isac said pointedly. Not unkindly, but…

Still. Rude.

“Well… Yeah. But still,” Kit finished with a pout.

He said it playfully, but he couldn’t pretend that he wasn’t feeling guilty.

Kit knew that he couldn’t have predicted this in any way, and that his strange instinctual
slump would’ve happened no matter what. It still didn’t sit well with him, and Kit hated
feeling like he had let his pack down.

Yes, Kit was well aware that everyone felt like crap sometimes, and he never faulted anyone
else for it. But it was just so much harder to feel reasonable about it when it was him.

Which… That was probably just a very human experience? Not that being aware of the fact
made much of a difference, especially not once the situation was already on and wreaking

Kit had very quickly noticed that something had been a little off, in the beginning, but he had
also figured he’d just push through it. It wasn’t that unusual for him to fall into a low mood
every now and then, lack of sleep a huge culprit behind most of his slumps. And Kit hadn’t
been sleeping so well; a couple of tight deadlines at work stressing him out more than usual,
staying up late to finish things off, projects starting to eat off of his down time with pack…

Very soon, though, things had started to drag even more than what a moderately intense
stretch at work usually would.

And, somehow, somewhere along the way, Kit had ended up feeling oddly… distanced from

Such a gradual shift, his sense of normalcy easily adapting to it with each passing day.

Looking back, Kit knew he couldn’t have caught it any sooner with the way things had
unfolded. His full attention had been on work, and then on the others whenever he had
managed to scrape some time for them during the day. There simply had been no time to set
aside for himself, even if Kit had actually realised that that was what he needed to prioritise,

Of course Kit already knew that he was allowed to need help, but… Liam’s reminder had
really stuck with him this time.

Maybe things wouldn’t have ended up going so far, had Kit just admitted to himself that he
was getting overwhelmed and stretched too thin. His alpha behaving weirdly, just when
things got busy with work, was way too much mental wrestling for one person, all at once.

And maybe, if Kit had managed to admit that to himself, he could’ve then allowed the others
the opportunity to help him sooner, like they desperately wanted to. They were all so good at
taking care of each other if just given the chance…

Which was why Kit knew that he had to work on acknowledging the blind spot he had for not
asking for help when he clearly needed it.

Because, sure, sometimes things went a little sideways, and clearly he still sometimes got
blindsided by his own alpha’s nonsense… But why make things more difficult for everyone,
himself included?

Kit hadn’t been lying to Liam earlier, when he said that he’d do better. It still felt like he had
really fucked up somewhere along the way, but…

If a big part of the issue had been not letting the others help him, then maybe he could just


“Well? D’you like it?” Isac asked, knowingly and effectively ripping Kit from his gloomy,
self-critiquing thoughts.

Somehow Isac managed to sound like he wasn’t fishing, even though he most definitely was
fishing. Isac must’ve known that it suited him so well, there was no way he didn’t realise how
good he looked.
“Like it?” Kit scoffed, cupping Isac’s jaw with both hands. The hold was to better admire the
pretty piercing on his cute little face, but it was also to just… touch. “I love it, Izzy. Suits you
so well.”

Kit pressed a kiss on Isac’s forehead with a whispered little, “So pretty…”

It was more than enough to make Isac hiss, the imp already complaining about how Liam and
Kit were way too mushy and really knew nothing about sex, fucks, and rock n’ roll.

Apparently Nathan had been the only one to respond appropriately. Kit wasn’t that surprised,
Nathan would probably always find their feisty little bun cool.

“Try not to get it too wet though, so it heals well,” Kit said once Isac was done with his
huffing. Most of the water was landing on Kit’s shoulders and back, so Isac didn’t have to
worry about drowning just then anyway.

It was calm in the warmth of the bathroom as they washed themselves and each other, Kit
leaning into it when Isac slowly rinsed the conditioner out of his curls. Kit’s whole body was
sore, his muscles aching. The massaging press of Isac’s fingers on his skin felt both amazing
and almost too torturous, yet Kit just closed his eyes, exhaling shakily through his nose.

When Isac turned to return the conditioner and shampoo bottles back into their correct place,
Kit hunched down, curling around Isac’s back to tuck his face into his neck.

Pleased at the proximity, Kit hummed, low in his chest. Isac’s scent was so fresh and clean,
his scent gland quickly flushing under Kit’s attention. His lips barely lifted from Isac’s skin
once he got started, and he grumbled unhappily when he finally was forced to.

Isac wriggled around in Kit’s arms until they faced each other, hands settling on his sides,
petting firmly up and down as the water hummed down on them. Isac pressed a kiss on Kit’s
pectoral, mouthing over the swell of it, fingertips kneading into Kit’s skin.

“How’re you feeling?” Isac asked quietly after a while, nuzzling his cheek over Kit’s chest,
careful with the piercing as he peered up to meet Kit’s eyes.

“Had a headache earlier,” Kit muttered, his instincts still a little butthurt that he had been
shooed away from Isac’s neck. “A bit better now.”

“Mh’t’s good,” Isac said in a hum, fingers tracing shapes on Kit’s lower back, making him
shiver despite the heat of the water. Isac’s grey eyes looked even rounder like this, with him
peering up at Kit questioningly: “Kitty… At what point did you realise y’were rutting?”



About that…

“Liam figured it out,” Kit huffed, brow furrowed and bottom lip sticking out just the slightest
What? He was allowed to feel sorry for himself!

Realising that he had lost like two weeks to simply being a stupid, hormonal mess… That
shit sucked, man. Fuckin’ ridiculous, honestly, and exactly the type of alphan nonsense that’d
cause a whole lot of drama for no good reason.

Even if said drama would help him deal with things better, if something like this ever
happened again in the future…

“I mean… Was pretty hard not to notice that it… y’know, wouldn’t go down at all…”

Well, it had, eventually.

Not completely, but enough that Kit had been able to pull out without feeling like he’d hurt
Liam in the process. Still, it had taken much longer than Kit had originally planned, or felt
comfortable subjecting Liam to… He really would’ve preferred to be able to make it easier
for Liam, knowing how sore he’d feel anyway.

Not that Liam had complained even the tiniest bit. It was obvious that he had wholeheartedly
enjoyed being fussed over, just sweetly chuffing at Kit like the whole baby that he could be
once he was down deep.

“Y’really didn’t realise earlier in the day?” Isac asked in honest curiosity, fingers light as they
appeared to trace over the sensitive swell of Kit’s knot, just gently reaching to hold. “Even
though I couldn’t scent anything, I kinda started to suspect it, like, last week.

Kit hissed a startled breath at the touch, spine jerking up into a straight line, his hips kicking
forward into Isac’s careful hand.

“Ah- I think I was just…” Kit shivered, the muscles deep in his belly pulling tight, sore and
uncomfortable, but also aroused in a sharp way that Kit wasn’t sure if he was that keen on
dealing with just yet. “Was just too busy worrying ‘bout work. Thought I was getting burnt
out, or something. Didn’t… It really didn’t feel like a rut comin’, at all.”

“Yeah,” Isac hummed sympathetically, kissing Kit’s chest again before resting his forehead
against him, looking down. “You’ve slept so poorly too, was starting to get really worried…
Hopefully it’ll all settle down after the rut’s gone.”

Isac was barely touching, just cupping Kit in his small hand, the slight pressure as relieving
as it was agonising.

Kit whined, dropping his head to nuzzle into Isac’s wet hair, trying to figure out if he wanted
to pull away, or to slowly, carefully, rut into Isac’s palm. The first knots of the cycle were
always the worst, too sensitive to be that enjoyable, but also impossible to ignore because of
the instinctual, hormone-driven urgency that kept building up.

It probably didn’t help that this rut had revealed itself when Kit was still balls deep in his
fully submitted and claimed alpha mate…
“Reckon it’s because of Nathan’s O?” Isac asked then, sounding a little distracted. The
muscles in Kit’s thighs felt all bunched up, almost painfully so, and Kit found himself
holding his breath as Isac carefully cupped his knot, keeping it lightly pressed between his
palm and Kit’s lower pelvis. His other hand was petting over Kit’s hip, and he made a small
pacifying noise in the back of his throat when another miserable whimper pushed its way past
Kit’s teeth. “Why you’re reacting so… differently this time, I mean.”

Kit was struggling to focus, his hips starting to hitch against Isac’s touch despite the way it
kind of just hurt. His cock was almost completely hard now, and having his omega’s shower-
soft scent on his tongue was really itching at his instincts.

“Nathan?” he managed to echo, obviously the part his mind would cling on to.

Isac moved the hand from his hip, fingers slowly curling around the length of Kit’s cock
instead. It left Kit huffing out a couple of sharp breaths, his feet spreading further apart on the
slippery floor of the shower. His shoulders were uncomfortably tense, and his hands squeezed
into fists against Isac’s lower back.

“Yeah,” Isac said, scent warming with calm - safe - good, and Kit found himself nuzzling his
nose against Isac’s wet hair again, the back of his neck aching from the way he had to lean
down to reach. “Nat’s last heat was a bit different for him too, remember?”

And… Kit did remember.

And it did make sense.

A few months back, Nathan had started taking some medication to regulate his cycle, his
heats having refused to stabilise even with time, and their volatility definitely taking a toll on
him the times his heats had actually showed up at all.

The last time, with the slowly building effects from the meds, had already seemed a lot more
manageable. They were all relieved to see that Nathan was no longer in so much pain, even
with the way the pills forced his body into an artificial cycle-rhythm.

It really didn’t seem that impossible for it to have an effect on the rest of them too. It was so
common for heat and rut cycles to sync and change amongst mates, betas the perfect example
of it with the way their bodies could adapt to whatever hormones their partner, or partners,
were giving out.

Kit’s alpha had always been sensitive to that sort of changes anyway, they had seen the
volatility well enough the fateful time Kit had imprinted on Nathan.

Kit nodded, and Isac continued, as if reading his thoughts: “Wouldn’t be surprised if we’re
reacting to those hormone changes too.”

Kit nodded again.

It was all he could do, really, with his mouth open and his eyes squeezed shut. It all made
sense, what Isac was theorising. At least as much as anything could make sense to Kit right

He forced himself to try anyway, doing his best to not fall into the depths of his rut so soon.

“Guess- guess we might see once it’s your and Liam’s turn. If- if it’ll throw your instincts
or… or hormones all out of whack, too,” Kit said stiffly and with much difficulty, voice
lower with the growl that clung to his words. He was slowly starting to lean onto the balls of
his feet, more and more of his weight pressing on Isac’s slim shoulders. His hips hitched
forward a little, the head of his cock brushing against Isac’s belly while the swell of the knot
dragged against Isac’s fingers.

Kit grunted sharply, his eyes squeezing shut tighter, too sensitive, yet it seemed like he
couldn’t stop now that he had started.

Isac’s omega let out a soft little croon, soothing and sweet, an instinctual call that was
tugging at the agitated primordial need sitting somewhere in the back of Kit’s mind.

“What d’you need, baby?” Isac asked then, lifting his head so he could kiss over the ink on
Kit’s chest again. That allowed Kit to scent over Isac’s temple and forehead, the rumble in his
chest deepening in pleasure. “Tell me if it’s too sensitive.”

“It’s- it’s…” Kit said, only to frown. His hips pressed tighter against Isac’s hands, but he
quickly realised he didn’t like the gap that was left there because of Isac’s arms. He chuffed,
the sound unhappy and frustrated, his alpha circling with the agitation that was coursing
through his whole body. Kit wanted to be closer, wanted to feel his omega right against him,
wanted to rut his sore knot against Isac’s soft vulnerable underbelly, and then mark his skin
with his come like the nasty beast that he felt like he was becoming. “Like this. Like this,

Kit tugged on Isac’s arm, not forcing it, but every single cell in his body begging for him to
follow the request.

Isac’s fingers uncurled from around Kit, and despite it being exactly what he had asked for,
the loss left Kit breathing out a wet snarl, a sad whine underlying it.

“Hey, shh… ‘m not going anywhere,” Isac soothed gently, halting everything at the upset
sound, hands lingering in mid-air, waiting for Kit’s alpha to settle. “Show me how? Anything
y’want, bub.”

Isac was tilting his head to the side, showing off the gorgeous stretch of his throat, showing
Kit’s rutting hindbrain that he really wasn’t going anywhere.

Kit hunched low then, his arms wrapping around Isac’s back, a happy shiver running up his
spine when Isac’s touch settled on his waist. He crowded close, as close as he physically
could, nosing into Isac’s neck once he had the omega pressed between his body and the tiled
shower wall.

“Easy, Kitty, easy,” Isac chuckled at the overly eager manhandling, clinging onto Kit’s back
until he found a stable footing for himself again. He relaxed against the wall despite the
coldness of it, clearly content to let Kit press against him once he was sure they wouldn't slip
and fall over.

Kit’s alpha crooned, pleased as he tasted Isac’s skin, tongue lapping heavy and greedy over
his flushing scent gland.

It was a little bit better now, his knot and cock nestled against Isac’s warm belly, the pressure
more evenly distributed like this. Kit didn’t even care how whiny he sounded, awkwardly and
uncomfortably hunched over, snuffling into Isac’s shoulder as his hips slowly rutted against
him, the water smoothing the drag of his cock on Isac’s soft skin.

“That’s better, huh?” Isac said, hands petting up and down Kit’s back, firm, just the way he
had learned felt good for Kit despite the sensitivity of the rut. He brought one arm up, his
palm cupping the back of Kit’s neck. The touch made Kit shiver again, not even the heat of
the shower enough to stop the reaction. He mouthed at Isac’s scent gland, a frown between
his brows as the movement of his hips trapped his knot tighter between them. “If you can
come like this, maybe I’ll let you eat me out when we get out of the shower.”

“Mh- Iz,” Kit groaned, his alpha perking up so harshly he could almost feel the way it
stretched under his skin. His hips kicked forward, the sensitive length of his erection
throbbing. “Fuck… Please…”

“I think y’can do it,” Isac teased, fingertips scratching over the buzzed undercut of Kit’s hair
at his nape. “C’mon, alpha, you’ll feel better. Don’t you want me to scent like you?”

Kit gritted his teeth, only distantly aware of what Isac was doing, how he was being played.
And, and, ah… Maybe it wasn’t too different from the way Kit had played Liam earlier…

Isac could definitely be such a pain in the ass when he wanted to be, but Kit also knew that
he was taking good care of him; quietly coaxing the rutting instincts, trying to soothe the
oversensitivity and the soreness clawing under Kit’s skin.

It took barely nothing for him to have Kit reaching his peak. Just a firm palm on Kit’s lower
back, pulling him in snug to unapologetically squish his aching knot tight in between them.

And, fuck, how it was both incredibly good and incredibly horrible…

Kit’s whole body felt like it was convulsing from the harsh release, yet even after it started to
settle, his balls still hung uncomfortably heavy and aching, if not just more so now,

He kept gasping whimpering chuffs against Isac’s neck, mouthing with his teeth without any
real bite just to get rid of the restless, frustrated energy pressing in on him under his skin.

None of it helped.

Isac hummed in sympathy, fingers kneading into Kit’s shoulders. He held still, hugging Kit
tightly through the uncomfortably good release, his belly roped in white until the water
started to wash it away.
“That’s it,” Isac sighed, mouth soft as he dragged it over the cut of Kit’s jaw, tongue briefly
pressing into the soft underside of it. Kit’s alpha preened, the purposefully submissive gesture
playing right into his instincts. “That’s better, right? Does it still hurt?”

Isac purred so damn sweetly for Kit when he nodded jerkily in response, and then he just…
held Kit, like he was something precious.

That, apparently, was more than enough to have Kit’s eyes watering.

“Awh, baby,” Isac cooed softly, fond laughter in his voice when he noticed Kit’s sniffly
ridiculousness. Kit just whined, a pout on his lips and his stupid half-formed knot still
throbbing. “Our sensitive Kitty. What’s it this time?”

Right, because… Perhaps it was well known that Kit, more often than not, got extremely
emotional when he was rutting.

Which, yeah, how that alone hadn’t clued Kit in on what had been going on in the past days
was beyond him… Usually his alpha was so sturdy and unbothered under most other
circumstances, but damn did those stupid rut hormones ever get to him.

The other three of course found it endlessly endearing, which was the only reason Kit felt
comfortable and safe sharing his silly rut-brain gymnastics.

“Just… ‘cause…” Kit’s breath caught on the words, stuttering, but Isac’s hand was
comforting when it appeared to pet over the back of his neck. Kit sighed, knowing he was
just dooming himself for more fond cooing when he finally admitted, grumbling; “Jus’...
Y’re bein’ all nice to me… Feels good.”

As expected, Isac breathed out an amused little laugh. When his hands came around to hold
the sides of Kit’s face, Kit begrudgingly allowed himself to be pulled away from Isac’s neck.

“Stop being cute,” Isac said with the fakest scowl, before rising up to his toes to press a quick
kiss on Kit’s pouting mouth.

“Think y’can make it back to the bed?” Isac asked then. He seemed completely unbothered
by the way Kit was still gingerly trying to rut his cock against his belly, instead cocking his
hips to offer Kit more pressure.

That made Kit growl low in his throat, and he licked his lips before swiftly leaning down low
enough to press them back against Isac’s.

The kiss was short and sweet, cut off by Isac’s sudden laugh, his spine arching when Kit’s
wandering hand slipped down his back and in between his cheeks.

“Oi!” Isac called out through the amusement. He rose to stand even more on his toes when
Kit’s fingers rubbed over his already well slickened rim. “Nuh-uh! Y’can have it, but bed
first. Not starting anything else here, we already slipped like three times and the tiles are
“But… please?” Kit pouted, pressing down with his finger just a little, enjoying the way
Isac’s heat started to stretch around him. Slick drooled onto his fingers the more Isac opened
for him, the scent of it heady and addictive, Kit’s cock already throbbing with renewed

The slight sting of Isac’s teeth digging into his shoulder was enough to leave Kit’s alpha
sulking, and he reluctantly pulled away, giving sad eyes to Isac when they were properly
facing each other again.

“None of that,” Isac said, dramatically rolling his eyes with a grin on his plush lips. He
pushed on Kit’s shoulder, bodily making him back away so he could slip out from between
Kit’s body and the wall.

Kit followed like a lost, scolded puppy, his cock already more than half hard again, jutting
out in front of him and making it awkward to walk. Isac stopped him on the bathmat to get
him dried with a towel, and Kit’s hips humped against it when Isac methodically ran it in
between his legs.

It made Isac huff out yet another laugh, obnoxiously teasing; “‘s my handsome, strong alpha
really that needy? So sensitive?”

“You know it is…” Kit grumbled, his cheeks warmer than he would’ve liked them to be. Isac
really was such a pest when it came to ruts. He definitely enjoyed the more vulnerable and
shameless neediness they brought out in Kit and Liam, and he always had the time of his life
tormenting the two of them.

“Oh, ’m sorry,” Isac crooned, the sympathy in his voice genuine, but also frustratingly
overplayed and cheeky, “What ever could possibly help?” The way he suddenly had his tiny
fist tight around Kit’s cockhead was most definitely not helping at all holy shit the fuck! “If
this big dummy’s too sensitive to handle a wet lockin’, should we just leave it leaking?”

This was probably karma from being such a knothead to Liam before…

No. It definitely was.

Kit’s chest rumbled with a loud, dark growl, his scent flaring sharply. Isac just cackled when
he was suddenly hoisted into Kit’s arms.

“Y’really need to stop provoking my alpha like that,” Kit said hoarsely over the growl. He
was unceremonious with the way he carried the little demon out of the bathroom, dumping
Isac on the bed once they got there. It settled Kit’s instincts to have Isac so submerged in his
scent, but it didn’t do much to calm the building urgency to stuff the omega as full of come as
physically possible. “‘s just gonna get more excited than it already bloody is. Is your lockin’
able to handle that?”

“Ooh, so scawy!” Isac mocked, eyes bright and turning increasingly wild already. He was
completely shameless with the way he spread his legs wide, dangerously tempting Kit with
the view of fresh slick gathering at his hole, his sweet little cock stiff over his lower belly, so
pink and so hard.
There wasn’t much space for rational thought by the time Kit’s hands were already wrapped
around Isac’s thighs.

The frustratingly seductive terror got manhandled down the bed with one rough pull, and Kit
was on him the second he got his own knees on the mattress. Kit’s chest was still rumbling
loudly, and he deliberately ignored Isac’s delighted laughter to get to his target faster.

Kit felt much more smug when Isac choked audibly on his own breath; Kit licking over his
everything with one fat drag of his tongue. The alpha in him rumbled in satisfaction, content
now that Isac was all but pinned to the mattress under him.

He looked so good there, spread out and eagerly leaking under Kit’s ravenous, rut-glazing

Kit was immediately being sloppy then. Too keen, but it wasn’t like he cared. It was true, he
was shameless. On the regular, but especially when he was rutting. It felt too damn good to
care, his alpha shivering happily as it started to steal more space from Kit’s rationality. It had
his eyes blowing huntingly dark, his lungs filling with Isac’s receptive, addictive scent.

Kit licked up wetly and wide again, over Isac’s taint and his balls, all the way to the pink tip
of his erect cock.

And then he did it over and over again, satisfied rumble vibrating from his chest like constant

“F-fuck, Kit, slow down,” Isac gasped, fingers suddenly clenching into a fist around Kit’s
curls. He pulled, just enough to force Kit up a bit, making him whine in disappointment.

Isac gasped out a laugh when Kit just chased after his hole, resisting.

“Oh god, you beast,” Isac cackled breathlessly, the sound turning into a loud moan when Kit
managed to shake the hand from his hair, immediately burying his face back in between
Isac’s legs.

It was just so deeply satisfying to Kit’s instincts, getting Isac gushing on his face until Kit’s
cheeks and jaw were smeared with slick, his tongue lapping in deep to get more of it. Isac’s
thighs were shaking under the pinning hold of Kit’s hands, and it didn’t take too long until he
was too busy gasping and mewling to even consider laughing at Kit again.

“Gon’fill you up so well,” Kit snarled wetly against Isac’s skin, his alpha dragging the words
from his mouth, filthy and messy and so eager to satisfy the rut coursing in his veins.
“Already drippin’ for me… Think y’gonna squirt, Izzy?”

“If y’give me a finger or two, I- I actually fuckin’ might,” Isac sighed out, his voice gone all
airy and lilting. He had his head thrown back on the sheets when Kit glanced up, his pretty
throat on show, flush travelling down his chest.

Isac genuinely did look like he just might, and Kit sure was not going to miss the opportunity
to try and make it happen.
Once he started, Kit couldn’t help but keep returning to the sight of his fingers disappearing
inside Isac’s tight little body, the ink on his knuckles shining darker with the slick they teased
out. No matter how intent Kit was to suck fresh marks all over Isac’s soft inner thighs, his
eyes just kept finding their way back to where Isac was squeezing around him.

It was always a bit of an experimentation to figure out how to get Isac properly wetting
himself with slick, and more than half the time it wouldn’t happen no matter what they tried.
Isac’s body usually needed some time to fully warm up too, and drawing it out made
everything feel stronger for him later. It was a stark contrast to Nathan, who was such a
sensitive baby that they often had to actively keep things slowed down with him, the younger
omega easily overwhelmed from his body’s sensations, sometimes ending up all dizzy from
simply forgetting to breathe.

Kit loved taking his time with both of them, no matter how short or long that time actually

This time it was somewhere in the middle.

It still took some work, but things were most definitely fast-tracked due to the strong, in-
season alphan pheromones affecting Isac’s own hormones and responses.

Isac came with an uncharacteristic, chokedly surprised chirp, his whole body locking up
around Kit’s deeply massaging fingers. Isac’s small cock only managed a keen jerk on his
belly, but nothing came out to add to the precome already dotting his skin. Kit’s whole hand
got completely drenched though, Isac’s slick suddenly gushing out in a couple of short bursts,
quickly dripping down Kit’s wrist, the bed sheets under them darkening rapidly.

It was only a moment later that Isac was already babbling nonsensically on Kit’s fingers, still
tucked deep inside, milking Isac’s prostate with sure and knowing movements. Kit watched
greedily as Isac’s legs started to tremble up, his knees knocking together from the effort to
endure the prolonged stimulation.

Isac was panting loudly, adorably flushed in the face, by the time his cock finally spilled too.

“Off,” Isac hiccuped, weakly pushing Kit’s face away from where he had surged to lap over
the pretty pinkness of his still hard erection. “Fuck- Kit, lemme, ah- lemme breathe for a

Kit found himself humping the bed in instinctive frustration, and Isac…

Isac was being mean.

“Isac,” Kit all but whined, pawing at the omega’s hips, openmouthed kisses leaving hotspots
of Kit’s scent all over Isac’s now relaxing and splayed thighs. He nipped at Isac’s wrist,
scowling when it remained firmly in place, covering the exact places Kit’s alpha wanted to
keep drowning itself in. “Let me…”

“How do I always forget how shameless y’can get like this?” Isac complained, voice
weakened by his still calming breaths. Kit just growled unhappily at the continuing, and
absolutely immoral, obstruction. He kept nosing against the back of Isac’s hand, mouthing
over his wrist again when it refused to budge. Kit completely blamed his alpha on it when he
snarled loudly, his knot throbbing hotly with the need to just… rut. “And so damn irrational!
Chill. Out. No one’s takin’ it from you. Like, damn, man.”

Kit knew he was being grabby, knew he was being pushy, but he also knew that Isac was
really the one calling the shots here.

No matter how Kit’d try his luck, it really was Isac who was letting him be grabby and pushy.

That was why Kit didn’t feel too presumptions or embarrassed about the way he just lifted,
turned, and re-pinned Isac into the pillows. He somehow, miraculously, still had the
wherewithal to make sure Isac’s piercing wasn't on the side pressed into the sheets, but other
than that…

Kit had Isac face down, hoisting his little arse up with a hasty hand cupped around a bony
hip. If the move also happened to trap Isac’s offensively immoral anti-Kit hands under his
chest, well…

Sucked to be him, didn’t it?

Kit was up against Isac right away, faster than he could think, immediately rutting his cock
against Isac’s hole and the backs of his taut balls. Kit’s knot was absolutely throbbing now,
slick smearing all over both of their skins, and Kit barely noticed how his own breaths were
puffing out in a litany of high strung whimpers.

He mouthed over the jut of Isac’s shoulder blades, hips twitching, heart hammering in his
chest as the head of his cock caught on Isac’s slick rim.

“Please, please, Izzy,” Kit panted, not caring in the slightest how out of control and needy he
sounded. But holy shit how ruts really did a number on his rational mind… So much so that
he couldn’t even tell how deep in instinct he had gone in the moment. His alpha was
exhilarated though, drunk on Isac’s beckoning scent, yet it was also anxious to get this omega
finally milking on his knot, fully claimed. “Can I? I’ll be quick, I’ll- I’ll make it good, I –”

“There’s no bloody way you’ll be quick. You’re in rut, y’lying meathead,” Isac grunted into
the pillow he was pressed against, legs spreading to accommodate Kit’s weight.

Kit wasn’t really listening, too focused on snuffling against Isac’s shoulders, mouthing bites
into his skin only to then rub his jaw over the marks. The only thing Kit was really waiting
for was the deep, amused sigh Isac breathed out, followed by a thrilling:

“Fuckin’- Yeah, yeah… Go on, then.”

Chest filling with an increasingly strong rumble, Kit… Well.

He tried?

Kit humped, no way around it, and he did it while whining in genuinely pathetic frustration
when his cock kept slipping up.
He knew exactly what he needed to do to ease the burningly desperate urgency, but
simultaneously he felt like he’d explode from grief if he had to move his arms from where
they were caging Isac under him, keeping him safe and hidden and ready for Kit’s come.

“Holy shit, what’s wrong with me?” Isac complained lowly to himself, simultaneously
wriggling an arm under his body, reaching to wrap a hand around Kit’s length. “Why the fuck
is you being useless doin’ it for me?”

The touch had Kit freezing in place, but he quickly caught on despite his instinct clouded
senses. He was impatient as he waited for Isac to guide the head of his cock in place, and
once it was there, Kit wasted no time.

His teeth hastily found a good hold on the skin of Isac’s nape… And then his hips were
already, unceremoniously, grinding his cock in.

The glide was snug but impossibly smooth with all the slick Isac kept producing, the squeeze
of it almost too much for Kit’s rutting brain. The way he growled around his pinning
mouthful echoed hauntingly in the room, his eyes forced shut from the sharp pleasure. The
burning need to get his knot in, to have his length locked down deep inside Isac’s hot heat,
was threatening to completely overwhelm him.

His hips snapped forward, only pulling back to snap right back in.

“Good Izzy, good omega,” Kit panted heavily around the biting hold he had on Isac,
irrationally unwilling to let go of him, the animalistic underside of his brain demanding the
omega to stay pinned by his teeth for the breeding.

Isac was loud, but he usually was when he got dicked down the way he really liked.

Kit felt spurred on by his voice, not holding back the almost punishing way his hips had
started to slap against Isac’s presented arse. He was getting so deep like this, Isac somehow
feeling especially smooth inside, clamping on Kit’s length so tightly, his body already trying
to keep the alpha in.

Kit genuinely felt like he might cry when he finally rutted his almost too swollen knot past
Isac’s rim. There was no pulling back then, the knot slotting right in, swelling even further
with the pressure and heat it got grabbed into. Outside of rut Kit would’ve been able to
control it more, fucking with his knot one of his favourite ways to torture his mates.

Now, he could do nothing but slowly roll his hips, the movements instinctively undulating,
Isac’s locking velvety but firm against the head of Kit’s cock.

“Mh- ah! Kit,” Isac gasped harshly into the sheets, his shoulder blades jutting out, thighs

It had all been so fast and dirty and unfinessed, Kit’s instincts utterly sloppy, selfish with the
way he had completely devoured Isac.

But none of it mattered.

All the rut really wanted was this.

Isac’s locking stretched fully around the crown of Kit’s cock with one last grinding press, the
clenching, swallowing suction immediately tortuously tight. Kit’s alpha exploded behind his
eyes when the lock took, the instincts flaring victorious and possessive, fading Kit’s vision
until he saw nothing but black.

His balls tightened sharply, pulling up, and with a wet snarl against Isac’s nape Kit started to
come, filling Isac’s locking with his claim.

Kit came so much, so deep inside, deliriously swearing in his hazy mind that it wouldn’t be
coming out unless he’d froth it back out with his cock himself. It was so viscerally satisfying
to his instincts to have his seed pumped in deep, so when Isac started to squirm and whine on
the tie, Kit’s alpha pinned him roughly into the sheets, teeth still firm on his nape.

Isac could do nothing but take it like that, his hole stretched around Kit’s knot and his locking
steadily building towards his internal release. Kit could scent how Isac’s cock kept dripping
onto the sheets from the constant stimulation, but his focus was on the way Isac’s insides kept
demandingly milking him for all he had to give. It was only when those internal muscles
clamped up almost painfully tight that Isac always went quiet, the locking tie forcefully
stealing his breath.

Having one of his mates coming so well on his cock never failed to make Kit’s balls draw up,
whatever he had left all but forced to dribble into Isac’s aggressively demanding heat.

And that said heat remained demanding until Kit’s balls absolutely ached, the head of his
cock suckled sore. Only his knot seemed to love the clenching tightness of Isac’s tortuous
body, and Kit tried to focus on that, breathing harsh gasps against the bite mark that was
already bruising on the back of Isac’s neck.

“‘f y’keep lickin’ it like that, you’ll actually break the skin,” Isac husked out after some
undefined length of time. His voice was rough from use, but also because of Kit’s heavy
weight on top of him. Kit mouthed the sore looking teeth marks with his lips, before yet
again dragging his tongue over it all. “Ah, c’mon, Kitty… I’ll let you warm your dumb knot
as long as y’want, but y’really gotta help me out here.”

“Scent s’good…” Kit crooned gruffly, his teeth pinching a new patch of skin in between
them. Just slightly holding for a second, before releasing, and then repeating. Kit could’ve
kept at it for hours, his instincts squirming blissfully at the strange form of grooming. He
didn’t even really know why it felt so satisfying, but it probably had to do with the way his
bites always double-pinned Isac for his knotting. “Gon- gonna stay in this lockin’ for…
forever. Keep it all full, make y’come all the time.”

“Yeah, okay, big guy… I’m sure you will,” Isac huffed fondly, well familiar with Kit’s rut-nut
dreamscape by now. “Can you do that without lying right on top of me though?” Kit grunted,
mouthing over Isac’s scent gland. “No, just- C’mon, baby, I know you’ll feel comfier on your
side, too. Let me jus-”

Kit’s brain buzzed, pure black and white noise, his body suddenly so, so still.

“Can I… Is it okay to come in now?”

Isac seemed to slump in dramatic relief under him, but Kit’s alpha was too busy scenting the
air to pay proper attention to it.

“Yes! Please, come here, pup!” Isac called, purposefully sounding begging and despairing,
not that Kit’s rut dumbed brain noticed.

All his everything zeroed in on Nathan when he carefully pushed the bedroom door open, his
head peeking through the gap, dark hair messy and his blue eyes wide. Kit didn’t need to see
the rest of his body to know that he was already all slicked up.

“Oh, so now he can move?” Isac complained, finally able to breathe properly once Kit pushed
himself to sit up, eyes blown huntingly dark again. Kit felt more high on alert, the scent of
Nathan’s fresh arousal delicious on the roof of his mouth. He couldn't help but rut his hips
forward a couple of times in a showy way, eyes on Nathan’s flushing face as he tortured his
own cock by teasing Isac’s locking with it. “Fuck, Kit… Ah, that- that feels so fuckin’ good,
what the fuck?”

Kit hummed at the choked out words, pleased pleased pleased, and he used his palms to rub
over Isac’s trembling back as he watched like a hawk for Nathan to come to them.

Kit was wholly unwilling to ever remove himself from Isac, but it still made him whine in
frustration to know that he was well stuck on the tie, his instincts already perking up at his
other omega’s presence.

It was confusing.

Way too complex of a dilemma for his rut glazed brain.

“s’ okay, Kitty,” Nathan said softly once he got onto the bed with them, his nose tucking
under Kit’s jaw right away, his scent cloying with the sweetest rush of good - want - good -
alpha - mine. “Y’can have us both, yeah?” The words made Kit’s chest rumble, his hips
twitching against Isac, making him sigh out in quiet pleasure. “I- I like watchi- Um… I like
when y’re good for Izzy…”

For all Nathan had really gotten more comfortable with himself and everything to do with
pack, he sure still managed to be his adorably hesitant self like this. He definitely knew how
to coax Kit’s alpha though, speaking softly to him, easily planting ideas into his rutting

Like. Yeah… Yeah, they really should keep takin’ good care of Izzy. Of course.

He was being so good, taking Kit’s knot, coming on it over and over again.

They should rest, too. Kit was a little sore, maybe. Tired? And thirsty?

Both Isac and Nathan were going to be there with him, for as long as he needed...
He could close his eyes for a bit, and they’d still…

When Kit woke up, it was with his nose buried under Nathan’s arm, his own curled around
Isac’s belly.

It seemed like they had somehow ended up using Nathan as a pillow, both of their heads
resting more or less on him. Kit’s stubbornly half-hard length was resting pressed against
Isac’s lower back. There was no come slipping down on Isac’s thighs yet, which made Kit
breathe out a self-congratulatory rumble, knowing that the locking had kept everything in.

“Smug bastard,” Isac quietly called him out on it, tone contrastingly soft as he revealed
himself to be awake, too. Kit just hummed, not even trying to refute it.

He felt a lot more calm now after the little nap, a lot more in control of himself too, which…
That was probably exactly why Nathan was only here now, and not when Isac had yet to
wrung the worst of the peaking rut-wave out of Kit.

It just showed that Isac really was a little masochist. The harsher his alphas were rutting, the
more he seemed to enjoy it.

But now, for Nathan… For Nathan Kit could always be as gentle as he needed. Just like Isac
would get his stinging bites and smacked red buttocks, Nathan always had everyone’s gentler
sides ready for him.

Kit was perhaps consciously sidestepping the discovery that Nathan had recently started to
show some cautious interest in the more… rough ways of playing. Kit’s dumb, horny,
persisting fixation on corruption was still illegal and firmly locked up in his mental jail, so no
such thing was happening with their sweet, innocent omega.

Kit could definitely keep ignoring the memory of Nathan spilling all over the living room
floor, right after Kit had slapped his thigh a little too hard… The impact had made him shake
and press wantonly back into Kit’s harsh hand, so clearly forgetting that he was supposed to
still be feeling shy about the fact that he’d just been made to fuck himself on Kit’s cock.
Liam and Isac right there, just watching, the telly on in the background for the illusion of
disinterest and dismissal.

“Your scent’s doin’ something…” Isac muttered, turning his head a little. “Thinkin’ nasty
thoughts over there?”

“Yeah,” Kit admitted, not even trying to pretend anything else. Isac huffed out a laugh in
response, and then he stretched, the movement making him roll further on top of Nathan, out
of Kit’s arms.

“Nat, baby,” Isac crooned before Kit could pout about being unjustly abandoned. “I know
you're awake, y’sneak. I have a task for you.”

“‘m ‘sleep,” Nathan said. Isac pressed his fingertips on Nathan’s scent gland, the pheromones
in the room already having caused it to swell and flush into a rosy colour, definitely sensitive.
Nathan confirmed that by squirming whinily, all the while his chin still lifted up to give Isac’s
bullying touch more room.

“Asleep or not, y’scent so damn horny it’s gonna get you in trouble soon,” Isac said,
provoking, and predictably caused Nathan to protest indignantly, his cheeks flushing bright
red in embarrassment. He looked so cute and flustered, and it really wasn’t a lie; his scent
was doing things to Kit that he couldn’t even put into words. “So how about we get these
clothes off you and let Kitty do his wee rut humping thing, m’kay?”

Kit huffed petulantly at that, scowling despite the excitement that sparked through him at
Isac’s words, and the way Nathan’s top got pulled up. “Not just some humpin’... Didn’t I give
it to you well enough?”

“Yeah, yeah, of course y’did.” Isac patted the top of Kit’s head placatingly, so obviously just
indulging him. He could probably tell that Kit could end up all teary eyed again if he was
teased too meanly right now, his emotions way too heightened to handle their usual back and
forth yapping. “Got your filthy on and rutted it in like the animal that you are. Left my
lockin’ so heavy I can literally feel it.”

Kit hated it that he preened at such obvious cheekiness, Isac full well knowing that Kit’s
alpha would lap this sort of thing right up no matter how flat of a tone he used. He was such a
bully, honestly. Isac wasn’t supposed to get under Kit’s skin so easily, effortlessly riling his
instincts up.

Yet somehow he always managed...

“Wha’s my task, Iz?” Nathan asked once he was done undressing, his cheeks an endearing
blotchy red, pupils already blowing wide. Kit’s chest rumbled happily at the sight of him, all
long lines of creamy, bare skin, ready for Kit to mark up.

“To make Kit nut as fast as y’can, so Liam can come in with us,” Isac said crudely. He lifted
to sit up, then bodily pushed Kit toward the red faced, fishmouthing Nathan. “Shouldn’t be
too hard, y’ve been dripping for it since forever, haven’t you?”

“Isac,” Nathan growled weakly, narrowing his eyes in a way that was completely harmless.
Isac just flashed him a toothy grin.

“Liam can come in now…” Kit grumbled then, hoping to save Nathan from more of Isac’s
verbal bites. He wasn’t sure if he did any good with that, his focus too zeroed on Nathan, his
blooming scent just waiting to be covered by Kit’s.

“Liam can come once you have,” Isac leered, the obnoxious look breaking into a laugh when
Nathan swatted at him to shut up. Kit agreed with Nathan’s methods, deciding to immediately
reward him by pulling him close, mouth seeking warm skin right away.

“We sorted it out earlier, ’s fine,” Kit said gruffly, pausing to suck a pretty little mark on
Nathan’s hip. He really was all slickened up already, the scent so sweet in Kit’s lungs when
he unceremoniously pushed Nathan’s legs open.
Kit grinned sharply down at Nathan then, the lad always so cute when he was just made to
show everything like this.

“Well, ‘m not dealin’ with any alpha dick-measuring today, so y’better get Nat on that knot
he’s been craving. You know damn well that your A will throw a fit if Limo comes in here
before you have managed at least one load each...” Isac was so obviously being nasty on
purpose, his flippant words easily making Nathan’s scent soar. Inhaling deeply through his
nose, Kit watched how slick started to drool past Nathan’s rim. His own cock clearly agreed
with Isac, already heavy and throbbing and demanding they hurry the fuck up. “There’s just
no way your dumb rut brain would tolerate him near such a ripe unbred omega, not when
Nathan’s scentin’ like he’ll lock on it the second you pop your knot in.”

“Isac. Fuckin’- Please, just- shut up,” Nathan groaned breathily, squirming beautifully on the
impatient fingers Kit had already slid inside of him.

“What?” Isac pouted, the beak of his mouth audible in his voice, “‘m just makin’ sure you get
treated right! And y’don’t even need the fingers, d’you?”

Kit’s alpha perked up at that, even though he’d already kind of figured; Nathan so soft,
opening so well for Kit’s touch.

“Hmm, pet… Did you play with yourself before you came here?” Kit asked, a hum starting to
build in his chest.

“No, no, I was just -”

Isac cut Nathan’s flustered stuttering off before he could finish: “Kit, maybe baby alpha got
to him first? Should we check?”

Scheming little pest, that’s what he was. Knowing exactly what would drive Kit’s instincts
insane, true or not.

Kit’s alpha made him snarl, unsettled and prickled by the suggestion, even though he damn
well would’ve been able to scent it if Liam had slipped one in behind Kit’s back.

The nasty sound was enough to make Nathan bare his neck, his thighs splaying submissively,
just allowing Kit to take anything he wanted. The open invitation wasn’t something Kit could
even dream to resist, and his swelling knot was stretching Nathan’s rim before he even knew

“Sweet,” Isac said happily, as if his scent hadn’t just gone through a heavily interested uptick.
“Nat? Keep him distracted. I’ll go check on the puppy.”

“What?” Kit growled sharply, his head trying to shoot up from where he’d been mouthing
along Nathan’s collarbones. He got intercepted though, Nathan wrapping his arms behind
Kit’s neck, pulling him to his flushed scent gland.

“Kit, Kitty,” Nathan breathed out quietly, his long legs wrapping snugly around Kit’s waist,
hugging him in. “My… Ah, m’lockin’ feels… weird…”
Kit’s focus was so quick to turn, nose against Nathan’s skin to detect any pain, his hips
slowing. “Weird? Weird how? Does it hurt?”

“Mh…” Nathan whined, nuzzling into Kit’s jaw. “‘s empty.”

The prettiest gasp jostled out of him when Kit’s hips kicked forward, the words registering
like a hammer coming down on Kit’s already buzzing mind.

The whole thing really went right over his rational head… But once he’d get his wits back to
him, Kit’d absolutely torment Nathan for being such a little minx, ready to make him squirm
with the sweetest embarrassment.

That’d be much later though.

All Kit’s alpha knew right then was that his omega wanted his locking filled, and Kit was
more than happy to do exactly that.

When Isac returned back to the bedroom, it was a good while later, and he brought shy and
hesitating Liam with him.

The golden alpha somehow managed to look so tiny and soft, even with Isac leading him in
by the hand, their fingers entangled together. Kit knew the illusion was more about Liam’s
scent, his headspace, and simply the way he held himself just then, rather than Liam’s actual

Kit had been blissfully swapping thorough scent markings with Nathan, so happy to listen to
the sleepy and sated omegan purr whispering from his chest. They were both a little loopy
from the thick pheromones, happy chemicals flooding through Kit’s veins from the job well

Nathan had already slipped down somewhere deep with his omega by the time Kit had made
his locking take. He was becoming only slightly less instinct-led now, blinking blarily at Isac
and Liam as they neared the bed.

Kit’s alpha wanted to reach for Isac, still scathingly unhappy that the omega had managed to
slip out of the room when he was supposed to remain pinned under Kit forever.

His eyes landed on Liam, though.

“Kit, gentle,” Isac called with a firm tone, and Kit wasn’t even sure if it was on Nathan’s or
Liam’s behalf. Could’ve been both, considering the way Kit’s dominant pheromones had

Kit frowned.

He had shifted a little abruptly, but… he hadn’t meant to come across threatening. He was no
longer tied with Nathan so they didn’t have to worry about that, either.
Liam had his gaze down, still visibly in his more submissive instincts after going down for
Kit so fully. Isac brushed one small hand gently over Liam’s blond hair, quietly coaxing him
onto the bed with them.

Isac’s cautioning words were enough to make Kit check that he wasn’t somehow accidentally
crushing Nathan - he wasn’t! - and only then did he turn his gaze properly back to Liam.

A reflexive snarl pulled at his lips at the sight of the alpha so close to… their…

Their mates.



Theirs. Both of theirs. His alpha.

Kit shook his head. And then again, when the haze of his instincts and the rut still tried to
cling to his senses. Liam was being so sweet though, as he usually was, and Kit watched him
slowly roll onto his back, marked up neck stretching out, dimples deep as he gazed up at Kit,
not quite meeting his eyes. If he had a tail, it would’ve been wagging in between his legs.
Just one big buff golden retriever, honestly.

The alpha in Kit hummed, and he found himself shifting over to Liam, mouth seeking out
that offered throat. Liam’s palms were nice and big on his overheated back when they came
up to rub up along his spine, scenting Kit back.

It made Kit’s instincts sing.

Liam had been so good for him earlier, had let Kit inside, had let go as if it was just that

It made Kit’s alpha feel so… competent, so pleased and proud and just a tiny bit smug.

Kit’s chest rumbled, Liam’s scent delicious as it hit the roof of his mouth when he laved over
the offered scent gland. Kit chuffed, low in his throat, and then he made sure to make Liam
scent so much like Kit’s that people would struggle to tell them apart.

“Should we leave?” Kit distantly heard Isac stage-whisper. Nathan’s stifled but amused
chuckle followed in response.

Kit blinked.

His mind felt heavy and sluggish, his mouth hot from the kiss. Kisses.

When Kit turned his head, he found both omegas looking at him. Them. Nathan had his head
on Isac’s chest, Isac’s hand petting through the mess of his brown hair.

“Leave?” Kit croaked, brows furrowing. His arms tightened their hold where they were
wrapped around Liam. “Who’s… Who’s leavin’?”
Kit didn’t like the sound of that.

His alpha really didn’t like the sound of that.

Suddenly his eyes felt far mistier than they had any right to be, and Kit felt like he needed to
make sure that… that everything was okay?

Everyone was okay?

Who was leaving?

Where were they going?

Why were they going?

How was Kit supposed to take care of them if they- if they weren’t close to him?

Kit turned his head to eye the room, starting to sit up, while also trying to make sure he was
holding onto the sweet alpha under him.

Distantly Kit knew that he was being silly, but his herding instinct was strong on a good day.

His alpha seemed especially possessive and fixated on Liam this time around, probably due
to the intense shifts they had gone through in the past twenty four hours.

Also, Liam had clearly remained in such a sweetly vulnerable headspace, leaning into Kit
much more and differently than he ever would need to on a regular day. Kit’s protective
instincts were well aware of that, and that’s why it was so important that no one was leaving
his sight.

“Awh, baby, no,” Isac was already soothing, fond amusement paining his voice. “No one’s
going anywhere, ‘was just teasing. ’m sorry, we’re here.”

“Not going?” Kit asked, still frowning.

His expression smoothed when Nathan reached out to grab his hand, slotting their fingers
together once Kit slowly returned to laying fully down again.

“Not going,” Isac confirmed, patiently. “We’re all here.”

Chapter End Notes

Poor Kitty, but at least he got to spend this chapter mostly with no thoughts, head empty.
:') Being a hormonal, confused mess is valid, doesn't make the sads and pains feel any
less sad and painful<3

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