The Smoothie Diet 21 Day Rapid Weight Lo

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The Smoothie Diet: 21 Day

Rapid Weight Loss Program

Table Of Content


Legal Disclaimer

How to lose weight easily
Why is the Smoothie Diet so effective?
Mom of 2 sheds 70 lbs. with this one weird drink
3 LBS IN 3 DAYS: You won’t BELIEVE what she looks like NOW!
Copyright © 2021 The Smoothie Diet. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or

photocopying without written permission of the publisher or author. The exception
would be in the case of brief quotations embodied in the critical articles or reviews and
pages where permission is specifically granted by the publisher or author.

Please Note: As a customer of the The Smoothie Diet supplement, you are permitted
to print a copy of this eBook for personal use.

Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information
contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or
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This Is NOT just a big book of smoothie recipes. You're

getting the same proven 3-Week weight loss and health
improvement program I share with my private clients. The secret
that makes the Smoothie Diet so effective is the Custom 3-Week
Weight Loss Schedule. All the smoothies are given in a very
specific sequence and frequency to maximize your results. For
example, the nutrient and ingredient ratios vary week to week to
make sure the weight keeps coming off and stays off.

I’ve used my knowledge as a Health Coach and what I’ve learned

from all my clients to make sure this program delivers rapid
results. I have meticulously researched specific ingredients and
nutrient properties to maximize the effectiveness of this program.
All you have to do is replace certain meals with the smoothie
recipes I provide and then watch as the pounds melt effortlessly off
your body and your energy levels skyrocket.

How to lose weight easily

I wanted to write to you today because a weight loss program that I LOVE is currently on sale
for $10 off the usual price tag.
It’s called the Smoothie Diet.
This is hands down the best, healthiest, safest, most satisfying diet I’ve ever found to help you
blast through fat and reach your goal weight.
The Smoothie Diet was created by Drew Sgoutas, a Board Certified Health Coach and Nutrition
The plan is simple. For 21 days, you swap out two of your three meals with delicious, hearty,
nutrient-dense smoothies. That’s it.
You can still have snacks and one whole food based meal throughout the day, and you won’t
have to stress about planning them since the Smoothie Diet guide includes sample meals and
snacks (plus vegetarian options).
If you choose, you can use a “flex day” every week where you just eat three healthy, meals
(they’re all spelled out inside the Smoothie Diet). This way, it’s very convenient.
Collectively, Coach Drew has helped his Smoothie Diet community lose more than 40,000
pounds - and KEEP THE WEIGHT OFF.
Here’s a breakdown of what you get with The Smoothie Diet
● 36 delicious, filling smoothie recipes to help you blast through fat and lose weight,
consistently, without feeling deprived
● Weekly shopping lists to make it simple to stay on track
● A 21-day rapid fat loss plan that tells you which smoothie to have when for maximum
● Smoothie making tips and prep guide so you can be prepared (and not reach for sugar
when 4 p.m. cravings hit)
● A 60-page guide to tell you everything you need to know to succeed on the program.
● A Quick-start guide to make it easy to begin
● A 3-Day detox plan (this is optional) to help you drop the first few pounds asap

Why is the Smoothie Diet so effective?

Weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. This Smoothie Diet cuts out all the awful foods that
are making you gain weight while boosting your metabolism, cutting your cravings, and
reducing your caloric intake (without ever leaving you hungry).
Plus, the Smoothie Diet is insanely convenient. Convenience is the single biggest factor that
leads to diet success or failure. If something is hard, you’re unlikely to stick with it. If it’s a
breeze, then why wouldn’t you follow through?
The best thing about the Smoothie Diet is that it helps you KEEP LOSING WEIGHT even after the
21 days are over. Many of Drew’s clients choose to swap out one meal per day with a smoothie
for a few more weeks or months. And since it’s already a habit and you already love the
smoothies, it’s easy to keep going until you hit your goal weight.
Whether you want to lose 10 lbs. or 70 lbs., you’ll be able to make it happen with The Smoothie

Want to learn more and claim your $10 off? You can learn all about it here.
Mom of 2 sheds 70 lbs. with this one weird drink
Weight loss stories are everywhere nowadays, but this is one you have to see to believe.
It’s literally going VIRAL.
>> Watch the video here

Amanda had tried everything to lose weight, but after having her second son, the weight wasn’t
coming off. She tried all the popular plans like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, even some crazy
fad diets from Doctor Oz…
But Nothing Worked! (We’ve all been there right?)
Until she discovered an enjoyable way to lose weight that fit right in with her busy lifestyle. It
was so easy that ANYONE could do it.
Amanda has used this method to lose over 70 lbs. AND keep ALL the weight off!
This one video will change the entire way you look at weight loss.
>> Watch Amanda’s Weight Loss Success Story

3 LBS IN 3 DAYS: You won’t BELIEVE what she looks like NOW!

I hope you’re having an amazing day! I wanted to share this quick story with you.

I was recently having lunch with my friend Rachel. You would never know it looking at her now,
but a few months ago Rachel used to be more than 40 lbs overweight.
Back then, losing weight seemed like it wasn’t possible, especially when she has 2 kids, a
husband, a job, errands to run…She felt like she didn’t even have time for herself.
She had decided to just settle on the body she had, continuing to cover it up with baggy clothes
and never being as confident as she really wanted to be.
Rachel had pretty much given up on EVER getting the body she wanted…

That’s when I introduced her to green smoothies and how perfect they are for busy women who
feel like they don’t have time to lose weight.
In fact, my good friend Drew who happens to be a Board-Certified Health Coach and the one
who got me hooked on green smoothies, recently wrote this great article about rapid weight
loss just for busy women:

See how busy women are losing 3-8 lbs in 1 week
Turns out smoothies are the perfect weight loss secret weapon…especially for WOMEN!

No wonder why celebrities like The Housewives and The Kardashians swear by these “magical”
green drinks to keep them slim all-year-round.
So fast forward to today, and Rachel is literally glowing.

She has dropped 34 pounds over the past 2 months and is bubbling with energy.

She even told me that she doesn’t wear as much makeup anymore because her skin is so much
better now than it used to be. Not to mention she now fits into all those clothes she always
wanted to wear!

And you know what?

Transformations like this are happening EVERY DAY to women just like you!

So that’s all for today. I love inspirational stories like Rachel’s and just wanted to share it with
Here is the link to Drew’s article again that explains exactly why smoothies work so well AND so
fast for weight loss, especially for busy women like you:

See how busy women are losing 3-8 lbs in 1 week
To Your Health,

Sign Off
Not only does Smoothie Diet contain all the required ingredients at effective
therapeutic dosages, it’s also more cost effective. This is a product that we proudly
and confidently stand behind the quality and potency in source ingredients, so when
you buy it, use it, and combine it with the food and lifestyle suggestions in this
program, you will get optimal results.
Truly, Smoothie Diet is the only assured way to get the specific strains of these
powerful pre- and probiotics in the ratios needed and thoroughly studied by our
advisors. And it’s available exclusively for The Fat Loss Accelerator Program.

If you are ready to reset your gut and overcome your weight issues and the guilt,
shame, and disappointment that has dogged you all these years, then I invite you to
do what I did (and what thousands of others did) and invest in your health and
wellbeing today.

How To Get It

If you did not order BioFit with your purchase of the Favorite FoodsProgram, you
can still get it!

FOR A LIMITED TIME: New customer are eligible for a 30% discount if you order
within 7 days of purchasing the Favorite Food Diet.

Note: It’s make in small batches to ensure potency and quality, so sometimes we
run out of stock. It’s best to order as soon as possible so you aren’t delayed in
getting into the best shape of your life.

YES! Give Me Smoothie DietNow!

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