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1. What height of mercury column will 8. Obtain the location of the force
cause a pressure at 690 kPa? from the center of gravity of the
A. 5.17 C. 6.90 plate, in mm.
B. 70.4 D. 13.6 A. 210 C. 180
B. 190 D. 200
2. A sharp-edged orifice 150 mm in diameter 9. Evaluate the rate of flow in the
discharges oil under head of 3.35 m. The pipes, in m3/s.
average velocity at the vena contracta A. 590 C. 600
is 7.85 m/s. What is the head lost in m? B. 580 D. 610
A. 0.2 C. 0.6
B. 0.4 D. 0.8
Situation 2. A trapezoidal canal has a
bottom width of 6 m and a side slope
3. Water contained in an open vessel
2 horizontal to 1 vertical. When the
moving at an acceleration of one
depth of the flow is 1.2 m and the
half that of gravity. At what angle
rate of flow is 20.4 m3/s,
with the vertical will the water
surface be?
10. Compute the specific energy in
A. 26.6° C. 23.4° meters.
B. 63.4° D. 66.6° A. 1.31 C. 1.51
B. 1.41 D. 1.61
4. In order to provide water from a 11. If the roughness coefficient n
nearby spring, a triangular flume of = 0.015, obtain the slope of the
efficient cross-section was provided canal using Manning’s Formula.
on a slope of 0.21 percent. Assuming A. 0.007 C. 0.003
the roughness coefficient of the B. 0.005 D. 0.001
channel to be n = 0.018. Obtain the 12. Compute the average shearing
depth of flow in meters of the water stress at the boundary over the
in the flume if it is discharging at surface of the channel in N/m2.
the rate of 2 m3/s. A. 7.6 C. 5.4
A. 1.18 C. 2.25 B. 9.6 D. 3.2
B. 1.78 D. 2.75
Situation 3. An object weighs 75 N when
5. A ship having a displacement of submerged in oil (sg=0.80) and a
24000 tons and a draft of 10.5 m in force of 100 N is required to hold
the ocean enters a harbor of fresh it submerged in mercury.
water. If horizontal cross-section
of the ship at the water line is 3000 13. What is the weight (N) of the
sq.m., what depth of fresh water is object?
required to float the ship? Assume a A. 85.9 C. 95.1
marine ton is 1000 kg and that B. 72.1 D. 64.8
seawater and fresh water weighs 10.1 14. What is the volume (m3) of the
kN/m3 and 9.81 kN/m3 respectively. object?
A. 10.5 C. 10.3 A. 0.00125 C. 0.00096
B. 10.7 D. 10.9 B. 0.00139 D. 0.00214
15. What is the specific gravity?
6. A cubic meter of water is subjected to A. 5.21 C. 6.62
a pressure increase of 20 MPa. If the B. 6.29 D. 7.16
bulk modulus of elasticity of the water
is 2200 MPa, evaluate the change in
volume in m3. 16. Minor losses through valves,
A. 0.0136 C. 0.0146 fittings, bends, contractions etc.
B. 0.0178 D. 0.00909 are commonly modeled as proportional
Situation 1. A triangular plate of A. total head
height h = 1.20 m and base b = 2 m B. static head
is submerged vertically in water C. velocity head
with its base at the liquid surface D. pressure drop
and parallel to it.

7. Evaluate the total force acting on

one side of the plate, in kN.
A. 4.08 C. 4.21
B. 4.71 D. 4.32

Manila/Baguio/Cebu: Davao:

17. The best hydraulic cross 24. Type of flow in which the
section for a trapezoidal channel of density of the fluid is constant
base width b is one for which the from one point to another.
length of the side edge of the flow A. continuous flow
section is: B. steady flow
A. b C. compressible flow
B. b/2 D. incompressible flow
C. 2b
D. √𝟑𝐛 25. Type of flow in which the fluid
particles rotate about their own
18. When the path lines of the axis while flowing along the
individual particles of a flowing streamlines.
liquid are irregular curves and A. rotational flow
continually cross each other and B. steady flow
form a complicated network, the flow C. irrotational flow
is called: D. incompressible flow
A. uniform
B. laminar
C. continuous
D. turbulent

19. Type of flow where the flow rate

does not change over time.
A. continuous flow
B. laminar flow
C. steady flow
D. uniform flow

20. Type of flow where the mean

velocity of flow for a given length
or reach is the same at every cross
A. continuous flow
B. laminar flow
C. steady flow
D. uniform flow

21. Uninterrupted flow in a fluid

near a solid boundary in which the
direction of flow at every point
remains constant:
A. continuous flow
B. laminar flow
C. steady flow
D. uniform flow

22. Type of flow where at any time,

the discharge or flow rate at every
section of the stream is the same.
A. continuous flow
B. steady flow
C. critical flow
D. uniform flow

23. Type of flow in which, for a

fixed rate of flow, the specific
energy is minimum.
A. continuous flow
B. steady flow
C. critical flow
D. subcritical

“Just believe in yourself. Even if you

don’t, pretend that you do and, at some
point, you will.”

Manila/Baguio/Cebu: Davao:

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