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Republic of the Philippines

Commission of Higher Education

Rodriguez, Rizal

Lesson Plan in Cell and Molecular Biology { 4 A ’s Approach }

Grade 10
Week 3 2nd Quarter

At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students are expected to:
1. Understand and give examples of the molecular movements of cells.
2. Identify the types of diffusion.
3. Differentiate the carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.


Topic: Molecular movements of cells
Types of diffusion
Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
Instructional materials: PowerPoint Presentation
Strategies: 4 A’ s Approach { Activity, Analysis, Abstract, Application }
Values integration: To learn the importance and apply it in our daily lives.
References: The Cell Membrane: Passive and Active Transport. (n.d.). The Biology
Primer. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from
Libretexts. (2022, May 7). 5.7: Cell Transport. Biology LibreTexts. Retrieved October 17,
2022, from

Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

I. Preliminaries

a. Greetings Good morning class ! Good morning, Sir !

b. Prayers Kindly stand up for the { Elisa will lead the opening
opening prayer Elisa, kindly prayer. }
lead the opening prayer.

c. Checking of attendance In our chat box I will send the The students will answer the
link of our attendance and fill attendance in the google form
up the form and consider it as link.
your attendance for today.

d. Classroom management
and safety protocols

e. Review of Past Lesson Anyone in the class would Our last discussion, sir, is all
volunteer to review our past about the cell membrane
discussion? structure and the transport
mechanism in the cell

f. Motivation Before we proceed to our

discussion for today, let us
first have a short game. The
game is called “Complete
Word Letter.” Are you familiar Yes, Sir
with that game?

Okay, class I will post the

letter then I will call several
students to arrange the
Are you ready class? Yes, Sir

{ the teacher will post the

jumbled letter and present it
to google meet.}



Class, what can you say

about the first picture? What
does it show? Who can I think the answer sir is
guess? Yes, Kurt. Lipids.

Yes Kurt that is correct.



Who can answer the next pic Based on the illustration, it is

and the incomplete word. the 4 types of proteins so the
answer is Proteins.
Yes ! Ana that’s correct


Class, what can you say

about the last
picture? What does it show?
Who can
Sir , I guess that is
guess? Yes, Gibbs
all about the movement of
molecule or to be specific it's
a Diffusion,
That's a very good guess for

Your answer is correct.

Now we can proceed to our



The class will be divided into

three groups.
A. Activity
{Group} { the class will be count off 1-
Please count off 1 -3

Group yourself according to

your number. And each group
will be given a task.
Students' task is to create an
accurate and informative
jingle while understanding
and learning about our topic

Group#01 will create a jingle

about molecular movement of
a cell.
Group#02 will create a jingle
about types of diffusion
Group#03 the last group will
create a jine about the
remaining topic which is
carbohydrates, lipids and

To create and deliver their

jingle on the subject
accurately, they need to have
and provide plenty of
gathered information.

They are free to use any

resources they may have to
produce an informative and
creative jingle, including the
textbook, the internet, and
Google searches.

One or two representatives

will present their work to the
class. In a google class


Directions: Each group will {Each group will do the task.}

have 5 minutes to prepare
their task and 3 minutes to
present their work. The
teacher will grade them
based on the criteria that
have been established. Do
you understand the activity?

Okay, you may start now.

B. Analysis The teacher will gather the
work of the students and he
will check if each group got
the correct answer and
interpretation about the given

Let’s begin with Group#01. {Group 1 representative

will present their work}

Job well done Group 1.

You’ve got all
the correct answers and you
performed your jingle very

Clap your hand for them. {Students will clap their


Let’s proceed to the {Group 2 representative

Group#02. will present their work}

Job well done Group 2.

You’ve got also
all the correct answers.and
you performed your jingle
with creativity.

Clap your hand for them. {Students will clap their


Let’s proceed to the last {Group 3 representative

group#03. will present their work}

Job well done Group 3.

You’ve got also
all the correct answers.and
you performed your jingle
with creativity.
Clap your hand for them. {Students will clap their

I am so glad that all of the

group got to perform your
assigned task very well. It
seems that you really
understand the lesson.

You all deserve a big round of {Students will clap their

applause. hands.}

C. Abstraction Our topic for today is all

about molecular movement of
cells, types of diffusion and
last carbohydrates, lipids and

Now, let us start our

First, let’s define the word
molecular movement of cells.

Any ideas from the class?

What is the molecular
movement of cells?

Yes, Mary? I think sir Molecular

movement means the
movement of molecules
inside the cells or between
the cells of the body. ∙ The
movements are important for
survival as each part of the
cell or every part of the body
performs a different function
and all should be connected
to complete all the metabolic
This illustrations show the
different movement of
molecule across our cell and

Let’s define transport without


In biology, transport is the act

or the means by which
molecules, ions, or substrates
are moved across a biological
membrane, such as the
plasma membrane. It may
also pertain to the moving of
electrons in an electron
transport chain.

This is a simple illustration of

transport in our cell.

Does anyone have ideas

about different types of
Yes.Eudora. What is your Sir based on my research
answer? one of the examples of
transport is passive transport.
You're correct, Eudora.

Let us first define passive


Passive transport occurs

when substances cross the
plasma membrane without
any input of energy from the
cell. No energy is needed
because the substances are
moving from an area where
they have a higher
concentration to an area
where they have a lower
concentration. Water
solutions are very important
in biology. When water is
mixed with other molecules
this mixture is called a
solution. Water is the
solvent and the dissolved
substance is the solute. A
solution is characterized by
the solute. For example,
water and sugar would be
characterized as a sugar
solution. The more the
particles of a solute in a given
volume, the higher the
Under passive transport

● Simple osmosis
● Osmosis
● Facilitated diffusion

Simple osmosis

Diffusion Although you may

not know what diffusion is,
you have experienced the
process. Can you remember
walking into the front door of
your home and smelling a
pleasant aroma coming from
the kitchen? It was the
diffusion of particles from the
kitchen to the front door of
the house that allowed you to
detect the odors. Diffusion is
defined as the net movement
of particles from an area of
greater concentration to an
area of lesser concentration.


Osmosis is a specific type of

diffusion; it is the passage of
water from a region of high
water concentration through a
semipermeable membrane to
a region of low water
concentration. Water moves
in or out of a cell until its
concentration is the same on
both sides of the plasma
Let's proceed to our next

What are carbohydrates?

I think Sir Carbohydrate is a
Yes Angel group of organic compounds
occurring in living tissues and
foods in the form of starch,
cellulose, and sugars. The
ratio of oxygen and hydrogen
in carbohydrates is the same
as in water. It typically breaks
down in the animal body to
release energy.
Yes that’s correct Angel

So carbohydrates have a
Cn(H2O)n is the generic
formula for all carbohydrates.
This formula is only valid for
simple sugars, which are
made up of the same amount
of carbon and water.

Next is lipids so let’s define

Lipids .

Fats and lipids are an

essential component of the
homeostatic function of the
human body. Lipids
contribute to some of the
body’s most vital processes.
Lipids are fatty, waxy, or oily
compounds that are soluble
in organic solvents and
insoluble in polar solvents
such as water. Lipids include:

● Fats and oils

● Phospholipids
● Waxes
● Steroids
Next we have proteins

Proteins- Proteins are

polypeptide structures
consisting of one or more
long chains of amino acid
residues. They carry out a
wide variety of organism
functions, including DNA
replication, transporting
molecules, catalyzing
metabolic reactions, and
providing structural support to
cells. A protein can be
identified based on each level
of its structure. Every protein
at least contains a primary,
secondary, and tertiary
structure. Only some proteins
have a quaternary structure
as well. The primary structure
consists of a linear chain of
amino acids.

Did you understand the three Yes Sir.

types of passive transport?

Any Question or clarifications None Sir.

regarding the topic?

That’s good to hear in class.

D. Application Since we have done with our

discussion. I want you to get
your paper and pen to write
your understanding and
learning about our topics.

I will give you ten minutes to {The students will write 3

finish your activity. sentences.}

And submit it to me when

you're finished.

Yes Sir.
Follow the instructions and
criteria in making your

Thank you class, I hope you

Thank you Sir.
learn from our discussion.

IV. EVALUATION { 5 Minutes }

A. Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer. Get your quiz notebook and pen or
you may use any available paper write your (name, section and date to today).

1. Which biomolecule is also known as enzymes? A

A. Carbohydrate
B. Lipid
C. Nucleic Acid
D. Protein

2. Which biomolecule helps form animal tissues? B

A. Nucleic Acid
B. Carbohydrate
C. Protein
D. Lipids

3. Which biomolecule is responsible for insulation and energy storage? C

A. Protein
B. Nucleic Acid
C. Lipid
D. Carbohydrate
4. Which biomolecule has sugars and starches? C

A. Lipids
B. Proteins
C. Carbohydrates
D. Nucleic Acid

5. Which biomolecule is made of amino acids? C

A. Nucleic Acid
B. Carbohydrate
C. Protein
D. Lipid


Directions: Read our lesson and write an explanation essay explaining why it's important to
learn about carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and how it relates to our daily lives. It is
composed of 3 paragraphs and 5 sentences. Submit it to our Google Classroom until tomorrow.
October 15, 2022.

Prepared by:


Science Teacher

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