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Which of the following volcanoes in the Philippines is classified as a composite volcano?

a. Mayon volcano c. Taal volcano

b. Mount Pinatubo d. Mount Kanlaon

What type of volcanic eruption is characterized by a fountain of lava?

a. strombolian c. plinian
b. phreatic d. Vulcanian

Why is Taal volcano classified as a cinder cone type of volcano?

a. because it has perfect cone shape
b. because it resembles warriors shield
c. because it has wide crater
d. none of the above

Mount Pinatubo erupted on June 6, 1991, according to PHIVOLCS, the type of eruption
occurred is ____________.
a. phreatomagmatic c. plinian
b. vulcanian d. Strombolian

What is the term for an active volcano that has not erupted for many years but is supposed
to erupt again?
a. dormant volcano c. active volcano
b. inactive volcano d. none of the above

When is a volcano considered as active?

a. if it has recorded an eruption for the past 5000 years?
b. if it has recorded an eruption for the past 1000 years?
c. if it has recorded an eruption for the past 10 000 years?
d. if it has recorded an eruption for the past 50 000 years?

Volcanic eruptions can affect climate because:

a. they heat the atmosphere
b. volcanic dust in the atmosphere absorbs solar radiation
c. volcanoes have no effect on the climate
d. none of the above

The hot rock that flows down the sides of the volcano is ________________.
a. magma c. lava
b. pyroclastic material d. volcanic ash

These volcanoes are volcanoes which have not erupted within historic times' but have the
capacity to become active.
a. active volcano c. inactive volcano
b. dormant volcano d. Stratovolcano
During the volcanic eruption, which of the following describe alert level?
a. increasing unrest c. low level of volcanic unrest
b. magmatic unrest d. hazardous eruption imminent

Volcanoes erupt because of _____________.

a. the pressure in the earth forcing the hot rock through a crack
b. an earthquake happening nearby
c. the earth is getting overheated
d. none of the above

A device that converts mechanical to electrical energy is ____________________.

a. turbine c. generator
b. transformer d. electric motor

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using geothermal energy?

a. it is a renewable energy source c. it is environment friendly
b. the production is cheaper d. it is a non-renewable source

A power plant can be defined as ___________.

a. A plant that processes geothermal gasses for industrial purposes
b. A plant that grows in geothermal rich regions
c. A plant that generates electricity from burning coal
d. A plant that uses geothermal energy to generate electricity

Which of the following is a direct use of geothermal energy?

a. generating electricity from steam turbines
b. using geothermal heat pumps for space heating and cooling
c. burning fossil fuels to generate electricity
d. generating electricity from solar panels.

What is the main problem in harnessing geothermal energy in non- volcanic regions?
a. the high cost of technology
b. the lack of suitable land for power plant
c. the low temperature of geothermal reservoir
d. the presence of toxic gasses in the geothermal reservoirs.

What is the typical source of geothermal heat used for direct heating applications in homes
and buildings.
a. hot springs c. geysers
b. magma d. the earth’s interior
The process of producing energy by utilizing heat trapped inside the earth surface is called
a. Hydrothermal energy c. Solar energy
b. Geo-Thermal energy d. Wave energy

What is the primary advantage of geothermal energy compared to other renewable energy
a. it is available regardless of weather conditions
b. it is completely free of cost
c. it can be harnessed in any location
d. it does not require any specialized technology

During summer, many people visit Baguio because of the cold weather. What do
Do you think Baguio is cold?
A. Latitude C. Topography
B. Altitude D. Distance from the ocean

How does the windward side differ from the leeward side of a high land?
A. The windward receives more precipitation than the leeward
B. The windward side receives more heat than the leeward side
C. The leeward side has more vegetation than the windward side
D. The leeward side receives more precipitation than the windward side

How do oceans affect the climate of an area?

A. The solar radiation is absorbed by ocean
B. Ocean currents act much like a conveyor belt
C. The ocean helps to distribute heat around the globe
D. All of the above

Why do mountain climbers bring thick jackets when they go up the mountain?
A. The temperature increases as the altitude increases.
B. The temperature decreases as the altitude increases.
C. The temperature remains the same as the altitude increases.
D. The temperature decreases as the altitude decreases.

What will happen if there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
A. Greenhouse effect occurs
B. Water vapor condenses
C. Temperature increases
D. Climate changes

Why does cloud formation disappear as the air moves slowly towards the leeward side of a
A. The air condenses as it moves to the leeward side.
B. The amount of water vapor is not enough.
C. The temperature becomes lower.
D. There is too much water vapor.
It refers to the atmospheric condition of a place over a long period of time.
A. climate
B. weather
C. monsoon
D. topography

Which side of the mountain often receives the most precipitation?

A. leeward side
B rain shadow
C. windward side
D. peak

Which is the best practice to reduce the effect of climate change?

A. livestock raising
B. organic farming
C. burning fossil fuel
D. car manufacturing

Which of the following shows the effect of climate change?

A. rising of sea level
B. coastal erosion in some places
C. deforestation of the forest
D. siltation of bodies of water

During summer, many people visit Baguio because of the cold weather. What do you think
makes Baguio cold?
A. the distance from the ocean
B. the altitude
C. the topography

Why do places at the same latitude but different altitudes have different climates?
A. The amount of heat received varies.
B. The amount of precipitation differs.
C. The higher altitudes have lower temperatures.
D. The higher altitudes have higher temperatures.

A long term pattern of weather in a region is called_______________.

A. Climate C. Greenhouse
B. Weather D. Greenhouse effect

El Nino is a natural phenomenon that has extreme climate in the equatorial part of the
Pacific Ocean.

The long term warming of the planet’s overall temperature is called the greenhouse effect.

Climate change is a long term change in the average weather patterns

Volcanic eruption is one of the effects of climate change

One of the indication of global warming is the rising of the sea level

Which is the best practice to reduce the effect of climate change?

a. livestock raising C. organic farming
b. burning fossil fuel D. car manufacturing

Which condition happens during the La Nina phenomenon?

a. air pressure in the western Pacific increases
b. air pressure in the eastern pacific decreases
c. Upwelling of cold water is blocked
d. trade wind becomes stronger

Which of the following can cause global warming?

a. volcanic eruptions
b. the amount of rainfall
c. the rising of warm air into the atmosphere
d. increase of the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere

Which statement is TRUE about stars?

A. Stars are made of dust particles
B. Stars are made of liquid substances
C. Stars are made of different solid rocks
D. Stars are made of hydrogen and helium gas

_________ is a star identified as closest to the earth.

A. Antares C. Sirius
B. Rigel D. Sun

Based on the apparent magnitude, which of the following stars is the brightest?
A. Alpha Centauri C. Rigel
B. Betelgeuse D. Sirius

Why do stars appear to move in the sky?

A. Because the new stars are born
B. Because the night sky is rotating
C. Because the Universe is expanding
D. Because the Earth is rotating on its axis

Which statement BEST describes constellations?

A. It is a group of high energy stars in the sky
B. It is a recognizable pattern of stars in the night sky
C. It is a collection of stars,dust and rocks in the sky
D. It is a group of clouds and dust particles that formed patterns in the night sky

How do early people use the constellations?

A. To navigate the sea
B. To locate the other stars
C. To keep track of the calendar
D. All of the above

Are all the constellations visible from anywhere on Earth in the entire year?
A. No, because as the Earth revolves around the sun
B. No, because there are times that stars do not give off light
C. Yes, because all constellations can be found in one place
D. Yes, because all the constellations do not change its position

How do stars appear to move in the night sky?

A. From East to West
B. From West to East
C. From North to South
D. From South to North

If you are located at the North Pole, where will you see the Polaris?
A. Overhead
B. Just above the horizon
C. Around 45° from the horizon
D. Polaris will not be seen in the North Pole.

Why do stars have colors?

A. It is because of the presence of oxygen.
B. It is because of the presence of carbon dioxide.
C. It is because of varied temperatures.
D. It is because of the different locations.

Stars can be found in large groups throughout the universe. What are these groups called?
A. solar system
B. comets
C. constellations

Which constellation is prominent in the northern hemisphere during spring?

A. Andromeda
B. Orion
C. Lynx
D. Ursa Major

Which constellation indicates that the cold season is coming?

A. Andromeda
B. Orion
C. Lynx
D. Ursa Major

Which constellation helps sailors to navigate at the sea?

A. Pisces
B. Sagittarius
C. Polaris
D. Ursa Minor

What local constellation signifies the start of the rainy season in the Philippines?
A. Balara
B. Buwaya
C. Lepu
D. Balatik

Why can we see different parts of the sky at different times of the year?
A. Due to the tilt of the earth's axis
B. Due to the rotation of the earth
C. Due to the revolution of the earth
D. Due to the of the moon

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