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Trainee’s Name:
Trainer’s Name:
Qualification: NCII
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Given the tools, materials and equipment the trainee will be able to contribute to
workplace innovation within 1 hour.

List of Materials, tools and equipment’s.

Pens, papers, and writing implements, cartolina, manila paper, computer with internet.
 to show if evidence is
OBSERVATION demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the
Yes No N/A
 identify proactively the opportunities for
  
improvement in own area of work?
 gather and reviews the information which may
be relevant to ideas and which might assist in   
gaining support for idea?
 identify people who could provide input to
  
ideas for improvements?
 select ways of approaching people to begin
  
sharing ideas?
 set meeting with relevant people?   
 review and select based on feedback the ideas
  
which is due for follow up?
 discuss and develop ideas with others using
  
critical inquiry method?
The trainee’s demonstration was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Objectives/Content # of items/
Remembering Understanding Applying
area/Topics % of test

Reviews and analyzes 1 2

curriculum document #2 (#1, 3)

Determines current
2 5 7/23%
competencies of target group

Compares competencies
required to be attained with
1 2 4 7/23%
current competencies of target

Uses results of comparison to

determine training 2 1 3 6/20%

Validates raining requirements

2 1 4 7/23%
with appropriate people*

18 items/ 30 items/
TOTAL 6 items/20% 6 items/20%
60% 100 %

Specific Instruction for the Trainee:

Qualification NCII

Unit of Competency Contribute To Workplace Innovation

General Instruction:

Given the tools, materials and equipment’s, you must be able to contribute to
workplace innovation in 1hour. Carefully read and interpret each instructions
provided in your specific instructions to perform the specific tasks provided.

Specific Instruction:

Discuss/share with your co-trainees the advantages and disadvantages of

innovations on paper less transactions, list down all necessary information on the
issues and concerns with regards to the innovation. After the interview you must be
able to:
1. Gather and reviews information which may be relevant to ideas and which
might assist in gaining support to idea.
2. Identify people who could provide input to ideas for improvements.
3. Select ways of approaching people to begin sharing ideas.
4. Extract salient points in the pool of ideas using summarizing, analyzing and
generalizing skills.
5. Use reporting skills to communicate results.
6. Identify current issues and concerns on the systems, processes and
procedures for simple innovative practices.

Questions to probe the trainee’s underpinning knowledge
Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No
1. Why is it important to determine if the issue is related to
Policy, Process, or Procedure?  

2. Why is it important to determine who will be involved in the

discussion of the issue?  

3. Why is it critical that the issue is supported by evidence

through workplace data?  

4. When should agreements be reflected as changes in

workplace documents like manuals, handbooks, and guides?  

5. How is the SMART framework helpful in an implementation

of a course of action?  

6. What are some concerns that you can think of when

introducing an innovative solution to the workplace?  

The trainee’s underpinning  Satisfactory  Not

knowledge was: Satisfactory
Written Test
Trainee’s Name:
Trainer’s Name:
Qualification: NCII
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
General Instruction/s:
Read the questions carefully. Avoid any erasures on your answers. This written
test will last for only 30minutes. Once the exam started you are not allowed to go
out. Raise your hands if you have something to ask/clarify so that I can assist
Part I: Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer on the given choices
1. It is a tool that is human-centered in nature and helps identify a person who
encounters a problem, what they say about it, how they think, how they feel about
it, and what they do about the problem.
a. Brainstorming
b. Empathy map
c. Sympathy map
d. Workplace Documents
2. It is a method design teams use to generate ideas to solve clearly defined design
problems. It also involves harnessing synergy – we leverage our collective thinking
towards a variety of potential solutions.
a. Brainstorming
b. Empathy map
c. Sympathy map
d. Workplace Documents
3. Why is showing a prototype of your idea a good way to help people understand
your innovation?
a. Nobody likes reading text or listening to long talks.
b. People can see and interact with your idea
c. The prototype attracts people who have tendency to like it
d. Most of the people are visual.
4. Which of the following is a good set of criteria for selecting ideas to develop further
into solutions.
a. Exiting and high-tech
b. Cheap and novel
c. Impactful and feasible
d. Timely and trend
5. Which of the following is an appropriate format for summarizing feedback to
innovate ideas?
a. Social media post
b. Sticky notes
c. Reports
d. SMS
6. Which of the following is a good practice when brainstorming?
a. Set a time limit
b. Offer the best ideas
c. Diversity of many topics
d. Go with the flow
7. Which of the following is a good practice when talking to people to get feedback for
innovative ideas?
a. Showcase the perfection of your idea
b. Be Clear, concise, polite and respectful
c. Interrupt when people give feedback for too long
d. Insist your ideas
8. Which of the following is a good practice when pitching your solution in a meeting?
a. Use technical terms to create credibility
b. Prepare a very detailed a very detailed presentation slide
c. Make it clear how the solution can solve the problem
d. Argue with the group
9. Which of the following is good practice when conducting a group discussion?
a. Stick to the agenda
b. Use formal language
c. Everyone can speak
d. Be quite
10. Which of the following lists the steps in integrating new ideas in the workplace in
the correct order?
a. Preparation, Discussion, Clarification of Goals, Negotiating Towards a Win-Win
Outcome, Agreement, and Implementation.
b. Preparation, Agreement, Clarification of Goals, Negotiating Towards a Win-Win
Outcome, Discussion and Implementation.
c. Discussion, Negotiating towards a Win-Win Outcome, Agreement, Clarification
of Goals, Preparation and the implementation
d. Discussion, Clarification of Goals, Negotiating towards a Win-Win Outcome,
Agreement, Preparation and the implementation

Part II. True or False. Write (T) if the statement is correct and write (F) if the statement is
_____11. Brainstorming is a method design teams use to generate ideas to solve
clearly defined design problems.
_____12. The Empathy Map is a tool that is human-centered in nature and helps
identify a person who encounters a problem, what they say about it, how they
think, how they feel about it, and what they do about the problem.
_____13. Minutes provide factual information about a topic and often include
recommendations based on what was experienced or observed.
_____14. Reports are written account of what was discussed during the meeting
with an attendee list and action points.
_____15. Group discussions as way to communicate change – and ways for it to
be effective, knowing the basics, and its purpose.

Answers key:
Part I.
1. B - Empathy Map
2. A - Brainstorming
3. B - Prototype
4. C - Impactful and Feasible
5. C - Reports
6. A - Set a time limit
7. B - Be clear, concise, polite, and respectful
8. C - Make it clear how the solution can solve the problem
9. C - Everyone can speak
10. A - Preparation, Discussion, Clarification of Goals, Negotiating Towards a Win-
Win Outcome, Agreement, and Implementation.
Part II.
11. T
12. T
13. F
14. F
15. T

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