Business Law Ver2.7-26Dec21

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Final Exam Paper for Diploma in Construction Management

Subject Business Law Candidate Name

Date of Exam Student Number

Length 2.5Hours Marker

Full Mark 100 Mark Date of Marking




1. Please refer to the examination rules and regulations as found in the examination answer book. 考生须遵守
(1)考试中不得查看, 使用手机。
(2)如因特殊情况需要暂时离开考场, 必须举手取得监考教师的允许。
(5)对于违反考场记录的学生,监考教师有权没收收卷。试卷一旦没收, 成绩按零分处理。
2. Answer ALL questions. 考生须回答所有问题。
3. Read each question carefully to determine exactly what is required before attempting the answer.仔细审
4. Answers must be set out in a systematic way under appropriate headings and sub-headings. 答题应逻辑清
楚,条理 明细。
5. Number your answers clearly. 写清楚题号
6. IMPORTANT: Indicate the questions attempted by drawing a circle around the question number on the front
cover of the answer book.
7. Examination answer books are the property of Windsor Management College and are not allowed to be
removed from the examination hall. 试卷是温莎管理学院的财产,不得带离考场
8. Answers to examination questions should not include appendices in the form of personal notes to the
examining panel. 写在答题纸之外的答案不计入分数。

Part One : Short-answer questions (each 8 points, total 56 points)

1. Please explain the term of ‘Consideration’, What dose ‘Consideration’ mean in business law.

2. The high court, the Court of Appeal, The Subordinate Court, the Syariah Court, the Small claims

3. Singapore’s courts are consists of following types, please rearrange them in descending order
of the authority.

4. Explain what is frustration of contract, what is its effect?

5. Please give the definition of

a) Statute law b) Case law

6 Explain offer and counter offer.

7. Stephen posted a letter of acceptance to Martin on 3d December. On the 5th December Martin
emailed Stephen to withdraw the offer. On the 6th December Martin received Stephen’s letter of
acceptance. Please explain whether there is a contract, and if yes, when it is formed.

Part Two: Case Study (please according to the case, according to relevant laws to make the
corresponding analysis, total of 44points)

6. Alan is a student of ABC school. He just took unit “Commercial Law” in June 2015 and received
a “Credit” Grade for the unit.

Whilst tidying up his book shelves, he decided to sell his textbook “Introduction to Business Law in
Singapore”, which was a compulsory textbook used in “Commercial Law”. As he knew of various
friends in ABC school, he posted on his Facebook page on 1 Nov 2015, as follows:-

“To all my friends who are students enrolling or are enrolled in ABC school. I am selling my textbook
“Introduction to Business Law in Singapore”, together with all the notes I took in class. The notes
are written in an exercise book and very useful as I obtained a High Distinction for this unit! The
selling price is $200.00. If keen, please pay me by 5 Nov 2015.”

Bernard is a friend on Alan’s Facebook account. He will be taking the “Business Law” unit on 23 Nov
2015 and is very keen to purchase the material from Alan. He immediately posted on Alan’s
Facebook wall on 2 Nov 2015:-

“I am keen to buy. But can you sell at $150.00?”

Charleen is Alan’s younger sister who is taking her GCE “O” levels this year. She saw Alan’s post and
was very keen to read up on Business Law. In the morning of 2 Nov 2015, while Alan was still in bed,
she told him that she will buy Alan’s textbook for $200.00. Alan merely smiled. He thought that his
sister must be mad to read up on Business Law at her age. When Charleen asked if she could pass
the money to him on 6 Nov 2015, Alan was thinking about his favourite football team’s
performance at last weekend’s match and nodded. He then went back to sleep.

On 3 Nov 2015, Alan replied to Bernard’s post on his Facebook wall:- “Sorry. I am selling at
$200.00. In fact, there is an offer already.”

On the night of 3 Nov 2015, after much consideration, Bernard decided to buy Alan’s material.
However, he would be going overseas for 3 days and could not meet up with Alan. As such, he put
$200.00 cash in an envelope and posted to Alan in the morning of 4 Nov 2015. He then informed
Alan to look out for the cash. Alan received the cash at 5:00pm on 5 Nov 2015 when he open the

On 6 Nov 2015, after receiving her pocket money, Charleen left $200.00 on Alan’s table.

Explain whether a contract was formed. If so, when was it formed and who were the contracting
parties? (there may be more than one contract in the case)

8. D. There is a contract on 3rd December.

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