Pocket Guide-Stock Transfer F2 (Replenishment)

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Stock Transfer (Function 2)

At any prompt, you can say Talkman Help to hear

alternate responses that are valid at that prompt.
Sign On Beginning Of Stock Transfer Go to Stock Transfer Location

Vocollect device: Vocollect device: To start stock move, say ready Vocollect device: <Location>
Welcome to the VoCollect system. Operator: Ready Operator: <Check Digit>
Current operator is <Operator>. Say ready.
Operator: Ready.

Vocollect device: Password? Transer to Putaway location Assignment Complete

Operator: 1 … 2 … 3 … 4 …
Vocollect device: One Two Three Four, correct?
Vocollect device: Aisle <Aisle number>. Vocollect device: Complete. Say ready.
Operator: Yes Operator: Ready c At this point, operator may say Change function or
sign off
Operator: Ready

Function Selection Location Verification Sign Off

Vocollect device: Function? Vocollect device: <Location>, pick up <Quantity> Vocollect device: Sign off, correct?
Operator: < 2 > At this point, operator may say description, item Operator: Yes
At this point, operator may say Description number, location, cancel or quantity
Operator: <Check Digit>
Vocollect device: Stock Transfer, correct?
Operator: Yes Vocollect device: Quantity?
Operator: <Quantity>
To turn the device off: To erase the last word you said:
Press and hold the yellow play/pause button until the LED Say, “Talkman, erase.”
turns red and then shuts off. To have the device repeat the current prompt:
To turn the device on: Say, “Say again” or “Talkman, continue.”
Press the yellow play/pause button. To have the device repeat the previous prompt, your
To put the device to sleep: last response, and the current prompt:
Press the yellow play/pause button, or say, “Talkman, Say, “Talkman, repeat.”
sleep.” To erase your entire current response and have the
To wake the device up: device repeat the current prompt:
Press the yellow play/pause button, or say "Talkman, Say, “Say again” or “Talkman, back up.”
wake up." To hear a list of the vocabulary words that you can say
at the current prompt:
To change operators (load your templates): Say, “Talkman, help.”
1. With the device turned on, press the operator To change the pitch, speed, or gender of the device's
button. The device says, ”Current voice:
operator is <operator name>. Select menu item.” 1. With the device turned on, press the operator
2. Press the + or - button.The device says the button. The devics says, ”Current operator is
menu items. When you hear “Change operator”, <operator name>. Select menu item.”
press the operator button. The device says, 2. Press the + or - button until you hear the
“Please wait. Change team.” appropriate menu option (change pitch, change
3. Press the + or - button to scroll through teams. speed, or change speaker).
4. When you hear your team, press the operator 3. Press the + button to make the voice higher or
button.The device says, “Current operator is faster. Press the button to make the voice lower or
<operator name>. Select new operator.” slower. Press either + or - to switch between the
5. Press the + or - button to scroll through the list. male and female voice.
6. When you hear your name, press the operator 4. When you are satisfied with the sound of the voice,
button.The device says, “Loading operator.” press the operator button to save the new setting.
When the templates are loaded, the device says,
“Current operator is <your operator name>. Good
night.”The device then goes to sleep.

To perform a noise sample:

When the background noise has changed or the device is
not recognizing the words that you are saying, you should
immediately perform a noise sample. To perform a noise
sample, say "Talkman, noise sample," or perform the
following steps:
1. With the device turned on, press the operator
button. The device says, ”Current
operator is <operator name>. Select menu item.”
2. Press the + or - button.The device says the
menu items. When you hear “Noise sample”, press
the operator button. The device says, “Please be
quiet for a few seconds…say zero, one, two, three,
3. Repeat the digits to the device as it prompts you
to do so. When the noise sample is complete, the
task continues at the point where you left off.

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