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EDUC 270 Educational Communication ©

Peer Review Assignment for Lesson 2: Definitions

About this Assignment

This assignment assesses the objective:
to write the following types of definitions for technical terms and concepts:
• in-text definition
• basic definition
• expanded definition

This assignment has two parts:

1. First, it asks you to prepare three versions of a definition for a particular term.

Note: To ensure that your definition is aimed at the intended audience, you
should begin the assignment by stating at whom you plan to target the definition,
and how those learners or readers might use this definition.

2. Second, in the week following submission of Part 1, you must review the
definitions provided by two other students in the class and provide feedback to
them. The Instructor will send a message when these have been assigned to
you. This process of reviewing your classmates’ (called ‘peers’) work is called a

Note: Although you will be reviewing other students’ work, the peer review
is double-blind.

That means, you will not know whose papers you are reviewing. Their
names are not on the assignment.

And they will not know your identity. Your assignment will also be
reviewed ‘blindly’; those reviewing your work will not know who you are.

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without the permission of the owner. 1
Please note: if you fail to submit anything for Part 1 of this assignment, the
system will not be able to include you in Part 2 of it, and you will thereby lose

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Part 1: Prepare the Purpose Statement and Definitions

Define this Define this term To this audience

If your specialty
assigned term is in:
to the
audience Education Syllabus Parents whose children
are in grades 1 - 5

Note: The
purpose Professional Paragraph Other professional
statement, and writing or English writers
three definitions
together should
Other social Immigration and Immigrants to Canada
not take more
sciences, Refugee Board of
than 2 pages:
humanities, fine Canada
Double-spaced arts field, or
12-point Times undecided
New Roman
Commerce, Job estimate A potential client
Engineering or
Computer Science
If you are not in any of these specialties, or an associated
discipline, then please select any one of these terms for your
* Note that you might need to conduct additional research to
prepare the definition. Make sure you credit the sources that you
check in your assignment appropriately, and make sure that you
handle any text used from those sources properly. (You may not
copy images, as that is likely to violate copyright laws.)

Include the A single MS Word file that includes the following components:
following in your 1. At the beginning of the assignment, indicate:

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After reading this definition who should be able to
do what?
• ‘who’ is the intended learners or readers
• ‘do what?’ is what the intended learners or readers
should do after reading the definition; that is, how will
the learners or readers use the definition in their lives?

For example:
After reading this definition third grade students
should be able to explain how university differs
from high school.
2. Three different versions of the definition of the assigned

a. In-text definition
b. Basic definition
c. Expanded definition

For example: Suppose you were asked to define the term

university to third graders. You would prepare an in-text
definition, a basic definition, and an expanded definition of

But do not Please do not include your name or student ID anywhere in

include your the MS Word file with your definition.
name or student
This will ensure that your paper is anonymous to the two students
ID anywhere in who review it.
assignment. So how will you get credit? When you submit your
assignment from your sign-in, the system will know that you
have submitted the assignment, and the instructional team
will be able to give you credit.

As you prepare • Double-space all text for this assignment

the definition,

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follow these • Use subheadings to differentiate the purpose statement, and
guidelines the three parts of the definition

• Submit as an MS Word file (.doc or .docx)

• Once again: do not include your name or student ID anywhere

in the file

Note: Only assignments in .doc or .docx files are accepted.

No other file formats will be accepted.

How to submit
1. Within lesson 2, go to the last box, Assignment.
2. When the Assignment pop-up appears, the following
options should be available:
a. Instructions and Submission
b. Appendix A
c. Appendix B
d. Peer Review: Note that the link opens by noon, the
Wednesday after you submit assignments.

3. Select Instructions and Submission

4. Select Submit Definition Assignment Part 1
a. Note the Submit link closes at the deadline.
5. Select Browse and select the file to be uploaded – the
same way you would attach a file to an email.
6. Make sure that you have selected the correct version of the
file to be uploaded and that you are uploading the file in
good time BEFORE the submission deadline.
7. Select Send to submit your work.
8. You will receive a date/time submission confirmation once
your file is received.
Note: If you do not receive a confirmation, try resubmitting
your file as soon as possible. If the issue persists, email a
copy of your file explaining the issue to your T.A. BEFORE
the deadline.

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without the permission of the owner. 5

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