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Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 16 (2023) 100716

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Measuring radon concentration and investigation of it’s effects on

lung cancer
Yonca Yahsi Celen a, *, Sule Oncul a, Barıs Narin a, Osman Gunay b
Balikesir University, Faculty of Medicine, Biophysics Department, Balikesir, Turkey
Yildiz Technical University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, İstanbul, Turkey


Keywords: The second most significant etiological factor contributing to the development of lung cancer, following tobacco
Radiation smoking, is the presence of radon gas. Hence, the assessment of indoor radon levels within residential structures
Radon assumes paramount importance within the realm of public health. The primary objective of this investigation is
to quantify the concentration of radon gas within the premises of Balikesir University Health Education and
Lung cancer
Indoor radon
Research Hospital as well as the Faculty of Medicine Education building situated in the city of Balikesir.
Radiation protection Furthermore, this research endeavors to ascertain the potential risk of lung cancer associated with these
measured radon concentrations. To this end, an extensive, long-term (2–3 months) radon monitoring campaign
was executed by strategically positioning Columbia Resin-39 (CR-39) solid-state nuclear track detectors at 28
distinct locations. The overarching aim of this effort is to comprehensively assess the health hazards posed to
both staff and students and subsequently institute any requisite mitigating measures. The lowest measured value
of the measured radon gas concentration is 6 Bq/m3, the highest measured value is 60 ± 8 Bq/m3. The average
measurement value is 21.96 ± 3.16 Bq/m3. The measurement results were determined to be lower than the
allowed radon activity concentration value in the “Radiation Safety Directive.

1. Introduction than air, being 7.5 times heavier, and it surpasses hydrogen in density by
a factor of 100. The genesis of radon arises from the decay of radium,
Radon is a naturally occurring noble gas found in soil, rocks, water, itself a decay product of uranium, a naturally occurring radioactive
and air, originating from the radioactive decay of elements such as element that emits alpha particles. The radioactive half-life of radon gas
uranium (Darby et al., 2005a). This radioactive gas is characterized by is measured at 3.82 days (Wilkening, 1990).
its colorlessness, odor lessness, and chemical inertness, although it has Because of uranium decay, radioactive radon undergoes spontaneous
the capacity to form certain compounds like clathrates and complex decay upon its release into the atmosphere, giving rise to the formation
fluorides (Mudd, 2008). Notably, radon stands as the heaviest among the of electrically charged atoms referred to as radon progeny. These radon
noble gases and possesses the highest melting point, boiling point, progeny particles have the capability to associate with indoor dust
critical temperature, and critical pressure. It is noteworthy that radon particles (Wilkening, 1990). The critical concern for human health arises
gas constitutes the predominant portion (54%) of the natural sources of from the fact that these dust particles can be inhaled and subsequently
radiation exposure experienced by living organisms (Sextro, 1994). adhere to the mucous membranes within the respiratory tract. Within
There exist twenty-seven known isotopes of radon, ranging from 200Rn the confines of the human body, these radon atoms proceed to undergo
to 226Rn, with half-lives typically shorter than 1 h, except for 222Rn, radioactive decay, emitting a form of radiation known as α (alpha) ra­
Rn, and 210Rn, which have half-lives of 3.8 days, 2.5 h, and 14.7 h, diation. This α radiation possesses the capacity to inflict damage upon
respectively (Deveci & Oncel, 2023). Among these isotopes, 222Rn is the lung cells, including the potential to alter the DNA within these cells.
most pertinent, accounting for approximately 80% of all radon exposure Prolonged exposure to α radiation may culminate in the development of
(Lauria, 2004; Pressyanov et al., 1995). cancer (Robertson et al., 2013).
Radon is a radioactive gas that is both colorless and invisible, lacking It is noteworthy, however, that α radiation has a limited range of
any discernible taste or odor. It exhibits a significantly greater density travel within the human body, making it unlikely to affect organs

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: yonca.celen@balikesir.edu.tr (Y.Y. Celen).

Received 16 September 2023; Received in revised form 5 October 2023; Accepted 7 October 2023
Available online 11 October 2023
1687-8507/© 2023 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Egyptian Society of Radiation Sciences and Applications. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Y.Y. Celen et al. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 16 (2023) 100716

beyond the confines of the lungs (Sakoda et al., 2013). Hence, lung “Have you heard about radon?” The findings indicated that a substantial
cancer stands out as the predominant cancer hazard associated with portion of the population, particularly younger individuals, and those
radon exposure in indoor environments (Bozkurt & Ertürk, 2018; Darby with limited educational backgrounds, were unfamiliar with the concept
et al., 2005a; Kürkçüoğlu et al., 2010; Samet et al., 2009; Tollefsen et al., of radon. This lack of awareness was significant and underscored the
2011; World Health Organization, 2009). need for educational initiatives regarding radon exposure and its asso­
The ingress of radon gas into buildings is attributed to various ciated risks. Lopes et al. conducted a study that corroborated the out­
mechanisms, including the seepage of radon gas naturally occurring in comes of Vogeltanz-Holm and Schwartz. This study surveyed the
the soil through cracks in the building’s foundation, the accumulation of Portuguese population and revealed that most respondents had never
radon gas in the vicinity of buildings, its entry through doors and win­ encountered information about radon. Moreover, even among those
dows driven by temperature and pressure differentials, its dissolution in who were aware of radon, there was a marked deficiency in under­
drinking water within the building, and its emanation from construction standing its associated risks and consequences of exposure (Lopes et al.,
materials comprising the building structure. This phenomenon is char­ 2021). Hence, it is apparent that there remains a considerable deficit in
acterized as the infiltration of radioactive elements into the building public awareness regarding the actual consequences of radon exposure,
environment. Notably, one of the primary sources of radon within particularly in indoor environments not linked to mining activities.
buildings arises from the construction materials employed during the Despite numerous studies investigating lung cancer risk factors, the
building’s construction, with many of these materials containing ura­ realm of indoor radon exposure remains insufficiently explored. For
nium, a potential radon gas emitter (Durrani & Ilic, 1997b). Addition­ instance, Lorenzo-Gonzalez and Ruano-Ravina scrutinized the relation­
ally, an influential factor impacting radon concentrations within ship between residential radon exposure and lung cancer risk, involving
buildings is the indoor air circulation dynamics, as well as the frequency 3,704 individuals. Their study demonstrated that the incidence risk of
and duration of ventilation. Several studies have reported elevated lung cancer escalated with increasing radon exposure, with a significant
radon gas concentrations within inadequately ventilated buildings correlation observed when radon concentrations surpassed 50 Bq⋅m− 3.
(GÜNAY et al., 2018; Çelebi et al., 2003). Given that individuals spend a Notably, among smokers, the risk of lung cancer exhibited a substantial
significant portion of their lives indoors, the determination of radon gas increase in tandem with rising radon concentrations (Lorenzo-Gonzalez
concentrations within buildings, which can potentially reach hazardous et al., 2020). Furthermore, Rodríguez-Martínez et al. delved into the
levels both in occupational and residential settings, holds paramount association between residential radon exposure and lung cancer inci­
importance for human health. dence, ultimately concluding that radon exposure predominantly led to
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines radon as an inert gas the development of small cell lung cancer (Rodríguez-Martínez et al.,
released during the decay of uranium (238U) that is ubiquitously present 2018).
in both indoor and outdoor environments (World Health Organization, Given the recurrent and frequently cited link between residential
2009). radon exposure and lung cancer, there is a justifiable need for alterna­
Several contemporaneous studies underscore the significance of tive methodologies to establish and communicate this relationship
considering radon as a potential substantial contributor to lung cancer effectively to the public, both in residential and occupational settings, to
incidence among the general population, who experience constant mitigate the risk of exposure to elevated radon concentrations.
exposure to radon through indoor air contaminated with radon The objective of this study was to assess the levels of radon gas
emanating from soil and water sources (Lowry & health, 1989; Samet & concentration within two specific locations in Balikesir, namely, the
Hornung, 1990). The potential exposure to radon presents a grave health Balikesir University Health Education and Research Hospital and the
hazard, with a multitude of investigations revealing radon exposure as Faculty of Medicine Education building. The overarching goal was to
the second most prominent cause of lung cancer, a disease that stands as gauge the potential risk of lung cancer associated with radon exposure.
the foremost cause of cancer-related fatalities on a global scale (Darby To achieve this, the study involved the measurement of radon concen­
et al., 2005b; Sethi et al., 2012). These studies are particularly note­ trations within distinct areas of interest, including the ground floor,
worthy due to radon’s capacity to augment the risk of lung cancer basement-1, and basement-2 levels within both the hospital building
among smokers, establishing itself as a formidable risk factor in this and the Faculty of Medicine facility.
context (Möhner, 2019).
Initially, awareness of the risks associated with radon exposure was 2. Material-method
primarily confined to the domain of underground miners. Subsequent
research has substantiated the connection between high concentrations In the study, passive solid-state nuclear trace detectors known as CR-
of radon progeny and the occurrence of lung cancer (Field et al., 2000). 39 (poly allyl diglycol carbonate) were used as a service purchase from
Notably, studies conducted by Gaskin et al. and Ruano-Gavina et al., the Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mining Research Council (TENMAK)
among others, have elucidated the nexus between radon exposure and company (www.tenmak.gov.tr). The preferred passive measurement
the incidence of lung cancer. These investigations underscore radon as method has many advantages over the active measurement technique
the second most significant global contributor to lung cancer, with lung and is more suitable for long-term measurements (Kürkçüoğlu et al.,
cancer ranking prominently among the leading causes of mortality ac­ 2010). Basically, the measurement process is based on highlighting and
cording to the World Health Organization (WHO) (Gaskin et al., 2018; counting the traces left by the energetic alpha particles that emerge
Ruano-Ravina et al., 2021). These authors have furnished a compre­ during the decay of radon on the nuclear trace detector made of plastic
hensive assessment of the global burden of radon-related lung cancer plates. The detectors used in the measurements consist of a diffusion
mortality, predicated on an updated database encompassing national container with a diameter of 26 mm and a height of 55 mm and a CR-39
radon exposures for 66 countries. Their findings reveal that, in these detector placed inside the lid of this container (Fig. 1).
nations, lung cancer deaths stemming from radon exposure constitute CR-39 plastic nuclear trace detectors are widely used for Radon
3.0% of the overall cancer-related fatalities, with residential exposure measurement in the natural environment and are preferred because they
models employed. The conclusion drawn from this research is that radon do not require any signal processing or power supply during the mea­
substantially contributes to the mortality attributed to lung cancer on a surement of radiation concentrations, availability, low price, sensitivity,
global scale. and practical use (Bozkurt & Ertürk, 2018; Fazal-ur et al., 2003). It is one
Vogeltanz-Holm and Schwartz conducted a noteworthy study of the most useful nuclear signature detectors for measuring indoor and
wherein they assessed the potential impact of radon on lung cancer outdoor radon concentrations in any research area. The lid of the
development (Vogeltanz et al., 2018). Their investigation involved a diffusion vessel is designed to allow only the radon gas in the mea­
review of 20 different studies and commenced with a simple query: surement environment to enter the vessel and to filter radon degradation

Y.Y. Celen et al. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 16 (2023) 100716

Table 1
Radon concentration values according to Hospital Ground Floor measurement
No Dedector Location Value Unit

1 EA2852 HZ1 30 ± 4 Bq/m3

2 EA2876 HZ2 12 ± 2 Bq/m3
3 EA2875 HZ3 17 ± 2 Bq/m3
4 EA2877 HZ4 13 ± 2 Bq/m3
5 EA2889 HZ5 7±1 Bq/m3
6 EA2873 HZ6 15 ± 2 Bq/m3
7 EA2888 HZ7 10 ± 2 Bq/m3
8 EA2893 HZ8 27 ± 4 Bq/m3
9 EA2862 HZ9 16 ± 3 Bq/m3
10 EA2800 HZ10 6±1 Bq/m3
11 EA2878 HZ11 13 ± 3 Bq/m3
Fig. 1. View of the diffusion vessel containing the CR-39 nuclear trace detector. 12 EA2851 HZ12 15 ± 3 Bq/m3
Mean 15,1 ± 2,4 Bq/m3

products. Diffusion containers containing CR-39 detectors were

removed from their sealed aluminum foil packages and placed at 28
Table 2
measurement points in Balikesir University Health Education and
Radon concentration values according to measurement points in the Hospital
Research Hospital and Faculty of Medicine Education building (Fig. 2). Basement Floor.
These measurement points were chosen as close to the respiratory level
No Detector Location Value Unit
as possible. Since more radon gas accumulates on the ground and
entrance floors, it was preferred to place plastic nuclear trace detectors 1 EA2858 HB1 29 ± 4 Bq/m3
in these areas. They were left in place for approximately term (2–3 2 EA2898 HB2 27 ± 4 Bq/m3
3 EA2891 HB3 14 ± 2 Bq/m3
months) to record radon exposure. 4 EA2872 HB4 16 ± 2 Bq/m3
The detectors collected at the end of the measurement period were 5 EA2881 HB5 22 ± 3 Bq/m3
placed back in aluminum foils to prevent radon entry outside of the 6 EA2853 HB6 20 ± 3 Bq/m3
measurement, wrapped in a way that would not allow air from the 7 EA2871 HB7 34 ± 5 Bq/m3
8 EA2886 HB8 23 ± 4 Bq/m3
outside, and sent to TENMAK for analysis. The processing and counting
Mean 23,1 ± 3,4 Bq/m3
of alpha traces recorded by CR-39 detectors were carried out in the
TENMAK Health Physics unit, the measurement results were evaluated
and the results (in Bq.m− 3) were sent to us.
Table 3
Radon concentration values according to measurement points on the Ground
3. Results and discussion
Floor of the Faculty of Medicine Education Building.

In buildings with high levels of radon concentration, the main entry Dedector Location Value Unit

mechanism of radon gas into the building is in the form of gas flow into 1 EA2887 TFZ1 24 ± 3 Bq/m3
the building through cracks and gaps in the ground, which occurs due to 2 EA2892 TFZ2 54 ± 7 Bq/m3
3 EA2884 TZF3 60 ± 8 Bq/m3
temperature and pressure differences between the soil under the foun­
4 EA2882 TFZ4 11 ± 2 Bq/m3
dation and the building. In addition, there may be other mechanisms 5 EA2870 TZF5 30 ± 4 Bq/m3
affecting radon concentrations in indoor spaces. It is known that venti­ 6 EA2894 TFZ6 22 ± 3 Bq/m3
lation conditions in buildings affect the radon concentration in the 7 EA2890 TZF7 27 ± 4 Bq/m3
environment (ICRP Publication 65, 1993). 8 EA2865 TFZ8 26 ± 3 Bq/m3
Mean 27,7 ± 3,7 Bq/m3
The detectors placed at 28 points, whose location information is
given in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3, recorded the radon levels in these

Fig. 2. Balikesir university health education and research hospital and faculty Fig. 3. Radon concentration values according to Hospital Ground Floor mea­
of medicine education building (https://earth.google.com/). surement points.

Y.Y. Celen et al. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 16 (2023) 100716

environments between 24.04.2023 and 12.07.2023. The measurement

points and radon concentration measurement results coded in Table 1
and Fig. 3 are as follows:
Hospital Ground Floor; Internal Medicine Polyclinic (HZ-1), Radi­
ology Unit Secretariat (HZ-2), Radiology Unit Corridor (HZ-3), Gyne­
cology Unit Polyclinic (HZ-4), Gynecology Unit Corridor (HZ-5),
Administrative unit (HZ-6), Hemodialysis Unit Waiting Area (HZ-7),
Conference Hall (HZ-8), Emergency Service Unit (HZ-9), Emergency
Service Waiting Area (HZ-10), Andrology Unit Waiting Area (HZ-11),
consists of Blood Center Unit (HZ-12) units (Table-1). The lowest
measured radon concentration measurement value is 6 Bq/m3, the
highest radon concentration measurement value is 30 ± 4 Bq/m3. The
average Radon concentration measurement value is 15.1 ± 2.4 Bq/m3.
Hospital Basement Floor; Audiology Unit Testing Room (HB-1),
Audiology Unit Corridor (HB-2), Pharmacy Storage Room (HB-3),
Technical Unit Room-1 (HB-4), Technical Unit Room-2 (HB-5), The
Technical Unit consists of Management Room (HB-6), Electrical Room1
(HB-7), Electrical Room-2 (HB-8) units (Table 2, Fig. 4). The lowest Fig. 5. Radon concentration values according to measurement points on the
measured radon concentration measurement value is 14 ± 2 Bq/m3, Ground Floor of the Faculty of Medicine Education Building.
and the highest radon concentration measurement value is 34 ± 5 Bq/
m3. The average Radon concentration measurement value is 23.1 ± 3.4 recognized to have substantial and adverse health effects. Over the past
Bq/m3 (see Fig. 5). decade, various methodologies have been employed to quantify the risk
Faculty of Medicine Education Building Ground Floor; Security Unit associated with radon-induced lung cancer. Many of these methodolo­
(TFZ-1), Classroom (TFZ-2), Staff Rest Room (TFZ-3), Conference Hall gies, as evident in existing studies, focus on radon measurements and
(TFZ-4), Canteen (TFZ-5), Education Building Basement Floor (TFZ-6), involve the analysis of the number of lung cancer cases within a sample
Technical It consists of Unit-1 (TFZ-7) and Technical Unit-2 (TFZ-8) population, with subsequent deduction of a probability or percentage of
units (Table 3, Fig. 5). The lowest radon concentration measurement cases attributable to radon exposure.
value measured is 11 ± 2 Bq/m3, and the highest radon concentration A noteworthy example of such a study is the work conducted by Chen
measurement value is 60 ± 8 Bq/m3. The average Radon concentration et al., which relied on radon measurement surveys conducted in the late
measurement value is 27.7 ± 3.7Bq/m3. 1970s across 19 cities in Canada, as referenced (Chen et al., 2012). This
The lowest measurement value measured in Balikesir University extensive survey encompassed radon concentration assessments in 14,
Health Education and Research Hospital and Faculty of Medicine Edu­ 000 residences, yielding results that conformed to a log-normal distri­
cation building is 6 Bq/m3, and the highest Radon concentration value is bution, with a geometric mean of 11.2 Bq⋅m− 3 and a standard deviation
60 ± 8 Bq/m3. The average Radon concentration measurement value is of 3.9. Based on their findings, the authors estimated that approximately
21.96 ± 3.16 Bq/m3. In Article 37 of the Radiation Safety Directive, it is 10% of lung cancer cases in Canada could be attributed to indoor radon
stated that “Permitted concentration levels for radon cannot exceed 400 exposure.
Bq/m3 in homes and 1000 Bq/m3 in workplaces on average annually.” Subsequently, in a study conducted in 2009, a similar methodology
The measurement results were determined to be lower than the allowed was employed, but this time long-term radon measurements were per­
radon activity concentration value in the “Radiation Safety Directive”. formed in 14,000 homes located in various regions across Canada. Once
Measurement uncertainty was calculated for a 95% confidence interval again, the results followed an anticipated log-normal distribution, with a
with a coverage factor of k = 2. geometric mean of 41.9 Bq⋅m− 3 and a standard deviation of 2.8.
Indeed, indoor radon exposure has been identified by the World Theoretical calculations based on these results suggested that approxi­
Health Organization as a significant public health concern and the sec­ mately 16% of lung cancer deaths among the Canadian population could
ond leading cause of lung cancer, following closely behind tobacco be attributed to indoor radon exposure. The authors of this study
consumption. Consequently, the assessment of radon exposure risk is of emphasized the imperative need for implementing measures to mitigate
paramount importance, particularly in communities where it is lung cancer deaths stemming from indoor radon exposure, based on the
evidence they had gathered.
Indeed, despite variations in methodologies employed, the funda­
mental conclusions drawn by numerous studies regarding indoor radon
exposure and its association with lung cancer risk tend to align, as
exemplified by Peterson et al. (Peterson et al., 2013). This consistency in
findings is underscored by a study conducted in the province of Ontario,
Canada, which delved into various metrics for assessing population
attributable risk due to radon exposure. The authors of this study
considered percentage attributable risk, excess lifetime risk ratio, years
of life lost, the number of radon-related lung cancer deaths, and the
effectiveness of implementing different cut-off points for reducing in­
door radon levels to below background concentrations. They calculated
the potential number of preventable deaths through radon mitigation
efforts. The results of this investigation estimated that 13.6% of lung
cancer deaths in the study area could be attributed to radon exposure,
equivalent to 847 lung cancer deaths annually. Notably, 84% of these
deaths occurred among individuals who had smoked throughout their
lives. The study further revealed that implementing corrective measures
Fig. 4. Radon concentration values according to measurement points in the to reduce radon levels in homes below 200 Bq⋅m− 3 (a threshold
Hospital Basement Floor.

Y.Y. Celen et al. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 16 (2023) 100716

consistent with Canadian guidelines at the time of the study) could health risks. Here are some noteworthy findings from different locations:
prevent 91 lung cancer deaths annually and reducing levels to below Sudan - Gezira State: Radon concentrations in residences were found
100 Bq⋅m− 3 could potentially prevent 233 deaths each year. The authors to range from 57 ± 8 Bq/m3 to 41 ± 9 Bq/m3, with an average of 49 ±
emphasized the importance of risk assessment as a pivotal tool to guide 10 Bq/m3. The minimum and maximum annual effective dose rates in
public policy decisions and resource allocation for the implementation this region were 1.05 mSv per year and 1.43 mSv per year, respectively.
of preventive measures. The relative risk of lung cancer from residential radon exposure in this
The accumulation of significant radon gas concentrations indoors area was estimated to be 1.044% (Chen, 2018). Morocco: Choukri et al.
poses an evident risk of exposure to occupants, especially elevating their reported volumetric radon activities in homes ranging from 31 to 136
susceptibility to lung cancer, as observed in previous studies. Therefore, Bq/m3, equivalent to 0.55–2.39 mSv/year, with an average value of 80
it becomes increasingly crucial to identify permanent and effective Bq/m3 (1.41 mSv/year) (Elzain, 2014). Alexandria, Egypt: Radon con­
strategies to mitigate indoor radon exposure. In already existing struc­ centrations and annual effective doses in houses were found to range
tures, methodologies can be employed to first evaluate the indoor radon from (38.62–120.39) Bq.m− 3 and (0.96–3.06) mSv y− 1, respectively
concentration levels, facilitating informed decisions regarding the (Choukri et al.). Naples, Italy: In the province of Naples, the annual
necessary remedial actions. Subsequently, these methods allow for the average radon concentration in residences varied widely, between 21
ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of the implemented measures. and 722 Bq m− 3, with an average value of 107 ± 75 Bq m− 3 (Abd
For instance, Lopes et al. have utilized methods developed as part of the El-et al., 2008, pp. 15–19). Aleshtar, Iran: A study conducted by Has­
RnMonitor project, incorporating IoT edge devices to establish an sanvand et al., in 2019 reported indoor radon concentrations ranging
effective radon risk management approach (Lopes et al., 2019). How­ from 1.01 to 206.53 Bq/m3, with an average of 55.19 Bq/m3. This
ever, the most desirable approach is to proactively prevent radon resulted in an average annual effective dose of 1.39 mSv/y to the pop­
exposure in new residential areas, achievable through radon potential ulation (Quarto et al., 2016). Afyonkarahisar Province, Turkey: H.A.
assessments during the design phase prior to construction. Silva et al. Yalim et al. found radon concentrations in workplaces that varied be­
have proposed the use of a preliminary diagnostic model to predict tween 13 Bq.m− 3 and 1,932 Bq.m− 3, with calculated average values
radon potential in such cases, emphasizing the need for further studies to ranging from 21.75 Bq.m− 3 to 1,032.50 Bq.m− 3 (Bambara Telado et al.,
validate the model’s predictions and ensure the safety of occupants 2021; Hassanvand et al., 2019; Yalım et al., 2018).
(Silva et al., 2021). The correction of indoor radon concentrations Existing studies on radon in residential buildings pose a significant
emerges as a promising means to reduce the public health impact public health problem that requires more information about radon
stemming from the natural occurrence of this radioactive gas, both from concentrations. The aim of our study is to measure the radon concen­
a corrective and preventive perspective. tration in residential buildings, evaluate the health risks for employees
As our understanding of radon science has evolved over time, the and students and take the necessary precautions. The lowest limit of
focus has shifted from a mixture of basic and applied research to pri­ measurement (LLD) in Balikesir University Health Practice and Research
marily addressing the safety of individuals and the health effects asso­ Hospital and Faculty of Medicine Education building is 6 Bq/m3, and the
ciated with radon exposure. The central concern now is how to mitigate highest Radon concentration value is 60 ± 8 Bq/m3. The average Radon
these negative effects effectively. Radon has the potential to accumulate concentration is 21.96 ± 3.16 Bq/m3.
to significant levels within indoor environments. The concentration of As per Article 37 of the Radiation Safety Directive, permissible
indoor radon is primarily influenced by the building’s construction and concentration levels for radon should not exceed 400 Bq/m3 in homes
the radon content in the underlying soil. Additionally, the composition and 1000 Bq/m3 in workplaces on an annual average basis. The mea­
of the soil beneath and surrounding a dwelling plays a pivotal role in surement results were determined to be lower than the allowed radon
influencing radon levels and the ease with which radon can infiltrate a activity concentration value in the “Radiation Safety Directive”. Mea­
building. Nevertheless, the primary route of human exposure to radon is surement uncertainty was calculated for a 95% confidence interval with
through inhalation and ingestion, with radon dissolved in water serving a coverage factor of k = 2. The average radon concentration value in the
as a potential source of exposure. Radon present in groundwater or hospital ground floor is lower than the average radon concentration
building materials represents sources through which individuals can be value in the hospital basement. This may be an indication that the radon
exposed. flow from the soil to the building is quite low.
When radon is inhaled into the lungs, it can be readily eliminated
through the pulmonary circulation. However, the interaction of radon 4. Conclusion
gas with biological tissues within the lungs can lead to DNA damage, a
critical step in the carcinogenic process. Studies in the United States The annual average indoor radon concentration allowed by the
have demonstrated that radon in homes is responsible for approximately World Health Organization (WHO) is 100 Bqm− 3, and the indoor radon
21,100 lung cancer deaths annually, ranking as the second leading cause concentration allowed by the Turkish Atomic Energy Agency is 400
of lung cancer-related fatalities (Nunes et al., 2022). In the United Bqm− 3 in homes and 1000 Bqm− 3 in workplaces. The highest radon
Kingdom, the average radon concentration in homes is around 21 bec­ concentration obtained in this study was 60 Bqm− 3. Indoor radon ac­
querels per cubic meter (Bq/m3), and it is estimated that approximately tivity concentrations in the study area, Balikesir University Health Ed­
1,100 lung cancer deaths each year can be attributed to radon exposure ucation and Research Hospital and Faculty of Medicine Education
in residential settings (Al et al., 2012). building, are below the limits allowed by both the World Health Orga­
Numerous studies conducted in various regions around the world nization and the Turkish Atomic Energy Agency for each location.
have consistently highlighted the presence of radon in residential The low amount of radon in the examined rooms may be due to
buildings at higher concentrations compared to other types of structures. construction materials, adequate ventilation, or the soil structure in the
For instance, research conducted in Canada has revealed that radon area.
concentrations in residential buildings are 4.7 times higher than those in
school buildings, 12 times higher than in outdoor environments, and 4.7
times higher than in public buildings and indoor workplaces. Alarm­
ingly, residential radon exposure accounts for approximately 90% of the Abd El-Zaher, M. A. E.-Z., & Fahmi, N. M. (2008). Studying the variation of radon level in
overall risk associated with radon-induced lung cancer (Gray et al., some houses in alexandria city, Egypt. IX radiation Physics & protection conference.
2009). November 2008, Nasr City - Cairo, Egypt.
Al Zabadi, H., Musmar, S., Issa, S., Dwaikat, N., & Saffarini, G. (2012). Exposure
Indeed, studies conducted in various geographical regions have assessment of radon in the drinking water supplies: A descriptive study in Palestine.
provided valuable insights into radon concentrations and the associated BMC Research Notes, 5, 29, 2012.

Y.Y. Celen et al. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 16 (2023) 100716

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