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Current Affairs Lecture 19

1) Open Skies Treaty : Signed 24March, 1992 at Helsinki(Finland ) Came into effect on 1 January
2007 US left – November 22, 2020 Russia left June 2021
2) Diego Maradona died on November 25 ,2020 at the age of 60.
3) Sudan : President Marshall Omer Al Bashir
4) Iranian Nuclear Scientist was murdered in armed attack ( Mohsin Fakhrizedeh ) on November
25 2020.
5) OIC : Organization of Islamic Cooperation was founded 1969
Headquarter is in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 57 members ( 1.8 billion population world wide ) Official
languages : 3 ( Arabic, English, French ) Changed it’s name from Organization of Islamic
Conference to Organization of Islamic Cooperation at 38th annual session at Astana ( Kazakhstan
) on 28-30 July 2011 Current Head : Hisdien Braham Taha First head was : Tunku Abdur
Rehman ( Malaysia ) 1970-74 Second : HASSAN al Thoumi ( Egypt )
6) Ethiopian PM : Abiy Ahmad President : Sahle Work Zewde
7) Fastest T-20 century : Glen Phillips ( New Zealand )
8) Artificial Sun : Nuclear Reactor by China ( December 4 2020 ) It can sustian 120 million degree
Celsius temperature.
9) Japan : PM – Fumio Kishida

10)US Current Secretary of Defence : Lloyd James Austin

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