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WORKSHOP GUIDE # 1 Management

Version 25/04 2023

Student’s Name: Date: D / M / A Subject: Grade: Period:


GOAL: Practicing Time expression, Present Simple, going to, Will and Performance: Score
information questions that helps to master their structures. To improve Teacher:
your communication skills, try creating short dialogues using the _______________
expressions and structures you've learned, incorporating vocabulary
related to daily routines. Interacción con el
DBA 4. Producing clear and organized oral or written messages requires estudiante, validada
consideration of the context in which they will be delivered, as well as the use of con firma:
appropriate vocabulary and text structures. It's important to be able to identify 30 %
statements and responses in order to effectively communicate your message.
DBA 5. Improving linguistic skills will involve working on reading and
pronunciation to achieve a higher level of accuracy and fluency.
Support program Test Recovery process Diagnosis √ Teaching materials

1. Look and complete the descriptions of each

2. Read and write the name of the person from activity 1.

3. Listen and number the photos.

4. Listen again and match.

5. Look at the picture and circle the main diferences in their appearience.

6. Read the text and check. Then label the body parts.

7. Read again and match the questions and answers.

8. Take a few moments to write a short paragraph in your notebook that describes yourself.
9. Read and complete the sentences.

10. Complete the conversation using the future with going to.

11. Complete the text using the correct forms of the words below.
12. Complete the questions using the words below.

13. Complete the sentences using the words in parentheses.

14. In your notebook, write down what you liked the most about what we did in this unit, as well as
anything new that you have learned. Additionally, if you have any doubts, concerns, complaints
or claims, this is a space for you to share them.

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