2ms Test

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‫السنــــــــــــــــــة‬ "‫مؤسسة التربية والتعليم الخاصـــــة " النبالء‬

2024 /2023 :‫الدراسيـــــــــــــــــــــة‬

ّ ‫ الثانية متو‬: ‫المستوى‬ ‫ الفرض الثاني في مــــــــادة‬:
19/02/2024 : ‫التاريخ‬
‫ ساعة‬: ‫المــــــدة‬ ‫اللّغة اإلنجليزية‬

Margret : Good morning, sir.

Passer-by : Good morning. Can I help you madam?
Margret: Oh ! yes, please. I am not from here. My passport is lost and I can't find my way to the police
station. Could you tell me how I can get there ?
Passer-by : Certainly, madam. Go along this street then turn left at the corner. Walk straight ahead again till
the end of the avenue. The police station is the first building next to the bank and opposite the park. You can
find it easily.
Margret: Is it far from here ?
Passer-by : It takes you fifteen minutes walk to get there.
Margret: Thank you very much, sir. You are very helpful.
Passer-by : You're welcome. Have a nice day.
From the internet

Part One:(14pts)
A/ Reading Comprehension:(7pts)
Activity One: Task 01: Read the text and I say “True” or “False”and correct the wrong statements. (2pts) - -
- -Margret is from the city ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
- The police station is far from the bank ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
Activity Two:Read the text and answer the following questions. (2pts)
- Where does Margret want to go? .............................................................................
- Does she know the way?..............................................................................
Acticity Three: What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1pt)
you -> .............................. it ->.................................
Activity four: find in the text words closest/ opposite in meaning to the following:(2pts)
go straight =.................... near ≠ ................................
B/ Mastery of Language:(7pts)
Activity One: Complete the sentences with "this, that, these or those". (2pts)
1.. ............ are the boots.
2. ............ is a hat.
3.... ......... is an orange.
4.. ............. are T-shirts.
Activity two; Turn the following sentences into plural.(3pts)

(a) That apple is fresh. ➢ ............................................................. ..

b) This is my favourite jean. ➢ ..........................................................

c) That sweater is too small for me. ➢ .....................................................................

Activity Three: I classify these words in the right bubble: (02pts)
Strawberries - oranges - stores - books - onions – carrots
/s/ /z/ /iz/

C/ Written expression: (6pts)

Consider the following road map and complete the dialogue . using the following words:

Show _ turn left _ way _Next _ go straight _ please

Anes : Good morning sir , can you ..................

Me the ................. to the library ,............?

Police man : yes of course , .......................to the
bus station then ...........................
The library is .........................to the school .
Anes : thank you sir .

Police man : you are welcome.

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