Walkthrough SOS AWL

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Character Creation & Takakura's Tour

The game begins with a set of character creation menus. Through these, you'll be able to change different
aspects of your character: complexity, eye shape and iris colour, hairstyle and colour; and even pick one
of two possible outfits for them to wear.

Then, once you've decided that, it'll be time for you to choose the name you want your character to have,
and their preferred pronouns:

Select 'Next' at that screen and the game will properly begin: you'll be greeted by Takakura, an old friend
of your character's father, who has sadly moved onto another life.

Apparently, as Takakura puts it, our character has decided to take charge at the farm he and our father
had settled in a long time ago. It seems to be a bit run-down, but Takakura is certain that we'll be able to
make something out of it.
Tell him that you're ready to take over, and a small tour will follow: Takakura will be taking you through
the different points of interest within the Farm, going over them at surface level and providing you with
some useful pointers.

However, we find it better to just pause the storyline coverage and provide you with such information
ourselves right away, so here's a map detailing the location of every facility in your Farm, followed by
detailed information on each one of them.

Farm Map and Farming Basics

As you can see from the map above, your Farm includes the following points of interest:
 Two rectangular Fields, where you'll be able to grow Crops and Tree Saplings.
o Between the Fields, you'll find a small well, which allows you to recharge
your Watering Can.
How to grow Crops successfully

Growing Crops (and Trees, for that matter) is pretty simple, and requires you to use just two Tools,
both of which are given to you by Takakura at the beginning of the game.

First, get to one of the two plots of land that that can be found in front of the Barn. Then, bring up
your Tools panel using the button showcased towards the bottom left corner of the screen (if you're

using a DualSense controller, for example, that's ). You should then use your directional buttons
(using a DualSense controller, use the d-pad) to select the Hoe, and use it on the field's 'tiles' to
prepare the soil.

That should have a small earth mound form. Once that's happened, you should switch to your
'Inventory', which is done using the same button that brings up the Tools panel (and vice versa). Select
a Seed that you wish to plant, then plant it using the button indicated towards the bottom right corner

of the screen (with a DualSense controller, ).

 Tree Seeds require extra space around them - take this into account!

Finally, all that's left for you to do is water your Crops every day. To do so, switch back to
your Tools panel and select the Watering Can. Then, use it on the tiles of soil that you see are dry - as
long as you water each occupied tile every day, you'll be fine.
 Is your Watering Can not doing anything? Fill it up with water using the nearby Well!
 You do not need to water your Crops on rainy days - the weather will do it for you!
And that's, more or less, the minimum you need to do to grow Crops. There are some extra
considerations, such as how long your Crop will take to grow (which you can also accelerate
using Fertiliser), but that's something we'll be covering on our Crops Guide, not here.

 A Coop for your Chicken to reside in (once you manage to get some). It has a Bell, which
allows you to call them outside, too.
How to take care of Chicken

Taking care of Chicken is a breeze. Having purchased some (we recommend you prioritise Hens first, as
only those give Eggs), there'll only be two things left for you to take care of: feeding them and keeping
them content.

The first can be satisfied by letting them out - simply interact with the Bell outside of their Coop to
bring them out. Make sure to bring them in before the sun sets, though - and don't let them out in
adverse weather conditions such as Rain!

You'll also need to satisfy their hunger with Bird Feed: we recommend that you order about 10 bags or
so using the Ledger and fill the plate that's in the middle of the Coop whenever it's noticeably shallow.
Each single Chicken doesn't eat much, and the Seed does not seem to go bad, so just setting and
forgetting is a good strategy (at least until you have 5 or more Chicken).

Then, apart from keeping them fed, all you need to do is interact with them for a bit: just approach
and pick up your Chicken to use the 'Talk' and 'Snuggle' interactions and that'll be it.
However, there's a last thing to Chicken, and that's their produce: Eggs. Every day, your Hens will
lay Eggs around the morning - you'll simply be able to find them by picking them up. If an Egg is not
there yet, don't fret: just make sure to do what you need to, then go do something else - it'll eventually
show up.
Overall, Chickens are not needy animals, though that doesn't mean proper care is not beneficial - the
happier they are, the better quality Eggs you'll be able to obtain from them. However, we want to keep
things simple for this mini-guide, so please click here to visit our Animal Care Guide and learn more.

 The Barn, where your Cattle live; plus the associated Grazing Fields, where you'll be able to
grow pastures for them to feed at.
o Next to the entrance to the Barn, you'll find the Ledger, which allows you to
purchase Animals, have them bred, order Feed for them, initiate construction
of other facilities and even sell some of your Cattle. Right next to it,
the Shipping Bin, where you'll be able to place some of your Produce to sell
them and make some money.
How to take care of Cattle

Cattle is not that hard to raise - every Animal that you purchase (through the Ledger that's outside)
lives inside of the huge Barn that's in the middle of your Farm.

You'll only need to take care of two things: that your Animals are happy and that they're well fed. The
first is done by interacting with them every day, while the other is fulfilled through one of two ways: by
letting them graze outside (just use the bell on the grazing fields to call them out) and by placing
some Feed on one of their feeders. The latter becomes very ipmortant whenever the Weather is not
appropriate for your Animals to be outside (e.g. Rainy).

Feed is bought using the Ledger outside of the Barn, and deposited in the metal dispensory that's
inside of it, though it can also be obtained by using some Fertilizer in the grazing fields, letting it grow,
then reaping it with a Sickle, after which it'll be deposited in the same dispensory.

Mantaining your Animals fed ensures that they're healthy, which will allow you to get
some Produce out of them. At first, you'll just have a Cow, which you can get Milk from by using
the Milker on it. To select it, all you need to do is open your Tools panel with the appropriate button
(shown towards the bottom left corner of your screen).

There are other aspects to take into account - but this mini-guide is intended to cover the basic aspects
of Cattle care. If you wish to learn more, please click here to learn more.
 In front of the Barn, there's a small shelter containing a cabinet and a small fridge. These are
the Item and Food Storage, respectively, which allow you to store any items you do not wish
to keep in hand for the moment.

 Finally, there's your Home, where you'll be able to rest and move into the following day.
There, you'll find other useful items and appliances, such as a T.V. you can watch to learn
about the upcoming weather, or a Kitchen to cook Dishes at. There's even a Mirror that you
can use to change your appearance!
o Outside of your Home, you'll find a Deposit Box. Gifts and items that you
ordered (in addition to rewards) will be placed in it - you'll know if there's one
as the box will 'expand', otherwise being 'flat'.

Back to Takakura's Tour

Anyhow - back to Takakura's tour. He'll show you through each one of the facilities that are already listed
above, with two Dogs showing up while he's walking you through your new home - you'll get to keep
(and name) one of them, after which they'll remain outside your House for the rest of the game:
Finally, he'll lead you into the Barn and present you with a gift: your own Cow. It's a good
starting Animal, as it gives Milk everyday, allowing you to make a good amount of money; and what's
most, Takakura had it prepped up so that it'd give more Milk than normal for a while.

You'll be asked to name your Cow, first and foremost, then will be told to take good care of her - just
follow the mini-guide above, or if interested in learning more, check out our Animal Care Guide.

Finally, once outside, Takakura will ask you to give your farm a name. Then, if you'd like, a tour around
town: we suggest you accept his offer. This is because you won't really get to do anything during this day
anyways, and the tour will have you learn about most of the characters that are available during this
game's Year 1 (more will show up as time passes), not only as a player but also as a character. It's not a
long cutscene or anything and you can just sit back and relax as it plays.

Once back home, Takakura will gift you a Camera (which allows you to take photographs whenever used)
then suggest you go to sleep right away, and there won't be any recourse.
However, before doing so, you'll get to meet the Nature Sprites: these jolly fellas will be your
companions throughout the game, lending you a hand every now and then. They live inside of a tree in
the Sacred Spring north of your farm, and can be talked to daily to learn new Cooking Recipes.

After that, the day will end. You'll wake back up during Spring 1, Year 1, where the game's Chapter 1 will
be inmediately put into motion: we'll be covering that in our next walkthrough page.
The first Chapter in the game has a very clear objective: it's not explicitly told to you, but hinted, and is
marrying any Bachelor(ette) before the end of the Year. Failing to do so will stop you from moving onto
the next one, as your marriage will be a key component of the storyline moving forward.

Because of this, before we move onto useful tips and tricks that will help you with finding that special
someone, it might be convenient to explain this game's Calendar system:

Calendar and Seasons System

The Calendar in A Wonderful Life works a bit different from those in other Story of Seasons games:
here, the Year is comprised of 4 Seasons with 10 days each, making up for a year with just 40 Days.
The Seasons are the usual: Spring, Summer, Winter and Autumn (they play in such order),
with Crops and Fruits that exclusively grow in each, and Seasonal Festivals.
However, don't fret - although each Season is short, there's plenty for you to do every day: the entire
game has been planned around this, for example, enabling you to gift multiple things
to Bachelors and Bachelorettes within a single day, among others. You'll never find an objective that's
impossible to meet within a Year; in fact, some of them can even be fulfilled within the first month.

Having covered that, we can now comfortably cover the way in which you'll complete
this Year's objective:

Finding your other half and settling down

There are a total of seven marriageable characters (from now on, known as Bachelors for males
and Bachelorettes for females). The Bachelors are Gordy, Gustafa, Matthew and Rock; while
the Bachelorettes include Lumina, Molly and Nami.

Each one has two 'meters' that serve as an indication of their romantic relationship with you: the first one

can be seen by opening the 'Character Screen' and is represented with the '♥ ' symbol:

♥'s are gained by gifting each Bachelor(ette) something they like, and furthering your ♥'s with them will
make event cutscenes available: your objective is to advance through these cutscenes with them until
they open up to you, something that happens at 8♥ (you might need to have their 'Friendship Meter' on
red, though).

Let's now review some of the easiest gifts you can give to each Bachelor(ette):

Bachelor(ette) Likes...
Cecilia Flower (any), Crop (any), Egg, Milky Soup, Egg Soup
Gordy Flower (any), Egg, Egg Soup, Milk, Milk Soup, Crop
Gustafa Flower (any), Moonlight Ore, Egg, Milk, Milk Soup, Crop (not Tomato)
Nami Flower (any), Moonlight Ore, Egg
Matthew Egg, Egg Soup, Milk, Dish (any)
Molly Toy Flower, Goddess Drop Flower, Coin, Moonlight Ore, Milk, Milky Soup, Egg Soup
Nami Leaf Fossil, Clay Figurine, Crop, Milky Soup, Egg Soup
Rock Fodder, Toy Flower, Mist Moon Flower, Coin, Milky Soup, Egg Soup

You can gift different items to them throughout the day (though never the same one), unlike other games
in the Story of Seasons where only a daily gift is allowed, so take advantage of this and keep giving things
to the Bachelor(ette) of your choosing!

The amount of ♥'s vary depending on the status of your relationship, and affect different things:

 Once their ♥ are at 6, the Nature Sprites will leave a Blue Feather on your earnings box: this
item is what enables you to marry a Bachelor(ette) - you'll need to gift it to them then
confirm your feelings.

 Talking about this action, you should know that it'll only happen once their ♥ with you are 8:
attempting to do so before that will have the Bachelor(ette) tell you that they don't know
you that well - however, don't take this as a rejection: just keep trying until you're able to.
So, all in all, you're objective is to keep gifting things to your loved one until the Blue Feather event
happens. Once that's a thing, just keep gifting them things and checking whether they'll accept the Blue
Feather as well - the moment they do, you'll have met this Chapter's Objective, and needn't worry any
longer: your romantic level with the Bachelor(ette) of your choosing won't decrease, and don't worry,
the Marriage Event will happen at Year End, no need for you to do anything.

Other Important Events

Though the most important thing that happens during Year 1 is the marriage objective, other relevant
events occur during it, such as:
 You learn more about the Nature Sprites and their wondrous objective.
o Because of this, strange Animals begin showing up around the Valley.
 You get your own Horse to move around Forgotten Valley.
 The Seed Maker becomes available as a Farm purchaseable.

...however, they're pretty much disconnected from the main point, so we'll just cover them in the
following subsections:

The Need for Wonders

This event should happen to you during the early Spring, as we believe it's tied to a certain action or
event, such as obtaining your first Wonder (if you were to know more precise information about it,
please leave us a comment). No matter where you are, the Nature Sprites should call for you, telling you
to get to the Forest, and once there, they'll tell you about their objective: summoning
the Spring's dormant Goddess.

However, Ace says, many things need to happen before you're able to do so:
 You'll need to make the Spring look like one fit for a Goddess.
 You'll need to make the nearby Animals "as happy as can be".
o From this point onwards, wild Animals will begin to spawn, such as
a Turtle near the beach, a Lizard near the Forest, and a Chihuahua by the Dig
 You'll need to collect "a bunch of wonderful things", in the form of Wonders.
o Wonders are an in-game achievement system: you'll gain them by achieving
certain feats or performing specific activities, and these can be collected from
the expandable box next to your House.

Getting a Horse of your own

During the afternoon of Summer 1, you'll be called by Takakura, who's got a surprise for you: your
own Horse.

Nothing much else happens - you'll first be asked to 'guess' it's colour (whichever you choose out of
'Brown', 'Black' or 'White' will determine what it is), then told to name it. Then, after allocating a feeding
bin to it, the Horse will begin living in your Barn - you'll be able to board it (and even call it) whenever you
want to move faster than what you would if walking.

Purchasing a Seed Maker

Note: completely optional, yet recommended.

This is not necessarily a storyline event nor you need to partake in it in order to advance, but we suggest
you go ahead with it anyways, as it will prove very useful. If you were to talk
with Takakura during Summer 1 (if it happened on a different day for you, please let us know!), he'll tell
you about a new contraption that can be installed in your farm: the Seed Maker.
From that point onwards, you'll be able to order the Seed Maker from the Ledger that's next to the Barn,
costing 30.000 G and taking a three extra days to install. It's somewhat of a hefty price right at the
beginning of the game, but a worthwhile investment nonetheless: you can place Crops or Fruit on this
machine, and after waiting for a while, obtain multiple Seeds out of them, saving you the cost of having
to purchase them from Vesta (and, as you'll see during the following Chapter, proving even more useful).

All in all, we cannot highlight how helpful this machine ends up being down the line, so try to save lots
of Gold and buy it once you've got enough surplus (don't spend all your money or you won't be able to
buy anything else for a while!).

Year End & Marriage

We've gone through quite a lot during this Year, though once you've gotten used to everything, you'll
note how simple the Objectives set for you are easy to fulfill - if you dedicate yourself to it, you'll
probably finish Summer having done everything that the game had in store for you, congratulations!

No matter when you've completed the Objective for Chapter 1, once you do so, all there'll be left for you
to do is wait: do not fret if there's no Marriage Event, as it is programmed to happen once you go to
sleep on Winter 10, Year 1. We'll just put up some images from our marriage with Cecilia - it might differ
if you went for a different Bachelor(ette), but rest assured that all differences will be cosmetic:
You'll be asked how you'd like your Wife/Husband to call you like; then once the Event has ended,
another cutscene will play, but since it introduces quite a lot of new things that will affect the future,
we'll leave those for the next page in our walkthrough.

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