NMS5 Brochure

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Network Element Management Systems

Product Description

ALS Series Brochure Document Number BS.00027.007

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Further, the contents of this document or the methods or techniques contained therein must not be disclosed to any person. 2 of 58
Data subject to change without notice.
ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................................................................................................... 4

OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Linux and Unix ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Multi-User environment .......................................................................................................................................... 6

NMS5 ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................................................................................. 7

NMS5 Security Feature ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Hardware and Software Platform ........................................................................................................................... 8

NMS5 – ELEMENT MANAGEMENT LAYER (EML) FUNCTIONALITIES ......................................................................... 10

Fault Management ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Performance Management ................................................................................................................................... 13
Configuration Management .................................................................................................................................. 16
Security Management ........................................................................................................................................... 21

NMS5 – NETWORK MANAGEMENT LAYER (NML) FUNCTIONALITIES ....................................................................... 22

Network map and Tree Representation ................................................................................................................ 22

NMS5 – SERVICE MANAGEMENT LAYER (SML) FUNCTIONALITIES ........................................................................... 24

NMS5 - TDM Ring Manager .................................................................................................................................. 24
NMS5 – Packet Service Manager (PSM) ................................................................................................................ 26
NMS5 – E1 Radio Rebuild ...................................................................................................................................... 30

NMS5 - NORTH BOUND INTERFACE (NBI) ................................................................................................................. 31

Fault Management - Alarm integration through “SNMP Proxy Agent” ................................................................ 31
Performance Monitoring Management ................................................................................................................ 33
Inventory Management......................................................................................................................................... 35
Configuration Management - E2E NBI provisioning of TDM and Ethernet services ............................................. 36

NMS5 SYSTEM REDUNDANCY ................................................................................................................................... 38

RAN (Remote Access NMS5) – Access through Web Server ..................................................................................... 38

DUAL SERVER CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................ 40

PROTOCOLS ............................................................................................................................................................... 42

ANNEX1- NMS5 DIMENSIONING ............................................................................................................................... 49

HARDWARE PLATFORM DIMENSIONING .............................................................................................................. 49
COMMUNICATION NETWORK ............................................................................................................................... 52

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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 ACM Adaptive Code Modulation

 ALFO SIAE MICROLELETTRONCICA PDH Full Indoor Microwave Radio including
ALFOplus, ALF0plus80 and ALFOplus80HD
Radio including ALC, ALplus, ALCplus, ALplus2, ALCplus2,and ALCPlus2e
 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
 DCCr Data Communication Channel Regenerator
 DCN Data Communication Network
 EML Element Manager Layer
 SML Service Manager Layer
 NML Network Manager Layer
 ETH Ethernet
 FAMxc SIAE MICROELETTRONICA Flexible Access Multiplexer
 FTP File Transfer Protocol
 IDU Indoor Unit
 IP Internet Protocol
 IS-IS Intermediate system to intermediate system
 LAN Local Area network
 LCT Local Craft Terminal
 MIB Management Information Base
 MST Minimum Spanning Tree
 NE Network Element
 NML Network Manager
 NMS Network Management System
 NMS5 SIAE MICROELETTRONICA - Network Management System
 ODU Outdoor Unit
 OSI Open System Interconnection
 OSPF Open Shortest Path First

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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 PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
 PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
 RFC Request For Comment
 RU Rack Unit
 SCT Subnetwork Craft Terminal
 SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
 SSH Secure Shell
 TCP Transmission Control Protocol
 TDM Time Division Multiplexing
 TMN Telecommunication Management Network
 UDP User Datagram Protocol
 VLAN Virtual Local Area Network

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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NMS5 is the Network Management System proposed by SIAE MICROELETTRONICA for the management and
centralized supervision of all equipments included in its product catalogue (point-to point radio systems, Ethernet
switch, flexible multiplexer and SDH add-drop multiplex).

Scope of this document is to highlight the technical characteristics of the NMS5 as an EMS (Element Manager
System) and as an NMS and SMS (Network Manager System and Service Management System) that can be
integrated into a higher level system for the management of a complete telecommunication network.

NMS5 peculiar modularity design allows an easy maintenance and upgrade. The introduction of new functionalities
and customizations ensure a better efficiency and effectiveness.

The feedback received from several NMS5 users has been an important contribution to the constant growth in
performance and reliability making it one of the most appreciated management and supervision system.

Linux and UNIX

NMS5, depending on telecom networks needs, runs on different operating systems being at the same time both a
powerful management tool and a cost-effective solution.

 NMS5LX system is based on LINUX Operating System and Oracle Database; this solution provides significant
cost saving on both Hardware and Software platforms for networks up to 10.000 Network Elements and
20 simultaneous users. NMS5LX system can be installed on a virtualized system based on VMware: in that
case the performance are 12.000NEs and 25 simultaneous users.

 NMS5UX system is based on UNIX Operating System and Oracle Database. NMS5UX, in conjunction with
HP UNIX Servers fulfills any requirements in terms of system availability. Moreover, the performances and
the scalability provided by HP servers enable the deployment of systems capable to manage up to 12.000
Network Elements and 25 simultaneous users with single server or 20.000 Network Elements and 50
simultaneous users with the dual server configuration.

Multi-User environment
NMS5 is a multi-user system supporting a client-server architecture: all the users with advanced profile can access
simultaneously the same map with Read-Write privileges. The changes to the map made by an operator will be
automatically displayed to the other operators connected to the same map.

For a better management architecture of centralized computing resources and regional network supervision
functions, NMS5 has been tested with well-known applications as GoGlobal (Graphon) and Citrix (Metaframe),
this reduce the bandwidth required for remote access permitting good performances on remote connections even
via low speed lines.

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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NMS5 is one unified system with a multi logical layered architecture as shown in following figure. In detail:

 EML (Element Management Layer): provides management function of network elements (NE) with
FCAPS functionalities (Fault, Configuration, Administration, Performance monitoring and Security).In
addition it provides hardware and software inventory, software download functionality, and NE backup
& restore functionalities

 NML (Network Management Layer): provide a complete visibility of the whole network with tree and
map geographical representation

 SML (Service Management Layer): provisions and manages end-to-end Ethernet services, with the
Packet Service Manager tool, and TDM services with Ring Manager application tool

 NBI (North Bound Interface): with these interfaces it is possible to easily integrate the NMS5 in a
multivendor network with a unique OSS (Operative Support System)

Figure 1 - NMS5 Logical Layered Architecture

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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NMS5 Security Feature
NMS5 supports a series of advanced protocols in order to guarantee authentication, privacy and encryption
Access to the platform can be done with encrypted interfaces such as SSH (Secure Shell Telnet), HTTPS (secure
web-browsing) and SFTP (network protocol for the secure file transfer: SSH File Transfer Protocol). In addition it is
also possible to disable “non secure protocols” such as Telnet, HTTP, Finger, BOOTP, etc.

Network elements can be managed also with the secure SNMPv3 protocol addressing the authentication and
privacy aspects. In SNMPv3, every user is provided with his own authentication password and packet encryption

Both OS and Oracle DB can be properly configured establishing a secure and hardened platform.

Hardware and Software Platform

Hardware platforms can be tailored to meet loads and customer requirements according to:

 network size (NE number and types)

 number of simultaneous operators
 requested system availability
 archiving capabilities

NMS5LX runs on a standard LINUX based Personal Computer or server.

NMS5LX Software Platform includes:

 Linux Operating System (SUSE Linux Enterprise)

 Oracle Database
 NMS5LX Application Software

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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Figure 2 - NMS5UX software architecture

The hardware platform used by NMS5UX is based on HP servers.

Software requirements are:

 HP-UX 11.x Operating System

 X/Windows OSF Motif graphic interface
 Oracle Database
 NMS5UX Application Software

Figure 3 - NMS5UX software architecture

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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Fault Management
The collection of status and alarm information, the notification to the user and the support to the damage diagnosis
for a dedicated steering of the field intervention and repair/replacement activities are the primary scope of a
management and supervision system like NMS5.

There is a spontaneous notification status variation from the equipment, thus reducing the waiting time between
the origin of the alarm event and the information being received by the centralised system. The pulling of network
elements made by NMS5 verifies that each network element is reachable and the NE alarm status is aligned with
the status reported by NMS5 systems.

The alarm term defines the fault signal generated by an error or by a bad operation of the NE or of any
element that composes it. The status and event terms identify the signals which display not a wrong operation,
but a status change, a running operation or an operation condition. In detail, the signals of:

• Status, are communicated spontaneously from the NE to the system, as for example:
o The activation/deactivation of the LCT-equipment connection.
o The start/end of the equipment software update.
o The activation/deactivation of the manual operations.
o The status of active/stand-by of duplicated parts of NE.
• Event, are generated by the system itself, as for example the start of an operation of alarm realignment.

Every alarm, acknowledged and managed by the NMS5UX-B system, has associated a severity which determines
the alarm importance. Every severity is identified by a name and a colour, as indicated in following table:

Severity Name Color

Very serious alarm Critical Red
Serious alarm Major Orange
Alarm Minor Yellow
Minor Alarm Warning Light blue

The alarm severity is the criterion used by NMS5 to represent graphically the operational status of the equipment.
When an alarm raises in a connected equipment, the icon that represents the equipment changes its colour
according to the severity of the active alarm.
The colour of the Container symbols containing the NE reflects the condition of current alarm. If more alarms of
different severity are present at the same time, the colour of the icon will represent the alarm with highest severity;
the same occurs for the container icons.

The alarm event notification results of the polling activity are continuously reported to the user through:

 Icon Color Variation: each color indicates a specific gravity warning with consequence change in color of the
container in which the corresponding equipment is inserted (hierarchical propagation).

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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 “Alarm Summary” Variation: shows to the user the counters reporting the total number of active alarms in the
whole network or in user defined sub-networks. The counters are grouped by alarm severity and by active/not
active status. Using different filters (alarm severity, acknowledged/not acknowledged alarm, equipment type)
the user can open at the same time more than one "Alarm Summary" taking under control different network
status condition.

These are three archives available to the user for the alarm analysis:

 Current alarms log: showing all active alarms in the network.

 Historical alarms log: the archive includes the historical time sequence of alarm events reporting, for each event,
the alarm type, the equipment from which it has been generated, its gravity, the time at which it has been
originated and when it has been solved. The maximum number of alarms included in the archive is settable, its
default value being 100000 (One million for big network).
 Equipment historical log: for any equipment, there is a local log for the storage of up to 500 events. The log is
readable from NMS5 and permits the analysis of the alarm sequence that have been generated in the equipment
during the period that it was not connected to the management system (i.e. remote terminal of a malfunctioning
radio hop or with propagation problems).

In addition to the alarm logs, the user can access the equipment management applications. The applications
provide a functional block diagram of the equipment permitting a better identification of the malfunctioning part.

Operators can access the alarm records according to user-defined criteria (“filters”), for example:

 Event occurrence date and time

 Event occurred in a specific time period
 Event severity
 Event type
 Equipment type and address
 Specific unit
 Specific event

Alarm indications may be selectively acknowledged. Reports produced according to the above-mentioned user-
defined criteria may be printed out and/or saved onto a file for further processing. Distinct users may activate
different filters; multiple views of the alarm logs are allowed.

The NMS5 system allows changing, for each alarm, the severity of network and the local severity.
Network severity means the severity that characterizes the alarm when displayed by the NMS5UX-B system. For
each alarm, the network severity is COMMON to all the NE’s of the same type present in all the maps. To change
the network severity of an alarm, use the SNMP-Network Severity Code command (available only to the superuser).

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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Using the alarm data present into the history alarm log, "Alarm Statistics" option provides statistic information

 Network events
 NE events
 Event frequency

Figure 4 - NMS5 Alarm Statistics shot screen

Enable/disable the alarms

The NMS5 system allows enabling/disabling the alarms and/or the sending of the relevant traps. In
detail, it is possible to:
• Disable the alarm; in this case the detection (or clearing) of the alarm is not recorded in the controller of
the NE and it is not communicated to the supervision program: as the alarm has never occurred.
• Disable the sending of traps; in this case, the detection (or clearing) of the alarm is recorded in the
controller of the NE, but it is not communicated to the supervision system. If the Configuration Upload or
Alarm Re-alignment command is sent to NE, also the alarms, whose trap sending is disabled, will be
• Enable the alarm and the sending of trap; in this case the detection (or clearing) of the alarm is
recorded in the controller of the NE and communicated to the supervision system (with the sending
of the relevant trap) that display it in the current alarms and in the alarm history (default

The enabling/disabling of the alarm and of the trap sending is independent for each alarm, and local to the
selected NE for the operation. This means that the setting must be made for each single alarm of each
single NE.

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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Fleeting Alarms
Sometime, on equipment, an alarm is detected and is cleared many times in a brief period. The instability that
characterizes these alarms, defined “fleeting”, causes such number of alarms to saturate the network. In fact, each
time the alarm raises/clears, the system records a signal. For this cause, before recording an alarm, the stability of
the alarm itself is verified.

Performance Management
NMS5 quality counters of each controlled equipment in the network are an important indication of the quality of
service provided and of the equipment proper operation.

The quality counters available are:

o G.828 counters
 Errored Seconds (ES) – number of one-second periods with equal to (or greater than) one binary error.
 Severely Errored Seconds (SES) – number of one-second periods with an integrated BER exceeding a
defined threshold value.
 Severly Errored Periods (SEP) – number of time with consecutives SES between 3 and 9 seconds
 Background Block Errors (BBE) – nn errored block not occurring as part of an SES
 Unavailable Seconds (UAS) – number of seconds between the onset of 10 consecutive SES and the onset
of 10 consecutive non-SES

o Transmitted and received power counters:

 RL and TL Threshold Seconds (RLTS-N & TLTS-N) – number of seconds during which the received
(transmitted) power is below (above) a predefined threshold “n”. The number of thresholds is 4. The
operator can set the threshold value.
 RL and TL Tide Mark (RLTM & TLTM) – the Received or Transmitted Level Tide Mark records the
maximum and the minimum value reached by RL or TL during a measurement period.

o ACM (Adaptive Code Modulation) counters:

 ACM <profile> sec.. Counter – A counter for each ACM profile.
There are two configurable policies:
 Active
The counter counts the number of seconds during which the system works with the related
modulation active
 Not available modulation
The counter counts the number of seconds which the system works below a user configurable
modulation scheme

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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 Downshift and Upshift counters – number of modulation downshifts and upshifts

The quality counters are managed in accordance to the G.784 Recommendation:

 Counters set every 15 minutes and every midnight of a day. All counters are frozen at preset time period
common to all equipments and it allows the correlation of data provided by any equipment in the network.
 Equipment stores up to 16 counters of 15 minutes and up to two daily counters. When the equipment is
disconnected from the network management system, quality data are kept, even for long time periods.

The NMS5 automatically collects the quality counters through periodical readings from the equipment. An archive
with data stored during the last six months is available for user interrogations. Performance monitoring data
records can be accessed by means of user-friendly graphical tools.

The concurrent availability of Received Power Counters and G.828 Counters allows the discrimination between
problems originated by degraded equipment operation and problems due to propagation.

For any quality counter the user can set threshold levels. When such levels are trespassed an alarm signal will be
sent to the user.

The systematic use of quality measures for all network equipment allows the early detection of possible
degradations in the service level provided and consequent preventive interventions to avoid service interruptions
in the service provision.

In order to check the quality of Ethernet traffic NMS5 supports Remote Monitoring (RMON). RMON is a standard
monitoring specification that enables various network Manager to exchange network-monitoring data.

RMON specification defines a set of statistics and functions exchanged between RMON-compliant manager and
NEs. As such, RMON provides network administrators with comprehensive network-fault diagnosis, planning, and
performance tuning information.
NE and NMS5 are according to RFC 2819 “Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base” for the
following MIB groups:

o statistics { rmon 1 }

Contains statistics measured for each monitored interface on NE:

 packets dropped
 packets sent
 bytes sent (octets)
 broadcast packets
 multicast packets

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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 CRC errors
 fragments
 Jabbers
 collisions
 counters for packets ranging from 64 to 128 bytes
 counters for packets ranging from 128 to 256 bytes
 counters for packets ranging from 256 to 512 bytes
 counters for packets ranging from 512 to 1024 bytes
 counters for packets ranging from 1024 to 1518 bytes

o history { rmon 2 }

Records periodic statistical samples from a network and stores them for a later retrieval. The configurable
parameters are the following ones:

 Sample period (minimum value: 1 minute)

 Number of samples (maximum value: 240 )
 Items sampled.

o alarm { rmon 3 }

Periodically the variables are sampled and compared with previously configured thresholds. If the
monitored variable crosses a threshold an event is generated (refer also to event group).

Display of the results of the PM measures

The NMS5UX user can anytime display the results of the PM measures of a given piece of equipment, subdivided
in daily or primary records of the last 180 days. To display the daily and primary records, select the equipment in
the map and choose the Performance Monitoring command. It is also possible to display the results of the PM
measures, previously saved to disk by means of the Old Performance Monitoring command.

Here is an example of the RMON history window:

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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Figure 5 - RMON History screen shot

Configuration Management

Network Discovery
This functionality allows NMS5 to automatically discover new NE without manually inserting its IP address.
This is a powerful and useful tool that prevents manual configuration and mistakes in the definition of the NEs
structure and parameters.

NE can be automatically discovered in two ways:

 Each network element sends to NMS a SNMP a “wake up trap” communicating its IP address; NMS5 then
process the trap adding this NE to the available NE list.
 NMS5 platform automatically scans the DCN Network.

Newly NE can be automatically inserted in NMS5.

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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Network NMS5UX


• Auto Discovery Manager Window

• Automatic Graphical Symbol Creation
• Automatic Network Element Connection NETWORK

Figure 6 - NMS5 Network Discovery functionality

Adding a network from file

It is possible to import the network drawing from an off line produced file. The file format must be "*.csv" Excel
like format.

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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Figure 7 – Adding a network from file screen shot

Equipment Configuration and Test

All configuration parameters locally settable via LCT (Local Craft Terminal) are remotely settable via NMS5 as well.

Configuration parameters are stored in remote equipment non-volatile memory. Although all NMS5 operators can
read this information, its modification is permitted to authorized users only (please refer to the security
management section).

The central system is always updated with remote equipment real configuration and current alarms status as all
configuration changes are always reported.

The following operations are available to the operator:

 NE Parameters SET/GET Operations - allow to read and update the configuration parameters relative to a
 Configuration Parameters Download - this function downloads all configuration parameters of a NE in a
format specified by a predefined file.
 Configuration Parameters Upload - this function allows to upload the current configuration parameters for
storage and later retrieval.

NE Backup/Restore
NE Backup/Restore functionality allows to save in a file the complete configuration of a managed NE. The file format
is the same that can be generated locally using LCT.

A maximum of "n" files per NE (default value equal to 3) are maintained into the NMS5 file system.

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NMS5 Network Management System
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A new backup file is automatically produced when a configuration change is detected on the equipment and it
overwrites the oldest one.

NMS5 maintains an updated archive of all managed NE backup files; local operator can remotely access the archive
using the files for NE restore through LCT or the files can be used by NMS5 operator for a remote restore.

Figure 8 - NE Back-up-Restore functionality

Hardware and Software Inventory

NMS5 allows the centralised collection of inventory data of both hardware (serial number and release number of
the installed hardware) and software (firmware and software release numbers loaded on any equipment module).

Hardware inventory data are available and exportable towards other systems for several purposes, e.g. the
management of the spare parts store.

The hardware inventory inquiry is available through the web server too.

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NMS5 Network Management System
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Figure 9 - HW and SW software inventory screenshot

Firmware download and memory bank switch

Equipment firmware and software can be updated from NMS5.
New versions of firmware and software can be remotely loaded on the equipment, for instance to increase
functionalities and/or to remove possible malfunctioning of the equipment.

The download of the software can be simultaneously set on more equipment and it can be prompt or time deferred.
When the software has been downloaded on the equipment, the firmware bank switch operation can be triggered
by NMS with immediate effect or scheduled by date/time provided.

Bank switch operation can be done on single NE at time.

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Security Management
During the login process, users are requested to enter user name and password whereby the system recognize and
define every operator access rights.
User names can be added/removed by the system manager only.
User access rights are defined in terms of “Functional Access Domain” and “Network Access Domain”.

The secure protocol SNMPv3 protocol foresees the possibility to encrypt the part of the packet containing the OIDs
of the MIB objects and the relevant values, using the encryption algorithm DES56. The key used for the
encryption is different from the key used for the HMAC authentication.
This allows defining if the user is given an access:

 without authentication (noAuthPriv)

 with authentication (AuthNoPriv)
 with authentication and encryption (AuthPriv)

Functional Access Domain

NMS5 system access is possible through five security levels :
 Entry – allows to access all attributes in read-only mode. The entry user can start the NMS5UX-B GUI
relevant to the only map associated to his NMS5UX user (default map). The entry user can access to his

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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map only in Read Only modality. In his map, the user can only verify the parameters. On the installation of
the system, there is no normal user. Then, it is possible to create more normal users.
 Normal – allows to access and update all NE attributes. The normal user can start the NMS5UX-B GUI
relevant to the only map associated to his NMS5UX user (default map). The normal user can access to his
map only in Read Only modality. On the installation of the system, there is no normal user. Then, it is
possible to create more normal users.
 Advanced – as “Normal”, but allows to update the assigned network map. The advanced user can start the
NMS5UX-B GUI relevant to the only map associated to his NMS5UX user (default map). The advanced user
can access to his map both in Read-Write and Read Only modality. At system installation, there is no
advanced user. Then, it is possible to create more advanced users.
 Privileged – as “Advanced”, but allows to update all network maps. The privileged user can start the
NMS5UX-B GUI relevant to all the maps managed by the system. In each map, the privileged user can
access both in Read-Write and Read Only modality. At system installation, there is no privileged user.
Then, it is possible to create more privileged users.

 Superuser – as “Privileged”, but allows to add/remove users. The Superuser can start the NMS5UX-B GUI
relevant to all the maps managed by the system. In each map, the Superuser can access both in Read-
Write and Read Only modality and can verify/set/ change all the parameters. The NMS5UX-B system
manages ONLY one Superuser. It is created during the installation of the system. In a second moment, it
will not be possible to delete the user or change his profile.

Network Access Domain

The Network Access Domain is the set of NEs to which an operator has access right.

Network access is controlled by granting access rights to one or more maps. Operators can view and act only on
network entities included in the maps they are authorized for.

Transaction Log
All user operations that modify system configuration (i.e. user login/logout, network update, inclusion of new
equipment, equipment parameter update...) are registered by the system in the “Transaction Log” and the
following features are provided to the user:

 Inspection – users may read the contents of the log

 Selection – users may define record searching criteria
 Deletion – users may delete uninteresting records
 Printing – users may print the selected records


Network map and Tree Representation
The physical link manager is an additional tool on top of the EML layer that allows to represent the network

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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topology. The user can create the physical connection describing how the network element are linked each other.
As support for the graphical representation of the network, NMS5 provides these functionalities:

• Network hierarchical diagram.

Based on the geographical network layout, the whole network can be divided in sub-networks. In each sub-
network, the equipments can be further grouped in accordance to criteria defined by the user, e.g. the station, the
equipment type, etc.

Several icons are available, to show the different NE in the network diagram. Connection links are graphical tools
representing the NE hierarchical connections. The icon colour is used to show the operating condition of the

• Drawing of the network topology.

Graphical representation of the connection structure among the network elements.

There are not limitations to the network topology which can be created and managed.

This information will be used, not only to have an high level view on the network topology, but will be used by
upper layers.

A map is defined as a specific graphical network diagram designed in accordance to geographical criteria or areas
of responsibility. NMS5 manage several maps. The access to each map or group of maps can be allowed or
restricted in accordance to the privileges assigned to each user, in this way the management and supervision of
the network can be set based on a hierarchical division by areas of responsibility.

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NMS5 Network Management System
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SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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Figure 10 - NMS5 Network Map example


NMS5 - TDM Ring Manager
NMS5 can be equipped with the additional Ring Manager application which provides network manager
functionalities such as Path Provisioning and Monitoring.

The Ring Manager is a software application designed to manage each type of network topology (ring, star and
meshed) and allows creating, managing and configuring the paths between SIAE MICROELETTRONICA equipments.
The module has been designed to operate as part of the NMS5 supervision system.

The user can manages the networks with PDH and SDH equipment by means of a graphical interface integrated in
the NMS5 system.

The number of Rings and the number of equipment which can be managed at the same time the by Ring Manager
SW application is unlimited.
The only limitation is the capacity of the hardware and software components installed in the system and on the
"Code Word" required by the Customer.

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NMS5 Network Management System
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SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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Figure 11 - NMS5 TDM Ring Manager application screen shot

Figure 12 - Ring Manager - Path Management screen shot

Ring Manager Functionalities

Ring Manager application functionalities are the following :

o Drawing of the network topology

Graphical representation of the connection structure among the network elements.
There are not limitations to the network topology which can be created and managed by Ring
Manager (ring networks, tree networks, mixed networks).

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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o Path provisioning
Creation/configuration of the network routes (path)
o Path Monitoring
Alarm correlation to the existing paths
o Path Browser
Search and list of the paths present in the Ring map
o Alarm Summary
Summary of the general alarm condition with the possibility to filter the Alarm History window
display according to the alarm severity, to its current status (raised/cleared alarm) and to status
change notification (Summary Alarm functionality)
o Path Auto-Discovery
Alignment check between the Ring manager configuration and the Cross-Connections configuration
in the NE; the configuration alignment is in the two directions:
 Upload
from the network configuration towards Ring Manager
 Download
from Ring Manager towards the network equipment

The access to the above listed features depends on user profile.

NMS5 – Packet Service Manager (PSM)

The Packet Service Manager (PSM) is the NMS5 application for packet services provisioning and monitoring
functionalities. This module has been designed to operate as part of the NMS5 supervision system.

The main functionality of the PSM is to provision and monitoring Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) as defined by
the Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF). This means that the PSM application is able to to manage all the EVC types such
as E-Line, E-Lan, E-Tree and E-Access services, allowing in addition the possibility to provision “Quality of Service”
(QoS) parameters.

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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Figure 13 - NMS5 Packet Service Manager: E-Line EVC creation

Figure 14 - NMS5 Packet Service Manager: QoS settings

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The PSM, for the old generation equipments, can provision VLAN services. In this configuration the user can manage
Ethernet tributaries with L2 switching capability by means of a graphical interface integrated in the NMS5 system.
The number of "VLAN Net" and the number of equipment within each "VLAN Net" are limited only by the number
of NE managed by the system.

Packet Service Manager Functionalities

Packet Service Manager application functionalities are :

o Uploading the network topology from the NML

Connections structure graphical representation among the network elements with Ethernet L2 switch
o EVC provisioning
Creation/configuration of the Ethernet Virtual Connection service.
The operator provide source and destination Ethernet interfaces (UNI) and the service identifier (S-VLAN),
the application calculates the shortest path and configure the EVC as per MEF recommendation.
o VLAN Path provisioning (old generation NEs)
Creation/configuration of the network VLAN path.
The operator provide source and destination Ethernet ports and the VLAN identifier, the application
calculates the shortest path and configure all the NE VLAN tables through the path.

o Radio Bandwidth Estimation

Each VLAN is configured with the estimated bandwidth allocation, the sum of the VLAN bandwidth
estimation define the Ethernet bandwidth required on the radio link.
The application provides for each Radio Link:

 The bandwidth reserved to the Ethernet traffic

 the currently estimated bandwidth occupation

When a new VLAN is provisioned a message warns the operator if within the path is present a link with an
Ethernet radio bandwidth lower than the required.
o VLAN Path Management (Alarm and Configuration)
A dedicated application (VLAN Path Browser) shows all VLAN.
All relevant Network Alarms contribute to define the VLAN status (Running, Not running, etc)
The fault management is provided by the Current and History Alarms application with dedicated filters to
manage VLAN faults.
An additional package allows the visualization and configuration of NE L2 Switches through the path.
o OAM Provision (Alarm and Configuration)
With this application it is possible, from and E2E point of view, to provision along the packet service the
OAM protocol for operation and maintenance activities.

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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Figure 15 - NMS5 Packet Service Manager: EVC and VLAN management

ITU-T G.8032 Management

VLAN manager is able to manage the G.8032 protocols providing the capabilities to create Ethernet services over
G.8032 protected rings.

Figure 16 - NMS5 G.8032 management

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
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NMS5 – E1 Radio Rebuild
The application E1 Radio Management allows the operator managing the radio resources of ALCPlus2/ALCplus2e
equipment in a radio link. All the operations realized by the application are executed both on the local terminal
and on the remote terminal.
The system considers “local” the equipment selected first by the operator in the map of the supervision system
and “remote” the one selected as second. If the selection is made by the selection rectangle tool, the system
considers “local equipment” the leftmost one in the map.

The main aim is to free radio resources used to transport TDM traffic in order to make them available for
Ethernet traffic. On ALCPlus2/ALCplus2e equipment, the policy for the management of the radio resources used
for the TDM traffic always separates the ensured payload (Permanent Radio E1 channels) from the payload which
can be “sacrificed” in case of reduction of the modulation to face a decrease in the signal quality (Extra Radio E1

Figure 17 - NMS5 E1 Radio Rebuild

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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Subject to typical Operator’s requests, a North Bound Interface is provided for following main integration

a) Fault Management
b) Performance Monitoring Management
c) Inventory Management
d) Configuration Management

Figure 18 – North Bound Interfaces supported by NMS5

According to the implemented SIAE MICROELETTRONICA policy the configuration functionalities are reserved to
NMS5 and they are not integrated in upper layer NMS.

SIAE MICROELETTRONICA radio system have a standard SNMP agent embedded; SIAE MICROELETTRONICA is
willing and ready to support the customer in the full integration of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA radio system in third
party vendor NMS.

Fault Management - Alarm integration through “SNMP Proxy Agent”

SNMP Proxy Agent is a specialized software module installed on NMS5 Server which is capable of forwarding
SNMP TRAPs towards an upper level NMS system. SNMP Proxy Agent is implementing an agent SNMP allowing a
high level manager to control the following SIAE equipment through NMS5UX Element Manager:

 “US" SDH Radio

 "EL" PDH Radio
 “AL” PDH Radio
 "ALS" SDH Radio
 ADM1 Add Drop Multiplexer
 TL (SDH radio n+1)

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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 “ALFO” Full Outdoor PDH Radio
 “ALFOplus” Full Outdoor
 "ALPlus" and "ALCPlus" radio
 "ALPlus2", "ALCPlus2" and "ALCPlus2e" Radio
 AGS10 and AGS20 equipment
 “ALFOplus80” and “ALFOplus80”

SNMP Proxy agent is able to reply to SET, GET and GET-NEXT SNMP commands and to send SNMP TRAPs. Each
TRAP contains enough information to determine the event occurred and it allows to:
 Alarm realignment support between NMS5 and NMS
 A SNMP Trap to be forwarded for each Alarm Type
 Alarm set and clear correlation

SNMP Proxy agent has been integrated by many SIAE MICROELETTRONICA customers in the following environment:
TEMIP, Netcool, HP-OVO and IBM Tivoli.

Figure 19 - Alarm integration through SNMP Proxy Agent

Please refer to document “NMS5UX_Proxy_Agent_Ed15” for further information.

Proxy Fleeting
Sometime there can be that, in an equipment, an alarm is detected and is cleared many times in a brief period.
The instability that characterizes these alarms is defined fleeting and for this cause, before recording an alarm,
the stability of the alarm itself is verified. This functionality is available also in the Proxy SNMP agent

Set/Get/Trap with “private” community string

An SNMP community is the group that devices and management stations running SNMP belong to. It helps define
where information is sent. The community name is used to identify the group. A SNMP device or agent may

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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belong to more than one SNMP community. It will not respond to requests from management stations that do
not belong to one of its communities.

SNMP community string is some "password" necessary to read/write SNMP data. It is recommended to change
this string to another one setting up on both - SNMP client and SNMP server.

Proxy Alarm "Store Forward" Information Delay

The NBI interface before to forward an "alarm set" event observe for a certain period its status. If, during this
period, the event status remains the same then the event (i.e.) is forwarded to the upper layer. On the other hand,
if the "alarm clear" has been received the alarm is not forwarded to the upper layer.

In detail enabling the “Informing Delay” functionality on an event means that an Alarm SET event is forwarded to
NBI only during all the delay interval since the indication has been received by NMS, no related CLEAR indication is
received. After Alarm SET notification has been forwarded to NBI, the corresponding notification "Alarm CLEAR" is
forwarded immediately to NBI when received by NMS. If in delay time window an ALARM clear notification is
received by NMS, no alarm is forwarded to NBI.

Proxy Alarm "Store Forward" Information Counter

The NBI generates a single trap for all the alarms exporting the "alarm cause" information and in addition the
total number of alarm status variation (the count amount is stored in the VARBIND).

Enabling the “Alarm Count” functionality on an event means that all the SET indication on that event are counted
by proxy and, if the counter exceeds a threshold in a specified observation time interval, a specific SET indication
is forwarded to NBI reporting the details of the related original event. An automatic event CLEAR is generated by
proxy after a determinate time interval.

Otherwise if the counter doesn’t exceeds the threshold at the end of the observation time interval, no event is
generated and the counting is reset.

Performance Monitoring Management

NMS5 can export performance monitoring in a text file (*.csv) that can be easily customized.

The performance monitoring data are based on daily collection of 15 min. and 24h.

There are two different NMS5 applications:

1. QoS Data Export. This application exports the following counters:
o G.828/826 counters (ES, SES, BBE, and UAS)
o Transmitted and received power counters
o ACM counters (ACM policy and related seconds experienced for each modulation within the time

2. RMON Counter Export. Here is the RMON available counters list exported by the NBI RMON application:

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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Data subject to change without notice.
o DropEvents: Total number of events (frames) in which packets were dropped by the probe due to
lack of resources.
o Octets RX: Total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets) received on the
o Pkts RX: Total number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packets, and multicast
packets) received.
o BroadcastPkts RX: Total number of good packets received that were directed to the broadcast
o Multicast Pkts RX: Total number of good packets received that were directed to a multicast
o CRC Align Errors: Total number of packets received that had a length of between 64 and n
(parameter Max Packet Size, it can be set to 1522 or 2048) octets with bad Frame Check
Sequence (FCS) and an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a nonintegral
number of octets (Alignment Error).
o Undersize Pkts: Total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets long and were
otherwise well formed.
o Oversize Pkts: The number of packets received during this sampling interval that were longer
than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) but were otherwise well
o Fragments: Total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets in length and had
either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad
FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
o Jabbers: Total number of packets received that were longer than n (parameter Max Packet Size, it
can be set to 1522 or 2048) octets, and had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an
integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets
(Alignment Error).
o Collisions: The best estimate of the total number of collisions on this Ethernet LAN segment.
o Utilization Rx: The best estimate of the mean physical layer network utilization on this interface
during this sampling interval, in hundredths of a percent. The percentage of usage of the radio
port refers to the bit rate of the port at the Switch (1Gbit/s) and not to the available radio band.
o Octets TX: Total number of octets of data (including those in bad packets) transmitted
o Pkts TX: Total number of packets transmitted.
o BroadcastPkts TX: Total number of good packets transmitted that were directed to the broadcast
o Multicast Pkts TX: Total number of good packets transmitted that were directed to a multicast
o Utilization TX: The best estimate of the mean physical layer network utilization on this interface
during this sampling interval, in hundredths of a percent. The percentage of usage of the radio
port refers to the bit rate of the port at the Switch (1Gbit/s) and not to the available radio band.

The NMS5 automatically reads the files generated by the NE for each Termination Point NE every day (generally
after midnight). An archive with data stored during the last two (default) months is available, for the
interrogations sent by the user. Performance monitoring data records can be accessed by means of user-friendly
graphical tools.

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NMS5 Network Management System
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SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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For example, data export has been integrated by SIAE MICROELETTRONICA customer into Metrica system.
Please refer to documents “NMS5UX_ETH_PM_EXPORT” and “QosDataExport” for further information.

Inventory Management
Operator can chose to either export to the file a set of Network Element or the entire network configuration
data. NMS5 supports the two following different applications to export inventory data:

1. XML Inventory Export: network configuration data exported into XML files
2. Export DB data: NMS5 DB inventory data exported into CSV files

XML Inventory Export

With “XML” format It is also possible to export all network configuration data and to keep trace of any change in
the network automatically. NMS5 can send on a daily basis (or a differently configurable time interval) a file
showing all the changes in the network configuration. The command SNMP-XML Export manages the export of
the configuration data of SNMP equipment in XML format (function XML Export). Among the exported data, even
the parameters relevant to SD card are included for the equipment which foresee it.

In the XML file is saved the complete equipment configuration which consists in the following data:

 Logical address
 IP address (LAN and PPP ports) and Routing Table
 Equipment configuration:
o General parameters: radio protection, IDU type, etc.
o Radio parameters
o Switch Ethernet parameters.
o Parameters of Tributaries (E1, STM1, LAN)
o Cross connections
 User Input
 User Output
 Version of the equipment sw/fw modules and of the WEB LCT software (only for the equipment supporting
 Hardware configuration (Part Number, Serial Number and Hw edition of the equipment units).

The function XML Export, with the automatic saving function, manages the periodic saving in XML format of the
configuration of all the pieces of SNMP equipment managed by the NMS5UX-B system and which support the
function XML Export.
The periodic saving is managed and automatically executed by the supervision system. The only operation required
to the user is to define the modality used to execute the periodic saving through the creation of a cronjob.

Please refer to document “NMS5 manual” further information.

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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Export DB Data
This application allow to export a selection of data from NMS5 Data Base to a file in “csv” format. This application
provide a graphical interface to allow the equipment and parameters selections and the commands to export the
data to file.

The data that can be exported are:

 Logical Address
 Equipment IP address
 Equipment type
 Frequency
 Channel BW
 …

The format can be customized on request in order to easily integrate the Network Data in an upper layer system.
The exported data include serial number/part number/ SW version of each unit present in the network.

Configuration Management - E2E NBI provisioning of TDM and Ethernet services

TdmNM and EthNM are options running in NMS5 platform; they are respectively “Ring Manager” and “Vlan
Manager” extensions allowing E1 and VLAN path provisioning at network level.

These services are exported through NBI (North Bound Interface) to an higher level system.

Ring and VLAN Manager applications allows the E1 and the Ethernet VLAN path provisioning in a sub-network
described within a “Ring Map” and a VALN map.

Network manager application

TdmNM and EthNM applications provide three different interfaces:

 Network Manager GUI

 Network Manager SNMP Interface
 Network Manager WEB Services Interface

Network Manager GUI

The Network Manager GUI is a graphical interface integrated in NMS5.
This interface allows the:

 creation and deletion of Element (Ring Map or VLAN map)

 creation and deletion of Links (Connection between Elements).
 definition of the port available as source and destination for the link creation and path provisioning.
 creation, deletion and management of E1 paths or Ethernet VLAN services.

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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Network Manager SNMP Interface
The Network Manager SNMP Interface allows to access all the services provided by TdmNM, EthNM and VLAN
application through SNMP v1 GET/SET commands.

Network Manager WEB Services Interface

The Network Manager WEB Service Interface allows accessing all the services provided by TdmNM and EthNM
applications through WSDL style descriptors using SOAP messages.

Northbound interface
Using one of the two external interfaces (SNMP or WEB) it is possible to manage the path provisioning from a
higher level Network Manager system.

Web Service
The “Network Manager WEB Service Interface“ project is an Axis2 Web Application. It is based on Apache
Axis2/Java infrastructure through which it is possible to generate, to publish and to access Java Web Service.

Below the representation of the architecture implemented on NMS5 server:


Ring manager

TDM network Manager
Ethernet Network

Axis2 Web
Java Application Server ( Apache
Web Server ( Apache HTTP Server )

Figure 20 - NMSUX Server architecture

To access the services provided by the interface it is possible to use the Axis2 Wsdl2Java facilities that,
automatically generates the Stub Java that implements the methods defined by the interface, translating them in
remote invocation of the Web Service through SOAP messages.

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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The use of NMS5 in conjunction with HP-UX 11.x and Linux operating system and Oracle Database provides the
following system redundancy options:

• Local power supply redundancy

• Local hard disks mirroring

• Geographical system redundancy

Geographical system redundancy can be implemented by means of a stand-by server situated in a location other
than the primary O&M centre. Automatic data base alignment between the main and the stand-by system is
employed in order to maintain information consistency between the two servers.

• The protecting server will be activated once the main server (protected server) gets faulty.

Figure 21 – Geographical Redundancy configuration

RAN (Remote Access NMS5) – Access through Web Server

NMS5 system can be provided with an additional software module – namely the RAN “Web Server” module – to
expand NMS5 access capabilities.

NMS5 system provided with such a module allow users to connect remotely to NMS5 through the Internet by
means of an ordinary PC equipped with a standard Internet browser (figure 23 and figure 24).

Servlet RAN allows an user connecting via Internet to Siae supervision system NMS5 by means of a machine (pc,
server, etc.) using the available operating system (Windows, Unix, Linux, etc.) and the browser (Explorer, Mozilla,
Firefox, etc.) as depicted in Fig.23.

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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Figure 22 – RAN Web Server Access Interface

Figure 23 - Remote connection through RAN Web Server

Connection to the NMS5 server can be performed through a corporate LAN, without any dedicated connections.
Web Server connection implements a robust and reliable connection in conformity with corporate security policies
with a significant cost reducing.

Users connected to NMS5 through RAN Web Server are allowed to access the following functionalities:

 Alarm management (figure 25)

 Performance monitoring
 Configuration attributes (in read-only mode)
 Maintenance commands

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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Figure 24 – RAN Alarm Interface


The dual server configuration allows to improve the system performance extending the Max number of NEs
managed and max simultaneous users supported. The architecture consists in 2 x servers where the load partition
is done splitting functionalities.

Figure 25 – Dual Server Configuration

The 2 servers are identical in terms of installed software, but the NMS functionalities are splitted between the
main server and the PM server. The architecture consists in two servers (Main and PM), connected by a dedicated
LAN cable, where the work load is subdivided in the following way:
 Functionality installed on the Main server:
o Operator login and graphical applications
o Connection to NE
o Alarm Management (reception, storing and management)
o NE polling
o Firmware download
o Network Discovery
o Ring Manager and Packet Service Manager

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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o RAN access
o Collection of backup files
 Functionality installed on PM server:
o Collection of PM TDM
o Collection of PM RMON
o North Bound Interfaces (NBI): Proxy Agent Alarms, Export Tool, TDM/ETH provisioning.

The presence of the PM server is completely transparent to the operator, except when, ceasing to operate, the
functionalities on the PM server themselves become not accessible to the operator.

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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The communication networks and protocols used for the NE connections to the management centre are one of the
most important factors to be considered in the design of a centralised supervision system as they affect the costs
of the system.

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is the protocol selected for the management of equipment as it
allows an easy access to the equipment parameters and a collection of the change of status alert (i.e. alarms) even
by third party management systems.

SIAE MICROELETTRONICA designed its NMS solutions according to the following working assumption:

 SIAE MICROELETTRONICA equipment must be able to share the same Data Communication Network (DCN)
with third party equipment. In particular supervision messages to/from SIAE MICROELETTRONICA
equipment must be transported across the network by third party equipment and vice-versa.
 The number of external equipment required for the construction of the communication network must be
reduced to the very minimum.

As consequence, the selected requisites are satisfied by these characteristics:

 Use of standard communication protocols, such as TCP/IP and OSI

 Availability of dedicated interfaces and communication channels for the supervision on the equipment
 Support to IP and/or OSI routing protocols on the equipment.

The double stack approach (OSI and IP) permits the connection of SIAE MCIROELETTRONICA solutions to the
supervision centre through a simple LAN connection.

All SIAE MICROELETTRONICA equipment can be equipped with OSPF or IS-IS protocols that support the dynamic
routing in TMN network, thus providing the following:

 Simplified network design. There is no need to manually set the NE routing tables as they are automatically
and dynamically updated.
 Connection redundancy. The dynamic updating of the routing tables permits the availability of more than
one connection paths towards the same network element.

The TMN interfaces supported by SIAE MICROELETTRONICA equipment are the following:

 2xLAN Ethernet ports with bridging functionality

 In band management :
o nx16Kbit ("n" max 4) within an E1 64kb/s Time Slot (PDH radio)

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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o STM1 DCCr bytes (D1...D3) (SDH Radio)
o Payload LAN ports
 Reserved EOC channel in the radio frame.
 USB port for LCT
 RS232 serial asynchronous port

EOC Radio Side

Figure 26 - EOC Radio Side

1 2 3

Figure 27 – PDH IDU TMN Interfaces

1. USB port (LCT)

2. RS232 port
3. 2 x 10 BaseT
4. Nx16 Kbit/s channel inside E1 (N max= 4)

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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1 2 3

Figure 28 - SDH IDU TMN Interfaces

1. USB port (LCT)

2. RS232 port
3. 2 x 10 BaseT
4. DCCr channel (line side)
The following pictures show a graphical representation of the Protocol Stack implemented within SIAE







Asynchronous ISO STM-1 STM-1

RS232 8802.3 DCC DCC

Figure 29 - IP protocol stack for SDH radio

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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ISO 8473
ISO 10598 IS-IS
8802.3 ITU-T ITU-T
Asynchronous ISO 8802.3 STM-1 STM-1
RS232 (Ethernet DCC DCC
Figure 30 - OSI+IP Protocol stack for SDH radio







Asynchronous ISO 8802.3 RADIO Nx16 *

RS232 (Ethernet FRAME Kbit/s


* Not available on ALC IDU

Figure 31 – Full IP Protocol Stack for PDH/SPDH/ETH systems

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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ALC, ALplus, ALplus2 IDU (ALS Series)


ISO 8473
ISO 10598 IS-IS
8802.3 ITU-T Q.921
Asynchronous ISO 8802.3 RADIO Nx16 *
RS232 (Ethernet FRAME Kbit/s

* Not available on ALC IDU

Figure 32 - OSI + IP Protocol Stack for PDH/SPDH/ETH systems

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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LLC ISO 8802.3 PPP

MAC ISO 8802.3

ISO 8802.3 Nx16 Kbit/s

(Ethernet G.703/G.70


Figure 33 - IP Protocol stack for Full Outdoor PDH Radio


ISO 8473
ISO 10598 IS-IS
8802.3 ITU-T Q.921
Asynchron ISO STM-1 STM-1 STM-1
ous 8802.3 Trybuta DCC DCC
Figure 34 - OSI+IP Protocol stack for SDH Add Drop Multiplexer

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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Hardware platform dimensioning depends on the following parameters:

 Number and types of managed NE

 Number of Network operators who can access the system simultaneously.
 Number of operators connected by PC running X-Terminal emulator (X.11 protocol) or GoGlobal
 Number of operators connected by Presentation Server (Client-Server architecture).

The following table shows how the above parameters affect system load; the load of PDH point to point radio
equipment is placed as a reference equal to one.

Parameter Unit load

"ALC" PDH/ETH Radio+ ALFOplus and ALFO80 1
"ALplus" and "ALCplus" PDH/ETH Radio – Terminal Conf. 1
"ALplus" PDH/ETH Radio – Nodal Conf. 3 (Note 1)
"ALplus2" and "ALCplus2" SPDH/SDH/ETH Radio 3 (Note 1)
"ALplus2e" 3 (Note 1)
“ALS” and “ALSC” SDH/ETH Radio – 2xSTM-1 Interface 2
“AGS10” 3 (Note 1)
"EL" Full Indoor PDH Radio 1
“TL” Full Indoor SDH Radio – n+1 STM-1 Interface 1
“ADM1” and “ADM-C” SDH Add-Drop Multiplexer 3 (Note 1)
“FAMxc” Multiplexer 2
Operator connected via X-terminal or Go-Global 150 (Note 3)
Operator connected via Presentation Server 100 (Note 3)
Proxy Agent SNMP 300+10% NE Load
(Note 2)

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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The unit load can be considered equal to 1, if the VC12 performance monitoring running on the 20% of the
connected NE.

The "Proxy Agent SNMP" is an optional SW module used to forward the alarm notifications to an upper
Management system

The maximum number of simultaneous operators connected to NMS5 application is 25.

Using the above parameters it is now possible to calculate the overall network load in order to select the most cost-
effective HW platform.

As a reference, the following table shows some hardware configurations versus network load.

Max. NE Max.
Server type
Load Operators
HP rx2800 i4, 1 x Processor Itanium 9520 4 Core,
1.73GHz, 20MB Cache 4000 10
Memory: 8 GB RAM, 4x140GByte Hard disks
1 Processor 1.73Ghz (quad core) 20MB Cache
8000 16
Memory: 16 GBytes, 6x140GByte Hard disks
HP rx2800 i4, 1 x Processor Itanium 9560 8 Core,
2.53GHz, 32MB Cache 12000 25
Memory: 32 GB RAM, 8x140GByte Hard disks

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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NMS5UX (HP-UX) Dual Server Configuration
Max. Max.
Main Server
Load Operators
HP rx2800 i4, 1 x Processor Itanium 9560 8 Core, 2.53GHz, 32MB Cache
Memory: 32 GB RAM, 8x140GByte Hard disks
PM Server 20000 50

HP rx2800 i4, 1 x Processor Itanium 9520 4 Core, 1.73GHz, 20MB Cache

Memory: 8 GB RAM, 4x140GByte Hard disks

NMS5LX (SUSE Linux Enterprise)

Max. Max.
Server type
Load Operators
PC intel Core i5-650 3,20GHz 4MbL3 Memory: 6 GBytes, SATA Hard disk / 5
Server HP DL380 G8 1xProcessor 8 Core Intel® Xeon®
E5-2650 (2GHz), 16GB RAM, 20MB Cache, 3000 10
6x140GBytes SAS Disks
Server HP DL380 G8 2xProcessors 8 Core Intel® Xeon®
E5-2650 (2GHz), 32GB RAM, 20MB Cache, 10000 20
8x140GBytes SAS Disks

Others hardware requirements for the main server are:

 Hard Disk (Mirrored): 2x36 GB (minimum)

 CD-ROM 32x
 DAT 72 GB

To improve the system performances it is better to have four mirrored hard disks.

NMS5-LX can be installed on virtual server build on VMware Vsphere.

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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NMS5LX - Virtual server requirements
Max. NE Max.
Server type
Load Operators
CPU count: 1 1500
Memory: 8 Gbytes / 5
Virtual disk: more than 100 GB performed for OLTP DB (Note 1)
CPU count: 2
Memory: 12 Gbytes 4000 10
Virtual disk: more than 140 GB performed for OLTP DB (Note 1)
CPU count: 2 (Optimal 4)
Memory: 16 Gbytes 5000 15
Virtual disk: more than 200 GB performed for OLTP DB (Note 1)
CPU count: 4
Memory: 32 Gbytes
/ 25
Virtual disk: more than 500 GB performed for OLTP DB (Note 1)
(Note 2)

Note 1: A paravirtual SCSI controller is required for disk dedicated to store Oracle Data.

Note 2: Optimal Physical Hardware: equal or greater than Xeon bi-processor E5-2680 and optimal Memory Type

The necessary data for local or remote operators to connect the management system directly to the controlled
equipment are listed below.

Network for Equipment Connection

Configuration messages
These messages have short duration and seldom occur; therefore they do not impact upon system dimensioning.

Alarm and status messages

Spontaneous report and status messages are transferred from the network element to the network management
system via SNMP “TRAP”.
An alarm message is between 150 and 200 bytes long.
The system polls each network to verify its status.

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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The interval of the checking period is configured at the system start-up. The periodical inquiry uses a “GET” SNMP
message; the size of GET-Request message (from NMS5UX) is 100 bytes and the size of the GET-Response message
(from equipment) is 115 bytes.

Performance Monitoring Messages

To read Performance monitoring counters NMSUX/LX uses SNMP GET messages 300/400 bytes, each NE reply
with 400/500 bytes SNMP messages.
The NMS5 automatically and periodically checks the Performance Monitoring counters; this period is configurable
during the system start-up (2 hours default).

For any point of measure and for any counter typology, the following counter sets are provided:
 Daily counters relevant to the previous day
 Daily counters relevant to the current day
 15 minutes counters relevant to the current 15 minutes
 16 counter set of 15 minutes in order to cover 4 hours

The following table contains the minimum transmission rate(Kbit/s) required to manage a NE according to the
equipment type.


"EL" Full Indoor PDH Radio 2,4Kb/s

"ALC" PDH/ETH Radio and ALFOplus and ALFO80 2,4Kb/s
"ALplus" PDH/ETH Radio –Terminal Conf. 2,4Kb/s
"ALplus" PDH/ETH Radio - TDM Matrix - STM1 MST 63xVC12 9,6Kb/s
"ALplus2" and "ALCPlus2" and “ALCplus2e” terminal 2,4Kb/s
"ALplus2" and "ALCPlus2" and “ALCplus2e” - TDM Matrix - STM1 MST 63xVC12 4,8Kb/s
"ALS" and “ALSC” SDH/ETH Radio - STM1 Tributary 4,8Kb/s
"TL" Full Indoor SDH Radio - STM1 Tributary 4,8Kb/s
“ADM1”, “ADM-C”, “EXP63” and “FAMxC” Multiplexers 9,6Kb/s
CommServer 9,6Kb/s

The following table contains the bit rate of the Embedded Operating Channel (EOC), the EOC is the Radio
communication channel used for the management of the remote equipments.

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NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
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Bit Rate
"EL" Full Indoor PDH Radio - 4xE1 EOC 32 Kb/s
"EL" Full Indoor PDH Radio 16xE1 EOC 64 Kb/s
"ALC" PDH/ETH Radio EOC 64 Kb/s
"ALplus" and "ALplus" PDH/ETH Radio EOC 64 Kb/s
"ALplus2" and "ALCplus2" SPDH/SDH/ETH Radio EOC 128Kb/s
"ALS" SDH/ETH Radio - D1...D3 STM1 192Kb/s
"TL" SDH Full Indoor Radio - D1...D3 STM1 192Kb/s
“ADM-C”, “ADM1” and “ EXP63” - D1...D3 STM1 Multiplexer 192Kb/s
“ADM-C”, “ADM1” and “ EXP63” D4...D12 STM1 Multiplexer 576Kb/s

Using the above two tables is possible to evaluate the maximum number of equipment connected to a GNE
(Gateway Network Element).

Network for remote connection

Connection to the NMS5 server from a remote terminal is possible by two methods:

 X-Terminal
The connecting network should be capable of carrying X.11 protocol (protocol graphical features transfer).
It is advisable to provide 256 Kbit/s links in order to guarantee suitable response time.

 GO-Global
The protocol used by GO-Global guarantees suitable response time with 128 Kbit/s links. The response
time is acceptable also using 64 Kbit/s link.

The following table summarises the above-mentioned data.

Remote Connection Required Bit Rate

X-Terminal (X.11 protocol) 256 Kbit/s sec
GO-Global 128 Kbit/sec

Network for geographical redundancy

An additional connecting network is suitable between the main and the stand-by server .

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
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Data subject to change without notice.
The connection is used keep the two database aligned.
Some connection bandwidth is required to reduce the execution time of database realignment at start-up time or
during a main server restore.
The required bandwidth is according to the number of managed NE and is reported by the following table.

Number of NEs Required Bit Rate

Up to 500 128 Kbit/s sec
Up to 1500 256 Kbit/sec
Up to 3000 512 Kbit/sec
Over 3000 1000Kbit/s

Network for North Bound interface (NBI)

Through an additional connecting network the NMS5 server(s) can be connected to an upper level management
The connection is mainly used to carry GET/SET SNMP operations, SNMP alarm notifications and to support a file
A 128Kbit/s connection is enough to support all the above activities.


The following table lists the protocols and the TCP/UDP ports used to exchange data between NMS5 application

Protocols TCP/UDP Ports

SNMP (Note 3) 161 (GET & SET)
162 (Trap)
Telnet (Note 2) 23
FTP (Note 1) 21

The FTP server is always NMS5, the NE acts as client.
The FTP operation done by the NE are:
 File GET (SW download)

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Further, the contents of this document or the methods or techniques contained therein must not be disclosed to any person. 55 of 58
Data subject to change without notice.
 File PUT (NE Error and Command log transfer)

FTP uses standard TCP ports (greater than 1024).

ALplus, ALCplus, ALplus2,ALFOplus/80 and ALCplus2 use TCP ports 4600-4650.

The Telnet port is used only for maintenance purpose and it is opened only for the communication from OSS to

Note 3)
SNMP SET/GET UDP packets sent by OSS (HP-UX operating system) use as source port a number greater than 49152,
the ports have to be opened in order to allow the response from the NE.
The following table lists the protocols and the TCP/UDP ports can be used to access NMS5 server by an operator
station or by a presentation server (NMS5UX only).

Protocols TCP/UDP Ports

SSH 22
Telnet 23
FTP 21
X11 Not predefined
X Window
GoGlobal 491 (Default)
Presentation Server
NFS 2049 (Default)
Network File System
Presentation Server 22380

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Further, the contents of this document or the methods or techniques contained therein must not be disclosed to any person. 56 of 58
Data subject to change without notice.
OSI network design constraint
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA equipments support the first three levels of the OSI stack and in particular the IS-IS
routing protocol.

The IS-IS protocol provides a hierarchical mechanism to split the routing domain into areas, two router types (both
supported by SIAE MICROELETTRONICA equipment) are foreseen:

 L1 router
It supports intra area routing
 L2 router
It supports inter area routing

The following table summarizes the constraints to be considered in an OSI network design.

Design constraints Supported value

Max NE per area 150 NE

Max number of areas The following formula provides the max number of supported areas (N2):
(L2 router)
N2 < (150 - N1)/4
N1 = number of NE within the area

It is possible to install the OSI stack only on the HP-UX server.

Document Number
NMS5 Network Management System
Product Description B.NMS5.11-15
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved. The copyright of this document is the property of SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Page
No part of this document may be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any material form, whether wholly or in part, without the written consent of SIAE
MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A. Further, the contents of this document or the methods or techniques contained therein must not be disclosed to any person. 57 of 58
Data subject to change without notice.
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA S.p.A., Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 21, Cologno Monzese (Mi), Italy

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