الأدابُ العشرةُ بالإنجليزية in English

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‫‪The Ten Codes of Conduct‬‬

‫ت َّ‬
‫حُِبنُعَبدهللاُبنُ َح َمدُُالعصيمي‬
‫صا ِل ُ‬
‫الشيخُد‪َ .‬‬
‫وُعضوُهيئةُ ِكبارُالعلماء‬
‫َغ َف َر هللا َلهُ و ِلوا ِلد َ ْي ِه و ِلمشايِخ ِه و ِلل ُمسلمين‬
‫‪Written By:‬‬
‫‪Ash Shaykh Dr. Saalih bin Abdulillah bin Hamd Al Usaaymee‬‬

‫‪-Teacher in Masjid Al Haraam & Masjid An Nabawee-‬‬

‫‪-Member of Committee of Senior Scholars KSA-‬‬


‫َغ َف َر هللا َلهُ و ِلوا ِلد َ ْي ِه و ِلمشايِخ ِه و ِلل ُمسلمين‬
‫‪Translated By:‬‬
‫‪Hamza bin Shawqee bin Ahmed Bodleh Al Ishaaqee‬‬

The Ten Codes of Conduct

Taken from the Barnamaj “Ta’leem Al Hujjaj” 1435,1436 Hijiri

- Masjid Al Haram -

Written By:
Ash Shaykh Dr. Saalih bin Abdulillah bin Hamd Al Usaaymee
Teacher in Masjid Al Haraam & Masjid An Nabawee
-Member of Committee of Senior Scholars KSA-
Translated By:
Hamza bin Shawqee bin Ahmed Bodleh Al Ishaaqee

All rights of this treatise is copyrighted. The material may be stored, printed etc providing
that the work is referenced back to the author.



ُُ‫ُو َمن‬،‫ُوعَليُآ ِل ُِهُ َوأص َحا ِب ُِهُوُالتَّاب ِعي َن‬،‫ين‬

َ ‫س ِل‬
َ ‫فُالمر‬
ُِ ‫سالمُُعَليُأش َر‬
َّ ‫صالةُُوال‬
َّ ‫ُوُال‬،‫العالمين‬
ِ ُ‫ب‬
َُّ ‫هللاُ َر‬
ُِ ُُ‫ال َحمد‬
:‫سنُُإلَيُ َيو ُِمُالدَّين‬
َ ‫ت ِب َعهمُُ ِب ِإح‬



This is a translation of the treatise ‘Al Adaab Al Ashraa’ (The Ten Points of
Conduct) written by Ash Shaykh Dr. Salih Al Usaaymee. The Shaykh, may Allah
preserve him, taught this small treatise that numbers only three pages in its
original Arabic form as part of his yearly knowledge program in Masjid Al
Haraam called ‘Ta’leem Al Hujjaj’ which aims to teach the Hujjaj and students of
knowledge the rulings and mannerism of Hajj and Umrah. The Shaykh took
advantage of the large gathering of Muslims in Makkah to also teach them the
basic manners and conduct expected of a Muslim on a day to day basis which is
the essence of this treatise. I therefore with the permission of the Shaykh
translated this small treatise, hoping it would benefit whoever reads or hears it
from the muwahideen. I ask Allah azza wa jal to accept this feeble effort in
translating this beneficial work and to make it as an on-going charity for the
noble Shaykh and myself, for verily our Rabb is Al-Mujeeb Ad Du’a (The
responder to the supplications of his servants).

The Translator.



َُّ ُ‫اعلمُـُهدانيُهللاُوإياكُألحسنُاألخالقُـ‬

Know – may Allah guide me and you to the best of manners, that the great
ten forms of conduct are:

َُّ ‫ُ(ُال‬:ً‫ال‬
ُ ‫ُقائ‬،‫ُإذاُلقيتُمسل ًماُفسلمُعليه‬:‫األول‬

( ‫)وُعليكمُالسالمُورحمةُهللاُوبركاته‬.

1) That if you were to meet a Muslim then you should greet him/her, saying, (As
salaam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu), and if they were to greet you
then you would reply with… (Wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa

1SahihMuslim – Abu Huraira. See Kitab Al Fawaa’id Majmu fee Sharh Fusuul Adaab wa Makaram Al
Akhlaq by Abi Wafa Ibn Aqeel Al Hanbali, Page 27 with the sharh of Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Salih Al
Fawzan. Darul Ibn Al Jawzee (Translators Note)
ُ‫ُارجعُُفرجع‬:‫ُوإنُقيلُلك‬، َ‫دخلت‬.

2) If you desire to enter upon someone in a room or while they are in seclusion
then seek their permission first by knocking on the door then afterwards
standing at either the right or left side of the door. If you are given permission
then you may enter, if you are told ‘go back’ then you must go back to the
entrance and wait…(or come back another time and try again).2

2Sahih Al Bukhari & Sahih Muslim – Abu Saeed Al Khudri. See Kitab Al Fawaa’id Majmu fee Sharh Fusuul
Adaab wa Makaram Al Akhlaq by Abi Wafa Ibn Aqeel Al Hanbali, Page 90 with the sharh of Shaykh
Abdullah Ibn Salih Al Fawzan. Darul Ibn Al Jawzee (Translators Note)
ُ،‫ُوُكلُُم َّماُيليك‬،‫ُوُكلُُبيمينك‬،)ُ‫ُ(ُبسمُهللا‬:ً‫ال‬ َُ ُ‫ُس َُّم‬:‫الثَّالث‬
ُ ‫هللاُفيُابتداءُأك ِلكُوُشر ِبكُقائ‬

3) Begin with the name of Allah azza wa jal when you are about to begin eating
your food or about to drink, saying the words ( Bismillah ) and eat with your
right hand and what is near to you. When you have finished then you may lick
your fingers and then after finishing you should say ( Al-hamdulillah).3

3Sunan At Tirmidhi/Graded Sahih by Albani in Sahiha Sunan At Tirmdhi ( Chapter on what to say before
eating, page 427) (Translators Note)
ُ،‫وأنصتُُلمنُكلَّمك‬ ُ ‫ُمتَم َّه‬،‫ُواخفضُصوتك‬،‫ُتكلَّمُبطيَّبُالقولُفيُخير‬:‫الرابع‬
ِ ُ،‫الًُفيُحديثك‬ َّ
ِ ُ‫ُوال‬،‫الًُعليه‬
‫ُوالُتتقدَّمُبينُيديُاألكبرُبالكالم‬،‫تقاطعه‬ ُ ِ‫مقب‬

4) Speak of the good and beneficial things and in a manner that is befitting.
When speaking lower your voice and speak in a relaxed, dignified and easy-
going manner. Listen attentively to those who are speaking to you and face
them with your whole body when they are speaking to you. Do not cut off a
person when they speaking or addressing you nor should you proceed those
who are older than you in speech in the same gathering.

ُ ُُ‫ُواتل‬،‫شقَّكُاأليمن‬
ِ ُ‫ُونَمُُعلي‬،‫ُإذاُأتيتَُُمض ِجعكُفتوضأ‬:‫الخامس‬
َّ ُ‫واقرأُفيهماُسورةُاإلخالص‬

5) If you approach your bed or your resting place, before lying down perform
ablution (Wudu). Sleep on your right side, however before doing so you should
read Ayatal Kursi and read Suratal Ikhlas and the Mu’athatain (Suratal Falaq
and Nas) then cup your hands and blow into them. Then wipe your hands all
over your body as much as possible.4

Bukhari & Muslim (Translators Note)

‫أحدُفقال‬ َُّ ‫ُإذاُعطستَُُفغ‬:‫السادس‬
ُ ُ‫ُفإنُش َّمتك‬،‫ُواحم ُِدُهللا‬،‫طُوجهكُبيدكُأوُبثوبك‬


( ‫) يهديكمُهللاُويصلحُبالكم‬

6) If you sneeze or are sneezing then cover your nose and mouth with your hand
or with a part of your clothing and catch your sneeze. After sneezing praise Allah
azza wa jal by saying ( Al-hamdulillah). If you happen to hear someone praising
Allah azza wa jal after sneezing then you would say to them ( Yar-hamakallah ),
and in reply they should say ( Yahdee-kumallah wa yuslih baalakum ).5

5 Sunan Abu Dawud – Book of Ettiqutes/ Graded Sahih by Albani in Sahiha Sunan Abu Dawud
(Translators Note)
)‫ُ(ُآهُآه‬:‫ُوالُتقل‬،‫ُوأمسكُبيدكُعليُفيك‬،‫ُر ُدَُّالتثاؤبُماُإستطعت‬:‫السابع‬

7) Prevent yourself from yawning with your mouth open to the best of
your ability, cover your mouth when yawning with your hand and do
not make the noise people make while yawning.6

6 Sunan Abu Dawud – Book of Etiquettes / Graded Sahih by Albani in Sahiha Sunan Abu Dawud
(Translators Note)
َُّ ُ‫فرقُبينُاثنين‬
ُ،‫ُوأفسحُلمنُدخل‬،‫ُوالُت ِقمُأحدًاُمنُمجلسه‬،‫إالُبإذنهما‬ َّ ‫وال‬
َّ ‫ُوالُت‬،‫ظل‬
ِ :
( ‫ُأستغفركُوأتوبُإليك‬،‫)سبحانكُاللَّهمُوبحمدك‬

8) If you have arrived at a gathering then sit where the gathering ends
(closest to your entrance). Do not sit between the heat of the Sun and
the shade. Do not sit between two people thus coming between them
except with their permission. Do not make another to get up from their
seating for you or for another and make space for those that have
come after you in the gathering7. While sitting in the gathering
mention Allah much and finish you gathering with the supplication:
(Subahaanka Allahumma wa bihamdika, Astagfrullah wa Atoobu ilaik)
(Glory be to you, O Allah, and praise is to you. I seek your forgiveness
and repent to you)8

7 Bukhari & Muslim – Abdullah Ibn Umar. See also Kitab ‘Ahadeeth Muktar’ Page 122 By Imam As
Sa’adee. Darul Ibn Al Jawziyah
8 Abu Dawud, At Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and An Nisaa’ee/ Graded Sahih by Albani in Sahiha Sunan At

Tirmdhi. (Translators Note)

ُ‫ُوامرُُبالمعروفُوان ُِه‬،‫سالم‬
َّ ‫ُوردُال‬،‫فُاألذى‬
َُّ ‫ُوك‬،‫ضُبصرك‬ َّ ‫أعطُال‬
َُّ ‫ُفغ‬،‫طريقُحقَّه‬ ُِ ُ:‫التاسع‬

9) Give the users of the pathways their rights by lowering the gaze (if
women go by) and by abstaining from harming the people if you sit by
the pathways. Reply back to the greetings of salutations and order the
people with good and forbid the evil.9

9Bukhari & Muslim – Abu Saeed Al Khudri. See also Kitab ‘Ahadeeth Muktar’ Page 121 By Imam As
Sa’adee. Darul Ibn Al Jawziyah (Translators Note)
ُ‫ُوابدأُبيمينك‬،ً‫ُوالُيجا ِوزُكعبيكُسفال‬،‫ُوأفضلهاُاألبيض‬،‫ُالبسُالجميلُمنُالثَّياب‬:‫العاشر‬
‫ُوبشمالكُ َخلعًا‬،‫سا‬
ً ‫لب‬
10) Clothe yourself with the best of clothing (Thobe/Ghamees), the
best of them being the white (Thobe/Ghamees). It is not permissible
for your clothing to pass your ankles (Men). If you desire to clothe
yourself, then begin with right side and if you desire to undress then
begin with the left side.

‫ت َُّمُترجمةُ ِكتابُبحم ُِدُ ِ‬

‫محزة بن شويق بن أمحد بودليه الإحسايق‬

‫مشاِي ِه ِولل ُمسلمني‬
‫َغ َف َر هللا َ َُل و ِلو ِ َاِلي ْ ِه ِول ِ‬

‫وثالثينُوأَرب ِعمائ ُِةُوأ َ ِ‬
‫للفُ‬ ‫َُ‬ ‫سنةَُ ِ‬
‫ستةُ‬ ‫الح َّجةُ ُ‬ ‫ثَالثةُ َُ‬
‫عشرُ ِمنُذيُ ِ‬
‫ُبمدين ُِةُلندن‬

‫‪Translation completed on Sunday the 13th Dhul-Hijjah 1436 coinciding with the‬‬
‫‪27th September 2015 after Fajr in the city of London, UK.‬‬


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