Career Fair Report

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A comprehensive report on career fair

organized by career development
center (CDC) of Sukkur IBA University.


Amna Rajpoot
Kiran Khuhro
Summaya Jumani
Uzaif Ali

Course: Recruitment & Selection

Techniques Instructor: Dr. Syed Mohsin
Table of Contents
Detailed Observations...............................................................................2
Candidate Feedback...............................................................................2
Career Fair Objectives...........................................................................3
1. Networking Opportunities:...........................................................3
2. Job Search.....................................................................................3
3. Information Gathering..................................................................3
4. Resume Submission......................................................................3
5. Interview Opportunities:...............................................................4
Our Point-of-view..................................................................................4
Survey Data...............................................................................................5
Analysis of Data Collected....................................................................6
Event Layout...........................................................................................10
The purpose of this report is to provide insights into the candidate’s experience at the recent
career fair, with a focus on recruiter engagement, perceived seriousness, and limitations faced by
certain students. Here are some moments we have spent on some of the spots.

Detailed Observations
Many recruiters appeared to lack a serious commitment, treating the event as a formality.
Notably, a significant portion of recruiters engaged in casual activities such as photo sessions
and gossips, often leaving their stalls unattended. Surprisingly, responsibility for collecting CVs
fell on students, indicating a lack of recruiter initiative. And they were only interested in
the graduate. Even some of the banks did not offer internship program like SBP that MBA
students were looking for. and specially Toyota their behavior towards some MBA students was
pathetic. Like saying what are you doing here! Like people were exploring each and every spot
and their employees were talking rude to some students. In this way students assumed that their
behavior showed that they treat their employees with this pathetic treatment. And some students
were saying look how they are representing to candidates. Although there were some best spots
like JS bank and Pepsi cola factory there were showing warming approach to show that they treat
their employees with friendly manner. This is the approach you are going to represent your
organization and culture of organization.

Candidate Feedback

We got to the two sides of the coin where some candidates expressed frustration, particularly
those currently enrolled in MBA or BBA programs, as they were restricted from applying
certain bank jobs. The restriction stemmed from a preference for employees available from 9 am
to 5 pm, creating a barrier for students with ongoing academic commitments. Besides that, some
students have positive comments regarding the career fair like a girl was in hurry to print more
resume when I asked her, she said its interesting and more insightful apart from that she thinks
that she need more hard copies to submit on other stalls as well I was surprised the way she was
running towards to the photocopier shop moreover we had summarized all the positive
comments of the students that how they think career fair was.

Career Fair Objectives

1. Networking Opportunities: students think that career fairs provide a platform for
individuals to connect with representatives from various companies and industries.
Networking is crucial for building professional relationships and gaining insights into
different career paths and almost students got the connections with the companies’
representatives and take advice from them for the future career path.

2. Job Search: Job seekers can explore a wide range of job opportunities in one location, or
we can say that in the one room that they find more interesting and insightful like in a
room they found too many organizations together and that saves time and effort
compared to searching for jobs individually. Employers, on the other hand, can meet
potential candidates face-to-face and assess their qualifications and suitability for
available positions like one the student said that CBL want the engineer and they used
to conduct interview with him and he was more excited and he said I can’t believe that
this career fair contributed too much in my career.

3. Information Gathering: Attendees can gather information about different companies,

their cultures, and the specific skills and qualifications they are seeking in candidates.
This knowledge helps job seekers tailor their applications and prepare for interviews.
Apart from this they got familiar with the company’s portfolio about their operations
what they are doing and where they had started and in short some of the students said
they got to know about companies like packaging limited and their partners who
were giving a lot of knowledge about the company’s product and their work. Besides
candidates got to know about the recruitment process of the companies and when will be
their job openings start in short, they got more information about the companies with this

4. Resume Submission: students got the opportunity to submit their resumes directly to
employers at career fairs. This immediate interaction can make a positive impression and
increase the chances of being considered for open positions as said by the many
candidates where as some students said that this event is just a formality, they just get the
cv and put them into trash will not use in future.

5. Interview Opportunities: Some students got the chance at career fairs to offer on-the-
spot interviews, allowing candidates to showcase their skills and make a strong
This can expedite the hiring process for both employers and job seekers.

Our Point-of-view

Overall, career fairs at Sukkur IBA University serve as a dynamic platform for connecting job
seekers and employers, facilitating networking, and providing valuable resources for professional
development. They play a vital role in the job search and recruitment process for both
individuals and companies but the perception of career fairs as either a positive impact on one's
career or
merely a marketing activity varies among students some of them believe that it was just a
marketing activity for the firms. The significance of career fairs cannot be undermined, as
they offer a bundle of benefits for both job seekers and organizations. However, individual
experiences and perspectives may shape how these events are perceived.

For those who see career fairs as a positive force, the events serve as invaluable opportunities for
networking, job exploration, and professional development. The chance to interact with potential
employers face-to-face, submit resumes, and engage in on-the-spot interviews can significantly
enhance their job search process. Furthermore, the wealth of information provided by companies
and the educational sessions offered during these fairs contribute to building a well-rounded
understanding of various industries.

On the other hand, some students may view career fairs as mere marketing activities conducted
by organizations. This perspective might stem from experiences where the advertised job
opportunities did not align with their career goals or the expectations set by the participating
companies. The perception of career fairs as marketing events may also be fueled by the need for
companies to enhance their brand visibility and attract a pool of potential candidates.

At Sukkur IBA, the effectiveness of career fairs could be influenced by factors such as the
quality of participating companies, the relevance of job opportunities to students' fields of study,
and the overall organization of the event. Addressing these factors could contribute to a
more positive perception of career fairs among students.

In conclusion, while some may see career fairs as instrumental in shaping their professional
journey, others may question their utility based on personal experiences. Enhancing the
alignment between the offerings at career fairs and the diverse career aspirations of students
could bridge the gap and reinforce the positive impact of these events. Ultimately, the success
of career fairs at Sukkur IBA depends on continuous efforts to improve the event's relevance,
engagement, and effectiveness for both students and participating organizations.

Survey Data
We conducted a short survey with the candidates to get their insights about the career fair. The
survey was conducted through google forms filled in by the candidate on spot followed by some
discussions with open-ended questions. Here’s the survey data collected.
Analysis of Data Collected

The average responses of the candidates suggested they were satisfied with the event. However,
there were other mentions during the discussions which prompted them to have major concerns.
Our team tried to dig a little deeper to gain more information about candidates’ true perspective
of the career fair. It was found that final year students were discontented with the companies’

The observed disconnect between recruiter seriousness and student expectations was evident in
the feedback. The reliance on students for CV collection raised concerns about the
professionalism of the event. The restriction on certain students for specific roles further
highlighted a misalignment between candidate profiles and recruiter requirements.


1. Enhance Recruiter Engagement: Encourage recruiters to actively participate and

prioritize professional interactions over casual activities during the event.

2. Address CV Collection Procedures: Establish clear procedures for CV collection to maintain

a professional environment, ensuring recruiters take an active role in this crucial aspect.

3.Flexibility in Recruitment Requirements: Consider revisiting restrictions on students based on

their enrollment status, promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities.

4. Professional Development for Recruiters: Provide training for recruiters on the significance
of maintaining a serious and professional approach during career fairs.

5. Manners and behavior of employees: Give training to employees on behavior because they
are representing your organization or company. And in recruiting process this will give equal
importance. And give some tips to employees while looking for recruiters.

In conclusion, the career fair held at Sukkur IBA University serves as a pivotal platform for
bridging the gap between students and potential employers. While the report highlights certain
challenges, it also underscores the significant impact and potential benefits that these events
bring to both job seekers and organizations.

The observed disparities between recruiter commitment and student expectations reveal areas for
improvement, emphasizing the need for a more professional and engaging atmosphere during
career fairs. Addressing the reliance on students for CV collection and revisiting restrictions on
certain candidates could enhance the overall effectiveness and inclusivity of future events.

Despite the challenges, the positive feedback from students showcases the value they see in
career fairs. Networking opportunities, job exploration, information gathering, resume
submission, and on-the-spot interviews are invaluable aspects that contribute to the
professional development of attendees.

The varied perceptions of career fairs, whether as a positive force or a marketing

activity, highlight the need for continuous refinement and alignment with students’
diverse career aspirations. Enhancing the quality of participating companies and the
relevance of job
opportunities to students’ fields of study will contribute to a more positive perception of these

In essence, the success of future career fairs at Sukkur IBA hinges on a collaborative effort to
improve recruiter engagement, streamline procedures, and ensure flexibility in recruitment
requirements. By addressing these aspects, the university can further elevate the impact of career
fairs, reinforcing their role as catalysts for meaningful connections and professional growth
within the student community.


Picture 1 Entrance to the Career Fair

Picture 2 Stall on Left

Picture 3 Stalls to the Right

Picture 4 Guest Area and Podium

Event Layout


Guest Sitting







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