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Things in our surrounding this decade are not as same as last one.

Today’s stuff will not stay

the same in future. After studying the evolution of technology, computer, game console,
camera, education, university, vehicle, monetary system, government, war, industrial
revolution, work field and others, It is known to us that something that is unethical will be
changed in future.

If these three things turn into reality then, we will never have to settle in different countries,
we can feel safe living in the world with the same laws and same currencies. Those who are
industry lovers move to a city where factories exist.

Education for GenZ

Why is the current system of education such a waste of money?
Make sure that you are not spending any money on education. Everything is free online. You
can learn anything you want for free. Even colleges take money for the certificate, not for the
education. Avoid exams like O level, A level and IB which take a lot of fees, although these
curriculums improve online classes. Previously, it has been discussed that there shouldn’t exist
any tuition fee and offline classes.
The overall cost of attending will decrease 90% according to previous points and applying the
PPP concept, it’s possible to reduce accommodation & food by living in low cost's countries in
spite of high cost's countries.
Education should be Free But not like Germany and Norway who run through money of
taxation. It should be free online so that people can start a venture rather than wasting bucks
for bullshit!

Why is education a waste of time?

Offline classes are repetitive for teachers, they teach the same lecture over 50 years. Not
everything has changed in CS in the last 5 years. Teachers can invest time developing
something rather than teaching the same topic the whole day. If students watch a recorded
class, they can watch a single class as long as they haven't done it.
In the 18's it was impossible to have 10 different BSc as an individual as they had to work to
feed them. And if they attend office then, they can’t join university at the same time. But,
today you can earn a certificate of undergraduate and at a company at the same time by
online program.
You might say, you can network while you are studying but that’s not true. You can contact
them by discord or any other platform. You can not only contact your peers from the
particular university but also, you can get help from an Australian professor sitting in the USA.
And also you can make a co-founder from Stanford studying Harvard computer science
bachelor online.
In today’s competitive world, you should not go college offline after 18’s because; you can join
as an intern in your dream company rather than going college offline. You must work on your
dream from 18’s and earn money from your passion.
In college, you can get the same experience that you have already had in your school. Making
new friends who will never come up for your company, hanging with new girls who will come
in your room if you have enough money are the fun stuff of college. You can get better classes
on the internet and get a bachelor of Computer Science, Finance, Marketing, Management,
Physics, and so on one after another by an online portal of college which is not possible offline.

Ensuring quality education for everyone from anywhere on the earth.

Honorable mentions: KHAN ACADEMY, OSSU and University of The People.


History says that people invaded each other for multiple reasons. They loved to increase land,
water for their nation. Is it ethical? No. Then, what should we do?

The UN should not be dependent on the US or Russia. Geo-politics shouldn't exist geo-politics.
There should be only one force on earth and that is the UN force. No nation or central
government should have the legality to carry weapons. The UN force should be in every place
of the world and must protect global citizens from terrorists. They must keep every nation
weapons free so that next time. None attack another Country UN force must maintain a well-
structured rule and hopefully we will see no wan again. War makes people homeless and
orphans, not the politicians.

De-dollarization and Equal Law

In earth, law should be equal in everywhere and also passport should be equal too. Why a US
citizen has more powerful passport than a Bangladeshi person? Why are there different
taxation systems in different Countries? Why are there different countries though?
Why does the US charge an extra tax on China for shipping products? If there was lower tax
then, people could purchase great products at lower costs.
Government should not have the power to print money. If there were one currency provided
by the United Nation, then there would be no hassle to exchange foreign currency. No Forex,
No PPP. There should be the same global minimum tax rate. So Norway can't take 60% and the
USA can't charge depending on citizenship.

If the UN could announce a currency for universal use then none can scam through MLM and
fake crypto currencies.

Nobody can change the world alone. Every change that society adopts needs a group of similar
minded people. I think I could find my circle in freshman year so that, in four years I can make
a significant difference in the mentioned three sectors.

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