What Is .PCB File

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What is .PCB File ?

Technology keeps advancing as the world changes. So is the PCB industry. The
sketching of traces and traditional methods of etching get obsolete in the PCB
industry. The computer has changed a lot in the technology world. Almost all fields of
technology have been impacted positively. However, computer technology makes the
art of designing electronic boards that takes less space and houses some electronic
components possible.

There are several software that can design a printed circuit board. CAD
and Altium are a good example of such. A PCB file is very important for a PCB
design. Without it, manufacturing can’t take place. A PCB file is important to design
and build a satisfying board. This article discusses every important detail on a PCB

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Table of Contents

.PCB File – What is it?

A PCB file is a document that comprises necessary information on PCB layers. Also,
it contains information related to a circuit board. In this document, you can find
details of bottom and top silkscreens. A PCB file features several information needed
for PCB design and manufacturing. Also, these files can be in a binary format.

PCB files help to design the layouts used for printing the physical board. These files
help PCB manufacturers to design these layouts. Engineers offer PCB files when
placing a PCBA order. The Gerber file is one of the most accurate and common files.
Also, the Eagle file and .PCBDOC are accurate files. These files are ideal for the
manufacturing and testing of a circuit board.

How do you Open a .PCB file

A .PCB file is very easy to open if you follow the necessary steps. You will need a
software such as Altium Designer to open a PCB file. If your file doesn’t open,
long-press or right-click the file. Also, you need to launch the .PCB file on your
computer. If you have the right file associations, your .PCB file will be opened.

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Programs that can open and convert .PCB file

There are several programs that can open and convert your.PCB files. These programs


This is a Windows based desktop PCB design solution by Zuken. It is easily

integrated in your design environment. A .PCB file features the layout for printing the
circuit board.

Altium Designer

PCB files are also known as Altium Designer cads. This is because they are primarily
designed or utilized by Altium limited.

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This is a computer presentation program. Also, PowerPoint can display data in an

eye-catching slide. This program was initially released for Mac OS machines.
However, any modern operating system supports this program. Also, the .PCB file
features the application settings data.


This is a PCB design software designed in the early 2000s. It is the first program for
independent PCB design and manufacturing. However, there is limited
documentation as regards how the manufacturer uses the PCB file. Winboard is a


This is PCB design software that offers a personal automated design system. Also,
this system meets the user’s needs to ensure effective and fast PCB design. PADS is a
popular PCB design software. Also, it comprises the layout used for printing the
physical board.

PCB Artist

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PCB Artist is a PCB design file created by Advanced Circuits. It is one of the most
efficient PCB layout software. However, this software is different from others. Also,
it is entirely free. However, it can’t output a GRB file for general purposes. PCB
Artist features the layout used for printing the circuit board.

Print Shop

This is user-friendly desktop publishing software by Broderbund Software. Print Shop

features thousands of photos and many desktop publishing tools. Also, it comprises
pre-designed project templates. This file format is specifically classified as Page

The Benefits of PCB Files to Gerber File

Some engineers try to convert .PCB files into Gerber files. However, the majority of
electronic engineers won’t convert a .PCB file into Gerber file and drilling data before
submitting it to the factory. They would rather export the PCB file from the software
and send it to the PCB manufacturers directly.

You may not need the Gerber file your PCB manufacturer converted. This is because
PCB engineers and electronic engineers understand PCB differently. Also, if the
parameter of the components in the PCB file is defined during the design, you don’t
want to see them on the PCB.

The Gerber file features two formats RD-274-X and RS-274-D. The RS-274-X is the
extended Gerber format that comprises D code information. Also, the RD-274-D is
the basic Gerber format accompanied by a D code file.

Why is a .PCB File Needed?

A .PCB file is a document crucial for the manufacturing and design of a circuit
board. A. PCB file helps to create the layout for printing a circuit board. Also, PCB
manufacturing can’t be successful without a .PCB file. PCB files comprise installation
of components. Also, they offer an illustration of the connected relationship of each
part to design a board.

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Files Needed for a PCB Assembly

Documentation is an important part of a PCB assembly. It helps to realize a

high-quality board. Also, designers need to be careful of recording the right

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information. The design process might be complicated. Therefore, these files are
necessary for PCB manufacturing.

PCB file

This is one of the most important files a PCB manufacturer needs to build their final
product. It contains information like layers, dimensions, and drill guides.


Also, known as the Bill of Materials, BOM comprises standard default information.
This information includes manufacturer part number and reference silkscreen.
Without a detailed BOM, manufacturing can’t occur. This file helps to evaluate the
accuracy of your final product.

Gerber file

This file is as important as your PCB board. It is a set of files that creates several
layers of the PCB. Every layer requires a different Gerber image file.

NC Drill file

This functions as a secondary file you need to send to the PCB manufacturer
alongside the Gerber file. The NC Drill file determines the size and position of the
drill holes on the PCB.


The importance of the .PCB file can’t be underestimated in the PCB industry.
Therefore, this article has provided the necessary information about the .PCB file.

Related Posts:

1. What is .BRD File

2. What is .gbr file

3. What is .3mf File ?

4. What is .NCD file ?


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