Social Studies Globalization Project

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization

Advantages of Globalization:

1) Access to new cultures - Globalization allows the world to access new foreign
cultures such as foods, movies, music and art. This allows things such as
Chinese traditional movies to be played in US cinemas or French traditional
food to be sold in Russia.

2) Spread of technology - Countries around the world can stay connected due to
the internet which allows knowledge and technological advancements to
spread easily. Due to the fast spread of knowledge via the internet, something
created in the US can be created in Trinidad.

Disadvantages of Globalization:

1) A lack of local businesses - Globalization allows companies to spread and

become very large and successful in various parts of the world. Unfortunately,
this may cause smaller, local businesses to be overshadowed by the large,
successful companies as consumers tend to trust the larger brands more.

2) Increased spread of disease - Having the world connected through various

forms of transportation, while convenient, also makes the spread of disease
from country to country easier than ever. The most obvious and recent
example of this being the spread of COVID-19.

Group Contributions
Advantages – Josh Jebodsingh and Luke Kenoo

Disadvantages – Ethan Smith and Amar Singh

Document Layout and Formatting – Matthew Nandlal and Joshua Dwarika

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