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Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909

DOI 10.1617/s11527-013-0101-x


The use of stress sweep tests for asphalt mixtures nonlinear

viscoelastic and fatigue damage responses identification
Renato P. Coutinho • Lucas F. A. L. Babadopulos •

Reuber A. Freire • Verônica T. F. Castelo Branco •

Jorge B. Soares

Received: 4 September 2012 / Accepted: 22 May 2013 / Published online: 12 June 2013
Ó RILEM 2013

Abstract Asphaltic materials are known to present a sweep test, a statistical analysis was used to find the
behavior that can be approximated by the theory of maximum stress that can be applied to the material
viscoelasticity. For these materials it is essential to without invoking the damage response. The results
characterize fatigue damage. An important aspect showed that the transition stress value is directly
therein is the separation between nonlinear viscoelas- associated with material properties, the stiffness being
tic and fatigue damage responses. This is a complex an important factor in this result. Consequently, stress,
issue, since both nonlinearity and damage have a temperature and frequency determine together the
similar effect on the overall material mechanical mechanical response of the material (linear or nonlin-
behavior, i.e. decrease in the stiffness and increase in ear viscoelastic, fatigue damage and/or plastic defor-
the phase angle. This paper presents an experimental mation). Results from this study can be associated with
and a mathematical procedure to separate the nonlin- other fatigue damage approaches in order to better
ear viscoelastic from the fatigue damage response for select the stress or strain amplitude that should be used
asphaltic materials. Stress sweep tests were used to in fatigue tests, and to eliminate the amount of energy
characterize a hot mixture asphalt at nine conditions that is dissipated in the nonlinear viscoelastic region.
(three temperatures and three frequencies). Once all
strain values were obtained in a stress controlled Keywords Nonlinear viscoelasticity 
Fatigue damage  Asphalt materials 
Stress sweep tests
R. P. Coutinho  L. F. A. L. Babadopulos 
R. A. Freire  V. T. F. Castelo Branco (&)  J. B. Soares
Department of Transportation Engineering, Universidade
Federal do Ceará, Campus do Pici-703, Fortaleza, CE
60440-554, Brazil 1 Introduction
R. P. Coutinho Asphaltic materials can be represented using a visco-
e-mail: elastic model [12, 16, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30].
L. F. A. L. Babadopulos Viscoelastic mechanical response can be interpreted
e-mail: as a combination between elastic and viscous behav-
R. A. Freire iors. When viscoelastic materials are submitted to fast
e-mail: loading (high frequencies), they behave approxi-
J. B. Soares mately like an elastic solid, deforming just as the load
e-mail: is applied. When load is applied at a very slow rate
896 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909

(low frequencies), the material accumulates strain Bahia et al. [5] affirmed that, the nonlinearity is an
delayed from the stress, like a viscous fluid. indication of damage. It is considered as a stage closer
Asphalt cement (AC), as a viscoelastic material, to failure than to the linear range. Due to the repeated
presents viscous components in its deformation, which nature of traffic load applications, AC performing in
makes its response dependent on time and on rate of the nonlinear region can accumulate damage faster
loading [10, 26, 29]. Moreover, those materials are and show performance very different from what their
characterized by the fact that the strain response in a linear behavior is indicating. The referred authors also
given instant is not only determined by the stress affirmed that modified AC’s represent a multiphase
amplitude applied at that instant, but also by the stress system known to present a nonlinear behavior, unlike
history [10]. This hypothesis is valid for linear as well conventional AC’s. Airey et al. [3] stated that, for
as for nonlinear viscoelastic materials. However, the some polymer modified AC’s, mainly with high
theory of linear viscoelasticity is restricted to the percentage of modifying agent, the principle of
infinitesimal deformation condition, which is satisfied linearity must not be assumed.
in many theoretical problems [28], but cannot be The fatigue damage (micro and macro cracks
assumed in some real cases. According to Bahia et al. formation and growth) caused by repeated loading is
[5], because of the large difference in stiffness between one of the main distresses occurring in asphalt
AC and aggregates, for HMA, most of the bulk strain pavements. This type of distress is mainly caused by
will be concentrated in the binder domain. It is expected traffic and it is highly influenced by weather condi-
a very complex strain distribution in this domain. The tions. Although some authors treat nonlinearity as a
referred authors observed that, applying a shear strain result of damage initiation and growth [21], these
of 1 % in typical HMA can result in a strain distribu- phenomena can be seen in a way where nonlinearity
tion, within the binder limits, from 0.3 to 32 %. does not necessarily produce crack growth, but only
Park et al. [24] state that deformations range for represents the non-proportionality on the material
HMA is smaller than for AC. The stress–strain curves stress/strain behavior.
at various temperatures and strain rates showed that Some authors state that there is nonlinearity in
the peak strains range from 0.005 to 0.01, and the asphalt mixtures at the very beginning of the defor-
fracture strains do not exceed 0.06 [7, 27]. It is a mation process, so linear viscoelasticity would not
consensus that, for HMA, the infinitesimal strain apply even for initial load conditions and mostly for
theory applies for strains below 0.01. In order to higher deformation and lower rate of loading. For
correctly characterize asphaltic materials, it is neces- those authors, nonlinear viscoelasticity of asphalt
sary to obtain parameters that are compatible with the mixtures can be caused by the rotation and slippage of
theory of viscoelasticity [14, 17]. The nonlinear aggregates and the localized high strains in the AC
viscoelastic properties depend on stress and on strain phase, which can influence the bulk behavior of the
amplitudes, time, and temperature [31]. According to mixture [2, 18, 19].
Ferry [15]; and Cheung and Cebon [8, 9], AC behaves Di Benedetto et al. [13] investigated HMA behavior
linearly at low stress amplitudes and nonlinearly at under cyclic tests. Those authors stated that the
higher stress amplitudes. The maximum stress (or changes in the complex modulus and in the phase
strain) that can be applied without inducing a nonlin- angle during cyclic tests are due to four separated
ear viscoelastic response of the material depends on phenomena, possibly occurring at the same time:
the material type, frequency and temperature. nonlinearity, heating, thixotropy and fatigue. Only the
Zeng [32] states that the difference between these latter is a totally irreversible process. For the tests
two types of behavior (linear and nonlinear) lies in the conducted by Di Benedetto et al. [13], which imposed
stress/strain relation. As opposed to what happens for up to 122 l of deformation for 10,000 cycles in the
linear response, materials that present nonlinear samples, no irreversible changes in modulus or phase
response do not present proportionality between stress angle was observed (after 6 h at rest). Those authors
and strain. This nonlinear behavior depends on the quantified the effects of each of the four phenomena
material properties, on the applied stress amplitude and obtained, for the conducted tests, that nonlinearity
and on the observation conditions (temperature and is responsible for *30 % of the change in the dynamic
frequency). modulus.
Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909 897

2 Objectives

The present work aims at implementing an experi-

mental methodology for the separation of nonlinear
and damage responses for asphalt mixtures at different
conditions of loading frequency and temperature. In
addition, it intends to evaluate the impact of changes in
the experimental parameters on the determined tran-
sition limits between nonlinear and damage responses.
In order to accomplish the objectives, different load
schemes were tested. Stress sweep tests were con-
ducted similarly to what was proposed by Castelo
Fig. 1 Dynamic modulus and phase angle for different stress
(strain) amplitudes [6] Branco [6] for fine aggregate matrices (FAM) charac-
terization and, more recently, by Coutinho et al. [11].
While Coutinho et al. [11] applied the methodology of
For the purpose of this paper, nonlinear viscoelas- separation to different FAM at only one test condition
ticity and damage are considered as two distinct (same temperature and frequency for all tests), the
concepts so that damage differs from nonlinear present work analyses the results of tests conducted at
viscoelasticity by presenting the formation and the different conditions (three frequencies and three
propagation of micro and macro cracks. Although the temperatures) for a conventional HMA.
authors understand that the transition between those
two regions should rather be represented by a spec-
trum of stress or strain amplitude, a simplification 3 Experimental information
considered in the present paper is that only one value
of stress or strain amplitude represents the stress 3.1 Materials
transition limit.
One of the challenges in the characterization of This research was developed with materials from
HMA fatigue damage is the separation of the visco- Brazil. The AC is a PG 70-28 classified by penetration
elastic from the fatigue damage response. This is a as a 50/70 (produced by Petrobras/Lubnor). The
complex issue, because both nonlinearity and damage aggregates are from a granitic source typically used
have a similar effect on the overall material mechan- in the state of Ceará: coarse aggregates of sizes 1/200
ical behavior, i.e. a decrease in the dynamic modulus (12.5 mm) and 3/800 (9.5 mm); fine aggregates and
and an increase in the phase angle [6]. This behavior is natural filler are from the same source.
illustrated in Fig. 1.
The transition point from the nonlinear to the 3.2 HMA design
fatigue damage region is hard to find, since there is no
change in the trend of the decrease in the dynamic The HMA design followed the Superpave methodol-
modulus and in the increase of the phase angle. This is ogy using 100 gyrations. The asphalt content used was
the main topic discussed in this paper. The transition 5.0 % in order to obtain compacted samples with
limit is important to quantify the dissipated energy 4.0 % air voids. For this binder content, the mixture’s
during the nonlinear viscoelastic behavior and during theoretical maximum specific gravity was 2.345. This
the damage response for different asphaltic materials dense graded mixture presents nominal maximum
allowing a more realistic material behavior analysis. aggregate size of 12.5 mm (1/200 ) and is typically used
The stress transition limit, or the dynamic modulus at for pavement surface courses in Northeast Brazil,
the stress transition limit, can be used as an input to the mostly with unmodified binders, since there is no
analysis of fatigue test results to account or discount heavy loaded traffic. Specimens have 100 mm in
the dissipated strain energy due to nonlinear visco- diameter and 150 mm in height. The gradation of the
elasticity without damage (crack) propagation. mixture is presented in Fig. 2.
898 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909

Table 1 Stress amplitudes used in the stress sweep tests with

different frequencies (5, 10, and 25 Hz)
Axial stress amplitude (kPa) Temperature (°C)
4.4 21.1 37.8

Initial 500 500 50

Final 2,700 2,500 970

damage region). For each test, around 30–50 different

Fig. 2 HMA gradation axial compressive stress amplitudes were applied to
each sample (separated by equal intervals) following a
harmonic function. This difference in the number of
3.3 Experimental procedures stress amplitudes applied is due to experimental issues
(LVDT’s limitations). For the highest temperature
As idealized by Castelo Branco [6], stress sweep tests tested (37.8 °C), the specimens had such low stiffness
were performed to separate the nonlinear viscoelastic that after the thirtieth compressive stress amplitude the
from fatigue damage response. HMA stress sweep maximum deformation overpassed one of the LVDT’s
tests were performed using a universal testing machine measurement range (gauge length). Then, the tests
25 (UTM-25). For each test, it was applied 50 different needed to be stopped. For the lowest temperature
compressive axial stress amplitudes (separated by (4.4 °C), the specimens presented high stiffness and,
equal intervals) in haversine, with a fixed frequency depending on the frequency, after the fortieth compres-
and controlled temperature, according to Coutinho sive stress amplitude the equipment’s loading capacity
et al. [11]. Compressive tests were used due to reached its limits. At these stress amplitudes, the
experimental issues. Nonlinear and damage behavior solicitation curve was not performed as programmed
can be considerably different under tension. Three due to the equipment limitations.
replicates were tested at each condition. Nine different
conditions were tested: three frequencies (5, 10, and
25 Hz) and three temperatures (4.4, 21.1, and 4 Results and analysis
37.8 °C). The frequencies and the temperatures were
chosen based on the HMA dynamic modulus standard For each stress amplitude applied, the peak strain
procedure (AASHTO TP62-03) [1]. Two hundred load response was monitored. It is known that, as the stress
cycles were applied for each stress amplitude. The amplitude increases, the strain amplitude does not
initial stress amplitudes were selected based on the always increase proportionally. This behavior can be
minimum stress values suggested by AASHTO TP62 separated into three different stages. In the first stage,
(2003) (Table 1). This was done to guarantee that the the linear viscoelastic region, the amplitude strain
testing is beginning within the material linear visco- response is linear with respect to the applied stress
elastic region and in order to limit axial strains amplitude. This is found when low stress amplitudes
between 50 and 150 le [4]. The final axial stress are applied. The second stage, the nonlinear visco-
amplitude (test ending condition) was selected to elastic region, is characterized by the nonlinear strain
assure that the material had passed from the nonlinear response when different stress amplitudes are applied,
to the fatigue damage region. and it usually occurs for intermediate stress levels. The
The axial deformation response was monitored by last stage, the damage region, is characterized by
three linear variable differential transformers (LVDT’s) damage that is induced to the material in each load
with a positioning range of 120° between them. Tests cycle during the application of high stress amplitudes,
started with the application of low stress amplitudes, even with constant stress amplitudes. This last stage is
increased gradually until it reached the test objective also characterized by nonlinear strain response with
(passing from the nonlinear viscoelastic to the fatigue respect to the applied stress.
Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909 899

Fig. 3 Applied stress

(a) and corresponding strain
response (b) for two regions:
viscoelastic and damage [6]

For both regions, linear and nonlinear, the peak section was generated for tests conducted at 21.1 °C and
strain response should not change as the number of 10 Hz using different load schemes. They were com-
load cycles application increases, for the same stress pared to the results obtained at the same temperature
amplitude. In the damage region, for the same stress and frequency using a reference load scheme (blue
amplitude the strain response tends to increase as the curves), described in Table 2.
number of load cycles increases (Fig. 3). In addition,
in the linear region the stress/strain relation (dynamic 4.1 Stress path evaluation
modulus) is constant regardless of the stress amplitude
used. For the nonlinear region, the ratio between stress In order to evaluate the influence of the direction of the
and strain amplitude is different for each stress stress sweep (increasing or decreasing stress ampli-
amplitude applied (Fig. 1). tudes) in the determined transition point, the results of
The analysis of the strain response at a given stress the tests conducted using decreasing stress amplitudes
amplitude for 200 load cycles allows the identification were compared to the results obtained using the
of the change point from the nonlinear viscoelastic to reference load scheme (Table 2).
the damage region. Quantitatively, the value of the Given that the only difference between the test
stress amplitude where this change occurs can be conditions was the choice of the stress history
obtained determining the slope of the line connecting (increasing or decreasing), it was assumed that all
the peaks of strain responses during the 200 cycles for differences obtained were due to the stress history.
each stress amplitude applied. If the material is in the Using this methodology, it is expected to evaluate the
linear or in the nonlinear viscoelastic regions, the influence of the stress history in the selection of the
slope should be close to zero. Otherwise, the material stress transition limits to reach the damage region. In
will be in the damage region (Fig. 3b). Some small each figure, beside the labels of the curves, it is
strain amplitude slopes can always be observed, which presented the dynamic modulus measured for the first
can be explained by the fact that some heating and and the last stress amplitudes.
thixotropy are occurring during cyclic loading. This First, it was chosen to test the HMA with decreasing
was also observed by Di Benedetto et al. [13]. To find stress amplitudes instead of increasing ones (reference
the transition stress amplitude a statistical analysis was load scheme). The first results presented here were
used. generated with stress amplitudes beginning at 70 % of
The test methodology (specially the stress path, first the reference stress transition limit. It was expected
and last stress amplitudes used, stress increment, and the that using such stress path no damage would be
number of load cycles per amplitude) was chosen based generated in the sample. The load scheme to evaluate
on the following considerations. In order to evaluate the the influence of the stress path is summarized in
proposed methodology for separating damage response Table 3. The reader can observe that a negative sign in
from nonlinear viscoelastic response, different load the mean stress increment indicates that the amplitude
schemes were used for the same conditions of temper- sweep was performed from the highest to the lowest
ature and frequency (21.1 °C, and 10 Hz). Each one of stress amplitudes, which was called in this paper a
the red curves presented next (Figs. 4, 5, 6, and 7) in this back sweep path.
900 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909

Fig. 4 Proposed
methodology: stress path

Fig. 5 Proposed
methodology: stress path

Fig. 6 Proposed
methodology: stress
increment evaluation

The results obtained for this load scheme are amplitudes. The new stress transition limit is lower
presented in Fig. 4. (43 %) than the former one. One can conclude that the
The results for this load scheme showed that, in fact, stress path influences the stress transition limit deter-
the damage evolution is slight (strain amplitude slope mined following the methodology presented in this
close to zero), as expected. On the other hand, it was paper. As the algorithm always finds a value for the
verified that the algorithm finds a new stress transition stress transition limit within the tested stress ampli-
limit (the one found when the stress amplitudes were tudes, it was decided to conduct the same test (using
decreased instead of increased) within the tested stress decreasing stress amplitudes), but choosing similar
Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909 901

Fig. 7 Proposed
methodology: number of
load cycles per amplitude

Table 2 Reference load scheme results for the load scheme described in Table 4 are
presented in Fig. 5.
Stress First stress Last stress Mean Number
Considering the curves presented in Fig. 5, it was
path amplitude amplitude stress of load
(kPa) (kPa) increment cycles/ observed that the strain amplitude slopes are nearly the
(kPa) amplitude same, as before. Now, the stress transition limits
determined using each one of the stress paths were also
Increasing 500 2,763 70 200
similar. Based on that, it can be said that the difference
previously obtained for the stress transition limit was
due to the values of the first and the last stress
Table 3 Load scheme to evaluate the influence of the stress
path amplitudes. Besides that, the direction of the stress
path (increasing or decreasing) does not appear to
Stress path First stress Last stress Mean Number
directly affect neither the strain amplitude slope at a
amplitude amplitude stress of load
(kPa) (kPa) increment cycles/ given stress amplitude nor the stress transition limit
(kPa) amplitude determination. This is possibly due to the fact that
HMA presents voids in its material volume, which
Decreasing 956 95 -25 200
creates a pre-damaged medium, in such a way that the
accumulated damage during the test is mostly due to
values of stress amplitude to the reference one. The new the pre-damage. So, independently of the stress path,
load scheme to evaluate the influence of the stress path at a given stress amplitude, the strain amplitude slope
is presented in Table 4. The mean stress increment is is almost the same. On the other hand, it can be said
negative, as before (back sweep). The target mean that the selected first and last stress amplitudes do
stress increment was -70 kPa, in order to obtain a influence the determined stress transition limit. This is
similar configuration to the reference load scheme, probably due to the sensitivity of the algorithm used to
changing only the direction of the sweep. However, the determine these values.
increment obtained during the test was -60 kPa. The
4.2 Stress increment

In order to evaluate the influence of the stress

Table 4 New load scheme to evaluate the influence of the
stress path increment in the determined transition point, the
results of tests conducted using a smaller stress
Stress path First stress Last stress Mean Number
increment (25 kPa) were compared to results obtained
amplitude amplitude stress of load
(kPa) (kPa) increment cycles/ using the reference stress increment (70 kPa). The red
(kPa) amplitude curve shown in Fig. 6 was obtained for an increasing
stress path, using lower stress increments than the
Decreasing 2,682 241 -60 200
reference one. The blue curve had been obtained using
902 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909

Table 5 Load scheme to evaluate the influence of the stress where the damage is imminent for the evaluated
increment conditions. This algorithm is based on the analysis of
Stress First stress Last stress Mean Number the strain amplitude slope (y) obtained when the peak
path amplitude amplitude stress of cycles/ strain responses for 200 applied stress cycles (x) are
(kPa) (kPa) increment amplitude gathered. It fits the data with a horizontal line (y = a0)
connected at x0 value on the horizontal axis to another
Increasing 289 1,660 25 200 function. The second function can be either linear
(y = b0 ? b1x) or quadratic. Castelo Branco [6]
noticed that the function should be selected according
to the used mode of loading in order to produce better
70 kPa as the mean stress increment, while the red
data adjustment. For stress-controlled tests, it was
curve was obtained using 25 Pa. The load scheme is
observed that a linear function was more appropriated.
summarized in Table 5.
The parameter xo is called the change point and can be
Again, observing the results in Fig. 6, the strain
interpreted as the point where the derivative is different
amplitude slopes at a given stress amplitude are very
from zero. The algorithm uses the least squares criterion
similar, independently on the stress history. This
subjected to the constraint that the two pieces of the
agrees with the explanation previously given about the
function intersect at x0. Let x(i) denote the ordered x
HMA pre-damaged nature.
values and y*(i) denote the strain amplitude slope
response corresponding to a compression of x(i). Then
4.3 Number of load cycles per amplitude
the function to be minimized is:
0 1
In order to evaluate the influence of the number of load X X
cycles per stress amplitude in the determined transi- min@ ðyðiÞ 2
 a0 Þ þ ðyðiÞ  ðb0 þ b1 xðiÞÞÞ 2A

i:xðiÞ \x0 i:xðiÞ  x0

tion point, the results of tests conducted using more
load repetitions (300) were compared to results ð1Þ
obtained using the reference load scheme (Table 2), Considering that y = b0 ? b1x passes through (x0,
i.e., 200 load cycles. The red curve presented in Fig. 7 a) with respect to a0, b0, b1 and x0 for the case where
was generated using an increasing stress path, and 300 the function is considered linear, being a0, b1 and b0
load cycles per amplitude. This load scheme is the linear equations’ constants. The minimization is
indicated in Table 6. achieved by first selecting a grid of points covering the
Observing Fig. 7 one can conclude that the strain range of x data that corresponds to potential values of
amplitude slopes are very similar. The same can be x0. Then, for each potential value of x0 along the grid,
observed for the stress transition limits determined the minimization of a0, b0, b1 is carried out using
based on each curve. Excel’s Solver.

4.4 Statistical analysis

4.5 Results
The statistical analysis was performed using an algo-
The deformation values were measured and then the
rithm proposed by Castelo Branco [6]. This analysis
strain responses were obtained for each sample at each
aims at determining the value of the stress amplitude
temperature and frequency. For each condition, three
tests were performed. The mean stress and strain
amplitudes, obtained for the three replicates, were
Table 6 Load scheme to evaluate the influence of the number
of load cycles per amplitude taken into account to calculate the change point. The
slopes of the line that connects the peak strain
Stress First stress Last stress Mean Number
responses for the 200 cycles, for each applied stress
path amplitude amplitude stress of load
(kPa) (kPa) increment cycles/ amplitude, were determined. The data were analyzed
(kPa) amplitude using the statistical method previously presented. The
values of the transition stress x0 [and its coefficient of
Increasing 288 2,100 50 300
variation (CV)], i.e. where the transition from the
Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909 903

Table 7 Statistical parameters for the limit stress amplitude determination

Temp. (°C) Frequency (Hz) Statistical parameters CV (%)
a0 b0 b1 (kPa ) x0 (kPa)

4.4 5 2.544 9 10-7 -5.779 9 10-5 2.002 9 10-8 2.900 9 10?3 0.24
-10 -5 -8
10 -1.123 9 10 4.200 9 10 -1.479 9 10 2.839 9 10?3 0.82
-11 -5 -8 ?3
25 -1.161 9 10 3.045 9 10 -1.301 9 10 2.340 9 10 6.14
21.1 5 6.169 9 10-6 -6.772 9 10-5 4.315 9 10-8 1.712 9 10?3 6.78
10 7.698 9 10-6 -5.357 9 10-5 4.153 9 10-8 1.475 9 10?3 3.70
25 5.074 9 10-6 -4.232 9 10-5 4.583 9 10-8 1.034 9 10?3 1.82
37.8 5 9.016 9 10-8 -2.610 9 10-6 5.753 9 10-8 4.693 9 10?1 60.78
10 5.885 9 10-8 -1.273 9 10-5 1.260 9 10-7 1.015 9 10?2 19.22
-10 -5 -7 ?2
25 6.078 9 10 -4.620 9 10 2.052 9 10 2.252 9 10 8.37

nonlinear viscoelastic to the damage region occurs, this condition, the material exhibits high stiffness
were obtained (Table 7). (around 20,000 MPa at 4.4 °C) and, therefore, high
It is possible to note that as the temperature load levels were required (outside the UTM-25
increases the stress transition threshold decreases. It operational limits) to cause a deformation high enough
is believed that this occurs because as the temperature to reach the specimen damage region. For the higher
increases, the intermolecular bonds weaken, so that at stress amplitudes (above 2,300 kPa for 25 Hz, and
lower stress amplitudes damage initiation can be 2,800 kPa for 10 Hz), the UTM-25 was not capable of
noticed. Also, due to the material’s thermoviscoelastic maintaining a harmonic stress curve (Fig. 9), produc-
nature, its stiffness increases as the temperature ing decreasing strain slopes.
decreases. For the studied HMA, the increase in the For 21.1 °C, the results presented a downward trend,
material stiffness results in an increase in the stress i.e. the stress transition threshold decreases (from 1,714
transition threshold. The same fact was observed by to 1,034 kPa) as the frequency increases (from 5 to
Coutinho et al. [11] when studying three different 25 Hz). For this temperature, fatigue damage has a
HMAs, tested at the same condition (21.1 °C, and more important influence on the material response than
10 Hz). With respect to the loading frequency influ- the permanent deformation process does. At higher
ence on the stress transition threshold, the same trend frequencies (25 Hz, for example) the material presents
was not observed for every temperature tested. higher stiffness (10,906 MPa) when compared to lower
Taking b1 as an indicator of the rate of damage frequencies (7,417 MPa at 5 Hz). Associated with the
growth, it is possible to see that for the intermediate material heterogeneity, this can locally produce stress
temperature (21.1 °C), the rate of damage growth is intensity factors higher than the material’s toughness
almost the same for all frequencies (around 4.3 9 during the loading process, leading to crack initiation.
10-8 kPa-1). On the other hand, at higher temperatures For 37.8 °C, the results presented an inverse trend
(37.8 °C), the rate of damage growth changes from when compared with the ones found for 21.1 °C. As
5.75 9 10-8 kPa-1 at 5 Hz to 1.26 9 10-7 kPa-1 at the frequency increases the material needs higher
10 Hz (increase of 119 %). At 25 Hz the rate of damage stress amplitude to enter in the damage region. This
growth is equal to 2.05 9 10-7 kPa-1, which represents could be due to the fact that at higher temperatures the
a value 256 % higher than the one observed for 5 Hz. permanent deformation effect is predominant over
Figure 8 shows that, for the tests conducted at the fatigue damage one. As the frequency increases,
4.4 °C, the slope of the line connecting the maximum the stiffness also does, retarding the permanent
strain amplitudes is close to zero for every tested deformation process and allowing higher stresses to
frequency. This result suggests that the evaluated be applied without fatigue damage initiation. How-
HMA is exhibiting viscoelastic behavior without ever, entering in the fatigue damage region with higher
damage throughout the test and it was not possible to stresses, at higher frequencies, the damage evolution
determine the transition limit for this temperature. For seems to develop (Figs. 10, 11).
904 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909

Fig. 8 Strain amplitude

slope versus stress at 4.4 °C
for different frequencies
a 5 Hz, b 10 Hz, and
c 25 Hz

(a) (b)


Fig. 9 Stress curves for stress amplitudes: a below 2,300 kPa for 25 Hz and 2,800 kPa for 10 Hz, b above 2,300 kPa for 25 Hz and
2,800 kPa for 10 Hz

Figure 12 shows a comparison for the results found the curve of 10 Hz, and then the curve of 5 Hz. This
for 21.1 and 37.8 °C in terms of the nonlinear result indicates that, for the analyzed material, the
viscoelastic region size and the rate of damage higher the loading frequency the faster the damage
propagation. The results at 4.4 °C are not presented propagates independently of the temperature. Again,
in Fig. 12 because damage growth could not be this fact can be explained by the increased stiffness at
analyzed at this temperature, due to the high stress higher frequencies, producing stress intensity factors
amplitudes needed. The HMA evaluated in this study in the heterogeneity points higher than the material’s
showed the same tendency for both temperatures, i.e. toughness. This leads to crack growth. So, indepen-
the higher the frequency, the higher the rate of damage dently of the temperature, the slope in the diagram
propagation. As it can be seen at the frequency of strain amplitude slope versus stress is larger for higher
25 Hz the curve showed the highest slope, followed by frequencies.
Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909 905

Fig. 10 Strain amplitude

slope versus stress at
21.1 °C and different
frequencies: a 5 Hz,
b 10 Hz, and c 25 Hz

Fig. 11 Strain amplitude

slope versus stress at
37.8 °C and different
frequencies: a 5 Hz,
b 10 Hz, and c 25 Hz

(a) (b)


Finally, the mechanical properties obtained at the It can be seen that the residual dynamic modulus
change point are summarized in Table 8. The residual varied for each test condition. Airey et al. [3] studied
dynamic modulus was defined as the ratio between the the viscoelastic limits for different ACs defining 95 %
dynamic modulus measured at the change point of the initial undamaged dynamic modulus as the
(Fig. 13) and the undamaged initial dynamic modulus criterion to identify the end of the linear viscoelastic
(|E*|change point/|E*|initial). region independent of the material or the test
906 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909

Fig. 12 Damage
propagation at different
temperatures: a 21.1 °C, and
b 37.8 °C



conditions. Based on the presented results, this does dynamic modulus value. At lower temperatures, it
not appear to be a criterion to find the transition limits tends to be lower. Also the strain found at the change
between viscoelastic regions for HMA. The results point varied with the tested condition, with higher
show that the residual dynamic modulus tended to be strains being obtained for higher stress transition
higher when the stress transition threshold was lower. thresholds. For higher temperatures, the strain at the
So, the residual dynamic modulus depends on the change point tended to be lower. Most of the strains
material, on its stress transition threshold and on the values at the change point are outside the limit
test conditions. At higher temperatures (e.g., at (50–150 le) proposed by Ali et al. [4] to ensure
37.8 °C), the residual dynamic modulus tends to be linearity. Some of them (5 and 10 Hz at 37.8 °C, and
almost equal to the material undamaged initial 25 Hz at 21.1 °C) are under these limits. This

Table 8 Mechanical
Temperature Frequency Stress Undamaged Residual Strain at the
properties at the change point
(°C) (Hz) transition dynamic modulus dynamic change point
for the HMA studied
limit (kPa) (MPa) modulus (%) (le)

4.4 5 2,899 19,112 94.2 161

10 [3,000a 21,226 \93.8a [151
25 [3,000a 22,697 \95.4a [139
21.1 5 1,712 7,417 91.5 252
10 1,475 8,699 96.1 176
25 1,034 10,906 99.2 96
37.8 5 47 2,046 98.0 23
The UTM-25 has reached its 10 101 2,450 Same as initial 41
load application capacity and 25 225 4,078 Same as initial 55
the test could not be continued
Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909 907



Fig. 13 Results of dynamic modulus for each stress amplitude: a 4.4 °C, b 21.1 °C, and c 37.8 °C

indicates that, these limits may vary not only with the (frequencies and temperatures). Stress sweep tests
material but also with the test conditions. were performed at three different temperatures (4.4,
21.1, and 37.8 °C) and three different frequencies (5,
10, and 25 Hz). Although fatigue damage would not
5 Conclusions and suggestions be a primary concern at 37.8 °C in comparison to
permanent deformation, this temperature was studied
An experimental and analytical procedure was eval- in order to give more information about the kind of
uated to separate HMA nonlinear viscoelastic from the trends observed in the stress transition limit with
fatigue damage response at different conditions respect to the temperature variation. A dense graded
908 Materials and Structures (2014) 47:895–909

HMA was tested for nine different conditions. The The results of the stress transition limit presented in
results were analyzed to verify the influence of this paper can be used as a starting point to determine
frequency and temperature in the material responses, stresses to perform commonly used fatigue tests, in
i.e. the stress transition limit to enter in the damage such a way that the dissipated energy by viscoelastic
region and the rate of damage propagation. mechanisms could be separated from the energy
From the stress sweep test results, it was observed dissipated in the damage process. This can be done
that the mixture behaves quite differently for the three by choosing as the reference modulus the dynamic
analyzed temperatures. At 4.4 °C the mixture has modulus at the change point, instead of using the
greater stiffness compared to 21.1 and 37.8 °C, undamaged initial dynamic modulus.
impacting the transition limit from the nonlinear
viscoelastic to the damage region. For the HMA Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the
financial support of CNPq, ANP, Petrobras, FINEP and
evaluated in this study, the greater the material
stiffness, the greater was the stress amplitude at which
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