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Wilkinson County

Middle/High School

Library Media Center



Prepared by: Hope Goodner

Wilkinson County Middle/High School
Library Media Specialist
Revised 09.13.2022
Library Media Center Handbook
Table of Contents

1.Library Media Center Hours of Operation

2. Personnel
3. Patrons
4. Mission
5. Library Media Center Procedures
6. Circulation
7. Collection
8. Overdues
9. Services Provided
10. Reconsideration of Materials Policy
11. Reading Counts Test Taking Tips
12. Copyright Policy
13. Process of Selection of Materials
14. Functions of the Media Committee
15. Process of Selection of Media Committee
16. State Requirements
a. IFPD 160 4-4 .01 code


Media Center Forms

1. Media Plan
2. Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines
3. Internet Acceptable Use Policy
4. Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources
5. Cooperative Planning Form
6. Teacher Request for Ordering Materials
7. Materials Evaluation Form
8. Media Center Evaluation Form
9. Video permission form

Revised 09.13.2022
1. Library Media Center Hours of Operation

The Library Media Center (LMC) is open from 7:30 A.M. until 3:30 P.M. Monday through

2. Personnel

The LMC staff consists of one Library Media Specialist (LMS), Hope Goodner and one Library
Media Clerk, Betty Bray.

3. Patrons

All students, faculty and staff employed by Wilkinson County School District may check-out
materials. Before checking-out materials, patrons must register with staff. Students and teachers
have priority over all other patron categories. Patrons may check out materials provided the item is
not currently checked out, on special reserve, or otherwise restricted (such as "in LMC use" only).
Community members may use LMC materials in the LMC facility during the school day.

4. Mission

The mission of the LMC is to provide the highest quality materials, facilities, and services for
students and faculty The LMC will support the curriculum, prioritize intellectual freedom, teach
information literacy, help teachers teach by establishing a partnership to meet the needs of
students, support the mission of the school, and help students reach their potential to become
lifelong learners.

5. Library Media Center Procedures

All patrons are required to check out LMC materials before taking them out of the LMC.

Patrons are to abide by the WCSD PBIS Matrix while in the LMC. Students must conduct
themselves so as not to disturb others while in the LMC and are to refrain from bringing in or
consuming food or drink.

Patrons are asked not to reshelve LMC materials. Instead, they should give unshelved
materials to LMC staff.

Unless previously planned otherwise, the LMC schedule is as follows: Tuesday - Sixth Grade,
Wednesday - Seventh Grade, Thursday - Seventh Grade, Friday - High School. These are standing
reservations for whole class visits. Other students may visit the LMC throughout the day as outlined

Revised 09.13.2022
Teachers are required to plan in advance with the LMS and accompany students when the
entire class is in the LMC. Teachers are required to monitor student behavior while with their
students in the LMC.

Teachers may send students unattended in groups of 5 or fewer throughout the week. Groups
of 6 or more students must be accompanied by a teacher.

Students are required to have a pass when entering the LMC. The pass must 1- state the
students name, current time and date, 2- provide a purpose for using the LMC, and 3-be signed by
the teacher from whom they are sent. This informs the LMC staff if the students should be working
together and how to assist the student(s).

Teachers are encouraged to plan in advance with the LMS before sending students to the
media center to do research.

Teachers and staff are required to notify LMC staff in advance when reserving media
resources, facilities, and equipment. If the facility is available, LMC staff will add the reservation to
the calendar of events. If it is not, LMC staff will make other arrangements with the requesting

Teachers are required to return all equipment (not on extended check out) by the end of the
school day unless prior arrangements have been made.

Patrons violating these guidelines will be reminded at the first infraction. Patrons continuing
to violate the guidelines will lose LMC privileges. Students may also be subject to additional
disciplinary action.

6. Circulation

All LMC materials are checked in and out by using the patron’s barcode number. Patrons are
responsible for all materials checked out using their name for the duration of the checkout period.

a. Print Materials

Check Out
A book may be checked out at any time during the school day. Books are due back to the LMC
two weeks later. Students in grades 6-12 may check out 3 books at a time. It is recommended that
6th-12th grade students check out a nonfiction book and a chapter book. Books may not be checked
out if a patron has any overdue material.

Reference books may not be checked out. They are for LMC use only. Patrons wishing to use
them may do so within the LMC during the hours of operation.

Books are returned at the counter in the LMC within the two-week period in order to be
checked in. Books are returned directly to the LMC staff. It is the patron's responsibility to be sure

Revised 09.13.2022
the LMC staff checks their book in the computer, ensuring that the patron's obligation for that book
has been removed.

b. Non-Print Materials

Teachers may check out Audio Visual materials and equipment for use in the classroom.
Teachers must closely supervise its use and accept responsibility for loss or damage of materials or
equipment checked out. These materials may be checked out for a period of 9 weeks unless prior
arrangements have been made with the LMC staff for an extension. Materials are checked out on a
first come first served basis. All equipment must be returned at the end of the year for inventory

Students may not check out AV materials and equipment.

Overdue books are not fined at the current time.

Books not returned for a period of thirty school days after the due date will be considered lost. The
patron is obligated and expected to make prompt and full payment for the book.

Books found and returned to the LMC by the student after payment has been made may be eligible
for a refund.

Fines for damaged books will be based on the amount of damage to the book, not to exceed the cost
of a replacement.

7. Collection

How to Locate LMC Materials

Print Material
The computerized card catalog is located online and can be used to locate any material
housed by the LMC. Patrons should ask any LMC staff for additional help using the card catalog.

Patrons should ask any LMC staff for help if encountering trouble locating a book on the
shelves. They can tell if a book is checked out, shelved in a special place, or if it has been marked
missing. Multiple copies and/or class sets of many books are available.

The call number gives the location of the book in the LMC. Shelves are labeled on each end
with the inclusive section of books that they contain. Shelves are also labeled with protruding shelf
markers for each section of books they contain. Below is an explanation of the types of call numbers

Revised 09.13.2022
F = Fiction
Ric = First 3 letters of Author’s last name

510 = Non-Fiction (Dewey Decimal)

Ace = First 3 letters of Author’s last name

REF = Reference
031 = Non-Fiction (Dewey Decimal)
Wor = First 3 letters of Author’s last name

92 = Biography (Individual)
Lin = First 3 letters of Subject’s last name

920 = Biography (Two or More in Same Book)

Sam = First 3 letters of Author’s last name

SC = Story Collection
Jsd = First 3 letters of Author’s last name

CAR = Career
510 = Non-Fiction (Dewey Decimal)
Smi = First 3 letters of Author’s last name

Dewey Decimal Classification System

All nonfiction materials in the LMC are arranged by the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
The ten subject areas of the Dewey Decimal Classification System are given below.

000 General Works Library Science, Encyclopedia

100 Philosophy Psychology, Logic, Ethics, Philosophy

200 Religion Bible, Religion,

300 Social Political Science, Public Administration, Fables, Folk Lore


400 Language Linguistics and Nonverbal Language

500 Pure Science Plants, Animals, Solar System

600 Applies Medicine, Agriculture


700 Fine Arts Music, Drawings, Painting, Recreations

800 Literature Prose, Poetry, Plays, Fiction

900 History Geography, Travel, States, Countries, Biography

Revised 09.13.2022
Books pulled from regular collection and located in other areas:

92 Biography Single Biography (900’s)

920 Biography Collective Biography (900’s)

F / Fic Fiction Realistic, Science (800’s)

SC Story Collective Fiction (800’s)


CAR Career Career(throughout 000-900’s)

R / Ref Reference Encyclopedias, Atlas, Dictionary and Reference (throughout


Reference Materials
The reference area has encyclopedias, dictionaries, and atlases.

Non-Print Materials
Periodicals may be found in the LMC in computerized data bases (GALILEO). Periodical
abstracts and summaries (as well as many full texts) are located on GALILEO and can be accessed by
any online computer. Our system has a password issued by the GADOE and is changed four times a

8. Overdues

Books not returned within 2 weeks will be considered overdue. The patron is required to
make prompt and full payment for the book to the LMC staff in order to continue to check out
books. Receipts will be given and kept on file in the LMC.
Books found and returned to the LMC after payment has been made for the book may be
eligible for a refund.

9. Services Provided

Patrons may receive assistance in locating, checking in and out, and using LMC materials.
Patrons may also receive assistance researching, developing and preparing individual and group

Inter-Library Loans
Materials not available in this LMC may be requested from other library sources. Patrons
must ask the LMC staff for help. This type of loan can take a few days to obtain, so patrons are
encouraged to ask in advance. All materials borrowed through this LMC on an inter-library loan
must be returned to this LMC.

Revised 09.13.2022
10. Reconsideration of Materials

Requests for reconsideration of such materials will follow the system policy below.

Procedures for Challenged Materials

In a democracy, opinions differ, and occasionally there may be an adverse criticism of the most
carefully selected materials. In the case of a complaint, the procedure listed below will be followed:
1. The complainant must file his/her complaint with the principal, using the approved form
(available in the LMC).
2. The principal will meet with the local School Media Committee (Leadership Team + LMS) to
consider the request and evaluate the material in question according to the principles
expressed in the philosophy of the Board of Education. The LMS may make any additions to
the committee as he/she deems necessary.
3. The local school media committee will examine the material in its entirety. The following
items serve as a suggestion for the committee to use in its evaluation.
a. Professional Reviews;
b. Age and maturity of the student(s);
c. Theme of the material;
d. Intended use of the material;
e. Literary merit of contribution;
f. Material as a whole rather than passages out of context.
4. The local School Media Committee will file a written report with the principal, who shall
discuss the decision with the complainant. A copy of the report shall be filed with the
complaint. A copy of the report shall be filed with the LMS.
5. If the complainant does not accept the decision of the local school committee, then they may
file a complaint with the local board of education.
6. The board of education will follow the steps above, sitting in on the media committee
meetings to offer their input.

11. Accelerated Reader Test Taking Tips

For the best search results, students should search by author using first and last name and clicking
on author instead of title.

If students cannot find their book in the search, have them come to the LMC. LMC staff will double
check that the test is unavailable. If it is a picture book or nonfiction book, they will be given an oral
test. If it is a chapter book, students will be given a story map to complete.

Students have two chances to pass their reading quiz but must wait 24 hours to retake the test.

12. Copyright Policy

Copyright guidelines will be posted next to all copy machines. A summary of the copyright
guidelines as it applies in the educational setting is found on page 13 of this handbook: Copyright
and Fair Use Guidelines. The School Board of the County School System recognizes the importance

Revised 09.13.2022
of the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code). The board hereby notifies all
employees that a knowingly and willful infringement of the law may result in disciplinary action.

Local Board of Education Policies

A copy of the local Board of Education Policies is located with Ms. Janis Smith at the Board of

13. Process of Selection of Materials

Materials are selected which support the faculty and students’ rights of intellectual freedom
and information literacy. The LMS uses bibliographic tools such as review journals to review and
preview materials and purchases materials based on student and teacher requests, school policies,
budget, content, need, and format. Materials should be relevant for today, high quality, meet
standards for content, contribute to instructional program objectives, support the goals of the
school, district and state, be appropriate for the age and ability level of the student body, help
students gain awareness of the world and society, motivate students to examine rights and
responsibilities as a citizen, be accurate, durable, user friendly, easy to maintain and repair, safe,
and unbiased.

Receipt of Gifts or Donations

The Library Media Center at Wilkinson County Middle/High School reserves the right to use any gift
or donation as we feel best serves the school.

14. Functions of the Media Committee

1. Establish the mission, philosophy, policies, procedures, and goals of the school media program.

2. Serve as a liaison with faculty, parents, and community regarding the LMC. Campaign for
support of the media program

3. Develop procedures as required by the State Code IFPD 160-4-4-.01

4. Makes recommendations and decisions related to planning, operation, evaluation, and

improvement of the media program. This committee shall annually evaluate media services
and develop a multi-year media plan for budget and service priorities.

5. Promote and support collaborative planning of the library media specialists with teachers and
students to ensure use of LMC resources and services that support ongoing classroom
instruction and implementation of the state-adopted curriculum.

6. Work with the LMS in pursuing grants, funds, and other monies to support the media

Revised 09.13.2022
7. Support flexible scheduling of LMC access for students and teachers in groups or as
individuals simultaneously throughout the instructional day. Accessibility shall refer to the
faculty, the staff, and the resources and shall be based on instructional need.

8. Serve in a legal capacity on school and local policies. This committee is required by the state
under Code IFBD 160-4-4-.01 Media Programs as of May 14, 1998.

15. Process of Selection of the Media Committee

The media specialist along with the principal and assistant principal discuss which
committee members to select and appoint. The media specialist, administration, teachers, parents
and students should make up the committee. The teachers are selected based on who is on the
leadership team, which consists of the grade level and department chairs and any others who are
interested. The parents and students are selected based on interest, support and availability.

16. State Requirements

State Code IFPD

160-4-4-.01 Media Programs


(a) Each local board of education shall adopt a media policy that

1. Provides for the establishment of a media committee at the system level and at each school.

2. Requires development of procedures for the school system and for

(i) Selecting materials locally,

(ii) Handling requests for reconsideration of materials,
(iii) Considering gifts of instructional resources,
(iv) Using non-school owned materials,
(v) Complying with copyright law.

(b) The local school superintendent shall appoint a system media contact person to serve as a liaison
to the department.

(c) Each school shall have a media center staffed by media personnel in accordance with Rule
160-5-1-.22 Personnel Required and shall develop processes to implement system media policy and
procedures. The following shall be included in school media program implementation.

1. A plan for flexibly scheduled media center access for students and teachers in groups or as
individuals simultaneously throughout each instructional day. Accessibility shall refer to the
facility, the staff, and the resources and shall be based on instructional need.

Revised 09.13.2022
2. A media committee that makes recommendations and decisions related to planning,
operations, evaluation and improvement of the media program. This committee shall
annually evaluate media services and develop a multi-year media plan for budget and
services priorities.

3. Collaborative planning that includes joint determination by the media specialist and teachers
to ensure use of media center resources and services that support on-going classroom
instruction and implementation of the state-adopted curriculum.

Revised 09.13.2022
Effective: May 2022
Department of Media Services
School Library Media Center
2022 Three-Year Media Plan

Library Media Specialist: K. Hope Goodner School: Wilkinson County Middle/High School

Mission: The mission of the Library Media Center (LMC) is to provide the highest quality materials and
services to the students and faculty by supporting the curriculum and intellectual freedom, teaching
information literacy, help teachers teach by establishing a partnership to meet the needs of students, support
the mission of the school, and to help students reach their potential and become life-long learners.

1. The media center must provide quality service and materials in all formats.
2. The media center must support the curriculum, intellectual freedom, and information literacy.
3.The media center must form a partnership with teachers to help serve students in order for them to
reach their full potential.

Program Functions:
-Promotion of Reading
-Collection Development
-Information Access Skills Instruction
-Utilization of Technology
-Support the Teachers and the Curriculum

Budget Priorities:
Purchase books in all Dewey classifications.
Purchase low level nonfiction books.
Purchase higher-level chapter books
Purchase popular chapter book series.
Purchase books to replace old, worn out ones.
Purchase ebooks.

Service Priorities
Provide informational access skills to faculty and students on Web 2.0 tools
Continue integration of technology in the LMC.
Promote reading through Accelerated Reader.
Initiate genrefication process to increase ease of use.
Track monthly check out and Accelerated Reader progress.

Revised 09.13.2022
Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines


Single Copy

A single copy of a chapter from a book, a newspaper or a magazine article, a short story, short essay,
or a short poem, or a single chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture, poem, a book,
periodical, or newspaper for personal, research or classroom use.

Multiple Copies

Multiple copies may be made of a whole poem under 250 words or 250-word excerpt from a longer
poem. A whole article, story or essay less than 2,500 words or an excerpt of 1,000 words or 10% of
the work, whichever is less. A single chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture per book or
magazine. Only 2 pages of a picture book as long as this is not more than 10% of the work.

Number of Copies

A single copy of the items listed above if the copy is for personal use, research or teaching. For
multiple copies, for classroom use only, enough copies for each pupil enrolled in a course (no
extras). Not copy more than one entire item from a single author, or three articles from a single
book or periodical volume during one class term. Not more than 9 instances of multiple copying per
course during a class term.

The teacher must make the decision spontaneously to make copies. An administrator cannot
request such copying. The decision to make the copies is made close to the use with no time to write
for permission from the copyright holder. Each item copied must have a notice of copyright. These
copies may not be used again during another course term, because plenty of time for written
permission attainment would exist.

Consumables, such as workbooks, standardized tests, answer sheets, coloring books, and test
booklets, are never to be copied. Copying cannot take the place of books or magazine subscriptions.


A recording of a local broadcast of a television program is permissible. It may be shown up to 2

times to your classes within 10 days. 45 days after the recording of the broadcast, the recording must
be erased unless permission has been attained from the copyright holder to keep it. Unless specific
permission is attained (National Geographic and Project Discovery shows), copies of cable television
shows may not be recorded.

Unlike software, archival copies of videos may not be made without prior permission.

Rented tapes may be shown in a “face to face” instructional situation in the classroom. A rented tape
may NOT be shown as a “reward.” This would be considered a “public performance” of the video and
not for educational purposes.

Revised 09.13.2022

Spontaneous copies of music may be made for immediate performance with plans to order copies
from the copyright holder. One copy per student may be made of a work consisting of no more than
10% of the original work. A single recording of a copyrighted performance of students may be made
for evaluation; however, copies may not be made.

A presentation created with multimedia software may contain up to 30 seconds of a popular song
provided the excerpt is acquired legitimately.


Without express written permission from the copyright holder, no copies of software can be made
within fair use guidelines. However, one “archival copy” or backup copy may be made and reserved
for emergency purposes in the case of loss or damage to the original copy. It is against the law to
maintain simultaneous copies in different hard drives. Software should only be downloaded in order
to run the program. More than one back up copy or copying a piece of software on multiple
computers may be done only with permission or licensing agreements that allow multiple copies.

Copying a computer program intended for a single user onto a network is against copyright law. A
networking license is required for software to be used on over a network.

Read the information that comes with the software to become aware of the licensing agreement and
follow its guidelines. This contractual agreement supercedes the copyright restrictions.

Revised 09.13.2022

It is the belief of the school system that the use of telecommunications, including the Internet, in
instructional programs is an educational strategy that facilitates communication, innovation,
resource sharing, and access to information. Use of the Internet must be in support of education
and research and consistent with the educational mission, goals, and objectives of the school

It shall be the policy of the Board of Education that the school system shall have in continuous
operation, with respect to any computers belonging to the school having access to the Internet:

1. A qualifying "technology protection measure," as that term is defined in Section 1703(b)(1) of

the Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000; and

2. Procedures or guidelines developed by the Superintendent, administrators and/or other

appropriate personnel which provide for monitoring the online activities of users and the use
of the chosen technology protection measure to protect against access through such
computers to visual depictions that are (i) obscene, (ii) child pornography, or (iii) harmful to
minors, as those terms are defined in Section 1703(b)(1) and (2) of the Children's Internet
Protection Act of 2000. Such procedures or guidelines shall be designed to:

i. Provide for monitoring the online activities of users to prevent, to the extent practicable,
access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet and the World Wide Web;Promote
the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of
direct electronic communications;

ii. Prevent unauthorized access, including so-called "hacking," and other unauthorized
activities by minors online;

iii. Prevent the unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification
information regarding minors; and

iv. Restrict minors' access to materials "harmful to minors," as that term is defined in Section
1703(b)(2) of the Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000.

v. v. Provide for students age-appropriate instruction regarding safe and appropriate behavior
on social networking sites, chat rooms, and other Internet services, behaviors that may
constitute cyber bullying, and how to respond when subjected to cyber bullying.

Revised 09.13.2022
Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources

Request initiated by: (print name)_______________________________Date_________

City _________________State ___Zip Code _______Telephone Number___________

Are you making the request on your own behalf?________________________________

Are you making the request on behalf of an organization? If yes, please identify the organization.

1. Resources on which you are commenting:

_____Audiovisual Materials
_____Electronic information/network (please specify)
_____Other, please specify.



Publisher/Producer (if known)_______________________________________________

2. What brought this resource to your attention?_________________________________

3. Have you examined the entire resource?_____________________________________

4. What concerns you about the resource? (Use other side or additional pages if

5. Are there resources you suggest to provide additional information and/or other viewpoints on this

Signature of Requestor_____________________________________________________



Date request received__________________________

Revised 09.13.2022

Title ________________________________Author/Producer _____________________

Edition ______________________________ Series Title _________________________
Publisher/Distributor ___________________ Place ________________ Date _________
Format _________________________________________________________________
Appropriate Users (circle) P K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Adult
Curriculum Uses Include:

Information Uses Include:

Personal Uses Include:


CRITERIA Poor Fair Good Superior Why? Comments

Appropriateness Of Content
Aesthetic Quality
Technical Quality
Overall Rating

Recommendation: Add ____ number of copies ____ Do not recommend

____Uncertain Why? ______________________________

Evaluator(s): _____________________________________________________________

Evaluation test group: _____________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________

Revised 09.13.2022

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