Reported Speech

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Reported speech: He asked where I was going.

Reported speech
Direct speech: "We have been working on this project,"
Reported speech, also known as indirect speech or they explained.
indirect discourse, is used to convey someone else's
words or thoughts without quoting them directly. When Reported speech: They explained that they had been
reporting what someone else has said, we often need to working on that project.
change the pronouns, tenses, and other elements to
Direct speech: "I will call you later," he promised.
match the new context. Here are the main changes that
occur when transforming direct speech into reported Reported speech: He promised that he would call me
speech: later.

Pronoun changes: Remember that the changes in reported speech depend

on the context and the specific verbs and expressions
• First-person pronouns (I, we, me, us) usually
used. It's important to pay attention to the verb tense,
change to the person speaking.
pronoun changes, and any necessary adjustments in
• Second-person pronouns (you) usually change
reported speech to accurately convey the original
to the person being spoken to.
• Third-person pronouns (he, she, it, they) often
change to the appropriate pronoun or noun.

Tense changes:

• Present simple in direct speech often changes to

past simple in reported speech.
• Present continuous changes to past continuous.
• Past simple remains the same in reported
• Past continuous changes to past perfect
• Present perfect changes to past perfect.
• Past perfect remains the same in reported

Time and place references:

Words referring to the time and place of the original

Auxiliar resources:
speech may need to be adjusted to fit the reporting
Reporting verbs and expressions:

• Reporting verbs such as "say," "tell," "ask," etc.,

are used to introduce the reported speech. speech/present
• Reporting expressions like "he said that," "she
told me," "they asked if," etc., are used to
indicate that the speech is being reported.
NOTE: Please capture a screenshot and forward it to
Direct speech: "I love this movie," she said.
the following email address:
Reported speech: She said that she loved that movie.

Direct speech: "Where are you going?" he asked.

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