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Class Notes

Class: VII Topic: WORKSHEET - 3

Subject: SCIENCE


1. List the similarities and differences between aerobic and anaerobic
2. Pick the odd one out from each of the groups given below on the basis of
respiratory organs. Give reason for your answer.
(a) Cockroach, grasshopper, snail, ant
(b) Lizard, cow, earthworm, snake
(c) Crocodile, whale, dolphin, fish
(d) Snake, tadpole, crow, goat
3. Why do we often sneeze when we inhale a lot of dust-laden air?
4. (a) Label the different parts A, B, C, D & E.
(b) What is the function of E.
(c) During inhalation what happens to E.
(d) Name the given diagram.

5. Differentiate between arteries and veins.

6. What is sweat? Write major functions of sweat.
7. (a) Humans have two major organs that perform transport of materials. Organ
‘A’ is bean- shaped and dark red in colour lie just above the waist. It helps in
removal of ‘Q’, a waste material from blood. The organ ‘S’ is the opening at the
end of the urinary bladder through which the waste material is eliminated.

(b) Organ ‘B’ lies in the chest cavity slightly tilted towards the left side. It pumps
continuously and pours liquid ‘C’ into arteries and through very fine tube-like
structure ‘D’ distributes the liquid to various parts of the body.
What are the names of these organs (A, Q, S, B, C, D)?
8.What are the components of blood?
9. (a) Name the given figure.
(b) Label the parts A, B, C & D.
(c) Write the function of A & D.
10. Describe the different methods of asexual reproduction. Give examples.
11. Differentiate between:
a) Asexual and sexual reproduction
b) Self pollination and cross pollination
12. What is seed dispersal? Describe the various ways by which seeds are
dispersed & write the benefits of it.
13. Define the process of fertilization with the help of well labelled diagram.
14. (a) Name the given diagram.
(b) Label the different parts (A, B & C)
(c) Write the mode of reproduction by which it reproduces.
(d) Define the term reproduction.

15. Learn and draw a well labeled diagram of reproductive parts of a flower.
16. How is the heat produced by an electric current related to resistance,
magnitude of the current and time?
17. Draw a circuit diagram to represent the circuit in the given figure.

18. (a) Name the given diagram.

(b) Label the given diagram (A, B, C, D & E).
(c) Write the effect on which the device works.
(d) Define D Write the factors on which the strength of D depends.
19. Why is MCB preferred over fuse?
20. What are the advantages of CFL’s?
21. Write the differences between:
a. Concave and convex mirror
b. Concave and convex lens
c. Real and virtual images
22. Two different types of lenses are placed on a sheet of newspaper. How will
you identify them without touching?
23. (a) Observe the figure related to plane mirror and answer the following
(b) Name the phenomena shown in the image formed in the plane mirror and
define it.
(c) Other than the plane mirror where else you can see this phenomena?
(d) Write the characteristics of the image formed by the plane mirror.

24. Explain why there is no waste in a forest.

25. Why should we worry about the conditions and issues related to forests far
from us?
26. Explain why there is a need of variety of animals and plants in a forest.
27. Explain the factors responsible for the depletion of water table.
28. (a) Identify and name the given figure.
(b) Why and where it is used?
29. Explain how groundwater is recharged?
30. Explain how forests prevent floods?

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